#Kayetra Spade Queen
kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Team Relationship Dynamics
I will list off the dynamics of the members' relationships from one another. This'll be long. From Kim to Randy.
Kim - Jenny: besties
Kim - Danny: close friends
Kim - Jake: friends
Kim - June: senior-junior friendship
Kim - Rex: social group friends
Kim - Zak: social group friends
Kim - Ben: activity friends
Kim - Randy: mentor-student
Jenny - Danny: close friends-besties (both are from the same team prior to this team)
Jenny - Jake: social group friends
Jenny - June: close friends
Jenny - Rex: friends
Jenny - Zak: social group friends
Jenny - Ben: social group friends
Jenny - Randy: social group friends
Danny - Jake: close friends
Danny - June: mentor-student
Danny - Rex: activity friends
Danny - Zak: social group friends
Danny - Ben: work acquaintances-friends
Danny - Randy: close friends
Jake - June: close friends
Jake - Rex: activity friends
Jake - Zak: social group friends
Jake - Ben: work acquaintances-friends
Jake - Randy: close friends
June - Rex: friends
June - Zak: activity friends
June - Ben: social group friends
June - Randy: friends
Rex - Zak: close friends
Rex - Ben: in relationship (engaged)
Rex - Randy: work acquaintances-friends (mutually connected by Ben)
Zak - Ben: close friends-besties
Zak - Randy: friends (mutually connected by Ben)
Ben - Randy: besties (formerly pen pals)
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Danny Phantom
There's not much change in name, but I intend to use what the fandom come up for his middle name (at least I think that's what the fandom agreed on? I might be wrong).
Daniel James Fenton.
Daniel, his actual full first name.
James, is what I remembered the name the fandom agreed upon, or at least some of it.
Fenton, his family name. There's nothing for me to explain about.
Also, a friend pointed out that I have a habit of giving things dramatic names (I'd say the influence of Genshin is strong af-). I do have a habit of making something to be more extreme than it was when it was originally made, so please don't mind it.
Maddie and Jack:
They're still the goofy and quirky parents Danny and Jazz had, but was smarter, more understanding and compassionate compared to the original. Knew Danny turned into ghost and the portal incident, more like they were also witnesses of that said incident. The sound of his scream of agony and pain manage to pull out nightmares for the both of them on several nights. However, that doesn't waver their love for their son. Sure, he may become half of the being they're hunting down for the sake of studies or something, but that doesn't erase the fact that this ghost child is their child, their little baby who unfortunately fell into the abyss of their own mistakes and neglect. They assists Team Phantom many times when it comes to the supply and whatever knowledge they have currently and are still expanding beyond their current understanding for the sake of learning to find a solution that wouldn't harm either side of the plane.
Nothing much different compared to the canon, except she was also a witness to the incident. Her overprotectiveness tenfold, much to Danny's dismay, and it took a lot of time for them to find a common ground and for her to tone down. There's nothing much different in this version compared to the original.
Sam, Tucker:
Danny's friends since elementary. Their relationship is pretty much the same as they are in canon, but what's different is that Danny and Sam doesn't harbor feelings for one another (I apologize for those who ship Amethyst Ocean), and therefore they aren't in any other relationship other than best friends.
Danny's relationship with Valerie is very contradictive compared to their relationship in canon. First and foremost; Valerie listens to people more than just act out and shutting her ears out, yes she sometimes act out first questions later, but she had made pretty good judgements and know that nothing good happens when jumping to conclusions too quickly and taking everything at face value without knowing the full story. She and Danny became friends during freshman year of middle school, and although Valerie still somewhat in the 'popular' clique in their school, she'd prefer to spend time with the Team Phantom any time. She could be considered the hub of all gossips at school with how much information she gets from the most loud and chatty clique of the whole school.
Dani/Elly, Dan/Ozzy:
Dani: The first ever semi-success clone of Danny made by Vlad. Nothing really is different in their relationship, until Dani was in the most critical condition that had something to do with her unstable ectoplasm, which required her to have to be revert to a some sort of fetus and undergo a process similar to normal human pregnancy, but instead of putting the halfa fetus into Danny, it was put inside of a bottle first before a birthing pod when the halfa child became more mature and resembles a newborn. In turn, she'll be reborn back as purely Danny's child (think about Ben who asexually reproduced, but went through a completely different process) without any of her past memories in place. The art and technology of doing this process remains undisclosed. Her new identity became Eleanor Maria Fenton with the nickname "Elly", and she became the ghost princess by right of birth after her "rebirth".
Dan: Their relationship remains the same until Danny decided to properly take care of Dan (before the de-aging). Think of it like a Nahida-Scaramouche/Wanderer relationship. Although it was a painfully grueling process, Danny was patient and really think about Dan and his freedom and his disoriented characteristics at heart and tried to the best of his abilities to help Dan out through it all. However, it turns out the ectoplasm from Vlad's half in Dan was found out to have a corruption, making Dan going through an excruciating pain and suffering. In order to cleanse the corruption entirely, Dan have to go through the same process as Dani, reverting him back to that of a fetus, born now as a halfa, and restart everything from scratch. His new identity became Kalos Marcus Fenton with the nickname "Ozzy", becoming the ghost prince by right of birth after his "rebirth". He and Elly had became twins in this current life.
The ghost dog that Danny found outside the building of Axion Labs (no, he didn't went in and wreck the place, because I'm twisting some things in Shades of Gray because Valerie is part of Team Phantom from the start). The dog looked lost, confused, as if it doesn't know what to do, so Danny decided to take the dog in and brought him home. After a while, he realized the tag on the dog's collar, and figured that this dog at some point was a staff at Axion Labs or maybe someone related to someone who works at the lab, and decided to check what's the deal with the dog and the lab. Danny later found out that the ghost dog, along with other dogs before (he didn't know if the other staff dogs are also dead, but he'll have to check it up later) are used to be guards dogs decades ago, but they were let down when technology became more efficient. The dog canals, food bowls, and other stuff are being put in an abandoned storage space that was completely sealed off. But a single toy stood out to him, a squeaky toy. Since this is the only toy in the whole room, Danny assumed this might've belonged to the ghost dog he found, so he decided to go back home and hoping this is the item that the dog was looking for to the point of waiting outside the walls of the lab for, which thankfully it was. However, instead of going back to the Ghost Zone, the dog decided to stay, and Danny became his owner after asking Maddie and Jack (to which both agreed). Cujo became his name.
