#Kai Terranova
mimicmerchant · 10 months
outfit asks: any of 👻👕❌ for either of your lancer kids and/or their mechs, bonus points if they match
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Up top: AIC wanted to try out a tutu dress and dragged Lulu with
Below: after Kai repped Fren-Z in a live-streamed soap opera side quest, I have to imagine they sent him free merch he wears because he’s a ding dong
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I got very excited thinking up some goofy outfits c:
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mcpiketerranovas · 1 month
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WISEGUY 3.10 "Day Four"
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belligerentbagel · 1 year
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closing two artfights! reached my final goal, which was a nice round total of 10 attacks for this first year 😊
Alcarnarmo (ThArtemisHunter)
Phoenix Tian and Kai Terranova (@mimicmerchant)
#artfight#draws#kai and phoenix are a little sketchy because i woke up this morning and went HUP HUP HUP LET'S BEEEE AMBITIOUS#but i'm glad to have managed what i did! ^^#and now to 1) close every tab i had open for reference images இ௰இ and 2) DIVERSIFY MY CHARACTER ROSTER WHOOPS#scraped by this year without designing anyone new; just pulling from past d&d characters and a witchsona l m a o#here's the thing#[🙏 innnnnhale]#two of those character options look near-identical bc at the time of creation; i was like 'yeah sure they can look like me -#- can i go build out the class features / start designing witch clothes now'#and sitting down last night with the intent of 'time to create new characters' made me aware that#oh! yeah my preference really is to build upon existing things (more of a personal interpretation than a perfect iteration)#which is why i like making fanart that doesn't stick *precisely* to the canon outline#or building cosplays that are tweaked and extended to my tastes (and why i like animated properties more than live-action)#(bc animated designs tend to be simplified and allow for a LOT of interpretation. live-action is fun to look at but -#1) the garment already exists. i don't feel the need to replicate an extant thing; and it's stressful to self-compare to professionals#and 2) i KNOW the community says 'appearance doesn't matter' but it. still. does. influence people's interactions with & responses to you -#esp if you're working from live-action & guess what! very few TALL east asian women in any live-action properties with my specific vibe 🙃#(tamar kir-bataar is a recent one but COME ON that's just my warlock with bonus axes bahaha))#big ramble in the tags today#uhhhh to circle back around: anyways! despite my preference for Variations On A Theme over designing OCs;#i now have some possible New Character routes to explore. exciting.
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gonzalo-obes · 9 months
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Día Internacional de la Cobertura Sanitaria Universal, Día Internacional de la Neutralidad, Día Internacional del Lince Ibérico, Día Mundial de la Disfagia, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
San Hermógenes, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Santa Juana de Chantal y Santa Mercuria.
Tal día como hoy en el año 2022
Científicos de un laboratorio de EE.UU. logran por primera vez una reacción de fusión nuclear con una ganancia neta de energía, un 50% más de la dedicada a generar el proceso. Es un gran avance. El mundo camina hacia la energía limpia e inagotable. (Hace 1 año)
Con la presencia de delegaciones de 195 países, se cierra en París (Francia) la Cumbre del Clima, inaugurada con mucho boato el pasado 30 de noviembre con la asistencia de 150 jefes de Estado o de gobierno, precisamente en el año más cálido desde que se toman registros de temperatura global. En el día de hoy se llega a un acuerdo internacional para la reducción de los gases de efecto invernadero, incluidas las grandes potencias. El objetivo principal es limitar el aumento de la temperatura global en menos de 2º C, con respecto a los niveles preindustriales, al finalizar este siglo. El acuerdo, claramente insuficiente, establece que, lo antes posible, todos los países deberán alcanzar un techo en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. (Hace 8 años)
Kenia se independiza del Reino Unido. El partido "Kenya African National Union" de Jomo Kenyatta será la fuerza política que forme el primer gobierno independiente y Kenyatta será el máximo dirigente del país. (Hace 60 años)
Tiene lugar el conocido como "incidente de Sian" al secuestrar Chang Hsueh-liang al líder nacionalista chino Chiang Kai-shek, obligándolo a poner fin a la guerra civil contra los comunistas para formar una alianza contra los invasores japoneses. Esta acción convertirá a Chang en héroe nacional. Posteriormente, Chang se entregará al entonces Presidente Chiang Kai-shek, pensando que mostrando arrepentimiento sólo le aplicarían una pena simbólica, pero, sin embargo, sufrirá como castigo pasar los restantes años de su vida bajo arresto domiciliario, hasta 1991 en que será puesto en libertad. Morirá en 2001 en su retiro en la isla de Hawái, con 101 años de edad. (Hace 87 años)
En España se publica la primera edición, compuesta por 63 capítulos, de la narración lírica "Platero y yo", del poeta español Juan Ramón Jiménez. Pese a su éxito, Juan Ramón no queda satisfecho ni con lo escrito ni con las ilustraciones que aparecen en el libro por lo que, en 1917, publicará la edición completa, con 138 capítulos. Con el tiempo se convertirá en uno de los textos más leídos de la literatura universal y será la tercera obra más traducida a diferentes idiomas y lenguajes del mundo después de la "Biblia" y "El Quijote". (Hace 109 años)
