#Kai satou is alive
esxvspy · 7 months
My updated theory on the Kai is alive theory except it’s mostly speculation 🔥🔥
So I’m assuming everyone knows about the Kai being alive theory, but in case you don’t know, I’ll summarize rq. (If you know already skip the next paragraph)
Basically, the theory goes that’s when Kai died in the first main game, that he slit his wrists in a particular way that would just make him pass out or go into a coma, and not die. (He was raised as an assassin who was trained in the ways of combat, if anyone was to know how to fake a suicide, it would probably be him.) After this, the theory states that Miley is keeping him alive on life support in the back of her room. This is because we see someone back there on life support but Sara can’t make them out.
Now that you’re caught up, I’ll begin.
So, after we see that Miley is back - thanks to the promo pics - I’m confident that she is the traitor/inside man that keiji proposed Kai had. This would explain why she goes out of her way to help Sara and co in chapter 2, by giving them the 4 papers, exposing gashu’s transgression, leaving her room open and the victim videos to find, openly talking to the mysterious person about rangers chip knowing their could be people listening, keeping gin alive, etc.
Now, while I don’t believe that Kai and Miley were working together at first, I do believe at some point between Mishima’s death and the bar scene with Joe where we see he has the sacrifice, that Miley talked with Kai about the game and they devised a plan to get Kai the sage card and get him the majority vote so that he could fake his death and help Sara from behind the scenes. However to achieve this plan they would need the sage card, and I don’t believe that Kai just picked it up, I believe that Joe had it first, and Kai persuaded him to giving it to him, and this could possibly explain the conversation we see Joe and Kai having on the security cams.
I assume it would go something like this - Kai going up to Joe saying he has a plan to save Sara, Joe being skeptical, probably asking why he should believe her stalker, Kai would explain the situation he was in with the organization, and inevitably ask if he can have the sage card. Because in theory, if Joe managed to drive the votes towards himself and win as the sacrifice then Sara would live with her best friend, but I’d he failed and the votes were drawn to Kai, then Sara would still live on, either way she would be safe. And i assume based on how things played out, that Joe agreed.
After this Kai’s plan would be put into action.
Once he woke up, Kai would be about to destroy the organization from the inside alongside Miley.
Anyways that’s just a theory… A YTTD THEORY!!
aaaaaaand cut.
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heungbits · 6 months
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he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alive he's still alivehe's still alive he's still alive he's still alivehe's still alive he's still alive he's still alivehe's still alive he's still alive he's still alivehe's still alive he's still alive he's still alive
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kaisturntoshine · 4 months
Kai Satou is alive and here's why
Alright. So, if you take all the numbers of the letters contained in the name Kai Satou, aka 11+1+9+19+1+20+15+21 you get 97.
9+7= 16
1+6= the magic number 7-
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yawujin · 4 months
Yayyyy fandom’s alive!
Aftercare hcs w Keiji, Kai, and Reko? ^^ (separate)
yayyy !!! here you go anon!
request | keiji, kai and reko aftercare headcanons
type | headcanons , no death game , fluff , lighthearted , short read
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keiji shinogi ♡
would be the type to wait until their S/O fully calms down before he touches them any further (ie: kissing them , hugging them)
"relax...just breathe" he would soothe them, rubbing their back
completely understands if their S/O has to take a moment to process everything
he's also there to comfort them if they cry
if they do, he'll offer things for the two of them do to get them to stop crying :,)
"food? a shower? sleeping? all of the above in that order?"
his goal is for the both of them to have a good time, always
kai satou ♡
prepared things such as water and towels beforehand so neither he nor his S/O would have to scramble to go grab them
"is it safe to assume that...i was satisfactory?"
he can be so shy after the fact sometimes
if his S/O is too, then he'll try his best to make sure they have their needs met
when they decide to rest for a while, he takes it upon himself to give his S/O a massage
which sometimes leads to another round
reko yabusame ♡
gets hyped up and excited after they both finish
kisses, lots of kisses
"you did so well for me" she beams at them
tells them to get nice and comfortable and hold tight while she goes to get towels
she cleans her S/O and herself off in lightening speed
reko's usually hungry after so the next step she would take is getting her and her love some snacks
if her S/O is feeling sleepy afterwards, she'll hold onto them and sing softly into their ear until they fall asleep
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beanieman · 10 months
Hi! Who from YTTD cast would use 200 tokens to escape alone and who wouldn't, if they magically could obtain them all?
