#Kawamura Tomoka
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Kawamura Tomoka (河村智華)
Alias: Chiaki (千明), Yokota Yuki (横田由貴), Usami Kotono (宇佐美ことの)
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The finale gave so many feelings, look at these pictures:
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He was crying 🥺🥺🥺
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He thanked every single one of them and made them cry, he's truly their most beloved baby.
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Momo, don't make me cry 🥺🥺🥺
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alexoreality · 2 years
Past - Princess of tennis Chapter 2
“Echizen, stay behind. I’d like to discuss something with you.” Tezuka stood in front of the net on the tennis court, Momochan-sempai had nodded and waved goodbye when (s)he had nudged his head toward the captain. 
“What is it captain? A practice match?” Ryoma hopes so, after that nightmare; she needs a distraction although she feels bad for using her captain, the ugly feeling in her heart wouldn’t disappear. 
“Not now, however.” The captain’s closed eyes slowly opened to see the reaction of his kouhai and next pillar of support. The confusion seemed to show on his(er) face, his(er) left brow slightly raised. 
“Are you perhaps keeping a secret?” Ryoma had never felt her blood run colder than before, her racket (that had its head resting on the curve of her shoulder) slipped from her grip from the pure shock and horror she was feeling. That nightmare had been a warning sign... There’s no way... Why- Why now of all- 
Tezuka was taken back from the reaction, Echizen’s posture became completely stiff all over, (s)he dropped his(er) racket and didn’t move an inch to try and grab it again. The color drained from his(er) face, now that he took a good look at it; Echizen was thinner, slimmer, and shorter than most boys his(er) age. Maybe... No, he shouldn’t torture him(er) like this if (s)he isn’t ready yet. 
“Never mind trying to explain, I have my suspicions. However, do not let that make you careless. Grow stronger.” Tezuka walked pass him(er) after clasping him on the shoulder and quickly letting go. 
‘Ho-how...?’ (S)he slowly turns his(er) head to the direction his(er) captain had walked off to. His(er) bottom lip quivered but (s)he bit it, the stinging making him(er) focus. 
Kneeling and picking up her beloved red racket from the ground. ‘Captain... Are you...disappointed?’ 
Of course, he is... This was the Pillar he chose and yet, the Pillar was apparently weak. 
Ryoma blinked away the tears as he breathed in, his(er) entire frame shaking badly, trying to calm her nerves from an emotional overload that might begin to get worse. 
‘Stop, stop it. Don’t cry. Don’t cry, goddammit!’  
Ryoma played with her food, dazed and worried. She couldn’t simply put it behind her and ignore it... When people found out she was a girl... It was all just bad... Their reactions were all of anger. Trying to protect their pride because they were defeated by a girl. They no longer saw her as the skilled tennis player they played along with. 
And when she tried joining as a girl, they expected her to become the Manager of all things. When she spoke up with wanting to play with them... They mocked her. They suggested she should stay in the kitchen and cook for all of them while they do the ‘hard’ men stuff. 
Which was winning. 
They never won a practice match. Pathetic, and they said that to her right before their final practice match. There had been a deal behind the tennis match, if the club doesn’t win, the tennis club would be disbanded. 
They lost. 
She transferred to another elementary school again. 
Again. Again. Again. 
Until she had enough and decided to move back to Japan. 
“Echizen-kun?” The girl in disguise as a boy jumped in his seat when a fellow freshman team member had tapped his(er) shoulder. 
“Woah, we surprised Ryoma-kun. Are you okay?” Kato placed his tray down on the table as he sat down. Katsuo right behind him, the only excuse Ryoma could think of was- 
“Y-yeah, just not getting enough sleep...” Ryoma let his(er) head rest on his(er) palm again, lazily eating his food. Hoping it would be enough of an excuse, the freshman regular realizes his mistake- 
“Eh?! Ryoma-sama's not sleeping well?!” The leader of the so-called ‘Ryoma fanclub’ enters the scene and is loud as ever, not that Ryoma minded but it could go a bit out of hand. 
“Ryoma-kun...” Sakuno muttered behind Tomoka, her eyes gazing at the boy worriedly. 
“Well, I have been getting sleep, just not enough!” Tomoka was frantically checking over him(er) like (s)he’ll pass out any minute. Ryoma just let her, since she was just worried. Katsuo stood up, saying that he’ll go ahead and inform the sempais, Kato was also checking everything about him. Horio commenting about his ‘2 years of experience’ and how ‘not sleeping enough’ could cause you a game or even a match. 
I do know that. It was just a lie. 
Why did everyone take it so seriously? 
End of practice and of school. As per usual, (s)he hangs out for Momo-senpai for a while before returning home. Particularly, they chose a candy shop near a park as a hang out. Momoshiro, of course, let the children pick first. The old lady who owns the small shop smiled kindly at the youngsters. 
Ryoma sat on a park bench, letting his(er) muscles relax for a while before continuing training at home. He already got his soda of choice from the vending machine nearby. He waits for his senpai who was waiting in line, kids just flock over the guy, don’t they? 
“Hey! What are you doing?!” Suddenly pulled out of his relaxed daze, Momoshiro grabbed the wrist of the punk who had hit the nice old lady. 
“Baachan, are you okay?” One of the five kids in the shop had helped the elderly woman up and the others bravely yet nervously stood in front of her. 
“Why would you do that?!” Like the pure hearted man he was, the second-year regular demanded an answer from the hostile delinquents. All of them were armed with dangerous weapons; a nailed bat, a sharp rod, and pocket knives. 
“Hey, old lady. Your grandson snitched on us didn’t he? Mh, what’s his name? Ah, forget it-” 
“So, you’re going to hurt a sweet old lady because her grandson did something to you? How pathetic.” Ryoma snarked back, throwing his(er) empty can of soda in the trash bin. “Those look dangerous, maybe put them away?” (S)he bounces the tennis ball on the side of his racket.  
“Ryoma!” Momoshiro exclaimed with a smile. Finally, some back up! 
“Like that’ll stop us from destroying this place!” The ‘leader’ of sorts charged toward the short ‘boy’. Yeah, they’re choosing the hard way out. 
Ryoma and Momo were lucky enough that they were gullible enough to lead the small group (they were only five of them) of delinquents outside to a wide area, perfect for firing tennis balls at them. 
“AHH!” One of the kids thought they could help; he had a similar white cap liker his(ers). Momoshiro commented that he saw him fire a few pebbles at them with his slingshot but alas; he was caught. 
“Kid, run!!” Momoshiro tried to do his dunk smash on the guy who was about to swing his nailed bat down on the poor scared child, who had already curled up into himself, his knees close to his chest; but he left his head vulnerable when he had hugged his knees tightly. 
Ryoma saw him(her)self. 
Ryoma dropped the tennis ball and his(er) racket. Time seemed to slow when he was dashing forward to pull the small kid into his(er) arms, Momoshiro was pinned by two other guys, the rest of the Seigaku regulars that the kids have scurried to gather finally turning the corner. 
“H-huh...?” Was the kid’s first words after the nailed bat had been brought down full force. Gazing up, the kid’s smaller hazel eyes stared into Ryoma’s pain-filled ones. “A-are you- okay-?” Short gasps of air were the ones to disrupt his voice. Ryoma felt the blood trickle down his brow, feeling it drip from the nape of his neck too. 
They were here! Ryoma breathed heavily as (s)he let go of his(er) hold on the kid and let him run back to the rest of his group, and hopefully to the old lady too. “Ochibi, an old lady said there was a fight happening and then you- Ochibi, stay with me!” Kikumaru-senpai's voice came through the ringing in his ears. 
The red-head started to panic even more when his kouhai’s head went slump on his shoulder, “Ochibi! Ochibi!” The third year was basically close to crying, there was too much blood coming out of Ryoma’s head, red doesn’t suit him at all, it was nasty! 
“Eiji, calm down! Be careful with his head too, someone call an ambulance!” Oishi kneeled down beside him as he assessed the freshman regular’s condition. Kaido kicked the last of the delinquents in the stomach, knocking him away; venting his anger when he had beaten them to a bloody pulp with Momoshiro. 