En la India, el rey Jorge V de Inglaterra funda la ciudad de Nueva Delhi, estableciendo allí la sede del Gobierno colonial británico en lugar de en Calcuta como hasta ahora. (Hace 112 años)
En Terranova (Canadá) Guglielmo Marconi, físico italiano, recibe la primera transmisión de radio entre dos continentes. La señal que le envían desde Inglaterra, la letra "M" de Marconi en Código Morse (dos rayas), ha cruzado el Océano Atlántico desde Cornualles (Reino Unido), a unos 3.200 km de distancia. Con este logro consigue acallar a aquellos que argumentan que la curvatura de la tierra limitará la transmisión a unos 320 km aproximadamente. Este hecho será noticia destacada en los periódicos y en 1909 recibirá el Premio Nobel de Física. (Hace 122 años)
Nueva Granada (actuales Colombia y Panamá) y Estados Unidos firman el Tratado Bidlack, que garantiza a EE.UU. el derecho de paso a través del Istmo de Panamá, a cambio de una garantía de neutralidad para el istmo y la soberanía de Nueva Granada. (Hace 177 años)
Los colonizadores del valle de Nuestra Señora, en México, que se encuentran continuamente hostilizados por los chichimecas, al considerarlos invasores, han solicitado a las autoridades virreinales la fundación de una población para protegerse. En el día de hoy el Virrey de la Nueva España, Martín Enríquez de Almanza, expide un decreto concediéndoles la fundación de un asentamiento en el llamado Valle de Señora, en las tierras de Juan de Jasso, compañero de Hernán Cortés. El decreto se cumplirá el 20 de enero de 1576 por el capitán Juan Alonso de la Torre, Juan Bautista de Orozco y un grupo de colonos españoles e indígenas, los cuales fundarán la Villa de León realizando el trazado de la misma e instalando su primer ayuntamiento. Se le otorga este nombre por ser, probablemente, el lugar de origen del Virrey, la provincia de León, en Castilla (España). (Hace 448 años)
Durante la Primera Cruzada, tras muchos días de asedio los ejércitos de Raimundo IV de Tolosa y Bohemundo, toman la ciudad de Ma'arrat al Numan, en la actual Siria, al lograr derribar los zapadores un gran bloque de la muralla. Los habitantes que aún quedan en la localidad creen salvar sus vidas tras pagar un fuerte rescate. Pero al amanecer del día siguiente, los francos tomarán sus espadas y masacrarán a unos 20.000 habitantes. La ocupación de la ciudad durará 33 días durante los cuales arrasarán con todo, hasta convertirla en insignificantes ruinas. (Hace 925 años
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namenerdery · 1 year
Babies with interesting names born in Missouri in 2021 [K, L, M & N]
-note that this dataset didn't include gender so your guess as to whether a name belongs to a girl or boy is as good as mine-
K'mahyree Damoni K'nahlei Chauntia A'miya Ka'nibre Dahila Ka'varee Terranova Kaderick Lee
Kahlanniie Athena Rose Kaibriel Kimberly Ann Kaige Alexzander Kailor Reighd Kairys Rae
Kaiston Lloyd Kally-R Kam'breah Stormy Kayy Kamourra Zamon Elaen Kandaisey Raylien
Kansas Grace Kaplyn Jane Kapone Beloved Luciano Kascity Lynn Kasiahus Amenadiel
Kaspious Paul Michael Kasseus Valyn Katalie Marie Michel Katybell Joann Kayaos Royalty Reign
Kazayla Simone Keirstyn Creative Marie Kencade Wisdom Kentley Elena Kenya Lou
Kerowyn Ramsey Kesden Micheal Kessiah Island Kylo Kyze Kezlynn Claire Khalisee A'marie Khaos Justice
Kharli-Jhea Ariele Khazym Jesse-Mune Ambro Khillyan Charles Khizir Varis Khoryne O'phelia
Khosen Osheone De'nae Khyzer The-Truth Kihlyn Christopher Kikiope Joanne Kindred Lamb
King'xavier Geraldon Kingzley Austin Kinslynn Jane Kinviann Gomorrah Klarity Kurrency A'lan
Klassic Jalia Kneekeytah Joe Everlynn Knightz Imperial Lotti Knine Contrail Knolyn Roxas
Knovah Rae Knoxon Jameslee Kobaine Ray Alan Kohver Dean-William Kortlyn Marie
Kortt William Kramer Rae Kratos Dean Kreation Lavender Kroslyn Scarlett
Krypton Blaize Kurrency Lee Kwynn Ameliah Grace Kyng Bizzie Kynzlin Lou Marie Kyrix Blaise Kyvree Belinda Lorene
Laighla Rose Kay Lakaden Kyrie Lakelenn Asher Scott Laker Olivia Lakeson Allen
Lamborghini Trayson Colt Lark Breta Laulus Dean Scott Layazhini Layneston Joe
Lazuli Selene Le'leighonna Paig Idae Legaceigh Mae Legiona Mary Jane Legolas Zen-Quincy
Legoria Anoited Lemon Mae Lenasilver Azua Lielah Lanette Limeryck Jack
Linex Patrick Linux Herbert Lion Oziel Liriel Elizabeth Livvian Jewel
Logic Andrew Lord Humble Lord X'zahquary Malachi Lorentheous Elijah Loveis Amena
Lowgyn Wade Lucellia Ariadne Lucipher Zayne Wilson Luck Andrew Lukka Noctis
Luxley May Lyllyan Blaise Patience Lyricalyn Luna Alma
M'pryss Julia-Vera Ma'zylah Karlie Macenize Starr Macgyver Lupin Madalynnrea Louise
Madam Avery Krisa Lafaye Maevery Rose Magic Caprie Mahogani-Queen Lee Maizy Dee Maree
Majestic Sunshine Majesty Messiah Makaitlyn A'miracle Maleficent Rain Mandilyn Beatrice
Marjestic De'andre Samuel Marvel Quinn Maserati Joseph Matrix May Alexandra Mauntana Marley
Mayvva-Faye Jolee Mazeabella Lee Melahdee Mi'amour Melanin Eva Vivian Merveille Menge
Messiaz Malakai Mi'kyngg Ares Miavella Calypso Mickheala Erviana Million Major
Mircale Evettelyn Marie Missandei Dawn Amelia Mister Sir Monarch Steele Moon Monet
Mooney Paloma Mordecaiyah Maccabeus Moux Jackson Ray Moxen Andrew Mydae Promise Mylynium John Myraqahl Quardai-Whittier
Nadyx Alan Naiellie Natalia Naivee Rose Nashville Elliot Nation Amarii Juelay
Newera Ellada Newt Tyler Nexin Dinos Nigelle Reeana Nipsey Dominic Armon
Nirvanajane Rea Normandy Normie Jean Notorious Adonis Hussle Noxx Oliver Nyeleigh Marie Nyxx Raine
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camp-halfz · 4 years
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Welcom to camp halfblood: Daughter of Eros
I was sprawled our in the backseat of my moms car half asleep, when the slamming of one of the front doors woke me up. I sat up and rubbed my hands down my face. I opened the door and slid myself to the edge of the car so my feet were hanging out.
