snekjoy · 7 months
One must imagine diluc ragnvindr as the main character in a dating sim game who has about twelve other people with crushes on him. The list goes as follows:
- His childhood friend he kissed once when he was 16 who he hasn't seen in ten years (Thoma)
- His ex-wife who he has complicated feelings towards (Jean)
- The girl from that flower shop who is obsessed with him (Donna)
- An old chinese man who keeps quoting ancient texts at him and saying he knew the guy who wrote it (probably a god) (Zhongli)
- The first one's boss who keeps flirting with him and suggesting they enter a polyamorous marriage in really unsubtle ways (Ayato)
- A gambler lady who thinks he's really good at killing people and keeps sexually (???) choking/strangling enemies they fight (Yelan)
- Some gang leader from Japan with big tits who keeps trying to beetle fight him and is endearingly stupid (Itto)
- An architect from Persia who is knee deep in debt and cares very heavily about everything (Kaveh)
- The architect's roommate, also a well-known Arabian scholar who never takes his headphones off and somehow still hears everything Diluc says (Alhaitham)
- A French prison warden who keeps reminding him to take care of himself while he struggles to reign in his own daughter (?? Child who is always with him??? Coworker?? Diluc can't tell) (Wriothesley)
- his doctor (Baizhu)
- That one night stand he had when he was on a killing spree who turned out to be a leading part of the organisation that killed his father and then fucked his brother but is still trying with him too for some fucking reason (Childe)
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meili-sheep · 1 year
Harem reaction to drunk diluc?
Now I wanna start with how Drunk Diluc is.
If you have been here a minute, you might know that I think Diluc, when he gets drunk, gets really formal. He does a lot of masking normally, and he'd be damn if he ever lets it slip, so he falls into a very formal Mondstadt dialect. But here is the thing while his speech gets more formal, he gets a little more... friendly. He is more willing to chat He is more physically affectionate but, at the same time, more prone to getting upset when he doesn't get his affection.
As he gets more into his drunk night, he gets even more clingy, and really, you just see a lot more of how gentle and sweet Diluc. It is ridiculously adorable. But it's best you not sleep in the same bed because he will cling, and you will not be allowed up until he gets up.
So Albedo is probably the responsible one and the one who is really responsible and if we have allergic/intolerant Diluc he always keeps a close watch on Diluc. But you know Diluc does feel a certain obligation to drink at certain parties, and if he knows Albedo there he will definitely try and avoid Albedo to not worry him.
But Albedo is a smart guy so he would totally end up finding Diluc with a glass and instantly know by Diluc's speech what's going on. He'd stick to his side like clue afterward and make sure he gets food and water. He takes all of Diluc's clinginess in stride despite not being used to it. And when Diluc leans on him.
"Isn't that a little uncomfortable?"
"No... you're cool. Imma too warm. You're cool." He just murmurs rubbing his face in Albedo's hair.
"Let's get you somewhere you can relax."
Albedo, of course, let him sober up a bit and make sure he'd all comfortable before making the honorable sacrifice of cuddling in bed for a few days straight. Just to take care of Diluc, of course.
Al Haitham
So this would actually get a chuckle or two out of Al Haitham. A winery owner who gets drunk so quickly. And then the clinginess. Usually, Al Haitham doesn't really like people in his space, but Diluc's honestly like a nice big water bottle. It's not so bad.
He does get a little protective. As he's very aware of how bad people can be, especially when someone kind like Diluc is in such a relaxed state. So as a very good boyfriend, he becomes a little more watchful of over and probably ends up leaving early to take care of Diluc and will not let anyone else Diluc like this.
ABSOLUTELY THIS MAN CALLS IN SICK FOR WORK when diluc refuses to get up and off him. Oooooh nooooo he can't get up.
Kaveh is absolutely pissed that Haitham not only has a beautiful man resting on top of him but that he can skip work because of said, beautiful man.
But at the same time. He can't find fault in it. Which does, in fact. Piss him off more.
