doof-doofblog · 4 years
"After Tomorrow, We Are Set! I Promise!"
Tuesday 26th May 2020
Evening everyone! As promised, here is the second post of the day covering tonight's episode. I hope you all enjoyed my earlier post today, can I just once again thank everyone for being so patient with me. I'm not a professional writer, I do this as a hobby, something I enjoy doing and to share my thoughts and opinions with you all. If you any of you would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to message me and I'll gladly respond when I can! I hope you all have had a good day today! There's a lot to cover so I'm just going to jump straight in.
Ha! Okay I have to start with Max, he was looking so smug at the beginning of the episode, thinking he was going to have a threesome with Ruby and another young blonde female. In the last post, I guessed that possibly it might've been somebody he already knows or even a male - and it was! But also Ruby did kinda trick him, she never mentioned he was a friend of hers or that they were planning a night out. I did kinda feel for Max when he realised he had been made a fool of, is Ruby really who he wants? I don't think he'll be able to keep a stable relationship with her if she's living on the wild side ... plus she's been flirting with Martin in recent episodes, so it's only a matter of time before Max and Martin come to blows. In all honesty, I don't think Ruby really wants Max ... I mean she's said right from the very beginning that she's just after a bit of fun, she's not interested in commitment, which I think is what Max wants. This relationship is not going to work, something will happen for them to call it quits, whether Ruby ends up sleeping with Martin or Max finally wakes up and realises she's not for him! What do you guys think? Do you actually think Max and Ruby could make it work if they really wanted to? Or would you prefer them with other partners?
Oh poor Tiffany! I knew Keegan would end up blaming her for what happened to his van. She was doing what any good wife would've done and stood by and stuck up for her husband. It seems as if Keegan is blaming her for everything at the minute, saying she doesn't understand why he's so upset with the police and why things are so different for him just because of the colour of his skin. I do feel for Tiff, she's fighting a losing battle trying to keep her marriage together. I do think, if this carries on, it's going to put a strain on their relationship and Tiffany won't be able to cope. She will eventually walk away and Keegan will realise he's lost the most important thing in his life. I am just guessing, but we shall see? Will Keegan beg for his Mum to stay in Walford? He clearly needs her more than ever right now. How will he be able to cope on his own? Even at the beginning of the episode Tiffany was confiding in Mitch about Keegan's recent behaviour, and even Mitch thinks it is wrong, he should stand and fight and get back on the ladder. When Iqra asked about the van and Keegan admitted he didn't have insurance for the van, it was just another blow. They can't afford to repair the van, which then also means they can't afford to pay Kheerat back for the loan he gave them! Things can't get any worse for Keegan now, surely? He's lost his house, he's business is pretty much over (unless he can try and work it back up) ... will he eventually end up losing Tiffany too? In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised, especially not after the way he's been with her and pushed her away in recent episodes.
Oh Jean!!! All she wants is to have her daughter back! I just want to hold her and tell her everything will be alright. She finally bumped into Martin! He's finally seen her after everything she's going through, although I felt like shouting at the screen ... why didn't he click on that she wasn't 100% herself! He should've known! Will he maybe ask Kush and finally come to realise what's going on? Shirley finally got through to Jean and she agreed to chat with her, although the words she used to describe Phil to Jean obviously played on her mind. She took Shirley's words seriously and tried to seduce Phil into bed to try and get him to let Stacey return home. Can I just say now, even though it might've been awkward to watch, I thought it was a fantastic, well written scene. Steve McFadden and Gillian Wright are just fantastic, I'd love to see them on screen together more often, their characters never usually cross paths but, as Jean believes Phil is to blame for keeping Stacey away, could there be more to come? I liked the way Phil actually realised that she wasn't well and rang Shirley, he dealt with the situation perfectly. As serious as Jean was, he told her, politely, to sit herself down while he made her a cup of tea and he rang for help. I don't know why, but I just thought it was a brilliantly written scene. One of my favourites from tonight! I think it's clear that due to Jean not taking her medication, it's making her think that Stacey is avoiding her, that she hates her! That clearly isn't the case ... as when Kush rang her, she asked about her Mum asking if she was okay. It's just a shame that Kush didn't tell her truth, I do hope in time he'll ring her back and actually tell her that her Mum is in a bad way ... let's just hope he doesn't leave it too late! Also, can I just say how nice it was to actually hear her voice? Hopefully it wont be long until we see both Stacey and Kat return!