Sara Chidouin - I feel like this would be an optional ending...so maybe depending on how you play her! The Sara's who are currently somewhere with Nao would likely be open to this option, but the Sara's who spare Kanna would not be as open minded.
Joe Tazuna - I don't think Joe would. He was hesitating to escape when he could have escaped with his best friend in the world, I don't think he could bring himself to escape if it meant abandoning Sara.
Gin Ibushi - No. Gin says in 3B that it bothers him that the group help him all the time and he can't help them back, so I really don't think he'd leave his friends to die.
Keiji Shinogi - My gut instinct says no, but I still think he would do something sleezy with the coins. Like use them to his bartering advantage and also as a way to gain trust from the others.
More Undercut
Alice Yabusame - No. Alice wouldn't abandon his allies.
Reko Yabusame - No. Reko wouldn't abandon her allies.
Nao Egokoro - I don't think she would UNLESS she had the sacrfice card in her hands and literally no other option to survive. I think she would save herself in that case, but she says herself that she didn't want to betray anyone when she had the sacrfice card. So I don't think she would leave and doom the others unless there was no other way out. Though I think would hesitate a lot if she knew that Sara couldn't come with her.
Kazumi Mishima - I can't see Mishima leaving everyone for death. Especially if Nao was alive.
Q-taro Burgerberg - I just have this weird feeling that he would.
Kai Satou - No. Because that would mean abandoning Sara, the only person he wants to protect.
Kanna Kizuchi - Her guilt in the game is surrounding the death of Kugie and not being able to save her. I couldn't see her being willing to kill other people so she could survive, and I think it would likely be a trigger to her trauma to even consider it.
Shin Tsukimi - I'm going to say no, but not because he's just such a good person. He cares enough about Kanna to throw his life away in her name. I don't think he would turn his back and leave her to die. No matter how scared he is of death.
Ranmaru Kageyama - Actually. No. I don't think he would. The reason he wants to kill all of the other participants is to escape with Sara. He sees Sara as a friend, and he's such a lonely person that he heavily values her companionship to unhealthy levels. Therefore, I don't think he'd want a lone victory. I think he'd be much more likely to try and escape using the sacrfice card.
Naomichi Kurumada - At the start of his arc, yes. He believes in winning and thinks it's worthless to have allies. Both of those traits would push him toward the vending machine. However, once he grew to care about the other participants, I don't think anything could have convinced him to leave them for dead.
Anzu Kinashi - Maybe on accident. She would think she was getting an actual soda and then accidentally kill everyone. Oopsie. Maybe that's why she has such a high win rate.
Mai Tsurugi - She absolutely would anywhere in her arc before she stabbed Q-Taro. While Mai's not cruel by any means, she says it herself she wants to live. However, like Q-Taro, her heart tends to waiver, and I don't think would do it after her stabbing arc. Yet, I think it's decently likely she'd still consider it for a second before rejecting the idea.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - I think he'd consider it, but then come to the conclusion that he couldn't kill Gin.
Hinako Mishuku - I don't think she would since she's a ASU-NARO agent, and would likely to be told to not do anything so the games could have an actual participant win.
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myaorta00912d53 · 4 months
random late night headcanon blurb on: kai satou's faith
I headcanon him as agnostic and not very religious. but he does uphold an array of superstitious beliefs that seem very arbitrary. be it lucky numbers, fortune readings, or random rituals like cleaning at night time and saying grace before meals (do NOT forget to say grace)
it's a bit reminiscent of the culture around beliefs and superstitions in asia, specifically in china. it doesn't matter if the belief originated from buddhism, hinduism, taoism, catholicism--- if it's said to bring a person good luck, it's probably something they should do, just to be sure
kai would appear to take it seriously, asserting to others about how the poltergeist of the animal he cooked would peck at their feet at night if they don't finish their food. but he knows the triviality of it all; leveraging his "belief", he even likes to poke a little fun at the others here and there. maybe he even makes up his own superstitions when it's convenient. but it doesn't mean he sees little value in these beliefs. he still does believe in them to an extent
to him, like humor and horror, it's a coping mechanism. for lots of people, faith and little rituals and superstitions can act like little pillars of hope that help ground them in reality, something they can latch on to make them feel "alive". it doesn't really matter if you don't believe in god or not follow any god. rituals and meaning-making is a really important part of humanity
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
Obligatory introductory post for my YTTD Swap AU
So for the past couple weeks I’ve been cooking up some ideas for a swap AU. Basically the main idea is that Ryoko Hirose is the protagonist (I know she only gets like two minutes of screentime, but she’s my blorbo okay), and a lot of the other main characters are ones that didn’t get as much time to shine in the actual game. Information on the main 12 swaps, some notes for each character, and a few silly doodles under the cut!