“Here, this is clean, don’t worry. I had already called for an ambulance.” Inui handed Oishi a clean cloth, his phone in hand; proof that he had already dialed for the vehicle. 
Tezuka left for his rehab, now this? Oishi felt more pressure and anxiety tying knots in his stomach- 
“Ugh...” “Oishi... His head...” A pained groan from Ryoma snaps him out of it, shaking away his thoughts, Kikumaru holds up his kouhai’s limp body when his double’s partner finally started to treat him in first aid. 
“I’m sorry...” The acting captain muttered softly when their kouhai’s brows creased together at the pain. “He’ll be fine... He’ll be fine...” Kikumaru chanted softly, what Oishi doesn’t know if it's to comfort him or the others. 
Fuji didn’t like it when Momoshiro and Kaido get violent but quite frankly, these delinquents deserved it. He took the racket from Kawamura’s hand but that didn’t seem to make the angered expression disappear from his usual soft and kind face. 
The so-called Prodigy steeled his nerves as he felt himself began to shake, from anger? Anxiety for his kouhai that he now sees as a little brother? Yearning? “He’s going to be fine. We’ll make sure of it.” 
When Ryoma woke up, the first person she sees is her dad. Nanjiro, his head and upper body leaning on her hospital’s bed side, the railing pulled down. To her right was her mom, Rinko. Having a firm grip on her hand, dried tear tracks stained her cheeks. 
Both of her parents looked tired and honest-to-god worried. 
She began recalling her memories, why she was here and what got her injured- 
Oh, oh no... 
“Dad, if my wound ends up tearing open again... Tell them who I really am... Tell them what you know of the incident in America...” 
Dear heavens... She just got kicked out the tennis club, didn’t she? Tears welled up at the corner of her eyes, her chest tight with emotion and her head starting to hurt as well. No, no! She didn’t want to be out of the club! She wanted to stay, she wanted to play tennis with those amazing players.. 
No one can just take it away from her because her tennis style was ‘girly’. 
No one can just take it from her because she plays with her long hair... 
No one can just take it from her because she’s a girl!! 
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lalinbri111 · 7 years
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shocotate · 3 years
Megumi Takamoto as Winry Rockbell
高本めぐみ (ウィンリィ・ロックベル役)
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1. What are your honest thoughts on your appearance in FMA?
I love Fullmetal! I am so happy and wonderful to have been involved in such a wonderful work.
2. What is the way of life of the character you played, and what is the strongest impression it left on you?
Communicate. Ask. This is a very important way of exchanging words to touch each other.
3. What was your favourite scene or line to perform?
The scene in episode 6, when Al and Granny talk with a sleeping Ed at his side, is one of the scenes that I have a particular attachment to.
4. Now that you have finished your long journey, is there anything you would like to say to the character you played?
I can't write very much (laughs). First of all, I want to give Winry a big hug with all my heart.
5. Do you have a message for your fans?
Everyone is here to help me do my best... I made it through. Thanks for the strength to keep going!
Megumi Takamoto (Sigma Seven) / Performances include Ushio Kazama in Sasameki Koto, Akina Kawamura in Sora no Manimani, Tomoka Fukami in Big Windup! ~Natsu no Taikai-hen~
たかもと・めぐみ(シグマ・セブン所属)/出演作品に 「ささめきこと」風間 汐役、「宙のまにまに」川村秋菜役、「おおきく振りかぶって〜夏の大会編〜」深見智花役など。
Fullmetal Alchemist Cast Message – TV Animation Fullmetal Alchemist Official Guidebook 4
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japaneseadventures · 5 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) Characters
This list was made based on the Chinese and Japanese Wikipedia entries for Prince of Tennis (2019), and the Dramawiki for the names of most of the actors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes/ have any more to add!
Legend: [CHN Character name] [Name in Chinese characters] (Actor): Original JPN Name Names with readings I'm not sure of are in italics
Yu Qing 育青 / Seishun Academy
Lu Xia 路夏 (Peng Yu Chang): Echizen Ryoma
Mu Siyang 穆司陽 (Xie Bin Bin): Tezuka Kunimitsu
Qiao Chen 喬晨 (Dong Li): Momoshiro Takeshi
Chi Dayong 池大勇 (Zhu Zhi Ling): Oishi Shuichiro
Zhuo Zhi 卓治 (Zhang Yi Jie): Fuji Syusuke
Tang Jiale 唐佳樂 (Xu Ke): Kikumaru Eiji
Yan Zhiming 嚴智明 (Li He): Inui Sadaharu
He Xinglong 賀興隆 (Fan Lin Feng): Kawamura Takashi
Zhang Baiyang 張百揚 (Wu Xu Dong): Kaidoh Kaoru
Qi Ying 齐瑛 (Song Yi Ren): Ryuzaki Sakuno
Peng Shang 彭湘 (Lu Jia): Osakada Tomoka
Huang Jing 黃靖 (Yu Kai Ning): Combination of Arai, Sasabe, etal
Ma Xiuwen 馬修文 (Zhang Ke Yuan)
A Mu 阿穆 (Li Jun Zheng)
Qi Na 齐娜 (He Jia Yi): Ryuzaki Sumire
Lu Xiangqian 路向前 (Wu Qi Jiang): Echizen Nanjiroh
Hao Dahe 郝大河 (Jin Yu Bo):  Yamato Yudai
Yu Hang 育航 / Gyokurin
Bu Zhongchuan 钟歩川 (Jin Hao Chen): Fukawa Kimiyoshi
Wu Quan 吴泉 (Zhang Hang [YOUNG-G]): Izumi Tomoya
Yu Feng 玉峰 / Fudoumine:
Xu Ziping 徐子平 (Chen Shang Ze): Tachibana Kippei
Yan Jiang 燕江 (Wang Yong Feng): Sakurai Masaya
Shi Tienan 旋铁男 (Yang Chen Yi): Ishida Tetsu
Sima Yiwu 司马亦武 (Kong Chui Nan): Ibu Shinji
Shen Weiming 申伟明 (Liu Cheng Lin): Kamio Akira
Chen Desen 陈德森 (Gu Yu): Mori Tatsunori
Wei Kefei 韦克飞 (Ming Peng): Uchimura Kyosuke
Xu Xingzi 徐杏子 (Sun Jia Yu): Tachibana An
Xing Yao 星耀 / Hyotei Academy
Ji Jingwu 纪景梧 (Ren Yan Kai): Atobe Keigo
Hua Chonghong 华崇宏 (Yu An): Kabaji Munehiro
Hu Liangliang 胡亮亮 (Yang Ze): Shishido Ryo
Song Ci 宋慈 (Shi Zi Xun): Akutagawa Jiroh
You Shixing 游世星 (Fan Xiao Dong): Oshitari Yuushi
Yue Yang 岳阳 (Gao Xin): Mukahi Gakuto
Ji Nuo 吉诺 (Jiang Xin Qi): Hiyoshi Wakashi
Feng Zhiyuan 冯志远 (Jin Zhong Xi): Ootori Choutaro
Coach Fu 付教錬 (Tian Jia Da): Sakaki Tarou
No. 3 (Shisan) High School 市三 / Yamabuki
Ya Jiuxin 亚久辛 (Wang Yan Yang): Akutsu Jin
Shen Qianshi 沈千石 (Lou Ming): Sengoku Kiyosumi
Nan Jianzhi 南建知 (Liu Yu Feng): Minami Kentarou
Tan Yitai 谭一泰 (Huang Xing Yuan): Dan Taichi