Now. Ayato. He's a bastard? We clear on that? Ok good. He is someone who would encourage Diluc to drink. Maybe not if he was aware of an allergic/intolerant, but still. He absolutely finds drunk Diluc adorable. And honestly, he wants Diluc to feel comfortable about him. He wants Diluc to just be himself and he gets that when Diluc is drunk.
He likes when Diluc just holds on to him and demands his affection. He likes Diluc just being there. He likes listening to Diluc talk about birds in that funny Mondstadt Accent. But he never pushes it too far because funny enough. Ayato, out of everyone, is probably one of the few most concerned about Diluc's physically healthy. I mean dude lost his family to sickness, so in the back of his head, I'm sure he's always a little worried about illnesses and is the type to take a cold seriously.
Now he is the one of the group who actually still has a responsibility to take care of so staying in bed for a day or more isn't really something he can afford to do. But he would constantly be checking in on Diluc, making sure that he is ok. Probably getting ready to be scolded by Diluc when he does wake up. But Diluc will always get the best care.
Now Childe is the one who honestly keeps forgetting that Diluc can't drink. And as a Fantasy Russian stereotype, he thinks a little firewater cures a lot of stuff.
So just forgets Diluc can't hold alcohol. And just tends to put it up into things. The next thing Childe knows, Diluc is laughing at stupid jokes he never would, and he's getting really close and touchy. And he's confused for like a full minute but happy until he suddenly remembers. Oh no
So he instantly goes into caretaker mode and tries to sober him up really fast. And while Childe loves Diluc being affectionate like this, he knows Diluc not going to be happy with him when he wakes, do he does his best to damage control and gather up all the affection he can get before he gets put into the dog house.
I do want to say he is better when he and Diluc are at parties, and he will take any drink Diluc feels pressured to have. It's just like the daily little things he forgets about.
Eula breaks things.
How can I say this? She already thinks Diluc is adorable. Especially in why he doesn't seem to know how to express his affection. She is constantly taken down by how adorable this serious and scary-looking man is.
So Diluc starting to smile more and holds onto her arm. And looking like he's going to cry when she has to go.
Eula just can't handle it. She breaks anything in her hand. Probably punches all at one point. And defiantly gets him home the moment someone gets close to him.
Ok, so he would totally be clueless. But absolutely happy that Diluc is being so sweet.
It would probably be Kuki that notices something is off. And probably ends up subtly implying to itto that He should take Diluc home and that Diluc might not be feeling well. Which would send itto off in the other direction getting him a little worried and overprotective.
And it would frustrate Diluc because he couldn't just be clingy and get his affection.
"You really should get some rest!"
"No! I just. Itto!"
"It's important you not well!"
"Damnit, Itto! I'm just a little drunk. I ... I just wanna be close for a bit."
"... Oh."
Of course, Itto becomes the biggest cuddles buddy which makes Diluc the happiest.
OK so. Lightweight supremacy. Seriously they both would get drunk so easily. And they would become that overly affectionate together. Absolutely mushy and romancy when they are drunk together. And it be totally disgusting. They would be all over each other.
And I can't help but think that Kaveh's ego would inflate MAJORLY. I mean, heck, he had Diluc Ragnvindr on his arm. I think it would be very hard for anyone to keep their ego under control.
So he's writing notes all over the message boards about how great his Diluc is.
And the next morning, when he's sobered up He probably has to have Al Haitham help him to get Diluc off of him. And it really just breaks Kaveh's heart. But he's gotta work. He would also be pretty worried seeing Diluc sleep so much so. Checking in a lot more and getting Al Haitham to check in or someone.
Ah, yes, the male wife. He probably is like Albedo and really does his best to make sure Diluc doesn't drink. But he knows that there is a social situation where there is pressure too. So he always has a place ready for Diluc when he comes home.
Warm tea, blankets and cuddles, and even medicine if he needs it. Definitely is probably one of the few who tries to get Diluc put at a reasonable hour but fails. And then gets trapped by Diluc.
So still a good ending.
So Xiao is the king of over protection club. So seeing Diluc inebriated would put that protective instinct into overdrive, and every bad thing that could happen to Diluc would cross his mind, and he would not have any of it.
