author-a-holmes · 23 days
Top 5 movies you've seen for the first time in the past few years?
Oooo! Tough one. I watch more tv series than movies, but I think I can probably grab five movies I've seen for the first time in the last 3 years...
Boss Level (2020) with Frank Grillo and Naomi Watts
The Lost City (2022) with Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum
Mr. Right (2015) with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick (I picked this one up because I love Anna Kendrick, but I loved Rockwell in Mr. Right so much that I went and looked at other his other films, which led me too...)
The Best of Enemies (2019) with Sam Rockwell and Taraji P. Henson And last but not least, the film that helped spark the inspiration for the Kavians in my novel Changeling...
Dark Waters (2019) with Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway
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ramses-caesar · 10 months
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Kavian Borhani
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dolerme · 2 years
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victor maxner and rayan anan by kavian borhani for fucking young!
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"It seems like a new Silicon Valley startup could change the face of the battery industry forever by utilizing 3D printers to print solid-state batteries.
Solid-state batteries have advantages over lithium-ion because they aren’t flammable, they’re more easily recycled, work in extreme cold, and have greater energy density.
Solid-state batteries have traditionally been difficult to machine manufacture. But by using 3D printing arrays filled with powder, Sakuu systems can make these batteries not only using 40% less material, but in almost any shape the customer might want.
An electric bike could be powered by a battery that hugs a section of the central chassis, or a smartphone’s battery could run all the way around the frame of a circuit board. These unorthodox shapes are just one of the many advantages that Sakuu believe they can offer.
“Many people have built cells in the lab, but they have not been able to scale,” Sakuu CEO and founder Robert Bagheri told Fast Company. “Our vision started with that scalability in mind.”
The array, known as a Kavian, is much smaller than the traditional, “roll to roll” battery manufacturing methods, and because the powder loaded into the 3D printers can be extremely precise, there’s a 40% reduction in materials usage—a huge cost savings over competitors.
The batteries they print can be charged to 80% in just 15 minutes.
Because they can be printed in any shape, all kinds of clever innovations are possible, in all kinds of industries from e-mobility products to wearables and small devices. The company is even working with an aviation company that wants solid-state batteries for their aircraft with holes through the middle of it to help with heat management."
-via Good News Network, 2/27/23
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eddy25960 · 11 months
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Kavian Borhani photography
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victorluvsalice · 3 months
Sims 4 Wednesday -- Potential Tiny Town Challenge
Hi all! As we're between Chill Valicer Save updates this week, I wanted to talk to you about something I discovered relatively recently and have been thinking about off and on -- The Tiny Town Challenge! I first learned about this challenge through seeing a thumbnail for James Turner's version on YouTube, and, curious, tracked down the original challenge and rules to see what it was all about. You can get the full rule set and take a look at the original lot and Sims Deligracy created at the link above, but the basic gist is that you spend the challenge setting up a tiny town on a large lot (preferably 64x64) for seven Sims. Each Sim has a specific money-making skill that they must use to earn the funds to build their house on their specific sub-lot, and a favorite decor style and color that must inform what their house looks like. Each Sim is moved in individually, once the previous Sim has finished their house, and the challenge ends when all seven houses and any communal area is fully built.
I took one look at that and I was like "yeah, I'm into it." XD Both because it sounds like a fun challenge, and because it's a challenge with minimal set-up (which is the problem with the challenges I personally have come up with previously -- I think they'd be fun, but they require a loooot of prep!). Having thought about it for a bit, I have some ideas about how I'd like to do the challenge myself -- and some problems that I'm going to have to figure out before I can set this up as a potential alternate save file to the Chill Valicer Save:
-->Location: I decided relatively quickly that I'd like to do the challenge in Windenburg, setting up a little community on The Crumbling Isle (something like how Plumbob Paragon set theirs up). I almost never play in Windenburg, so I figured that setting the challenge there would be a good way to encourage me to wander around that world and see the sights. And I already have some ideas about using the other lots to make a true town out of the island -- like turning one lot into a Community Space to get a community garden going, or another lot into a retail store that a couple of the citizens run. Might be fun!
