#Kenn-san and Shoutan
aishiteruitsumo6 · 7 years
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‪@shouta0811aoi ‬
Heikou Sekai To Hakoniwa No Heya Event, Thank you very much (*☻-☻*)
With KENN nii!
♪KENN♪ Thank you very much for coming to 『Heikou Sekai To Hakoniwa No Heya vol.4,5 Release Event』 Today!! I'm grateful for so many gifts and letters!! Kennu
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y-umenonaka · 7 years
*this is rough translation, bear with me (a newborn in japanese)*
ume talking about how his body is so stiff when it comes to dance in his solo song and then shoutan told us a stories about ume’s rehearsal time :
but when rehearsal time before, in yuuichirou’s solo song, he practiced it alone before us and i with kenn-san and hatano-san from up above (looking through the glass). i actually don’t know much about yuuichirou’s dancing and i never saw it with my own eyes before
shoutan : wait a minutes look at that, kenn-nii. THAT PERSON IS DANCING.... look, it’s the first time i saw him dancing !!
and after that i, kenn-nii and hatano-san seeing him dancing and trying his best with his ‘ikemen’ face like this, thinking how cute is this person can be.....
i just love how shoutan calls ume with yuuichirou ♡
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 7 years
Maji Kyun Hoshi Fes Live - 2017/05/13 - Day 1 Report
*Do NOT repost*
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I can't do a full report because I'm too busy, sorry! ><, But here are the most of the things that happened (it's still long lol)
They all wore their character uniforms!
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Shoutan did his hair like this for Monet!
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Seeing Umechan in the uniform made me think that him and Teika really look alike XD
They showed the main parts of each character's episode in the anime before their solos started
They never sang their second solo songs, or the coupling OP and ED songs.
Umechan sang 2 songs since he's the only one with an insert song
Umechan was still a little awkward when performing XD
Onoyuu was so cute and cheerful! He came close, waving to us a lot!
Shoutan was at my side most of the time ^^
They had all the kirakira effects shown on the screen a lot
They all danced during their solos, apart from Umechan since his songs are ballads
I was super close to the stage so I could see that they had TVs on the stage which actually showed the next set list, corners and even the lyrics of the songs!
The casts all got along together so well and they seemed really close
They started with Magic-kyun! No.1☆ ! They danced
They got us to say "Maji Kyun!" Casts: Kyun! Kyun! Audience: Maji Kyuuun!!!
Kimi Ni Maji Kyun They pointed towards the audience as part of the choreography
Solos Teika, Aoi Kanato, Louis Monet, Rintarou After each pair they had a duo talk
Walk in The Lonely Night Teika's rose kirakira on screen Rose petals fell down
My World, Your World KENN danced with a huge calligraphy brush from the second verse!! He waved it as if he was writing Aoi’s calligraphy, they had screen effects for that
Talk KENN talked about the Teika's screen effects and then said he should stop referring to it as that since it's actually magic 😂 They talked about the brush, he said part of it was made from the actual material used to make real brushes. Umechan says it's heavier than it looks, KENN lifted it up and down like weights KENN gave it too Umechan and he acted like it was heavy, nearly dropping it 😂 He said KENN was amazing to be able to hold it Umechan said he loves ramen and he always wants to eat it when he gets hungry at night, which would be bad for his weight LOL He said he always thinks about going to the conbini to buy some but never ends up getting any Then he asked KENN didn’t he start/did dieting recently Umechan tried holding the brush again and nearly dropped it again End of talk KENN told Umechan to go first, as he turns to walk KENN attacked him with the brush! 😂 When they were leaving for real, KENN attacked him again and started to chase after him 😂😂😂
Step of Happiness! Feather kirakiras on screen He rotated round the stage while dancing Near the end of the song, Hatano stood in front of the screen, the screen showed huge angel wings He was raised up on a platform and the wings went up with him too
Rainbow Star They shot laser rainbow lights from the stage Eguchin doesn't know his lyrics, he kept looking down to the TV screen 😂
Talk They talked about Egu's dance and then he started doing a bit of the dance Hatano said he loves being in high places, and he got to be high up for his solo He said it was really high, but it If was Egu his head would probably be up on the roof 😂😂😂 He said Egu and Kanato are about the same height Egu talk about the wings too and that it was amazing, then Hatano said he really doesn't know since he can't see the effect behind him They corrected themselves as well saying it's magic They talked about sexy basketball XD XD They said they should do it but they want someone from the audience to help them?! 😳
The staff pushed out a trolley to them with a box and 2 huge plush basketballs LOL, plus one bottle of water
When the trolley reached them, instead of the reaching for the balls, Egu said let's drink some water first and took the bottle to drink 😂
The box had papers of the seat numbers written on them They chose 2 and they would shoot the ball to the person at that seat BUT, with magic They said they'll throw it to somewhere else first and use magic to get the ball to reach to the person (meaning they are getting the audience to pass the ball on to the next person until it reaches the winner 😂)
Hatano threw first, then Egu
Here's the direction the threw it in:
Pink - Hatano Green - Egu
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Hatano says Egu defo won that one XD
Shiny Color Shoutan raised his hand to touch the air at various directions during the intro music, and the screen showed effects like water puddles as he touched the air His danceeeeee ✨✨✨ He sat on the stairs for part of the song
Sweets a la mode♪ Onoyuu did a really cute dance XD He was so adorable XD He thanked us for the yellow lights and said it was pretty Half way through the song bubbles were blown all over the stage!