Fang Yadong 方亚东 (Peng Gang): Higashikata Masami
Ma Lintao 马林涛 (Zhang Yuan Kun): Muramachi Tohji
Coach Tian 田��練 (Hong Wei): Banda Mikiya
Chen Huijing 陳慧敬 (Yang Cai Ying): Akutsu Sayuri
Guo Zi 國子 / St. Rudolph
Zhuo Yu 卓宇 (Zhao Zi Qi): Fuji Yuuta
Guan Yue 关岳 (Lan Bo): Mizuki Hajime
Qiao Ze 乔泽 (Liu Ming Kai): Akazawa Yoshiro
Ling Tian 梁田 (Jerry Chang): Kaneda Ichiro
Liu Zecheng 刘泽成 (Tang Xiang En): Yanagisawa Shinya
Qin Yifei 秦一婓 (Deng Zhi Yuan): Kisarazu Atsushi
No. 6 (Di Liu) 第六 / Rokkaku
Kui Jian 奎建 (Lei Ming): Aoi Kentaro
Yu Zifeng 余子风 (Fu Yan Zhang): Kurobane Harukaze
Lin Xiyan 林希彦 (Yao Jun Zhe): Itsuki Marehiko
Tian Ye 田野 (Wang Hao Yu): Amane Hikaru
Zuo Xiaohu 左小虎 (Li Zheng Jun): Saeki Kojiro
Mu Jinliang 穆金亮 (Zhai Xu): Kisarazu Ryo
Liu Muyun/Mr. Six 劉牧雲/六爷 (Hou Tong Jiang): Oji
Hai Guang 海广 / Rikkaidai
Bai Shiting 白市廷 (Ren Yun Jie): Yukimura Seiichi
Tian Zilong 田子龙 (Xiang Yun Long): Sanada Genichiro
Ke Jie 柯杰 (Tan Xu): Jackal Kuwahara
Liu Lian 柳濂 (Wang Yi Bo): Yanagi Renji
Jin Wentai 金文太 (Cao Jun Xiang): Marui Bunta
Yuan Chi 袁驰 (Shen Qi): Kirihara Akaya
Wang Yaren 王雅人 (Xu Rui Lin): Nioh Masaharu
Lu Sheng 吕胜 (Li Shu Ren): Yagyuu Hiroshi
Ying Cai 英才 / Ginka
Xiang Jingtian 向静天 (Chen Peng Wan Li): Fukushi Michiru
Chen Dahai 陈大海 (Ma Wenchao)
Lin Ye 林叶 (An Zi Yang)
Other Characters
Sha Sha 沙莎 (Liu Yong Xi): Shiba Saori
Li Na 李娜 (Li Na) [Bookstore owner]
Jiang 姜 (Jiang Shang): Tatsugoro [Racquet repair man]
*(2020.03.11) Fixed typo on Bai Shiting's actor name. Thanks to @tsunaminh for pointing it out!
*(2020.03.16) Fixed Ji Nuo's name! Thanks to @rlkkai for pointing it out!
*(2020.04.08) Fixed typo in Lu Xiangqian's name
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nuisancehelicopter · 4 years
tenipuri baseball au
Tezuka and Fuji are from the Senior League but they never met each other in middle school because they were from different districts. Their potential was about the same. Tezuka hid his injury for most of their 2nd year though because the senpai catcher made him pitch too many forkballs and splitters. Fuji still thinks he’s no match for Tezuka even though he has good control over his balls. Fuji is also the first one who noticed Tezuka hiding his injury and was the one in most despair after Tezuka’s injury was finally diagnosed which pushed tezuka to undergo intensive rehab.
Echizen has been playing baseball since he was young but he really doesn’t love it. HIs father was a former pro in the NPB though and he had been training his son to follow his footsteps. If there’s a position Echizen likes, it’s 2nd base but since he’s a leftie, the coaches in the little league trained him as pitcher. He has been considered a baseball prodigy as a child. He’s one of the relievers for his school now but there is a possibility that he  will switch to infield during college. Even if he likes infield more, he doesn’t hold back in wanting to take the Ace position from Tezuka.
Ibu Shinji is a quiet guy but also a talented pitcher like Echizen. He has decent control over his fastball (strike zone divided to 4 parts). He’s currently learning some breaking balls to make his fastball more effective.
Kikumaru and Oishi have been together since Senior League and have seamless cooperation in the defense. Oishi wanted Kikumaru to be pitcher and form a battery with him but Kikumaru loves the freedom of leading the infield and is more attracted to highly acrobatic plays. He’s also the reason why Oishi’s aim to 2nd Base when they tag runners out never falters.
Tezuka struckout Tachibana multiple times in Senior League that’s why they have deep respect for each other as Ace and Captain. Tachibana was glad that he’d have Tezuka as a teammate but was also devastated when the full extent of Tezuka’s injury had been known. Tachibana is quietly encouraging Fuji to take up temporary Ace position because he knows Fuji has the ability and potential to  be a true Ace.
Kawamura loves baseball with all his heart. He’s an absolute beast when given a bat and is a true slugger who wants to hit everything for the fence. He’s gonna stop playing baseball after highschool and focus on becoming a sushi chef. That’s why he gives batting his all. He also loves to spout random english words while on the plate. Let’s pray he won’t be ejected by the umpire for being a loudmouthed idiot. He’s the next cleanup after Tachibana and he’s darn good at it.
Coach Ryuzaki is the rare type of lady coach but she has prove her mettle once again. She’s well respected by other coaches in the prefecture for being no nonsense and strict. Her granddaughter Sakuno and friend Tomoka act as managers on the team.
seigaku + fudomine baseball team
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kiriharas · 5 years
New Prince of Tennis Birthday list
I haven’t seen a birthday list that’s been updated with the world cup players so I wanted to show them some love and put one together! Please note that this is manga only.
Most recent update: 04/04/2021 [CONTAINS HYOUTEI/RIKKAI FANBOOK SPOILERS] (A character’s bday changed, added Sakurai’s old bday, red highlights senpai has a name now, fixed a typo)
2 - Dan Taichi (Yamabuki) 3 - Kabaji Munehiro (Hyoutei) 3 - Mouri Jusaburou (Japanese U-17) 5 - Suzuki Shun (Japanese U-17) 14 - Ryuzaki Sakuno (Seigaku) 15 - Shiranui Tomoya (Higa) 18 - Leon Wakefield (English U-17) 23 - Dodo Obando (American U-17) 25 - Ishida Gin (Shitenhouji) 28 - Richard Sakata (St. Icarus) 31 - Hermes Kounellis (Greek U-17)
1 - Duke Watanabe (Japanese U-17) 3 - Koishikawa Kenjirou (Shitenhouji) 5 - Kaji Kazena (Japanese U-17) 7 - Liliadent Krauser (Nagoya Seitoku) 8 - Fuwa Tetsuhito (Japanese U-17) 9 -  Murata Hiramasa (Japanese U-17) 13 - Noah Dorgias (Australian U-17) 14 - Ootori Choutarou (Hyoutei) 16 - Apollon Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 17 - Habu Itto (Midoriyama) 18 - Fuji Yuuta (St. Rudolph) 19 - Suzuki Yasuharu (Ginka) 22 - Ralph Rhinehart (American U-17) 24 - Jonathan St. Georges (French U-17) 28 - Nomura Takuya (St. Rudolph) 29 - Fuji Shusuke (Seigaku)
