#Umehara Yuichiro
juusangatsu · 3 months
Saitou Souma (2wink VA) asks Adonis' backing vocals to be turned off
(Clip from KuwaP Studio)
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balkanparamo · 1 year
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A Pagoda by Moonlight, by Umehara Eijirō, mid-20th century
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vraisetzen · 2 years
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luziia-art · 1 year
Leona as his seiyuu :)
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currytantou · 26 days
subbed this (despite being a non genshin player) bcs ume heheh
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zenzenzence · 14 days
Hi! A few months ago I discovered this video from September 28, 2023 for The Invisible Man and His Soon-To-Be Wife by Iwatobineko that includes a few of the scenes from the manga voice acted!
The video doesn't have an easy English translation available, so I decided to provide below. Please note, I used my manga copies as a reference, so apologies if there are any mistakes.
I hope this can get more people interested in the series! :D
Title: CV: Yuichiro Umehara & Hina Yomiya [Voice Comic] Invisible Man and Human Woman - The Two Who Will Become Husband and Wife
A heartwarming and heart-pounding love comedy about a gentlemanly non-human and a blind woman that has received a huge response on social media. It's a 100% transparent love comedy that's so precious you can't breathe.
■CAST Tounome Akira: Umehara Yuichiro Yakou Shizuka: Yomiya Hina VOICEVOX: Shikoku Metan
■Introduction Even if you can't see, this excitement is proof that you're in love. Yakou, a gentle human woman, works at a detective agency run by a smart and kind "invisible man" called Tounome. His ability is perfect for detective work, but even if he disappears, the blind Yoka can mysteriously find his location. Attracted by her "invisible" charm, Tounome escorts her around again today…!?
SCENE 1: Timestamp 00:02 - 01:50
YAKOU: "Tounome-san..."
TOUNOME: "Can I sit next to you?"
YAKOU: "Sure, go ahead."
TOUNOME: "How did you know it was me?"
YAKOU: "Huh?"
TOUNOME: "You can't see, right?"
YAKOU: "Yes, but I could smell you..."
YAKOU: "OH! It's not a bad smell or anything!
TOUNOME: "I have... a smell?"
YAKOU: "It's not like that! It's just since I'm blind, my hearing and smell are stronger!"
TOUNOME: "Your sense of smell sure is better than mine. I can't smell myself."
YAKOU: "Yes! it's a perfectly good smell...!"
TOUNOME: "Ha ha."
TOUNOME: "I never knew I had my own distinct smell. Thank you."
TOUNOME: "......"
YAKOU: "?"
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san... Where am I now?
YAKOU: "You're right here."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, you might be the only person I know who can see me."
TOUNOME: "My heart skipped a beat."
YAKOU: "Skip...?"
TOUNOME: "........."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Would you like to get dinner with me later?"
YAKOU: "UH?! Sure!"
■ "An invisible man and a human woman who will soon become a couple."
SCENE 2: Timestamp 01:51 - 03:50
TOUNOME: "Do you have any preference? Western? Chinese? Japanese?"
YAKOU: "Anything's fine."
TOUNOME: "Any allergies?"
YAKOU: "None."
TOUNOME: "Then..."
TOUNOME: "Is there somewhere in particular you want to go?"
YAKOU: "Uh... Um..."
YAKOU: "I rarely eat out, or rather there's only a handful of restaurants I can go to..."
YAKOU: "I'm happy to go anywhere you like!"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "That's good."
YAKOU: "Actually, there's a place I've been meaning to try."
YAKOU: "Great! Then... Let's go there!"
TOUNOME: "Okay, sounds like a plan."
YAKOU: "Phew."
TOUNOME: "Here, take my arm..."
TOUNOME: "Off we go."
YAKOU: Hm...?
YAKOU: His gait is uneven...
YAKOU: As if he's lost.
YAKOU: Maybe he's still trying to decide on a restaurant? I was no help at all.
YAKOU: Ahhh! I'm sorry Tounome-san, I didn't mean to make it complicated.
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san...
TOUNOME: "Which direction smells more delicious?"
YAKOU: "Hm... This way."
TOUNOME: "Oh, good."
TOUNOME: "I've been nervous to go in, not knowing if you'd like it or not."
TOUNOME: "Glad to hear you do."
TOUNOME: "And thank you for helping me pick."
YAKOU: "Thank you for inviting me! I'm looking forward to dinner"
TOUNOME: "Me too."
