#Kaley Ann Voorhees
operafantomet · 5 months
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Phantom of the Opera cast + Christmas trees
Mary Philbin, 1925 movie
Ana Marina, World Tour
Ali Ewoldt and Kaley Ann Voorhees, Broadway
Rachel Zatcoff, Broadway
Corps de Ballet, Toronto
Corps de Ballet, Broadway
Elizabeth Welch, Oberhausen
Harriet Jones, Riyadh
Brianne Kelly Morgan, Las Vegas
Osamu Takai and unidentified, Tokyo
Unidentified, Tokyo
Osamu Takai, Tokyo
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cdaae · 1 year
Kaley Ann Voorhees and Jonathan Roxmouth
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marleneoftheopera · 2 years
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Broadway Principal Christine’s in Think of Me:
Emilie Kouatchou 
Meghan Picerno 
Kaley Ann Voorhees 
Ali Ewoldt 
Julia Udine 
Mary Michael Patterson
Sierra Boggess (2014)
Samantha Hill
Sierra Boggess (2013)
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theres-music-in-you · 2 years
The Four Phantoms In Concert (10/29/22)
AKA the night that I absolutely lost my mind in the best possible way. Long post under the cut. Buckle up.
I arrived at the venue early because my dad (who I somehow dragged along) and I are huge comic book nerds and wanted to check out a local comic store before the show. So we’re taking a shortcut through this dark alleyway next to the theatre to get to the comic store, and who do we walk by but CIARAN SHEEHAN. I froze like a deer in headlights. But he was on his phone and I was shy and a tad starstruck, and so I let him pass by. I kicked myself afterwards. Little did I know what was to come.
We get into the theatre and start to look at the merchandise. I see a mask signed by the four guys and Kaley (!!) and knew I needed to have it. We talked to the woman running the merchandise stand and I casually mention that I’m just a little obsessed with Phantom and tonight is basically a dream come true for me. She says, “I could get your mask personalized for you and you could pick it up at intermission.” I DIED. DEAD. I tried to maintain my cool but I am losing. My. Mind. Again, little did I know what was to come.
The first act of the show was incredible, as expected. John Cudia (one of my favorite Phantoms!!) sang Til I Hear You Sing and I wept. He put a hand up to cover half of his face at the line “I’ll always feel no more than halfway real” and I wept more. All of the guys were incredible. The lights come up for intermission and we book it down to the lobby to get my mask. It has my name on it. Kaley has drawn cute little stars on it. I have ascended from this astral plane. And then the merchandise stand woman says it: “I talked to some people. Since you’re such a big fan of the show, you’re going to get to go the afterparty and meet them all and take pictures with them.”
...WHAT. I am in shock. I am in tears. I thank her profusely and try not to have a heart attack as I go to sit back down for act 2.
Act 2 was even better. Kaley came out for a Phantom medley and I wept. Again. They closed the show with Music of the Night, and I noticed all four of them were subtly doing some hand/arm motions from the actual blocking. It felt like they didn’t even realize they were doing it. Very cool and also not emotional for me At All. 
And then. The after-show. I’m only slightly panicking. What do I say to these people? Hi, you shaped my life and I love you? I spoke to Brent Barrett first, who was incredibly kind. And then Kaley!! I had to tell her she was one of my favorite Christines and I was so incredibly excited to be meeting her. She was so gracious and kind. I mention I’ve seen Phantom on tour and she asks if I saw Julia (Udine, I presume.) “No, I saw...” I blank. THE Kaley Ann Voorhees is asking me a Phantom-related question and I have suddenly forgotten everything I know. Eventually I remembered Emma Grimsley and Derrick Davis after what was probably only two seconds but felt like a lifetime. We take a group photo. I thank them all again and stand off to the side, looking at my picture and trying not to lose my mind. I didn’t get the chance to talk to the other three guys, namely John Cudia, and I’m trying not to be bummed by this. 
AS IF SENSING THIS SOMEHOW, John Cudia suddenly turns right to me and comes up to talk to me. I somehow manage to get out how much of a fan of his I am, and he asks if I would like a photo of just us two!! 
