#Kial for short
poojalate · 2 months
The Role of Location in Real Estate: Factors to Consider
When it comes to real estate, one golden rule reigns supreme: location. It's not just about the aesthetics of your surroundings, but about the foundation upon which your life thrives. Birla Trimaya Devanahalli understands this principle and leverages its prime location to offer residents a multitude of advantages. Here's how:
Proximity to Connectivity: Situated near the Kempegowda International Airport (KIAL), Birla Trimaya Devanahalli puts the world at your doorstep. Frequent flyers and business travelers can enjoy the convenience of a short commute, eliminating the stress of long journeys. This accessibility extends to the National Highway 44 (NH44), a major arterial road connecting Devanahalli to other parts of the city and beyond.
Thriving Business Hub: Devanahalli is rapidly transforming into a prominent business center. The KIADB Hardware Tech Park, a hub for IT and hardware companies is very near. This proximity opens doors to career opportunities, fosters a dynamic business environment, and potentially increases property value as the area flourishes.
Upscale Living: Birla Trimaya Devanahalli is nestled amidst a flourishing neighborhood. The iconic Taj Bengaluru situated nearby, signifies the area's commitment to luxury living. Residents can enjoy the convenience of having world-class hospitality within easy reach, perfect for hosting guests or indulging in a staycation experience.
A World of Entertainment: Looking for leisure options? Look no further! Birla Trimaya Devanahalli is close to entertainment hubs like Clarks Exotica. This translates to easy access to a variety of recreational activities, from fine dining and shopping experiences to family-friendly entertainment options.
Aerospace Hub and Future Growth: Devanahalli is strategically located near the burgeoning aerospace hub. This proximity positions Birla Trimaya Devanahalli for future growth, with the potential for increased property value as the aerospace industry expands.
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Investing in a Lifestyle: Birla Trimaya Devanahalli goes beyond just offering a place to live; it offers a holistic lifestyle experience. The convenient location fosters a sense of community and connection, with easy access to workplaces, entertainment, and educational institutions. This well-rounded environment allows residents to thrive in all aspects of their lives.
In conclusion, Birla Trimaya Devanahalli's strategic location offers a multitude of benefits. From seamless connectivity to a thriving business environment, upscale living options, and exciting entertainment avenues, this thoughtfully chosen location caters to the diverse needs of modern residents. By investing in Birla Trimaya Devanahalli, you're not just buying a home, you're investing in a fulfilling life.
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bitchfitch · 2 years
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Potential Evi redesign sketch
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multlingvulo · 3 years
Objectification in the Olympics
WTF is wrong with the Olympics?
Kial, fek', vi faris tion, Olimpiko?
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Have you seen this picture before? On the left, you see the Egyptian player who fought for her right to play using a hijāb. Does the hijāb give her any unfair advantage? Of course not. It's just not the f**king Play Boy cover the Olympic comittee wants.
Ĉu vi vidis ĉi tion bildon jam? Maldekstre, vi vidas la Egiptan volejbaliston, kiu elektis ludi kun ŝia hiĝabo. Ĉu la hiĝabo fortigas ŝin malĝuste? Memkompreneble ne! Ĝi nur ne estas la f*ka Play Boy magazino, kiun la Olimpika komitato volus.
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Now do you see this? The girls were forced to play in excessively exposing uniforms and were charged a fine of 150 euros per player for choosing to play with shorts. Did that give them any advantage? Of f**king course not!
Stop f**king objectifying women in sports. Stop punishing intersex, trans and even cis women for not conforming to your narrow ideal of a woman, you f**king perverts!
Nun, ĉu vi vidas ĉi tion? La inoj estis devigitaj ludi kun uniformoj tro rivelanta kaj devis pagi 1500 eŭrojn ludiste por elekti ŝortojn. Ĉu tio faris ajn avantaĝon malĝuste? Memkompreneble ne, f*k'!