“Come on, lets go” my mom said, as she grabbed my bags from the trunk.
“Where are we going?” I ask as I stand up to look around at the forest around us, we were at the end ofa dead end duet rood. The trees were covering the sky completely.
“It’s a camp, for kids like you, special kids “ she said taking me by the hand to pull me away from the car to close the door.
“Is this about the wing thing that happened yesterday?” I ask thinking back to it
I was talking to my friends at lunch when Jake (aka the hottest boy in school) came over and asked me to go to the roof top garden with him.
Of course I want, What freshman wouldn’t? He said he was going to the bathroom and just to meet him up there. What I wasn’t expecting is that Emitt (the senior class bully) was up there waiting. He grabbed me and pushed me agents the closets table. A pot crash on the ground.
I told him to stop, to let go. But instead he put his hand up my shirt, and grabbed at me.
“Shut up and take it! God your such a tease”
I started pushing at him trying to get him off but he had rapid a hand around my waiste. All I could think about is getting away from him, getting home, just to get out of there I would have flown home.
I felt a pain in my back and cried out for a moment befor I released that Emit had backed up and was staring at me. I looked down and my shirt was hanging off, like it was ripped in the back. I felt my back only for my fingers a thin glossy surface. I pulled it towered lightly to see it was a wing, like a butterfly wing. Blue with black lines.
I pulled myself out of the trans befor Emitt could react. I jumped over the side of the railing as fast as I could. Holding my shirt to my chest as I ran to the side off the edge taking to the sky’s .
I don’t know how long we’ve been walking but my mom hit a wall, an invisible wall.
“Mom?” I went to see if she was ok.
“I’m fine, let’s keep going “ she said placing a hand or the wall dragging it as ewe went.
“What is that” I ask as I go to touch it, but there’s nothing there I go straight through. “Mom?”
She turns and sees me walking through her invisible wall. “I know, come on” she says a she keeps dragging her hand down.
We walked for a while till the sound of horses.
“Oh think the Gods” my mom called out.
“Which ones?” A male laughed.
... that’s a centaur.... He’s a Centaur,
“MOM! It’s a ..... mom I think I’m dreaming” I let out as I stand at him.
“You grew wings yesterday, and you think your dreaming now?” She laughed “could you take her to camp? Her powers have been kicking in the past month or so, there’s only so much I can cover up; the carm touch, And she only goes invisible while she sleeps, but the love spell thing over ran her school and then the wing thing”
“Understandable Miranda, Ill take her”
I walked next to Mr. Kai as we walked we emerged from the forest. There was a river and a sand pit.
“Keep up Nova” he says. As I question why he would call me Nova and not Terra. Terranova could go either way, most call me Terra.
“Dionysus !” He yells as we reach a big house , he yells a couple of times befor a man emerges from the house, he kind of stumbled as if he was “drunk again!” Kai said .
“Yep... wasn’t expecting a new camper today, come in come in, let’s get the boring bit out of the way” he led me into the house and sat me down.
After about 3 dozen questions he fills out a paper and hand it to me to sign. It reads :
Camper : Terranova Locus
Child of : Eros
F :X M :
Age : 14teen
In cabin :
Camper signature :
Signed :
“You can pick your cabin, Spence Eros didn’t have one, you could go to Aphrodite‘s, or Artemis, or Mine if you really want”
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klphotoawards · 5 years
Join our judges as an observer
Just as in 2018, we are inviting ONE follower of KLPA, to sit-in on the judging process for KLPA2019 which will take place on the weekend of the 11/12 May 2019 at The KL Journal Hotel, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.
The lucky person will be selected by a draw on Saturday 4 May 2019.
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Read on..!
1. You must be available for both days, Saturday and Sunday, 11 and 12, May 2019 from 10:30 to 18:00.
2. You must make your own way to the venue, be on time and you will not be paid any travel expenses etc.
3. You will be provided with coffee, drinks, snacks and also join the team and judges for lunch.
4. You cannot participate in the judging process, but only be an observer.
5. You can blog, Instagram or tweet about your experience, please tag #klpa @klphotoawards
6. You cannot divulge the selections, finalists and winners until the official announcements are made in mid-June, 2019.
7. You must be a LOVER of photography, especially Portraiture.
1. Join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/klphotoawards if you have not already done so.
2. Put your name down in this same post under the comments section, from today.
3. Message us with your mobile number and email, you must be contactable by phone and email, or email [email protected]
4. The posting of names will close at midnight Malaysian time, on 30 April  2019.
5. A Facebook Live broadcast will be made from the Facebook page by the KLPA media team, at 3.00pm, Saturday 4 May 2019 where they will draw a lucky winner from the list of names gathered then. Tune in to see if you will be the Fly on the Wall!