■ A Vietnamese restaurant.
SCENE 3: Timestamp 03:51 - 06:20
TOUNOME: "Since it's the first time for both of us, I ordered the dinner course."
YAKOU: "Mm... I'm smelling things I've never smelled before."
TOUNOME: "It's an adventure, huh?"
YAKOU: "It is, isn't it?!"
TOUNOME: "That's a fresh spring roll. (With shrimp, cucumber, and cilantro)."
YAKOU: "Oh...is that...an hearb? What an odd flavor!"
TOUNOME: "That's cilantro."
YAKOU: "Teehee!"
YAKOU: "This is a first for me, getting food with someone from work."
TOUNOME: "Is that right?"
YAKOU: "So, I was pretty excited..."
TOUNOME: "My heart skipped a beat."
TOUNOME: "Would you like to get dinner with me later?"
YAKOU: "Ah."
YAKOU: I was so excited about the prospect of going somewhere new, I didn't even consider what it meant.
YAKOU: Isn't this...what you'd call a date?
YAKOU: But he didn't say it was a date, so maybe it isn't?
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san..."
YAKOU: "Huh?!"
TOUNOME: "This is really good. I'll put it on a small plate at, uh, twelve o'clock."
YAKOU: "Ohh, thanks."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Is something wrong?"
YAKOU: Well, to start...
YAKOU: My back is tripping with sweat.
YAKOU: "No, it's just I've never gone out like this with a man."
YAKOU: "It kind of feels like a date... Doesn't it?
TOUNOME: "It is a date."
YAKOU: "eep!"
TOUNOME: "Does that make you nervous?"
YAKOU: "Yes, well...a little bit..."
YAKOU: "Gosh...this is embarrassing..."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, may I..."
TOUNOME: "borrow your hand for a moment?"
TOUNOME: "Because I'm invisible... typically no one can tell..."
TOUNOME: "But with your sense of touch, you might be able to."
YAKOU: "?"
TOUNOME: "I don't want you to think that you're the only one..."
TOUNOME: "who's nervous."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "Your heart is racing!"
TOUNOME: "Don't blow my cover now."
BACKGROUND CHARACTER: The invisible man has a heart...?
■ After that, they received a round of silent thumbs-up.
SCENE 4: Timestamp 06:21 - 11:01
TOUNOME: "This place was great, wasn't it? I'm glad it suited us both."
YAKOU: "Y-Yes, I thought the same!"
TOUNOME: "Shall I take your hand? Let me walk you to the station."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: Uugh... My heart is still fluttering...
Both: "......"
TOUNOME: "Wouldn't it be safer to hold on tight?"
YAKOU: "Oh, don't worry! I have my white cane! I can manage!"
TOUNOME: "Well...if you say so..."
YAKOU: His voice went all flat...
YAKOU: "Ah! I didn't mean..."
YAKOU: "I'm not...trying to...keep my distance...!"
YAKOU: "You see...it's quite..."
TOUNOME: "It's quite..."
TOUNOME: "The opposite?"
YAKOU: "Ngh... Tounome-san, are you laughing at me?!"
TOUNOME: "Huh? You can tell?"
YAKOU: "Well, you're doing a poor job hiding it!"
TOUNOME: "I'm not hiding it at all. I want you to see the real me."
YAKOU: "Eh...?"
YAKOU: For a second, it felt like the distance between us disappeared...?
TOUNOME: "In fact I'm so giddy I feel like skipping. What do you think? Should we skip?"
YAKOU: "I-I'd rather not. No skipping, please!"
TOUNOME: "Then I must resist the urge. I promise to be an exemplary escort the rest of the way."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "Okay..."
YAKOU: "Dinner with..."
YAKOU: "Tounome-san was so niiiice!"
NOTIFICATION: "Your bath is ready"
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: "Time for a bath, huh...?"
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: Tounome-san... Hmm...
YAKOU: He struck me as a pleasant man during the conversation at my interview but...
YAKOU: It was his gentle and measured voice...
YAKOU: The rustling of his clothes...
YAKOU: His foot steps...
YAKOU: The way he opened and closed the door...
YAKOU: That spoke even more to his grace and character.
YAKOU: He seems like... a wonderful guy...!
YAKOU: Slow down! You went out with him once, that's it!
YAKOU: No one said a word about dating!
YAKOU: Don't get ahead of yourself! Relax!
YAKOU: "......"
YAKOU: I wonder... what he really thinks of me...
