#Kai mc3
werehoggin · 1 year
Tetsuox and Shino threatening Temujin for trying to harass Kai.
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A common misunderstanding with Tetsuox
(I had some asks I forgot to answer)
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andre8398 · 3 years
Of Battle Filled Reunion (Part 3)
"Cosmic Terror!" VROOOM!! "Orphaned Fangs!" SPLOOSH!! The sound of energy attacks and raging water are heard, as the pair of angry students yell as they decimate and eradicate mobs of armed soldiers. “How did this happen?!” Yells the glasses-wearing student and the duel-wielding student in unison at Vincent who is fighting off his side's hordes of soldiers.
 "I was with my broOsss-" Vincent dodges an incoming blow from a rifle. Using the momentum to longe himself forward throwing back soldiers and angels alike. Then resumes to talk as the fighting continues. "and Wakan when we heard a battle going on outside, AHH” Vincent parries blow after blow eventually throwing back the enemy. 
“Only to see Durga and Sakura sparring. Then Lee showed up with dinner for all of u- OOOF'' Vincent is thrusted back by an angel that is quickly eradicated by the dual-wielding student, alongside other angels and soldiers alike, allowing Vincent tries to recover by planting himself and retaking his stance, only readjusting to accommodate his now injured chest. 
"S-suddenly, the object we found went berserker flew into the sky followed by 7 more shining objects, soon after. Then the FCKING Warmonger’s- HAYA'' Vincent looks at an offended soldier then proceeds to take down wave after wave of soldiers, while the glasses-wearing student executes angels with the power of his book of madness.
 “Soldiers and Rule Maker’s angels showed up. That’s when we all got separated, so I stayed put and stood my ground like the manual Carlos gave me said to do.” Vincent finishes off the last soldier leaving the rest to retreat and recover their wounded. “Then I got surrounded and fought them off till you got here.” Vincent slowly starts to tear up and hugs the Glasses-wearing student. 
“I was so scared, Shiro!” Vincent starts to cry as the Glasses-Wearing Student comforts him “Hey, it's alright you did well memorizing that manual i wrote-” Shiro comforts Vincent as he continues to cry. “Stop treating him like a small child.” The Dual-wielding student interrupts. “Toji, Though i understand your viewpoint, but  look at him.'' The Dual-Wielding student looks at Vincent who is hugging Shiro closely and crying like a frightened child. 
“Very well Shiro Motoori, however remember Vince-” Toji pauses suddenly and corrects himself “Remember to stay vigilant Vinny.” At the sound of his nickname he unclamps from Shiro, stands up straight and salutes Toji while still teary-eyed “Sir Yes Sir!” 
“Good to see that your time with Tajikarao wasn't a waste.” The 3 students look over past the field to see Carlos followed by Wakan who is carrying a pair of unconscious students. “Ryota!” Toji screams as he runs over to Wakan, only to stop as Carlos gets in the way. “Kai and Ryota are out cold, they need to rest, calm yourself.” 
“Ah- Y-yes, u-understood I just want to check on their condition ju-just in case we need them later. The shocked and flustered Toji says as he tries to recompose himself. 
“AHUM!” Shiro clears his throat, trying to keep his cool as Vincent resumes his hug, causing Shiro to fluster a bit as well. “Carlos, you said over the phone earlier that the lights in the sky are what's causing this chaos.”
 ”No, I suspect that the lights are why the Rule Makers and Warmongers are making a move now, but I needed Toji to confirm my suspicions. Toji, these lights in the sky are a form of summoning. Correct?” “Yes, it's old and very powerful. Only those strong enough to withstand the tides of time can cast this form of summoning, but even then it would take 8 pillars for a summoning of this scale. Unless….” The group all looks at Toji in anticipation. “Unless what?” Wakan responds inpactently.
 “Unless it's the world itself that is summoning someone, thus causing the big 3 guilds to respond.” The strong-spirited female student says as she joins the group as she drags Daisuke and a lanky student behind her.
 “Nice of you to finally join us, Sakura.” “Yeah Sis what took yea, you and Lee called me like an hour ago.” Carlos and Vincent state, while Sakura hands the unconscious lanky student and Daisuke to Wakan.
“Had more mobs to deal with after that I had to save big bro from that pink dog warrior.” “Hm, Alright I guess that now that everyones here we can try to piece together- wait did you say PINK DOG WARRIOR?!” As Carlos finishes his sentence Tanetomo appears behind Vincent about to strike him. CLANK!!! 
Elsewhere in the school grounds the pair of students that Daisuke apologized to are hiding as one has a vision of a fate stained in blood…...