We have often been asked about the judging process for KLPA and since many people are interested to know the decision-making process, perhaps this could be educational to them in evaluating their own photography. Logistically, we are unable to record the entire process, unfortunately.
At KLPA, we are selective of our judges and over the 10 years, we try to cast a fairly wide net, although, they are by and large in the arts industries, and mainly photographers, curators, educators, artists and editors.
[Read last year’s report by Raja Indra Putra - observer here ]
Many contests hold online judging, where jurors from across the world make their selections on their own, online, but for KLPA, we truly value the face-to-face live discussions and interactions, where ideas and thoughts are often exchanged, sometimes heated (but always for the sake of the art form, and calmed by gallons of coffee).
When judging photography contests, objectivity matters a lot, and the visual knowledge and depth of a juror is therefore important, in being able to defend one’s selection. However, it is also important to lend credence and value to a wide range of subjective emotive responses and broad audiences, so as not to be ‘industry blinkered’. Ultimately, a good portrait will always be valued and acknowledged.  
This is a fantastic opportunity and an invaluable experience for one lucky person from the general public to participate as an observer in the selection process, and to listen in on the discussions and exchanges that the public isn’t so often privy to, since most if not all judgings events are closed sessions.
KLPA would like to thank all our past jurors for 10 years from 2009 :
Beverly Yong - arts consultant
Pang Khee Teik - arts program director
Majidah Hashim - travel writer, photographer, entrepreneur
Lim Chee Wah - writer, editor
Gwen Lee - SIPF festival director, gallerist
Soraya Yusof Talismail - photographer
Stephanie Fong - gallerist
Khairul Azrul Ismail - photographer, educator, researcher
Eva McGovern - curator, gallerist, arts consultant
Gilles Massot - lecturer, photographer
Nirmala Karrupiah - photographer
Yumi Goto - curator, photo editor and researcher
Kevin W Y Lee - photographer, curator
Poh Si Teng - video journalist, filmmaker
Halim Berbar - photojournalist
Bernice Chauly - writer, photographer, actor, filmmaker
Eiffel Chong - photographer, educator
Zarina Holmes - photographer, graphic designer, journalist
Salina Christmas - digital anthropologist
Syahrin Abdul Aziz - photojournalist
Zhuang Wubin - photographer, researcher, educator
Rachel Jena - arts editor, writer
Adeline Ooi - curator, arts writer
Snow Ng - gallerist, curator
She Fah Szetu - journalist, writer
Tay Kay Chin - photographer, educator
Ashraf Saharuddin - photographer, editor
Kong Wai Yeng - writer, editor
Takeki Sugiyama - festival director, educator
Suzanne Lee - photojournalist, filmmaker
Che Ahmad Azhar - photographer, lecturer
Azharr Rudin - filmmaker
Vignes Balasingam - festival director, photographer
Elin O’Hara Slavick - educator, photographer
Cheryl Hoffmann - photographer
Dr. Oh Soon Hwa - lecturer, photographer
Amber Terranova - photo editor, curator
J Redza - photographer, multi-disciplinary artist
Nadirah Zakariya - photographer
Nick Ng - photographer
Andreas Muller-Pohle  - editor or European Photography, photographer
Lee Kuen - photography writer and researcher
Azrul Kevin Abdullah - photographer and educator
Laura Valenti - photographer, educator, OutReach director at Photo Lucida
Julia Durkin - Auckland Festival of Photography Public Participation director
Ihiro Hayami - T3 Photography Festival director
Fadhil Kamarudin - photographer and lecturer
Gwen Lee - Singapore International Photography Festival director
Silke Schmikl - National Gallery of Singapore curator
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apricotstone47 · 7 years
Regionalligist Rot-Weiß Oberhausen verliert nach Stürmer Simon Engelmann (SV Rödinghausen) den nächsten Leistungsträger. Nach RevierSport-Informationen wird Oliver Steurer in der kommenden Saison für die U23 von Borussia Dortmund spielen. Der 22-jährige Innenverteidiger und der BVB haben sich bereits über einen Wechsel geeinigt. Steurer wird den Vertrag in Kürze unterschreiben. Im Sommer 2015 wechselte der 1,90 Meter große Linksfuß vom Oberligisten ETB SW Essen zu den Kleeblättern. Nach einer holprigen ersten Saison gelang dem Abwehrtalent in dieser Spielzeit der Durchbruch. RWO-Trainer Mike Terranova schenkte Steurer in der Innenverteidigung an der Seite von Kai Nakowitsch das Vertrauen. Dafür verlor unter anderem Kapitän Benjamin Weigelt seinen Stammplatz. Steurer, der in der Jugend bereits das BVB-Trikot trug, rechtfertigte die Rückendeckung des Trainers mit konstant starken Leistungen. 26 Spiele absolvierte er in der laufenden Spielzeit für die Kleeblätter, die dank einer beeindruckenden Rückrunde auf den dritten Tabellenplatz vorgerückt sind.
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brenopereira42 · 5 years
A longa história por trás da guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos e China
Em 1785, um navio mercante vindo de Guangzhou, na China, atolou na costa de Baltimore, nos Estados Unidos. Três marinheiros chineses desembarcaram e desapareceram – possivelmente foram mortos. Em 1821, um navio que percorria o sentido contrário, vindo de Baltimore e ancorado em Guangzhou, provocou um incidente diplomático: as autoridades chinesas interromperam qualquer comércio com americanos até que fosse apresentado o culpado por assassinar uma vendedora chinesa que circulava entre as embarcações. Foi preciso que um membro da tripulação, um italiano chamado Francesco Terranova, fosse executado, para que o intercâmbio pudesse ser retomado.