-->Citizenry: Well, you guys know me -- of course the first three residents of the tiny town would be Victor, Alice, and Smiler. However, I'm having trouble deciding on who the other residents of the town could be. The way I see it, I have two options for the rest of the group:
Option One: Add Victoria Everglot and Emily Merrimack and do a "Four Victorians Riding A Roller Coaster" polycule thing on the tiny town lot! This would be fun as it would allow for amusing and adorable polycule shenanigans...but the problem here is the color schemes. Specifically, while Smiler is fine with their primary color being Yellow, Victor, Alice, and Emily ALL suit Blue being their primary color (Victor has his blue butterfly and blue tie -- plus I've always headcanoned it as his favorite color; Alice has her iconic blue dress; and Emily has her blue -- everything), and Alice and Victoria would both suit Red (Alice has that iconic red blood splatter on her apron; Victoria has her red dress). Now, I know how I could fix this for Alice -- make her primary color Green, to match her eyes -- but I'm not sure what to do about Victor and Emily. I mean, when it comes down to it, Emily would have to get Blue, look at her, but the only other alternate colors I can think of for Victor would be Black or Grey, and that would result in a depressing-looking house. :( So yeah, bit of an issue there!
Option Two: Add my young Emmett "Doc" Brown Sim (patterned off his appearance in BTTF: The Game), a fem!Malkavian Fledgling Sim I downloaded off the Gallery (which I'm already planning on calling Mal Kavian), a Preston Garvey Sim, and my take on a Wheatley Sim to the gang and just represent pretty much all my favorite fandoms and games in one go. The bonus here is that I've got the full roster of seven Sims; as stated, I'm representing a bunch of things I enjoy, not just the primary three; and I get a tiny bit of diversity by including a black character as a primary. However, there are also a couple of issues here:
I'm not entirely sure I want to do the challenge with the full compliment of seven Sims, as I have trouble wrangling a mere three sometimes in my Chill Valicer Save. And before you ask, no, I don't have For Rent, so I couldn't turn the lot into a Residental Rental and just play one family at a time. I'd have to really fight with my own micromanaging tendencies to get this to work!
We again have color overlap issues because Victor, Preston, and Wheatley ALSO all suit the color Blue (Victor for the reasons listed above; Preston because the Minutemen have blue as their primary color scheme; and Wheatley because his eye is blue in the game). Now, admittedly, this one is a bit easier to solve -- make Preston's color Light Brown to match his iconic duster (yes, Sims 4 actually distinguishes between Light Brown and Dark Brown -- the only color that gets that distinction in the sort!), and Wheatley's White to match his core's outer shell -- but still. I am apparently obsessed with Blue characters!
Now, I can think of an interesting way to solve this dilemma -- set up two tiny towns on the Crumbling Isle on the two biggest lots, and divide the Sims so there's like five or so on each lot. (Suppose it could be like Victor, Alice, Smiler, Doc, Mal Kavian on one, and Victoria, Emily, Preston, Wheatley on another?) That does mean having to do the challenge twice, and wrangling a lot more Sims, but... *shrug* We'll see how I feel!
