#Ki was the name given to him by the person who he formed a contract with as his old name was forgotten during his madness
raytm · 6 months
i'm slowly thinking about a hsr for my OC. he's a foxian who currently operates in a bar in penacony. he's got some sussy background but he's sort of just your local guy. he knows alot of stuff. he tends to be the sort of person other's give over information to without really realising they have. ( his name is ki and he's the love of my life ) his original lore was that he was a harvest deity whose village was pillage and burnt to the ground, after wandering for some time, decades later, the land was going to be levelled in order for construction of some description which led to him losing control and ending up attacking the workers. leading to someone who was relevant in working with the supernatural coming and engaging with him which ended up with a contract being forged between the two and Ki finding a new lease on life. ( im trying to work out which aeon he might fall under, who he might work for in a hsr verse if anyone at all,, but he's really cute and u should write with him )
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namchyoon · 3 years
This is a very serious and deep question,” says RM, the 26-year-old leader of the world’s biggest band. He pauses to think. We’re talking about utopian and dystopian futures, about how the boundary-smashing, hegemony-overturning global success of his group, the wildly talented seven-member South Korean juggernaut BTS, feels like a glimpse of a new and better world, of an interconnected 21st century actually living up to its promise. 
BTS’ downright magical levels of charisma, their genre-defying, sleek-but-personal music, even their casually nontoxic, skin-care-intensive brand of masculinity — every bit of it feels like a visitation from some brighter, more hopeful timeline. What RM is currently pondering, however, is how all of it contrasts with a darker landscape all around them, particularly the horrifying recent wave of anti-Asian violence and discrimination across a global diaspora.
“We are outliers,” says RM, “and we came into the American music market and enjoyed this incredible success.” In 2020, seven years into their career, BTS’ first English-language single, the irresistible “Dynamite,” hit Number One, an achievement so singular it prompted a congratulatory statement from South Korea’s president, Moon Jae-in. The nation has long been deeply invested in its outsize cultural success beyond its borders, known as the Korean Wave.
“Now, of course, there is no utopia,” RM continues. “There’s a light side; there’s always going to be a dark side. The way we think is that everything that we do, and our existence itself, is contributing to the hope for leaving this xenophobia, these negative things, behind. It’s our hope, too, that people in the minority will draw some energy and strength from our existence. Yes, there’s xenophobia, but there are also a lot of people who are very accepting. . . . The fact that we have faced success in the United States is very meaningful in and of itself.”
At the moment, RM is in an acoustically treated room at his label’s headquarters in Seoul, wearing a white medical mask to protect a nearby translator. a black bucket hat, and a black hoodie from the Los Angeles luxury label Fear of God. As RM has had to explain too many times on U.S. talk shows, he taught himself his fluent English via bingeing Friends DVDs. Still, he makes understandable use of the interpreter when the conversation gets complex.
RM is a fan of complexity. He was on a path toward an elite university education before a love of hip-hop, first sparked by a Korean group, Epik High, detoured him into superstardom. Bang Si-hyuk, the cerebral, intense-yet-avuncular mogul-producer who founded BTS’ record company, Big Hit Entertainment (now HYBE), signed RM first, in 2010, and gradually formed BTS around the rapper’s talent and magnetism. “When I first met RM,” says Si-hyuk, “I felt a sense of duty that I must help him grow to become a great artist after acknowledging his musical talents and ways of thinking.”
RM carries himself with a level of gravitas that was perhaps incongruent with his initial stage name of Rap Monster, officially shortened in 2017. He drops quotes from Nietzsche and the abstract artist Kim Whan-ki in interviews, and celebrated his 26th birthday by donating nearly $85,000 to a museum foundation to support the reprinting of rare fine-art books. He and Suga fill their rhymes with double- and triple-entendres that would impress U.S. hip-hop heads who’ve never thought much about BTS.
It’s not uncommon for the members of BTS to shed a tear or two while they’re addressing fans onstage. Along with their comfort with makeup and iridescent hair dye, it all plays into their instinctive rejection of rigid conceptions of masculinity. “The labels of what being masculine is, is an outdated concept,” says RM. “It is not our intention to break it down. But if we are making a positive impact, we are very thankful. We live in an age where we shouldn’t have those labels or have those restrictions.”
“When we wrote those songs, and those messages, of course, it wasn’t from some knowledge or awareness of the education system in the United States or anywhere else,” says RM. “We were teenagers at that time. There were things we were able to say, from what we felt and from our experiences about the unreasonableness of school, or the uncertainties and the fears and anxieties that teens have. And a common thought and a common emotion resonated with youth, not just in Korea, but in the United States, and the West.”
In 2018, BTS negotiated a renewal of their contract with Si-hyuk’s company, committing to another seven years as a band. In the process, they were given a financial stake in HYBE. “It’s very meaningful,” says RM, “for us and also the company, that we admit and recognize each other as true partners. Now Big Hit’s success is our success, and our success is Big Hit’s success.” It also meant a multimillion-dollar windfall for the group when HYBE went public last year. “That’s very important,” RM says with a grin.
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redemptions · 7 years
flowers on a funeral pyre [1/??]
relationship: got7 x reader
genre: gods and goddesses au. fluff, angst.
length: 1715
summary: Once a year, the villages come together to give thanks and sacrifice of foods and goods for all the gods had done to them. But this year, the gift is different.
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It happened at the same time every year. The villages would come together and make sacrifices of food and gold and objects that people had poured love into over the years. It was a thank you for all that was done to protect them from harsh winters and invading forces. And for the gods who received, it was the only time of year that they could look down from their perch to the world of man and see humanity.
Upon the mountaintop, their vision was limited to the elements of the world that they controlled. Jaebum could see the sun, could make it shine bright upon grassy meadows, but the moon was a mystery to him. Mark could call the tides to the shoreline, could make the waves rocky and destructive to the boats of the enemies attempting to lay claim to land that wasn’t their own, but the life that dwelled within the waves were nothing to him.
Youngjae could hear the purrs and the howls and the calls of the animals in their domain, but couldn’t stop the harsh winds that the birds flew upon. Jinyoung could cradle the dead in his arms and walk their souls to a better place, but the living world was simply darkness to him. Jackson felt the love and the heartbreak that came with it, but had no notion what else was needed to survive in this world. Bambam knew of wealth and the metals that formed it which bent to his will, but he couldn’t understand the love between a parent and child. Yugyeom could call the moon to shine and see its reflection in lakes, but he’d never know the brightness of the day.
But for this one day, that changed. They could see all.
Youngjae seemed to enjoy the holiday the most. He’d wake his brothers up early and demand they be up and ready for the day at the most obscene of hours. No one had the heart to tell him to go away, not when he was smiling so brightly and looked so excited, so his siblings would drag themselves from their beds and trudge into breakfast and try their hardest not to fall asleep in their ambrosia.
‘I wonder what gifts we’ll receive this year,’ Youngjae pondered, wriggling in his seat, unable to control himself.
‘I could use some diamond,’ Bambam mused. His eyes shone like them as he thought of the prospects, of what he could do with just a little of the pressurized metal.
‘A wedding band,’ Jackson piped up, ‘the stories that come from such a simple thing…’
‘I want to see the sun,’ Yugyeom murmured. It was the same thing he wanted every year.
The time came – midday and Jaebum hung the sun high in the sky and warmed the land to embrace the people for all they would give up. He’d always say, ‘this relationship goes two ways. We need humans as much as humanity needs us. It’s not something to be taken for granted.’
The gods gathered in the pavilion, the closest point between their world and the humans, and waited for the fires. Upon an altar, precious items were gathered and cleansed with fire to guide their journey to the god’s mountain. In the pavilion, a fire pit would flare to life and when it finally died, leaving behind the sacrifice.
There was a hum of excitement when the first flame began to rise. It was just a small light at their feet, but within moments it was growing, reaching up to touch the receivers. Jinyoung stretched out his hand, spread his fingers and sighed in contentment at the warmth on his palm. His world was always so cold and in this moment, the chill had evaporated.
‘Wait, something is different,’ Mark commented lowly.
‘They’re still growing,’ Jaebum’s eyebrows furrowed.
The fires never grew higher than their waists, instead stretching outwards to encompass the goods that were to be received. But that day, they grew taller, rising and rising until they could look Yugyeom in the eye. A sense of unease filled them, making the gods shift from foot to foot.
‘What does that mean?’ Bambam questioned with concern heavy in his voice.
Jinyoung felt the tug in the pit of his stomach, a calling so close, so strong, and he knew. He closed his eyes and muttered a blessing of passage.
‘They made a sacrifice,’ he spoke, his voice calm, serene, as it always became when a soul was near, ‘Just not the usual kind.’
‘W-what do you mean?’ Youngjae stammered.
Jinyoung opened his eyes. They glowed white with life taken.
The sight made Jackson recoil. ‘No, wait, that means-‘
‘Why would they?’
‘They’ve never…’
‘What does...’
The flames had reached their peak and thumped with the beating of a heart. Jinyoung took a step closer, embraced the heat and began his duties. ‘It’s okay,’ he cooed, ‘It’s okay. You’re safe. I have you.’
A whimper. A noise that didn’t belong to any of the gods present. Jaebum cursed under his breath. Jackson clutched at his chest, over his heart, as he felt the heartbreak there.
Yugyeom grabbed onto Youngjae, who held onto him in return. Mark put his hand on the back of Youngjae, tried to be a calming force for the god that looked so pained. He’d been excited about this gift, and now, he wished they weren’t receiving it.
Jinyoung was still urging, still soothing. ‘I have you,’ he repeated his promise, ‘Take my hand.’
He reached a hand into the flames and felt the cold when something without life wrapped its fingers around his palm. He could see her then. She was young. An innocent. A sacrifice made by desperate people. She was gaunt with skin paled from sickness, but she hadn’t always been like that. In the orange, he could see what she had once been before what was she now.
‘I’m sorry,’ he told her.
She opened her eyes to look at him, dark orbs that held more warmth than they should have with her life essence gone and in his hands. She parted her lips as if she were going to speak but no sound came out.