So he pull Diluc out of that situation. But then
He's stuck with this bubbly and clingy version of his boyfriend. And He's already not great with physical affection, but Diluc gets so sad now when he pulls away. He just really has no clue what to do but accept it. Definitely does take Diluc back to the in and ask for their help. They do recognize that Diluc is drunk and help Xiao with ready food, water, and a bed, but Diluc really just wants to stay with Xiao.
"It's cold. You should go in."
"It's nice, And I wanna stay out with you."
"You're very stubborn when you're like this."
"No... It's fine."
This is one of the few cases where Zhongli shuts the fuck up and lets Diluc just ramble on and on. As Diluc does get more talky when drunk. So Zhongli is very content to listen to Diluc as he rambles and talks while holding onto Zhongli's arm.
It's so sweet to him, but definitely makes sure Diluc drinks plenty of water.
"Come on dear. I think it is time we got you home?"
"Huh? Already?"
"Yes. You'll need some water and rest."
"Oh. Ok. If you say so."
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thekaiqueen · 6 months
Kaveh: hey, do you like trees?
Kaveh: because if a cat-
Kaveh: if a cat got stuck in a tree
Kaveh: like... in a tree..
Kaveh: if you were a cat stuck in a tree
Kaveh: you'd be a... cat?
Kaveh: i forgot the pick up line
Diluc: it's okay
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zephyraes · 7 months
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400 x 400
Please credit if used!
requested by anonymous!!
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tysm anon!! <3
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nyxicnymph · 9 months
Finally finished this fic! Kaveluc and Dadluc in the same fic plus my weird love of building houses as a plot device.
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noctuafought · 4 months
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ship bias
[ 🔥 ]  ──  *  @resolutepath  ⸤ send ‘ship bias’ and i will share up to 5 ships ⸣
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kaveluc / kaveh
cynoluc / cyno
wrioluc / wriothesley
neuluc / neuvillette
capluc / capitano
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thekaiqueen · 5 months
Kaveh: You know what rhymes with perfection?
Kaveh: Diluc.
Tighnari: No it doesn’t-
Kaveh, slamming his fist on the table: YES IT DOES
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meili-sheep · 9 months
The harem's and the kids reaction to Crepus being back and making Diluc cry
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You guys really like making me work, huh.
But let's just get one thing clear: the Kids know what a good dad looks like because Diluc has given them that. So them seeing how Crepus treated Diluc would kill them. Because of the way Diluc talks about his father, they thought Diluc had learned his loving naturing character from his father, but it was more like Diluc had learned what not to do.
Diona would be literally plotting murder. While Bennett probably trying to get her and Razor under control, Fischl trying to pull Diluc away, and Klee pulls the boss move and cries to her mom.
Which I feel. Alice is final boss material if you hurt her kid's feelings.
Now, for the Harem, we are gonna speed run this because a lot of them are very protective.
Albedo: He's calling Alice again.
Al Haitham: Make Crepus cry with a brutally honest review of Crepu's own parenting or something else he's proud of.
Ayato: Probably takes something exceedingly hurtful that Crepus said and turns it against him. Definitely has people stalking Crepus and making him as uncomfortable as physically possible.
Childe: Diluc probably has to physically hold him from stabby time
Eula: Definitely plots her revenge. A way for Crepus to publicly embarrass himself. Or explode his poor parenting to the public.
Itto: Crepus gets in Ushi to the face.
Kaveh: Probably shouts at Crepus and explains how Diluc is perfect.
Thoma: I'm pretty sure Thoma's disappointment is lethal to anyone
Xiao: Xiao normally doesn't care about mortal but it honestly would be stabby time v2.
Zhongli: Probably see this as Crepus breaking the agreement he forge with Diluc when he brought Diluc into the world so maybe a little wrath of the rock.
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thekaiqueen · 6 months
Fischl: H-how do you ask someone out?
Kaveh: Well, first-
Diluc: Don't ask him, he asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Fischl: …And you said yes?
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meili-sheep · 1 year
As a Diluc simp and former main (I use Dehya, SORRY MY BELOVED 😭😭😭) I really love your Diluc Harem!
I wonder how the harem will react if Diluc got kidnapped, how do they find out and save him?
