#Kermit kelp
blossompuppy · 10 months
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I have a lot of Splatoon ocs. My friends have Splatoon ocs.
Why not mesh them together in one piece!!
Also, the camera function in Splatoon 3 is SO FUCKING USEFUL !
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awkwardbean4337 · 4 years
My teachers this year are the best, I shall bless you with quotes from my chorus teacher so far this class. Please note that anything that seems like it’s making fun of someone, it is but in a good way, he does it to everyone to make us laugh and more comfortable in class.
- I wish I could rent my head out as a B&B, some people would like it
- *plays Tetris music on piano*
- I really need to bring my tuning head
- make sure to write your breathing down on your music otherwise you won’t breathe
- for this section it’s plaid but it’s pronounced “played” as it had to rhyme with glade
- thanks Beethoven
- *insults the piece we are singing and pauses to think* never mind, Beethoven and Lord Byron won’t mind, they’re dead
- Logan, is that coffee in my virtual classroom? Did you get me any? *it was hot chocolate*
- *evil laughter when my dad almost gave me a heart attack when giving me hot chocolate because I have headphones in*
- I miss ordering seniors to get me Starbucks
-My caffeine addiction is getting out of control
- *sees my cactus in the background of my video* I love your cactus, what’s his name? I love his name! *his name is spike by the way*
-Norse pagans are terrifying *looks at me through video* never mind, Logan’s just confused
- ALTOIDS *he means altos*
- apparently I’m not cool enough as a teacher to get into the teacher D&D campaign (for some context I was taking about how I’m playing D&D with @rockthetheater this weekend)
- for those who aren’t Hamilton fans *looks at the class* oh wait... never mind, you all are NERDS
- I’m going to steal your screens for a second *he means share his screen*
- Why is your pencil case a coffin, I understand that it’s 2020 but still
- let’s not be like Kevin *kevin actually did his work this time*
- I like to call it SDS, Soprano Duplicate Syndrome
- I let the computer time and do things for me
- I’m happy that I’m back in the building, my kids can’t give me a heart attack every class
- eyes are overrated
- *realized he’s muted* Oh shoot, let’s just ignore that
- *not realizing that @rockthetheater isn’t actually with me, yelling* HI BECCA, I MISS YOU, EVERYONE DOES, EXCEPT KEVIN
- I’m more of a Peggy myself
- I just realized that I sound like Kermit in the Alto recording for “wait for it”
- I trust everyone *except Kevin* to find resonance for this section
- *plays the Jeopardy theme* oh, too soon
- don’t die, that’s bad
- if you need any kelp (he actually said help, but it sounded like kelp) you can look through the study files online
And folks that was the end of class, if people like this, I can definitely do more for my other classes as well
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wyrddogs · 4 years
Training update:
-- I bought a Sleepypod carrier for Kermit to ride in in the car and have been conditioning him to like it. As of yesterday he hops right in and I can zip it shut and pick it up. I’ll take him for his first short car ride in it later today.
-- I trimmed his wee hairs and the hair between his toes so he no longer looks like a wayward child. I’ve been combing him every day to prepare for when he actually has a coat and he’s starting to enjoy it. Oh, and his fluffy puppy coat is mostly gone! It’s just lingering on his legs, where he will eventually be growing feathers.
-- Took him to the beach yesterday (I wore a mask and had hand sanitizer, and kept away from people as best I could) and he did fantastic. Stuck pretty close but got brave enough to explore a bit, recalled off other dogs and delicious kelp, and checked in on me by himself. Basically perfect behavior.
-- We did have a really shitty moment at the beginning of the beach visit where another person’s dachshunds started screaming at us, and then Too (who pulls like he’s trying out for Iditarod) started lunging, which set Bindi off, which set Kermit off. I was completely unable to get them under control. That’s why I basically don’t walk them on leash together. All three of them need some kind of management and until Kerm is more mature and Too stops acting like he’s in a weight pull competition I just can’t do it.
-- This led to a relapse on this morning’s walk when Kermit saw a hiker and barked at him. I was able to get his attention back on me but it took more effort than normal. Later we saw a woman and her dog, and Kerm boofed a couple of times before ignoring her, which is a good improvement.
-- Had our first snuggle session with Bindi, Kermit, and me all on my bed. Bindi took her usual place on my legs and Kermit (eventually) settled in the crook of my arm. Very enjoyable. Must practice more.