Ben is really struggling isn't he? He's desperate to impress his Dad and do this job with him, regardless of his hearing loss. I feel sad that he's lying to Callum and it's only going to disappoint Callum more when he realises that he put himself in danger, especially with his disability. The moment when they were in the club and Callum wanted him to get up dance, I kinda felt the sadness that Ben couldn't hear the music being played, but when Callum dragged him up to feel the music speaker playing, I just think it was a powerful moment. I spoke a thousand words that didn't even need speech! But after realising that he felt silly and people were looking at him, Ben just wanted to get out of there, and again, shouting at Callum saying how can he love him when he's not the person he once was ... well he is! The person inside hasn't changed, just because he has lost his hearing does not mean that Callum has fallen out of love with him. I do hope Ben will come to realise that. I'm assuming the "Job" episode is going to be the one that will air next week? I don't know about you guys, but I have a horrible feeling that something is going to go wrong. Either for Ben or Phil, but due to Ben's lack of hearing, something will go wrong and one of them will get badly hurt! Let's just hope neither of them get killed!
Does anyone else think that Sharon is leading Phil on? I'm really unsure, I can't seem to read her properly. I feel like the more coy she is with everyone ... Linda, Ian and Phil, she's going to either do something that will shock everyone. I could be completely wrong though! I might be reading it so so wrong. When Linda asked about her living with Phil and if it was something she really wanted, she changed the subject completely and never answered the question! And even at the end of the episode then when Phil promised her that after tomorrow everything will be in place for them to move to the Vic, when they hugged, she looked as if she was thinking about doing something. Is it even what she wants? Or is she really wanting to get Kayden back and just have the Vic to herself and Kayden?! I really don't know! During those scene between her and Karen, when she actually held her baby and stopped him crying, it was if Kayden knew? A Mother's touch you might say? Karen did say to her that it's not too late for her to change her mind, will she actually decide to take back her son? For Dennis's sake?! She knows it's not what Dennis would have wanted, will she even tell Phil that she wants to have the child back? How will Phil react? I realise I have so many questions, but this story could go in so many different directions. We know Ben and Phil are going on this job, what will happen if Phil gets badly hurt, or worse killed? I'm nervous for these future episodes. I might've said it before and I'm going to say it again ... I would be absolutely livid if EastEnders were to kill Phil off, he has been my favourite for years, but I believe he's one of the characters who actually MAKE the soap! I mean, you can't have EastEnders without Phil Mitchell?! Right?! I hope Steve McFadden will continue to play the Mitchell monarch for as long as he possibly can! The soap WOULD NOT be the same without him!  
What did you guys think of the episode tonight? Do you have any theories as to which direction the story-lines may take? Unfortunately we have to wait another week now to see what will happen next, and if i'm not mistaken, I have a feeling it'll be the big one where we see Ben and Phil go on this job. What's going to happen? Also, am I right in thinking that next week's episodes could be the last we see until the cast and crew get back to filming? I could be wrong and we may have another week or two yet, but we shall have to wait and see! Hopefully EastEnders will be back on our screens as normal and back to 4 episodes a week very soon, but until then, enjoy the rest of your week. Keep safe! If you have any questions you'd like to ask, feel free to message me! Thanks a lot guys! Enjoy the rest of your evening and I'll be back next Monday! Thank you everyone xXx
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benotafraidpod · 5 years
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Heavenly host, foul fiends, and human prophets just tuning in! The Almighty has ordered the establishment of a podcast, reporting on the most important events in creation. I am Metatron, previously human, just recently yoinked off the face of the Earth, and made into an angelic scribe and host. Hello.
Listen closely, and you will hear our program, very soon. Be not afraid.