Basically, the format of this will be that Character A > (takes the place of) Character B. So it’s not necessarily that two characters swap with each other, but Character A would swap with Character B, Character B would swap with Character C, and so on… These are mainly role swaps, but there are slight changes to characters’ personalities as well.
Ryoko Hirose > Sara Chidouin
- Ryoko is the protagonist.
- She and Joe swap places at the beginning of the game; Ryoko is the one to walk Sara home on the night of the kidnapping.
- Compared to Sara, Ryoko is a lot more of an extroverted and cheerful protagonist. She also has less patience, though, so she gets a bit exhausted putting up with the antics of the other participants and convincing everyone to work together.
- Because of her headstrong personality, Ryoko drags down Sara’s 15.5% win rate even more than Joe did. While this prevents Sara from becoming like she did in the AI test runs, it also significantly lessens Sara’s chances of survival, which ends up becoming an issue for her.
Sara Chidouin > Joe Tazuna
- Sara acts as the partner or “buddy” character for the majority of Chapter 1’s events.
- She’s quite similar to her canon personality, so really the biggest change when it comes to her is her dynamic with the other participants.
- Sara ends up drawing the Sacrifice card. When she learns what this means for her, she is understandably freaked out — during the first Main Game, her initial plan is to trick everyone so that she and Ryoko can escape alive.
- However, she isn’t able to go through with it. She doesn’t want to betray everyone, and she doesn’t want Ryoko to have to bear that guilt as well. Because of this, she ends up meeting her demise.
- With Sara gone, the overarching Death Game begins to take a different turn. While Ryoko is quite outspoken, she doesn’t have the same leader-like personality Sara has, and as such the participants are more disorganized.
Kai Satou > Keiji Shinogi
- Kai is the more overarching partner character for this AU, working to assist Ryoko.
- He’s still an assassin trained by Asunaro and he still watches over the Chidouin family. He also still tries to protect Sara, following her and Ryoko home on the night of the kidnapping.
- The main differences with Kai come from the fact that Sei survives through childhood in this universe. As a result, Kai is not as closed off, more open to showing his emotions to others.
- In the first Main Game, both Sei and Sara die, and Kai is absolutely wracked with grief over it. He definitely gets a lot worse off after this point for a while, consumed with guilt over the loss of his sibling and the girl he vowed to protect.
- Him and Ryoko end up bonding a lot, though, both because she’s a sweetheart and because they have to struggle through the loss of people they loved.
Kugie Kizuchi > Gin Ibushi
- Kugie plays the role of the “secondary” partner character, not playing quite as heavy a hand in the events of the plot but still being an important character, both to Ryoko and in general.
- She and Kanna get kidnapped together still, but Kanna is the one who ends up with the key in the First Trial. She decides to unlock Kugie’s restraints, but Kugie is unable to save Kanna before the time runs out.
- At the beginning of the Death Game, Kugie acts very uncooperative, unresponsive to the others’ attempts to get information out of her or to help her.
- When she starts coming out of her shell again, her personality is more of the independent, no-nonsense type. She’s very supportive and helpful to the people who want to work together, especially bonding with Ryoko and some of the more scared/vulnerable participants, but she can also be quite vicious to those who are antagonistic to the general group or are purposely hiding information.
- Essentially, the ‘cool’ older-sister type, who acts tough but is kind of a bleeding heart.
Sei Satou > Kai Satou
- Sidenote: Sei uses they/them pronouns in this AU! (because they are so very gender to me)
- In this universe, Sei survives past the events of the Kai mini episode, with Asunaro deciding there’s no better way to determine who the best assassin is than pitting Kai and Sei against each other in a Death Game (yay…).
- Upon learning the news, Gashu reacts similarly to how he does in the mini ep, starting to train Kai more and more while Sei gets left in the dust. Because of this, Sei ends up harboring a lot of unspoken resentment towards those two.