Good god, where do I even begin... Ok, I guess I should start that their relationship is a lot worse than in canon. Yes, he still had that hatred towards Jack, but he also hated Maddie as the miniature portal was also her creation as it is to Jack's. By extent, he hated both of their kids too (unreasonable? Yes, but anything goes for me-), but particularly Danny due to his status as a halfa and the many connection he had between the living plane and the Ghost Zone. Dani's creation wasn't because he wanted a perfect son, it was an attempt to use the clones as an army to attack Danny. Dan's creation was literally a succeeded version of Vlad's plan. Vlad figured that the only way to really hurt Maddie and Jack, was to hurt their beloved youngest, the more pain the better he said. Vlad was so deep into his hatred towards the Fentons, morality was completely out the window and down the drain for him. Every attempt was another way for him to destroy the Fentons of what they did to him, he wasn't willing to talk whatsoever, even an attempt would've been futile instead. Due to me completely erasing Phantom Planet from existence, Vlad was still roaming free under the facade of a good natured mayor while scheming to get rid of the Fentons by any means necessary. His ectoplasm became corrupted due to many times it was used to experiment dangerous creations and many mysterious methods. However, Vlad could withstand it due to his overflowing amount of sheer hatred, while Dan couldn't handle the corruption due to having Danny's DNA.
A fellow member of the Nicktoons Team. Manny (alongside Jenny) joined much later. They started out as acquaintances then friends, then after a while, they both started a relationship. Manny's life became even more interesting by the time the twins came to the picture, and Manny wouldn't want it any other way. He's a great babysitter (and maybe even parent, someday).
Jimmy, Timmy:
Danny considered both of them as his troublesome younger brothers, particularly Timmy. It all happened because the Turners asked the Fentons if it's ok for them to leave Timmy under the Fentons for a while, and that's how Danny's babysitting career started (do not ask for details. If you know what the Turners are like, that should speak volumes enough). Danny met Jimmy a little later afterwards after seeing a lonely kid on the bench of the courtyard of Timmy's school, so he decided to approach him, and that's how they get to know each other. Danny was a bit protective towards Jimmy due to how many times he's been bullied and being treated as an outcast because of his high IQ, so Jimmy found a safe haven in Danny. Although Danny said he's more of their babysitter than anything, Danny turned out to be that of a parental figure of the team; slightly strict but responsible and gave out reasonable rules so no one gets into unwanted troubles even outside missions. Both Jimmy and Timmy viewed Danny is that of the 3rd parental figure who kept them grounded and the voice of reason and motivation for them. Although he is still capable of grounding them, like confiscating Timmy's video games and locking Jimmy's lab while taking the key with him. Jenny said it was a given considering many times those two caused trouble.
Danny's best buddy in the team. SB had always been the motivational one of the whole team and kept everyone in spirits. Literally the closet person he had in the team way before Manny and Jenny. Supports Danny through thick and thin, and was the first person Danny ever confided with whenever he had problems and vice versa.
Was the only person (robot?) Danny recognized in Center Shades, and the only one Danny talked with for a while until he got to know the other members (particularly Randy and Jake). Danny was Jenny's backup fixer whenever Jimmy is not available and/or wasn't with them altogether, hence the only person Jenny trust in the other team with her mechanisms.
Info Dumps:
I will be dumping a hella load of info in this column, so be warned if you don't want to read everything. I'm not really willing to make a separate blog about this topic itself, so consider it like a Danny speciality that you can't find anywhere except asking Danny himself;
The term 'ghosts' is an umbrella term used for all types of spirits that originates from all the realms of the Infinite Realms (commonly known as the Ghost Zone). Just because they're called ghosts, doesn't necessarily mean they are whatever that's left of a human spirit.
Ghosts aren't inherently bad natured; they're more driven by their obsessions more than anything, and doesn't really meant to cause harm, but their obsessions could clouded their better judgement, making them getting mischaracterized as 'bad natured' and 'pure evil'. They're not bad, they just need something to feed off of their obsessions to find a few specks of peace.
The Ghost Zone is actually named as Infinite Realms, but another name was also proposed when the realm was first discovered; Gap of The Sun. The reason for this naming is that it was once believed that this realm had been created from a sun that once exploded, and instead of turning into a black hole, it turned into a neverending realm filled with doors leading to many other realms. However, the naming and this theory was eventually dropped due to lack of evidence to support the claim of the exploded sun that created this primal realm.
The nature of ectoplasm is currently unknown, but it is theorized to be remnants of a spirit's will and their former drive when they were still alive. But due to the lack of evidence, there is no concrete info that the ectoplasm were remnants of the ghosts leftover living will. It was only left that ectoplasm are just what give these ghosts their shape after their soul no longer resides using a human vessel in the living plane.
There's a phenomenon between the ghosts called a "Death Day", where the ghost will have to relive the memories of their death, the feeling of pain they felt all over again. They would go completely paralyzed and won't be able to move at all as they relive the memories and pain of their death with nowhere to go as they couldn't move. The aftereffects when the day of their Death Day had passed are; extreme numbness, lacking color vision in their sights (everything is in black and white for them), complete blockage of their powers, and whatever that's left in their mood swings of their Death Day. The only way to minimize the pain during Death Day was when the spirit's living loved ones visit their graves or commemorate the death anniversary. Even then, that won't erase the pain entirely, as it won't affect anything in the aftereffects (although this is unclear for those who are born as a halfa). (This is inspired by that one DPxDCA fic on AO3).
Danny's ghost king title:
Ok, so I did said that Danny became ghost king in this version, right? Well, in version, Danny became ghost king a little later after the defeat of Pariah Dark. Technically, he was already crowned shortly after, but due to the fact he's biologically and chronologically too young to rule yet, it was decided that Danny have to wait until he was 20 to finally take on the big roles of being the king of ghosts. Until then, he was made to do smaller tasks that seemed a bit big to him at first, but once he became king, the weight was even more immense than what he had initially thought it would.
The Ghost Law:
A law that is absolutely mandatory to follow by all ghosts of every realm and every kind. Here are some examples;
Ghosts are absolutely forbidden to harm those who still resides the living plane by any means.
In terms of handling one's obsessions, it is absolutely advised to ask the Ghost King for any solution that wouldn't involved the living beings.
Killing a living soul or the environment of the living realm will be heavily punished.
In terms of living amongst the alive in the living plane, a barrier must be made around the property to prevent ghost hunters or unwanted guests from lingering the property.
When a soul from the living plane had lost its human vessel and could no longer resides amongst the alive (basically: someone died), it is an absolute must to inform the ghost king in order to conduct the 'White Farewell' ceremony for the now-departed spirit.
Not much different, except he radiates mom energy all over. Well, no wonder. Along with Ben, Danny has plenty experience when it comes to hyperactive and/or rowdy kids, and had a huge sense of parental responsibility towards everyone. Both Danny and Ben would be fussing over those who would dive head first into trouble without a clear plan and getting injured in the process, or when someone did something incredibly stupid it ended as a huge problem (they're in the Overview department for a reason).
Danny is more... Elegant compared to the original. There's always an aura of grace coming from him, and sometimes his voice comes off a sort of a mystical vibes, even if he didn't intend to it. Although despite being king, his overall personality didn't change; humble, friendly, and approachable.