The afterparty was mainly richer people who were sponsors of the show, and my dad and I feel a tad out of place and mostly people-watch at a table by ourselves. I’m feeling like we should probably just go when JOHN CUDIA once again appears and sits down to talk to us again. He remembered me from downstairs and said it was nice to see me again!! He asks if I do theatre myself, and I tell him I have absolutely no talent and but just really love theatre. He tells us a really sweet story about his daughters starting to get into theatre, and then thanks us again for coming. 
And that was it! What I thought was just going to be a concert turned into one of the greatest nights ever. Photos below (though I have blurred out my face).
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The mask! How will I display it? I don’t know. 
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Me next to Christine!! Love Brent Barrett peeping over my head.
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AAAHHHH (also hi Franc D’Ambrosio) (also think it’s humorous that my phone screen is lit up and you can just barely see my lockscreen of Killian and Lucy).
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glindaupland · 2 years
The Phantom of the Opera | Broadway
Ben Crawford, Kaley Ann Voorhees, Paul A Schaefer December 15, 2018, Evening
dropping a little snack for you guys finally releasing this audio into the wild because I was too lazy to track it until now woops
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noblehcart · 1 year
-drums fingers- SO i've been on a poto rampage but i haven't talked about my *christine*. she's what i call my combo child of leroux essence with 1990 mini series influence. with some teensy dashes of ALW sprinkled in.
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Jonathan Roxmouth and Kaley Ann Voorhees 
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glassprism · 3 months
Hi! You may have answered this before, and if you have, I'm sorry for asking a question you have already asked.
Do you know the age range for Christine actresses? Like how old the oldest actress was when they played here. I know the youngest has been 18 and I know Kaley Ann Voorhees (I remember her specifically since she was the Christine when I saw it on Broadway) was one of those. (I'm excluding Emmy Rossum from this since I'm talking strictly stage show).
I'm curious because she's always been a dream role, but I think I might be reaching the age of being too old {25}. Even if I am, though, I'll be content with doing it in the privacy of my own home. Lol.
So first, I just kind of want to say that I'm really worried for the state of the industry if you and others start thinking that 25 is "too old" to play Christine. (This is what happens when you keep casting younger and younger, CamMack and co.!)
Now, as for your actual question: I think we should separate it into two related but still somewhat different categories: who are the youngest and oldest Christines ever (basically the minimum and maximum age ranges, good as little factoids of knowledge) and what is the general age range (probably more useful for someone actually looking to get the role).
To start with the first, a couple of corrections! The youngest Christines have actually been around 16-17 years old, and no, I'm not including Emmy Rossum in this: actresses like Katie Hall and Amy Nuttall were 16 when cast as understudies and 17 when they performed the role, while Kaja Mianowana, Paulina Janczak, and Marta Hadžimanov were 17 when cast as principals (though typically sharing the role with a somewhat older actress). Additionally, actresses like Olivia Safe, Sarah Bakker, Julie Goodwin, and Amy Hudson Holder, were 18 to 19 years old when cast as understudies or alternates. Kaley Ann Voorhees was actually 20 years old, not 18, when she was first cast in Phantom, making her comparatively older than some of the others on this list, though she was still the youngest actress to play Christine on Broadway.
Now as for the oldest, those would probably be Barbara Fonyo who was 50 when she ended her run, as well as Lisa Vroman, who was 47, and Jill Washington, who was 46, when they ended theirs.
However, the general age range of Christines, I'd say, is probably mid 20s to 30s, and you'll typically see that in casting calls where, if they specify an age range, will say something like "20-29" and what-not. I have said that it seems productions are casting younger, and honestly it seems like every new Christine is only in her 20s, but there have been several actresses cast in the show in their 30s even in the last decade or so: Valerie Link in Hamburg (34), Ali Ewoldt on Broadway (34), and Meghan Picerno in the World Tour and Broadway (maybe 34/35).
But ultimately, your actual age will matter less than what age you can play as (e.g. some people can play teenagers and young adults into their 30s and 40s) and, more importantly, your skills when it comes to singing, acting, and (to some extent) dancing. That should ultimately be the focus when trying to become Christine, not your age!