[TOUNOME: "I want you to see the real me."]
YAKOU: What did he mean by that? He is the invisible man...
YAKOU: So others can't see him.
YAKOU: What is it like to be invisible to sighted creatures?
YAKOU: Maybe...
YAKOU: "Tounome-san... Do you ever wish others could see you?"
TOUNOME: "See me...?"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "Hmm..."
TOUNOME: "No... I don't."
TOUNOME: "It's who I am."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, do you wish you could see me...?"
YAKOU: Hmm...
YAKOU: He doesn't mind being invisible...
YAKOU: "I can tell... What kind of person you are..."
YAKOU: "That's all I need."
YAKOU: I'm kind of relieved.
TOUNOME: "Ha ha! That's good, otherwise we'd be in trouble."
YAKOU: "!"
YAKOU: "I'd say so...!"
■ Seems like they took an important step in understanding each other.
SCENE 4: Timestamp 11:02 - 13:28
YAKOU: "Tounome-san... I would've noticed."
TOUNOME: "Yakou...san."
YAKOU: "You always have such a calm and grounded air about you... So it's easy to tell when something's off."
YAKOU: "During the interview, you kindly worked with me to define my position at the office..."
YAKOU: "And gradually increased my responsibilities after I started. And it wasn't just me. You showed the same trust and respect to everyone."
YAKOU: "You inspire me to be a better version of myself."
(Unvoiced – Yakou: I'm a big girl! Jarashi: Yes, you are.)
YAKOU: "And... I'd really miss you if you were gone. There's only one Tounome-san."
YAKOU: "I'd look for you everywhere."
TOUNOME: "........."
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san..."
TOUNOME: "Will you be my girlfriend?"
YAKOU: "Eh?"
YAKOU: "Huuuh?!"
TOUNOME: "Uh... Is that an 'I shudder at the thought' look?"
YAKOU: "Huuuh?!"
TOUNOME: "Uh... Is that an 'I shudder at the thought' look?"
YAKOU: "N-No, it's not that I don't want to...!"
TOUNOME: "I'd love... to keep spending time with you."
TOUNOME: "Do you not feel the same?"
YAKOU: "Uhn... Ah... I just..."
YAKOU: "If I say yes right now...what are...what are your intentions for the rest of the night?"
TOUNOME: "......"
TOUNOME: "Tonight, I plan to get you home and go straight back to my place.
YAKOU: "Tonight...?"
TOUNOME: "Yakou-san, who do you take me for?"
TOUNOME: "I give up..."
YAKOU: "!!"
TOUNOME: "Is it... that you're waiting for me to take the first step?"
YAKOU: "eek!"
TOUNOME: "What's wrong? You sound like a scared manga character."
YAKOU: "I wasn't readyyy."
TOUNOME: "Okay. Right. Right"
TOUNOME: "SIgh..."
TOUNOME: "I really like you."
YAKOU: "eeek!"
TOUNOME: "I'm getting mixed signals."
YAKOU: *yelps, but hugs him back.*
■ After that, Yakou exploded with excuses.
SCENE 5: Timestamp 13:29 - 15:24
TOUNOME: "Blaming wrongdoings on the invisible folk is a talk as old as time."
TOUNOME: "So, you can imagine how happy it made me... to help our client clear her name."
TOUNOME: "I was truly relieved."
YAKOU: "......"
TOUNOME: "Anyway, we're here now..."
YAKOU: "A-Akira-san?!"
YAKOU: "!!"
YAKOU: "His heart is beating so fast!"
TOUNOME: "You don't like this?"
YAKOU: "No... I do."
YAKOU: "Ah! You just laughed, didn't you? I felt your body shake a little."
TOUNOME: "You always know how I feel."
YAKOU: "Huh?"
TOUNOME: "It means so much to me."
TOUNOME: "Please, never stop blowing my cover..."
YAKOU: "..."
YAKOU: "Um... Was that...?"
TOUNOME: "A kiss? Yes."
YAKOU: Direct.
YAKOU: His lips were so soft and warm.
TOUNOME: "Should I not have?"
YAKOU: "It's not that... But... But..."
TOUNOME: "Ha ha... Shall we get going?"
YAKOU: "Oh... Um..."
YAKOU: "Can we stay like this...a little longer?
TOUNOME: "Can I kiss you again?"
YAKOU: "Wha? Well... Um... I'm not opposed to it..."
TOUNOME: "Ha ha! Is that so?"