Battle attire:
Something like a royal outfit, but nothing extravagant. Ok, maybe adding a bit of claws on his gloves could be a bit extra, but you can't blame me, blame Ningguang-
The hair tho, I have been thinking like a Zhongli-style ponytail in battle form. But in normal form, like human form will varies depending on what Danny wanted. Majority of his hair would already be white even in his human form.
The design I came up with.
(Base: TheCherryMonsterLu (DeviantArt));
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Fenton Thermos
Ghost powers
Ice powers (from his Ice Core)
Ectoplasm generating
Mind reading
Other Info:
Obtained the title or nickname as "Siren Voice", due to his mystical and beautiful voice. Think of it as those myths where sailors would disappear when they heard the voice of a mermaid/siren. This'll be hella useful for Danny in so many ways.
Ftm transgender, though he liked being called 'mom' by the twins.
Although he is a Fenton, he does not have the Fenton luck when it comes to driving (neither does Jazz). But he was usually being driven to by his ghostly staff/guards than driving himself. He still have a driver's license though.
Still can't get close to Blood Blossoms, otherwise he'll experience pain as horrible as the time of his 'death'.
Danny's body is sturdy but also hella flexible. He used to do gymnastics when he was younger, but his flexibility was greatly enhanced when he became a halfa.
Danny's eyes changed after the incident, not just when he's a ghost; originally icy blue, now blue on top half, and ecto green on bottom half. His eyes is still fully green when he went ghost.
The 2nd tallest in both at Nicktoons and the other team. Sorta thriving and suffering at the same time (the whole 'shorter people live longer' joke became a bit too literal than it was intended to due to Jake's longevity).
Danny would, quite literally, became a dictionary when someone would ask about ghosts, its nature and laws, etc.
Danny and June are actually pretty close friends due to their shared dreams to be an astronaut (even with their current circumstances).
Danny used to love eating sweets and desserts, but as Sam and Valerie monitored him and limit his consumption of sweet food ever since he had the twins.
Given everyone his protection seal, so ghosts couldn't really harm them, and it'll be much easier dealing with the ghosts like that because they're under the 'territory' of the ghost king himself.
At some point, Danny will start an orphanage for lost young souls who met their fate far too early. Randy might also do the same, but just with living children, and there will also be rescue shelters and such.
He, along with Jake are currently searching to find ways so that lighter energy-beings like Jake and June could enter the Infinite Realms due to having absolutely chaotic and mixed energies.
Danny's signature flower is Star Lit Orchid.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 2 months
You know what kinda bothers me after watching Arjun Prince of Bali for a while?
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Throne of Bali depicting Arjun in a not so favorable light, despite the entire movie's whole purpose is to promote his then up and coming series.
And in the end, Bheem became the savior. Like, ok, it's originally a movie from Bheem's side of the series, but CB team making anyone else the hero instead of Bheem challenge (impossible).
Once again, I'm not here to bash on either shows; they're my favorite shows despite all things considered. It's just that I have to be in overanalyzing state at everything ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Arjun's Introductory
Arjun's introduction is anything but nice. First glance, he was depicted as an arrogant prince who thinks he doesn't need help from other people just because he's the prince.
And lo and behold, he softened up after half of the movie.
Idk if it's just me being biased. But if it were me, if I want to introduce a character that I wanted to make a whole series about, and the movie was my promotion tactic, I'd give him more character that still holds true when he had the series.
Like, ok, the series was like 3 years after Throne of Bali timeline-wise (Arjun being 8 at TOB, then 11 at APOB), so I get that he grew up and matured up. But god forbid introducing a character in such a way.
Tanya & Zimmbu's Absence
What kinda irks me is the fact that Tanya doesn't exist. So does Zimmbu, and they're supposed to be Arjun's little sister and pet respectively.
What I assume is that Arjun's story is still half-baked when Throne of Bali was up. So instead of fleshing out the story and characters first, they just decided to go with whatever they have, and went along with the movie's release anyways.
Which, I guess they're chasing a deadline, so I guess I should cut them some slack. But still, excluding very crucial people from Arjun's life other than his parents that make up for more than half of his character is a bit much, no?
Bheem Being the Story's 'Savior'
I get it, it's Bheem's movie originally, so I get why putting Bheem on a spotlight more. But again, it's Arjun's movie at the end of the day, shouldn't it be reasonable that Arjun be the ultimate savior?
He's the crown prince for crying out loud, why did it shift to Bheem being a prince??
Which, I supposed because Bheem was a well-known figure already, in which if he's not the main hero, less people would take interest in the series.
But then again, another solution is to make both of them the ultimate saviors. But hey, I'm no Green Gold.
Now, it's time for me to tackle on a bit of kinda like a rewrite but not really. I'm just gonna list out that what I would like to be changed in the movie.
Involving Tanya and Zimmbu
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I think involving Arjun's closest person and animal is detrimental for his character overall. Despite his personality, Arjun is a caring older brother and would actually put his sister first before him (which, ik in some cases Tanya came second, but that's because she just wanted to do what her brother was doing, but my point still stands for overall reasons).
Arjun would still be hostile towards Bheem and his friends, which would make sense because he doesn't know them, despite being the people his uncle trusted. I'd replaced his arrogance to just focusing on keeping his sister from harm's way. He'd keep her close at all times during the span of the movie until Arjun could slowly trust Bheem.
Arjun's Personality
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I get that he's made to be the type to enjoy attention and limelight, and also a bit of competitive. But how did it turned to complete arrogance??
In the series, as far as I know, the only times Arjun ever used his title against someone was towards villains who's making havoc towards the kingdom, and Arjun have to use his title to let the villains know that their actions are acknowledged by the order. Arjun might've still be only a prince, but he's the eventual ruler, so his words also holds power despite his current position.
Once again, I'm using Arjun's caring big bro personality at play here (Arjun acted the same way to Khojo, and sometimes even Sankat). Realistically, I don't think Arjun would've cared much about getting attention from his people while his home is literally being under attack. His main focus should be at making sure the people who's still unaffected by the curse remains safe.
Arjun would still kept his distance from the gang for safety measures; he still doesn't trust them in fear that they might've had some ulterior motives behind their help that Arjun knew nothing about. His hostile attitude towards them was to keep himself, and his sister and pet safe from potential danger.
Arjun would keep Tanya entertained and maybe comfort her when she's getting homesick. She and Zimmbu are his only family left at the time, so keeping them close to him at all times was an absolute need for not just for them, but also for himself.
I think Arjun would soften up when Tanya gets more close with the others. Arjun is still close Indumati and trusts her because she is family, but Tanya getting really friendly with everyone else was kinda like a stepping stone for him to loosen up.
As Arjun began to soften up and trusts them, he'll be more friendlier to them.
And trusting Tanya with the others was a huge step for him into completely trusting them. Regardless of everything, Tanya was at the top of his priority, so trusting his sister's safety with them was huge.
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What irks me most was at the end of everything, Bheem was the ultimate savior. Hello, is this movie supposed to promote Arjun or not??