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neapocream · 4 years
Housamo Siblings War AU! Cannon!
Or headcannon...
I’m going to have to make another account just for this AU so I can post art/stories and etc. there. Not now but later
Name: Yuno
Gender: Male
School: Yoyogi Academy, 1st year
Attribute: Water
Souls: Susanoo, Yoshitsune, Eurynome,
Name: Ryoko
Gender: Female
School: Umamichi Academy, 3rd Year
Attribute: Aether
Souls: Nuwa, Freyr, Lugh
Name: Kai
Gender: Male
School: Shinjuku Academy
Attribute: Wood
Souls: Jamukha, Heyoka, Quetzalcoatl
Name: Ichigo
Gender: Other
School: Unknown
Attribute: Nether
Souls: Veles, Seth,
Name: Cho
Gender: Male
School: Daikanyama Academy, 1st year
Attribute: Fire
Souls: Aynurakkur, Shaytan, Kamadeva
I know that not all of the souls but it not like I can figure what soul have been exile so for now that be it.
Also the reason I didn’t add guild is because they all have their own guilds. So yeah, making guilds for these siblings is going to be fun.
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ohhlovespongebob · 6 years
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Nagpakita gd ang adlaw kay ngvisit ang queen sng MC3. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.instagram.com/p/BoP4dxaB87gaO-s8of_WbmMpoFQzqQ6QdA5VYg0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=808erq27ndse
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werehoggin · 5 months
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Look at them!!! One big happy family
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werehoggin · 2 years
Thoughts on a hypothetical therian MC in Housamo and what species choices might be present?
Dragon is a safe bet. They’ve been hinting at it since the beginning. But if each of the MCs had were a therian Kenji (mc1) would either be a small dog or a mouse, maybe a monkey. Kyoka (mc2) would probably either be a bunny or a cat, Kentaro (mc3) probably a bull or a large wolf, Kai (mc4) a cat or a Fox. Kade (mc5) would probably be a bear
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werehoggin · 3 years
Mc3 having a grumpy day and the other MCs are afraid.
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werehoggin · 3 years
Just imagine Kentaro holding baby Kade.(it would be adorable) or young Kentaro and Kade holding the twins
I literally just finished my Housamo OCs and I HAVE to draw this now! I might have to draw both of them! Hehe so excited!!!!
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It all starts with the loving father.
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werehoggin · 3 years
The Summoners: *Arguing*
Kade: Okay guys! Let’s play a game, it’s called “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
The Summoners: “…”
Kyoka: “You mean the quiet game?”
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andre8398 · 3 years
What has been Rendered (Part 1)
KRABOOM! The roar of thunder booms throughout the wasteland as the shadow of a giant strikes lightning against the ground. “This way” “after him” “Catch him” The voices of Soldiers and mages heard chasing their prey as the clashing of steel and bone rings. “AAAGH!” Screams the young dragon as he is slashed at his eye and torso . With a roar the dragon shoots a beam of light impacting against a bolt of lightning. As a blinding light consumes the wasteland the dragon disappears. “FIND HIM” The voice of the giant roars. As the rumbling of scattering footsteps echo through the roof of the underground tunnel the dragon, now a young man, treats his wounds and as he loses consciousness groans and moans can be heard in the distance.
Meanwhile in Shibuya Ward
“Oi, Gunzo you still have 5 more laps! Vincent, you have 6 more drills! I wanna see your ass moving NOW!!” “SIR YES SIR!” Answer the two students desperately trying to finish their conditioning. “Hey Carlos aren’t you pushing them a bit too much, they’re already exhausted plus they already did more than they were meant too.” “No, they asked me to help them train for their next rugby match and that's what I plan to do. What are you doing here, Kai?”
“Big bro Furufumi found this key in a hidden compartment he found when cleaning the library walls. He also found this photo.” The young looking student grabs the photo and feels a chill running down his spine. “Is that us?” “Yup” “All 5 of us?” “Yes” “But something feels off, we look like we're younger in this, don't we?” “Yeah, to bad half of it is burned away but that’s not all the key apparently goes to one of the manager’s lockers. Wakan and Big bro Daisuke are asking for permission for me right now.”
“So, that's why you're here bro bro.” the brown haired rugby student says as his two siblings jump in shock. “Are you done with-” “ Yes, we both finished a while ago. Since that explained, let's go see what’s in that locker.” Suddenly the shy and serious students are lifted by a large buffalo transit and students in a green wrestling singlet. “WAKAN?!” “D-daisuke?!” “Yup they got here when we finished and since they got tired of waiting I thought it’d be nice to surprise you 2 with hugs! Now Let’s go.” The group runs to the area where the loker is as the 2 students that are being held protest and try to wiggle free.
