#Karma Faust
werewolf240moon · 2 years
Sinner’s Paradise Demonic Zodiac Wheel
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NeverenD and All these characters belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
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wander-over-the-words · 10 months
23 and 28 from the ask game for Ethan? :]
ahhh thank you for asking about my boy!! :D oc ask game 😋 23. how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
I am. absolutely rubbish at describing voices so I don’t know how exactly to say what Ethan sounds like ngrnngn besides the fact that he speaks in monotone like 90% of the time, as a symptom of his autism. He’d be voiced by Yuri Lowenthal (and that’s absolutely because Yuri does legit voice the male Courier and I’m too lazy/inexperienced with voice actors to pick someone else for him), but I’ve yet to decide which of Yuri’s roles is closest to what Ethan sounds like
For now, I just have fun imagining Ethan walking up to like half the people in this game like “Hello, Person Who Sounds Like Me If I Changed My Voice To Suit a Different Personality.”
Somebody call up Yuri and ask if he can sing rnnrgn I think Ethan’s probably…decent at singing. Not good enough to get on stage but good enough that you don’t mind hearing him. He’d mind if you heard him tho nrnrgnrgn
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
I don’t wanna make Ethan sound like a saint (because he isn’t) but he. cares about people in general. by default. Granted, some people, he’ll pass on caring about, for whatever reason he might find in advance (*cough*membersoftheLegion*cough*), but when it comes to the regular joes of the wasteland…He has a very high level of empathy that he just *clenches fist* hates because when someone needs help, he’s compelled to help. He finds it annoying because either he’s trying to get on with the main quest or whatever else he’s doing at that point or it’s a task that he’d just. Really rather not do nrngrgn
Best example I can think of is the fact that he did Rex’s personal quest even though a) he was about five minutes away from finally getting onto the Strip to confront Benny and b) he is TERRIFIED of dogs. He still did it tho because “Look at him, he’s in pain. Why should he suffer just because I have a phobia?” 
He just. spent half that quest hiding behind Boone ngrngn but now Rex is the only pupper he’s not scared of! so! progress! 
Obviously, some quests he was happy to do and got invested in, like defending Goodsprings and Joana and Carlitos’s stuff, but some stuff he approached with a “okay fine but let’s make it quick” mentality.
On a more personal level: you know Ethan likes you/is comfortable around you when he drops his Resting Bitch Face and monotone voice. The companions knew they were In with him when he first cracked a genuine smile at them; he’s actually quite a bubbly guy, you just haven’t Unlocked his Real Personality until you’re a Level Two Friend. But to be honest, Ethan’s not shy about just calling somebody a friend when he himself would classify them as such.
When he dislikes someone, his Resting Bitch Face just becomes Bitch Face. His frown and half-lidded, dead eyes turn into a heavy frown with a slightly curled lip and narrowed, annoyed eyes. Because it’s not very different to his default expression, it’s not always easy to tell when Ethan doesn’t like someone. His tone gives it away a little more, in that his monotone-ness inches towards exasperation (the likes of Fantastic at HELIOS One) or a certain tension that lets that person know that he ain’t fuckin around so don’t try anything (Cachino at Gomorrah), and his body language becomes more stiff because of how uncomfortable he is. He’ll also make use of his Terrifying Presence Perk more; someone he doesn’t like touches his shoulder and Ethan will look at their hand, look at them, then slooowly raise his eyebrow while glaring at them as a silent warning to remove their hand
In the specific case of Benny: Ethan’s a deadpan snarker anyways, but he’s never snarkier than during that Enemies phase of he and Benny’s Enemies to Friends to Lovers relationship. With other people he dislikes, he’ll generally keep his opinion and any insults to himself until he’s out of their earshot; with Benny, he wasn’t afraid to let Benny know what he thought of him, and insult him and clap back at him during their conversations while they were companions. Benny touched his shoulder and Ethan would threaten to break his fingers. Insulted Benny’s intelligence and called him a dumbass a lot.
Benny knew something was changing between them when he had the realisation that Ethan hadn’t told him to go fuck himself in a while, and especially knew it when Ethan started smiling at him, laughed at things he said, and called him stupidhead instead of dumbass c:
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astragatwo · 10 months
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Limbus slugcats I did between uni work and owed art! Partially inspired by ari-zonia's Limbus slugcats I saw a while ago, but I also wanted to do my own take on em! Also includes iterator Dante for funsies.
I had clearer ideas for some of them than others, struggled to think of something for Hong Lu & Meursault but instantly knew what I wanted to do for Don Quixote and Sinclair. It was fun to figure out though!