- As the two assassins grow up together, Kai is still unable to carry out his missions of killing others, and eventually Asunaro deems him unfit to be a part of the Death Game. Although, they never get the chance to dispose of him so-to-speak, as Kai ends up worming his way into the Death Game anyways through his attempt to protect Sara.
- During the Death Game, Sei initially acts cold to Kai, feeling scorned by their family because Kai is the clearly favored child. While the two do eventually reconcile, it ends up being too late, as Sei draws the Sage card and is executed during the first Main Game.
- I imagine Sei’s personality here would be a weird mix of child Sei’s and Ranger’s, perhaps akin to what Rio Laizer would’ve acted like if we saw more than…a few minutes of them. They act brash and childish, but under the surface they do care deeply about others and are really only yearning for attention.
Kazumi Mishima > Q-taro Burgerberg
- Mishima ends up surviving for a lot longer in this AU! He takes a general mentor role for the group, being as many of the participants are only children.
- He acts similar for the first part of the game, until the Second Trial where Nao dies instead of him. He’s devastated over losing one of his students, but he handles the grief a lot differently from Nao, taking more of an ‘escapist’ route where he tries to ignore the reality of the situation so he can stay strong for the others.
- Overall, his personality is pretty similar to his canon self. After Nao’s death, he bonds a lot with Kugie (the only other person who’s lost someone at that point), and the two try their best to encourage the other to take care of themselves.
Maple > Reko Yabusame
- Maple is a human in this AU! Because it’d be a little weird if her name was still just “Maple,” I’ve made it so that her real name is Mari Miyake, and Maple is just a nickname she prefers to go by.
- Her occupation is as a maid, and she works at the Tsurugi family’s bakery, essentially as Mai’s assistant.
- From Asunaro’s observations of her, they come to the conclusion that she would not sign the consent form on her own, and they would instead need to target someone close to her. They threaten Mai and her family’s safety, telling her to persuade Maple into signing the form or else.
- Because it’s now coming from someone she trusts, Maple ends up signing the consent form and is eventually whisked away to the Death Game.
- Personality-wise, Maple is a very kind and sweet person, trying to bond with even the ‘outcasts’ and scolding the younger participants if they place too large a burden on themselves. She gets along the most with Hinako, and acts as an older-sister figure to her.
Hinako Mishuku > Alice Yabusame
- The Hinako in this AU is the REAL Hinako (AKA the one with black hair). She survives her First Trial because she gets paired with Maple instead of Alice, and Maple is adamant on working with her so that they can both get out alive (which they do).
- After she gets out of her First Trial, Hinako is at a loss for what to do. Originally content to lay down her own life, now that she’s survived she feels indebted to the girl who risked her own life to save her.
- Eventually, much like Alice, she hides inside the locker in the Red Room after she hears gunshots from the Russian Roulette minigame, unsure of her surroundings and who she can trust. Ryoko ends up finding her.
- Initially, Hinako is very shy and apathetic, mostly clinging onto Maple for safety. Over the course of the Death Game she gains the courage to start sticking up for others, and tries to assist the group in whatever ways she can.
Nao Egokoro > Kazumi Mishima
- The Nao in this AU is more based off her aged-up design from YTTS. Basically, she’s older and a bit more mature, now out of art school and working as a painter. She tries to offer guidance to others for the time that she’s alive.
- Unfortunately, she does not last very long, becoming the first casualty of the main cast in the Second Trial. (I feel cruel for this, especially because I love Nao so much, but I really thought the swap with her and Mishima was interesting :((( )
Ranmaru Kageyama > Nao Egokoro
- Ranmaru survives his First Trial in this AU, becoming a prevalent supporting character throughout the Death Game. He gets along well with Ryoko, partnering up with her for the first investigation.
- All in all, there isn’t too much to say without spoiling later parts of the AU (he plays a much bigger part in the second chapter’s events) because he’s pretty similar to his canon self, but the most interesting part to me here is to see him go through the events he never got to see canonly.
Shin Tsukimi > Kanna Kizuchi
- Shin technically takes Kanna’s place here, but if I’m being real he acts pretty damn similar to his canon self as well. The most I could say is that he acts more like a constantly-agitated Shin rather than a full-on Sou copycat, but he’s still rather antagonistic in nature.
- He still sees his 0.0% percentage, and still takes on the Sou Hiyori alias, but things get more complicated when he realizes the real Sou Hiyori is also a participant in this game.