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wheel-of-fish · 1 year
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Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023 • 9 p.m. EST: "Best of Broadway" series—Laird Mackintosh, Kaley Ann Voorhees & Jeremy Hays (2014)
I haven't streamed this since 2020! It'll be the last of the 2014-era ones before we jump ahead to more recent casts (2018-2022). We've seen Laird as Andre a lot, but as a longtime Broadway veteran, he's played the Phantom quite a bit as well, and he really shines in the role. Kaley is an incredible talent and also, I believe, one of the youngest Christines to ever grace the stage.
As always, stream will be on cy.tube and shy anons are welcome. For more info, please see the Saturday Streams FAQ! Link and password will be posted here at 8:45.
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cityoftheangelllls · 1 year
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“It’s over now, the music of the night” now has a whole new meaning…
(Description below mostly copied and pasted from my Instagram)
Tonight, the original Broadway production of The Phantom of the Opera will be giving its last ever performance.
It goes without saying that nothing lasts forever, and I knew this day would come eventually, but I still was so unprepared. I remember how my heart nearly stopped when I heard the news that it was closing. I just felt shattered, too much for words. Like Broadway itself as I knew it was coming to an end.
I can’t even begin to put into words what this show means to me. Not only is the music, the costumes, the special effects, heck, everything about it incredible, it got me through some pretty tough times in my life and pushed me to pursue my ultimate dream of becoming a musical theatre performer. I was also lucky enough to have seen it on Broadway back in 2019, with Peter Joback as the Phantom and Kaley Ann Voorhees as Christine. It was an experience I will always cherish, as long as I live, and especially now.
I know this musical holds so many happy and exhilarating memories, not only for me and everyone else who has seen or heard it, but all the incredible cast and crew involved in the Broadway production and has worked so hard to make it come alive. And these memories will last beyond all time. Also, this is, of course, certainly not the end of Phantom. It’s already left its mark - a humongous mark at that - on theatre and storytelling as we know it, and will continue to live on and enter the hearts of millions.
In honor of this amazing show and production, I whipped this up. I apologize if it’s not my best work, since I haven’t had too much time for making quality colored pencil artwork during school, but I hope my heart still shines through.
Also, thank you Andrew Lloyd Webber , thank you Ben Crawford, thank you Emilie Kouatchou, thank you to EVERYONE who’s been involved in this production over the past 35 years, for making it happen, for making a legacy, and for making me who I am today. Thank you, for everything. May your work and passion never die.
Commissions info
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jennyfair7 · 2 years
audio gift
Got to see some POTO legends this past weekend and wanted to share the love!
The Four Phantoms in Concert Toledo, OH - January 6, 2022 Brent Barrett, John Cudia, Franc D’Ambrosio, Ciarán Sheehan, Kaley Ann Voorhees (Guest Star), David Caddick (Music Supervisor), Ryan Shirar (Music Director)
My master. Share freely but please don’t repost on other platforms. If you list this, please mark as a gift and regift upon request. Enjoy! 😘
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operafantomet · 3 months
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...I am there - inside...!
Robyn North and Ramin Karimloo, West End
Gina Beck and David Shannon, West End
Sofia Escobar and John Owen-Jones, West End
Robyn North and Ramin Karimloo, West End
Emmi Christensson and Peter Jöback, Stockholm
Unidentified, Shanghai
Magdalene Minnaar and Jonathan Roxmouth, Johannesburg
Lana English and André Schwartz (?), Cape Town
Valerie Link and Mathias Edenborn, Hamburg revival
Colby Thomas and Thomas Schulze, Hamburg
Jeon Dong Seok and unidentified, Busan
Kyoko Suzuki and Yuichiro Yamaguchi, Tokyo (?)