When Bheem fell into the cracks and into the lava, Arjun would be following him in an attempt to save him from falling into the lava, but both ended up falling in anyways, but was saved regardless.
Bheem would be told that he still have many lives to save in the future, while Arjun would be told that as the prince of Bali and the eventual ruler of the kingdom, Arjun have the utmost responsibility to keep the kingdom from harm, and possibly foreshadowing Bali's second calamity and his fight with Hiranya.
I think that's all I have to offer. If there's any more, I'd add it later.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 4 months
Because I don't wanna make a video essay, so have a written essay instead because I absolutely can.
I'm gonna talk about the Loom of Fate, the 5 Sinners, and theorized what will happen to Teyvat.
I must warn you that these are all theories made by what's given by Genshin so far, so please don't take anything too seriously until we finally get the full picture.
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Ok, so after AQ Bedtime Story (good god, that was a rollercoaster, although it was short), we've gathered a few things;
Loom of Fate is essentially made to replace or at least be on par with Irminsul, hence the connection between Ley Lines and people's memories.
The caused of the Khaenri'ah cataclysm wasn't the Khaenri'ahns entirely, but the 5 Sinners.
Celestia had been asleep ever since the cataclysm and hadn't woken up, even when Irminsul was altered and Focalors destroying her throne.
The Sinners (+ Dain) are trying to go up against a Vinster King.
The Sinners in question left Khaenri'ah when the cataclysm happened, leaving all of their people to deal with the bullshit they themselves had made. Talk about responsibility.
The Sinners
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Hroptatyr The Wise: I assume that he will have something to do with the Forbidden Knowledge, that's why he was titled "the wise". We have not attain any information about him from any characters as of now.
Vedrfolnir The Visionary: We found out that he is Dainsleif's older brother, and we also found out that he is also the voice that we (reliving as our Sibling in memory) heard as "The Voice in The Head", and was the one who inspired Chlothar into founding the Abyss Order in the first place.
Rhinedottir Gold: We know that she is the creator of Albedo and his siblings. She was the one who brought abyssal monsters into Teyvat in the first place. For the longest time, I've suspected that she had been dead by getting killed, but now I think that she's still alive due to Kaeya's voiceline saying; "The Sinners are the ones that remains".
Surtalogi The Foul: We know that he is the master of Skirk. He was the one who brought the All-Devouring Narwhal onto Teyvat, and we know the whale isn't from Teyvat itself, and it came from somewhere in space. The whale got attracted by the many Primordial Sea because of the Fontainians are beings made out of Primordial Sea until they became fully human.
Rerir Rächer of Solnari: In mythology, Rerir wanted to avenge his father's death. Rerir in Genshin (who is a female due to the Rächer noun is feminine) could be indicating something similar, but what? Maybe... A death of a loved one?
Vinster King
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So the Sinners are trying to go up against the Vinster King because of... Something.
First and foremost, the identity of Vinster King.
I believed that it's Phanes, aka the Primordial One. The one that created the 4 Shining Shades, and the one who founded the Heavenly Principles in the first place.
Why do I say that? Realized that Dain said that their goal is to stop the Vinster King from "continuing the rock foundation of this world"?
Phanes, in a sense did create Teyvat. Killing the Dragon Sovereigns and taking over their land, not to mention creating the civilization we know now is a form of "creating" this world, the world of Teyvat we all know now.
The Sinners had a reason to try and fight the Vinster King, or I guess in this case, the Primordial One.
But what? What happened between them that angered Phanes so much?
Creating a New World
I believe that the reason of the Sinners trying to fight Celestia was that they're trying to create a new world.
Was this a bit of a stretch? Maybe. But they are the ones who left Khaenri'ah when the abyss started to take over and when Celestia have to do what they could to stop it from spreading towards to the other nations.
Loom of Fate was one of the key factors into creating this new world, the same way Irminsul was. There could be other factors into making this new world the Sinners are trying to make, and one of them could involve the Forbidden Knowledge.
See, although Phanes did "make" Teyvat in a sense, it was still a stolen land by the end of the day, so maybe the Sinners are trying to create a world made by their own hands, and transporting the people of Teyvat to that new world, so they could live in a "pure world", where it was entirely theirs. Loom of Fate could also be made to make people forget about Celestia altogether, making the new world a purely-humanity-based world with no divine intervention.
Now, why would they do this? As mentioned before, these 5 people were the best in their fields, better than their own peers. I'd assume they got greedy and selfish, and when they found the power of the abyss, it brought them to the point of insanity, so they made these insane stunts to reach their goal, even if it meant putting their own people, and by extent everyone in the world into a bridge of chaos and suffering.
Hroptatyr & Rerir
We know 3 people so far, but how about the other 2?
Hroptatyr is called "the wise", which he is most likely to tie himself onto knowledge, and probably academically unparalleled back then among his people.
What if he got greedy, trying to get more knowledge? The Forbidden Knowledge was most likely his key to an otherworldly knowledge, something that no one, not even Rukkhadevata could understand as the god of knowledge. It won't be far fetched, since the power of the abyss was so powerful it can either be on par or exceed the power of the heavens to the point Celestia can't cure it.
Forbidden Knowledge can be very essential for creating the new world theory I mentioned in the previous section. Creating the very foundation of a world requires a ton of knowledge, so who's to say that Hroptatyr aren't trying to get his hands to that knowledge so he can't start making that world?
Rerir here is trying to avenge something (hence the word "Rächer"), but what? In the original Germanic mythology, Rerir is the son of Sigi, succeeds his murdered father and avenges his death. He rules in Hunaland and becomes a powerful ruler.
So, Rerir here in Genshin must've had something to do that's tied to death at some point. A dead loved one maybe that got killed by being murdered?
If that's the case, then Rerir is trying to avenge her loved one, or maybe a comrade, but to where? Maybe Phanes got something to do with it, but I'm not entirely sure.
I have my own speculations that Rerir is trying to resurrect that said person. Which, I get it, it doesn't follow through her title, but given that she attains the power of the abyss, who's to say that she won't try to do the art of resurrection? She'll definitely try to take advantage of that power and do whatever she could think off possible to make whatever she wished come true, including bringing back the dead.
Maybe that person got involved with Celestia, and Celestia was the cause of that person's death. Which would make sense if Rerir getting involved with Phanes herself because of it; she doesn't accept that the person she cares about being killed by the person who was supposed to be a god who loved humanity.