Sorry I'm just craving for Diluc contents 🥲
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So you aren't going to find me throwing stones. Because I love Diluc and Dehya. And in particular, I put them together as Pyro Claymore siblings. And, of course, with little sister Xinyan.
Of course. Let's get to the Harem.
First off, let's make it clear Diluc being kidnapped is rare. There probably were a few attempts when he was a kid, so he's a little desensitized. But honestly, to really kidnap him, they will need to knock him out and probably keep him knocked out. And probably needs to be through a sedative.
Albedo is a knight of Favonius, and while his priority is studying Alchemy. He still is a knight.
When the knights get the ransom letter. Albedo is already setting in motion his plan for punishment. And way to prevent it from happening again. You see, Albedo isn't really a person who gets angry. But when he is, his anger is very, cold, very calculated, and every action he takes is well thought out to deal with the problem that has angered him. And there is no mercy. You've put so much effort into getting him this angry it's only fair you get its full effects.
So he would act as the Mediator between the Knights and the Treasure Hoards and act like he's going to go pay them the ransom. But the minute he sees (sedated) Diluc and Puts him into some form of safety. He will unleash hell.
Moment of birth? More Like a Moment of death. Megadeath.
And he probably gets Jean to assign someone to watch the Dawn manor afterward. Maybe even being a "personal" bodyguard for a bit.
Al Haitham
So I see this more as someone trying to get to Al Haitham through Diluc. And we know how Al Haitham feels about indirect actions. And I generally think the moment Al Haitham gets a bad feeling, he starts planning for the worst-case scenario. So when he gets the note saying, "We have your lover," He already has a plan and an idea of who it is.
So the upset scholars or old Sages only have like an hour after Al Haitham gets the note before he's there in front of them. And not happy.
Because they have wasted their time, Diluc's time, and his own. He would again probably work closely with Cyno and make a few... requests. Regarding proper punishment. Maybe even getting Nahida involved.
So again, this is probably the Nobushi trying money or something from the Yashiro commission.
Like Ayato. He's an asshole. And partly, he's intentionally an asshole. But he is a master of the game. "Fuck around and Find Found."
Because here is the thing. He wouldn't really be politically limited. He could totally go to Tenryou commission and be like. "I am going to hunt some nobushi because they have interfered with Yashiro matter." And what's Kujou gonna do??? Stop him??? So hell is coming and it's coming with a smile.
And the thing. Ayato would let them live and eventually had them over to Kujou. Just to keep things friendly. But he would still probably... Make some agreements with Sara.
Diluc? Oh, he's getting majorly spoiled afterward. Also a bodyguard that follows him back to Mondstadt just to give Ayato "Piece of mind."
Do you know how to spell the word DEAD? Because I do. And anyone that touches Diluc will learn.
Afterward, Diluc had to deal with Fatui patrolling the winery afterward. And if it was the Fatui. haha Oops! Childe accidentally destroyed the whole base.
So this is another treasure hoard case.
But the moment She gets the note, she doesn't waste or really think. Eula will absolutely act almost instantly. She will hunt them like dogs. And she would personally drag them back, probably getting Amber to escort Diluc home while she deals with the Hoards.
From there, she probably takes up duties as his personal bodyguard for a bit. Because it's revenge for worrying her so much.
I can see there even being a chance where Diluc just offers he a job as his bodyguard if she's really that worried, but I don't know if she would take it or not as much as she (and I) would love it.
This is a tough one because, well, I have trouble seeing how Itto would even know Diluc got kidnapped. If fact, I can see him being mistaken as a kidnapper.
But let's say that maybe Itto is going to see Diluc but see some Nobushi dragging a pass-out Diluc away. It might take a second for it to click. But I feel he would be terrified because Itto's really not the type who gets mad, per say.
I think he definitely would remind people he's an Oni, though. And He'd do everything in his power to make sure Diluc gets back safely, even if it means he has to go and beg Sara for help.
So I definitely see Kaveh trying to pay off the people who kidnapped Diluc. Digging himself deep in debt. But of course, they wouldn't give Diluc back. Because they've milked money out of Kaveh, it's time to milk the Winery itself.