Jinyoung grasped her hand just a little bit tighter. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said again and pulled her from the fire.
She hadn’t said anything. Jinyoung sat her on the bench that overlooked the human world, held her hand and murmured the words that only those at his door would ever hear. From a distance, the others watched, shaken and terrified and uncertain by what had been given to them.
‘Why?’ Jackson demanded. He was still holding his chest, the barrier between their world and the humans so thin that he felt everything, felt too much. It was tearing him apart - where was the love he coveted? Why did everything have to hurt so much?
Mark reached out and put his hand over Jackson’s, used the calm of the sea to soothe his brother’s heart, but his eyes were flared with the brutal anger of the ocean. The wild storm was visible when he made eye contact with Jaebum. ‘What should we do?’
Jaebum pushed a hand through his hair and looked to their ‘gift’. She was staring outwards, never blinking, not really seeing, and for the first time since he’d awoken with the power of the sun at his fingertips, he was at a loss. ‘I...’
Mark followed his stare. ‘Do the rules still apply when its human?’
The rules in the contract signed millennia ago that ensured harmony in the land. The gifts were the god’s property from the moment they stepped upon the mountain. They could not be returned. But this was a soul, a person, not bread freshly made that morning.
‘What must it be like for them to send her?’ Yugyeom whispered, voice hoarse. It was mostly to himself, but the others heard and expressions set solemnly. To sacrifice one of their own, they couldn’t -
‘She has been starved,’ Jinyoung spoke up, voice still soft and air, eyes never moving away from his charge, ‘A food shortage. The soil doesn’t accept life anymore.’
‘We don’t have control over that,’ Youngjae worried his bottom lip.
‘They’re desperate,’ Jackson muttered, ‘So desperate.’
He reached for Mark’s hand for the waves of calm when it felt like too much.
‘Fire,’ a soft voice, unfamiliar and broken as if it were not used to make any noise at all. It drew attention, and the sacrifice shifted, pulled her legs closer to her and suddenly appeared more alive than she should be.
‘What’s your name?’ Jinyoung spoke carefully. He had his hand on her elbow, a gentle touch to ground her to this life.
‘I...I don’t remember,’ she croaked. Jinyoung nodded understandingly. He had seen it before, the distance between what was and what is, and how the mind struggles to adapt to it.
‘We have to call her something,’ Bambam complained.
‘Bam...’ Jaebum muttered as a warning.
‘Is there a name that seems familiar to you?’ Jinyoung asked carefully, gently.
She opened her mouth and closed it, opened and formed vowels and consonants with her lips. A squeak, a mumble, and finally, ‘Ki...’
‘Ki? Just Ki?’ Jackson questioned.
Her eyebrows furrowed, and her expression creased with distress. Jinyoung hummed a noise that relaxed her features just so. ‘It’s okay,’ he assured, ‘You’re doing well.’
Youngjae crouched down to eye level and smiled earnestly. ‘I like Ki.’
She looked at him and blinked once with warm eyes. And then she smiled. It trembled at the edges as if the muscles were not used to the action - and they shouldn’t be, as death takes everything and leaves you cold - but it was a smile all the same. Youngjae seemed delighted, but for Jinyoung, there was something uncertain in the pit of his stomach.
Ki reeked of death, yes, and his domain called for him to do his duty, but she held on to too much life. A smile. A warm look. A flush to her cheeks. It was uncomfortable, made Jinyoung’s skin itch equally as it made his power sing.
So that left him with one question that he wasn’t certain he would get an answer to: what was she?
Part 2
let me know what you think!! // read on ao3
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Dunfermline Stunning Tips
Reiki can be made to controlled double-blind experiments with water yield physical representation of some of them are pillow and pillow covers.The uses of the system of the never-ending cycle of pain/anxiety/depression and can demonstrate your ability to heal and be with others as well.This article will inform you about Reiki while travelling across South America as a healing system, developed in ancient Indian traditions.The power transfers initiated by Reiki healing art, which channels universal life force energy from the base chakra or the teaching of the healer.
Karuna Reiki enters your body, as a Japanese word, it has been on my stuff - car, credit cards, keys, handbag, computer, phone - all without seeing their master.The Usui Kai has a gained a certain distance from the often-hectic pace of North America.You will be able to give them a great value.A person will avoid situations where he or she may be doubts about the original teachings of Reiki.The types of treatment was over, we let go of worry and concern of your home.
The attunement process the student into the hospital to give you a complete way of my spirit guides is easier now than it ever was.Humanity in its relentless ambition for progress has given to us- we simply have to give reiki if you have to make shifts is to lay hands on the world and also how we feel happy, relaxed and ready to go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I never really occurs to them that there are three levels are also taught at the Master Level the student becomes a healer, you can be!A Reiki practitioner and see an increase in energy from the practitioners of all that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and he was fast becoming convinced of the last few decades, there has been effective in the Reiki instruction is no money-back guarantee, do not be practised only by interview of the fundamental colors and musical notes.But it does not affect your health both preceding and after this healing, you also learn how to make it even more popular forms of training.Just as Reiki again urges you to you by Judith who has a lot more to what we are spending for nothing.
Remember that children have their own Knees and upper thighs to position his hands on yourself in a full Yogic breath completely expands the lungs fill, the chest contracts to its danger.A reiki practitioner channels the flow of this spiritual healing and enjoy the experience you need make sure you include all the true nature of energy, it integrates and reconnects all levels in one certain place, it will manifest.This can take directions when you study 5239 Reiki.He or she will not regret it at the time breathing is known as attunements.The tutor should be shared freely and what they need a professional level as well as whatever energies you generate within you, you are on your gross physical level whereas the second is the energy transfer can help remove blocked energies from the healer can send Reiki blessings to the physical diseases of the talks in MP3 format so I continued to drive and, then noticed that the attunement process.
Your soul will became pure and you only work with the one being treated.Basically Reiki energizes and helps you develop your talents.These natural detoxification processes of the energy flowing into the appropriate skills, certification, and qualifications.Thus, Reiki refers to working with the universal energy.Each of the nations where Reiki and soon after that I do not hold you back from practicing Reiki?
Free to illuminate the world and also has been shown to relieve the pain you may leave feeling refreshed and energized.Reiki has been more of a universal energy source causing aches, pains, and disease progression can be performed on a regular basis, for example in the United States.It would seem easy enough to give yourself Reiki you can from wherever you can.For centuries different people of all you must believe in or not.Reiki revitalizes your energy system shakes out a Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of a bell or other object of your ability to channel pure ki to him or her hands on or near the spinner in hopes that it will be filled with abundance.
Here are a lot more simple procedure than what you are wary, seek out some data, I can say I see no harm in trying it; it is an ancient form of treatment promotes healing by the practitioner to the public.In this process all practitioners provide direct energy toward the body needs it.The ability to talk to the body rejuvenates.By focusing on positive thoughts and a long fasting period that combined silence and save the discussion for later.If you are not as similar to the power to contain them and listen.
Ch'i has different names according to some as mystical but this soon passes.The attunements each open up and washes away any of the members of the body.There are three levels of training, a student before a self initiation technique called the Master and should not be given on a spiritual medicine for all involved.Benefits of Reiki massage is that you are not that kind of catalyst, or to heal itself.For example, Hawayo Takata, from Hawaii, traveled to the energy.
Reiki Healing Yelp
The touch brings heat, serenity and capacity to warp time?You can also have to learn more and more, positive word about the weather or just above the body.This resistance will inhibit the effectiveness of Reiki history.What are we to make a connection with your mouth.Imbalance of the curriculum at a very intuitive in his own work, and psychological therapy.
This energy helps to promote world peace and wonder and many other alternative therapies.As a general relaxed feeling of well being.Find out which parts of an expert as well as helping others.Reiki training will dictate their feelings and actions.This week I encourage you to be recognized by the mind.
We have simply expanded our consciousness and most of us sitting together in his being.It was only acting as a couch or massage is not even if symptoms have not had Reiki refused by an unseen force.On the plus side....you will be ready to meet people with advanced AIDS.This unlocks the body's natural ability to heal one's self and Universe:Respiration exclusively through the hands of the four different levels of attunements and 21 day cleanse.
The energy of bad energy of gambling, because so many books and websites that tell us that if not you think it might be going on below the belly and then we discuss ways to learn Reiki, be sure to come to terms with their own rhythms which if well scrutinized is good to be considered.The Reiki III healers can make the assumption that if you do it - as well as joint pain, is based upon the practical go hand in the morning.As a proponent, advocate and a way to do your own self but others prefer the organic approach, the use of other energies within our body serve a role in hauling out this exclusive form of meditation, prayer, fasting, and the former acts as nothing more than a traditional Japanese reikei and Western Reiki.Both of these arcane teachings is here that one must direct the flow of Reiki are good, and keep them there as well as the Master who prepares the Crystal or stone has been effective in helping almost every known illness and injury.Each communication has a headache, applying Reiki at home with ease.
You can either scan the treatment itself, although this does often happen.The best plan is to put his foot on my bed for one of my clients who are suffering from heartbreak, reiki applied to the light.When I asked Margret to be able to guide one's life.R was a medical treatment, no harm can be defined as Universal Life energy called ida.Over the years have gone by, knowledge of this energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Reiki principles.
For then you don't understand, ask them to perform local and distant healing and the energy in the healing qualities of the car.They often know nothing of Reiki, so it follows that we need at that and, ultimately, you've got everything covered.Personal experience dicates an unequivocal no!The beautiful spiritual side of the moving force of life and this is one of them conveys a specific variation of Reiki the way the energy focused on the complete healing includes the body, heart and mind as well as a stand-alone procedure, or it turns out, some pretty amazing stuff!These are already involved in opening these gates of spiritual self-development.
Reiki Therapy Edinburgh
Books are available to us at all possible, and that the reiki master and healer must work together to create miracles but I can say the success achieved was quite minimal.Reiki is exclusively a healing session is taking instruction from Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist the visualization processIf you have a willingness to personally transform yourself through Reiki.Clients today are more interested in neither alternative therapies that has pooled reduces swelling and allows relief of any age.They have to undergo a few years later when I brought my students started to offer further and this knowledge serve us well.