Talk The first thing I noticed? SHOUTAN WALKED OUT WITH RIN-CHAN ON HIS SHOULDERRRRRR!! I was more excited than I would have been, because... I ALSO HAD RIN-CHAN ON MY SHOULDER AND WE HAD THE SAME ONE!! 😭🙏🏻 He had Rin-chan with him the throughout the live from then! Onoyuu said that he's embarrassed and exhausted by doing the cute dance and said he's not doing it tomorrow again 😂 Shoutan said his dance was cute and we also shouted saying it was cute Shoutan said Rin-chan is here but it's not real, it's a plushie so he won't react or move lol He asked Rin-chan if he's having fun and it was totally silent Shoutan: See, there's no reaction, I'm sorry Onoyuu said he'll ask instead and Shoutan should turn round and maybe say something *Onoyuu speaks to Rin-chan, Shoutan turns* Rin-chan: Jyu! SO CUTE!!(≧∇≦) Shoutan: Oh! Rin-chan so you can speak?! Even though it's a plushie XD
They mentioned about the sexy basketball corner that just happened and they said they don't have such a corner for their section 😂
Shoutan: Everyone are you having fun?!! Audience: YAYYY!! Shoutan: Everyone are you able to-?? *laughs* get hyped up?!?? He tripped up on his words and totally said the wrong thing than what he was intending to say XD *Everyone laughing and Me: Ganbare!!* Then we all cheered
Onoyuu: Everyone are you having fun?!! Audience: YAYYY!! Onoyuu: Everyone are you able to get hyped up?!??   Audience: LOL! YAYYY!!
Then they split us in half, Shoutan got my half to cheer *Yatta! XD* Onoyuu the other half LOL Onoyuu noticed a girl in his section holding 2 fans with "もね"  written on it XD
Onoyuu said that he's tired, he can't do it anymore and that he's quitting "mou yameru!!!" 😂 Shoutan said they should at least finish their line first and go
Onoyuu deliberately acted really badly and said his line as Rintarou, saying it's Hoshi Fes soon and they need to do their best Shoutan said his line badly too and then laughed
They spoke a bit more and then Shoutan did Rin-chan's "Jyu!" again, too cute!!
Scenes of Teika's ep about his conflict with his brothers and when he got depressed The fans around me was shouting Kouhana for her to save him XD
Kimi To Iu Hikari He was raised up from under the stage! And lowered down when the song was ending
Art Session!!!!!!! I think it was this song where confetti tape fell down Shoutan took one from the floor to look at it with Onoyuu then he dropped it after LOL And at the end he picked up a few and tried to throw it to the audience but failed, it fell straight down because it's too light 😂 Onoyuu was like, it's ok you tried XD
There was a corner called Maji Kyun Kyun Land (like Disney land lol) and they needed to say a Kyun serifu (line)
The trolley came back out with the box and water for them all Egu: Are?! Isn't that the thing we used for sexy basketball?!?! Umechan: This is the Kyun Kyun Box Egu: Oh, so this thing is called Kyun Kyun Box They all took water to drink They picked out parts they need to act from the Kyun Kyun box Shoutan was last to pick and he was grinning after seeing what he got XD Egu - Couple Team, Girlfriend Hatano - Couple Team, Boyfriend KENN - Nezumi onna (mouse girl) Umechan - Guide Shoutan and everyone else: I want to be guided!!! XD Onoyuu - Janitor Shoutan: I also got Nezumi onna lololol
And once Shoutan and KENN knew they were together they stood close together and and put their arms on each other's shoulders!!!! So cute!!! (my fav 2 in Maji Kyun so I was so happy XD)
So they all played their parts and acted out a scene
Egu linked arms with Hatano and slouched as he walked 😂 He called Hatano "Watapippi" 😂
Both Shoutan and KENN spoke in a cute voice XD KENN's cute voice was adorable!!! XD XD They pestered the couple The two of them were so cute together! At times, Shoutan would split from KENN, but after a while he always went back over next to his side
Hatano to Shoutan: You nezumi onna!! Shoutan: Ore otoko da yo (I'm a guy) 😂 KENN took one of the couple’s hands and started spinning each other round and round XD He was really near the edge of the stage when he stopped and nearly fell off! O__O We all shouted “Be careful!“ to him
Umechan came in to guide the couple to where they wanted to go
LOL all of them did so much but Onoyuu had no part yet and he was walking around with his hands folded, then he looked over to my area and we all shouted "Ganbatte!!" To him XD he nodded to us!