All of the info/etc assumes:
All hard-mode spawns
Ascension is the goal of the campaign
Definitely not balanced, I just like numbers
Text transcription under the cut in case it's hard to read! Fair warning that it does get pretty long.
Yi Sang - The Researcher
0.8 spear damage
1.4 speed
Can craft pearls (does not contain data)
Survivor diet
Double jump at Karma 5+
Faust - The Scientist
Survivor stats
Survivor diet
Can read pearls
Can craft items
Amount of craftable things depends on # of pearls catalogued
Pearls must contain data
Has a self-made scanning drone
Don Quixote - The Valiant
2 spear damage, longer cooldown
Slide inflicts 0.6 damage
Can become stuck in walls
1.7 run speed
1.3 tunnel/pole speed
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Can maul
Ryoshu - The Artist
Special spear deals 2 damage
Reg. spear damage 1.2
Can eat grenades/cherrybombs
Otherwise, hunter diet
1.2 run speed
Cannot hibernate w/o her spear
Lost spear = game over
Increased stealth/quiet
Can maul
Meursault - The Steadfast
bulky, can tank 1-2 fatal hits
1.7 spear damage
0.8 run speed
slide deals 0.4 dmg
bodies worth 1/2 pips
Hong Lu - The Sheltered
Hunter stats
Increased chance of pearl and special spear spawns
Better swimmer + slightly extended breath timer
Survivor diet
Glows faintly (not as strongas neuron glow)
Heathcliff - The Ruffian
1.1 spear damage
Rubble deals 0.8 damage
Can throw small animals for varying amounts of damage depending on size
1.2 run speed
Hunter diet
Can maul
Can survive 1 fatal hit
Ishmael - The Seafarer
Greatly extended breath timer
Better swimmer
1.2 run speed
Otherwise survivor stats
Cold resistance, but temporarily loses resistance coming out of water however
Can craft few items (ex. 2 rubble = 1-time-use spear)
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Rodion - The Gambler
High cold resistance
Starts with slightly raised global reputation
Pearls can be eaten for a random (+), (-), (=) effect
Pearls worth 1/4 of a pip
1.2 spear damage
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Sinclair - The Apprentice
Stats alter based on karma level
Lower karma = higher stats
Higher karma = lower stats
Speed never goes lower than 1.2
Survivor diet
0.6-2 spear damage
1.2-1.7 run speed
Can maul at ≤3 karma
Quieter when crouching
Light bodyweight
Outis - The Commander
1.4 spear damage
Otherwise hunter stats
Hunter diet
Global rep more sensitive to change
befriended scavs more aggressive when threat is present
Can craft few items (ex. lantern, flashbang, 1-time use spear, etc)
Gregor - The Cermin
Survivor stats
Has slugpup companion
Can be used as a diversion
Slugpup cannot die
Can shock animals at cost of 1 pip
Used to stun, strength of infant centipede
Bodies worth 1/2 pips
Can eat most things
Can survive 1 fatal hit
Dante - Twelve Chains That Bind
Cannot raise karma
Not super functional
Slugcats can bring other sinner corpses to their chamber to be revived
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Arthur finally getting the karma from eating Mr. Faust by getting gnawed at by dead prince flesh pit man
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ari-zonia · 8 months
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Decided to revamp my Sinner Slugcats so they're not all just multicolored scugs.
I did look into some of the symbols and stuff of the game, so the writing is more or less "Outlaw, Number", since I wasn't sure how to make a "Sinner" symbol in the RW language, so I just used Outlaw since it has the lowest Karma symbol anyway.
Intricacies under the readmore
Yi Sang: Inspired by daszombes' Deadlands video, he is a "Flying Slugcat", like a sugar glider or flying squirrel. He has no true flight, but it works
Faust: Some sort of Echo or associated. Has her own citizen ID drone of an unknown Iterator, and it also acts as a little scanner (inspired by @astragatwo's take on scug Faust). She still maintains Gourmand's crafting ability, but it might be more taxing with her smaller frame.
Don Quixote: A special breed of Slugcat meant to go fast, her legs are quite powerful, letting her make longer pounces or generally run faster than most other scugs. Obviously, her lack of weight makes her weak to poleplants/worm grass, but y'know.
Ryoshu: Similar to Spearmaster, but by way of King Vulture, she only has one spear directly connected to her that she can recall (it does not act like SM's feeding needles). Also, a subtle detail is that her ears are absolutely massive compared to most scugs, giving her enhanced hearing.