Sarah Brightman (?) and Michael Crawford, West End
Kaley Ann Voorhees and Ben Crawford, Broadway
Hanne Damm (?) and Peter Jorde, Copenhagen
Hong Kwang Ho and unidentified, Seoul or Daegu
Ben Crawford, Broadway (by Greg Mills)
(original design by Maria Bjørnson)
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krokodile · 2 years
i brought my 79-year-old mother to see this performance.  
she SLAPPED ME during Bre’s final riffs.  she hasn’t done that since...i wanna say 2015 when we first saw Kaley Ann Voorhees as Christine Daae?
i mean, it’s justified.  fucking listen to this woman.  i wish the quality were better.
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marleneoftheopera · 2 years
Do you know if there’s a way to find out every main christine/raoul/phantom that’s been on broadway?
This page has a pretty good list of all the main actors for a lot of productions, including Broadway. Now bear in mind that it only goes up to 2013 for Broadway; the comments below it may have additions. Also note that this list goes by brochures and such, so there could very likely be an actor that came in for a shorter time that's missing.
To fill in for the missing actors, here are the main trios since 2013 (though I am probably missing some here and there too):
Peter Jöback, Samantha Hill (Marni Raab), Kyle Barisich
Peter Jöback, Marni Raab (Mary Michael Patterson), Kyle Barisich
Hugh Panaro, Marni Raab? (Mary Michael Patterson), Jeremy Hays
Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess (Sara Jean Ford), Jeremy Hays
Norm Lewis, Sierra Boggess (Mary Michael Patterson), Jeremy Hays
Norm Lewis, Mary Michael Patterson (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Jeremy Hays
Norm Lewis, Julia Udine (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Jeremy Hays
James Barbour, Julia Udine (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Jeremy Hays
James Barbour, Julia Udine (Rachel Zatcoff), Jeremy Hays
James Barbour, Ali Ewoldt (Rachel Eskenazi-Gold), Jordan Donica
James Barbour, Ali Ewoldt (Rachel Eskenazi-Gold), Rodney Ingram
James Barbour, Ali Ewoldt (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Rodney Ingram
Peter Jöback, Ali Ewoldt (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Rodney Ingram
Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Rodney Ingram
Ben Crawford, Ali Ewoldt (Kaley Ann Voorhees), Jay Armstrong Johnson
Ben Crawford, Kaley Ann Voorhees (Eryn LeCroy), Jay Armstrong Johnson
Ben Crawford, Kaley Ann Voorhees (Eryn LeCroy), John Riddle
Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno (Eryn LeCroy), John Riddle
Ben Crawford, Meghan Picerno (Emilie Kouatchou), John Riddle
Ben Crawford, Emilie Kouatchou, (Julia Udine), John Riddle
Ben Crawford, Emilie Kouatchou, (Julia Udine), Jordan Donica
Note that John Riddle has returned since Jordan's limited run and will depart October 23rd. So there will be a new trio to add to this list for the final few months.
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phangirl2012 · 4 months
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Christine actresses with the same names part 2!
•Kayleigh Marven (Austrialian Tour) & Kaley Ann Voorhees (Broadway & World Tour)•
•Song (Lucy) Eun Hyes (Korea) & Lucy St. Louis (Westend)•
•Silvia Luchetti (Madrid) & Silvia Rhyne (Canada & World Tour)•
•Celia Graham (Westend) & Celia Hottenstein (Restaged US Tour)•
•Caitlin Finnie (World Tour) & Kaitlyn Davis (Restaged US Tour)•
•Coleen Besett (Vienna) & Colleen Rose Curran (Westend)•
• Erin Stewart (US Tour) & Eryn LeCroy (Broadway)•
•Emilie Kouatchou (Broadway) & Emilie Lynn (World Tour)•
•Olivia Brereton (UK Tour & Westend) & Olivia Safe (Hamburg)•
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britishchick09 · 7 months
team rewrite christine!
aka the musical actresses who embody rewrite christine in various ways! ;)
the voice- dale kristien and melissa dye
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the vibes- kanisha marie feliciano, rachel barrell, kaley ann voorhees, yang chenxiuyi (these gals are also the high voices!) and holly anne hull
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the personality- anouk vaan lake, rachel barrell and elizabeth welch
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the face- melissa dye
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the handwriting: holly anne hull
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the hair: rewrite christine herself of course! ;D
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