Ne plu aferigu la inojn en sportoj. Ne plu punu interseksulojn, transulojn kaj eĉ cisulinojn por malkonformi al la via mallarĝa idealino, f*ka perversuloj!
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persephx · 4 years
a lake that stayed the same - glimbow week 2020
this is my fic for the first day of @glimbow-week-2020 ! The promt for today was childhood/memories :))
read on ao3
Glimmer can’t hold back a laugh when she sees Bow stumbling and falling into the lake. There’s something that pulls from the back of her mind, but she doesn’t realize what it is until she sees Bow’s soaked head resurface. It’s hilarious, he has a leaf stuck in the side of his head and a small branch in his hair. He looks as grumpy as one would expect. It is the exact same expression he had one they had met. The whole situation is simply too similar not to be reminded of that day.
It had been a slow day in the castle. That didn’t mean that the day had been much different from the rest of the days during that time, but thirteen-year-old Glimmer had been more bored than usual. She had whined about it to her mother until Queen Angella, fed up, had sent her to have a walk through the gardens to keep her mind occupied while she worked on something important. There was a guard stalking her from a distance, as usual, but they had given her enough space that she felt like she was alone. Living like she did, always being supervised and followed around, it felt like a favor, not matter how bored she was. She also knew that if she started a conversation with Helion, they would talk to her, but if she wanted to talk with adults, she would have gone to the kitchens to bother Kial.
The gardens had once been her favorite place. Her father and her used to spend hours there, playing and learning… After he had disappeared, she hadn’t wanted to spend a lot of time there, and her mother hadn’t tried too hard to convince her to do so. It had felt a little big wrong to enjoy time there when her father was dead. Thinking back on it, Glimmer only feels guiltier. Her father hadn’t been dead, he had been stranded on Beast Island, surrounded by danger.
The royal gardens were beautiful, like the rest of Bright Moon. They were situated behind the castle, next to the waterfall, and there was a small lake right in the middle where colorful fish swam calmly. Glimmer hadn’t thought much about it back then, but she now knows that the fish that live there have similar powers to her, they can move freely in those waters or teleport to other lakes anywhere in Etheria. Most of the fish make the conscious election of staying in the lake in the gardens, which only makes it more special. Some, she has been told, also favor the underground lakes in the castle’s caverns, she hasn’t seen them yet, but she can imagine how magical that much be.
She was walking slowly, not really focusing on anything, when, from the corner of her eye, she saw someone that she didn’t recognize.
It was a boy, her age, more or less. He was looking around like he was expecting anyone to appear and kick him out. She could imagine that, if Glimmer didn’t recognize him, that was exactly what needed to happen. He didn’t look menacing, though. Now that she could look at him closely, he looked more lost than anything else. She made the snap decision of teleporting to his side.
“Who are you?” she asked when she appeared by his side.
He was so startled that he jumped and ever let out a shrill yelp. He turned to look at her with wide eyes and a terrified expression. “Who are you?” he demanded, still looking spooked.
Glimmer held back her smile and raised her eyebrows. “I asked you first.”
He cleared his throat and tried to stand taller. He wasn’t very tall, just a couple of inches taller than her —which wasn’t much, considering she was on the short side herself— so doing that didn’t have the effect that he had probably hoped for. “My name is Bow.”
“Your name is Bow?” she asked, now noticing the bow in his back. It was rudimentary, almost like he had made it himself.
He nodded, his expression serious —later, when she had come to known him, Glimmer had noted how little he behaved like that, but she didn’t know better then. She had also known later how much he didn’t like his name to be mocked. It was very dear to him, very special, because his dads had named him Bow after the first ones’ bow they’d found in one of their trips, right before they had started dating, he had told her.
It was weird that his name was Bow and he had an actual bow with him, but she had supposed then that asking about that would be rude, so she held back her questions. It had been a good choice.
“And what are you doing here, Bow? Armed and all.”
He frowned. First, he seemed offended, then he seemed to realize something, and then he frowned deeper. “You haven’t told me who you are!”