Meursault: (Perhaps a Purposed Being?) He has face armor not unlike a lizard, in fact he's about the same size as a blue lizard. His bite is quite powerful, and he's certainly the best to have in front going through pipes, as his face will deflect spears (should the scavs be aggro or something). He might also have better climbing ability, able to get on walls and such, but he's very heavy so idk
Hong Lu: Bioluminescent, like a fun mix of lantern mice and cyan lizards, he can "turn it off" as it were. His tail also can be used as a small flashbang, but obviously only once (per cycle). Of course, this helps with coalescipedes, but makes him a damn beacon otherwise.
Heathcliff: Still Artificer based, where explosions and such just don't really bother him and he's able to maul enemies (though obviously his bite is weaker than Meur's). He also has a pearl hanging around his neck of unknown use, but clearly given to him by someone special.
Ishmael: Rivulet, but even closer to salamander where she actually has fins, her ability to swim is obviously a cut above everyone else's. She's probably had a bad run in or two with Leviathans. Her cloak is probably a gift from whatever version of Queequeg this world has
Rodion: Also inspired by astragatwo, she's mega fluffy making her very warm. Though, this does make it annoying for her to swim if the area is cold because she'll freeze faster. I still like the idea she can carry more scugs on her, but idk. (She does look more like a fox, but such is the price of floof)
Sinclair: Saint-lite, and still pup-sized (he's an adult, just tiny like Don) so long as he's not at lowest Karma, he has limited ability to incapacitate enemies (not quite enough to ascend) and fly a bit with said ability. I basically wanted to reference his Mark of Cain somehow.
Outis: Ironically, just your average Slugcat. She probably has stuff going on with reputation or maybe she allows Echos to appear on first visit, or convinces Pebbles to not murder everyone immediately
Gregor: Definitely a creature that has been fucked with too much. Originally just a Slugcat that had been spliced with a centiwing (sorta like how the Miros Vultures are hybrids), he seemed to have got infected by the Rot, most likely when whatever Iterator structure he was hanging out around pulled a Pebbles
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loosesodamarble · 1 month
@kalolasfantasyworld tagged me in a post to share my favorite characters and then give their similarities.
And like @lyranova, I decided to make it a post of my own to avoid corrupting Lola's notes with my... wild tastes, shall we say.
There's a lot to share so let's just get into it.
In order we have:
Morgen Faust, Nacht Faust, Karma
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Saint Germain, Herlock Sholmes, Paschalia
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Kageyuki Shiraishi, Lucas Proust, Shion Mayuzumi
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Kinji, Orlok, Il Fado de Rie
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Now to list their commonalities. Not all of them apply to every guy but there's enough overlap.
Long, flowing hair (alas, poor Saint and Orlok missed that in their main appearances but CGs have shown me that they had long locks at some point)
Narrow eyes (can be up-turned or down-turned)
Armed and dangerous (martial arts, weapons, or magic, they should pack a punch)
(Bonus points if they've actually killed people. The more the merrier~!)
An air of regalness/refinement, regardless of social standing
Religious trauma~ (generalized sin/guilt complexes work too)
Self-loathing (I love a guy who has to learn to love himself)
Possessive lover (sometimes it's just vibes, other times it's genuinely what they are)
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best-radiohead-song · 4 months
Round one matchups and results:
Planet Telex vs. Lotus Flower
Airbag vs. House of Cards
2 + 2 = 5 vs. Karma Police
Everything In Its Right Place vs. Nude
India Rubber vs. Electioneering
The Numbers vs. Subterranean Homesick Alien
Spectre vs. You
My Iron Lung vs. Banana Co. 
Lucky vs. Anyone Can Play Guitar
Where I End and You Begin vs. Knives Out
The National Anthem vs. Videotape
Let Down vs. Faust Arp 
True Love Waits vs. True Love Waits (Live in Oslo)
Lift vs. Optimistic
Pearly* vs. Just
The Tourist vs. Fog
Identikit vs. Pop is Dead
These are my Twisted Words vs. Daydreaming
Reckoner vs. The Bends
Blow Out vs. There, There
No Surprises vs. Burn the Witch
High and Dry vs. Bodysnatchers
Pyramid Song vs. Talk Show Host
Bulletproof… I Wish I Was vs. How to Disappear Completely
15 Step vs. A Wolf at the Door
I Might be Wrong vs. Paranoid Android
Motion Picture Soundtrack vs. All I need
The Trickster vs. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Creep vs. Fake Plastic Trees
Climbing up the Walls vs. Man of War
Weird Fishes/ Arpeggi vs. Scatterbrain
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
I don’t understand how Vivziepop expects to have a 3rd of Helluva Boss when not only are people losing interest, but she’s also burning through employees within a short time. You can’t have another season of a show when views are declining and you’re burning out inexperienced fans. Vivziepop’s toxic work environment is going to bite her in the ass.