-- His recall is getting really good. I really need to get back to Baby Genius and actually go through their recall section. XD
-- Finally starting to pair puppy push-ups with verbal commands. Right now Kermit knows exactly two verbal commands-- his name, which means come here; and “No”, which means stop what you are doing and I will give you a cookie.
-- An entire week has passed without Kermit making a single attempt to steal a toy. I am holding my breath...!!
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writinggeisha · 6 years
Colour Words
White: French beige,  Navajo white,  alabaster white,  albino white,  antique white,  arctic white,  argent white,  ashen white,  beige,  birch,  biscuit white,  bisque,  blanched almond,  blanched white,  bleached white,  blonde,  bone white,  buff,  camel,  canvas beige,  linen white,  marshmallow white,  milk white,  mocassin,  mother-of-pearl,  mushroom,  neutral white,  nude,  oatmeal white,  off-white,  old lace white,  opal,  paper white,  pearl white,  piano key white,  polar white,  porcelain,  powder white,  pure white,  raw cotton white,  coconut white,  contrast white,  cotton white,  cream,  diamond,  dove white,  ecru,  eggshell white,  flax,  flour white,  fog white,  frosted white,  ghost white,  goose white,  hemp,  ivory white,  lace white,  latte,  light tan,  lily white,  sandstone,  seashell white,  sheep white,  sheet white,  shell white,  shining star white,  silvery white,  smoky beige,  snow white,  solid white,  spotless white,  sugar white,  toothpaste white,  vanilla,  waxen white,  wedding white,  whey,  white,  white chocolate,  white smoke  Yellow: Chardonnay,  French fry yellow,  Titanium yellow,  amber,  banana yellow,  bleached blond,  blond,  buff,  bumblebee yellow,  butter yellow,  buttercup,  butternut squash yellow,  butterscotch,  cadmium yellow,  canary yellow,  champagne,  citrine,  corn yellow,  lemon peel,  lemon sherbet,  lemon yellow,  linen,  lion yellow,  maize,  marigold yellow,  mellow yellow,  metallic gold,  mimosa yellow,  mustard yellow,  ochre,  olive,  omelette yellow,  palamino,  papaya,  parakeet yellow,  pencil yellow,  cream,  custard yellow,  daffodil yellow,  dandelion,  duckling yellow,  egg yolk yellow,  electric yellow,  flax,  flesh tone,  gold,  gold yellow,  golden bronze,  golden yellow,  goldenrod,  highlighter yellow,  honey yellow,  lemon chiffon,  lemon drop,  pineapple yellow,  popcorn yellow,  raincoat yellow,  saffron,  school bus yellow,  squash yellow,  straw yellow,  sunflower yellow,  sunglow yellow,  sunset yellow,  sunshine yellow,  taxi cab yellow,  topaz,  vanilla,  wheat,  yellow,  yolk yellow  
Orange:  amber,  apricot,  basketball  orange,  blood  orange,  bourbon,  burnt  orange,  butterfly  orange,  candlelight  orange,  candy  corn,  cantaloupe  orange,  carnelian,  carotene,  carrot  orange,  cheddar  orange,  cinnamon,  mango,  marigold  orange,  melon  orange,  neon  orange,  old  gold,  orange,  orange  juice,  orange  peel,  orange  sherbet,  orange  soda,  orange-red,  papaya,  peach,  persimmon,  pumpkin  orange,   copper  penny,  coral,  dark  orange,  dark  salmon,  dayglo  orange,  ember  orange,  fall  leaves  orange,  flame  orange,  ginger  orange,  gold,  golden  orange,  goldfish  orange,  ice  pop  orange,  light  orange,  light  salmon,   rust  orange,  safety  orange,  saffron,  salamander  orange,  starfish  orange,  sunrise  orange,  tabby,  tangelo,  tangerine,  tawny,  tiger  orange,  tiger  stripe  orange,  traffic  cone  orange,  yam  orange