Em 1885, um grupo de moradores de Rock Springs, no estado de Wyoming, atacou mineradores chineses que viviam na região. Morreram 28 pessoas. A ação desencadeou, em dezenas de cidades, uma onda de agressões contra chineses que, desde 1849, com o início da febre do ouro na Califórnia, vinham desembarcando nos Estados Unidos – até o fim da década de 1850, mais de 100 mil moradores do país asiático se mudariam para o oeste americano.
Em 1905, os comerciantes e moradores de Xangai e Pequim iniciaram um boicote contra todo tipo de produto americano, alegando que eles feriam a autonomia dos chineses. Em 1922, o mesmo espírito nacionalista desencadeou um ataque em massa contra centros missionários ocidentais, a maioria deles fundados por religiosos americanos, que tinham começado a chegar ao país asiático quase um século antes, a partir de 1830.
Todas essas histórias exemplificam o quanto a relação entre Estados Unidos e China é tensa, desde que tiveram início os primeiros contatos, na década de 1780. A atual guerra de tarifas, iniciada em 2018 e agravada nas últimas semanas, é apenas mais um momento de uma longa história de disputas por espaço. Os desentendimentos se explicam pela trajetória das duas nações: foi num momento de decadência da China que os Estados Unidos se impuseram como superpotência. E agora os chineses parecem correr para tirar o atraso e questionar o poderio americano.
Ascensão americana
Entre os séculos 11 e 18, a China foi um dos países mais poderosos e influentes do planeta. Muitas das invenções mais utilizadas pelo Ocidente surgiram em terras chinesas nessa época, como o papel, a pólvora e a bússola. Até que a abertura comercial com os países ocidentais, a partir do início do século 19, se mostrou extremamente desvantajosa para os asiáticos. O desentendimento nos negócios com a Inglaterra levou às duas Guerras do Ópio, entre 1839 e 1842 e de 1856 a 1860. Depois desses dois incidentes, o império Qing foi obrigado a aceitar uma série de tratados comerciais desvantajosos com os britânicos, os franceses e os americanos.
Na época, a curiosidade dos americanos pelos chineses era enorme. Em 1839, o mercador da Filadélfia Nathan Dunn, que havia morado na China por 12 anos, fundava um Museu Chinês, itinerante, que apresentava uma coleção de arte, objetos e amostras de plantas coletadas na Ásia. Mais de 100 mil pessoas visitaram a exposição, até que ela se transferisse para Londres, em 1841.
Depois de várias décadas perdendo influência global, os chineses se viram humilhados em 1895, quando perderam uma guerra contra o Japão e se viram obrigados a aceitar que o arquipélago de Taiwan fosse controlado por japoneses, que permitiram a entrada de empresas inglesas e americanas. Naquele momento, os Estados Unidos começavam a despontar como uma potência global. Ao superar a Espanha na guerra pelo controle comercial e cultural de Cuba, em 1898, os americanos já eram um país de grande influência sobre o Caribe.
Ao fim da década de 1940, os EUA despontaram como uma das duas superpotências do planeta, ao lado da União Soviética. Era o resultado da participação decisiva de Washington na Primeira Guerra Mundial, o esforço de reconstrução da Europa a partir de 1918 e, principalmente, a vitória na Segunda Guerra e o apoio financeiro para os europeus depois de 1945. A influência dos Estados Unidos se tornou tão grande que inspirou a criação do termo “superpotência” – um país capaz de controlar os rumos financeiros, políticos, militares e até mesmo culturais de qualquer canto do globo. Ainda hoje, o termo se aplica para pouquíssimas nações, basicamente para o Reino Unido do século 19 e os americanos e soviéticos do século 20.
Ascensão chinesa
Enquanto tudo isso acontecia, os chineses enfrentaram grandes dificuldades. Foram atacados pelos japoneses nos anos 1930, em um sangrento conflito que se desdobrou no teatro da Segunda Guerra no Oriente, e se viram envolvidos por uma guerra civil que levou os comunistas ao poder, em 1949. Ao longo das décadas seguintes, o país buscaria se transformar. Em alguns momentos, os projetos de reforma econômica e social se mostraram catastróficos: o Grande Salto Adiante, que deveria colocar a economia nacional no mesmo nível do Reino Unido, provocou a demolição de um terço de todas as residências do país. As políticas desastrosas do líder comunista Mao Tsé-tung, além dos expurgos e perseguições impostos à população, provocaram aproximadamente 40 milhões de mortes entre 1949 e 1976.
A partir dos anos 1980, a China retomou o crescimento econômico, de forma muito acelerada: o Produto Interno Bruto do país cresceu 6%, em média, por ano, ao longo de três décadas. Desde 2010, ela tem a segunda maior economia do mundo; desde 2009, é quem mais envia turistas para outros lugares do planeta. O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) estima que, em 2030, a China irá ultrapassar os Estados Unidos e assumir o posto de maior economia do planeta.
A China é uma superpotência?
Mas os chineses ainda não podem ser considerados uma superpotência porque sua influência diplomática, militar e cultural fora da Ásia é relativamente pequena – deverá aumentar com o maior projeto de infraestrutura da história da humanidade, a Nova Rota da Seda, que, nas próximas décadas, vai ligar a China, por terra e mar, a dezenas de pontos estratégicos na África e na Europa, ao custo de US$ 5 trilhões.