-->Skills, Colors, and Decors: As previously stated, all Sims have to have a specific skill that they use to fund the creation of their home, and a favorite color and decor style that should inform the look of said home. Now, the decor thing is kind of a mystery to me (I mix-and-match styles all the time when building, and I don't have Dream Home Decorator to make Sims Like specific types -- though it does occur to me that I could just fudge it by having each house just reflect their canon in some way), but I do have skills and colors almost entirely locked down for almost all of my potential citizens --
Victor: His color would be Blue (probably darker shades of such), and his money-making skill would be either Painting or Piano (though I'm leaning toward Painting because I've always headcanoned him as being more private with his music)
Alice: Her color would be Green, and her money-making skill either Painting or Writing (leaning toward Writing because I like the idea of her writing her own books)
Victoria: Her color would be Red, and her money-making skill would be either Knitting or Cross-Stitch (since we know she likes to sew from seeing her working on her blanket in the movie when Victor climbs onto her balcony)
Emily: Her color would be Blue (brighter shades), and her money-making skill would be either Flower Arranging (for her bouquet) or Gemology (for the wedding ring that starts the whole Corpse Bride mess -- it just amuses me)
Doc: His color would be Orange (as part of the BTTF logo), and his money-making skill would probably be Robotics (since it's the most sciencey-one), though I wouldn't say no to Fabrication
Mal: Her color would be Red (because, you know, vampire), and her money-making skill would be Wellness (because it deeply amuses me to have a vampire from that clan doing yoga and spa stuff)
Preston: His color would be either Blue or Light Brown (as previously stated), and his money-making skill would be either Fabrication (because he's the settlement guy, and Fabrication is a lot like how the workshops work in Fallout 4), Woodworking (the more low-tech version of that), or Archaeology (because he clearly enjoys the past, given you find him hiding in a museum and his coat is apparently looted from another one -- probably have to use a mod to make it available outside Selvadorada, though!)
Wheatley: His color would either be Blue or White (again, as previously stated), and his money-making skill would be Programming (again, because of the hilarity factor -- I mean, Wheatley CAN hack in the game, but we all know just how "good" he is at it XD)
Smiler: Their color would be Yellow, and their money-making skill --
And this is where I run into a problem, because I'm not entirely sure what to do for Smiler. Because my version of Smiler's primary thing is chemistry (or alchemy, depending on the setting), and I'm not entirely sure how to best represent that with the skills on offer. Should I do Mixology, on the basis that I heacanon they are also awesome at mixing drinks? Herbalism because that's kind of close (I have a mod that puts Granite Falls bugs in other worlds, so that's not an issue)? Do I rely on Simsonian Library's Apothecary mod and related skill because that is arguably closer that Herbalism? Or do I just fudge things by choosing Mixology or something before turning them into a spellcaster and having them focus on the Alchemy section of the spellbook? Decisions, decisions...
But yeah -- that's what I currently have in mind for any future Tiny Town-related save files I may make! Not gonna guarantee that this is gonna happen, but it's a distinct possibility. :) And if you guys have any suggestions regarding how I should do the tiny town (and what the fuck Smiler's money-making skill should be), please let me know!
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tesia-a-138 · 1 year
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Je n'ai jamais aimé à moitié. Il n'y a pas de petit et de grand amour, selon moi. Il y a l'amour ou pas l'amour...Il y a des histoires courtes ou celles qui durent, mais ce sont toutes des histoires d'amour.
Eva Kavian
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jeanchrisosme · 2 years
Je n'ai jamais aimé à moitié. Il n'y a pas de petit et de grand amour, selon moi. Il y a l'amour ou pas l'amour. Il y a les histoires courtes ou celles qui durent, mais ce sont toutes des histoires d'amour.
 Eva Kavian
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kavians-blog · 1 year
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Happy 11th monthiversary to the love of my life, Darla Clementine.
It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since we started this journey together. I'm grateful for every moment we've shared, and I'm excited for all the adventures yet to come.
You bring so much joy and light into my life, and I can't imagine a day without you by my side. You make me laugh, you inspire me to be my best self, and you love me unconditionally. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.
As we celebrate this special day, I want you to know that you mean the world to me. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my everything. I promise to always cherish you, to support you, and to love you with all my heart.
I'm sorry because I often make you feel sad or even made you cry, I often make you upset, annoyed, mad, and others. Especially nowadays. I really really sorry for that...
Thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend in the world, I'm grateful to have you. Here's to many more months of love, laughter, and happiness together.