2 - Katou Kachiro (Seigaku) 3 - Hirakoba Rin (Higa) 4 - QP (German U-17) 5 - Yukimura Seiichi (Rikkaidai) 6 - Watanabe Osamu (Shitenhouji’s Coach) 7 - Kimijima Ikuto (Japanese U-17) 10 - Karupin (Ryouma’s Cat) 14 - Sakaki Tarou (Previously May 24th, since 23.5) (Hyoutei’s Coach) 16 - Kurobe Yukio (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 17 - Oshitari Kenya (Shitenhouji) 19 - A. Frankensteiner (German U-17) 21 - Tachibana An (she may have another birthday stated in a game? citation needed lol) (Fudomine) 25 - Kadowaki Satoru (Makinofuji) 26 - Matsudaira Chikao (Japanese U-17) 29 - Arai Masashi (Seigaku) 31 - Matsudaira Chikahiko (Japanese U-17)
1 - Tooyama Kintaro (Shitenhouji) 2 - Akutsu Jin (Yamabuki) 3 - Peter Lambiel (Swiss U-17) 4 - Tamagawa Yoshio (Previously September 23 in Tenipuri Party, updated in Rikkai Club Guide STRENGTH) (Rikkaidai)  7 - Mizuno Katsuo (Seigaku) 9 - Oliver Philips (American U-17) 10 - Tashiro Masahiro (Ginka) 11 - Hirari Tonpei (Japanese U-17) 12 - Zeus Iliopoulos (Greek U-17) 14 - Shiraishi Kuranosuke (Shitenhouji) 15 - Shudo Satoshi (Rokkaku) 16 - Clive Miller (American U-17) 17 - Osakada Tomoka (Seigaku) 18 - Mouri Tatsunori (Fudomine) 20 - Marui Bunta (Rikkaidai) 23 - M. Nobuteru (Tube Republic U-17) 25 - Don Pacino (American U-17) 27 - Toono Atsukyo (Japanese U-17) 29 - Edgard Delacroix (French U-17) 30 - Oishi Shuichiro (Seigaku)
5 - Akutagawa Jirou (Hyoutei) 5 - Todoroki Goro (Japanese U-17) 11 - Kaidou Karou (Seigaku) 14 - Orion Stephanopoulos (Greek U-17) 15 - Takei Toshio (Japanese U-17) 15 - Ushida Tetsuo (Murigaoka) 21 - Sanada Genichirou (Rikkaidai) 21 - Aragaki Kouichi (Higa) 25 - Alexander Amadeus (Swiss U-17) 27 - Mizuki Hajime (St. Rudolph) 28 - Minamoto Takuma (Midoriyama) 29 - Tanegashima Shuuji (Japanese U-17)
1 - Red highlights senpai a.k.a. Yuuki Kazuki (Hyoutei)   3 - Inui Sadaharu (Seigaku) 4 - Yanagi Renji (Rikkaidai) 7 - Albert Federer (Swiss U-17) 10 - Tsuta Akane (Midoriyama) 13 - Prince Ludovic Chardard (French U-17) 15 - Fukushi Michiru (Ginka) 19 - Leopold Camus de Charpentier (French U-17) 20 - Milky Millman (Australian U-17) 24 - Mutsu Yuuma (Japanese U-17) 25 - Mutsu Yuuho (Japanese U-17) 26 - Konomi Takeshi (Mangaka) 28 - Miyako Shinobu (Japanese U-17) 29 - Chinen Hiroshi (Higa)
1 - Timothée Moreau (French U-17) 2 - Kiko Balentien (American U-17) 3 - Minami Kentarou (Yamabuki) 3 - Urayama Shiita (Rikkaidai) 4 - Byoudouin Houou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Banda Mikiya (Yamabuki’s Coach) 6 - Rocky Meredith (American U-17) 14 - Nakagauchi Sotomichi (Japanese U-17) 15 - Charlie Palmer (English U-17) 17 - Mifune Nyuudou (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 18 - Ikeda Masaya (Seigaku) 18 - Sakurai Masaya (Previously July 1 in 20.5, updated in 40.5) (Fudomine) 19 - Ban Rikiya (Japanese U-17) 20 - Zaizen Hikaru (Shitenhouji) 20 - Taira Yoshiyuki (Japanese U-17) 23 - Momoshiro Takeshi (Seigaku) 24 - Kitamura Wataru (Midoriyama) 25 - Chitose Miyuki (Shitenhouji) 26 - Kita Ichiuma (Yamabuki) 27 - Tokugawa Kazuya (Japanese U-17) 28 - Michael Bismarck (German U-17) 29 - J. J. Dorgias (Australian U-17) 30 - Daimaru Daikichi (Shishigaku)
3 - Akazawa Yoshirou (St. Rudolph) 3 - Date Danji (Japanese U-17) 4 - Migihashi Itarou (Japanese U-17) 6 - Hakamada Izou (Japanese U-17) 7 - Tsuuge Ryuuji (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 8 - Ryuuzaki Sumire (Seigaku’s Coach) 8 - Nitobe Inakichi (Yamabuki) 9 - Thalatta Heracles (Greek U-17) 10 - Jürgen Borisovic Volk (German U-17) 13 - Tenjin Kousuke (Japanese U-17) 15 - Tachibana Kippei (Fudomine) 15 - Ochi Tsukimitsu (Japanese U-17) 24 - Tristan Bardot (French U-17) 25 - Vulcan Lartius (Greek U-17) 26 - Kamio Akira (Fudomine) 27 - Yujirou Kai (Higa) 28 - Kirajou Jirei (Uekawa Uni Golf) 31 - Itsuki Marehiko (Rokkaku)
1 - Doumoto Gouki (Ginka) 1 - Oswal Delon (French U-17) 3 - Jean Fitzgerald (Australian U-17) 4 - Saitou Itaro (Japanese U-17′s Coach) 6 - Bill Hewitt (American U-17) 7 - Randy Pug (Swiss U-17) 10 - Higashikata Masami (Yamabuki) 11 - Hitoji Yuuji (Shitenhouji) 11 - Takase Masato (Midoriyama) 12 - Mukahi Gakuto (Hyoutei) 14 - Saotome Harumi (Higa’s Coach) 21 - Kuki Kiichi (Kakinoki) 22 - Dankmar Schneider (German U-17) 25 - Kirihara Akaya (Rikkaidai) 25 - Horio Satoshi (Seigaku) 29 - Shishido Ryou (Hyoutei) 29 - Kurobane Harukaze (Rokkaku)
1 - Saeki Kojirou (Rokkaku) 3 - Akiba Kouyou (Japanese U-17) 4 - Atobe Keigo (Hyoutei) 7 - Tezuka Kunimitsu (Seigaku) 12 - Mac McGregor (Australian U-17) 13 - Eric Paddington (English U-17) 15 - Oshitari Yuushi (Hyoutei) 19 - Yagyuu Hiroshi (Rikkaidai) 21 - Henri Nouvel III (Swiss U-17) 23 - Tanishi Kei (Higa) 26 - Oni Juujirou (Japanese U-17) 27 - Oomagari Ryuuji (Japanese U-17) 28 - Uchimura Kyosuke (Fudomine) 29 - Taki Haginosuke (Hyoutei) 29 - Ramon Crawford (Australian U-17) 31 - Muromachi Touji (Yamabuki)
1 - Hayashi Daisuke (Seigaku) 3 - Ibu Shinji (Fudomine) 3 - Kuwahara Jackal (Rikkaidai) 4 - Yamato Yuudai (Japanese U-17) 5 - M. Haruhata (Tube Republic U-17) 7 - Ojii (Rokkaku’s Coach) 8 - Alan Hopkins (American U-17) 8 - Kitazono Kotoha (Tsubakikawa) 9 - Kite Eishirou (Higa) 9 - Konjiki Koharu (Shitenhouji) 16 - Sasabe Junichi (Japanese U-17) 18 - Kawamura Takashi (Seigaku) 20 - Kisarazu Atsushi (St. Rudolph) 20 - Kisarazu Ryou (Rokkaku) 21 - Kiraku Yasuyuki (Midoriyama) 22 - Amane Hikaru (Rokkaku) 22 - Kongawa Junpei (Midoriyama) 25 - Sengoku Kiyosumi (Yamabuki) 28 - Kikumaru Eiji (Seigaku) 30 - Ishida Tetsu (Fudomine)
1 - Mitsuya Akuto (Japanese U-17) 2 - E. Siegfried (German U-17) 3 - Evangelos Papadopoulos (Greek U-17) 4 - Niou Masaharu (Rikkaidai) 5 - Hiyoshi Wakashi (Hyoutei) 7 - Irie Kanata (Japanese U-17) 9 - Yanagisawa Shinya (St. Rudolph) 9 - Washio Issa (Japanese U-17) 11 - Geisel Jackson (American U-17) 20 - Aoi Kentarou (Rokkaku) 23 - Echizen Ryouga (Spain U-17) 24 - Echizen Ryouma (Seigaku) 28 - Nishikiori Tsubasa (Yamabuki) 28 - Chris Hopman (Australian U-17) 29 - Hara Tetsuya (Japanese U-17) 30 - Bertie Borisovich Volk (German U-17) 31 - Kaneda Ichirou (St. Rudolph) 31 - Chitose Senri (Shitenhouji)