It kinda already has, but let me just say that I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Salem Squidder, Erin, Kovach, Ashley, Dave, KenDraw, Nicolas Jordan, Faust, ect were all associated with her at one point and now want nothing to do with her. The fact that people who used to work for or with her ended up leaving her tells me that she really is a pain to work with and only favors members that she’s the closest with in her friend circle, and I hate how whenever a member or even someone brings up how much of an obvious asshole she is or how the work environment isn’t 100% healthy, crew members close to her just silence everyone. I wouldn’t say she hasn’t gotten karma at all tho. You can tell even when there’s stuff going on behind the scenes that’s stressing her, she’ll let everyone on Twitter know, and whenever I see her bitch about how upset she is, I’m just sitting there like “karma’s a bitch”.
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gear-project · 4 months
Regarding your post about Axl and I-No: Could that be the reason why I-no told Axl not to dig too deeply into her past back in XX and Judgment? Was it because she subconsciously had an idea of who he was and his relevance to her, but didn't want to properly deal with it?
If you look at the entire story from I-No's perspective:
Everything began with the war between the Original Sage and the Universal Will.
A proxy conflict that Mankind would NEVER be fully aware of, except for I-No herself.
And the result would essentially split I-No in half.
The half that was given actuating power for change was cut off.
And the half that was "almost powerless" was made "human".
The rest, I-No had to piece together herself, and she was stuck travelling from Era to Era in order to figure all of this out.
She was even forced to "live" in an era in which the world was completely devoid of Human life and Gears roamed the wastelands of what was once Human Civilization.
This is the "Grey Future" that I-No spoke of in Xrd.
All because she inadvertently manipulated the kindness of a Young Soldier (Ky Kiske) back during the Crusades.
It was at this time that she had to learn how to master what "little" power she had and manipulate Time itself in order to change that Future.
But doing so was very "boring" to her.
All aspects of "being human" that should have been stimulating to anyone else in her position felt meaningless, because that aspect of her heart was cut off from the rest of what made her existence complete.
The more time she spent "gaining power", the more bored she got, even managing to kill off some of the most talented individuals in the world in the process (Dr. Faust and Ramlethal Valentine, to name a few).
Eventually she decided to make the world "Game Over" and to do so, she would need to enlist the Potential Power of the Original Sage's Protégé' : Asuka R. Kreutz.
But in HER current timeline, Kreutz was imprisoned by the Gears he himself had created, chained up in an underground Gear Plant facility, Karma he himself had accumulated.
Of course she was curious why someone so talented ended up imprisoned by his own creations. How pathetic could you possibly be to end up in that situation?
All the power she was given to her, while still something of a mystery to her, was all handed to her on a silver platter.
Why was she all-powerful? Why was she immortal?
The more time she spent "working under Asuka" the more educating the experience was... though she always felt like her drive and purpose were meant for a "bigger future".
Even if she could relate to a fellow Immortal like Raven, her emotions were still dried up, she could still emote, and she still could "feel", but she couldn't "experience" the true essence of being human.
It was like eating gourmet food and not being able to taste any of it.
So when she met Sol Badguy, Asuka's Rival, she had an axe to grind with him.
At first, it wasn't personal, though she felt a sense of loyalty to Asuka just like Raven did (believing in the Promise of Salvation that Asuka spouted).
But just like Asuka's odd position, Sol was even more of a mystery:
How could a man blessed with Gear Cells (power and immortality) spurn his very own existence? How could he kill and murder his own Gear-kind?
Sol was even making Weapons of Mass Destruction AS A HOBBY... (the OutRage). What kind of human does this and still picks a fight with those who treated him so well?
I-No wasn't able to grasp the finer points of Sol's Human nature... and soon enough they butted heads. I-No developed a heated hatred for Sol that would last for some time.
Meanwhile, in various timelines, a familiar face kept popping in and out of I-No's memory.
Her past was so distant and so blurry, she may as well not have ever been Human in the first place... so who exactly WAS Axl Low?