Red: Bordeaux  red,  Indian  red,  alizarin  crimson,  amaranth,  apple  red,  auburn,  autumn  leaf  red,  barn  red,  beet  red,  blood  red,  blush,  bougainvillea,  bourbon,  brick  red,  bright  red,  burgundy,  burnt  sienna,  candy  apple  red,  cardinal  red,  carmine,  carnelian,  cerise,  cherry  red,  chestnut  red,  chili  pepper  red,  magenta,  magma  red,  maroon,  orange-red,  paprika,  pepperoni  red,  persimmon  red,  pink  red,  pomegranate  red,  poppy  red,  rabbit  eye  red,  radish  red,  rare  steak  red,  raspberry  red,  red,  red  apple,  red  berry,  red  carpet,  red  licorice,  red  lipstick,  red  nose,  red  pepper,  red  potato,  red  rose,  red  velvet,  claret,  copper,  coral  red,  crab  red,  cranberry  red,  crimson  red,  dark  cerise,  dark  red,  deep  pink,  devil  red,  faded  rose,  fire  engine  red,  fire  red,  fire  truck  red,  flame  red,  florid  red,  fruit  punch  red,  garnet  red,  geranium  red,  henna,  hibiscus  red,  hot  pink,  ketchup  red,  ladybug  red,  lipstick  red,  red  wine  vinegar,  redwood,  rosewood,  rouge,  ruby  red,  russet  red,  rust  red,  sangria  red,  scarlet,  sports  car  red,  stop  light  red,  stop  sign  red,  strawberry  red,  tawny  port  red,  tawny  red,  terra  cotta,  tomato  bisque,  tomato  red,  torch  red,  vermillion,  watermelon  flesh,  wine  red,  winter  apple  red
Pink: Pepto Bismal pink,   Persian rose,   amaranth,   apricot,   ash rose,   baby cheeks pink,   baby pink,   bacon pink,   ballerina pink,   ballet pink,   ballet slipper pink,   begonia,   blush pink,   bougainvillea,   bubblegum pink,   cameo,   carmine,   carnation pink,   cerise,   cherry blossom,   mulberry,   neon pink,   orchid,   pale pink,   pastel pink,   peach,   peach puff,   peony pink,   petunia pink,   pig pink,   pink,   pink Cadillac,   pink champagne,   pink cheeks,   pink diamond,   pink grapefruit,   pink lemonade,   pink sherbet,   polka dot pink,   powder pink,   conch pink,   coral pink,   cotton candy,   cranberry,   cupcake pink,   dayglo pink,   dusty rose,   eraser pink,   flamingo pink,   flesh,   flesh-colored,   fuchsia,   grapefruit pink,   hibiscus pink,   hot pink,   jellyfish pink,   lavender pink,   light plum,   lipstick pink,   magenta,   rose,   rose petal,   rose pink,   rose quartz,   rosy red,   ruby,   ruddy pink,   sand pink,   seashell pink,   shocking pink,   soft pink,   strawberry jam,   strawberry milkshake,   sunset pink,   tea rose,   thistle pink,   tongue pink,   tulip pink,   turnip pink,   worm pink
Purple: Concord grape,   amethyst,   aubergine,   beet purple,   bilberry purple,   blackberry,   blackcurrant,   blue violet,   blueberry,   brandywine,   bruise purple,  byzantium,   cerise,   claret,   currant,   dahlia,   magenta,   mauve,   monster purple,   mulberry,   opal purple,   orchid purple,   pale plum,   pansy purple,   passionfruit purple,   pastel purple,   periwinkle,   plum,   prune,   purple,   purple cabbage,   purple jam,   dark raspberry,   dark violet,   eggplant purple,   fandango,   grape crush,   grape jam purple,   grape jelly purple,   grape purple,   heliotrope,   hyacinth,   inky purple,   iris purple,   juice purple,   lavender,   lavender blush,   lilac purple,   quartz,   raisin purple,   raspberry,   rhubarb purple,   royal purple,   thistle,   true purple,   turnip purple,   violet,   violet red,   wild berry purple,   wild grape,   wine,   wisteria
Blue: Caribbean blue,   Caribbean turquoise,   Dodger blue,   Pacific blue,   Prussian blue,   Tiffany blue,   alice blue,   aqua blue,   aquamarine,   azure blue,  baby blue,   blue belle,   blue ice,   blue jean blue,   blue-green,   blueberry,  bluebird blue,   bluebonnet blue,   cadet blue,   lapis lazuli,   light blue,  marine blue,   marlin blue,   midnight blue,   navy blue,   neon blue,   nighttime blue,   ocean blue,   pale blue,   pastel blue,   peacock blue,   police officer blue,   pool blue,   powder blue,   ribbon blue,   robin egg,   royal blue,   sapphire blue,   cobalt,   cornflower,   cyan,   dark blue,   dark slate blue,   deep sky blue,   denim blue,   dolphin blue,   electric blue,   frostbite blue,   glacial blue,   heather,   iceberg blue,   icy blue,   imperial blue,   indigo blue,   inky blue,  jay blue,   lake blue,   slate blue,   snowflake blue,   stained glass blue,   steel blue,   stone blue,   summer sky blue,   surf blue,   swimming pool,   teal blue,   true blue,   turquoise,   ultra blue,   ultramarine,   verdigris,   violet blue,   washed denim blue,   whale blue