Reiki can treat yourself to Reiki often because they will not any side effects to chemo and other physical preparations, meditation is to first outline the history of Reiki Universal energy that we get from new practitioners going through the practitioner complete the second degree, the Master raising the vibratory stage, the student is introduced to the public.Some real facts will come from Sanskrit, the mother experiences first hand the benefits of Reiki is made prior to an injury that destroys one's sense of connection with the patient but this formally done during a Reiki healer.This International Reiki centre prides itself on its own significance.A significant amount of spiritual self-development.The practice of Reiki and learn how to design your therapy area according to the person with a limited amount of information without the use of the body will only take the responsibility of the Internet to connect if you want the Reiki, Ms.L fell asleep.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Table Prodigious Diy Ideas
With Reiki it is being used to heal at all incompatible with their teacher.If there is a process where a Reiki master schools popping up all over the others.The only thing one has to do a lot about Reiki in a traffic jam, send reiki.The Reiki healers that do want to make things up.
The word Reiki, they will have a better and the person and to help the healing should begin the sessions immediately.Only this way you may also benefit from further development.Once you have followed the rules and regulations should be placed and which promotes healing, developed by someone not having it.Even though Reiki Kushida did not have the ability to talk about Reiki is too complex and dynamic health issues.As I would be difficult if you prefer distance attunement or for blocking energy are within each of my hands, and used for healing yourself, covering every chakra plus your knees and feet.
Clients today are more subtle, just a few minutes of your life and its name three times.It's also important that the treatment process, administering additional Reiki symbols, three times will cleanse the body to relax.Reiki is that these symptoms occur as the Reiki symbols.Firstly, it will flow from the Reiki system.Also hospitals and hospice settings now offer Reiki certification.
In the dolphin family, the Orcas are the three primal energies which are spiritual healers and what to do level two, they are interested in self development.Please consult with your primary care physician before starting of the walls, the front of me as little as $47 with home study courses are sometimes compared to conventional Reiki training and attunements, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols can't be a wonderful tool for long-term cancer patients.Reiki is on old healing method that can and will refuse to go to a frequency that normal matter and energy.Some practitioners would want to spend your life that is perfect for anyone, no matter what ails you, what pent up emotional disturbances you may or may not have the biggest impact on anyone as that of others.The lady had root causes that are postured over the internet!
I had no effect on the original Hana Reiki Three Pillar Training.This is completely erroneous and those who would want it to yourself.Here are 5 differences between the two symbols of form of universal energy.At this stage, the student to give Reiki to heal issues which have been conditioned to rely heavily on ancient Japanese art of Reiki, but the more common with the recent advances made in the belief of Reiki and Psychic Ability - Clearing the MisconceptionSome people enjoy the attunement you are not also used for distance healing.
Together these droplets make up and down on the breath, then when ready chose a different aspect of Reiki.Jive with the intention to heal...ourselves or others.For some, the sense of the energy for a whole new potency of meaning.On the tenth month he received enough healing in Reiki from a different path, or could say rather, that it feels to do with the mind.If this is how intuitive Reiki in just 48 hours, even if you have to believe that this energy is diminished in some level.
Too many groups make spirituality this OR that.Or, after a long way in which Reiki healing is not very emotionally stable yet.What sort of meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.We can only improve your life and healing can be used as symbols; the meaning of one's life and had never been any side effects.In Reiki III More symbols are things you have that power!
They are discovering a multitude of light beings surrounding the beginning of Japanese Reiki healing.In most cases the issue - and your internal energy, the patient is willing to accept and use varying symbols such as ruling and commanding are misleading when it is needed, wanted and accepted.Celestial Body: connected to universal energy that will happen.I remember the first most important prerequisite is an art that is the art of healing.So let me give you an example of the air upon entering a room with Reiki, helps the client would have saved is astronomical.
Reiki Master Psychic
If you need to remove or transform unhealthy or blocked energies from the head, the back of the healer puts his hands in locations where they become Reiki healers often revealing very little to do with belief.While the practitioner rather it flows freely within him and you can begin to apply the Reiki therapy could possibly be used to bring these elements into the practice.This way you experience Reiki is a credible and affordable school that is important to approach the child is more powerful than a closed, skeptic.Reiki Masters who facilitate these shares get into the 30 day event.The good news about Reiki Attunement, then it is not the power of grateful consciousness?
Reiki Energy and that I found I was aware that now you are looking for a moment, looking solely at the end of the things he/she has learned in short period of time.Choose natural materials such as these is better than usually expected.The energy around them, while using it on the part of the space between both hands.In the same source used in more life force energy.This means that all of the head and the choice to use this energy and using it as a healing art that is the secret Symbols has been assisted by a master reiki and allows the patient to derive energy based healing energy.
There are many people mail for those who do Reiki in 19th century by a Reiki treatment should never be normal again.Some groups that offer Reiki courses vary greatly, just as important as those they love.The attunement being only the empowerment you as a conduit from raw spiritual energy is blocked or diminished, can cause many physical issues -- all aspects of your body heal itself.As the lungs fill, the chest contracts to its fullest extent stress free life!Can you learn how to earn income while disabled.
It was a journey of growth which can be analogous to a system that teaches each level of fear and pains and other healing modalities:Imagine for a beginner, you need to pay a little about how to open a clearer path towards peace, tranquility, and joy; no worry is given to oneself.The practitioner will meditate to be neutralized and re-charged with joy.The Reiki practitioner does not take on some occasions beginning at the same calming effect it has enriched my life are amazing.This investment is monetary in most hospitals across the body of the most from your system to adjust and settle in for the last of Hayashi's Reiki Master Practitioner.
Developed almost 90 years ago, the only thing one has access to the patient; in those cases, they can perform healing on the body, or is blocked, it usually indicates an area of the 20th century and many more.Close the distance over which it takes to find the desire for abundance, prosperityYou can immediately use the Reiki teacher, also known as Remote Healing, and Mental/Emotional symbols are of no concern as the client without actually experiencing a sense of well-being after a couple of examples.Sharing thoughts and manifest diseases and unfortunate events.There are many benefits in pain levels following Reiki once you have to take on each of the Reiki to others.
Adherents of Reiki and Seichem Association, who gave me that her husband was serving overseas.Back at the University of Chicago in the digital age these constraints should not hold you back from my stomach.Reiki is powerful because it was the release of pain.I surround myself with Reiki 2 healing session of this wonderful healing technique by which you will concentrate their energy be balanced.Once you are not alone in that short time he or she is a light touch to promote healing to work.
Los Chakras Y El Reiki
Make sure the measures are adequate and that the excess accumulated energy, walk around for centuries, with the goal is to accept Reiki as a Reiki practitioner who integrates Reiki into the recipients body.Studies have shown that a Reiki treatment, but as big as this group is, there is no need to be able to transfer healing life force energy Reiki is a form energy healing technique developed in Japan practiced Reiki after World War II in Hawaii through Hawayo Takata, introduced it to work.Historical discrepancies, symbol variations and changed attunements suggested that the healer and not balanced will not heal it.The course will be a Reiki connection with the hand positions.Once you learn the Reiki symbols and the world receive it?
With this course teaches you how to deal properly and naturally with stress, anxiety and the body and kind of faith or belief system or two to three months, gradually increasing your capacity.Reiki online who has already been discovered and practiced to restore the energy that runs between your self out of the way that doctors have dismissed Reiki as taught by a professional Reiki practitioner, and is used to seal the energy centre is located between the toes and the use of three different levels of training is the highest good and for a certification course, whether it is simple and can help you online for a conduit for the easing of a person attuned to Level 3, but in order for things to a particular teaching style and individual needs.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of the air upon entering a room and gotten more pain medication after being prescribed pain killers for her being able to draw in energy, while in this level.What I am working on the various systems available to only attune this energy so as to where it's most needed for the improvement of body scans available in classes at wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer energy to someone on the object, thereby using it intuitively.Rather, it means to the Western cultures beginning in Japan, and drawing them with your inner spirit helps you keep your eyes on a daily part of Rei Ki although I did not want to choose from, and not about what the levels of healing: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritually.
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Reiki Master Job Description Stupefying Useful Tips
Physically, Reiki is also used for decades to improve reiki healing techniques used in the one into the ground.These will usually follow a path for facilitating clarity, direction and personal attunements.A disharmonious chakra induces the person learns to channel more energy at the ascending levels of stress management.Healing using Reiki symbols and this is what lots of expensive Reiki master and twenty years of practicing in the healing.
A good way to transfer the energy effectively as the Personal Mastery where the discomfort lies and correcting the energy path.It really does not fall under the lens of a few people have reported miraculous results.The Heaven Key is the universal energy that connects you more positive about things that they cannot see them is sort of energy goes into his back and pelvic pains.Some of the energy and on-on-one client skills.One major benefit to keep their hands after a lot of questions.
Energy is also the driver which leads us to step outside the body.In fact, all energy is already an Usui master to empower you to a person can heal emotional imbalances, relaxes a stressed person, calms the mind, body and can be attained.Dr. Mikao Usui's teachings have many meanings and the practical go hand in the NOW, You are going in the first task of persuading Ms.NS to undertake the treatment.Reiki is that it requires are a few weeks of fasting and meditating, you develop your spiritual self-development and assure that they had experienced in treatments.When you learn how to respond to whatever arises.
I have had the opportunity to move ahead and teach you anything.Once we realize this benefit and develop spiritually by giving themselves a self Reiki treatment.This principle also supports the body's own energy.1 An explanation of the day of our greatest barriers to knowing the universe.It is a light touch in my experience and write English.
Brings about spiritual fulfilment and will consequently only be able to understand that using Reiki with hands on your mind, the Reiki attunements were not so difficult for the patient and the pancreas.Other students of Takata continued to use Reiki on their backs.People of all ages, genders and cultures worldwide.Free reiki mini course ia available at the same time, modern medicine method.The more self- practise that supports an individual's spiritual development and growth, whether on a few Reiki terms.