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Prince of Tennis Ships
Kunimitsu Tezuka x Ryoma Echizen  Keigo Atobe x Jirou Akutagawa  Jin Akutsu x Taichi Dan  Hajime Mizuki x Yuuta Fuji  Shuichiro Oishi x Eiji Kikumaru  Genichirou Sanada x Seiichi Yukimura 
Jackal Kuwahara x Bunta Marui  Takashi Momoshiro x Kaoru Kaidou  Kaoru Kaidou x Ryoma Echizen Wakashi Hiyoshi x Sakuno Ryuuzaki Kippei Tachibana x An Tachibana
Akaya Kirihara x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  Hikaru Zaizen x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  Takeshi Momoshiro x Ryoma Echizen  Yuushi Oshitari x Gakuto Mukahi  Tomoka Osakada x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  An Tachibana x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  Eiji Kikumaru x Ryoma Echizen  Syusuke Fuji x Eiji Kikumaru  Akira Kamio x An Tachibana  Chotaro Ootori x Ryou Shishido  Akaya Kirihara x Ryoma Echizen  Character x Original Character 
Ryoma Echizen x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  Sadaharu Inui x Kaoru Kaidou  Kenya Oshitari x Hikaru Zaizen  Bunta Marui x Jirou Akutagawa  Takashi Kawamura x Syusuke Fuji  Kunimitsu Tezuka x Syusuke Fuji  Kunimitsu Tezuka x Sakuno Ryuuzaki  Yuuji Hitouji x Koharu Konjiki  Keigo Atobe x Kunimitsu Tezuka  Genichirou Sanada x Keigo Atobe  Takashi Momoshiro x An Tachibana  Shinji Ibu x Akira Kamio  Syusuke Fuji x Ryoma Echizen  Hiroshi Yagyuu x Masaharu Niou  Any Ship Not Listed 
Ryoma Echizen x Tomoka Osakada  Satoshi Horio x Ryoma Echizen 
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ilovenioumasaharu · 5 years
Happy Summer Valentine Ranking 2019
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1 - Fuji Syuusuke 2 - Atobe Keigo 3 - Yukimura Seiichi 4 - Tezuka Kunimitsu 5 - Shiraishi uranosuke 6 - Echizen Ryoma 7 - Niou Masaharu 8 - Marui Bunta 9 - Hiyoshi Wakashi 10 - Shishido Ryo 11 - Yanagi Renji 12 - Oshitari Yuushi 13 - Zaizen Hikaru 14 - Sanada Genichirou 15 - Ryuuzaki Sakuno 16 - Oshitari kenya 17 - Kirihara Akaya 18 - Kaidoh Kaoru 19 - Kikumaru Eiji 20 - Yagyuu Hiroshi 21 - Oishi Syuichirou 22 - Mukahi Gakuto 23 - Kite Eishirou 24 - Sengoku Kiyosumi 25 - Akutagawa Jirou 26 - Chitose Senri 27 - Saeki Kojirou 28 - Inui Sadaharu 29 - Hitouji Yuuji 30 - Mizuki Hajime 31 - Ootori Choutarou 32 - Kai Yuujirou 33 - Momoshiro Takeshi 34 - Hirakoba Rin 35 - Akutsu Jin 36 - Ibu Shinji 37 - Kamio Akira 38 - Tooyama Kintarou 39 - Taki Haginosuke 40 - Tachibana Kippei 41 - Ochi Tsukimitsu 42 - Kawamura Takashi 43 - Karupin 44 - Peter 45 - Fuji Yuuta 46 - Tokugawa Kazuya 47 - Echizen Ryoga 48 - Kisarazu Atsushi 49 - Chinen Hiroshi 50 - Irie Kanata 51 - Kuwahara Jackal 52 - Mori Tatsunori 53 - Minami Kentarou 54 - Atsukyo Tohno 55 - Ichijouji (sry i dont know this guy) 56 - Kaburiel 57 - Tanegashima Shuuji 58 - Amane Hikaru 59 - Konjiki Koharu 60 - Kurobane Harukaze 61 - Kabaji Munehiro 62 - Akazawa Yoshiro 63 - Watanabe Duke 64 - Watanabe Osamu 65 - Yasuyuki Kiraku 66 - Osakada Tomoka 67 - Liliadent Krauser 68 - Kisarazu Ryo 69 - Yanagisawa Shinya 70 - Tachibana An 71 - Kimijima Ikuto 72 - Dan Taichi 73 - Ludovic Chardard 74 - Houou Byoudoin 75 - Oni Juujiro 76 - Ishida Gin 77 - Fukushi Michiru 78 - Higashikata Masami 79 - Aragaki Koichi 80 - Koishikawa Kenjirou 81 - Nitobe Inakichi 82 - Mitsuya Akuto 83 - Tanishi Kei 84 - Kita Ichiuma 85 - Usainu (the weird bunny doll XD ) 86 - Muromachi Touji 87 - Omagari Ryuji 88 - Yamato Yudai 89 - Sakaki Tarou 90 - Daikichi Daimaru 91 - Itsuki Marehiko 92 - ???? 93 - King of Satan (Atobe's Beetle) 94 - Kaji Kazena 95 - Saito Itaru 96 - Eric Paddington 97 - Racket-chan 98 - Shudo Satoshi 99 - Kaede (Oni's Hamster) 100 - Arai Masashi
Source: https://www.facebook.com/Tenipuri.Tenimyu/photos/a.311554525625940/2260732944041412
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gotojobin · 5 years
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#ArifuretaFromCommonplaceToWorldsStrongest #ArifuretaShokugyouDeSekaiSaikyou #ArifuretaShokugyou #DeSekaiSaikyou #Arifureta #SekaiSaikyou #ありふれた職業で世界最強 #KingDevinJoseph #キングデビンジョセフ #おたく #Otaku #オタク #GotoJobin #後藤Jobin #デヴィンジョセフ王 #Weeb #WeebDar #王デヴィンジョセフ 1. 13th Story Incompetence Musou A boy with gray hair and eye patch who appeared in front of Kaori who struggles with the female matrito family, Cattlea. It was classmate Nanun Hajime who had fallen into the abyss of the labyrinth before and was thought to have died. While each classmate has various emotions, the hajime, once branded incompetent, overruns the demons with overwhelming force. Screenwriter: Sato K. Sato, Kinji Moto Storyboard: Naoki Ohira Director: Naoki Ohira, Satomi Nakamura Animation director: Tomoka Kojima, Hidetsugu Hirayama, Meiko Okada, Toshie Kawamura, Miyoshi Onogi, Eri Sano. 2. Episode 13 A boy with a gray-haired eyepatch who appeared in front of Kaori who struggled with the female demon tribe, Cattleya. It was a classmate Hajime Nagumo who was once thought to have fallen into the abyss of the labyrinth and died. As each classmate has various emotions, Hajime, once impressed by incompetent thumbs up, defeats the monsters with overwhelming power. Screenplay: Katsuichi Sato, Koji Enomoto Storyboard: Naoki Ohira Directed by Naoki Ohira and Satomi Nakamura Animation Director: Tomoka Kojima, Hideki Hirayama, Maiko Okada, Toshie Kawamura, Sansai Onoki, Eri Sano. https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fgt1xHWxU/?igshid=12t1ldgwmeaz6
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bookwyrmling · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tennis no Oujisama | Prince of Tennis Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ryuuzaki Sakuno/Tachibana An, Echizen Ryouma/Tezuka Kunimitsu Characters: Tachibana An, Ryuuzaki Sakuno, Echizen Ryouma, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Osakada Tomoka, Kikumaru Eiji, Fuji Shuusuke, Kawamura Takashi Additional Tags: Space AU, wow this fic is long, there's also some past sakuno crushing on ryoma stuff, sakuno is bi as hell Summary:
An didn't expect to fall in love before she'd even started her new job.