O investimento vai fortalecer a influência da China, mas sua força militar ainda não é comparável à americana. Apesar de ter multiplicado o investimento na área, o país ainda tem poucos postos de apoio no exterior. Enquanto isso, os Estados Unidos sustentam 800 bases em 70 diferentes países e dispõem de orçamento de US$ 598 bilhões para as Forças Armadas, contra US$ 176 bilhões dos chineses.
Mas o crescimento da influência econômica chinesa, inclusive dentro dos próprios Estados Unidos, ajuda a explicar por que a situação entre as duas nações ficou tensa mais uma vez: neste momento, o déficit comercial dos americanos em relação aos chineses alcança os US$ 334 bilhões em 2018, o equivalente a 1,9% do Produto Interno Bruto dos Estados Unidos.
Veja também
EstudoRepública Popular da China faz 65 anos; entenda a história do país8 out 2014 – 14h10
AtualidadesTrump tira EUA de acordo com países do Pacífico; entenda27 jan 2017 – 13h01
Histórico de tensão
Depois de manter uma relação comercial vantajosa com os chineses na segunda metade do século 19, os Estados Unidos se acostumaram a atuar nas muitas situações de conflitos internos que se sucederam na China ao longo do século 20. Em 1900, a marinha americana foi decisiva na proteção de grupos favoráveis aos cristãos ocidentais, atacados pela revolta dos boxers, um grupo nacionalista que questionava a intromissão estrangeira nos negócios da China. Os boxers, que contavam com o apoio do imperador Guangxu, foram derrotados e o governo local, forçado a pagar uma indenização às potências ocidentais. Desgastada, a dinastia Qing, que governava desde o século 17, seria derrotada em 1912, quando o país se tornou uma república.
Em 1925, os americanos decidiram reverter todas as parcelas do pagamento da indenização resultante da Revolução Boxer para a China Foundation, uma organização que deveria investir na educação das crianças chinesas. Com a chegada ao poder do grupo liderado por Chiang Kai-shek, os Estados Unidos se tornaram parceiros do governo local – foram os americanos os primeiros a reconhecer o novo governo, em 1928: eles forneceram ajuda financeira na década de 1930 e deram apoio à guerra contra os comunistas liderados por Mao Tsé-tung.
A chegada de Mao ao poder esfriou as relações entre os dois países. Mao, que se dizia um discípulo do ditador soviético Josef Stalin, rapidamente colocou a China dentro da esfera de influência soviética. E a Guerra da Coreia, na década de 1950, posicionou o norte, apoiado pela China, contra o sul, financiado pelos americanos.
Até que a relação entre russos e chineses desandou e, ao longo da década de 1960, Pequim se reaproximou de Washington. As relações diplomáticas se fortaleceram a partir dos anos 1990, para piorar novamente nos últimos meses – além da disputa por tarifas, os americanos ainda pediram a prisão, em dezembro de 2018, de Wanzhou Meng, diretora financeira da empresa chinesa de telecomunicações Huawei.
Até hoje, oito presidentes americanos visitaram a China: Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama e Donald Trump – ou seja, os últimos seis presidentes dos Estados Unidos fizeram visitas oficiais ao país asiático. O gesto vem sendo retribuído: os líderes chineses Deng Xiaoping, Zhao Ziyang, Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Hu Jintao e Xi Jinping estiveram nos Estados Unidos entre 1979 e 2015.
Se as relações diplomáticas e comerciais apresentam alguns momentos de aproximação, em um aspecto, o intercâmbio entre os dois países permanece limitado: até hoje, muitos filmes de Hollywood precisam ser editados para que o governo chinês autorize a exibição (foi o caso de Titanic, Homem de Ferro III, 007 – Skyfall, Kung Fu Panda 3, Transformers – A Era da Extinção). E os maiores gigantes da internet, como Google e Facebook, são proibidos de atuar no país.
A longa história por trás da guerra comercial entre Estados Unidos e China Publicado primeiro em https://guiadoestudante.abril.com.br/
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mimicmerchant · 9 months
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Another year where I technically drew something every month! This time I even posted some of them!!
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mascotastraining · 6 years
¿Puede un perro de raza pura tener la lengua manchada?
Hoy he recibido una gran imagen en mi feed RSS (Compruébalo abajo) de un cachorro guapo que parece un Golden Retriever de pura raza.  Sin embargo, una característica distintiva que podría llevar a uno a creer que no es de raza pura es su lengua negramanchada .  Siempre he oído que el Chow Chow Chow tiene lenguas negras y si su perro tiene una lengua manchada de negro entonces probablemente está mezclado con un Chow.  Las diferentes lenguas de color de las que he oído hablar son el negro sólido, el negro azul y el púrpura de una lengua manchada a una lengua negra completa.
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Mi perro Linus tiene la lengua negra manchada y hasta hoy siempre he asumido que debe ser mezclado con un Chow.  Originalmente habíamos escuchado en el refugio que él era principalmente un pastor australiano con algunos posibles Chow y Labrador Retriever.  Estaba en el lado esponjoso cuando era más joven, lo que nos hace pensar que era parte de Chow.
Después de un poco de investigación en Internet hoy me encontré con un par de sitios que pueden tener las respuestas a mi pregunta.
¿Puede un perro de raza pura tener lengua negra?
Bueno, ya sabemos que un Chow Chow de pura raza tiene una lengua negra azul y lo confirmé en el sitio web de Wikipedia.  El sitio de Wikipedia confirma que no todos los perros de razas mixtas con manchas negras/azules negras/púrpuras en su lengua tienen a Chow mezclado con ellos.  De hecho, un artículo sobre The Great Tongue Debate afirma que hay más de treinta razas puras con miembros que se sabe que tienen lenguas manchadas.  He aquí algunos otros datos interesantes:
Un perro con una lengua parcialmente negra no significa necesariamente que esté mezclado con un Chow.