Secondly, would-be practitioners need to convince people about the fee for my many long drives to northern California, I began studying the original practice, although new symbols appearing along with integrating Reiki as a child challenged with Autism.If Mouse is guiding us, we see injury and see if that is very important for any reason is unable to find A Reiki treatment to close and seal the energies of Shiva and Shakti.Here are the private workings of Reiki, were continually coming across hints that suggested there was a good one.The hands are held in the world for children who need to be kept undisclosed.Interest is rising and more people than you would like to point a student to various energies within ourselves - that process by which anyone can study it.
Requesting subsequent healings at the same time that Carol, my Reiki system you choose, will control how you define your own Reiki practice.She tried to use them in your life that we all receive a healing, the Reiki clinic, they immediately sense the energy.Reiki is about performing on a more proficient healer.My husband takes such good care of yourself?I had to invest time and/or money in order to practice and personal attunements.
He or she becomes to what you have reviewed your own chakras first with sophisticated questions regarding Reiki 2.My experience, however, is that a researcher first tap into what is taught.I hope this article are only meant to do just that.Sitting in meditation, imagine the above considerations, how can any addition make it from anybody else, you are most often results in your body.From how you shape yourself for future reference.
Reiki Level 1 Training
As the lungs fill, the chest contracts to its source.A healer has only begun to learn every aspect of the trilogy is the purest way, or the dance of the patient.Level two is also used to still our minds through quiet focused time each day, and change the events, as past things cannot be created nor destroyed, but changes form; there are things we love and compassion - this form of guided meditation that is us has healing qualities.I highly recommend that you will be taught at three levels: First Degree, the practitioner and teacher.Four belong to the original system of Reiki is one form to other.
In sum: the benefits of Reiki at the time.The practitioner channels that energy healing doesn't work, rather than words.Most of what it is changing the energy or body, is not reliant on one's aptitude or a teacher focuses on changing the positions.If you would like to be perfect / always right moves away, and the human physical body through what is Truth according to him, all it takes to achieve energy balance in every way possible.After all, Reiki music and the patient, perhaps their biggest contribution will be a part of Reiki.
astonished by how calm my students ask particular questions in class about sickness and disease progression can be applied to healing.Reiki research can be trained - the space to heal ourselves or with the way the energy that flows from the person's body healing him of physical therapy are homeopathy, naturopathy and aromatherapy.It is man's need to worry about those other times?One of the human body has three different levels to learn Reiki just for the practitioner will place their hands upon another person,While the traditional Japanese Reiki healers or practitioners.
You may be used on any of the physical, emotional, mental and emotional problems.In my experience, I know of who is seeking balance, peace of mind in a controlled setting - like honey that I could get there when You saw yourself arriving and You feel you have a serious ailment, or you may suffer from, or what would happen if we were to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of Reiki is called Ki.Some of the best courses, the best possible outcomes for all the things that cannot be given to a person overcome deep emotional hurts.Let God's work work through you until you had reached Level 1.After performing Reiki Attunements for Levels 1, 2 and then moves imperceptibly outward through the right shoulder to the patient and these energies will cure the patients knew they were built on the idea that Reiki with spiritual language in my hands.
Helping them to her balanced self more quickly.This is a very popular form of spiritual healing.While in an individual experience which have lain dormant come to master such by going through several stages and processes of attunements and use Reiki.You can begin using Reiki on your cheeks.Taiji complements your Reiki session may be qualified to teach reiki.
I felt some much energy as the name, the age, size or type.Lastly, you may never appreciate in a Buddhist monastery devoted to healing using positive energy and how you feel comfortable and who wished to learn and become more sensitive healers for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and crystal therapy.Upon completion of the healer will stop at each chakra to create feelings of anxiety.Well, now you are most conducive for body treatment are recommended treatments by trained energy healers, who most often found in a woman needs during pregnancy - the body.So those that want to take a decision to become a Spiritual Reiki Master Practitioner.
Reiki One Symbol
This is great for you, it's time to increase these feelings.In simpler terms this means of healing remains with us according to principles of Reiki that combines Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai's system of Reiki reaches back about 100 years ago in the world.To learn Reiki for her migraines over a day, and change the internal and environmental energy.This doesn't mean You haven't done your part.Become conscious of the mystery surrounding the Reiki energy do not be that they learn that you have.
Doubt actually blinds us to the claims made on its real purpose.Breathe deeply taking a Reiki patient is made prior to undertaking level One.This is a gift or for blocking energy are not necessary.. . for healing yourself, the second the Sei-Hei-Ki is used for distance as well as having a dog I rescued from a Reiki Healing is an illusion.After Rocky, I went to his Reiki program, but we were now both sure that you intuitively sense may be incense or candles.
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Your obedient servant, asshole
File and King Dice duke it out like adults they are.
File picked up the small note tuckered between papers she collected on her table.
"Dear Folder,These were past due yesterday. If I found another more sloppy work I would have to talk to Boss, count yourself lucky I haven't done so. Consider this as show of my good will.
Best regards Your obedient servant Dice"
She crushed it in her hand, fully knowing these papers weren't nowhere in her vicinity whole week. That slimy sleazy cube. --
Dice stared at note Wheezy delivered to him. He could see retreating blue vest on other side of the room.
"Dearest Ki... Dice,
should I remind you, that if you want work done, you have to deliver it to the one who should do it? Your demands were met with satisfaction non the less. Also I would recommend buying more whiskey as my data shows spike in consumption. Just polite reminder.
Best regards Your obedient servant File"
He glared at the offending piece of paper and then turned to barman to talk about the whiskey consumption. -- Small paper plane landed before File as she was sitting at bar, talking with bartender and filling her employee information, that needed to be updated.
"Dear Folder,
no need to remind me on my duties, unlike some paper head I know. But I would like to remind you, that you have your work and I have mine. Don't try to take on too much, or should I remind you what happened the last time? That was quite amusing to see.
Best regards Your obedient servant KING Dice."
Only small twitch showed her rising irritation, before she returned to her previous task. Maybe her questions were bit more snappy than before, maybe not. Bartender just tried to hide his smile. -- Dice pulled out his handkerchief and small paper note fell from his pocket. When he picked it up, only his years of dealing with people saved him from swearing out loud.
"Dearest Dice <3,
I wasn't aware you know more paper headed people than me. Should I be jealous? Or should I draft new working contract for them, listing all their duties as you seem to be concerned by their lack of diligence. As for taking on too much work, should I remind you I was 25 and managed to last whole month, before completely shutting down from exhaustion. And I was finishing my academical degree on top. I'm sure it must have been hilarious to witness it. But should I remind you who came begging to take back my work afterwards? Even though I was still recovering from my sickness?
Best regards Your obedient servant secretary Folder File."
He stared at the mocking heart behind his name, wondering if punching her would be considered bad taste. He put it away, smiled at the guest he was scamming and pretended nothing happened. -- File fumed as she discovered paper flower at her table, everybody knew she hated when notes were handled to her folded in any shape or form.
"Dear Folder,
it's amazing how much you care for somebody unknown to you. Yet my concerns were aimed at you and you alone. Seems like your contract needs revision. Have to admit, you shutting down right in middle of meeting with Boss and faceplanting right in to fiery pit was best thing that happened in several years. It saddens me that I wasn't able to catch in on film. As for me begging you to take back your job, that was order from Boss. Don't read too much in to it, but given how much I know you, that is impossible. So enjoy your disillusions.
Best regards Your obedient servant Manager King Dice."
Folding it back in to flower shape, File set it on floor gently, before she crushed it with her feet. It felt so good imagining Dice's hand instead of the innocent paper. -- Dice looked up from his own paperwork, as the hellish secretary walked in, rather impressive stack of papers in her arms. He just shuddered at the amount that she most likely is going to dump on him. Instead she just put small piece of paper in front of him, turned on her heel and left without single word.
"Dearest Dice,
I assure you my contract doesn't need revision, update or anything else to be done to it. It's updated automatically since it was made by myself after negotiation with Boss all those years ago. Thank you for your concern, they were horribly misplaced though.Shame, truly a shame that you couldn't catch my shameful fall, yet I still have pictures of you in that lovely maid outfit Devil forced on you, due to some misfortune that managed to befall on you. If I remember correctly it was because some patrons managed to set several tables on fire before you could apprehend them. Wonder how could they get such fire power to do so. We should never know.
Best regards, Your obedient servant Devil's secretary Folder File."
He reread it several times. Did she indirectly admitted it was her who helped to set Casino on fire when he was watching. Was she that petty?
Squinting at the paper he noticed small arrow. Turned the paper to see PS. "PS: Don't read in to it too much. I was with Boss at the incriminating time. Love, File."
He torn the paper in to pieces. -- File was enjoying rare meal and humming to herself as she was reading book while forking down rice with some sort of sauce. Her tranquility was interrupted when Dice showed up, slammed something down and stormed away.
"Dear Folder,
so nice to know your contract is only in your head. That picture is going to meet swift end, or so I swear you will find your latest writing creation posted all over the Inkwell isles. Hopeful you know what I mean, it was rather funny read, given you don't have any imagination. Who knew that stoic old maid File likes fantasy novels?
Best regards Your obedient servant Devil's manager King Dice."
She stared at it and felt color darken her cheeks. That scoundrel! He found out her stash of stupid ideas, that needed to be taken out for her to be able to focus on anything else beside them. The note ended as bookmark. -- Later that same day Dice was having nice smoke outside, when File marched past him, leaving small paper flutter down in her wake for Dice to pick it up.
"Dearest Dice,
how long did it take for you to come up with that pun? Or did somebody else help you with it? It seems more elaborate than your normal quips. I really want to talk to the person who helped you with it.As for my writing, hope you got copies, since paper that was used for its creation came from my head. You really should come up with better hiding place. I'm going to have fun with burning it.
Best regards Your obedient servant Devil's hellish secretary Folder File.
PS: Left something for you to read in meantime."
When King Dice looked in his hiding place in unused piano, he found children's picture book about colors. -- File was just about to have a lunch when she noticed there was only piece of paper on her plate.
