#Kaidan: Shepard i love you but that is top 3 worst things you have ever said
jicklet · 4 years
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Techbuddies being adorable nerds!
Meanwhile Olivia only got a new Omni-tool because she, yknow, died and thus lost her old one. 
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all the mass effect asks under the cut because i have nothing better to do with my life
Mass Effect asks
Ask me or reblog so your followers can ask you! Happy N7 day!!
1. What’s the first name of your main Shepard?
Revan because I’m KOTOR trash and KOTOR is the main reason I started playing ME
2. Share a screenshot of your main Shepard.
I play on PS3 so it would just be a bad phone screenshot, but just imagine a really pale femshep with a brunette bun and impossibly sharp cheekbones
3. Favourite class to play?
Either vanguard or engineer. My canon Shepard (Revan) is vanguard and my alternate Shepard (Arya) is engineer.
4. Colonist, Earthborn or Spacer?
Revan: earthborn. Arya: colonist.
5. Paragon, Renegade or neutral?
Revan: paragon (paragade in ME2). Arya: renegade
6. Your favourite Paragon interrupt?
It’s been a while since I’ve played but probably hugging someone?
7. Your favourite Renegade interrupt?
Pushing the guy out the window in Thane’s recruitment mission in ME2
8. Share a headcanon about your main Shepard.
She was sexually abused as a teenager by her foster father but didn’t realize it. Her foster mother didn’t react well to the situation and it led to her running away from home and joining a street gang for 18 years until Anderson personally recruited her.
9. Share a headcanon about your Shepard and their LI.
She fits in really well with Kaidan’s extended family, and after the war she spends a lot of time with them and finally feels like she has a real family (aside from the Normandy of course)
10. Who is your Shepard’s best friend and why?
Kaidan, in addition to being her one true love. They just get along really well, it’s easy for them to talk to each other, they both understand the isolation that comes with being a Biotic, they make each other laugh, etc.
11. Your favourite romance?
Kaidan, as said before. It’s just a really sweet, realistic romance that spans all 3 games, and he’s the kind of person I’d want to marry in real life. I also really like Thane’s romance, although it’s less than ideal.
12. What kind of pet would Shepard probably buy? (Besides fish and         hamsters^^)
Definitely a cat, maybe a dog too.
13. Who would be in your perfect squad? (List up to 8 characters)
Kaidan, Ashley, Tali, Garrus, Jack, Kasumi, Grunt, Legion
14. Is there a squad member you disliked in the beginning, but started to appreciate later? If yes, who and why?
The only squad members I’ve really “disliked” are Liara and Jacob and I still don’t like them :/
15. Who should’ve been a romance option?
Han’Gerrel Ashley, Miranda and Jack for femshep, James for both, an option to keep Jacob until the end, basically more romances for femshep
16. Your favourite mission in ME/ME2/ME3?
The suicide mission, Overlord, Ilos, The Citadel (me1)
17. Your favourite character overall?
Kaidan. On top of loving his voice, he’s a really sweet, chill guy and he’s my Shepard’s rock. I hate when everyone calls him boring just because he’s a human and you only hear his backstory by talking to him regularly.
18. Character you really dislike?
Liara. I think she’s one of the blandest companions in all of BioWare history, and she’s constantly forced down our throats, especially in ME3. The game constantly acts like she and Shepard are BFFs even though I never interact with her, and I even get a romantic end scene with her EVEN IF I NEVER FLIRTED WITH HER!
19. Favourite planet?
I think Virmire. It’s just so pretty. (and one of the most memorable missions takes place here)
20. Favourite weapon?
Biotic charge, assault rifles and punching
21. Do you like to use Biotics?
22. Citadel, Illium or Omega?
Citadel, although Omega has that Aesthetic
23. Mako or Hammerhead?
24. Enemy you really hate?
Kai Leng just for being really out of place in the story
25. Creepiest enemy?
26. Favourite moment in the games?
I probably can’t pick just one, but some that stand out are the suicide mission, Shepard and Kaidan’s final romance scenes in both ME1 and ME3, and the Citadel party
27. Worst moment in the games?
The long stretch after Rannoch in ME3 where the game suddenly turns into Liara’s Feelings: The Game and doesn’t ever get better
28. Favourite quote from the game?
Geographic conditions indicate an aesthetically pleasing view nearby. Organic lifeforms may wish to take note
29. List three things you really liked about ME/ME2/ME3.
ME1: just the overall aesthetic that made it feel like an 80s sci-fi movie ME2: the entire plot, just the creepiness of the Collectors and earning the trust of a bunch of random aliens and making them their family ME3: the combat and the few closure things they did correctly (making up with Kaidan/Ashley, Rannoch, the Genophage)