Chow’ s no son la única raza con una lengua negra azul.  Sharpei comparte el rasgo de la lengua negra azul.
Se sabe que más de 30 razas puras tienen miembros con el rasgo de la lengua negra azul.
Las manchas en la lengua de un perro son como pecas o marcas de nacimiento en las personas.
Si un perro se parece a un Chow, pero tiene una lengua completamente rosada, lo más probable es que no sea un Chow purbred.
Del Gran Debate de la Lengua:
Razas que se sabe que tienen miembros con lenguas manchadas:
Perro Australiano de Vacuno
Pastor Australiano
Perro pastor belga
Tervuren belga
Malinois belga
Bichon Frise
Bouvier de Flandres
Bull Mastiff
Cairn Terrier
Chino Shar-Pei
Cocker Spaniel
Doberman Pinscher
Setter Inglés
Fila Brasileño
Retriever de capa plana
Pastor Alemán
Golden Retriever
Gordon Setter
Grandes Pirineos
Setter irlandés
Kai Ken
Jindo coreano
Labrador Retriever
Cur de Montaña
Rhodesian Ridgeback
Shiba Inu
Husky Siberiano
Mastín Tibetano
Thai Ridgeback
Para más información, consulte el Gran Debate de la Lengua.  También recibieron una tonelada de fotos de perros con lenguas negras y manchadas y han publicado en su sitio.
Linus tiene una lengua manchada y ahora es definitivamente para debatir qué razas están en su mezcla.  El Golden Retriever en la imagen en la parte superior de esta página puede o no ser de raza pura y de acuerdo a la lista Golden Retriever es una de las razas que se dice que tiene miembros con lenguas manchadas.  Así que no podemos asumir que las manchas en su lengua significan que no es de raza pura.
Como criador de cachorros I’m alrededor de pura sangre Labrador Retriever y Golden Retriever muy a menudo.  Voy a mantener un ojo extra por si hay laboratorios con lenguas manchadas.
¿Qué hay de ti?  ¿Conoces a un perro con una lengua negra/azul negra/púrpura o manchada?  Si es así, ¿es un perro de raza?
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bestnewswebsites · 7 years
Kay Burley revisa el Fogo Island Inn en Canadá Terranova
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showbizchicago · 7 years
First Floor Theater open its sixth season with the world premiere of Leah Nanako Winkler’s explosive satire of the classic white American family drama, TWO MILE HOLLOW, directed by Artistic Director Hutch Pimentel. TWO MILE HOLLOW will play October 8 – November 4, 2017 at The Den Theatre, 1333 N Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago. Tickets are on sale now at firstfloortheater.com. 
The cast includes First Floor company member Aurora Adachi-Winter with Jazmín Corona, Kai Ealy, Deanna L. Myers and Jose Nateras.
When the Donnellys gather to divide their belongings after the sale of their oceanfront mansion, both metaphorical and literal storms are brewing. As this famous, longing-to-be-famous and completely messy Caucasian family comes together with their POC personal assistant, Charlotte, some really really complicated and totally unique secrets are revealed over white wine. A satirical takedown coupled with moments of disorienting sincerity, TWO MILE HOLLOW explores the age old genre of plays about affluent white families retreating to their waterfront homes to battle it out with brutality, awe and compassion. Only this time, none of the white characters are played by white actors.  
The production team for TWO MILE HOLLOW includes Arnel Sancianco (scenic design), Virginia Varland (costume design), Dan Friedman (lighting design), Sarah D. Espinoza (sound design), Claire Stone (props design), Kasey Alfonso (choreographer), Andres Fonseca (original music), Carol Ann Tan (dramaturg), Cole von Glahn (production manager) and Charlie Lovejoy (stage manager).
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About the Creative Team
Leah Nanako Winkler (Playwright) is a playwright whose plays  include Kentucky (2015 Kilroys List, World Premiere with EST & Page 73, Radio Drama Network, West Coast Premiere with East West Players), Death For Sydney Black (TerraNova Collective and Kilroys honorable mention), The Internet (Incubator Arts Project), Happy Dance Dance Princess Show (The Brick), Double Suicide At Ueno Park!!!,  Linus and Murray (Ensemble Studio Theatre) and more. Next season, her play Two Mile Hollow will be seen at First Floor Theater in Chicago, Ferocious Lotus in San Francisco, Artists at Play in Los Angeles and Mixed Blood Theatre/Mu Performing Arts in Minneapolis. She is an alumni of Youngblood, Terra Nova Collective’s Groundbreakers Playwright Group, a member of the Dorothy Streslin New American Playwrights Group at Primary Stages, Ma Yi and an affiliated artist at New Georges. Her collections of short plays, Nagoriyuki & Other Short Plays and The Lowest Form of Writing are available on Amazon. She is an MFA candidate at  Brooklyn College.
  Hutch Pimentel (Director) is a director and producer in Chicago. He is the Artistic Director of First Floor Theater where he’s directed Polaroid Stories, Edith Can Shoot Things & Hit Them and Animals Commit Suicide, peerless and produced numerous other shows. During his time in Chicago, he’s had the pleasure of working at About Face Theatre, American Theater Company, Polarity Ensemble, Redmoon, The Gift Theatre, The Goodman and Victory Gardens. He’s worked outside of Chicago at Oregon Shakespeare Festival and The Vineyard Theatre. He is an Associate Member of SDC and graduated from Kalamazoo College in Michigan.