YAKOU: "It's not that... But... But..."
■ They kissed three times.
The relationship between the two is heartwarming and heart pounding.
TOUNOME: Thank you for watching the video.
YAKOU: Please check out the summary section if you're interested in the rest.
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yaoisex · 1 year
I had to upload the scene of Makonyan choosing Chiaki as the cutest among them ^___^ (previously mentioned here)
I loved how he was so quick to write down his answer. Everyone else were still thinking, and Ume-chan was loudly wondering if there was someone cute among them (everyone laughed), and Makonyan replied that of course there was!! Fast forward to him revealing his answer ^-^ That was so adorable <3
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bleuskais · 4 months
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音楽朗読劇 READING HIGH 第12回公演
Nakamura Yuichi: Lancelot
Sugita Tomokazu: Mordred
Suwabe Junichi: King Arthur
Otsuka Akio: Merlin
Yasumoto Hiroki: Gawain
Sawashiro Miyuki: Lady of the Lake
Umehara Yuichiro: Gareth
THEM!!! The girls are fighting again lmfao...
Once again I would like to thank the person who cast Nakamura Yuuichi as Lancelot & Sugita Tomokazu as Mordred.
Can't believe this is Sugita's Reading High debut!
As you can guess from the characters they play, it's a reimagining of the Arthurian legend, playing fast and loose with the events and timeline.
This is the 12th Reading High performance and the production value keeps going up year on year! The lighting design (with those little balls of light that goes up and down that reminds me of Changi Airport's kinetic rain sculpture) and the pyrotechnics! The orchestra on stage with the rest of the cast! The costume design is gorgeous!
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I had been looking forward to this and was hoping and praying we'll get proper subtitles like Young Wizards but maybe not so soon I guess. After all, this was live streamed on 12 May and they trimmed the video and added the cast comments afterwards on 15 May.
istg if they release the live stream with eng subs months down the line...... (who am I kidding... i'll still watch it again lmfao)
Archive viewing until 21 May 2024 23:59 JST (no subtitles alas)
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thebettybook · 11 months
🍓 Strawbetty Storytime 📖
Stumbled upon an upcoming mobile gacha game that reminds me of Twisted Wonderland :)
💫 So I was looking up Leona Kingscholar’s VA Yuichiro Umehara on Twitter for any updates or posts on him, and stumbled on a post about an upcoming Japanese mobile gacha game where Yuichiro Umehara voices a character named Cassim
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Image from the game’s Twitter account post
💫 The game, called “Stellarium of the Rotating Star” or “Stellarium of the Fragile Star” (idk tbh, it depends on translations), reminds me of Twisted Wonderland where it seems that this upcoming game focuses on a magical academy with primarily male students (it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be an otome game, it seems more like TWST where the game will focus on the stories and lives of the characters)
💫 Also there seems to be a focus on alchemy in the academy. Update: found more info on the game and it seems that MC is gonna be a scribe at the academy documenting the characters and events! Also, Riddle Roseheart’s VA Natsuki Hanae voices the character Jay
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Image from the game’s Twitter account post
💫 It also seems that the student characters are ages 20 and above, based on the character bios on the website
💫 Link to the game’s website is here, and the art for the characters and game look really pretty so far
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ikemenfangirl · 11 months
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Van Houten Cocoa with 4 type of Boyfriend
Voiced by Umehara Yuichirou #梅原裕一郎
🌙 Sweet words whispered by Ikémen before going to bed.
What kind of boyfriend will you drink with?
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แวนฮูเต็น ญี่ปุ่นโปรโมทโกโก้ผงชงดื่ม ด้วยเสียงแฟนหนุ่ม 4 สไตล์
⭐️ คำพูดหวาน ๆ ก่อนเข้านอนที่กระซิบโดยแฟนหนุ่มเสียงหล่อ คุณจะดื่มกับแฟนหนุ่มสไตล์ไหน?
☕️ Older boyfriend (แฟนหนุ่มอายุมากกว่า)
☕️ A puppy-like boyfriend (แฟนหนุ่มไทป์น้องหมาขี้อ้อน)
☕️ Narcissist boyfriend (แฟนหนุ่มหลงตัวเอง)
☕️ Prince-like boyfriend (แฟนหนุ่มสไตล์เจ้าชาย)
📍Van Houten Cocoa
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Why You Should Watch Romantic Killer
This is the new anime series that premiered on Netflix a few days ago! Before you inevitably cancel your subscriptions, give this show a go! Trust me, it'll all be worth it! (I'm personally riding on my sibling's Netflix, so I got to watch it officially!)