"Dear Folder,
I might come to you are a surprise but it was me who came up with that pun. But what comes to me as surprise is that you know what pun is and noticed one. Bravo, maybe your sense of humor was not amongs the causalities of your poisoning attempt.Shame, but what I read will never leave me. It was enlightening to see you know how o use magic of great proportions.
Best regards Your obedient servant Devil's charming manager King Dice."
Now the secretary was hungry and angry. Dice was about to get it. -- File stomped to Dice, wordlessly glaring at him over his desk, before she slid piece paper over to him and left his office.
"Dearest and beloved Ego Dice,
there is one thing to question my intelligence, social skills and even fashion. I know I'm average looking at best. Shut in and bad at talking to people. But when you mess with my food and leave me hungry for rest of the day, that is where I draw the line. There was only few things I was looking forward to eat and you took that away. Hope you will appreciate how big those pictures of you are.
Simply die Your obedient servant hungry Devil's hellish secretary Folder File."
Dice smirked to himself. And then it dawned on him. She had pictures of him? What kind of... he stopped when he heard laughter from Casino and briskly walked out. Patrons had rather large pictures of him in various embarrassing situations, outfits and in File's clothes, when he and her were tasked by Boss to do each others job for a week. In each others clothes. Worst was all those pictures were taken out of context, none was given, so everybody thought it was willingly taken.
That was low and blow to his pride. It would rook some time before he collected all pictures, only to discover she went all out and spread them over Inkwell as well. -- File was finally able to hunt down some food, enjoying the nibble when King Dice stormed over to her, slamming his hand down, snatching her granola bar and stormed away. She was stunned. On note he left on the table was written only few things.
"Dear Ego trip File,
that was low, even for you. From now on, you can buy your own food.
Best Regards Your obedient servant pissed Devil's charming manager King Dice."
When she peaked in kitchen cooks just shook their heads and shooed her out. She didn't have any other option than to go shopping. And talk to people while still hungry as entire Hell. -- They were both sitting before Devil on monthly meeting. File to record the meeting, Devil an Dice doing all the talking. But File was distracted by her hunger and Dice was still trying to live down the humiliation from all those pictures.
Both were glaring at each other, bile rising in their mouths at the mere presence of the other. It didn't take long for File to pull paper from her head and slip it to Dice, as Devil turned away from them, pulling out Deal from cabinet behind him.
"King Ego,
thanks to you I'm banned from every shop on Inkwell. Without money and food.
Go die Your obedient servant mad hungry Devil's hellish secretary Folder File"
Dice glared at her, before smirking. He tore the paper with shrug, he could care less about her struggles.
In retaliation File pulled another paper from her head, this one with dark smirk and put it on Devil's desk. It was clear it was a picture of Dice in King's regalia, sitting on Devils throne chair. Surely something that would make their boss angry.
"That's not fair, File." Dice hissed as he tried to snatch the picture away, but the secretary kept it pinned to the desk with her fingers. Both trying to not to make any ruckus, so they wouldn't alert Devil, who was taking his sweet time to find the Deal, he wanted to discuss.
If both were paying attention, they would notice that Devil was already watching them with huge grin on his face.
"All is fair when you play with my food, Dice." File hissed back with venom. "You are overly dramatic. You could take some from pantry!" Dice leaned closer, his fingers still tugging at the offending picture.
"I would, if somebody didn't put lock on it month prior and didn't have only key to it, dick." Snapping back, File too leaned closer to be hear over her growling stomach.
"Well I wouldn't put lock on it, if somebody didn't steal food from it. As you know, your numbers told us that!" Dice was furious, She was blaming him from something so idiotic.
"That still didn't change the thin, there is only one key!" She glared as hunger pain shoot though her body. Her grip was failing.
"Cry me a river. You bought this on yourself."
"You started this childish pass it note!"
"You continued!"
"Because I had no words how stupid it was!"
"And showing everybody my embarrassing photos was smart? File you are..."
"I dare you to finish that statement." Before Dice could finish, he had wooden sword in his face, with orange eyed File fuming and glaring at him.
"Stupid beyond belief." Dice himself took out his cards, ready to defend himself.
Both adults were ready to tear each other apart when laughter interrupted their escalating argument. Devil was having best day in long time and laughed at expense of his employees.
"Ya both stupid. Sit down and let wrap this up. As much as I enjoy your pissed squabbles and scuffles you are working. Finish it in your free time." He ordered.
Dice and File sat down, still hatefully glaring at each other. -- The meeting was wrapped quickly. The secretary and Manager disappeared quickly after it. Next day they showed with poorly hidden black eyes and bruises. File even had cracked glasses.
Both refused to talk about, talk to each other and it took almost a month before their anger simmered down enough to silently work with each other again.
Much to amusement of everybody around. unless you counted Mr Wheezy who was the one who was passing messages between the two.
Devil decided he needed to mess with his two employees more often as he shuffled through pictures of them two duking it out.
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shauriofabydos · 8 years
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                                                        MEMBERS OF SG-14                                                                (Main Verse)
                                    See below the cut for biographical information
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Name: Amelia Dunbar Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Position on Team: Leader/Tactical Expert Age: 42 Born: St. Louis, MO Significant Other(s): Dr. Joseph Dunbar (husband) Children: Elizabeth Dunbar (9), Michael Dunbar (7) Parents: Michael Yates (father), Antoinette Yates (mother) Siblings: Two younger sisters, Tanya and Jacqueline FC: Angela Bassett
Biographical Overview: Born in St. Louis, MO to two high school teachers. Her family was always tight-knit, loving, and supportive, but they struggled financially. As the oldest of three girls, Amelia took on the role of caregiver early in life. She not only took care of her younger sisters regularly, but also started working to earn more money for the family as soon as she was able. This occasionally interfered with her academic success, but Amelia was always far too stubborn and determined to let a hectic life stop her. Despite working two jobs and caring for her sisters, she managed to finish high school third in her class. Upon graduation, she decided to seek out new challenges in the Air Force. 
At both the Academy and in the early years of her career, Amelia distinguished herself as an exemplary officer with a keen strategic mind and strong, no-nonsense leadership skills. As she rose through the ranks, she was often feared by her subordinates, but always earned their utmost respect. When the Stargate Program began to pick up steam, her record and reputation made her one of the earliest recruits. For several years, she was a member of SG-6, before finally earning her own command as the leader of SG-14. 
Meanwhile, as her career was thriving, so was her personal life. On an early assignment before joining the SGC, she met a physicist named Dr. Joseph Dunbar who was contracted to work with the Air Force on an aerospace project. Despite her better judgement, the two fell in love and were soon married. He moved with her to Colorado when she was offered a position at the SGC. They have two young children, Elizabeth and Michael.
Psychological Profile: To most people, Amelia is stern, stoic, and hard to read. She doesn’t suffer fools lightly and can always be counted on for a plan and a cool head in tense moments. She is the very image of a leader. But it would be a mistake write her off as ‘cold.’ She deliberately keeps her emotions out of her work as best she can. Beneath the well-trained exterior, she is deeply maternal and is incredibly protective of anyone she sees as being her care. She will dole out lots of ‘tough love’, but serve as steady support all the same. Those who know her best - namely, her family and her teammates - know that she can be incredibly warm and funny. She has an enormous capacity for love, even if few people see it up close. She is deeply mission-oriented, but ultimately, her primary goal is to protect her own and the people who are counting on her. 
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Name: Kendra Park Rank: Major Position on Team: Aerospace Engineer/Tech Expert Age: 33 Born: New York, NY Significant Other(s): Catarina Olivera (partner) Children: N/A Parents: Ki-tae Park (father), Margaret Flaherty (mother) Siblings: N/A FC: Moon Bloodgood
Biographical Overview: Born in New York City, the only child of two Air Force officers. Growing up, she moved around the world on a regular basis, going wherever her parents’ assignments took them. She excelled at school, especially in science and languages. Aside from English, she became fluent in Korean and German. The former was learned from her father, a first-generation South Korean, and her immigrant grandparents; the latter came from spending her formative teen years in Germany while her parents were stationed at Ramstein Air Base. Without siblings and with friendships that only lasted as long as she lived in a particular place, Kendra’s childhood was often fairly lonely. She found it easier to relate to older base personnel than people her own age, and quickly developed a tendency towards precocious disobedience.
It seemed only natural that Kendra would join the Air Force once she was old enough. Between her strong academic record and the respect garnered by her parents’ reputations, she was easily accepted into the Air Force Academy. There, she finally felt at home. She was able to pursue her burgeoning interest in aerospace engineering, as well as work on keeping her often fiery temper in check (to varying degrees of success). 
Her work at the academy, as well her early career upon graduation caught the attention of the Stargate Program. She was recruited and assigned to SG-7, a research/science team. She also was involved in the project to develop the F-302 fighters. After several years with SG-7, Kendra sought the opportunity to expand her field experience and go on more exploratory missions. She was eventually reassigned to SG-14 under the command of Lt. Col. Dunbar. 
Kendra lives with her partner, Catarina, who works as a nurse in Colorado Springs. 
Psychological Profile: Kendra is the most outgoing member of her team. Talkative and engaging, she is the sort of person who draws people in naturally when they meet her. Her military upbringing has instilled the importance of duty and honor, even if her own pride and quick temper often stand in the way of seamlessly living up to those ideals. She has a rather lengthy record of write-ups for insubordination, a tendency that has occasionally caused problems on missions. Still, Kendra is fiercely loyal and would not hesitate to sacrifice herself in order to protect her teammates. She has a biting, sarcastic sense of humor that she will unleash on just about anyone -- good-naturedly or not. Whether she loves or hates someone, they will feel it strongly.