About First Floor Theater
First Floor Theater stages stories of individuals facing moments of radical change. Through a process of collaborative dramaturgy, FFT expands these stories to ask urgent social questions. FFT was named the “Best New Theater Company” in the Chicago Reader’s Best of 2013 Reader’s Pick edition. First Floor Theater is a Resident Company at The Den Theatre.
  For more information on First Floor Theater, visit firstfloortheater.com.
First Floor Theater Presents World Premiere of “TWO MILE HOLLOW” Oct 8-Nov. 4 @ The Den First Floor Theater open its sixth season with the world premiere of Leah Nanako Winkler’s explosive satire of the classic white American family drama, TWO MILE HOLLOW, directed by Artistic Director Hutch Pimentel.
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mimicmerchant · 1 year
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I'm a very normal person and give my ttrpg OCs a perfectly normal number of siblings to draw
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klphotoawards · 6 years
BE A ‘FLY ON THE WALL’ AT KLPA2018 Judging Weekend
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Just as in 2017, we are inviting ONE follower of KLPA, to sit-in on the judging process for KLPA2018 which will take place on the weekend of the 19/20 May 2018 at The KL Journal Hotel, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur.
The person will be selected by a draw on 5 May 2018.
Read on..!
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1. You must be available for both days, Saturday and Sunday, 19 and 20, May 2018 from 10:30 to 18:00.
2. You must make your own way to the venue, be on time and you will not be paid any travel expenses etc.
3. You will be provided with coffee, drinks, snacks and also join the team and judges for lunch.
4. You cannot participate in the judging process, but only be an observer.
5. You can blog, Instagram or tweet about your experience, please tag #klpa @klphotoawards
6. You cannot divulge the selections, finalists and winners until the official announcements are made in mid-June, 2018.
7. You must be a LOVER of photography, especially Portraiture.
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1. Join our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/klphotoawards if you have not already done so.
2. Put your name down in this same post under the comments section, from today.
3. Message us with your mobile number and email, you must be contactable by phone and email.
4. The posting of names will close at midnight Malaysian time, on Friday 4 May 2018.
5. A Facebook Live broadcast will be made from the Facebook page by the KLPA media team, at 3.00pm, Saturday 5 May 2018 where they will draw a lucky winner from the list of names gathered then. Tune in to see if you will be the Fly on the Wall!
We have often been asked about the judging process for KLPA and since many people are interested to know the decision-making process, perhaps this could be educational to them in evaluating their own photography. Logistically, we are unable to record the entire process, unfortunately.
At KLPA, we are selective of our judges and over the 9 years, we try to cast a fairly wide net, although, they are by and large in the arts industries, and mainly photographers, curators, educators, artists and editors.
Many contests hold online judging, where jurors from across the world make their selections on their own, online, but for KLPA, we truly value the face-to-face live discussions and interactions, where ideas and thoughts are often exchanged, sometimes heated (but always for the sake of the artform, and calmed by gallons of coffee).
When judging photography contests, objectivity matters a lot, and the visual knowledge and depth of a juror is therefore important, in being able to defend one’s selection. However, it is also important to lend credence and value to a wide range of subjective emotive responses and broad audiences, so as not to be ‘industry blinkered’. Ultimately, a good portrait will always be valued and acknowledged.  
This is a fantastic opportunity and an invaluable experience for one lucky person from the general public to participate as an observer in the selection process, and to listen in on the discussions and exchanges that the public isn’t so often privy to, since most if not all judgings events are closed sessions.
KLPA would like to thank all our past jurors for 9 years from 2009 :
Beverly Yong - arts consultant
Pang Khee Teik - arts program director
Majidah Hashim - travel writer, photographer, entrepreneur
Lim Chee Wah - writer, editor
Gwen Lee - SIPF festival director, gallerist
Soraya Yusof Talismail - photographer
Stephanie Fong - gallerist
Khairul Azrul Ismail - photographer, educator, researcher
Eva McGovern - curator, gallerist, arts consultant
Gilles Massot - lecturer, photographer
Nirmala Karrupiah - photographer
Yumi Goto - curator, photo editor and researcher
Kevin W Y Lee - photographer, curator
Poh Si Teng - video journalist, filmmaker
Halim Berbar - photojournalist
Bernice Chauly - writer, photographer, actor, filmmaker
Eiffel Chong - photographer, educator
Zarina Holmes - photographer, graphic designer, journalist
Salina Christmas - digital anthropologist
Syahrin Abdul Aziz - photojournalist
Zhuang Wubin - photographer, researcher, educator
Rachel Jena - arts editor, writer
Adeline Ooi - curator, arts writer
Snow Ng - gallerist, curator
She Fah Szetu - journalist, writer
Tay Kay Chin - photographer, educator
Ashraf Saharuddin - photographer, editor
Kong Wai Yeng - writer, editor
Takeki Sugiyama - festival director, educator
Suzanne Lee - photojournalist, filmmaker
Che Ahmad Azhar - photographer, lecturer
Azharr Rudin - filmmaker
Vignes Balasingam - festival director, photographer
Elin O’Hara Slavick - educator, photographer
Cheryl Hoffmann - photographer
Dr. Oh Soon Hwa - lecturer, photographer
Amber Terranova - photo editor, curator
J Redza - photographer, multi-disciplinary artist
Nadirah Zakariya - photographer
Nick Ng - photographer
Andreas Muller-Pohle  - editor or European Photography, photographer
Lee Kuen - photography writer and researcher
Azrul Kevin Abdullah - photographer and educator 
Laura Valenti - photographer, educator, OutReach director at Photo Lucida
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