Green: Granny Smith apple,   Kelly green,   Kermit green,   Persian green,   absinthe,   algae green,   alligator green,   apple green,   aqua,   army green,   artichoke green,   asparagus green,   avocado green,   bay leaf green,   bluegrass green,   boxwood green,   broccoli green,   cabbage green,   cactus green,   caterpillar green,   celery green,   chartreuse,   chive green,   chlorophyll green,   iceberg lettuce,   iguana green,   ivy green,   jade green,   jadestone,   jungle green,   kelp green,   key lime green,   leaf green,   leprechaun green,   lettuce green,   lichen green,   light cyan,   lime green,   lizard green,   melon rind green,   metallic mint,   mint green,   moss green,   myrtle green,   neon green,   olive drab,   olive green,   parrot green,   crocodile green,   cucumber green,   cyan,   cypress,   dark khaki green,   dark olive green,   dollar bill green,   drab olive,   eel green,   emerald green,   evergreen,   fern green,   forest green,   frog green,   grass green,   grasshopper green,   green,   green apple,   green olive,   green pepper,   green tea,   green-yellow,   holly,   honeydew green,   pea soup,   pear green,   pickle green,   pine green,   pistachio,   sage green,   sea green,   seafoam green,   seaweed green,   shamrock green,   spinach green,   spring bud green,   spring green,   sprout green,   spruce green,   summer grass,   swamp green,   tea green,   turtle green,   verdant,   verdigris,   wasabi green,   zucchini green
Brown: October brown,   acorn brown,   auburn,   autumn leaf,   barbecue sauce brown,   bark brown,   bay,   bear brown,   beetle brown,   biscuit brown,   branch brown,   brick brown,   bronze,   brown,   brown sugar,   brunette,   burnt sienna,  burnt umber,   butterscotch brow,   cafe au lait,   camel brown,   cappuccino brown,   caramel brown,   cardboard brown,   chestnut brown, kangaroo brown,   khaki,   leather,   lion brown,   liver brown,   mahogany,   maple brown,   maple sugar brown,   maroon,   meatball brown,   milk chocolate,   mink,   mocha brown,   mud brown,   nougat,   nude,   nut brown,   nut brown ale,   nutmeg,   oak brown,   pancake brown,   peanut butter brown,   potato brown,   pretzel brown,   raisin brown,   cinnamon brown,   cocoa,   cocoa brown,   coffee bean brown,   coffee brown,   coffee stain brown,   copper,   dark chocolate brown,   dark citrine,   deer brown,   desert sand,   dirt,   doeskin,   dun,   earth brown,   earth yellow,   earthenware brown,   fallow,   fawn brown,   football brown,   fox brown,   freckle brown,   ginger brown,   golden brown,   hazel brown,  rich earth,  roan,   root beer brown,   rosewood,   ruddy brown,   russet brown,   rust,  saddle brown,   sand,   sandy brown,   sea lion brown,   semi-sweet chocolate,   sepia,   sienna,   sorrel,   steak brown,   tan,   tan brown,   tan-nude,   tawny,   toast brown,   tumbleweed,   tweed brown,   walnut brown,   wheat,
Gray/Grey: argent silver,   ash gray,   battleship gray,   cadet gray,   charcoal gray,   chrome,   cloud gray,   cloudy day gray,   concrete gray,   cool gray,   cool grey,   dim gray,   dolphin gray,   dove gray,   overcast gray,   owl gray,   oyster gray,   pewter,   pigeon gray,   platinum,   rainy day gray,   rhinoceros gray,   river rock,   salt and pepper gray,   sardine gray,   seal gray,   shark gray,   silver,   elephant gray,   fog gray,   grandma gray,   granite gray,   gray,   grey,   gunmetal gray,   haze gray,   hippopotamus gray,   iron gray,   koala gray,   metal gray,   mist gray,   moon gray,   smoke gray,   soot gray,   steel gray,   stone gray,   storm gray,   stormy sea gray,   taupe gray,   thunder cloud gray,   warm gray,   wed sidewalk gray,   wool gray,   zinc gray