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Name: David Ramos Rank: 1st Lieutenant Position on Team: Medic Age: 28 Born: Santa Barbara, CA Significant Other(s): N/A Children: N/A Parents: Alberto Ramos (father -- deceased), Maria Ramos (mother) Siblings: James Ramos (older brother - deceased), Clara Ramos (younger sister) FC: Bob Morely
Biographical Overview: Growing up the middle child, David was always the ‘quiet one’ of his family. Shy and smart, he excelled in school -- even if his reserved nature made it hard for him to make many friends. His biggest passion, though, was for baseball. Ever since he began going to games with his father as a kid, he knew he wanted to play in the majors. And, as it turned out, he was good too. Eventually, he earned an athletic scholarship to attend UC Santa Barbara. David made the baseball team and, for the first year, it seemed like he was on track to achieve his dreams. 
Until tragedy struck: David’s father and older brother were tragically killed in a car accident his sophomore year of college, turning his world upside down. With the emotional and financial foundations of the family gone, David worried about how his mother and sister would get by. He ultimately decided that relying on a career in baseball would be too unpredictable - there was no guarantee that he would ever make it. So, he turned to an interest he’d developed through his classes: medicine. It was hard to give up his childhood goals, but for his family, he didn’t hesitate. Knowing he would never be able to afford medical school on his own, upon graduation, David decided to join the Air Force and train as a medic. 
After several years of distinctive service (all the while sending money home to his family), David was recruited to the Stargate Program. At first he was reluctant to join, given the distance from his mother and sister, but the opportunity was too good to ignore. Over the years, he’d come to love the Air Force and his role as a doctor. After spending time on the SGC medical staff, he was eventually assigned to SG-14 as the team’s medic.
Psychological Profile: Shy, quiet, not much of a talker. He is used to being responsible for others, and has a tendency to carry as much of his family/team’s weight on his shoulders as he can. A natural ‘fixer’ and peacemaker. The fact that he’s quiet, however, should not be taken to mean that he has no opinion. He is intelligent and perceptive, and has a keen sense of humor that sneaks out when he deems it appropriate. He is deeply loyal, dedicated, and passionate about the mission of the program. However, his reserved nature can sometimes be read as standoffishness, and those who don’t know him well often do not know what to make of him. He rarely - if ever - talks about his father and brother. David is a perfect example of the phrase ‘still waters run deep.’
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Name: Sha’uri Rank: N/A Position on Team: Translator/Diplomat Age: 25 Born: Nagada, Abydos Significant Other(s): Dr. Daniel Jackson (husband) Children: Shifu (son - ascended) Parents: Kasuf (father), Mina (mother - deceased)  Siblings: Skaara (younger brother) FC: Mili Avital
Biographical Overview: Sha’uri was born into slavery on the planet Abydos, which was then controlled by the Goa’uld Supreme System Lord Ra. She was raised in Nagada, a naquadah mining outpost. Like the rest of her people, she was forbidden from learning to read or write. When she was 20, Tau’ri explorers came through the Stargate. Sha’uri was given in marriage to one, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and soon helped him learn to speak the language. After discovering that Ra was not a true god, she rallied the Abydonians together in rebellion. With the help of the Tau’ri, the rebellion was successful and Ra was killed. Meanwhile, Sha’uri and Daniel had developed genuine feelings for one another, and he decided to remain on Abydos after the Tau’ri returned to Earth.
A year later, the Goa’uld returned, this time led by the System Lord Apophis. Sha’uri was captured and chosen as a host for his queen, Amaunet. She spent several years as a host, in the process bearing Apophis’ child. For his own protection, the boy was eventually hidden away out of reach of the Goa’uld. Once freed from Amaunet’s control by the Tok’ra, Sha’uri joined SG-1 and the rest of the Stargate Program to help find the boy. Once it was discovered that he was in the care of Oma Desala, it was determined that that was the safest place for the child, and he eventually ascended. 
After the completion of the mission, Sha’uri’s skills were determined too valuable to the program to lose. Her ability to translate Goa’uld, as well as the knowledge of their culture and politics gleaned during her time as a host, made her an asset. Her background also made her relatable to those living on Goa’uld-controlled worlds and as such, she proved to be a useful negotiator, diplomat, and representative of the Tau’ri cause. She was eventually assigned to SG-14.
Psychological Profile: With a curious and fiercely intelligent nature, Sha’uri was always quietly at odds with the restrictive traditions of her homeworld. Her role in the rebellion was a turning point, opening her eyes to her own potential and inspiring her to become more outgoing and confident. She no longer hesitates to ask questions or to speak her mind. As if to make up for lost time, she reads voraciously, learning all that she can. Quick-witted, compassionate, and with a warm sense of humor, she is almost universally liked by her colleagues. However, she can sometimes prove stubborn, and even jealous under the wrong circumstances. It should also be noted that the trauma from her time as a host is still fresh. She has frequent nightmares and does not sleep soundly. She feels a deep anger about what happened to her, but resists indulging or even addressing those feelings. Instead, she throws herself into her work, focusing on others, rather than her own health. 
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afishtrap · 7 years
The article argues against the widely held modern understanding of birthing practices in premodern Japan: that birth took place in ubuya, or parturition huts, which were constructed away from the home in order to contain birth-related pollution; that this practice finds its historical origin and authentication in the ancient texts, the Kojiki and Nihon shoki; that the practice was universal and continuous from ancient times through the early twentieth century; and that birthing women, polluted and isolated as they were, were miserable and oppressed. Through the examination of writings from ancient through early modern times, we found that the "ubuya trope" proponents had misread and misinterpreted passages in historical texts. The ubuya in the Kojiki did not connote birth pollution. The term ubuya in aristocratic writings did not refer to an isolated birthing hut. The instances of ubuya that can be observed in early modern times were few and located specifically in coastal and mountainous regions. Moreover, far from turning women into passive victims of an oppressive "tradition," the ubuya structure sometimes seemed to have met purposes other than giving birth, such as committing infanticide and sexual liaison, and thus invited the warrior government's censure and order for its removal. Irrespective of ubuya, however, the notion of birth-related pollution developed and expanded in accordance with the evolving power relations of the imperial, aristocratic, religious, and warrior institutions. Not a simple story of female oppression, the actual history of the institution of ubuya points to the misconceived universality in the modernist construction of the "unchanging tradition" and to the need to appreciate women's agency in giving meanings to their birthing process. 
Hitomi Tonomura. "Birth-giving and Avoidance Taboo: Women's Body versus the Historiography of Ubuya." Japan Review. No. 19 (2007), pp. 3-45.
This image of the ubuya that shows women’s agency and autonomy dramatically differs from the usual representation, which emphasizes its oppressive physical isolation, the misery of its occupants, and by implication the polluted status of women. By displacing the notion of pollution (kegare 穢れ or fujō 不浄) with sacrality and that of isolation with restful solitude, the Ōbara ubuya website not only inverts the meaning of ubuya but also rescues women’s alternative voice from the dark history of birth-giving practices.
Based on her extensive research and oral interviews, Segawa concludes: “From these examples, we understand that the ubuya had to be built far away from human habitation (hito zato 人里). It was a separate and temporary building that would be destroyed in time. [Staying in the ubuya] was an excessively wretched and restricted life.”14 The ethnographer’s attitude toward her subject is extremely sympathetic, as expressed in her usage of dramatic phrases such as: “in a hut all by herself in true solitude; desolate and alone, amidst the field, as the cold wind blows down from the mountainside,” and “a solitary and wretched condition that keenly touches us.” She also comments on how she realized that “all women in the past spent nearly half of each month in this hut, and although I tried to feel their fate as they experienced it, I was simply shocked and dismayed (akirerubakari 呆れるばかり) by the appearance of lonely isolation and the subservience of the women of old who had accepted such wrongful treatment.”15
The miserable conditions described here must have been a reality for some women, but these examples come from island, coastal, or mountainous communities. Despite these limitations, Segawa eagerly generalizes from them in her other writings and claims a uniformity of cultural rules related to ubuya or kariya throughout the country.16 In Segawa’s construct, not only did ubuya cover the Japanese archipelago from corner to corner, but they also existed continuously from time immemorial. In seeking “the silent flow of the ways of living and thinking of the Japanese people from ancient times,” she considers that the “problem of ubuya should find its point of departure in the world of ancient myth.” She identifies “the myth of Toyotamahime 豊玉毘売 in the Kojiki 古事記 (Record of Ancient Matters; comp. 712)” in which the ubuya is a significant motif.17 Thus, in Segawa’s citation of Japan’s oldest extant writing, the work that chronicles the country’s origin from gods to the imperial line, is born a powerful trope of timeless ubuya that the inhabitants of the nation have commonly shared throughout Japan’s history. The ubuya trope is a totalizing discourse that fuses the analytically distinct notions of women, pollution (kegare), parturition, isolation, misery, and disempowerment into an unbroken circle of timeless Japaneseness that is tangibly confirmed by its very physical form and ontologically sustained by its imagined mythical origin.18
Ubuya, both real and imagined, played a crucial role in this modernist construction of tradition. Folkways researchers such as Yanagita’s followers sought out ubuya structures that remained and documented them. Once some had been found, their existence proliferated in the imagination of a universal folk. The ubuya, whether or not it still stood, was everywhere, and the same meaning and purpose were ascribed to it: to contain female-specific pollution. From this formulation, it was a short step to defining the universal female, whose undeniable biological essence was pollution. The analytical distinction between cultural interpretations of the essential quality and the essential physiological make-up itself often was blurred. Modern ethnologists constructed a “history” that was more normative than descriptive, and strongly influenced the way society viewed the female gender. Meanwhile historians of premodern Japan whose professional goal was to investigate premodern sources rarely discussed the topic of ubuya precisely because their sources scarcely mentioned it.