But Kaveh would instantly go to Cyno and Al Haitham for help. If Diluc was in trouble, he'd absolutely give up any pride. And while I think he's strong and he knows he can take care of himself. He's not a fighter. So he'd ask people for help.
Then afterward big himself into EVEN MORE DEBT to pay Dehya to be Diluc's bodyguard.
Thoma doesn't not ask a lot of Kamisato siblings. Even if they ask him to. They want to help him to ask friends. But he's not the type to ask for anything. He much rather is the one helping.
So when he comes in on hands and knees begging for their help in safely reducing Diluc. They both would give it their all. And Diluc would be home before the day's end.
To be honest the whole of Rito would probably get together to save Diluc just for Thoma's sake. And After they would see that both Diluc and Thoma would get any care they need.
I do not know what to tell you
Because first off. Xiao would never allow this to happen. NEVER. Second. If it did happen. Their head would be disconnected from their bodies so fast it wouldn't be funny.
So Do you wanna meet Morax?
Because that's how you meet Morax. Like Zhongli does his best to live a happy and peaceful life. But if you wanna see the Geo Archon? Then that's how you see the Geo Archon. Probably Dragon form and all.
And he might even stay like that for a bit and just cuddle around Diluc. Big lizard around the tiny warm boyfriend. Very sweet. Very good.
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meili-sheep · 1 year
I feel the need to sort of explain Al Haitham in my Kavehluc.
Because, like how I feel, you can't separate Kaeya and Diluc. You can't separate Al Haitham and Kaveh. I think Al Haitham is the type who doesn't need a romantic relationship. He thinks of it as a risky bonus. That maybe if the right person comes along, he could see himself being in a relationship of that nature. But he wouldn't really classify himself as 'on the market.' But he is very Asexual/Aromantic. He sees Kaveh as a platonic soulmate. And when Kaveh's life is going well, Al Haitham also feels better. Like Kaveh is "his person," the one he feels most comfortable and safest around.
He is just a 3rd wheel in any romantic relationship with Kaveh. And that's funny to me. Diluc is a middle ground between Diluc and Kaveh in being rational and a bit of a loner but also highly empathic and kind. So Al Haitham would probably like him, and he would look at Diluc and say
"You can't break up with his one."
"Excuse me? Who are you to---"
"I like him. Don't break up with him."
And then he just dips.
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meili-sheep · 1 year
How do you think Diluc’s harem would react to someone flirting with Diluc?
/nf I don’t even know if your still doing these things 🧍
I am always up for more Diluc Harem! I am sorry this is so late. I've been in the last hour of school, and it's been a weird "stop AND NOW RUN!" I have been nearly forgetting everything. But I put alarms on my phone for a reason!
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See, Albedo is probably one of the more confident people here. And like real confidence. Not prideful, and not faux confidence. Real pure confidence.
So someone flirting with Diluc would be totally unphased. But he might start taking not to see what Diluc is respective to. Because he knows Diluc would not be respected at all and does his best to shut it down. But if there is a slight reaction, Albedo would like to know and then try the line himself because if it managed to break through Diluc's defense with a strange what would happen if he said?
And Albedo loves nothing more than Diluc's reactions.
Ayato is a little more jealous. He does try not to because he trusts Diluc. But he's just a little more possessive. So while his initial reaction is to be annoyed, he sort of likes seeing Diluc get a little aggressive and put people down. He'd probably watch a moment, and then if the person would not give up, he would probably step in and just kiss Diluc in front of everyone. Much to Diluc's great embarrassment, but Diluc's not gonna protest that much. He's just gonna need a moment that Ayato will happily accompany.
So Childe is impuslive. He kind of just does a lot of stuff without thinking. But he's also a little clueless about certain things. So it would take him a minute to realize that someone is flirting with Diluc. It probably would end up with them getting touchy with Diluc.
And well depending on the touch, there might be a lost hand. But that would totally be passed on Diluc's comfort and reaction enough. Because you can't tell me Childe isn't a King of respecting boundaries. Like He just pulls out a knife and diluc just gives him a look that says "No don't kill him, but you can kick him out" and Childe is just a happy puppy he picks up this person and literally drops the kids them out.