30. Something you disliked about ME/ME2/ME3?
ME1: the super clunky combat ME2: most of your ME1 squad being gone, Jacob Taylor ME3: most of your ME2 squad being gone, having to play multiplayer to get the best ending, the last 3rd of the game not living up to the standards of the rest of the series
31. Overall, which one is your favourite game of the ME series?
ME2 which is really funny since I initially didn’t like it for being too different from ME1
32. Is there a choice/action you regret doing in the games?
Making Miranda a leader in the suicide mission after losing her loyalty because she was being mean to Jack, therefore always losing whoever was in the vents
33. What’s your favourite alien race and why?
Quarians probably. They have a unique culture that isn’t explored enough in the games, and there are a lot of cool minor Quarian characters that I wish had more spotlight (and I love Tali of course). But don’t get me started on how I hate that they were suddenly painted as the bad guys in 3.
34. Favourite non-Shepard OTP?
Tali x Han’Gerrel. I’m literally the only person in the galaxy that ships them. I don’t care.
35. Do you create fanart/fanfics/gifs/other cool stuff?
Yeah but not nearly enough, I’m too occupied by other fandoms.
36. Share your favourite screenshot(s).
Like I said before, PS3.
37. What do you wish for in ME: Andromeda?
An interesting, engaging storyline, complex companions, an extensive character creator, lots of new aliens, non-repetitive gameplay, a game that isn’t released as an obvious beta with only a few patches being released before they give up on it entirely and only focus on multiplayer :^)
38. What are you worried about in ME: Andromeda?
That Dragon Age 4 will get the exact same treatment
39. What will be the name of your Ryder?
Jolyne. I also tried to do another playthrough with another Ryder I called Etro but I couldn’t get past the prologue before I realized I had absolutely no passion for this trainwreck
40. Do you already know how your Ryder will look like? Describe them or share fanart.
Jolyne has a generic ugly face that I couldn’t change nearly enough, pastel purple hair and red eyes. Etro looks like Foo Fighters from JoJo.
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sheikah · 8 years
C, I, P, U, & X!
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will
This is going to be unpopular but Femshep and Liara from Mass Effect. I can’t explain how frustrating it is in the first game when your only dialogue options are to flirt with her or treat her like garbage, so you are kind of forced to flirt with her to retain paragon points. Lesbian ships are totally fine with me but Liara was one that didn’t sell and I didn’t like how I felt that the devs pushed her at me in all three games, even though I was in a relationship with Kaidan over the course of the whole trilogy. It was almost like the default narrative (I won’t say canon because all of the romanceable characters are canon) was to be with Liara and I just felt pushed into it and annoyed. I also felt it detracted from my potential platonic friendship with her character, which sucks because there were really rewarding female friendships in the game with Tali and Miranda. 
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Yeah tumblr has really done a number on my feelings about some of the Star Wars fandom, mainly the new generation since TFA. I know it’s an unconventional ship but I write Poe Dameron/Rey and there is a lot of really aggressive hate for it in the tag now which upsets me. I wish people could understand that my own headcanon is not there to discount what Rey may or may not have with Finn in the movies (although both Daisy Ridley and John Boyega swear that they are not a romantic pairing). But yeah I and other damerey people get called out a lot for white washing the movie and that’s not something I ever want to do. So the sort of, “ship what I ship or you suck” mentality that I see pervading the fandom makes me like it less. Because it isn’t even just the damerey thing–people shame those who like Kylo Ren, too, and tell those people that they are perpetuating abuse. And I think that’s taking it a little far.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
Um well I write a World War II AU for Star Wars haha. I am not sure if I invented it but I didn’t see any other fics at the time that I started mine. 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Okay you know what I am going to say first hahaha.
1. Game of Thrones–Jon Snow, obviously. I have a soft spot for the surly guy who has a heart of gold. Jon has had the worst life but held onto his ideals and hasn’t become a nihilist or a killer like so many other characters in GoT. Also he is apparently great in bed. What’s not to love?
2. Harry Potter–Hermione Granger. Because she was one of the first characters I ever truly loved and related to. As a kid, it was everything to see the smart girl with the frizzy hair come out on top. My girl. 
3. Dragon Age: Inquisition–Cassandra Pentaghast. I am not sure why I love her so much. She is really angry and cold for a lot of the game and I hate when writers do that to make a female character “strong.” But she gets shit done and is a pragmatist which I strive to be. Also, she has a deep love for smutty literature that she hides from everyone in her life. So, we are basically the same person. 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Forbidden Love/Star-Crossed Lovers. What can I say? I’m a huge sap. My favorite pairings have always been the ones where someone dies, they are separated by something really impossible and difficult, etc. Arwen and Aragorn, Kaidan and Shepard, Jon Snow and Daenerys, Yuki and Zero in Vampire Knight, etc. It’s just my thing 3Anyway, thanks for the tag, you’re the best!
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