Here are some reviews:
“Haha I like the blasphemy” - morningstar666 
“Magnificent, if rather simplified and a tad bit condescending, these are excellent retellings from the various Bibles and other ancient sources. Not how I would have done it, but good job you! Get out of my shop.” - books4life
“This is so disrespectful to the Bibble!” - karenbakes
“Wahoo” - snek-in-ur-b00t 
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iqvts · 5 years
9432 Primrose Ln, Shreveport, LA 71118 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: cbgosslee.com/listing/50-253756/9432-primrose-ln-shreveport-la-71118
3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,506 square foot Residential property, 9432 Primrose Ln, Shreveport LA 71118.
Contact: Karen Baker (318) 469-1331 [email protected]
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Majolica hen and eggs platter - decorative - large rectangular - hand painted - Ooak - grow your own food movement for just $170.00 Laying hen in the center, surrounded by eggs inspired by the grow your own food movement. Decorative, hand made and painted majolica tray, is rectangular. The edge of the bottom rim is also hand painted and the flat bottom of the back has a polished terra sigillata for a smooth finish that is not glazed. Would be a welcomed gift for a house warming gift. Could be hung to make a lovely wall ornament or placed on a plate stand on a shelf. approximately 15"tall by 10.5" across. Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio . Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"Have I Made A Terrible Mistake?"
Monday 25th May 2020
Good Afternoon folks! I hope you've all had a good week! My week has been pretty busy with me getting the news of going back to my second job, trying to get everything sorted before they reopen! I realise that this post is late again, but again I shall post up 2 separate blogs today, this will cover last night's episode and I shall post another one later tonight covering tonight's episode. I'm sure you've all seen the recent trailer that dropped over the weekend, I'm sure it covered up everything in the episodes for this week, looks juicy! Anyway enough babbling, shall I get right to it?
Firstly, let's start with Jean ... at the beginning there she was said she was expecting a letter from Stacey. Is she still thinking she's going to hear from her? We know she's been desperate to hear from her daughter, she still doesn't know exactly where she is. It's clear she's not mentally stable right now and something is definitely not right. Could it be her bipolar again? Even Mo and Kush are aware now that's she's acting as if Daniel is still around. Is she still grieving? Is it her way of coping? However in the previous episode we saw her lay the table out for him and then during that episode, she had his closed placed on his bed ready, as if he would be using them. It's frustrating that something can't be done to help her, and even Kush isn't wanting to call Kat or Stacey to let them know about Jean's current mental state. I do think at some point Kush is just going have to bite the bullet and ring one of them and tell them what's happened. Could it mean that Kat or Stacey could be in for a return very soon?! The way Jean's story-line is going, I think it's going to get worse before any one realises how much danger she is living on her own. It REALLY irritated me when Suki piped up and insisted on being there when they let Kush into the house! Honestly, does she have a thrill of seeing Jean so vulnerable? Honestly, she makes me sick! All she really cares about is her bloody cardigan! Oooo she winds me up so much!
Honestly, Martin needs to stop flirting so much with Ruby and try and help Kush out with Jean as much as he can! I don't understand why Martin has been left in the dark about Jean, he was a member of her family once. I'm sure if he was to know he'd do anything to help and find out what's wrong with Jean. Kush needs to tell him as soon as possible! Martin and Stacey may not be an item anymore, but that doesn't mean he ignores his once Mother-In-Law and his "so called" best mate! And it certainly doesn't mean that he has to move on to his ex's best friend!! Honestly, I think this thing going on with Martin and Ruby is the one thing that's frustrating me the most! It just doesn't seem real. I don't know? Am I looking at it too much? Am I thinking about it too deeply? I'm not sure, but please, tell me what you think! Do you agree with me? Or do you think that Martin is literally just moving on with his life?! It's just with his past with the Slaters, I never thought he'd turn his back on Jean, especially when it's the time she needs people around her the most. But erm ... Can I just say ... was I hearing things? Did Ruby just make Max think they would spice things up in their relationship by having a threesome? That was the impression I got!!! I could be completely wrong, but can someone confirm for me that that was what they were talking about?! If so, I found it awkwardly funny to watch! I don't know why I'm having these thoughts, but I'm convinced that Ruby isn't talking about a female friend. I bet she'll play it up and get Max excited to experience something new in his relationship with her, that when it's revealed that she meant a male friend, he'll flip! That would be funny to see! I know it sounds a bit weird, but this is Soapland - you never know!