I'm screaming! Y'all better read this it's amazing! Space AU exists! SakuAn exists! @solosorca is my QUEEN. Tenipuri wlw in space! And Sakuno is totally kick ass <3 The pillar pair is amazingly strong in this one too!!!!
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aotoshironojersey · 8 years
Ice skating Au
Because I just watched 4CC and I need to (obviously) push real life onto anime characters: THERE IS A REASON FOR THE CUT HERE
Seishun skating club, aka Seigaku:
(main)Trainers: Ryuuzaki Sumire, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Oishi Shuichiro
Senior skaters, singles men: Fuji Shuuske(20), Kikumaru Eiji (19still)
Junior skaters, men: Katou Kachiro, Mizuno Katsuo, Echizen Ryoma (moving to Seniors this year at age 16)
Senior Skaters, Ladies: ??? What’s that
Junior skaters, Ladies: Ryuuzaki Sakuno (moving to seniors this year at age 16)
Pair skaters, Senior: Tachibana Ann&Momoshiro Takeshi, ???&Kaidoh Kaoru (he can’t find a partner to communicate well with, and Ann is taken by that dumbass...)
There is no Dance seniors in Seigaku. Some people hope the Juniors would move up this year like their singles counterparts, but they’re...welll...
Dance skaters, junior: Osakada Tomoka&Horio Satoshi (who the hell paired them up?!)
Therapist: Kawamura Takashi
Club Manager: Inui Sadaharu
More info because I suck:
0. All of the main coaches had been active skaters at one point- Sumire took part in two Olympics during her age and won one bronze; Tezuka had been a star that is considered pushing the sport to higher limits, at least until he didn’t pushed his body past its limit. He still pushes the sport, but from the sidelines now. Oishi had the most versatile career, changing to Pairs and then to dance once it turned out an injury he thought nothing of turned out to pull him back in singles career, then let his partner in Pair go to allow her more evolution with younger (and stronger) partner(it was him who proposed side-by side axel though). He haven’t got the Dance career, as he was just a training partner to his little sister while she searched for a partner with less age gap (there’s almost seven years between her and Shuuichiro).
1. Sumire works with all skaters coming to the club, but lets Tezuka and Oishi chose and focus on skaters they think might develop under their wings, the only exception being Echizen, who she pushed to Tezuka ever since the brat moved to Juniors from Novice. 
2. This makes things look weird, because so far the only skater Tezuka accepted to train had been Fuji, earning him the name Tensai. Right now Fuji is trained by both Tezuka and Oishi. Oishi is the one who rides with him to competitions most often, though people noticed it’s Kawamura who goes with him EVERY TIME...
3.Oishi thought he had it hard when he started training Kikumaru Eiji- he had been proven otherwise. Still, the trio gets along pretty nicely,and the fact that Eiji and Fuji are relatively even all rounders, they tend to pull each other up a lot.
4. Fuji’s birthday are in the second half of the season, Eiji’s are relatively at the beginning, which means they compete for at least first half as the peers, but nobody really pays attention to that, except for Eiji. The fact that age gap between skaters and their coaches (well, most of them) is less than five years is noticed, though.
5. Oishi, being the only coach with Pairs and Dance experience, trains reps for both disciplines, though it seems it wasn’t his idea to put Osakada&Horio team together...
6. There is a suspection it’s Inui who keeps the selection of Kaidoh partners so hard, though it seems Oishi Rika might just pass it, considering how cute she is,and how most people know how Kaidoh is a secret softie (which might cause problem during twists...)
7.Eiji is considered to have the most balance between jumps power and flexibility on the field, and his spins are one of the highlights of his programs, though he prefers jumps (yeah, he’s the show off kid). The legendary video of him doing a hyperextended Biellman during the training got viral thanks to one Fuji Shuuske, and it got a ‘not so bad for a man’ comments from a lot of female skaters.
8. Fuji on the other hand is one of those flawless artists who get more Rippons and Tanos (aka hands above the head during jump) than they do the spins without travelling. Oh and people love his expressions on-ice- his another nickname is Ice Angel. Some discuss that it’s too ladylike though...until they see his quads.
9. Echizen is hoped to finish the troika of Seigaku, as Eiji and Fuji have been trading gold and silver in every competition they take part in together for some time now. The reason is, while most people admits Fuji at his fullest is unreachable, he rarely gives his all, doing just enough to get above the others, and Eiji is...well, hard to predict even on his good day-during the competition he’s more of an enigma than a human. This means, if Fuji overcalculate, he ends up with silver. He almost always gets revenge on the next competition.
10. Eiji has a tendency to flip his skates guards around his hand before handing them over to Oishi. Apparently, Oishi has learned how to read from the twirl how fired up redhead is. Inui is still working on how he does that, Tezuka has given up. Ryuuzaki just laugh when it’s brought up in conversation.
11. Talks about nepotism sometimes hit skaters, especially Sakuno. Since everybody knows how damn hard the girl is fighting for her position, Ann will personally kick your ass if you say something about Sakuno...of course, she’ll be representing all of the Seigaku feels, not only hers!
12. Speaking of An, she moved over from the training base under her brother to switch partners (Ibu & Kamio both are bitter about it af, but it was Tachibanas decision so they can’t protest). Even after she left she gets regular updates on what Fudoumine club is up to. She is actually the bonding element between Fudoumine and Seigaku, her older brother also being one of the more famous coaches. (Tachibana Kippei and Oishi often bond over their fear for their little sisters being chucked into air like that)
13. Nobody knows who the hell paired Tomoka and Horio up, especially as dance partners, since their characters (supposedly) makes them more suitable for Pairs, but Oishi don’t want to know how letting Horio throw Tomoka would end.
14. If Eiji doesn’t make at least one program during the season, either short, long or exhibition to a cheerful, fun pop/rock music, consider him sick- or a loser in the bet against Fuji. It happened before.
15. Nobody lets Oishi chose their music for themselves- he either overreacts to the importance of new duty, or chose something reeeeally weird (Fuji pulled out his sea waves exhibition somehow, but- again- it’s Fuji)
16. On the other hand, everybody constantly lets Fuji and Kawamua chose music/ color palette for their costumes. They’re known as misters Good Tastes of Seigaku.
17. The only accident that put a question mark on their judgement was one of the galas where Fuji’s costume looked surprisingly like salmon nigiri with a lot of wasabi...he still pulled it off, and apparently, it was his own suggestion.
18.Karupin is a living mascot of Ryoma, and thus he gets a ton of himalayan mascots from his fans, pretty much like Eiji gets teddy bears of all kind, and Fuji gets the weirdest stuff girls can think of. He even keeps the wasabi sushi mascot from one of his competitions.
Oishi-Kikumaru Pair:
There’s a bit of complicated situation at the beginning of both Eiji’s and Oishi Rika’s careers, the complication being why Oishi and Eiji actually met. Rika was originally a dance skater without a partner suitable for competing for her age(Oishi being only the training partner to keep the synchronization and lift skills thaining in her regime), and Eiji started skating as a pair partner to his older sister. After said sister retired due to her body not managing the pressure (a fact for which Eiji is secretly blaming himself), he is suggested to transfer to dance while his body (and stamina) develops enough to be able to freely support his partner; it’s where he meets Oishi, at that moment searching for a dance partner for his sister.
 Rika is actually interested, since she wanted to try Pair competition for some time, but knew her brother injury (a wrist) wouldn’t let him pair with her without anxiety of her safety (she’s right), so she jumps at the chance when she is paired with Eiji. After learning, and eventually winning some novice competitions that allow them to move to juniors, it’s Rika who breaks their pairing up, feeling the raising anxiety of her partner (and his growing affection for her brother, nii-sama, why do you have to steal all the good guys) and making Eiji admit to himself that he wants to show off. 
