#Kaylie Collins
whoasooo · 2 years
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did other people know this was happening??? orlando gonna orlando ig ❤️
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lyrakanefanatic · 9 months
Okay, so I reread the final gambit because @1989linasversion made a post saying how there were gonna be clues about the grandest game in that book, and I think one of the biggest clues so far is David Golding
Every single person who died in the Hawthorne fire has been covered and talked about in the final gambit except for David Golding. Toby’s family is the Hawthornes, (well technically the Laughlin’s but wtv) Kaylie Rooneys family is Avery’s, Collin anders wright is Graysons family, but so far David Golding was just mentioned, but never really looked into. And as you can see, whenever jlb doesn’t really talk about a person that’s mentioned in her books, they become a big part of her future books (like for example, Jamison’s dad wasn’t mentioned in the entire trilogy but in the brothers Hawthorne he was a big part of it)
Imagine David Golding is one of the contestants family, or maybe even phone girls, and maybe that’s why they’re playing in the game. Jlb did mention in the prologue thingy for the grandest game that some contestants were there for “their own reasons”, and that it might not just be about the money. I looked through the books, and these were some parts where david is mentioned.
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So all we really know about him so far is that david came from money and is similar to Toby in a way, so there’s really no way to tell if he was a good or bad person (considering the fact that tobys….. toby. and being similar to him really isnt a flex 😬) I know the clue said that there were hints in tig, but just to check I looked through the Hawthorne legacy too and found something else
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So davids family was constantly donating to Camden house, and david, Collin, and Toby all went there. Again, the way they talk about david being similar to Toby and the fact that he was one of the people partying with Collin and Toby makes me think that if jlb does shine some light on him in the grandest game, then he might turn out be not a very good person. Again, there really isn’t a lot of information on david so we don’t really know whether or not this is true.
Also can anybody pls lmk anything they found out about the final gambit that might be tied to the grandest game? (If you found any 🫶)
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emilylawsons · 8 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
Hi Kayli! I hope your week is going well. May you enjoy your favorite hot drink, yummy treats, and a cozy atmosphere today. Really glad to know you 💜
(PS no pressure to participate. Just want you to have a nice message when you log in)
Awwww thank you sending this along, beautiful!! Definitely think I’m gonna make myself a cup of tea and curl up in a blanket with a book. SPEAKING OF WHICH…things I love!
1. Tea. Any kind of tea. Hot tea. Iced sweet tea. Herbal tea. Genuinely thinking of switching to it from coffee in the mornings.
2. Physical books. I used to read all the time. There was a time when you couldn’t catch me without a book in my hands. There’s just something about how they feel and the experience.
3. Corgis! We have two, and though they’re extremely loud/energetic and high maintenance, they are the best dogs. Funny, sweet, loyal, smart.
4. Music ❤️ Right now specifically obsessed with Taylor Acorn and Karley Scott Collins, who are both very new and lesser known but so good!
5. Candles. I love a nice scented candle. When my space feels good, I feel good, and candles do so much.
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statisticalcats2 · 1 year
Statcat's official list of favorite Cats performers
(I'm horrible with specific ranking so performers are listed in alphabetical order gfiuedw)
Alonzo: Jason Gardiner, Matt Huet
Bombalurina: Erica Lee Cianiculli, Rosemarie Ford, Chelsea Nicole Mitchell, Christine Cornish Smith
Cassandra: Lexy Bittner, Emily Pynenburg, Mette Towley
Demeter: Nora DeGreen, Kim Faure, Juliann Kuchocki, Aeva May, Madison Mitchell, Cornelia Waibel
Electra: Lili Froehlich
Grizabella: Tayler Harris, Jennifer Hudson, Elaine Paige, Mamie Parris
Gus: Christopher Gurr, John Mills, Tony Mowatt
Jellylorum: Sara Jean Ford, Kayli Jamison
Jemima/Sillabub: Arianna Rosario, Ahren Victory
Jennyanydots: Eloise Kropp, Susie McKenna, Emily Jeanne Phillips
Macavity: Daniel Gaymon
Mistoffelees: Jacob Brent, Tion Gaston
Mungojerrie: Danny Collins, Max Craven, John Thornton, Drew Varley
Munkustrap: Robbie Fairchild, Michael Gruber, Matthew Pike, Kade Wright
Old Deuteronomy: Ken Page
Plato: Daniel Gaymon, Tyler John Logan
Rum Tum Tugger: Jason Derulo, John Partridge, Hank Santos, Siegmar Tonk
Rumpleteazer: Jo Gibb, Shonica Gooden, Bonnie Langford, Taryn Smithson