Celestia, as we know it, is the cause of plenty of shit;
The one who destroyed an entire nation
The one who put a curse on said nation
The one who the archons are putting their distance at
The one who drove our Sibling to continue the Loom of Fate operation
The one who made the Tsaritsa going grocery shopping for the other archons' gnoses
The one who made the prophecy to drown Fontaine because Egeria made the sin of making Oceanids into humans
Stole a whole planet upon arrival
Killed the original residents of said planet
Using the remnants of the 3rd Descenders into making the gnoses
What we didn't know until a while ago about Celestia was;
Destroying the entire nation because there's no cure for the abyss and they're trying to protect the other nations
The power of the abyss was so powerful, it drained them to the point of slumber
Cursing the people of the nation because they thought the people responsible for creating the cataclysm was still there, not realizing that they had already left. Though I still disapprove of them cursing the entire population when they had absolutely nothing to do with it and was caught in a crossfire
Celestia wasn't the one who started the eradication of Khaenri'ah in the first place because they disapprove of the nation's independence; they were merely trying to protect the world from the abyss because it's the only way the knew best and are the only powerful method they had
Celestia exhaust themselves so badly, they went into a slumber that not even Focalors' stunt could even wake them up. So they've been inactive for the last 500 years
For the longest time, we've been under the impression that Celestia is the ultimate big bad of the game, which we have reasons why; the archons are against Celestia, a whole nation got destroyed by Celestia because it was assumed that they're being erased because of their independence, hell even trapping us into Teyvat without any way of leaving and locking our powers away.
In a sense, Celestia is still a big bad, but maybe not as big as the Sinners? I know I said that they're probably transporting the people from Teyvat to a new world they're making, but considering the fact that they left their own people to die, who's to say that they would most likely let the world perish and recreate their society and the entire humanity from scratch? And in order to do that, the existence of the previous humanity of the previous world have to be eradicated.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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Farewell Atossa
I apologize for making you know me unwillingly
Still, I do not wish you to forget me
(Translation by me, cuz good god this took so damn long translating this letter by letter-)
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I'm so unwell y'all- :')
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Team Lineups
We need some order in departments, or smth-
These groups are areas that a person had a specialty on, but they don't specialized in 1 group only; everyone had many specialties within their belt that could be useful in a mission, but only if the people they team up with for the mission alone could be a some sort of complementary skill.
Technically speaking, everyone is good in everything. I'm not saying they're only good in the area they're assigned as only, I'm just saying that they're biggest strong points are in those departments. They're not unknowledgeable in every areas, they're more relying on each other who had more stronger hold on their specialized fields.
(Will occasionally update)
Group Descriptions (I forgot to write them-);
The role of Overview is to monitor those who have been assigned to the mission from base, and assigned backup and other things when situation became too dire. They are also those who manages planning and research.
Kim, Danny, and Ben are the attendants of this department because of their vast skill in collecting information and their fast thinking to handle situations.
Like the name suggests, this department focused on to be the 'sword', purely to attack with force of their abilities.
Kim, Jake, and Rex are the attendants of this department, due to their wider range of variant styles of fighting and capability to hit an enemy's weak spot better.
The department focused on to be the 'shield', covering those who couldn't dodge an attack fast enough, or act as a cover for those who are trying to recover from an injury that would take time.
Danny, June, and Zak are the attendants of this department because of their capability to produce a strong shield with high durability.
A department focused on providing healing remedies and spells to attend those who were injured.
June, Ben, and Randy are the attendants of this department because of their knowledge and capabilities of healing arts and techniques, and methods.
A department focused on the involvement of spiritual beings that cannot be easily contacted through any modern means.
Danny, Zak, and Ben are the attendants of this department due to their capabilities to communicate with different kinds of spirits.
A department that focuses around machinery and technology.
Jenny, Rex, and Ben are the attendants of this department due to their expertise in technology.
A department that focuses on the acquiring, storing, and transporting of resources.
Jake, Zak, and Randy are the attendants of this department due to their ability to navigate the sources of materials.
The role of Navigation is to navigate around places in search of a destination during a mission.
Jenny, Jake, and June are the attendants of this department due to their greater ability in navigation and map reading.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 3 months
Wallpapers I got from events I manage to attend;
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It's not much, I know. I'm waiting for little events like these to collect more
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kayetra-spade-queen · 4 months
Who else is canonically paired in your au and who is still single?
Aight, let's go-
Team taken;
Kim and Ron (married + a 4 y/o daughter that I have no idea what to name her yet)
Jenny and Vega (I literally just decided to put this pair now after leaving Jenny in a single group for a while-)
Danny and Manny (dating)
June and Marcus (dating)
Rex and Ben (engaged)
Team singles;
Jake (he and Rose are not together because Jake didn't try to make Rose remember him)
Randy (for now)
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Because @drawnfamiliarfaces got me into their AU rabbit hole of a variant version of the Teen Heroes™, I hope they don't mind of me making my own variant (I'm self-conscious, please excuse me-).
First and foremost, I can't draw, at least not to the extent of completely fleshing out a sketch out of my ass (ok- I can, but only a single eye, and even then it looks like shit to me-). I can draw clothing better than making a full body to make a whole ass scene. Comics are out the window cuz I will suffer.
Second, it'll probably be more on writing than making fanarts.
Third, I didn't watch the majority of the other characters' respective shows. I watched Danny Phantom a bit because of Nicktoons, and Ben 10 because of the same person who got me into starting this whole thing. I'll probably get my own snips and bits of necessary info from the wiki, but don't expect any accuracy, and I'd appreciate if anyone could dump some info that could prove to be very necessary for me.
Fourth, this is an entire AU itself, so I'm mostly not gonna follow canon at most. There will be stories I will try to twist to my liking.
Fifth, ships. Yes, but bear with me here; thanks to my overconsumption of media, I will be putting just a few ships that I think are neat, but if anyone disagrees with me or didn't like how I didn't mention a ship they like (cuz I barely knew shit about the characters), then please just either move away from my blog, or block me entirely to avoid unwanted conflict. We all have our interests that make us happy, the least you could do is to respect and/or completely don't interact.
Sixth, the clothing are gonna filled with my own personal headcanons, mostly their clothing when they battle (the characters themselves too, but I'm gonna focus more on the clothes because I'm a fashion illustrator). Danny, Ben, and Randy are gonna wear heels because yes.