Black: Mars black,   black,   black cat,   black coffee,   black licorice,   black pearl,   black pepper,   black tar,   blackboard black,   blackout,   blue-black,   bow tie black,   kettle black,   kohl black,   licorice black,   mascara black,   mica,  midnight black,   molasses black,   night sky black,   ninja black,   obsidian,   onyx,   outer space black,   caviar black,   chalkboard black,   charcoal black,   coal black,   ebony black,   eclipse black,   eyelash black,   fig,   gothic black,   hearse black,   ink black,   jet black,   piano key black,   pitch black,   pupil black,  raven black,   sable black,   shadow black,   smoky black,   sooty black,   spade black,   spider black,   tar black,   tarmac black
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blossompuppy · 1 year
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“It’s kinda hard to splat anyone like this, you know?!”
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blossompuppy · 2 years
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My Splatoon kiddos! I love them all so much
First design is by cakeimp on toyhouse! Fluffy red girl is designed by hydrabones on Toyhouse!
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wyrddogs · 4 years
Training update
Stuff from this week (again, very long):
-- After steady improvements with the coprophagy thing, Kermit had a relapse on Tuesday. Not only did I have to dig poop out of his mouth, he needed a couple of arm time outs and then just being physically prevented (via leash) from eating even more poop. He was back to his improved self on Wednesday and Thursday’s walks.
-- Introducing puppy calisthenics to fix his sloppy sitting. He already loves my poor man’s wobble board; I introduced putting his rear feat on a platform and sitting while on a small platform. The great thing about small dogs is your platform can be a book.
/// Update a day later:  Turns out that if you have a big enough book, that can serve as a platform for your big dog as well. The book in question? DK’s The New Encyclopedia of the Dog.
-- More walkies around residential traffic. Kermit’s getting braver every day.
-- He’s getting a little squishy. While he was growing like a weed he was getting 1/2 cup twice a day plus treats; I’m cutting him down to 1/3 cup twice a day, plus treats.
-- He and Bindi have consistently made really good choices while in the yard this week. Kermit has deliberately avoided her ball multiple times, and Bindi hasn’t nailed him for being near it. One time she went to take a stuffed toy from him and I told her no, which I think is important for Kermit. It lets him see that she’s also not allowed to take things from him.
-- His Stranger Danger is steadily improving. Instead of yelling/screeching, he’s downshifted to boofing, though he has added lunging to the mix. I just physically prevent him from lunging and wait until he gives up and looks at me (exactly what we do for poop, incidentally). Only when he’s ready to be calm do we continue forward.
-- Practiced quietly sitting in my lap while I was at the computer. He’s getting much better at settling now that he’s more mature. Also, after a period of “I’m a grown-up and don’t need kisses from Mommy” he’s back to loving it when I hold him while he bites my ears. He’s also decided he enjoys being held like a baby.
-- Have I mentioned he’s discovered vagina? He’s discovered vagina. Bindi is not impressed.
-- Still doing nosework in new places. Interestingly, both dogs prefer it when I hide the odor tin somewhere, as opposed to using hot/cold boxes. Bindi especially is on fire when searching for a hidden tin, but is disconnected when searching for a hot box. Does she think it’s boring? She certainly has strong opinions when I hide toys/kibbles from her. If it’s too easy she gets annoyed. Kermit is less picky, but he too appears to prefer the hidden tin. I guess I need to offer more delicious treats with the boxes.
-- Took him on a hike with the family, where he saw the ocean for the second time in his life, was introduced to running on rocks, ate some delicious kelp, didn’t quite swim, but thought about it, and got to practice being leashed and released multiple times. He was basically perfect. Bindi had a fabulous time being her fabulous self.
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