- Sou and Shin have a more favorable relationship in this universe, and so ultimately the two end up working together (a sort of antagonist duo? i guess?). The consensus is that the two of them ‘swap’ identities, with Shin pretending to be Sou and Sou pretending to be Shin. That way, Shin can still act out his plan to evade his ‘certain death.’
- His behavior mostly stays the same over the course of the first chapter’s events, although he actually is the Keymaster in the first Main Game, which leads to him taking a more prominent role in the discussion and not being mistrusted quite as much (though he still is mistrusted).
- After Sara’s death, he’s admittedly confused knowing her super high percentages. Because of this, his suspicion moves more towards Ryoko, Sara’s mysterious friend who happened not to have a win rate listed at all.
Sou Hiyori > Shin Tsukimi
- This universe’s Sou is mildly softer than his canon counterpart. I say mildly because he’s still rather murderous, but he isn’t entirely apathetic to the plight of the other people trapped in the Death Game (and actually ends up bonding with a few of them!).
- As another sidenote, Sou is never ‘murdered’ by Alice here (and Alice never goes to jail), and he is actually still 100% human.
- Basically, much like Kai, Sou ultimately betrays Asunaro, although his reasons for doing so are a bit different. Asunaro refuses to let Sou participate in the Death Game, already having plans for him as a floormaster. This is the initial spark leading to his betrayal, but there are other reasons as well (I could get more into it here, but the post is already super long and most of this doesn’t come into play until much later in the story. …I’ll save that post for a rainy day)
- Sou is very much ride-or-die for Shin and tries to sway the outcomes of the game so he can survive for longer. In the first chapter, this includes screwing around with the role cards so Shin “incidentally” finds the Keymaster card and Sara “incidentally” finds the Sacrifice card.
- Sou tries to take on the persona of Shin Tsukimi, acting sweet and innocent with the other participants. While this certainly fools a good chunk of them, those who are more perceptive can tell that something is Not right with this guy.
- Additionally, Kai and Sei already know who Sou is in this universe and that he’s affiliated with Asunaro. Because the three of them all have ties to the organization, they basically form a deal of “I won’t tell if you don’t tell” for the time being. That being said, the Satou siblings still do not trust Sou at all.
Ok WOW this was a long post I am so sorry. I needed to spew out all my brainrot because this has been plaguing me for weeks. That being said, I plan to make more content for this AU in the future when I have the time, including lots of dumb art. If any of y’all find interest in this idea, feel free to ask me any questions about this AU! It’s still in its baby stages so things are definitely prone to change overtime, but I’ll be glad to give the best answers I can ^_^
Now for my favorite part, silly doodles:
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datastate · 8 months
you're gashu satou and your son trusts you. against everything, he trusts you because he knows you love him. for all the poison and beatings and reprimanding, he knows you love him and cannot excise those pitiful, scattered pieces from yourself. that every time you tell him to cut the excess pieces of his humanity off to fit its mould, it's out of love for your family. he is your sole remaining family.
your son trusts you, but he does not love you. he recognizes your love and returns it with respect, because he will never love you. he is not human, because his superior has demanded that of him in order to keep the shell of him alive. his patriarch has ordered him to do what it takes to stay alive, and if he follows nothing else, he follows that.
...until the point it's told his targets have not died. what worth is respect that crumbles under asunaro's scrutinization? and you crush this inconvenient love and step into the role of his superior to strongarm the respect he owes you, the life he owes you, that he's so carelessly discarded if it means saving humans who could never survive asunaro, who don't matter. there is no human worth saving, except for your only son. a child who cannot love you, but will defend you; whose defense means nothing if he fails to recognize the strains put upon your heart. he's selfish and stubborn and resolute to foolish, stupid ideals - and he's just like her.
and so your love stains with resentment for the long-dead each time you meet his eyes. you've grieved once, you will not grieve again. harsher punishment, harsher words, intertwined with the guilt and anger and desperation. despite everything you've forfeit for asunaro's promised escape, killing that love - killing your son, the memory of her, the only people who've ever truly mattered - is more painful than its first strike. it will be the final blow.
but kai satou expects to die before he turns 20, and he wants you to die too.
this is the closest he will ever be to loving you.
to survive, your love twists to grief while his body's still warm. with kind pretense, another family takes him with attempt to do what you could not - takes up the mantle of who you failed to be: a father. because kai satou does not love his trainer, his superior, his patriarch. he cannot love him, when he was ordered to cut through such attachments to keep himself alive and useful. there is no love permitted in asunaro, and so you wonder if he thought you weak. after all, he has built himself within its darkness and defined himself by its shadow. you are an outsider to asunaro who, for all his endeavors, could never completely rid those shattered pieces still cutting into your heart even after he's died.