To I-No he was a weak pathetic excuse of a man. He ran away at any wiff of trouble, cried his heart out, and used underhanded and almost cowardly ways to sneak his way out of a pinch.
And he STILL had the gall to flirt with women around him!?
Even if I-No had memories of loving a man in her past... those memories were so far removed from her present self they hardly felt relevant.
I-No needed a purpose. A reason to exist. Even if she had to steal it herself (Stealing was something she was getting used to doing at this point).
Of course she knew the Universal Will probably wouldn't let her roam as she pleased, so she kept her actions under wraps for a while, only following Asuka's orders whenever it felt safe to.
She was even killing Valentines in different timelines as a hobby at this point (she was that bored).
Eventually, Axl Low escaped from Bedman's clutches (thanks heavily for I-No's assistance, of course).
Normally I-No could care less what the man had to say, but this time around he said something very fishy that caught her ears:
He'd MET with the Original Sage.
Not since her "beginnings" had she encountered the Sage, and he was part of the reason she existed the way she did!
The "Sage" was doing something, and she wanted in!
And of course, anything meant for Asuka's ears were encrypted... so of course I-No wasn't allowed to hear.
But the Future was moving in a new direction, something I-No wanted very badly... something stimulating, something different from all the grey boredom she had experienced up to this point!
That future lead to an encounter with Jack-O'... and a revelation of the Truth about I-No's existence.
She had become one with the World's existence... she was literally a manifestation of the Backyard itself.
So much potential power, and no way to know how to use it.
Asuka had his own plans to make her "even more human" than she originally was.
But that was even more boring than her current life.
Only one person could give her the "Future" she desired... the "Power" she desired.
Sol Badguy had already put down the Universal Will at this point, so it was here and NOW that she could take her chance!
Her first encounter with the Original Sage after so much time had passed was different from her initial expectations.
In fact, Happy Chaos half-expected her to kill him for what he'd done to her in the first place.
It WAS his FAULT, after all...
But if anyone knew the true implications of I-No's existence, it was him.
More than anyone else, Happy Chaos understood I-No, and understood what she had become, not to mention what she was meant to be.
Or at least, that was the "tripe" he fed I-No.
And she ate up every last morsel of it.
Her desperation to become something beyond human and understand humans at the same time was like burning a candle at both ends.
Would there be anything left to burn?
In her final moments, I-No saw the U.S. President's eyes look keenly at her desperation. The eyes of someone who knew nothing but sorrow and misery, a desire for dignity, and yet denied even that.
As well as the weeping eyes of a man who would have loved her, even if she wasn't the woman from his original timeline.
I-No's future brought her to her swift demise, but at the same time, her Past still existed somehow...
A past she had forgotten even still remained.
She herself had contradicted her own existence... a desire to understand a part of herself that wasn't SUPPOSED TO BE UNDERSTOOD.
Instead, the paradox that was I-No was undone... and the true life of Megumi Saito could now begin in earnest.
As for Axl Low and Happy Chaos... the former was finally able to keep his promise... while the latter took a roundabout way of keeping HIS promise to I-No!
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rebellionevoked · 1 year
status: open to m / f / nb muses that are 21+ in age.
muse: camille faust is a 31 yr old real estate developer.
plot: your muse comes to camille’s aide after she’s taken a fall.
note: made with the beta editor.
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     “Oh my god, I’m gonna fucking die.” Camille groaned through gritted teeth as she rolled around in pain. This was what she got for running, or maybe it was the running in frustration that had her taking careless steps. Many times over the years she’d used these trails to stretch her legs and this was the first time her foot had caught a fallen branch as she’d run over it. The fall had been hard, she’d met earth with force and felt immediate pain in her ankle but knew her knee had been busted a little as well when she’d tried to catch her fall. “Fuuuuck me.” She hissed at the throb and tried to glance at the injury, realizing she was very much alone. If this was karma coming after her, then this was some weak shit and would only fuel her fire. The confidence could have been because she heard a vehicle. One that sounded like a truck, maybe. “HEY!” Camille yelled. “Call for a helicopter! We need we need immediate evac here!”
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oceanlue · 2 years
Chairle: hay guys what's up
y/n: just writing up this file
Auron : me too
Charlie: oh I came to ask about something
Charlie: I was reading an article about how our first draft of a book is always s&%×, And I heard that Ernest Hemingway said that, and I kind of wanted to know what he was talking about or what his life story was, so I came to ask you guys instead of the internet cuz you guys make things fun.....
y/n: well you came to the right place
y/n: okay guys sit back and relax while I tell you the life-long Journey of Ernest Miller Hemingway in about 3 minutes
Auron: 3 min huh....ok I'm intrigued let's see you try to pull this one off...rook.