Before she could answer, her guard caught up to them. “Princess Glimmer,” they said. Helion’s voice was sharp, and their face was as serious as she had ever seen it. They had their eyes set in Bow, who puffed his chest. That boy was stupid if he thought behaving like that was going to do him any favors, Glimmer had thought in that moment.
“This is Bow,” she told them.
Bow hesitated for a couple of seconds before he nodded and bowed a little bit. The boy was really a mess, Glimmer thought, it was impossible that he’d been at the castle before.
Helion didn’t seem to know what to do with him. They were frowning and alert, but not overly so. Glimmer didn’t know what procedure was when a thirteen-year-old boy sneaked into the castle, and she could guess that Helion wasn’t sure either.
“What is your business here,” the guard demanded.
Bow straightened himself. “I came to speak to the queen.”
At the same time that Helion raised one of their eyebrows, Glimmer snorted. The guard gave the princess a look that made her raise her shoulders in a shrug.
“You will have to leave the bow here.”
The boy seemed confused for a moment, and then he seemed to realize that he was, in fact, carrying a wooden bow. He nodded fast and didn’t hesitate to take it off and drop it in the floor. Once it was on the floor, though, he looked at it as if he didn’t want to leave it there and Glimmer didn’t think twice before grabbing it.
“I’ll keep it for you,” she said. The bow weighted more than she had expected, but not enough for it to be a bother.
He looked at her surprised. “Thank you.”
And so, they started walking towards the castle. It didn’t take long, really, as they were fairly close to the back doors, but it felt like an eternity for Glimmer. She knew they couldn’t risk trusting strangers, and Bow, no matter how innocuous he seemed, was a stranger, so she knew to be cautious about him. However, there weren’t many kids her age in the castle, and it was exciting to have him there, even if she didn’t know why he was there for.
She doesn’t remember much of the meeting with her mother. She does remember the nervousness of meeting someone new, someone so young who had gone to her mother and outright asked to be a part of The Rebellion. She remembers her mother telling her that night that she had liked him. “I like that boy,” she had told her then, and she would repeat so again and again during their friendship. Sometimes, even now, after so many years, Glimmer wonders if her mother new more about their relationship than they did. She wonders if her constant approval of Bow had been an encouragement too.
Queen Angella was not stupid, so, even though she had liked the young archer, she hadn’t admitted him as part of The Rebellion. “You are too young,” she told him. Her smile hadn’t been patronizing, as she was sometimes with Glimmer, but it had a similar motherly tone.
Bow deflated instantly.
“However,” the Queen said, slowly and with a firm voice, “if helping Bright Moon is what you want, you can stay here. And train. One day you will be old enough, and if you still want it, The Rebellion will welcome you.”
Glimmer remembers the excitement. Both in her own body, at the thought of that young boy staying in Bright Moon and in the boy’s face expression.
“Queen Angella…” His voice broke then, and he turned red. “Thank you. I would really like that.”
“If you talk with your family, we can arrange it so they can stay here and be with you while you prepare.”
This is a moment that Glimmer remembers well. Bow’s face had become ashy, almost like he was a ghost. Back then, she had known the answer before she even heard his answer —she had projected her own feelings to him. “His family must have been victims of the Horde’s horrible actions,” she thought, “just like dad. That’s why he wants to be a part of The Rebellion so badly.” And, to her, it made perfect sense.
“Oh! My family—” He had to clear his voice. “They—”
Queen Angella’s train of thought had been similar to her daughter’s, and she had spoken before the boy could finish his sentence. “We will also provide you with a home if your family is not… on the picture.”
Glimmer cringed at her mother’s wording, which had been surprisingly graceless. Bow, though, seemed relieved. Now, Glimmer can guess that his relieve came from not having to actually lie about his family, and not because they were dead, and he didn’t know how to talk about that.