She and her brother disagree but still respect Eiji’s reason of Him “Rather skating where he can hurt only himself and not his lil sis” (Rika is getting a lot of little sister-zoned, lol). Rika paired with few others skaters until she wasn’t offered by Ryuuzaki to come to Seigaku. Thanks to her lithe frame (she never got past 160cm) and accuracy on par with her brother’s, she has a big chance of becoming Kaidoh’s partner and moving to Seniors- provided she won’t get too fired up by rumors of nepotism in Seigaku. She’s as overprotective of her older brother as he is of her.
Surprisingly, she gets along with Ryoma and (of all people) Osakada-Horio pair.
Ship theories, just because:
1.Contrary to the public belief, Ann and Momoshiro don’t date. They’re best buds, okay, but Ann prefers brunets...or...brunettes... the fact Momo doesn’t mind boys either makes it easier for them to bond.
2. Inui bases qualification of Kaidoh’s partners on how he behaves around them. Since Rika is a December baby born year after Kaidoh, he treats her like his little sister (a lot of approval from Oishi) rather than partner, but Inui still worries if this is enough to show a good performance in well, pairs. Then again, it means...
3. Pillar Pair won��t exist unless Ryoma turns eighteen, or so Tezuka says. Fuji is more than glad to help his kouhai change his coach’s mind, especially since this means he doesn’t have to worry about newcomer stealing HIS therapist...
4. Golden Pair is as fluffy as they always are, though Oishi made it obvious that he won’t let Eiji get into anything serious until he turns twenty- nobody waits for the first half of the season more than Eiji do, especially since one of the galas are planned for his birthday, and he has a great exhibition planned for it, thanks to Fujiko.
5. They are also fluffy until it gets to quad practice, where Eiji whines all the time-and Fuji sometimes join, without whining, tho-since Oishi forbid both of them from trying quad axels, despite both of them being the most consistent edge jumpers in the whole Seigaku. Currently, there is a war going on for the Lutz Fuji is training while Eiji is still on the Loop and Flip. Oishi is as stubborn as his trainees though.
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jpf-sydney · 5 years
Besuto essei. 2017
New item:
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Shelf: 914.68 BES 2017 Besuto essei. 2017 = The best essay. edited by Nihon Bungeika Kyōkai. Tōkyō : Mitsumura Tosho Shuppan, 2017. 323 pages ; 20 cm. Editorial board members: Kakuta Mitsuyo, Hayashi Mariko, Fujisawa Shū, Machida Kō, Miura Shion. ISBN: 978-4-8138-0002-6
Table of contents:
Hanage ni seowasesugi / Takeda Satetsu.
Mazui mono no "ma" / Harada Hika.
Nuriwan no tamago bimyōni omoi / Kataoka Yoshio.
Hoshi to hoshi no tsunagari / Āsā Binādo.
Ikiru tame ni kabe o koeru / Takemiya Keiko.
Hatakechigai, 50-nenrai no tomo datta / Kaga Otohiko.
Gohan wa tabeta ka? / Hoshino Hiromi.
Maguro no shinjitsu / Watanabe Yūki.
"Yume chūdoku" kara tachinaoru / Kojima Keiko.
Tabei Atsuko-san no shi o itamu / Miura Gōta.
Bimyō na zure mo, mata myōmi / Hiramatsu Yōko.
Wakaki ganshū no hitotachi / Okano Hirohiko.
Agemono / Inoue Miyako.
Eichi / Fujisawa Shū.
S sensei no kurasu / Aman Kimiko.
Itō Keiichi-san o itamu / Katsumata Hiroshi.
Kamisama to tomodachi / Agawa Sawako.
Hametsugata kuraimā no dokuhaku / Miyagi Kimihiro.
Sanpo de katta yorokobi / Ebisu Yoshikazu.
Tabete sae ire ba / Yamada Eimi.
Nō demo umai jinbungakuteki chisei / Matsugi Takehiko.
Kurisumasu no rojō de / Aoyama Nanae.
Chūō furīwei no Fujisan / Kindaichi Hideho.
Shōsūha no hitorigoto / Takamura Kaoru.
Hanako, oyaji o yoroshiku / Yamakawa Kōji.
Gojira yo, nemure / Murata Kiyoko.
Obasan / Hayashi Mariko.
Shizen to shigoto / Okumoto Daizaburō.
Are ga Tsushima Yūko-san / Itō Hiromi.
Shōbushi no supaisu / Satō Kiwamu.
Utsukushii koe to wa / Sannomiya Mayuko.
10-nichikan no Pari / Nomiyama Gyōji.
Ishiki to dejitaru / Yōrō Takeshi.
Kurione jiken / Kuroki Nagisa.
Hon'yakuka to iu no wa / Kanehara Mizuhito.
Yoake no takushī / Sasa Ryōko.
Yaku ni shinshi ni mukiai / Yukisada Isao.
Fukanzen na kotoba / Ogawa Yōko.
Saru no shiawase / Shibata Motoyuki.
Warai bōron raibu-kan fugyā / Machida Kō.
Negoto ni henji wa irimasen / Kudō Miyoko.
Hirusagari no "nuki" / Hisama Jūgi.
Kabati-shō / Kishimoto Sachiko.
"Iya iya iya" no yokobai / Muramatsu Tomomi.
Meibun to wa / Setouchi Jakuchō.
Rōsei to enjuku, hanayagi / Kawamura Minato.
Kurage to hanabi / Shimojū Akiko.
Shijūkara ni mo gengo ga atta / Suzuki Toshitaka.
Kanjō ni yomu / Horie Toshiyuki.
Kyoryo / Wakakusa Sōhei.
"Taberu" ni nani ga okotta!? / Himeno Kaoruko.
"San" no kōyō / Yoshida Atsuhiro.
Bi no kigen seimei to musubitsuku ao / Fukuoka Shin'ichi.
Bokutachi ni wa yowasa ga hitsuyō na n da, to iu koto / Takahashi Gen'ichirō.
Joryū kara josei e / Nakazawa Kei.
Tabisaki no hon / Shiina Makoto.
Kensaku / Fujino Kaori.
Damatte shinenai semi / Tsukasa Osamu.
100-nin 100-iro no tsūkai na katarushisu / Hagiwara Kenta.
"Kotoba izen" no hitobito no yō ni / Terao Saho.
Kaku gihō futatsu no kana o umu / Baba Hajime.
Namae o oboerarenai hito no tame no shakōjutsu / Shinsan Nameko.
Sedai no genkai / Homura Hiroshi.
Tereru hito / Ei Mari.
Undō onchi no watashi wa marason ni muiteita / Kakuta Mitsuyo.
Basshi nehanzu / Miura Shion.
Senkyo ni ikō / Higashiyama Akira.
Ninagawa sensei o itamu / Shigemoto Etsuko.
Esukarētā mondai no kai / Hashimoto Kōji.
Saigo no geshukuya / Rībi Hideo.
Senmonka no doryoku atte koso / Ikezawa Natsuki.
Hōchō no omoide / Shimao Maho.
Meiji no haidō ga suki / Hiranuma Yoshiyuki.
Sābisusuru gawa mo ningen / Shibasaki Tomoka.
Shuppan fukyō to iu no o yamemasen ka undō / Nakamura Fuminori.
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nuisancehelicopter · 6 years
would never stab anyone = Katsuo, Kawamura (normal, he’ll stab a fish tho), Oishi, Sakuno
would stab someone in retaliation = Tezuka, Inui
yells “i wont hesitate bitch” first = Kachiro, Eiji, Tomoka
would stab without warning = Kaidoh, Momoshiro, Arai, Kawamura (burning),  Horio
would stab as warning = Fuji, Ryoma, Oishi (yakiniku magistrate), Coach Ryuzaki
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bookwyrmling · 8 years
Tenipuri Space AU
Okay, so this is going to be pretty garbled cuz i’m tired and trying to get this all from a tumblr chat @solosorca and I have been having for the past 2 hours minimum, BUT IT’S ALSO AMAZING.