Edit: I think it’s important to mention since it’s in the very nature of the show that nobody is actually forced to fall in love with Anzu or vice-versa. It’s all purely consensual in terms of that even though the wacky circumstances are not.
I even made gifs for this post just to convince you, reader of this post!
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A high schooler named Anzu Hoshino is living the life. She has games, chocolate, and a cat named Momohiki. One day, her life is turned upside down by the devil-- I mean wizard, Riri. Riri confiscates her three most prized possessions with the ultimate ultimatum: Fall in love or live life without your most cherished commodities. Living in this awful world, Anzu swears to not fall in love out of pure spite for this arrangement and for Riri, but unfortunately, Riri has plans in store that might make things harder than they seem. (source: me)
For such a nonsensical story, it fricking works. I like it. As someone who's aroace, I feel this. I really do. I don't object romance, but I sure am not looking for it, and I would be pissed and spiteful too if my belongings were taken.
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Anzu is so much fun. She has got to be my favourite reverse harem protagonist of all time. Her reactions to everything are absolutely priceless, and I love how they incorporate random references. I never thought I'd see Kazuo Umezu face incorporated into a fricking romcom! Characters like her and Bakarina make the genre worth watching (even if Bakarina is too... baka at times). I want everyone to experience this anime without me giving too much away.
The side characters are good in their own right. Sure, Riri is annoying, but that's kind of the point. They canonically don't have a gender so the "they/them" pronouns were used in the subtitles I'm pretty sure. Tsukasa is pretty cold, and I felt indifferent about him until I found out his reasoning for being like that in the last few episodes, and let me just say, whatever you're expecting, it's probably not going to be that. I've never seen a show handle that type of situation for men quite like this RANDOM ROMCOM did. It puts its male characters into situations where they don't need to be strong, and they aren't criticized for it. That right there is positive masculinity. I like it. It diverts the idea of traditional macho masculinity, especially those of archetypes in dating sims. The characters and their dynamics actually seem pretty natural for such an unnatural situation and setting.
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Yooo, that soundtrack fricking fits. I like it. Sure, it doesn't stand out, but with the absurdity of this series, I'd be lying if I didn't laugh when a certain string track came on. I don't even think that was the point (I think it's supposed to be when the audience swoons).
That ending theme fricking slaps harder than it needs to. I watched the opening once. Look, that opening skip button is so tempting. I only watched the ending once, but it was the background music for the voice actor interviews, so I got to know it better.
Voice acting
YOOOO, THIS IS THE PART I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT. Sure, they hired your local "ikemen" to play the "ikemen" characters, but can we talk about Rieri for a second? She makes this show good. Her and Mikako Komatsu apparently auditioned in a pair, and you can see, hear, and feel that chemistry. It is absolutely fantastic. Not many anime have had me laughing out loud, but I kid you not, I laughed a few times watching this. And yes, Umehara and Gakuto did sound good. I will give them credit where it's due. They did fulfill the ikemen part really well. Almost too well.
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You know what? Even though the art was pretty mediocre, I'm going to give it a pass. It's hard to make a coloured manga. And it's hard to make an anime look good. Plus, they probably spent all of the budget on Anzu's face to the point where the guys look mediocre at best and can only be given "ikemen status" based on their voices alone.
I get why this anime might be a bit mixed in the aroace community, but I think we should enjoy media as it's handed to us. And what was handed to us is a genuinely good show that requires zero brain cells until the last half! Zero brain cells? That's me too!
Unlike most of the shows that I watch, I will rewatch this. Without a doubt. I'm rewatching it as we speak. Even for specific moments that made me laugh.
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Yuichiro Umehara has been married for years (apparently) to his college friend. He agreed with his agency to keep his public and private lives separate. Congrats to him! 7 years late!
(I love how they blurred the umbrella)
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apparently-artless · 1 year
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Atarashii Joushi wa Do Tennen PV - Shirosaki (CV: Umehara Yuuichirou)
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remremmm · 1 year
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h-he— he DID A FACECAM!? WHAT IN TARNATIONS IS GOING ON HERE- i really though he was going to sit this one out yet he proved me wrong- damn-
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ecargmura · 4 months
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nobumebungaku · 1 year
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the very last day of hyorotto danshi (part one) in celebration of umehara/nishiyama duo radio comeback
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