Your boyfriend,
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gailynovelry · 2 years
🦋 and 🐱
I answered
🐱 - What are the animals like? Pets? Local fauna?
This ask applies best to Heralds of Rhimn, because Mindhive is a relatively tame future Earth in terms of animals (for now), and there are no animals in The Playwright's pocket dimension in Toybox.
Rhimn has a lot of weird animals on it. Some of them are animals from before the Immortal Reckoning, when the gods were more able to mess around with things using magic. Others are a result of the wild magic that clings to the world in the wake of the god's deaths.
Notable littul creaturs include the ashen phoenix, giant deer, jewel-like beetles, wyvern, owlcats, kvarhev (a kind of wingless dragon), and Kavian direwolves.
I have some pictures of the latter two, since they're used for transportation!
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Also, there's a court of fey who can turn into direwolves. They're called wyfwolves. It's fun.
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kcyars99 · 2 months
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Kavian gets it. Why the FQ would we ever trust Never Trumpers, or media’s endorsement of VP Harris? They’re not fooling anyone, so we’re still #BidenHarris2024
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16h ago
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Me at the media for not condemning trumps behaviors and actions but spread lies and was relentless about Bidens age and all the hews and rich white men who want him to drop out because they are ableist weak as fuck bedwetter and because they don’t want THE COUNTRY TO BE RUN BY A BLACK FEMALE
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More from @kcyars99
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author-a-holmes · 26 days
OC Questionaire Tag Game
Thank you @winglesswriter for the tag (HERE)
Tagging Forward, with no pressure, to; @cwritesfiction, @theunboundwriter, @foxys-fantasy-tales,
@acertainmoshke, @avrablake, @lassiesandiego and anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag <3
Your questions are;
What is your favourite comfort food?
What is something that your caregiver/s did for you as a child, that brings you instantly to a happy place when repeated now you're grown?
What is your least favourite form of exercise?
I'll be answering my questions for both Lizzy and Andric beneath the cut <3
What's your earliest childhood memory?
Lizzy: Flying with mum. She'd carry me through the forest, since I can't fly myself. It was... nice.
Andric: My dad teaaching me how to blur across the back lawn. I must have been about one or two years old. Something had scared me, I don't remember what exactly, and he was teaching me to run away faster than anything that might have been able to chase... Except kavians, but no one tells their kids about kavians that young.
Do you dance?
Lizzy: Uh, no. Never learnt.
Andric: Hmm. I can dance... but I do not dance.
What is a smell you cannot stand?
Lizzy: Burning Herbs. Whenever we'd go to Central City, it seemed like every stall holder was burning a different type, and the smells all mixed together until all I could make out was ash. Absolutely disgusting.
Andric: I can't tolerate neat bleach. It's too overpowering for my senses. Most vampires can handle it if watered down, but I struggle with that too.
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ramses-caesar · 10 months
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Kavian Borhani
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solo-fame · 4 months
Nationwide alert issued as Memphis U.S. Marine is missing from a Missouri base...
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eddy25960 · 11 months
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Kavian Borhani photography
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untaiankarsa · 11 months
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Halo Tsabit? Yah ini udah ending banget ya, berarti udah saatnya kita dadah dadahan. Makasih banyak udah nerima gue buat jadi member Raksa, jadi seorang Karsa. I do cherished my time in here with you and everyone. Makasih banyak udah providing rumah yang nyaman buat semuanya, gue yakin pada setuju jir sama statement ini. Lu keren banget, bener bener keren deh! Bisa bisanya solo player terus handling banyak kepala, kalo jempol gue ada 10, mungkin bakal gue kasi semuanya. Semoga kita bisa tetep temenan baik ya Tsa walaupun abis ini Raksa udah gaada. Bahagia terus dan tetap jadi Tsabit yang kaya ball of sunshine.
ㅤᅠㅤᅠㅤᅠㅤᅠㅤᅠTergurat penuh cinta, Kavian Zachariel (CHHOISOOBlN)
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