The ships involved;
Tigerghost (Manny Rivera from El Tigre x Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom) (I completely blame izbubbles for this one)
Benrex (Rex Salazar from Generator Rex x Ben Tennyson from Ben 10) (surprised? Probably not lmfao-)
Jimmytimmy (Timmy Turner x Jimmy Neutron) (first and foremost; no, none of the Nicktoons (Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob, and Manny) except Danny and Jenny are part of this team. Danny and Jenny still go on missions with the NU team because duh. And second; they're only here as some sort of filler and cuz I really love Nicktoons since most of them I have watched)
Headcanons involved (will get expanded in due time I swear-);
Trans Danny
Anodite Ben (still wields the Omnitrix. His anodite powers are pink too)
Dani and Dan are Danny's kids (under a different name because they have to go through a re-birth process that I'll touch upon later)
Ben's necrofriggian children now comes to earth to live with their mom (like I said, I'm not following canon)
Randy is still ninja, but because this AU involves a 3rd power/skill, I'll have to twist a bit of the canon my way, especially when it comes to the Ultimate Lesson and memory wipe
There will be some Genshin Impact references here and there, because I do play them, and I love it-
Ghost King Danny (by extent, Ghost Princess Dani and Ghost Prince Dan)
Fashion designer Ben (his sassy and confident nature could be more of a use tbh)
Primal Iudex Randy (he and Furina would get along nicely-)
Pearl Keeper Jake
Side gig magician Rex (leave me be, I think it's neat-)
Engaged Rex and Ben (all of the members are adults over 20, so don't be surprised)
Sandra Tennyson is French, so that makes Ben half-French by heritage
Ben and Randy are pen pals turned close friends by the time Ben moved to France (yes, I made Randy somewhat French here for this reason, but I'll have to put in more details later)
Rex won't lose his memories, but he'll get short-term amnesia often, which just need something to trigger the old memories back
Everyone is under the same universe
Danny's ghost team are Sam-Tucker-Valerie-Jazz and his parents (Valerie deserves better than what was given to her by canon)
Yes, Maddie and Jack knew Danny became a ghost from the very start, but they didn't treat him any differently than he was before; if anything, they felt guilty that their son had paid the price for their ignorance and neglect
Phantom Planet do not exist, and it shouldn't have been to begin with, but whatever
Valerie had always been part of Danny's gang. In terms of Shades of Gray, I'll have to change a lot of things, that includes her father's job (he didn't get fired), so I have other things in mind regarding Cujo
Cujo became Danny's pet dog later on, cuz you can't tell me these two aren't made for each other
Members from oldest to youngest, I do hope @drawnfamiliarfaces wouldn't mind me using their headcanon as well (eldest Kim, youngest Randy). I think they're really neat.
Please keep in mind that none of this follow canon whatsoever, they follow my headcanons and versions. Character backstories are written purely by my own personal headcanons too. I'll probably add actual canon when I didn't have anything good to offer, but this is what I could put for now.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 2 months
Time for another ramble.
This time, it's about Arjun, Prince of Bali. Some things that bothered me as an Indo.
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Look, I know the show had long ended (with only 3 years of runtime and it has been 7 years since it had ended), but the show is surprisingly underwhelming, and I'm saying this as someone who used to watch some of the episodes that showed on TV (dubbed in Indo obv) when I was younger, and also as someone who's taken the time to watch the episodes in order or not.
Keep in mind, I'm not here to bash the show. I liked this show, because it's actually interesting if you actually took the time to enjoy it. It's just that my overanalyzing ass couldn't stfu, so that's why I'm whipping this up out of my ass. It's my job dawg- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
They lack Indo names. Like, ok. Aci and Ayu are there, and ig Wangi is also there. But like how their names are pronounced are butchered, especially the twins, they're so Americanized in terms of their name pronunciation.
Tanya is questionable cuz that's not even an Indo name. Tanya in Indo means question, and idk wtf came over the king and queen's head thinking naming their child Question is a good idea.
Everyone else had Hindi names.
I'd propose alternative names for Wangi and Tanya (personally, the name Wangi, wrongly pronounced or otherwise is weird, just saying-).
Funnily enough, I've searched up Balinese names, and I read names are supposed to be given depending on their birth order.
Meaning, if Arjun isn't name the way he is, his name could be Wayan due to being a firstborn child.
Tanya could be named Ni Luh, as a firstborn daughter. Yes, she's a second born, which also give her the option of Ni Made. Honestly it depends, it could be either of them, but my point still stands.
And for Wangi, I'd give her the name Bunga instead, meaning flower.
Lack of Indo Language Overall
Look, I know it's an Indian cartoon, but if you're going to put a set in other places other than India, might as well do proper research.
Like, I get it, Balinese is especially a difficult language, and I understand as a Javanese and Maduranese who doesn't understand squat of Java at the slightest.
But at the very least, you could use normal Indo. But then again, I think they'll butcher pronunciation regardless if they did or not, looking how they ruined Aci and Ayu's name.
All I'm saying is that, yes, although the overall language use is Hindi, at the very least, use some Indo words in there, even if it's just a little bit. Music, clothing, and architecture isn't the only thing that should be shown, our language, the local or the country-wide one should be represented as well. But I guess it's hard given that there's literally no Indo person in their team.
I get that Arjun and Tanya are biracial, and Hindi also had the right to be represented even if the setting isn't at India. But my point still stands.
Arjun's Lack of Hair Care
Listen, Arjun probably had the most flawless hair known to mankind, and I think he knows it, so that's why he's embracing it. But the point is, similar way of how Bheem's dhoti never got in the way of his fighting, Arjun's hair also never got in the way of training and fighting.
Realistically, he'd tie it up so his hair won't block his view. But god forbid that times of he did get his eyes blocked from view, it won't because of his hair, more like it's from other things like blowing leaves and flying papers.
I would personally love to see more of Arjun looking like this more.
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That hairstyle is equally gorgeous as his free hair. He'd still look girly either way lmfao.
Look, he deserve his own column due to reasons.
First and foremost; he's a ginger, so are his father. Having a hair color other than black and brown in Asia is rather unusual unless his father had like a foreign lineage. Not to mention they're weirdly pale as well. I have red on my hair naturally, but he's literally just straight up ginger dawg-
And what is this obsession over getting rid of Arjun so Khojo could become prince instead? Like, I get that Arjun is an heir, but isn't usually if the heir couldn't take over or just no more at all, shouldn't the other borns took over instead? If in the events Arjun is to be eliminated, Tanya would be successor instead. Why would a Minister's kid be appointed as prince instead? Like, I don't know if it works like in other countries (I'm not familiar with Indo royal hierarchy system, much less Bali), but just saying that appointing someone who's not even part of the family as an heir when there's clearly someone else other than the initial heir who could take over and is part of the family.
Take is from Bheem for example; sure, he's not royalty and not even part of the royal family. But he was appointed as a substitute king for a while because both the king and the princess are absent. Bheem is appointed to be king because he's trusted and can protect the kingdom just fine.
Khojo is different, and even if scenario plays in a similar manner but still differs; like if the king and queen ceased to exist anymore, Arjun would assume the throne from the get-go despite how still very young he is. If Arjun is also ceased to exist, Tanya would assume the throne. There's literally no place for Khojo at all, and even if Tanya is also gone, I don't think Khojo or even any of the Ministers are gonna assume the throne regardless, especially Khojo's father. Khojo's father literally once planned of Arjun and Zimmbu's kidnapping and tiger-napping all for the sake of getting his son to the seat of prince, yet that is literally not how it works. Who would even trust the throne to him dawg?? Arjun isn't the only child royalty in the family, Tanya is still there. If Arjun is killed after he got kidnapped, she'll assume to be heir right away.
Oh, and he's trying so hard for Tanya, even though she's not interested. He's so desperate for what?
Now I'm moving onto something I don't really wanna bitch off of, just wanted to point things out and maybe throw some scenarios here and there because I think it's neat.