So Eula is a little more insecure. And has this thing about not wanting to taint Diluc's image with her name. So she would just sit quietly. And just a little sad. But Diluc would quickly notice and probably ignore whoever was flirting with him and go sit and have a good time with Eula.
Now if Childe is a dumb golden retriever boyfriend Itto is 10x worst. He would totally not realize the person is flirting with Diluc and would actively join in thinking they are just talking bout how great Diluc is. And he would get so super into it and just energetic that I think the person flirting would just give up. Because they just can not match Itto's energy and just pure love.
So we all know Kaveh has a lot of pride. And I think that would extend to his pride in being a good boyfriend. So he combined with his total faith in Diluc as the "sweet person," He would really only feel the end to outdo the person in flirting.
And While I think he's a little awkward and dramatic at times, it's all charming because he's simply so passionate and care so much. Diluc probably liked that best about Kaveh, just how much he can care and keep caring despite how hurt he might get.
So there isn't a lot to say here because Thoma's just a sweet guy, and he and Diluc would just both kind of ignore the person flirting until they got the message.
It might be a little different afterward, with Thoma feeling like he needs to give Diluc more attention and affection because clearly, people haven't noticed that Diluc's in a relationship with him.
Xiao is the kind of person who tolerates other people for Diluc. But he would not tolerate someone flirting or touching Diluc. So the moment it starts the person flirting with Diluc would just feel a murderous aura. And see the Adeptus just glaring at them from probably like a rafter or something and then they leave, letting Xiao take their seat. While Diluc just chuckles to himself.
Now Zhongli has age and confidence on his side. But he'd take an interest in new flirting techniques and, like Albedo would watch a moment before going up to the person flirting with Diluc and asking them questions. Definitely does a "back in my day" line and tries an old pick up line on Diluc. Which to be fair, it is only effective because Zhongli is using it.
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meili-sheep · 1 year
diluc ships reactions to him stealing/wearing their clothing?
So let me repeat my Diluc body type headcanons.
He's about 5'10 with a very Dorito shape, so broad shoulders, and a tiny waist. So he honestly does need some tailoring as a lot of general-sized clothing is pretty ill-fitting on him.
I think he's also pretty sensitive to clothing. And he has one of those closets that's 90 thousand of the same 3 items. The only way he gets variation is Adelinde. So borrowing isn't really something he does on purpose. But the kicker is. Diluc in the morning is bearly functioning so you know things happen.
I might also include the headcanon of other's body types here too
So Albedo is a lot smaller and thinner than Diluc. Much more rectangle-shaped. So Diluc can't wear t a lot of Albedo's things. That doesn't mean Albedo doesn't often put his jacket around Diluc. Or that he even got into sewing to make Diluc things. Like, I swear, this guy sewed just to make Diluc his safety gear.
Albedo does have a habit of drawing Diluc. Especially when Diluc is not paying attention. So what ends up happening. is Albedo will lay his coat on Diluc while he naps. Then ends up drawing it.
He has a whole notebook of sleeping Diluc.
Al Haitham
So this is one of the few who is similarly built to Diluc and is either just as broad or broader than Diluc. So Diluc can actually wear Al Haitham's clothes.
And let's be honest, these are two autistic people. And I bet they have similar issues with clothing. So there is probably quite a bit of mutual clothing stealing because they both just don't care and just wear what's comfortable. Al Haitham has also made Diluc a music player and headphones.
Though I do think Al Haitham has a bit of a moment when he sees Diluc in his very, very form-fitting shirt for the first time. He um might buy a few more that are a bit looser just for Diluc to borrow. He doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
So as a guy who is very proud of his culture and traditions. Seeing Diluc in anything remotely Inazuma fashion. It's a pretty critical hit. And like traditional Inazuma wear is like a major hit on his heart. So sort of by extension of the Diluc in his clothing would be great for him
Ayato is a lot slimmer than Diluc.