Y/n : Born in Chicago in 1899. Son of a physician and a musician. Reasonably uneventful childhood. Decided to study journalism. Enlisted with the Red Cross during World War 1. Got blown up in Milan and spent 6 months in hospital with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. Fell in love with a nurse. They decided to get married. He came home to prepare. She stayed there and ditched him for an Italian soldier, which initiated a lifelong pattern of him rejecting women before they had a chance to reject him. (Take note,alphonse.)
(Everyone laughed)
Y/n : Got a job as a foreign correspondent. Fell in love with his roommate’s sister, married her and moved to Paris. They hung out with Gertrude Stein. They kicked it with Pablo Picasso. He started writing in earnest, no pun intended. Moved to Toronto, had a kid, moved back to Paris. Published a couple of books.
Jessie: oh wow
Y/n : Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Converted to Catholicism. Cut his head open after pulling on a cord thinking he was flushing a toilet and instead, ripped a skylight from the roof and smashed it onto his face! Moved to Kansas City, had another kid, his dad committed suicide. He shot a lot of bears for some reason. Had a car accident, had another kid. Went to Africa to kill some wild animals and got dysentery.
Y/n : Published another book. Moved to Cuba. SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG WHILST AIMING AT A SHARK! Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Published “For Whom the Bell Tolls”, sold half a million copies in a couple of months and got nominated for a Pulitzer prize. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman.
Seth : oof
Y/n : Became the self appointed leader of a band of village militia outside of Paris and was subsequently brought up on charges for contravening the Geneva Convention, AND GOT AWAY WITH IT LIKE A &%$#*&^ CHAMPION! Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spare time on his boat, tracking Nazi U-Boats with a machine gun and a pile of hand grenades! (I AM NOT MAKING THIS #$%& UP.)
Faust: .........0_0
Trish: ...*looks at auron* so when you gona ask her on a date
Auron: *spits out coffee* TRISH
Y/n : Had a few more car accidents, three more concussions, GOT CLAWED WHILE PLAYING WITH A LION. Got depressed, drank, got fat, published a couple more books. Went back to Africa to shoot some more wild animals and barely survived two separate plane crashes in the space of 24 hours; winding up with a fractured skull, internal bleeding, cracked spine, ruptured liver, first degree burns, and a paralyzed sphincter muscle.
Finn : that's not good
Y/n : (Karma!) Won a Nobel Prize. Had a file opened on him by J. Edgar Hoover, left a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba, and moved to Idaho, paranoid that the feds were following him WHICH THEY WERE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WORKING FOR THE KGB. (AGAIN, NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP.) Suffered from hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, hemochromatosis, anemia, and impotence. (Karma!) Got committed.
Y/n : Received way too much electroconvulsive therapy and came out all f^%$#* up, started hinting at suicide. So immediately got recommitted. Received another couple of months’ worth of electroconvulsive therapy, got released, put both barrels of his favorite 12 gauge shotgun into his mouth and blew his fucking head off! 
Charlie:.....well I be damned
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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TAROT CARD ( NeverenD character )
Karma Faust
Art and NeverenD belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
⚠️ Source Vanrah Devianart ⚠️
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strangedisciple · 1 year
1, 14, 30 and 62!! <3
thanks for the ask mica :]] /gen
for this ask game!
1 - 6 of the songs you listen to most?
this is basically what i've been listening to recently most of it is quite chilled out tbh-
red light - the strokes
call it fate, call it karma, the strokes
runway, houses, city, clouds - tame impala
make love - daft punk
faust - gorillaz
alright tomorrow - albert hammond jr. feat. rainsford
14 - If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
it depends really, if it's nice outside and i'm with my friends i'll probably just like. chill and listen to them talk :]
30 - Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
i mean- i did this but all i touched was my bed- /lh
62 - What’s your favourite animal?
i like dogs :D my favourite dog breed is probably a staffy! (specifically a staffordshire bull terrier because i believe there's another breed with a similar name)
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librariansrose · 1 year
Alright folks; here’s the song list.
