chromingrose · 1 year
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gear-project · 1 year
So, according to Happy Chaos' explanation about Demi-humans, does this mean that Slayer likely recalls all instances of events that took place in the GG timeline, including outcomes that aren't considered canon to the current worldline (such as alternate endings)?
Having "access" to different continuities isn't the same as having all "knowledge" of them.
If that were the case, Axl Low would remember every instance of every timeline he ever created... and based on his encounters with Slayer, while Slayer WAS aware of Axl Low's powers... it actually took some convincing from Axl for him to believe such a power even existed.
Of course, this also applies to I-No as well... but in her case the "original timeline" which she "remembered" was vague and fabricated to the point where she couldn't convince herself if it was real or not.
That's not to say those events didn't exist... it only supplants the idea that "different events" can't always be recalled with clarity.
If someone like I-No would have trouble remembering her own paradoxical past, what chance would Slayer or Nagoriyuki or even Raven have?
This in particular ALSO applies to the extreme with Ky Kiske... if he remembered the timelines in which he died... it's hard to say what effect that would have on Ky in particular.
And, to some degree, this also applies to Bedman's Deja Vu Dreamlike Reality: no matter how far back he can recall events... once something "dies" unless he remembers exactly how that happened, that person can't be restored.
Even in Sol's case... witnessing his past-self get killed by I-No had a drastic effect on him for a short amount of time (at least until he denied the events applied to him). That likely also applies to Ramlethal and her timelines of possibility involving I-No.
Asuka R. Kreutz posited that the "Present" is more powerful than the "Past" or "Future" events (at least in terms of how GG establishes itself).
So any event that "could happen" likely isn't as well-established as something that "already happened", whether treated as a reality, a dream, a wish, OR a memory.
For I-No's case in particular she is the result of a desire that people "wished would happen", but even if that were true, permanently establishing herself would've caused more problems than simply establishing who she "used to be" (Megumi in Axl Low's past).
For Slayer, Sharon, Raven, Izuna, and Nagoriyuki (and even Bedman)... they likely know about their own "pasts", but they can't confirm the "possibility" of other pasts with absolute clarity.
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staff: our april fools joke this year is a silly feature that doesn't really do anything but give you a button to boop other users! they have to opt-in first though :)
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sexygaywizard · 3 months
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ladyshinga · 10 months
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toastbutteregg · 7 months
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ramshacklefey · 5 months
Kind of hilarious to me how poorly the title "Mob Psycho 100" localized to English-speaking areas. To someone whose first language is English, it scans as:
Mob (Yakuza, Mafia)
Psycho (violent person with "crazy" behaviors)
Thus: a particularly violent member of organized crime.
But in Japanese it scans as:
Mob (background characters in crowd scenes in manga or anime)
Psycho (short for psychic)
Thus: a psychic who looks/acts like someone you'd never pick out of a crowd scene in a comic.
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girlstressed · 9 months
can’t stop smiling in inappropriate situations
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sirompp · 9 months
hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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copepods · 5 months
leitmotifs never get old to me like holy shit dude there’s this melody that corresponds to this one guy and if you hear the melody it means the guy is there. holy shit. and sometimes it refers to ideas too not just guys. has anyone heard about this
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cosmos-kitty · 6 months
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Maybe the real treasure was the boops we made along the way
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theredtours · 6 months
why yes I AM making boop gifs from screen recording
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gear-project · 1 year
Something I am curious about, given what was said in strive and xrd story can ino and axl meet their past selves? If not how did ino bring her past self to the future.
It's somewhat difficult to give a straight answer to this question.
In the PAST it was possible for Axl Low to encounter himself... as to whether or not it was his past or future self which he encountered is not entirely made clear except in one instance where his future self apparently came to cheer his present self up.
Of course, many GGXX Story Mode Ending results may or may no longer hold canonical weight within Strive's parameters of how Axl's powers work.
At some point during Xrd's events, Axl's powers stopped working in a Non-Linear fashion, and it was established that any time he asserted a New Timeline, any previous results would cease to exist.
Up to that point, Axl had never made any successful attempts at meeting with Megumi Saito... but on the half chance he was successful, it's unlikely the result would've proved stable or beneficial to him in his current state of power.
That is to say, even if he HAD met Megumi, that event would've impacted I-No more than it would've impacted himself.
As for I-No... it appears that she DID meet a "Past version" of herself just prior to her dispersal from losing to Sol Badguy... but this was a closed Paradox of a Timeline, so it would only have been possible in that realm or state of time.
As for whether or not that Past Self was Megumi or not... we aren't given a clear indication, but it is true on a technical level.
If I-No had tried to meet Axl's paradox self "William", it's difficult to say if that would even be possible or not... but if such WERE possible, it would have had an adverse effect on Axl Low's existence.
Rather, it seems that encountering the "other half" (Axl to Megumi, or I-No to William) of their personal histories would've been the worse outcome compared to simply encountering paradoxes of their own individual selves (Axl to Axl, or I-No to I-No) from previous or closed timelines.
The very reason such was made possible without adverse effects, is because of I-No's Demise: she herself was a Paradox, so by "losing her history" she corrected the Timeline: which forced Megumi in to Axl Low's Timeline and History (the correct history).
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lakanakana · 6 months
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war never changes
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gwenlena · 6 months
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hello tumblr
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calware · 6 months
shoutout to lil hal
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