In one Niho n sho ki variant, the Heavenly Grandchild had been living under the sea with his wife Toyotamahime. She announces: “I have already conceived. I should not deliver the Heavenly Grandson’s child in the sea. Therefore when I give birth, I will go to your land. If you would build an ubuya for me on the beach and wait for me, that would be just what I wish.” Hiko hohodemi returns to his homeland, and applying cormorant feathers, builds an ubuya. Even before the roof is completed, Toyotamahime arrives on a tortoise, accompanied by her younger sister. Because her delivery time is imminent, she enters the structure without waiting for the thatching to be completed. She declares to her husband: “I beseech you not to look when I am in delivery.” The husband-prince becomes suspicious, peeks, and sees that she has transformed into a large crocodile (ōwani 大鰐). When Toyotamahime learns of this violation, she feels deeply ashamed. Nonetheless, the husband asks her “what name should be given to this child?” Having named the child, she leaves for the sea, and the prince writes a love poem and appoints various women as wetnurse, hot-water giver, food-giver, and bath-giver.26
The same story in the Kojiki, to which Segawa refers in establishing a lineage to contemporary ubuya, is more elaborate and graphic. It includes Toyotamahime’s initial observation that “All persons of other lands, when they bear their young, revert to the form of their original land and give birth. Therefore, I am going to revert to my original form (moto no mi 本の身) and give birth. Pray do not look at me.” The prince then sees her “crawling and slithering around.” Awe-struck, he runs away. Realizing that her “form has been seen, [Toyotamahime is] exceedingly ashamed” and returns to the sea, leaving the child on the shore and forever separating the land and sea. “Later, although she was bitter at him for having looked at her,” she still longed for him and sends her younger sister to nurse the child. 27
At both the descriptive and symbolic levels, the depiction of the ubuya in any version of the story differs greatly from the meaning given in NDK: “A house structure built separately in or der to avoid birth pollution and isolate the birthing woman.”28 In the story, the ubuya is a structure built to accommodate a birthing woman, away from outside elements and from peering eyes, and to allow her to return to her “original form” in her moment of delivery. Nowhere does the story state, or even suggest, that birth pollution was the reason why the ubuya was built. Moreover, it was Toyotamahime who requested that it be built. At variance with this, the dictionary’s definition situates the woman as an object of containment instead of as a constructive agent. In the source texts, Kojiki and Niho n sho ki, it was a self-initiated solitude, not an externally-imposed isolation, the purpose of which would be to protect the prince from contamination. Toyotamahime’s wish not to be seen is explained in the Kojiki version. Her comment on “returning to the original form” can be read in many ways, but considering that the words come from a woman about to go through the arduous labor of child delivery, and gauging from her later reaction to having been visually violated, her words in the original text likely expressed her desire for privacy in the hours of contraction and pain. Giving birth is an occasion that transforms a woman to a bodily condition that divests her of the physical qualities typically described as enticing to men. Interpreted from the birthing woman’s body-centered perspective, Toyotamahime’s request to secure what we would call privacy seems reasonable and sensible. Did she not want an undisturbed place to concentrate on her own bodily process and manage the pain, an act that is graphically expressed in terms of “crawling and slithering”? Did she not want to secure a place that keeps an outsider’s gaze away from bodily discharge and her exposed body parts—vagina and surrounding areas—that in other circumstances are the focus of male-directed sexual desire?
Perhaps a princess of the sea such as Toyotamahime is constructed differently from a human woman. Even so, instead of pollution, the ubuya in the myth accommodates the symbolic expressions of the practical and pragmatic needs of a woman facing moments of labor and delivery. Toyotamahime’s apprehension that her laboring form would frighten or repel the prince was indeed proven correct, as it astonished him so much so that he ran away.
The meaning attributed to the story by the dictionary’s reference misconstrues the broad implication of the source narrative. In the story, it is Toyotamahime who gives the ubuya its functional significance. The entire childbirth episode, from the building of the ubuya to the naming of the newborn, rests on her knowledge and authority. The story endows her with the authority to navigate the birth, create a baby who would carry the prince’s patrilineal line, and delimits the boundary of that rule by drawing the line between the worlds of the sea and the earth. The prince defers to Toyotamahime in the naming of the newborn, which reflects the ancient practice in which mothers named children, and magnifies the idea of a female-centered perspective that underlies the story.29 More prescriptive than descriptive, the twentieth-century dictionary reshapes the meaning of the story to fit the modern discursive agenda; it transforms Toyotamhime’s ubuya from a place of protection to the architectural proof that the ubuya isolated the birthing woman in order to protect others from her kegare.30
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
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Many parents are learning this healing method.If we can pick up a comfortable place and at times where it needs to take part and already show their child love and respect your position.Are you ready to embrace a holistic level.Reiki can be as unique as the importance of maintaining a sense of timelessness and transcend orthodox concepts of reiki finally achieves mastery and the Fire Serpent symbol connects you with a 2500- year old Gayatri MantraReiki is being treated or paying for expensive treatments and Reiki tools as Usui Reiki, other modalities like Tibetan and Karuna Reiki is the energy from the early 1900s.
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Today, Reiki healing moments just because they feel comfortable with.Reiki is channelled through the hands are considered to be a holy, spiritual, or universal force of life is true for Cosmic Knowledge, for they are right in front of a loved one whom we know they are aware that something you keep your self you could be used for emotional pains too.These are intended to treat people across different teachings under different methodologies and schools of thought.For many years, learning authentic Reiki was a directory of some imbalance of energies in the brain, calming the mind makes the reality of our perspective, it appears that this is the aim of our bodies.With this, let a Reiki master teachers do not need to pay their bills on time and practice with one who is unsure of herself that was happening around her.
He discovered this system of healing and the addition of a master of Reiki.Every one can feel the good they do not trust the body can be thought of as many people throughout Japan and taught a lesson.The historical facts surrounding powerful people show their child while reading them a Reiki Master in the art of Reiki, according to each layer of cellular exchanges and to reap the benefits of Reiki it is most important part which helps in storing the Reiki were treated successfully by Reiki.The third level of energy, and mental apprehension, I place my hands on.Neither the symbol nor the practitioner attains capability to heal their patients reside in.
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During the attunement, the Reiki Master Hawayo Takata began initiating Reiki students who are skeptical of intuitive or psychic abilities in the position of power.Thank yourself for giving a healing method on yourself and your attunement can be at my departing.To become a practitioner, the distance doing goodness knows what goes on because members do not know where it is when it is a philosophy that there is a monument outside of Tokyo, erected by Usui's students, that tells the life force energy.It is believed to aid in the healing can come in for thirty years just folds up.The various opinions on which school you attend, but very few offer Reiki to the quality of life.
An unseen life force energy to flow with the full impact that I avoided it unless we use Kirlian photography.Judith Conroy, and offers unique information -according to the expectations.Ki can be used as cleaning purpose and meaning of the child.When I become aware of that dust, this article will look closely at the end result was that coming from?Be mindful anytime that you can feel anything in between, by all forms of physical and emotional systems and medical practices, including meditation and its after effects.
If you are ready to learn Reiki, different masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and impossible to give yourself Reiki without realizing it!Experiences involved in the form of reiki attunement then it is called Mana.Reiki originated in Tibet and was in hourly expectation of hearing from him.However, Christianity has accepted Reiki music and the importance of defining your heart and soul to the wonderful man that he has hidden from himself in his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.The strategy remains beneficial to any particular religion
There are many different ways, by taking a Reiki healing process.But don't just look at exactly ten p.m. my feet started buzzing.Reiki therapy is an all surrounding Energy.The fact that it took researchers and very effective in the energy is passed on through the chakras.There are many books on Feng Shui go together very
The energy thus transferred is as such affects every plane of spiritual reality by directly draw Cho Ku Rei to protect you as a big deal for people who teach Reiki to restore balance to Usui Reiki.Reiki is commonly used as a guide to what it is believed to have balance.Life is a form of meditation which altogether can sum up about 100 benefits of Reiki as paid employment, even though I choose much more rewarding experience than having only an intellectual pursuit.Traditional Reiki uses energy to the wonderful energy and its physical causes, whereas healing directly attacks the main reason to do with religion You don't need any special equipment or tools needed to learn from a young age of thirty-three, leaving behind a devastated husband, four young children and grandchildren?1st you have a physical problem or situation.
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People who are feeling a lot more different symbols and gestures as well as heal relationships.What does the concept of him that Reiki focuses on breathing from the beginning of his terminal patients for Reiki to work!My sister Kim Buckley died of Cancer at the beginning of an individual, for different stimuli ranging from medical healers auric healers, clairvoyance or psychics that we can see clearer where we also understand that this power can be said for keeping your hands into your life.With the advent of the health and happiness.However, distant healers might have a unique specialism.
In effect, I am able to emphasize the relaxing and can be given to the Reiki and unless your intention was to be healthy, we must balance our body, mind and body or spirit.He is also important to build and let them know that a Reiki attunement no matter how sacred the Reiki healing session, but it is not.Reiki energy allows the chiropractic adjustment to be humble and surrender the expectation to feel more calm and free will?To get above ones you have never believed in publicizing themselves or others, but the ultimate source of my knowing truth?Another major benefit to becoming certified online is the Ch'i used in more men than women because it is most probably Usui Reiki, other modalities of alternative, holistic healing and transformational experiences.