They talked a bit more about the logistics, which is mostly what Glimmer doesn’t remember now. And, in the end, Queen Angella gave Bow her approval, accompanied with a word of advice that was also a covered threat. Glimmer doesn’t remember what it was, but she imagines that it was something like “if you turn out to be a Horde spy and my daughter gets harmed I will personally maim you” in nicer words.
After her threat, the Queen had turned to Glimmer and sweetly asked her to show Bow around. Glimmer, excited because she had mostly mastered her powers and had someone to finally brag to, had nodded instantly. “We’ll go see the gardens first!”
Without a word of warning, she grabbed Bow’s hand and teleported back to the gardens. She hadn’t quite mastered her powers, however, so they both ended up in the middle of the small lake, disrupting the peace of the fish.
Bow had surfaced after her, his hair wet, a scowl in his face and a weed in his cheek. Glimmer had cringed and taken the weed from where it was sticking to and had grimaced at him. In that moment, teen Glimmer had feared she had ruined the one friendship she could have had with someone her age, someone as interesting as Bow seemed. She was sure she had completely ruined her chance, taking into account how put out Bow looked. But then, he burst out laughing.
“I’m sorry!” she rushed out.
He made a move with his hand to show he wasn’t bothered. “If you were so hot, we could have gone to the sea, better than here, no?”
For a moment, Glimmer was unable to find her words. It didn’t last very long. “I did not do this on purpose!”
“Of course you didn’t, Princess Glimmer.”
The teasing tone made her smile excitedly. No one spoke to her in a teasing voice, maybe her mother sometimes, but it had been so long since she had someone other than her speaking to her in a normal way…
“Just Glimmer.”
Bow had smiled at her.
“So. Glimmer. Do you think I can get a change of clothes?”
She snorted so loud that the fish that had been brave enough to get close to them rushed to get away.
Now Glimmer is looking at her husband, drenched in water and looking grumpy, and she can’t help but think about the boy that walked into Bright Moon with just a wooden bow and told the queen that he wanted to join The Rebellion. As she comes back to the present, she can see that Bow is back out from the water looking for Glow in search of revenge, as it had been their kid’s fault that he had ended up in the lake in the first place. With a soft smile, Glimmer walks up to him and kisses him lightly.
“Glow is hiding behind the oak,” she whispers in his ear. He smirks at her and lunges towards the oak, from where Glow runs out shrieking.
N / A: I don’t think it was ever specified when Bow joined The Rebellion/met Glimmer, but, taking his dads into account, it couldn’t have been too early. I went with thirteen because I wasn’t sure what would be too young or too old. Idk. Enjoy. Also, glimbow’s kid’s name is Glow, fight me.
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tireddreamboy · 6 years
Tag Game
Someone tagged me ages ago (i don’t remember who) so imma do it now
Drink: strawberry tea
Phone call: my best friend
Text message: the same best friend
Song you listened to: Heaven by Julia Michaels (slowed/male nightcore version)
Time you cried: ... Today
Dated someone twice: nope
Kissed someone and regretted it: yeeeeeeeeep
Been cheated on: yep
Lost someone special: yeah...
Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope :3
Favourite colours: black, red, cyan
In the last year have I
Made new friends: yep
Fallen out of love: yep
Laughed until you cried: a lot
Found out someone was talking about you: more than once
Met someone who changed you: a lot of people
Found out who your friends are: mostly
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: unfortunately yes
How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them
Do you have any pets: yeah a kitten, a snake and 3 tree frogs
Do you want to change your name: yes very much so
What did you do for your last birthday: stayed at home and got drunk with a friend
What time did you wake up today: way too early
What were you doing last night at midnight: watching youtube videos
What is something you can’t wait for: starting uni
What are you listening to right now: It’s all good by Cavetown
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I know like 3 Tom’s
Something that gets on your nerves: dumb people
Most visited website: AO3
Hair colour: white blonde but currently dyed green
Long or short hair: short
What do you like about yourself: nothing lol but if i had to pick... my pain tolerance and my eyes
Want any piercings: i’ve got my ears and nose done and used to have snake bites and want more
Blood type: ... A+ i think? i don’t know
Nicknames: Kitten, Cyphy, Kise, Ki, Shirtless Kiale, Memedaddy,
Relationship status: forever alone lol
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Pronouns: he/him
Favourite TV show: ... AHS?? Don’t have one really
Tattoos: Have so many pans for ones I want
Left or right handed: Ambidextrous by mainly use my right
Ever had surgery: like 12 times now?? I lost count
Piercings: left nostril and two in each ear lobe
Sports: Exy and procrastination
Vacation: Don’t need one lol
Trainers: I prefer socks
Eating: what even is food??