Then it was finally his part, he came in the couple's way sweeping/mopping the floor He ended up spilling the water/trash on Egu
Egu: No! My dress is all dirty now! 😭😭😭 Hatano: It ok! You've not been dirtied at all!!! While Hatano kept talking they all huddle closer to the couple XD Hatano said the Kyun serifu and Magical flower suddenly started playing XD and ofc the dance!
Kimi ni Maji Kyun! Maji Kyun! Fall in love~~ ♪ Rest of the chorus
Then the song stopped and end of Kyun Kyun Land XD
They talked about the song and the dance, they said there's more to the dance and they want us to dance with them!
All of them was at the end of the stage and then KENN is randomly by himself near the back and he kneeled down 😂
They said that KENN sensei will be teaching the dance and they were like where is he? Let's call him
Then KENN jumps up like he was shot up from under the stage XD He told them to be the audience and to sit and listen which they did XD
KENN demonstrates the Maji Kyun dance, and he said the part after that, the cast will point to the audience and then we should point back after them and all raise our hand up And back to the normal dance XD point again, raise Then for It’s a Magical Wooorld♪♪ part hold both hands close together, raise them up and spread them when you get near the top (image of a tree/plant growing) They all thanked KENN sensei and asked if we got it ok since there are a lot of difficult steps 😂
Magical Flower Dancing together was the best! For the first chorus, Shoutan faced my side and when he pointed, he pointed towards me for a split second MAJI DE MAJI KYUN SARETA!! 😳💗💓 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Talk KENN: Everyone did it perfectly! They said it's thank to KENN sensei XD
They pointed out about the TVs then Umechan deliberately read what was on screen really obviously 😂 Onoyuu also did the same XD
They each had a solo talk Egu Hatano Shoutan Onoyuu KENN Umechan
Shoutan mentioned the rain (it rained a lot) he said even though it's raining everyone still did their makeup and came here, he said we were all really pretty/cute XD Girls near me: The prettiest one here is you 😂
Onoyuu: As Shoutan already mentioned, everyone is really cute, but I'm the  cuter one (because of his dance) XD XD
Umechan thanked us for supporting a Maji Kyun. He said even though the anime has ended, he'd be happy if we could play the game lots and lots
Gomen, I don't remember all the talks 💦
They were all talking and Shoutan starts fake crying, they all ask him what's wrong Shoutan: I've had so much fun with everyone, I want to be with everyone for longer, but it's ending soon 😢
Everyone: Ehhhhh?!?!! They said that it's not ending that soon, they still have a song left or so Someone said Art Session!!!!!!! But didn't they sing it already? Lol
Dear my special They clapped to the song during chorus I think it was this song which flower petals fell down One petal landed on Shoutan's head but he never noticed XD it fell off after Two fell on Umechan's w
Encore Once they left we started cheering encore After a while a video played on screen
It was all the characters back stage! They had their jackets off and were all using the live towels XD The live visual posters was shown in the background XD They said otsukare to each other and that they've had an amazing Hoshi Fes with everyone Monet called to Rin-chan and he came out from the parka pocket!! Then they said, "Wait can you hear that?" "It's everyone's voices." "They're cheering encore for us." We all started shouting ENCORE!! again, but louder than before "Yes, I can here it." "Let's meet everyone again!" The characters are now in the live tshirt heading towards the stage
Please kiss my heart They were raised from under the stage all in the live tshirts Rin-chan was with Shoutan again! They thanked us for the encore
Talk Umechan: It's raining today right... actually, I'm a ame otoko (rain man) Shoutan looks away acting all innocent 😂 Onoyuu notices and asked him what's up and if he's one too Shoutan: Jitsu ha Shoutan mo~ ame otoko desu~ (Actually, Shoutan is also a rain main) Umechan: Oh the same Shoutan: I'm really sorry everyone 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 Umechan asks who's a hare otoko (sunny man) KENN, Egu and Hatano raises their hands Then they asked Onoyuu which one he is Onoyuu: From time to time... I'm the arashi otoko (storm man) omg! 😂
They wanted everyone to call to them one more time
Cast: Kyun! Kyun! Audience: Maji Kyuuuuun!!
Kimi Ni Maji Kyun! They were all over the stage and waved to everyone They messed around and sometimes got close to each other XD
Last talk They said it'll be nice if they can hold another live and meet everyone again The cast started from the right side and worked all the way round waving saying goodbye to everyone At the end they all stood at the back in order, held hands and bowed to us
Cast without mics: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR TODAY!!!!
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They waved to us one last time and they huddled close together in a line and kinda waddled walked when they left the stage XD
The live lasted just over 2 hours
Tagging people who may be interested in reading this
@jeanette-ting @dosukoi-amatsuki @kenn-u
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aishiteruitsumo6 · 7 years
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‪@shouta0811aoi ‬
With KENN nii! He helped me out a lot!
‪@shouta0811aoi ‬
The outfit is also wonderful! The outfit just like that! I was happy (*☻-☻*)
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