Skimbleshanks: Jeremy Davis, Geoffrey Garratt, Steven McRae, Christopher Salvaggio
Tumblebrutus: Daymon Montaigne-Jones, Devin Neilson
Victoria: Phyllida Crowley Smith, Francesca Hayward, Yuka Notsuka, Georgina Pazcoguin
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whoviancumberbunny · 2 years
Part Five: It’s All About Soul
Part one: Tentative Love  
Part Two: Small Miracles
Part Three: Leave A Tender Moment Alone
Part Four: Rhythm Of Life
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It’s All About Soul
 Scanlan Shorthalt, Kaylie Shorthalt and Other Vox Machina characters Created by Critical Role
  Lucy Collins-Shorthalt and the Shorthalt Children [as well as other characters] Created By Melissa C. Scraper @whoviancumberbunny
Two things were becoming clear to Scanlan Shorthalt, that time passes by quickly and that soon he would be needing to have an awkward conversation with any potential suitors of the now 16 year old, Daphne Juniper. His first Child with Lucy.
 “Scanlan look at me.” Lucy said “You can’t just tell her she can’t date bards. If teenage gnomes are anything like teenage humans, when they are told not to do something they will do it anyway.”
  “But I was such an ass when I was that age, or in fact until I met you.” It was still unclear what his true age was because gnomes aged differently from humans. He had allowed the vanity spell to taper off bit revealing slight bit of grey hair peaking out of his brown hair and thought they no longer had sexual encounters they were still intimate.   He took small origami flower he had been making and tucked it behind her ear “Lulu Bell.” He kissed her it had taken years but Lucy finally stopped flinching away from others calling her Lulu Bell. The fact was only Scanlan who did.
 “I hope I have replaced your negative memories with positive ones.” He caressed her cheek
 “I know you hate talking about death. But I know you will outlive me by decades.  Or couple centuries. When that time comes I want you to eventually find love again.  I wouldn’t be able to rest knowing you are not allowing yourself to be happy.”
 “My angel, you are only 37.   Is this because you see when Vax ushers spirits to the other side.” He quietly utters the polymophr spell so he can cuddle with her on the couch and stare out the window. “Everything is going to be alright.”
 “It is because my father was only 38 when he was killed,  I have been having ominous dreams about the number 38.”
 He rested his head on her shoulder “I was just thinking about the first time you spoke to anyone after you Joined the party.  Everyone wasnlt sure how to act around you.  We drew straws to see who would bring food to you.”
 “I remember that night too.   I think they fixed it so you would get the short straw because they knew you were the least intimidating member of the group.”
 17 Years ago, Scanlan cautiously approaches the bed with the sandwich. “No one is really sure if you can talk.  But I think the idea is that you are not ready to talk.”  He paused, unsure of how to continue this conversation
 “Your name is Scanlan right?” she said quietly “My name is Lucy .”
 He was slightly taken aback, no one had realized she was paying attention to everything around her.  “May I sit on the bed with you? That is my name.”   she nods and he sits down “Lucy is a pretty name.”  he noticed she winced when he said her name was pretty. Had no one had ever given her compliments.
 “is you mandolin only a magical weapon?” she asked, it would take a few months before she would pull away when he touched her. But this is how it all began, this was also why they treasured their moments alone
 “It’s situational I suppose.”   He replied to her inquiries. “When was the last time you ate?”
 “By my calculations three days ago.”  She had given the money she had with her to people who needed it,
 Two years later after their first time making love, the polymorphy spell hadnlt started fading yet so Scanlan was still around 5’7. “Scanlan you didn’t need to stay like I love you the way you are.”
 “Lucy,  you are the stars in my eyes.  I never thought I would be in room at an inn with someone I wasn’t paying to be with. I was unreasonably selfish dick before I met you. It means more being with you. Here tonight.”    He looks into her eyes “You may not think you are strong but it takes different kind of strength to admit you needed help against Gabriel. Or that you didn’t want to be alone in your grief anymore.” He looked at her “My mother was killed in front of me. By an ogre. That was how ended up traveling with doctor dranzel and I was in love once before. But when I finally went back for he she was gone. I never thought I would find love again. I felt like I let it slip through my fingers.”  He takes her hands and as his fingers intertwine with hers, the polymorph fades and he return to his his regular handsome gnome self. “are all your scars from Gabriel?”