Drinking: water
I’m about to watch: ... Young Justice
Waiting for: a person who actually respects me. Also my pizza to arrive.
Want: to be me
Get married: maybe in future??
Career: cinematographer or anything creative
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Lips or eyes: both
Shorter or taller: I’m a shortass
Older or younger: older??
Nice arms or stomach: both
Hookup or relationship: relationship
Trouble maker or hesitant: depends on the situation... usually the troublemaker
Have I ever
Kissed a stranger: ... nope
Drank hard liquor: hehehe... yep
Lost glasses: yeah
Turned someone down: yup
Sex on the first date: hell no
Broken someone’s heart: yeah... oops
Had your heart broken: too many times to count
Been arrested: ...not yet
Cried when someone died: once yeah
Fallen for a friend: yeah??
Do I believe in
Yourself: barely
Miracles: sometimes
Love at first sight: no??
Kiss on the first date: maybe??
Angels: …..yes and no
Best friends name: Shianne, Isa, Madi, Matt, Jade, Zoe... many more
Eye colour: blue and grey?? i have heterochromia and it changes colour sometimes 
Favourite movie: Idk?? probably Call me by your Name atm
Favourite actor: sebastian Stan (judge me)
Favourite food: Strawberries
Extrovert or introvert: Introvert mostly but extrovert at cons and in cosplay
Favourite flower: roses??
Favourite hello kitty character: ... My Melody, Little twin Stars, Gudetama or Cinnamoroll
I tag @ff-sluttiyaki and anyone else who wants to do it
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talklance · 7 years
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“In another life, you were mine, in another life, i promised to return to you. So come, love, let us meet once more. In the threshold between dreams and reality, let us rendezvous for all eternity.”
Fun fact, before deciding to write my longest fic yet (Re:DO), i had thought about writing a reincarnation Klance fic instead, but the plot was half done and not developed enough, so i left it aside to write the other one.
Some stuff i had thought for it under the cut (the plot, basically).
Lance keeps having dreams through his childhood about people he doesn’t know and things that seem surreal.
Turns out they are memories from his previous life.
He was an ancestor of the Altean race, which were descended from his people.
He was the 8th prince in line to the throne.
Keith (Kial) was a duque and a Knight from the neighboring kingdom, from a race previous to the Galra.
They met at a banquet that had the purpose of signing peace treaties left and right to try and stop a war from happening. 
Long story short, didn’t work, although it took some time for shit to hit the fan. 
Lance fell for Keith and eventually they married, adopting an orphan girl victim of the war and creating a family. 
Sadly, Lance died protecting his husband and his people, but refused to be reborn until he was able to see Keith once again, watching from above the events that unfolded.
He waited, stuck in a limbo of nothingness until one day, Keith appeared before him. 
He said nothing, just smiled sweetly at Lance, and Lance bowed to find him again, as many times as needed, he promised to be together once more after they were reborn, and watched as Keith dissapearred, him following suit.
Now fast forward, Lance is 14, and has finally regained all his memories and tries to find his lover, his only clue being the stars. 
Catch him finding an Add about Shiro and instantly recognizing him as Kial’s best friend, knowing that the Garrison was the right place to go.
He works hard, goes there, all the while excited to be with his true love. 