Awwww poor Tina! Something is telling me that she could end up homeless? She knows that they're selling the Vic and bless her, she assumed they'd all find a place together as a family. But does this mean that she could potentially end up living on the streets if she can't find a place to live in time? I doubt very much that Mick and Linda would ever see her living on the streets. But does Shirley really have something in place for them both? Or could Shirley end up turning to Phil and ask him for help? I don't know when Mick and Linda will be leaving the Vic, I'm sure it'll be within the next few episodes. But who know's what's going to happen to Tina and Shirley once they do leave. Will they all leave together or could someone be left behind?
Oh god, things just keep getting from bad to worse for poor Keegan doesn't it?! It started off so well for him when he received the news that the charges were going to be dropped. Everyone was feeling supportive for him and telling him that he could finally move on and look to the future. He was focusing on his business again with a brand new look for his van. Karen even gave Tiffany Shaki's trainers to pass onto Keegan, which made them finally reconnect. However, once Tiffany tried standing up for her husband after Keegan gets mistaken for a drug dealer by some thug, she is once again being told not to stick up for him. She can't do right from wrong. I feel this relationship is going to come to end soon, there is tension and everything that has happened to the young couple in recent months has put a strain on their relationship. Tiffany even admitted to Karen that Keegan has changed and she can't seem to help no matter how hard she tries. I loved that scene though, I thought it was one of those meaningful lovely chats between Mother and Daughter-In -Law, even their relationship has come a long way since Keegan and Tiffany married. How are they going to react once they find out what happened with Keegan's van? I did feel sorry for Keegan when they destroyed and vandalised his van, but to then rob Shakil's trainers from him must have been heartbreaking! And with all those market people standing and just watching, none of them even bothered to help! Just shouted and hollered at the gang for them to go away, no one actually stepped in to help and tell them to do one! Where was Jack when you needed him?! That would've been a perfect opportunity for Jack to rush in and stop the vandals and help Keegan again, but no!! Would that have been too easy?! What's going to happen with Keegan now? Something tells me he's not going to start again with his business, could he even get the vehicle fixed? Will he blame Tiffany - seeing as it was her who stood up to the gang member?  Surely Keegan's luck has got to change at some point, this horrible bad luck that he's continuing to have, can't last forever. Something has got to give!
Oh! Sharon is back! As much as she says she wants to give things a go with Phil and that she still loves him, I've got a funny feeling that she's only saying that so she can get him to buy the Vic for her. Once she has it, that will be that! It's just a feeling I've got, but I will gladly put my hands up if i'm wrong! I do sometimes let my imagination run away with me! Through out the episode she was doing everything she could to stay out of Karen's way. In the cafe and in the Vic she left the room as soon as she saw her with Kayden. Of course she's still a grieving mother and it must be hard for her. She looked a little ... concerned maybe ... when Linda told her that Karen would be leaving with Kayden in a couple of days time. It looked as if she wanted to know more information, but unfortunately that was all Linda could give her. I don't know what the word is that i'm looking for, but as if she needed to know more about the fact that her child could be leaving. But then once Linda found the bag of Dennis's belongings and Sharon found a present that Dennis left for his younger sibling, only then did Sharon realise she's made an awful mistaken. Dennis would never have wanted his Mum to get rid of his younger brother, he would have wanted her to give the child a fantastic life, not just for her or him but for his brother! Will Sharon be able to stop them leaving before it's too late? Or will Karen even agree to giving Kayden back? I'm intrigued as to what could happen next ... but then if she does want the child back, what does it mean for her and Phil? Would Phil be able to bring another man's child up ... OR (ANOTHER POSSIBLE PLOT TWIST) ... Could the child actually end up being Phil's? I know she did a DNA test earlier when she was pregnant, but could it have been wrong? Could there have been a mix up? Who knows? Either way, I hope Sharon realises and acts before it's too late, it would be awful to see her live with a decision she may regret.