 “A few of them are from learning to ride horses.  I think the reason you thought I was only five when you saw me begin held by Gabriel, is that I hay have been slightly malnourished. Gabriel didn’t really like allowing the servants to cook for us when my father was out of the house.”
 “Nothing like that will ever happen to you again as long as I am around. Lucy. I promise.”
 They were broken out of their reminiscing by daphne’s voice “I swear if you two start making out I am throwing water on you.” She looks at Scanlan “Daddy, is it alright if your borrow the keys to your classroom. Neville and I want to practice our duet for the music showcase next weekend.”    She had always had him wrapped around her finger “Please!”
 “I am not letting you stay alone in the school with a teenage bard.” He sighed as he cancelled the polymorph spell “Fine I am coming with you though.  Last time I left students alone the in the school they reorganized everything.” He kisses lucy “I meant what I said before we were married. I will always do my best to be here for you.”  He slips on his beret
 “Before you ask, Dad. I do see and hear ghosts like mom. One of the first spirits I saw was child my age  who was being ushered to the spiritual plain by Uncle Vax’ildan. It was  part of lessons on life and death. That mom wanted Vax and Pike to teach me about.”
 He laughed “Did I ever tell you the story about how Vax and I defeated, Abrysal?”
 “Yes you have. It is one of my favorite stories.  Dad, you do know that I admire the relationship you and mom have.  Your age difference has never mattered in the fact that you love each.”
 Meanwhile at the Shorthalt House. Vax knocks on the door and Lucy lets him in “The oddest thing happened, when I was gathering souls for Our lady of Ravens I met a lost soul, I believe is your brother. He wanted me to deliver a message.  He wants you forgive him for choosing to take over young Quentin’s Body.   He’s gad that you;ve done the one things few members of the Collins family ever succeeded at. Allowed yourself to be happy and let people into your life. I believe it was fate that you found us that day you collapsed in front of the tavern. You may not think of yourself as member of Vox Machina. But you are Lucy, you have been since the first time  Scanlan looked back to make sure you were still with us.” He paused “her Lady of Ravens allowed him one request before joining her.”
 Lucy turns around as the figure of young man approximately twenty years of age slowly appears in the living room “Sister, I think we always knew without being told that Quentin Collins was my father too. I am honored that you named your son after me.   His twin brother’s skills were there before my possession enhanced them.  For Quentin Percival, family is worth defending more than anything else.  Just let them follow their paths.”  He steps forward and hugs her “I always knew you would survive and I have always felt blessed to witnessed the first 18 years of the life of my amazing sister. Don’t worry Gena’s husband will get what is coming to him. He has crossed way too many people with power.  I have to go now. Thank you for listening to the last thing I said to, run and don’t look back.”  As Elijah Collins fades into the ether
 Lucy looks at Vax  and hugs him “You are fate touched Lucy Collins-Shorthalt. “ he said with smile as she started crying “Should be used to this, I have been her Champion  for 17 years. It means a little more in this moment.”  He puts his arms around her “Your strand is strong you won’t be gathered for quite while now. Stop believing there is a family curse. It is self sabotage to do things like that. I have to go see my wife I haven’t been home in months.”  
 “I am glad we don’t all live on building any more. You are louder than Scanlan when you make love.”  She said as she opened the door, as he flies off she notices Vax had placed one of the feathers from his wings in her hair. She tucks it in her pocket as a trio of young gnomes runs in an nearly knocks her over “Is Grandpa home we wanna hear the story about the dragon again.”
 “Gideon, he’s chaperoning your Aunt while she rehearses for the show this weekend.  Go into the kitchen your granddad made cookies in case you lot showed up today.”  She smiled  as the three children ran into the kitchen.
 “Hello Lucy.  I take is Dad hasnlt figured out that Daphne has a crush on my husband’s baby brother.”
 “Come in, Kaylie. Where is your husband.”
 “He’s unpacking our things at the Inn. Sybil, Melissa and Gideon wanted to come here first.”  She looks around “where are my brothers at.”