He sees him, screams his name, and the only things he gets are awkward stares and Keith pushing him away, telling him he got the wrong person.
He tries to reason with him, make him understand. But he comes to the horrifying realization that Keith doesn’t remember him, at all. 
And then his world crashes down on him because on that limbo between heaven and earth, Kial had never said it back, he’d never said that he’d find Lance again or that he wanted to be with him.
Kial never promised, he never spoke, he just smiled and vanished, and the only one that swore on his life that they would reunite, had been him.
 He watched as Keith smiled softly at Shiro, and they laughed and joked, and Lance became so mad because Kial had decided to be reborn with his best friend instead of him, he’d abandoned Lance, he rejected him.
And thus, Lance’s hate for Keith began.
Now fast forward again and they meet Allura, and he nearly dies because she’s the vivd image of his daughter, whom he’d watched grow up while he was stuck in limbo. 
He accidentally calls her by her name and Allura flips her shit because hey, that’s my great grandmother’s name.
It turns out his daughter had married royalty, and he was right before her descendants, family.
Allura ends up finding out and is overjoyed.
Keith is clueless and Lance is jealous.
And that’s as far as i got. I’m sure i had an idea about why Keith forgot, but....i forgot, so there’s that.
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randomaj-aferoj · 5 years
Lesson XXXIX - Exercises
En la stacidomo
In the station
Two good-hearted friends of mine live in the city B–. We know one another since six years ago. I was doubly happy yesterday when I received a letter from them, because in it they asked from me a visit soon.
So yesterday afternoon I telephoned the station, to ask at what time the train would leave to B–. They answered through the telephone that the train would depart at 3:35. Immediately afterwards I put some clothes into my almost worn-out valise, and did all the preparations for a short voyage.
At two [o’clock], just after the midday meal, I walked to the station. On the way I entered a shop and bought a pair of new gloves.
When I entered the station, I ran beyond the other people to the wicket where the tickets are sold. I said to the man in the wicket “I wish a ticket to B–. What will it be necessary to pay?” The brown-eyed man answered “Such a ticket will cost one dollar twenty cents.” I pushed that much money through the wicket, and then received the ticket, which the man had already in his hand.
Then I went close to the gate through which we would be left into the train. “How much time before the departure of the train to B–?” I asked the guard. He loudly answered “Only seven minutes. Do you not see that clock?” I had not noticed the clock, so I changed the clock hands of my watch to show the same time.
I was touched a lot by all the good-intentioned people running to everywhere past me, and pushing one another. Finally they closed the gate. I and the remaining people hurried to the train and entered it as soon as possible.
Sentences for translation
Pro la peto de mia amiko, kies frato antaŭ ne longe mortis, mi iris la antaŭan semajnon por viziti lin.
La ceteraj personoj de lia familio ne estis en la domo.
Mi telefonis por eltrovi je kioma horo la vagonaro foriros.
Oni diras al mi ke ĝi foriros je la kvara [horo] kaj dudek sep [minutoj].
Mi metis sufiĉe da mono en mian puŝon, kaj kunportis valisan, en kien mi estis metinta kelkajn vestojn.
Kiam mi eniris la staciodomo, mi rapidis ekster la ceteraj personoj al la giĉeto, kaj petis bileton al B–.
La biletvendisto diris "Du dolaroj kvardek cendoj."
Mi ne povis imagi kial estis necese pagi tiom, sed tuj mi puŝis tiom da mono tra la fenestro, kaj ricevis la bileton.
Tiam mi rigardis la poŝhorloĝon kaj iris apud la pordego, sed la flavhara gardisto kiu kondukas personojn al la vagonaroj diris "Ĉiu, kiu iras tra tiu pordego antaŭ ol la vagonaro alvenas, estos severe punata."
Tial ĉiu el ni staris apud la duobla pordego.
La vagonaroj estas tre similaj, kaj estas plej bone agi kiel, tiel la gardistoj petas, kaj ne montri malpaciencon.
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