Arjun As A Girl In Disguise
Tell me if you see this pic out of context, you'd tell me whether this kid is a girl or a boy;
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Anyways, my point is, if you give him more feminine clothes and he wears it, 100% he'd be mistaken as a girl. And if situation requires it, he'd effortlessly lie that he is a girl, and no one will suspect shit.
He's not even just androgynous anymore, he's straight up feminine, and I liked it that not all men should all look broad and jacked. They could be feminine asf and still look badass.
Both Arjun and Tanya Represents Arjuna of Mahabarata
Now, what do I mean by that?
We all know Arjuna's personality. Arjun had the exact same personality as Arjuna (hence literally being a spinoff version of Arjuna himself). From enjoying attention, how girls fall for them, even as wielding the same weapons (bow and arrow). I think Arjun represents Arjuna in the warfare aspect.
And where do Tanya fit into this?
See, Tanya is more artistic; she danced and done more things in the arts compared to when she actually did anything relating with combat (mentioning the times she once did archery and another episode where broke into Arjun's room with Wangi to get his weapons to train while Arjun is away). Tanya represents Arjuna who were taught and enjoys dancing and music aspect during the exile.
Now I just want answers to my questions;
Who tf is Sankat? Ik he's also a prince, but I can't tell if he's related to Arjun in some way (I don't understand Hindi)
Why is Wangi even in the forest?
Why is Wangi blue?
That's probably all. If there's more I want to talk about, I'll add it in a reblog.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 4 months
What was the reason behind you excluding phantom planet aside from how you don't like it?
To be fair, I didn't immediately not like it. When I saw the clip where Danny revealed himself on Facebook (yes, Facebook. I literally searched for some of my favorite shows full episodes there), I didn't thought much about. I was incredibly late to the fandom since it had been 20 years since it started (I wasn't even born when the show first released). Context of the entire episode wasn't shown, even there, so I didn't know why majority people are so pressed about it. It's not like the episode is on YouTube anyways, I gotta find a way to get around things
Until, I saw some screenshots and dialogues taken directly from the show and put in a single blog post, and now I completely understood.
There's a lot from this episode that I am displeased about after getting more information about it, and with the fact that Vlad was left in outer space with no way back, Danny's friends being a bit shitty when Danny reentered the portal to turn himself back to fully human (Sam's in particular, calling him selfish when he wanted to retire as a ghost hunter, like wtf-).
Aside from that, I personally excluded Phantom Planet because it doesn't correlate with what I designed Danny in my AU, especially with Vlad's involvement as a still-present force, because at the finale, he was stuck in outer space with no way back.
Point being, the deciding factor for excluding Phantom Planet was to curate the series into my version in my AU, and Phantom Planet is just... Not fit for it.
The fandom had conflicting feelings about it, I have conflicting feelings about it. It kinda be like that ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
Members Age
Don't mind me being all random-
Everyone is over 20 (the oldests of the group are near or over 30-)
Kimberly Ann Possible = 31 (married to Ron)
Jennifer Wakeman = "30"
Daniel James Fenton = 28 (Elly and Ozzy are 8 y/o since they were "reborn" when Danny is 20)
Jacob Luke Long = 27 (although his height didn't really support him much-)
Juniper Kim Lee = 25
Rex Salazar = 24
Zak Saturday = 22
Bennett Auclair Tennyson = 22 (all 14 Necrofriggian children are 7 y/o)
Randall Dupont Cunningham = 21
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
What I see
What better way to start the story of this silly team?
A ship story, obviously.
What ship? Benrex, duh-
Rex had been working a lot for the past week.
The amount of times he'd been called into duty for missions is honestly astounding, it's a bit concerning.
One particular person was especially worried about the human EVO man.
"You've been working a lot lately." That was the first thing the designer of Omnique Rosula as he sat in front of him in the living space.
"H-huh? Oh, yeah. Techno-based missions are increasing lately, mixed with the need to bash some heads. But it's nothing that I can't handle." The EVO replied, seemingly noticed the worried tone of his partner.
Even with the reply, it didn't sit right with the anodite hybrid. They've been together for so long now, it didn't take even a second for him to notice that Rex was really worn out.
"You should take a break. If there's any similar missions like this, I'll take over the Overview department for a while. Kim and Danny sometimes forgot that we had other variety of attendants in the departments, and assigned members didn't have to be in the fixed amount on 3 people at the first round."
"It's fine, really! I'm sorry if I worry you, but I'm really okay. I'll be fine for the next couple of missions, I swear."
The wielder of the Omnitrix let out an annoyed yet had the tad bit of worry huff at his EVO fiance. His mother instincts would've said to force him to stay put for a while until he was sure he'll be fine for the next missions he'll be assigned to, but he held back.
The EVO could only slightly sweatdrop at his fiance. He is well aware that the wielder of the Omnitrix and the well known fashion designer in France didn't seem pleased with his reply, yet still decided to just let it be for now, at least until he could convinced him.
But oh boy how he failed. Quickly, and miserably.
It was after a mission that involves spiritualism, technology, and boat load of fighting some rogue spirits. Danny did his best to shield the team, while Rex fought the spirits like some wolf who hadn't eaten in years, and June was trying to keep everyone healed up as everything they do drains them fairly quickly.
When they got back though (with bandages and some parts of their bodies glows in pink), Jake had this particularly grim look with a mix of pity on his face when he looked at Rex.
"Your fiance want to talk to you after you get proper treatment and rest. He and Randy are on their way, I'm just here to give you a warning before I go back to the Magical World for a quick emergency call." Those are the only things the dragon hybrid said before he went off to his pearl keeping duty at the Magical World.
He is screwed, he thought. And he wasn't wrong, not by the slightest.
The entire time everyone got treated, it was dead silent. The silence is so intimidating, no one else could even say a word.
Ben, however, kept with his stoic and unreadable expression on his face, which didn't really help the EVO in the slightest.
After a while, everyone who was involved in the mission was now subjected into the 'Off Site' status until their more serious wounds healed up. They were put into their own bedrooms in the base.
For Rex, he shared a room with Ben, even sleep on the same bed together on many occasions when they couldn't make it back home. So Ben frequently went in and out of the room for either take something, or by extent of this situation, taking care of Rex.
There's nothing going on really, just the occasional questions of how he's feeling or does he needed anything. But Rex just feels not so good altogether, and not for the normal reasons. Ben's expression couldn't be even more unreadable than ever, and Rex is getting even more nervous by the second.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No, I am not."
"... But you really looked like you're angry..."
"I'm not angry, I'm just... Upset."
"Upset I couldn't keep myself away from too many bruises better?"
"Upset that things have to take this turn. You really could've died if it weren't for Fenton's shield and Lee's constant healing."
A moment of silence.
"There's nothing for you to apologize about. You did the best you could, although I would've preferred something else. As long as you're here, safe and sound, that's more than enough for me."
"I'll be careful next time, promise."
"You better be. You really know how to make me worry so much, you know that?"
"I would've said the same thing to you back then, too, way back, in fact."