Thank you guys for being incredibly patient with me, I do appreciate it! I shall be back later tonight with another post following up on tonight's episode! Enjoy! Thanks again everyone! xXx
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majoleeka · 4 years
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Red, pottery tea bowls for your daily tea ritual. Each are wheel thrown in red clay. Great gift for Valentines Day. for just $26.00 Red, wheel thrown snack bowl, tea bowl or flower pot holder. Theses three bowls are sold separately and can be used as a tea bowl or to set a potted plant in to save your furniture or counter tops from drips. Makes great gifts for tea lovers or gardeners. Each of the bowls have a different underglaze color inside, turquoise, lime green or rosy beige. Let me know which you would like or I will choose for you. Originally made to experiment with under glazes and special effects of top glazes. There are dates and numbers on the pots for me to take notes and images and to keep records of what occurred. There is also a bee stamped into the design, I think bees are real important. Hand made pottery made from a beautiful terracotta ceramic clay. Wonderful gift for your gardening loved one. *2.5” tall x 3 to 3.5”across the top of the rim Get spoon here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/627873398/ Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Pottery tea bowl in black with beige interior. Succulent plant pot holder. for just $26.00 Black, wheel thrown tea bowl or succulent plant pot holder. There is only one left. The one with the light tan interior is the one that is available. Can be used as a tea bowl or to set a potted plant in to save your furniture or counter tops from drips. Hand made pottery made from a beautiful terracotta ceramic clay. Wonderful gift for your gardening loved one. Hand made ceramic spoons here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka?section_id=15389276 *2.5” tall x 3 to 3.5”across the top of the rim Get decorative spoons here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka/items?section_id=15389276 Originally made to experiment with under glazes and special effects of top glazes. There are dates and numbers on the pots for me to take notes and images and to keep records of what occurred. There is also a bee stamped into the design, I think bees are real important. Each of the bowls have a different underglaze color inside, lime green or rosy beige. Let me know which you would like or I will choose for you.
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Majolica sugar creamer set nature inspired. Hand made and painted pottery. Soft blues and greens one of a kind set for your tea or coffee for just $65.00 A beautiful majolica, creamer and sugar set that is one of a kind. Inspired by the soft greens in nature in the spring when plants are starting to pop up and the sky casts that lovely blue with the scent of new life in the air. Place this set on a lovely tray with a silver server of coffee or tea and enjoy your morning when the day is just waking up. Majolica pottery, tea and coffee service set, inspired by the new leaves in spring. Soft blues and greens on a smooth, white, majolica glaze. Great for everyday use. Being a gardener in my spare time, it seems this would be a lovely gift for one who enjoys their own gardens. One of a kind set. Might look nice with one of these mugs, https://www.etsy.com/listing/478997085/majolica-pottery-coffee-mug-ceramic-tea?ref=shop_home_active_6 SIZE Pitcher is 3.25" high and 5.5" from spout to back of handle. and the bowl is 3" high/add an inch for the handle on the lid and 5.25" across on the bowl opening. ***The spoon is not included. Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio . https://www.facebook.com/majoleeka/?ref=settings
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majoleeka · 3 years
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I Am Loved, pottery, tea cup saucer set. Let the blue birds of happiness join you for a cup of tea. one of a kind for just $160.00 "I am loved", how could you not be? With clouds floating in the bottom of the cup, fireflies at dusk, and two blue birds looking over your happiness. Wheel thrown pottery, one of a kind, cup and saucer set. Great gift for the one you love. Collectible art pottery. I set out to make individually themed cups and saucers, eleven, to count. I wanted to see where my imagination led me. Made out of red earthenware and decorated in under glazes and coated with a food safe clear glaze. *Small spoon not included Holds 3 oz. Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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majoleeka · 3 years
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The Gourd Pot, a soup tureen server. Majolica hand made, fitted lid with gold luster accents. for just $275.00 This is a majolica pot for serving soups or warmed vegetables. The tureen is a solid color of yellows and oranges are brushed on the pot in a watercolor like technique. Green leaves are painted in the same way. With the lid on it stands 9” high and across the widest point it looks to be around 8”. It looks to hold around 8 cups of soup.