In the Night - Neovaii
ララララフレシア (RRRRafflesia) - Utsu-P
Karma - Neovaii
Dream Alone - Nathan Sharp
Overdose - なとり
Til Death Do Us Part - Rosenfeld
May I have this Dance - Reinaeiry
ファウスト (Faust) - Misumi
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Beyblade Trope Pantheon - Metal Saga
TVTropes has a fun activity called the Pantheon, which relates to different characters being the god or pinnacle of a certain trope and creating a beyond absurdly big cross-over out of it, in which the largest threat by far is Galeem whose power and light/order-based genocide across multiverses and time itself annihilated the entire thing save for one miraculous survivor. Saying Galeem caused the entire Pantheon to freak out would be the understatement of the eon. Even more so when Dharkon turned up and tried it's own darkness/chaos-based existence-wide bout of 'everybody is dead'.
I decided to do the same for both Metal Fight Beyblade and Beyblade Burst. Not Bakuten Shoot Beyblade as I don't have enough like for the original series.
Listed below is a list of each person, their assigned trope and a description of said trope. This is the Metal Fight Beyblade version.
Metal Fight Beyblade:
Gingka Hagane - Good Is Not Dumb -> Someone who is good gets underestimated because of it.
Tsubasa Otori - Long-Haired Pretty Boy -> A pretty boy with long hair.
Yu Tendo - The Nicknamer -> Someone who nicknames other people.
Madoka Amano - Wrench Wench -> Female, self-confident, and talented mechanic.
Masamune Kadoya - Almighty Janitor -> Low in rank, but high in power.
Zeo Abyss - From Nobody To Nightmare -> Someone evolves from humble beginnings to terrifying infamy.
Toby - Only Sane Man -> The one rational, well-adjusted person in a group of people who are, in a certain situation or just generally, weird.
King - I Am Not Left-Handed -> I was holding back. Now I won't.
Kyoya Tategami - Informed Loner -> Someone is said to be asocial, yet hangs out with others all the time.
Nile - Super Mode -> A state where a person's abilities and skills are temporarily boosted. Often done by technique or with special items.
Demure - The Smart Guy -> The main brain of the team.
Benkei Hanawa - Hero-Worshipper -> A side person who idolizes the hero for their adventures.
Dashan Wang - Reasonable Authority Figure -> An authority figure who tries to listen to what their underlings have to say and help the heroes in their quest.
Chi-Yun Li - Third-Person Person -> Somebody refers to themself in the third person.
Chao Xin - Brilliant, But Lazy -> A genius/talented slacker.
Mei-Mei - Malaproper -> The ward sounds wrought, but isn't.
Argo Garcia - Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse -> Being acknowledged that, although you have a dark & troubled past/Freudian excuse, you're responsible for your actions now.
Ian Garcia - Hoist By His Own Petard -> Someone's own tactics backfire on them.
Selen Garcia - Know When To Fold 'Em -> Sometimes, giving up or quitting is the best option.
Enzo Garcia - ???
Damian Hart - Satanic Archetype -> An evil-doer modelled after Satan.
Jack - Camp Gay -> Homosexual men with stereotypically girly traits.
Faust - Gone Horribly Right -> A plan succeeds but with unfavourable consequences.
Ziggurat - Villains Never Lie -> A villain manipulates the hero by telling the truth.
Julian Konzern - The Perfectionist -> A person who wants everything to be correct and flawless.
Wales - Jerkass -> A foul-mouthed, hostile or otherwise unpleasant person.
Sophie - Nice Girl -> A genuinely & overall friendly, kind-hearted, psychologically well-balanced, and non-villainous girl.
Klaus - The Juggernaut -> Someone who's damn near unstoppable.
Aleksei - Nerds Are Sexy -> Someone is a nerd and is sexy to other people because of it.
Lera - Action Girl -> A tough, female, badass fighter.
Nowaguma - Shrinking Violet -> An insecure and very shy person.
Anton - Cheaters Never Prosper -> Those who cheat are always victim to laser-guided karma.
Yuki Mizusawa - Brainy Brunette -> An intelligent person who happens to have brown hair.
Dynamis - You Can't Fight Fate -> Being unable to prevent what's been foretold.
Chris - Nigh-Invulnerable -> Near-impossible to hurt.
Aguma - The Big Guy -> A team member who specializes in physical jobs/fighting.
Tithi - I Just Want To Have Friends -> A friendless person wants to have companions.
Nemesis - Eldritch Abomination -> A huge, bizarre, and/or horrific entity that defies the laws of reality within a verse and is incomprehensible to the people.
Rago - Master Of All -> Someone that excels in all categories, to the extent that specialists are redundant.
Pluto - Evil Genius -> An extremely smart villain whose intelligence is their most important skill.
Johannes - Cat Boy -> Human boy that's a little bit feline.