(without ever saying it, kai took it as a warning; with asunaro's eyes being his own, he feared to even approach it should he put other civilians at risk. he exists as an omen, and yet…)
your son isn't dead; and you are reminded of this in every cruel courtesy chidouin presents. he brings you pictures of the should-be deceased, grown beyond his youth; reports of his good health and how willing he's become. he's sunk his teeth into vulnerability he himself has planted, and intends to let kai do the rest.
so even after kai himself acknowledges the pains of love, the inability to tear it out, he embraces it as he has nothing else. nonetheless persistent in throwing his life away for humans who've done nothing but condemn him and his kin. he discards his life in the hopes of doing something right, in repayment, in guilt for the very circumstance of his existence (of your mistake).
chidouin has kai follow this wretched path in the name of love. with you absolved of your son's dreadful inaction, the weight has been cast on to another family's name. you're free, as was promised. you've already proved his use, you needn't suffer any longer - and kai will not suffer as you once did. he's known the worst.
this is kai's final reprieve (to make him all the more malleable); this is his salvation (before death truly claims him). be grateful, to your god.
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kaisatouloml · 8 months
Hello everynyan and today I will be explaining why I am a firm believer that GASHU ACTUALLY DID LOVE HIS KIDS spoilers ahead ofc :3
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Gashu was not able to physically or even say that he had some form of emotional attachment to kai or sei so he used tiramisu as a way to try and show that at the very least their efforts were appreciated and why tiramisu? That was HIS favorite and the only reason why that's important is because he thinks it is the best cake ever. Top tier and he is sharing that with his children so the implications are very important bc he wants them to have that too. Also that's y kai starts going nanners when gashu gives some to sei bc that's literally the only thing he has to assure him he isn't a total fuck up. My next example is when gashu mentions taking a trip as a family that is the only time I see him smile other than when he dies is this idea of being able to spend time with his children as a family. This is my last canonical example the rest will just be me throwing shit out there but when gashu was told that essentially his kids will have to kill each other and up until that point I don't remember gashu ever saying that they were *his* sons, that they were *his* kids, they were just kids. Sei being referred to as the one he took in, but in that one moment he slips up and in panic and anger says that he won't allow asunaro to kill his sons. After sei dies he is seen to be absolutely distraught and disheveled which says all it needs 2 ☹️
I'm not sure how gashu was while Kai was still alive during the main game but I feel like after kai's passing that kinda just did it for him I like to think. I only say this because he was forced to choose between family and the organization and the consequences of not choosing the right answer, once kai is gone I think he didn't have any reason to really do anything else. The reason why he died can easily be seen as him being loyal to the organization but also it's just a release from it I guess if that makes any sense there isnt anything tying him to it. Considering he did keep contact with kai for the years leading up to the death game I assumed he still cared enough to just talk to kai, gashu has always been confident in kai's abilities as seen in his mini episode so if he was confident why email him like he did? Anyways I might be reaching again but SIGHH😞 satou family has ruined me
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moon-lovebug · 2 years
(used to be kai-satou-malewife)
for like the fourth time im alive
please send me asks im bored
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tier list of anyone who ever offered Sara help or guidance. I guess this is like a found family member tierlist??
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lemoncorpses · 3 years
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what are you guys all crying about? he’s fine. (made this myself)
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sheenzucchini · 5 years
Kai had so much potential and my sadness over him can never go away. I mean I also project heavily onto him so that could be it but I need him to appear in chapter 3 plEase
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Kai Satou from Your Turn to Die is definitely still alive!
Requested by anonymous
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yuureiboo · 3 years
I miss you. .
This is just a reader x doll!Kai idea i had long ago where reader got paired up with doll kai at the chapter 3.
This is my first fanfic so I apologize if this is bad but i hope you guys like it
"Now begins the Sub-Game, the Murderer Game! I'm looking forward to the finest bloodlust." Midori say excitedly, turning his back about to walk away.