Rushing to the lockers the group run over a blonde female student with pompoms and a dark haired male student with a bag full of sporting equipment. Daisuke drops Carlos as he helps and stays behind to apologize to the 2 students as the group moves forward.
Soon after the group reaches the american football club room. “Dr. Mineaki said that this opens up many lockers in the different clubs around the school and out of all the lockers, the most worn is the locker here in the american football club room, alright open it up.” Wakan lifts Kai up enough to insert the key into the large locker and opens it. “Well what’s inside?” The 3 students wait in anticipation as Kai rummages through the locker. “Well there doesn't seem to be much, there’s some American Football gear with the name torn off, a clipboard/storage thing, a journal, a duffle bag, and a- aAAAAGH!!!!?” Kai is thrown back as an object flies out of the duffle bag and starts to glow faintly as Daisuke walks into the room.
“Woo what’s that-” at the sound of Daisuke's voice the object zooms to the confused 3rd year and starts circling him, then proceeds to do the same to the whole group. “What do you think it’s doing, Kai?” “Vincent don't act dumb i know you can figure it out but, if i had to guess i would say that it scanning us or our sacred artifacts mayb-” BOOOM!! As Kai finishes his sentence an explosion can be heard throughout the school and the app users' phones display the message “You Have Entered A Battle Zone!”........
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werehoggin · 3 years
Hey Kade quick question, whos your favorite sibling and who's you least favorite sibling and why?
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werehoggin · 4 years
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“I’m surprised to see you here Kentaro.” (7 years after the MCs destroyed the wall.)
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“You’ve grown up pretty quick, Its good to see you again Sitri.” (Kentaro and his Siblings now have their own memories and souls. Many still are attracted to them though. Kentaro lost his arm facing Michael and now has a prosthetic one.)
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werehoggin · 3 years
What if someone bullied Kade because of his body and how would bhs siblings feel about this.
His siblings wouldn’t show mercy, they are kind of similar to a hydra. You mess with one of them the other 4 will mess you up.
Here’s an injured Kade
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werehoggin · 3 years
The MCs trying to get a partner for dad mononbe, but father is fully aware of what’s happening because of lil sal and so shenanigans ensues
There’s nothing like siblings looking out for their old man. Right? Funny thing is I’m actually designing a love interest for him but I’m having trouble deciding on what gender they should be.
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werehoggin · 4 years
Mc Headcanons
Since Kenji is the youngest of the 5 he isn’t flirty like the rest of them. He’s the type to tell people straight up that they are cute or pretty.
Kyoka just like her brothers are excellent singers but she doesn’t sing in front of people. She does however sing in the shower and the guild likes to listen. It’s the only time they’re quiet.
Kentaro being the eldest child supports everyone way more than the rest of the MCs. He cooks, cleans, solves problems, he gets up early and goes to sleep late after he finishes his homework and takes care of his siblings. It’s rare that he sleeps in but when he does he gets very moody and grumpy.
Kai is the twin of Kyoka older only by a few minutes. They are pretty close but they have conflicting personalities. Kai isn’t the nicest guy when it comes to battle he won’t hold back unless he was forced to. He’s super sensitive and does not like people who hurt and use others like tools.
Dispite his size Kade the second eldest brother. He’s stoic, and he’s not one to be underestimated. He tends to keep to himself but he really cares about Ryota and Kengo. Kade is very caring when it comes to his friends. His real name is Kisho but he goes by Kade almost nobody knows this because his real name has painful memories. Even though he doesn’t remember them, he gets this feeling something bad happened.
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werehoggin · 4 years
Kyoka: *in Kenji’s body* Why am I so small, and why am I craving sweets? Am I crying?
Kenji: *in Kentaro’s body* My Muscles are huge! Hey Kyoka check this out! *starts ripping his shirt by flexing*
Kentaro: *in Kade’s body* Hey that’s my favorite shirt! I feel so angry and depressed, do you always feel like this?!
Kade: *in Kai’s body* Kentaro I want my body back, Kai you’re body is too skinny and I smell like Kyoka’s perfume!
Kyoka: “you stole my perfume?!”
*Mister Mononobe getting drunk*
Kai: *in Kyoka’s body* ugh my chest is so heavy, wait a minute are these actually tits?! Look guys!
Kyoka: *enraged in Kenji’s body.
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