Cycnus - Black Eyes Of Evil -> Someone's villainy is signified by the blackness of their eyes.
Herschel - Bald Of Evil -> Nothing screams 'villain' like a shaven top.
Keyser - Scarf Of Asskicking -> A scarf worn by a badass specifically to call attention to the fact that they are a badass.
Doji - Determinator -> Someone that never gives up and never surrenders on their goal, no matter the circumstance.
Reiji Mizuchi - Hated By All -> Someone hated by everyone.
Tetsuya Watarigani - The Beastmaster -> Someone that can intimately communicate with & control fauna.
Tobio Oike - Cold Sniper -> A marksman who is both physically & psychologically distant.
Ryutaro Fukami - Foreshadowing -> An allusion or clue hinting at an upcoming revelation or event.
Dan/Reiki Sodo - Those Two Guys -> A pair of minor people serving as a mundane Greek Chorus.
Kumasuke/Kumaji/Kumata Kumade - Bears Are Bad News -> Bears: do not mess with them. They will kill you.
Ryuga - World's Strongest Man -> One who's stronger than any other person.
Kenta Yumiya - The Unchosen One -> Self-made hero.
Hikaru Hasama - Heroic B.S.o.D. -> A heroic person shuts down mentally as a result of something traumatic.
Hokuto - Butt-Monkey -> Things very rarely go right for this person.
Hyoma - Childhood Friend -> Childhood friends are more special than normal ones.
Ryo Hagane - Sink-Or-Swim Mentor -> This mentor won't go easy on you just because you're a novice.
Teru Saotome - Career-Ending Injury -> Someone unexpectedly suffers an illness/injury or one they already knew about abruptly worsens, making them unable to pursue their goals or career.
Sora Akatsuki - Unskilled, But Strong -> What they lack in skill & experience, they make up for in raw power.
Busujima - Combat Pragmatist -> Does whatever possible to win a fight - rules and honour be damned.
Jigsaw - Break The Haughty -> An arrogant (and often unsympathetic) person is humbled (usually) by a terrible experience.
Helios - The Power Of The Sun -> A person or device has the ability to either harness or replicate the sun's power and properties.
Bakim - Omnicidal Maniac -> The villain maliciously wants to destroy their setting's world and kill all who live in it.
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theam-cjsw · 1 year
The AM: April 3, 2023
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This week, we open with an early track from YMO's Ryuichi Sakamoto, indulging in some ambient tracks before drifting into some rare grooves in the second hour, and delicious dream pop in the third. All to fuel the first week of April. Hope you enjoy.
Listen on Soundcloud
Stream at CJSW
Spotify Playlist (missing a handful of tracks, but what can you do?)
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Hour One:
thatness and thereness Ryuichi Sakamoto • B-2 Unit
East Chinatown Stroller Masahiro Takahashi • Humid Sun
3pz Khotin • Release Spirit
Umi No Ue Kara Yasuaki Shimizu • Kakashi
The Last Wave Saint-Samuel • Love is Like a Bomb
North Fever Ray • Radical Romantics
These Small Noises Brian Eno • ForeverAndEverNoMore
In the End You’ll Know James Holden • Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
Centauri NETRVNNER • Into Orbit
Upside Down Inside Out Rooster37 • Upside Down Inside Out EP
Fountains Of The World Teen Daze • Fountains Of The World
Only the Pink Dinosaur The World Next Door • Find Your Face in It
Hour Two:
The Second Variety Penguin Cafe • Single
What Are We Made Of Shigeto • Single
Winter Chip Wickham • Cloud 10
Kwaeli Sunbirds • Sunbirds
Harmonica and… Sven Wunder • Single
A Decision of the Flower Mahogany Frog • Faust
SOS Mark Pritchard, featuring The Space Lady • The Four Worlds
The Widow Unknown Mortal Orchestra • V
Minor Attack Bristol Manor • A Distant Urban Forest
Hour Three:
Fairground Deary • Single
Brain Capers Yo La Tengo • This Stupid World
The Sky Was All Diseased Black Market Karma, featuring Tess Parks • Friends in Noise
Nobody Black Belt Eagle Scout • The Land, The Water, The Sky
Men Without Homes Child Actress • Milking a Dead Cow
Magique Silver Dapple • Moody Boots
Pest Control Pozi • Smiling Pools
From Avalanche Genevieve Artadi • Forever Forever
Oiseau du matin Limousine • L'été suivant...
So Informative Dada Plan • The Madness Hides
I’m Dancing Shabason & Krgovich • At Scaramouche
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