So nothing is close to fitting. And I think Ayato realized that after one morning when Diluc tried to accidentally put on his shirt and realized his mistake when he couldn't button it. Ayato nearly pulled Diluc back into bed but didn't because of how sleepy Diluc was. He did end up buying a set of clothing similar to his style that fit Diluc just to see it.
So Childe's still not as broad as Diluc but not as slime as Ayato is. So Diluc actually can nearly get to the top. And Childe loves watching Diluc fumble sleepily around trying to get his shirt to fit. And he really likes how tight it is. And you know, with the strap on Childe's shirt. Certain parts of Diluc get a little accentuated. And Childe would let him walk around like that if he wasn't a pretty jealous person.
But outside of that he pretty frequently puts his jacket over Diluc's shoulder. Mostly when he sees Diluc napping or when he looks cold. He might be jealous but he's also very caring and honestly would give Diluc the shirt off his back.
So there is a decent size difference between the pair. Though I do think Eula is rather ripped. But something that Diluc noticed a while ago was how they have a similar style of gloves. So while this isn't really cloth stealing, he totally had a pair of gloves made that used Eula's color.
When Eula finally noticed it, he got really remembrance and just muttered something about wanting to match and tried to run away. But she totally wouldn't let him. And as his punishment, he hands to hold her hand.
Ok, so where this is another situation where Diluc and easily fits, and honestly, it's actually baggy on him. Itto doesn't, um, really where a lot.
He has definitely given Diluc his coat in the rain, not realizing Diluc normally carries an umbrella with him.
Though I think Kuki has tried to get, Itto to wear something more, probably for a trial or something, and Diluc's worn that. And Itto nearly lost it with how cute Diluc looked. He probably got more shirts and things so Diluc could wear them.
So I feel Kaveh is actually the closest to Diluc. Probably a little thinner, but yea. Diluc probably alls perfectly between Kaveh and Diluc. But Kaveh defiantly buys clothing for Diluc... All the time. And he probably steals Diluc's clothing all the time. Diluc has totally lost a jacket or two to Kaveh.
Now we are back to sleep Diluc and image sleep Diluc with Kaveh's very, very open shirt.
Kaveh definitely enjoy it for like .2 seconds until he noticed Diluc starting to leave because NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.
Ah, so you know what. Thoma probably smells really nice, and Diluc has absolutely stolen Thoma's little jacket. Because it's just comforting. And when Thoma was looking for his jacket, he found Diluc cuddled up with it. He probably just gave up on the jacket and got a new one.
He probably does make Diluc a lot of hats and scarves too. All of which Diluc loves and wears all the time.
So again there is a big size difference between Xiao and diluc. I imagine Xiao has a runner or sprinter's body so thin looking but absolutely ripped. And he doesn't really wear extra layers because I don't imagine he really every gets cool and stuff.
Diluc has given him his jacket before.
And Xiao had to ask around about what he should do with the jacket. He probably still has it not that Diluc minds. And he ended up giving Diluc a nice coat that General Kapisas made that he'd been holding on too.
So Diluc can definitely fit into Zhongli's clothing. But I feel Zhongli wears a particular type of fabric the Diluc hates. It's too smooth and silk, and he feels it catches on his skin. So he hates it. He can barely handle touching Zhongli's clothing sometimes.
But Zhongli being the money spender he is defiant and buys sent of clothing that is comfortable for him and in a style he likes but also Is something Diluc likes. It is his special cuddle outfit. (That Childe paid for)
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thekaiqueen · 9 months
Diluc: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Kaveh: It was autocorrect.
Diluc: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Kaveh: Yes.
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meili-sheep · 1 year
Idk if anyone ever asked this but if Diluc turned into a kid/de-aged
Can the harem take care of him well? I forgot how well some are good with kids or not 🗿
So here is my ranking with Diluc for the harem with Diluc's kids. Because this does generally cover how good they are with kids which will play a factor here. But Honestly, with a child Diluc, I think they would try to be a little better.
So Albedo having Klee does make him at least well versed in how to care for children. And He probably has some of the best support in taking care of a child than some of the others.