 “It is their weekly lessons with Percy and Vex.”  The sit down and have some tea “Let me guess, dad is still  on his weird thing about fixated on daphne even dating bardic gnome because he was a right prick when he was younger.”
 “Aye,  I am glad you gave him a chance, Kaylie. Sometimes all you can do is take a lead and wait for the net to catch you.” She looked at her step daughter, “Your dad is my safety net.” They hear something break
 Kaylie “You lot better not be climbing on the counters again. I told you about this last time we came to visit my side of the family.” He runs into the kitchen and see three broken plates on the floor  and Gideon standing on the counter “Gideon Scanlan Newton hw many times do I need to tell you, you are not to climb on things. You nearly got your sisters hurt when you used the knife  drawer as step to get on the counter.”
 “Kaylie they are only plates, I am sure Gilmore can order more.”  She help Gideon off the counter “This little guy is just as much of spitfire as his Uncle Eli. If I could read your Father’s handwriting I would read them the story.”  
 They go into the living room she tells the children the stories she knows that involve Scanlan, as Gideon falls asleep on her lap “My lap is your dad’s favorite place to rest his head, too.” She said
 “Is that story true?”
 “the one about fighting my Uncle Gabriel? Yes. I wasn’t strong enough to stand up to him myself. But your dad and Vox machina helped me. It was the first time since I was child going to stables that I had a friend who just let me be myself.”   She paused “Like your father Told daphne when she was nervous about her first performance in school showcase. You can’t choose your part In the play. All you can do is take the plunge.”
 “Why were you crying?” she could tell her stepmother’s eyes were red
 Lucy “it is complicated.”  Kaylie knew she would only tell her if she wanted to.  
   To be Continued…
Saturday, February 11, 2023
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krashlynfan1124 · 3 years
IG: kaylz567 | 8.12.21
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rowdownthrowdown · 2 years
Orlando said "only hot goalies allowed"
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arnau16 · 4 years
Las estrellas del Draft Universitario en la NWSL
Las estrellas del Draft Universitario en la NWSL
El Covid- 19 no nos privará de presenciar una vez más un Draft Universitario que llegará cargado de talento rumbo a la NWSL. Continue reading
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lunchboxbox · 3 years
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woe new fantrolls pt3! final part!
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sixteenavenue · 5 years
I want to walk down the aisle at my wedding to the drums in afterglow
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randompiggy · 2 years
Kaylie Collins was a SUPERHERO tonight holy shit !!
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quiver-full-of-sims · 4 years
Hello my wonderful friends! So many EVENTS have happened since I last posted. First my baby Imogen aged up!
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Immy, I love how you have such a HEART for the Lord. You are such a SOCIAL BUTTERFLY and seeing you with your sisters and church friends is such a JOY. You are such a good cook and I love spending special time in the kitchen together. And you are SO hilarious. I’m so proud of you and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for your life!
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Also, I got an ultrasound done and it’s a little boy! The Lord has LAID IT on my heart that I keep the name to myself until birth. I have also HEARD from God that I should have my PRECIOUS blessing in Sim-Mart in order to share the GOSPEL of CHRIST. Henry Bob says he will follow my choices- how lucky I am! We have complete faith in HIM and we’re so excited to meet our little guy!
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Now onto the biggest news. Today we invited over PASTOR and Mrs. Hoover and their daughter Cayla. We sat down and discussed where we felt the Lord was leading our children while Cayla and Alex hung out with the kids in the backyard.
We agreed that if they wanted, they could pursue a courtship. When we told Alex, he was so overjoyed! He promptly “court-posed” to Cayla, and she said YES!
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We took some ADORABLE photos to mark this special occasion!
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Since they’re both young, they felt like the LORD was leading them to a NO-TOUCH courtship. If they get engaged, they can hold hands and side hug, and of course they’re saving their first kiss for the wedding day. 
To ensure their PURE HEARTS, they’ll also be chaperoned at ALL times, whether it’s in person, texts, or phone calls. It’s important for young people to be held accountable.
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Perhaps a peek into their future? Cayla fits so well into our family “circus”! We’re so blessed that Alex has chosen someone as GOLDY and MEEK as Cayla! And she has such a BEAUTIFUL countenance too- she’ll make a great wife and mommy someday (hopefully to Alex!)
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It soon turned into a small party! They new couple were so ENAMORED with eachother that they tuned out their fathers as they were going over the courtship terms. LOL!