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Ceramic pet bowl for cats and small dogs. Great gift for your furry family member. Majolica pottery, wheel thrown ceramics. gift for pets for just $31.00 A majolica small dog bowl or kitten dish that was hand made, thrown on the potters wheel then hand painted in the old world decorating technique majolica. One of a kind, decoratively hand painted with elegant vines and leaves pattern makes a lovely gift for your dear fur baby, cat or dog. Low edges make it easier for kittens and puppies to eat. Dated and signed at each stage as it was made, by myself. SIZE 1.5" tall, 4.5" across Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio. Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Majolica footed bowl with green Spanish olives hand painted on the outside. Makes great bar ware. Gifts for martini lovers. for just $65.00 Hand made ceramic bowl, with hand painted green Spanish olives stuffed with pimentos. Makes a lovely bar serving bowl. For holding garnishes of your favorite drinks, whether they are Martinis or Bloody Mary's. Fun gift! Karen Baker one of a kind majolica bowl. 7" high and 5" across at the mouth of the vase Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Majolica oval footed bowl, with a hand painted bouquet of flowers. Karen Baker's fine craft pottery, tray with two red flowers. for just $75.00 A wonderful Mother’s Day or Valentines Day bouquet of flowers on a hand made ceramic, footed bowl. Delicate white flowers with a mix of red and pink, luscious blooms. A treasure as it is a one of a kind. Bowl is wabi sabi oval made from terracotta or red earthenware. Put it on your coffee table or set out with treats. . See all of Karen Baker's one of a kind majolica a fine craft pottery with a new world twist. Dated and signed by myself. SIZE 8”x 5.75” x 2” Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio . Have a look at other items in my shop... Majoleeka.com
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majoleeka · 3 years
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The Gourd Pot, a soup tureen server. Majolica hand made, fitted lid with gold luster accents. for just $275.00 This is a majolica pot for serving soups or warmed vegetables. The tureen is a solid color of yellows and oranges are brushed on the pot in a watercolor like technique. Green leaves are painted in the same way. With the lid on it stands 9” high and across the widest point it looks to be around 8”. It looks to hold around 8 cups of soup.
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Ceramic pet bowl for cats and small dogs. Great gift for your furry family member. Majolica pottery, wheel thrown ceramics. gift for pets for just $31.00 A majolica small dog bowl or kitten dish that was hand made, thrown on the potters wheel then hand painted in the old world decorating technique majolica. One of a kind, decoratively hand painted with elegant vines and leaves pattern makes a lovely gift for your dear fur baby, cat or dog. Low edges make it easier for kittens and puppies to eat. Dated and signed at each stage as it was made, by myself. SIZE 1.5" tall, 4.5" across Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio. Have a look at other items in my shop... https://www.etsy.com/shop/Majoleeka
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majoleeka · 3 years
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Ceramic coffee or tea mug that is made on the potters wheel. Majolica hand painted yellow daisies on a soft blue background. Holds 8 oz. for just $34.00 You are my sunshine mug. A majolica glaze over terracotta. Hand painted black eyed susan's adorn the outside. Use this mug to serve your favorite teas, coffee or hot cocoa. Dated and signed at each stage as it was made, by myself. size 3"x 3.5" holds 8 oz. Each piece of pottery is made in my front porch studio. Though small I make it work, but I make in stages. I fill a bisque kiln with green ware, raw dried clay. Once the greenware has gone through a bisque fire and removed from kiln the studio is cleaned up as I prepare to hand dip each piece. I can only dip as many as I have room for, so I may dip a part of the bisque ware at the time and as pieces are finished with painting and put in kiln in wait for the glaze fire, I will then glaze more. When the kiln is full I glaze fire this takes approximately 10 hours plus time to cool, because I like to warm up everything for about 6 hours before raising the temps. I use materials that are food safe, you may want to hand wash as I cannot guarantee their outcome in a dish washer. You can visit my Facebook page to see my work in progress and more info about me, Karen Bakers' Front Porch Studio .
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