As for Diluc de-aging. He probably would instantly go to alchemist mode over caretaker and try and find out why this happened to Diluc. Granted, a baby Diluc can only take this for so long. And he would probably just get tired and either wander off without Albedo noticing or just fall asleep. Either way, it worries Albedo, so he ends up going into big brother mode and is very gentle in taking care of Diluc by either preparing a good nap spot for him or finding him and promising to play with him or do whatever he wants. And after that i feel Albedo would realize that when Diluc truly was a child, he didn't get a full childhood. So he'd do all he could to give him at least one day he can remember forever.
Al Haitham
Now Al Haitham was one of the worst with kids. And that wouldn't change much; only Diluc, as a child, is still a little adult. So it would take a moment for Al Haitham to remember. Oh, Children aren't supposed to act like this.
So I think he'd probably start doing things his grandma did for him. Probably break out her old recipes and read Diluc stories that she would use to read him. And it would generally end up warming Al Haitham to the idea of children.
Especially children with like Diluc.
Ayato is also in the "bad with kids" party. He's slightly better than Al Haitham just because he does have a younger sister, and he has Thoma. And he would call on Thoma here, but he would be a little more frustrated that he couldn't take care of Diluc himself.
So he would take time and make an effort to play with Diluc. He'd probably still say something that would make Diluc burst out into tears. Which would make Ayato feel terrible, something he's very not used too.
So this is the number one with the kids. And would honestly be the most hyped for a baby Diluc. Partly because he just wanted to see what Diluc was like as a baby. But is surprised and also not when little Diluc just wants to wander off and read books. I think he's good enough he'd get Diluc to open up to him. So that would be nice but also a little sad.
Either way, they both have a good time and honestly, it probably pushed Childe to want kids with diluc events more.
This was the surprise of the high rank, and honestly? She would take the time with little Diluc to probably heal her inner child. So they would go out and do all the things she wanted to do as a kid, and while Diluc is a little hesitant at first her happiness, probably rubs off on him and he ends up having a great time and really enjoys himself. He would say it but it would defiantly heal his inner kid too.
So I think it would take a while for Itto to realize that that new Kid is Diluc. So he would just be treating it as a new little playmate! Though little Diluc would be a lot shyer, than the kid's he's used to, and Itto would probably really overwhelm Diluc. And honestly, taking care of Diluc would probably fall to Kuki.
Itto would still try, and Diluc would slowly warm up. Itto would take too much out of him and be very hard for him to play with. So Itto, while generally good with Kids, would not be good with Diluc as a kid.
Ok, So you can't tell me Kaveh would instantly go into Mama bird mode. Like seriously, he is only a few ranks below Thoma and Childe in the Male wife category, with his only weakness being spending too much. And he would get Diluc a whole bunch of kids things like new clothing, toys and candies, and anything he might need. Definitely makes sure he's having fun and that he's well taken care of. Definitely bullies Al Haitham in giving up a bedroom for Diluc.
Probably the one Diluc ends up being the most comfortable with as a kid. As he would be the right balance of adult and fun.
Thoma is a close second, and he only flatters because he's a little more hesitant with a kid Diluc mostly because I like the childhood friends thing with them. So Thoma would know some of what happened and would know the Diluc as a childe would be a delicate thing. So he'd hesitated and probably look into getting Diluc help first.
But honestly, he warmed up a little more. He defiantly would become a great, responsible adult for Diluc to rely on.
He was another low rank in dealing with kids. And still would be here. He defiantly would take Diluc to the other Adepti. Since Cloud retainer does have experience with Children. But I feel she's a little harsh, and Xiao would probably take care and probably just take tips from Zhongli and Venti about taking care of kids, and it would sort of turn into Archons and a baby. With to everyone's heartbreak, Xiao being Diluc's favorite. because he's quite strong, and Diluc would feel totally safe with him.
Raising Kids before taking care of Diluc would be no issue for Diluc. Honestly it would be a bit weird because Diluc would be a little clingy with Zhongli, so he'd end up taking him to work with him and yeah Diluc would be hugging Zhongli's Leg or sitting in his lap while talking to clients, and it would be a little strange. But probably turn out while.
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thekaiqueen · 10 months
Alhaitham, to Diluc: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Kaveh, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
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