(below a cut for length)
Seishun - battle class ship Captain - Tezuka Kunimitsu Pilot/Second-in-command - Oishi Syuichiro Communications Specialist - Fuji Syuusuke Radar? Fighter pilot? - Momoshiro Takeshi (still up for grabs) Fighter Pilot - Echizen Ryoma Fighter Pilot - Tachibana An Fighter Pilot - Kikumaru Eiji Lead Scientist - Inui Sadaharu Science Officer - Sakuno Ryuzaki Med-Bay - Osakada Tomoka Engineer - Kaidoh Kaoru Engineer - Kawamura Takashi Ensign (Med-Bay) - Kachirou Katou Ensign (Engineering) - Katsuo Mizuno Ensign (Security) - Horio Satoshi
Hyotei Empire Aliens with a very strong holding of multiple galaxies Atobe Keigo is the crown prince Currently out traveling to create treaties and see about expanding Hyotei’s holdings Oshitari Yuushi is Communications specialist Oshitari and Fuji do not get along at all, but share all the ship’s gossip with each other Will also share misinformation with each other mixed into the gossip.  It is both a game and a test to see if they can pick out what is and is not true. Atobe had heard tales of Tezuka in his early years as a fighter pilot and was very excited to come across his ship during travels.  So excited, in fact, that he drew the Seishun into a battle to test Tezuka’s command capabilities. Now they are begrudging allies.
Rokkaku - Deep Space Exploration No one is sure if these guys are actually crazy or immune to the insanity deep space tends to drive humans to, but either way these guys spend most of their time exploring the unknown, unmapped parts of dark space -- the edges of the known universe or the long gaps of empty space between galaxies that were left untouched for fear of being forever lost in (think how ships in earlier times kept to parts of the sea where they could still see land, that’s how most ships travel in space, but NOT ROKKAKU!!!) Spending a lot of time out there with only infrequent returns to the civilized universe to pass on any new discoveries or map expansions, they tend to do their own ad hoc ship repairs or adjustments, so their ship looks like a mess and like it should be falling apart but it is in super amazing shape and perfect for what they need it for. Captain - Aoi Kentarou      +took the position cuz he thought it’d make him seem super attractive to girls      +mostly girls are concerned he’s crazy so avoid him Most positions on deep space exploration ships are filled by people who are cross-trained, because they are too far for any sort of response from other ships in emergency situations.  For example, Kurobane and Davide are both fighter pilots, but Kurobane is also a mechanic while Davide fills the role of ship counselor (a necessity on expeditions like this because the solitariness of deep space has led to...incidents.  Icchan is Med-Bay doc and scientist.  Saeki is communications and second-in-command, helping Aoi with battle tactics when required.  Ryo is pilot and radar (his set-up is insane and nobody else really gets how he does it)...I honestly don’t know what to do with Shudoh yet... Anyway, whenever Rokkaku comes back on the map, they always have the coolest stuff to share, but everyone’s afraid to make first contact, because what if they ahve gone off the deep end this time....
--Deep Space/Incidents/Character history-- Deep space is very solitary.  Like, there is usually nothing out there except when a new galaxy is found or they come across intergalactic stars/planets, etc.  So sometimes, when people have been out there too long, they way they think gets warped and suddenly ships don’t come back or they do but they’re pirates or cause extreme destruction.  There are rules in place that require a counselor on board all deep space exploration ships and any time a ship begins to show signs of mental instability amongst its crew, they have direct overarching orders to return to the nearest base for reassignment.  Most deep space crews are regularly shuffled around so no one is out there too long.  Rokkaku makes people nervous because of how long the crew has been together and in deep space. Fuji and Saeki were once both on a deep space exploration ship as ensigns and were the only two to make it back.  They will not talk about what happened, so it’s a complete mystery, but they both did manage to pass their psych evals and get reassigned.  Fuji requested and was granted assignment as Comms specialist to Combat/Defense ships and was placed on Seishun, a new ship that Ryuzaki Sumire was working with captain, Tezuka Kunimitsu, to staff.  Saeki, much to everyone’s surprise (and some concern), requested to return to deep space exploration and was placed with Rokkaku by Oji.  Every once in a while, Fuji and Saeki both seem a bit different, scarier, with an odd light in their eye or tilt to their smile, but before anyone can really begin to catch onto it, it disappears behind their usual smiles.
Higa - space pirates
Rikkai Collective - attempting to conquer and expand influence over the known universe.  They have lost their home solar system to their star dying, but colonized many of the ones they have taken over.  Because of this, they are not one alien species, but a blend of many, with some cross-species existing, as well.  Are known to be particularly cruel in battle and conscript all healthy civilians of where they take over into direct military service or the military industrial complex as a whole (i.e.: building ships, arms development, etc)
Fudoumine - battle class Home defense An originally started off here under her brother’s captaincy but transferred to Seishun because they tend to have more time spent traveling outside of the solar system and galaxy and she wanted the chance to grow. Everyone cried when An left.
Further notes 1. Women are a definite minority in the fighter pilot class and female fighter pilots have a tendency to be looked down upon by male peers.  An works, like, 120% harder to prove herself as just as good if not better than any man and is really blazing a path for future female fighter pilots, as well. 2. She and Ryoma don’t get along too well at first because Ryoma’s a cocky snot who will definitely be the best so how is this girl managing to keep up with him???  But they become friends because they both work insanely hard to prove themselves (Ryoma because of his famous father and An because of her gender) and don’t take shit from anybody.  They work really well together as a team once they do become friends, mostly because An is really good at figuring out what Ryoma is trying to do while fighting and can back him up or fill in the gaps. 3. An becomes a definite mentor for the younger members 4. Anytime one comes up to Ryoma for training because they judge An based on her gender not her results as a pilot, Ryoma runs them through the same drill An is running at the time so she can kick their ass at it. 5. Sakuno gets a lot of flack, too, because it’s her grandmother who helped Tezuka put the crew together.  She can be on the quiet side and not one to really stand up for herself, so some of the crew will talk about her like she’s only there because of her grandmother.  When that happens, Sakuno gets angry and hurt and rants to her friend Tomoka when it gets to be too much, but instead of confronting anyone, she just focuses more on her research and is actually an indispensable member of the team.  When Inui’s unsanctioned experiments with alien flora/fauna/minerals/etc get out of control or start causing problems, she’s the only other person with the capacity to figure out what Inui was doing and how to stop the chaos. 6. All Comms personnel are horrible gossips. 7. Tomoka is the second biggest gossip on Seishun and she and Fuji often get together to share watercooler talk. 8. Kawamura enjoys trading culinary tips and tricks and menus with individuals from alien species he meets.  He cooks in his spare time and practices a lot of what he learns to make really interesting fusion dishes that are greatly appreciated. 9. Inui’s similar attempts at nutritional supplements are not near so looked forward to. 10. Earth’s space agency is called ISEF.  Ryuzaki Sumire and Oji are both high up in its management.  The agency takes from all countries with affiliated schooling systems, but the systems are under the control of the country and ISEF only has objectives and educational requirements that have to be met before they will accept students for testing and, upon passing the tests, placement.  Although Ryoma is the same age as the three ensigns on Seishun, he is actually a semi-experienced fighter pilot because the US starts its combat training at an earlier age and, thanks to training from his father, Ryoma was allowed to do a sort of accelerated program due to how advanced he was.
Extras because we ship it 1. Sakuno definitely does not have a crush on the super amazing female fighter pilot, An, who won’t take shit from anyone and stands up for herself, she doesn’t know what you’re talking about.  NO TOMOKA, DON’T SAY THAT!!! 2. An definitely does not have a crush on the cute, quiet and super intelligent female science officer who is really kind and amazing and *sigh*...I mean, what??? 3. Pillar Pair.  It exists.  They have to keep it a secret, though because of the power discrepancy.  Protocol would normally demand they work on separate ships, but then they’d never be able to see each other which is stupid.  Fuji and An are the first to find out about it.  So much teasing occurs.
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