"Hush, let's not talk about that. Just get some rest, alright?"
"Sí, mi amor." The EVO said to his fiance with a playful yet sweet grin.
He could hear the soft tone of relief as his alien-hybrid fiance sighed, the tone where he's just glad he's with him. He did expect scolding, and it did came down to it (or at least something close), but in the end, it was only that the sounds of worry and fear, and the aftertaste of relief that everything didn't went progressively bad.
"Yeah, it turns out just some heart-to-heart conversation between a couple. Nothing to worry about." Said the ghost king who was on call with the American dragon who was still away.
["Well, I guess that's good to hear. I did feel worried when Tennyson said that he wanted to talk to Salazar after you guys returned."]
"Hmm... I think I should do some rearranging for the next couple of missions and commissions. I'm more than sure Tennyson is gonna terrorize me if I assigned his dear husband-to-be in the next technology-combat-based mission again."
["That would do everyone good if you ask me."]
"Yeah... I'm pretty sure no one wanted to go through that. The silence is so suffocating, it could probably cut an entire building."
["I could imagine. Anyways, I should hang up now, gotta go back to work."]
"Oh yeah, sure. Take care."
["See ya, Danny."]
"I really screwed up, haven't I?" The ghost king sighed as he put his phone to the bedside table before going back to his bed to get rest before either of his medical-attendant friends are gonna burst through his room and terrorized him into resting.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
Since Danny and Jenny are in both nicktoons and shades what would happen if both teams had missions that needed their presence?
Ooh, that's a good one.
Like in every team before starting the mission, they're gonna evaluate what the mission is before deciding on the members that are gonna attend said mission.
There are 9 Shades, and it's usually had 3 people attending the mission (not counting the ones doing Overview) on the first round until the mission became even more bigger than those 3 members could handle.
Nicktoons however, only consisted of 6 members, and it's almost always had everyone present. All members had their own special talents that couldn't be replicated or had anything similar to one another, so it'll be really tricky situation if even one of them is absent.
Shades: offense, defense, heal. Jake, Danny, June. However, the one in change of defense can changed to June (as she's both an attendant of defense and healing), and since healing was already filled, if the mission involves spiritualism, Ben could join in.
-Jimmy has the smarts
-Timmy has the magic capabilities
-Danny has the strength
-SpongeBob has the stealth
-Manny has the combat styles
-Jenny has the navigation skills
See what I mean? They rely on each other to get the job done, and if 1 is gone, everything became even more difficult. All of their missions required all of their areas of expertise in work, and not all of them is diverse in their talents like it was with the Shades. Danny might've been good with offense, but Manny is always better at it the same way Danny is with his defense. Both Danny and SpongeBob are agile, but SpongeBob is more stealthier for his speed. Both Jimmy and Jenny are smart, but Jimmy is more diverse in his knowledge compared to Jenny. Danny and Timmy had supernatural capabilities (Timmy via Cosmo and Wanda), but Danny doesn't have any healing properties like Timmy's was.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
Members Affiliated Worklines
Being a Shade isn't an end all be all for them, so I'm gonna list their affiliations here to give more depth in their characters.
If some seemed random to you, then that just means I am running out of ideas, or my imagination is really just that; random.
Center Shades (I decided on this name for the group name-)
Global Justice
Center Shades
Hollow Tech Line
Danny (damn, this man is busy af-):
Center Shades
Infinite Realms
Fenton Works
House of Aurora
Center Shades
Moon Rite Commission
Shrine of Wisdom
Center Shades
Heart of Enchantment
Center Shades
Soleil Theater
Center Shades
Rosalyn Papers
Secret Scientists
Center Shades
Omnique Rosula boutique
Center Shades
Cour De La Soleil courthouse
Soleil Theater
Phénix Institute
Hollow Tech Line is a technology workshop, ranging from technology repairs to making a brand new technology itself.
House of Aurora is an orphanage for lost young souls who met their fates far too early. The House is primarily focused on the care of the young souls that could never grow up, providing eternal care and support. Danny is the founder and current director of the House.
Moon Rite Commission is a hospital for magical beings from the Magical World. It could perform from the most basic medical talents, to performing magical spells and rituals for bigger effects.
Shrine of Wisdom houses Dragon Pearls; artifacts that is a vessel to knowledge and wisdom all shapes and sizes and of any kind. Usually heavily guarded so no one can take even a piece of the Pearls.
Soleil Theater is a branch under Cour De La Soleil courthouse. They appear when the courthouse turned into a performance stage than a courthouse itself.
Rosalyn Papers is a news hub, ranging from traditional newspapers to news broadcasts. The staffs consists of journalists that cover all sorts of topics, and their workline ranges from gossips to world-breaking news.
Omnique Rosula boutique is a fashion boutique founded by Ben. The styles are diverse, yet always appearing so eye-catching and unique even though Ben never made them to cater to trends or time; it's its own line. The boutique also had accessories handmade by Ben himself, even it looked like was made by a jewelry maker with how high quality and beautifully made the accessories are.
Cour De La Soleil courthouse is the prime court of all of France. The iudex in charge as well as the Primal of all iudex is Randy.
Phénix Institute is a shelter that branches into different sections; orphanage for children, women shelter, animal shelter, etc. Randy is the founder, and Theresa is the current director of the Institute.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 5 months
Shades of Prisms AU Masterpost
An AU of the popular Teen Heroes™. I need to organize myself-
Still work in progress cuz I had to draw clothes a lot-
Members Biographies:
Kimberly Ann Possible (Kim Possible)
Jennifer Wakeman (My Life As A Teenage Robot)
Daniel James Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Jacob Luke Long (American Dragon Jake Long)
Juniper Kim Lee (The Life And Times of Juniper Lee)
Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)
Zak Saturday (Secret Saturdays)
Bennett Auclair Tennyson (alt-name of Benjamin Kirby Tennyson) (Ben 10)
Randall Dupont Cunningham (alt-name of Randall Cunningham) (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja)
James Isaac Neutron (Boy Genius: Jimmy Neutron)
Timothy Tiberius Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Manuel Pablo Gutierrez O'Brian Equihua Rivera (ok- what the hell-) (El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera)
Overall AU tag <- | QnA column <- | Members Relationships <- | Team Lineups <- | Members Age <- | Members Affiliated Worklines <-
Clothing Designs:
Kim <- | Jenny <- | Danny <- | Jake <- | June <- | Rex <- | Zak <- | Ben <- | Randy <-
One-Shot Compositions:
What I see (Benrex)
The Swing of Crescendo (Jake)
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kayetra-spade-queen · 3 months
Can we talk about the fact that Bheem wore a skirt-looking dhoti unlike all the males in the series?
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Look at them, all of the males wore pants-like, Bheem is by far the ONLY male here to wore it like a skirt.
If he wore it like everyone else, he probably won't be able to do this Marilyn Monroe pose (I still giggle at this-).
But the fact he did all kinds of activities from running to actually fighting wearing that, like bro??
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