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I’m so excited for this new season of life! We have been immeasurably BLESSED by the LORD.
Love, Kaylie
[AN: Hoooooo boy lot to discuss. First: I love love love Imogen, she’s so cute. 
Second- the Sim-Mart baby. This is a reference to Karissa Collins, who wanted to give birth in a Target. No I am not joking. Here’s a link, she’s insane. 
Third- courtship!!! It’s more or less arranged- In my head the Hoovers are “fundie royalty,” because they’re the Pastor’s family, so the Rowans are trying to get a leg up on the fundie hierarchy by marrying in. Kaylie’s good at hiding her crazy so far, but idk how long that’ll last!
If anyone has any wedding pose/cc recommendations feel free to drop a link somewhere- I could use anything I get! I’ve planned out everything so far in advance that I’m already cc shopping, lol. Last note, credits for ~90% of the poses go to @meetthefundies​. They’re beautiful and perfect for they-don’t-even-know-eachother courtships!]
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emilylawsons · 4 months
hihi kayli what have you been listening to lately?
Hiya!!! Thanks for the ask!
Honestly I wish I could say I’ve been listening to anything unpredictable. I did enjoy The Tortured Poets Department—my first TS vinyl too!
I’ve also been listening to newer, less known artists. Everyone knows I’m a simp for Taylor Acorn. Her EP last fall was fire, and I’m anxiously waiting for her to announce a new full album.
Because of her, I’ve gone back to a lot of my pop/punk roots, and it’s been awesome to see Cassadee Pope from Hey Monday come back to punk after being on country music. She’s releasing a new album this summer, which I’m excited to hear.
My husband also has me listening to Arrows in Action. They’re actually how we found out about Taylor Acorn! I’ve had a ton of fun with them
Also, this last year I discovered Karley Scott Collins (Little Olivia from Fringe) is a singer/songwriter in her adult career and new in the country music space, and she’s really good. She just recorded a song with Charles Kelley from Lady A!
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krashlynfan1124 · 3 years
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Orlando Pride 2021 | Gold Party 🥇
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krazy-khloe-kat · 7 years
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My friends Mandy as Naruto, Kaylie ( @the-old-worlds-runner-up​ ) as Sasuke, my sister Kayla ( @kaykaylala125 ) as Sakura, her boyfriend Collin as Kakashi, my brother Kamdyn as Gaara, my boyfriend Taylor as Kankuro, me as Temari for Hal-Con! :D Costumes made by me, my sister ( @kaykaylala125​ ) and my best friend ( @cassie996​ ) with the help of the other cosplayers!
(Hinata was MIA at this point. D;)
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lunchboxbox · 3 years
which of your trolls quads are open?
OMG THANK U IVE BEEN MEANING TO LOOK FOR AN EXCUSE TO MAKE A LONG ASS POST ABOUT THIS!! quads under the cut! btw im not including auspistice or w/e
Aemvee: All Aliice: Pale + Black Anieta: Pale + Black Audett: Pale + Black Beaker: Pale Bexili: Red + Black Bumble: All Celine: Pale + Black Cherry: All Cheryl: Red + Pale Cherop: Pale + Black Claire: All Collin: All Coulro: Pale + Black (Red is N/A) Cyslin: Red + Pale Dakota: Pale + Black Dahlia: Pale + Black DEE: Red + Black Espeon: Pale + Black Erotka: Pale + Black Evelle: All Felzia: Pale + Black Filici: All Haelin: Red Ilium: Pale + Black Jacula: Pale + Black Jeriko: Pale + Black Kaster: All Kaylie: All Koratt: All Kulpho: All Leevai: All Lovett: Red + Black Lutrin: All Luvvix: N/A, doesnt use quad terms Maevie: All Matcha: All Mavrin: Black Misery: Pale + Black Miazma: All Mimosa: Red + Black Mosaic: Red + Black Mitchl: All Otachi: Pale + Black Pipton: All Pomeru: All Rainne: Black Ramele: Pale + Black Rupley: All Tennit: All Tenuki: All Traves: All Sazrac: None Seelie: Red + Black Simone: Uninterested Soduhz: Red + Black Suzeey: All Veniss: Red + Pale Vhepar: Unavailable Vrumio: Polyam in all quads Wisker: Pale + Black Xathia: Polyam in all quads
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