"Wait!" You call out. Everyone has a partner and you were worried that without a partner, this sick twisted so called game will kill you off instantly. " I don't have a partner- why is that?" Narrowing your eyes, you questions cautiously.
"Ahahaha! So you notice." He chuckles, "Honestly i didn't expect to see you alive this far so i haven't pair you up! My bad, buttt since you ask nicely, i will kindly pair you up with someone you used to know! Tada! here he is." As Midori grins triumphantly, a figure steps infront of him and come into view.
"Kai!?" You and your friends exclaim in bewilderment. Disbelief and speechless fills you as your eyes can't believe the person standing in front of you is your boyfriend. Alive. "I thought you were dead! I-i saw you die..." You whispers softly.
Hearing this, Midori's grins widen. Interrupting the moments, he proudly explains. "Ah, yes, your precious Kai is already dead. This Kai here is a dummy or doll like the others who will be working along with you." You feels crushed as you hears this. "[Y/N]'s Red Thread of Fate activate! Now that's settle, let get back where we left off. Shall we? I will be looking forward for your actions." With that he finally leave, leaving you flabbergasted while your red thread lasser is now connecting to Kai's collar.
When everyone has calm down and begin to ask more details from the dolls, your partner begins to introduce himself. "As you all probably already know, I am Kai Satou. I work as a homemaker."
"I am [Y/N]. . ."
You were still pretty upset about the info that you can't look nor speak to Kai properly. A doll Kai. It pains you that this is not the same Kai Satou you love so dearly and like salt rubbing into your wound, it hurt. Sensing your discomfort, he decides to leave you be as your group begin to explore the surroundings even though he feels the urge to stay close by your side.
Ranmaru suggests to splitting up in pairs to search each of the rooms again after a monster's attack and trap room. During those horrifying encounters, you become more protective for Kai intending to keep him safe and away from danger. No, not again. Walking next with him gives you a feeling of nostalgia and peace. You cant lose him again. Subconsciously grabbing his hand, Kai stiffened at your sudden touch, peering his eye down at your perfect intertwined hands but make no move of snatching it away.
He takes a deep breath, and wrenches his gaze away from your hand. His heart pounds heavily in his ears. Hesitantly he opens his mouth, hands still clutching at yours gently, he softly ask, ". . . if i am not wrong . . . we are a couple right? Before i died."
You nods and glaces at his breathtaking face. Prettier than any flowers the earth could create. You would gaze at Kai for all eternity, if you could. "Yes, we are and i miss you so so much dear," you reply sincerely with a warm smile on your face.
Heat crawls up his cheeks. “I . . . I miss you too sweetheart,” he shyly admits, squeezing your hand as you two smile at each others treasuring this precious moment before it end.
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beanieman · 10 months
who do you think everyone would choose to save if they were voted with the sacrifice, and how would their choice change from how they felt at the start of the game versus how they feel now? sorry if that's worded weird
(Since you said "How they feel now," I'm going to write who their choice would be out of the characters remaining alive with them.)
Sara Chidouin - Start Choice: Joe Current Choice: Gin
Joe Tazuna - Start Choice: Sara Final Choice: Sara
Gin Ibushi - Start Choice: Sara Current Choice: Sara
Keiji Shinogi - Start Choice: Sara Current Choice: Sara
Alice Yabusame - Start Choice: Reko Current Choice: Kanna
More Undercut
Reko Yabusame - Start Choice: Alice Current Choice: Sara
Nao Egokoro - Start Choice: Mishima Current Choice: Sara
Kazumi Mishima - Start Choice: Nao Final Choice: Nao
Q-taro Burgerberg - Start Choice: Sara Final Choice: Gin
Kai Satou - Start Choice: Sara Final Choice: Sara
Kanna Kizuchi - Start Choice: Sara Current Choice: Sara
Shin Tsukimi - Start Choice: Kanna Current Choice: Gin
Ranmaru Kageyama - Start Choice: Sara Final Choice: Sara
Naomichi Kurumada - Start Choice: Sara Current Choice: Kanna
Anzu Kinashi - Start Choice: Sara Final Choice: Ranmaru (Emotion Route) Sara (Logic Route)
Mai Tsurugi - Start Choice: Sara Current Choice: Sara (Since Q-Taro is...y'know.)
Shunsuke Hayasaka - Start Choice: Gin Current Choice: Gin
Hinako Mishuku - Start Choice: Ranmaru? Final Choice: Ranmaru?
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