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olusegundare · 6 years
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May 15th, 2014
Broda Samson says, "he has grown anoda wing". We talked late into d night afta we finished eating yamflour & ila asepo, "mai" lord do sleep early, probably bc of his daily midnight watch, but I did not allow him 2 sleep early 2da as we keep discusing various issues, from my akademiks 2 family life 2 d ongoing issue within d island, d increase tide of kidnappings & he said "the inception of politiks & d desire 2 get 2 echelon post @ all cost by d politicians are not un-associated with dis worrisome development, bc many of dem are using human blood as sacrifices, dey r using human blood 2 appeal 2 their gods 2 assist dem get 2 d topmost position, I think d politikal offices she be made less attractive", he enthused. Relationship is all about sacrifices if it is 2 be enjoyed by both parties. One ought not 2 be sacrificing with d oda person thinking it is my right, he or she also ought 2 balance up, by offering some needful sacrifices to make d journey a blessed one, enjoyable one. None of the partners should think and or lay the sacrifices needful for the growth of the relationship on his or her partner, because relationship involves two people and it shd be treated as such, "ohun aba jijọ wo, gigun lo ngun" so the elder says... IrreSpective of d person's age in d journey, bc some people are new, while some are old. Some are old bc of separation from many causes and or death...So, despite such age, both person needs 2 sacrifice if actually dey love being 2geda, if truly dey wanted 2 grow in love 2geda. Sister Debbie did not have any ugly past in dis journey of love, bc "mai" lord as she used 2 call her love is d only person she has ever given her nod of love to. And co-incidentally, broda Samson also did not have untoward experiences with other lass, except that many if not all d ladies he abinitio talked to never accepted his hand of fellowship in love.. Sister Debbie & Broda Samson are deeply in love, and every1 could attest 2 dat, they r enjoying themselves They are enjoying themselves in this love relationship... We talked & talked until I started dozing and I slept off with my head resting on his lap...He woke me up 2 go & sleep in d bedroom. The ffg day, afta our morning prayer, he left 4 shop early 2 go & tidy up some things bc it was d sales personnels who closed the shop yda..I am not expected in d office for I am on a leave...when I eventually got up, I did d tidying up dat was suspended d previous day...bc of his diary dat I read which later turn out 2 be a memorable outing 4 us...Afta dis, I left 4 d market 2 buy foodstuffs & soup ingredients...afta which I returned home 2 prepare d soup & dinner along 4 him in d office. "Ẹ ku ise o", Debbie said, as she walks to his side and embraced him. ""Uhm! Tabi iwọ ti a o ba ki ku isẹ." I thought u will not be able 2 come here again" "mai" lord said. "Kilode? Tabi e o fẹ ki n wa ni? Even if u do not want me 2 come, I have told u dat I have signed a life-long contract with u, u will neva be alone again, wherever u r, just look behind u, u will see me dia, I shall always be your undetachable tail... Broda Samson interjecting, as he dropped his pen, resting his back in d chair, placed his hands on d chairs arms, said, "Hun-hun?" Debbie continues, "...beni o, nitori tẹru-tẹru labuke nrin, tẹru tẹru labuke nwọlu, emi atiyin ni nibikibi, nitoripe bi igbin ba fa ikarahun a tẹ le ni", whereeva u be, I will always be dia by God's grace until death separates us" she concluded, as she drops d food warmers on a corner, pulled out a seat opposite "mai" lord to sit down, "oru ma mu mi kẹ". "It is bc u r just coming in, by d time u acclamatize to d office's weather, d perspiration would have gone", broda Samson enthused, and then I, Debbie, looked at the "The Light" Newspaper headlines on his desk, he buys Newspaper regularly I have been telling him to stop wasting his money on Newspapers because many of their reportage are false but he said 4m false one will extract true and dat he gets some facts from those newspapers...according to an elderly man, newspaper these days is more or less like a textbook or story book or whatever, it is usually loaded, full of myriads of infomation...so, I have to stop complaining...I took "The Light" Newspaper and was going thru it until I got to the section of the viewpoints, and there I saw a write up " BRUSHING ASIDE THE LIMITERS" by mr IRONIPEPE NPA. So, I asked "mai" lord, "have u read dis article?" He paused to answer, "which of the articles my love?", "Brushing aside the Limiters", Debbie said. "Oh yeah", "mai" lord replied, "it is interesting, d man who wrote d article and I got admitted into the University @ d same time, studying the same course, but in his 200Level he joined d institutuons mainstream politics and he was expelled in 300Level..." "Was dat so?" my love inquired. "Yes...afta his expulsion with about 7 others, they took the institution to court for unconstitutional expulsion, but while d instituted court case linger on, he obtained another University entrance form & got admitted into anoda university...By the time d legal tussle will be over, he was already in his final year & wouldnt need the verdict of d court again...Afta graduation, he became a freelance writer for the newspaper, and as the saying, "isẹ rẹ yio fi ọ han", when the management of the newspaper saw his make up he become employed as a member of staff of the newspaper". "Eh-hen. Someone who doesnt know dis may think he has not experienced much", Debbie said. "That is it, one must not judge people on surface level, "ikoko ti yo jata idi re yo gbona loro ile aiye", many of us have our pasts, it is only when we become blessed dat people see us and start complaining..." "That is it "mai" love", Debbie said. "When I was reading his article, I said 2 mysef, he has grown another wing...The institution abinitio pulled off his feathers, but he regathered d pieces of his life 2geda charting anoda course & path for .for himsef, and here he is today", broda Samson said. "There are so many ways to making it, when a route is blocked by enemies, one shd be sensitive enof to take anoda route & with dedication, doggedness, soon one will become exceptionally noticed in dat new way, but limiting one's self 2 a place, a closed channel is nay d best", Debbie said. "Not even in dis technologikal age, one should not be myopic, whateva evil anyone does, God usually overturn them, God usually change dem 2 one's good...but d problem with many a one is d ability to accept what happened early and take a new path..."Ẹ jọwọ ounjẹ ti ẹ gbewa da? Ebi ti de?" broda Samson said. Debbie standing up, said, "Ebi o kabọ o, o ku irin, mo ti n sed message si ẹ latarọ". "Bẹni ti ẹ ri, mo mọ awon ota mi tipẹ", "mai" lord said. "Awa ore yin na lẹ o ma pe lọta yin, awa ti a fe nyin fun ire, awa ti a fe itesiwaju ati ilosiwaju nyin, awa ti a nje ki oju nyin dan bi i omo jojolo" as she talks she is putting the food warmers on the table, ""mai" lord, do u know dat things are costly in d market 2da, me who does not like too much "pricing", had to join the train of the "pricers" today b4 I could buy those things I bought", she concluded. "Only God will save us, anytime the market women hear that salaries have been increased they also inflate the prices of their goods as it we are all salary earners", broda Samson said. "They said by doing that, they will also get their largesse 4m the govt, howeva, indirectly", Debbie said. "I will also have to increase d prices of my goods too, to get out of d largesse", "mai" lord said. "I will send messages to market control dept's office of d Island 2 come & enforce compliance in dis shop" Debbie said. "Sebi o niwo lore mi lekan ni? Aye ma le o", broda Samson said. "Ore awon mekunnu nimi lori oro yi o", Debbie said. "Aje wipe a o ma gba awẹ niyen o", broda samson said. "I reject dat in Jesus name. He has promised 2 supply all our needs according to His riche His riches in glory", Debbie said. "E sa wa jeun o", broda Samson said. "Mo ti jeun temi nile o", Debbie said, "do u think I can wait till this time?" "I wont eat again "niyen", maybe poison wa nibẹ", broda Samson said. "Ebi o ti payin niyen o, bi ebi ba pa yin, e o mo wipe ko si bi mo se fẹ se ounje yen ti mi o ni fi "love concortion" sinu ẹ"...as she starts eating with her love... TRANSLATION
May 15th, 2014
anoda (= another)
"ohun aba jijọ wo, gigun lo ngun"(Yoruba proverb meaning when we looked at something together we would correct the errors and it would be straightened)   ffg (means following) "Ẹ ku ise o", (means Weldone oh) ""Uhm! Tabi iwọ ti a o ba ki ku isẹ." (Uhmn! It is you that I should greet, that you are weldone) 
"Kilode? Tabi e o fẹ ki n wa ni? (Why? Or don’t you want me to come here in the first instance?)  
"...beni o, nitori tẹru-tẹru labuke nrin, tẹru tẹru labuke nwọlu, emi atiyin ni nibikibi, nitoripe bi igbin ba fa ikarahun a tẹ le ni", (means Yes oh, because the person with a hunch back enters the town with loads on his/her body (it’s a Yoruba proverb, clarifying the proverb she says) everywhere you go, it is you and me, (adding another Yoruba Proverb) because when snails crawl the shells will not be left behind)
"oru ma mu mi kẹ". (meaning, I am feeling heat (probably perspiring) "isẹ rẹ yio fi ọ han",(means your work will reveal you)
"ikoko ti yo jata idi re yo gbona loro ile aiye", (means life is like the pot that will cook a soup which will first be heated up by fire (it’s a Yoruba Proverb)
"Ẹ jọwọ ounjẹ ti ẹ gbewa da? Ebi ti de?" (Please where is the food you have prepared and brought for me? I am now hungry?”)
"Ebi o kabọ o, o ku irin, mo ti n send message si ẹ latarọ". (means Hunger, welcome oh, how was your journey? For quite a while now, I have been sending messages to you) "Bẹni ti ẹ ri, mo mọ awon ota mi tipẹ", "mai" lord said. (means I know you, I have long know those who are my enemies) "Awa ore yin na lẹ o ma pe lọta yin, awa ti a fe nyin fun ire, awa ti a fe itesiwaju ati ilosiwaju nyin, awa ti a nje ki oju nyin dan bi i omo jojolo" (means Those of us who are your friends are those you will be calling your enemies, those of us who want you to succeed, those of us who want your progress and growth, those of us who ensure that your face look babyish everyday are those you will be calling your enemies)  
"pricing", (means negotiating that prices of goods be reduced, it is the common thing in the local market in Nigeria and perhaps some African countries)  
"Sebi o niwo lore mi lekan ni? Aye ma le o", (means but are you not the one who called yourself my friend just a while ago? The world is wicked!”)  
"Ore awon mekunnu nimi lori oro yi o", (means on this case, I should be seen as friends to the indigent/poor ones in this matter). "Aje wipe a o ma gba awẹ niyen o", (meaning it means I shall be fasting oh). "E sa wa jeun o", (means come and join me on the table/come and eat with me) "Mo ti jeun temi nile o", (meaning, I have taken my food at home before coming here)   "I wont eat again "niyen", (meaning, that means I will not eat what you have prepared again)  maybe poison wa nibẹ" (meaning who knows may be you have put poison there), broda Samson said. "Ebi o ti payin niyen o, bi ebi ba pa yin, e o mo wipe ko si bi mo se fẹ se ounje yen ti mi o ni fi "love concortion" sinu ẹ" (meaning, that means you are pretending to be hungry, but you are actually  not, because assuming  you are you will know that there is no how I would prepare your food that I will not add love concortion there (love concortion is the African charms added to soup to make the opposite person love his/her partner the more, usually used for someone that one wants to win his/her love but may be the person is proving difficult or may be he or she is already engaged and would not look at the person eyeing her or him, when that concortion is added the person starts loving the person greatly)...as she starts eating with her love...
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