#Kibeth is. as always. a little shit
fira211 · 2 years
I don't know how it would work, I don't know where the idea came from. But I'm rereading the Abhorsen series and I had a rare pair thought:
Disreputable Dog/Mogget enemies to friends to lovers (though almost certainly ace rep or something mystic like Good Omens angel/demon feelings sex and not bodily sex [not that GO body sex fic isn't also delightful but I digress])
Also, Good Omens/Old Kingdom crossover in general but I would love for Aziraphele and Mogget to be friends (library cat) and Crowley and the Dog to be friends (chaos twins)
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]
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BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 8- Papercut
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I don't know what stressed me first or how the pressure was fed.. But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head
Now that all of them were quite possibly in on everything together, the Pirates had extended their bounty to not only just Nyala but the boys as well. Yoongi was a fine line and if someone dared to take the Broker down, which none had ever did in all his long years anyways--then most everyone would lose their number one source of supplies and weapons. So he was to be taken in alive as well as the Android, whereas everyone else was either Dead or Alive. Preferably alive so that way the Pirates could have their way with them. 
Nyala had given Jin the coordinates for a planet called Izanami to start off with. They, after all, had to find an engineer and at least someone crazy enough to tend to a gang of Outlaws. The problem laid with entering a hospital zone and they couldn’t just enter one of those with what they were running from each time they were hurt. No, they actually needed someone there on the ship to tend to them while they got into all sorts of trouble. And they couldn't fix the ship by themselves either and Jimin could only do so much with his skills. 
So they headed for the planet but it would be about a 4 day trip and 2 long jumps between subspace Drive. So they had some time on their hands, to say the least. So Nyala gave the new crew of the Antares a run-down of the ship’s systems as well as more details on what she had with the Pirates. She gave them all the information that she had stored within Kibeth’s data bank and cross-referenced it with the files she had presented to everyone that day on the Dragon’s Den. Still, most of the information was incomplete and if they wanted to keep everything out of the Pirate’s hands--then they would just have to beat them to the punch. 
So to speak. 
The planet was another wealthy and well off planet that had risen up from the ashes of war. Now it was another popular planet, just like Sagittarius but it was more of a tourist trap than anything. People from all over came for the clean air and the succulent foods that were found there. It was almost like paradise for some, where the wealthy headed to when they wanted to retire and hoard all their money. It was still a pretty good merchant planet to the South and the North was the rich and mysterious people headed. Another note of interest was the caverns in the North, meticulously well-kept by some of the scholars there. It was said that a member of an alien race headed to that planet long ago with the hopes of starting a new life there. What they had actually found was the indigenous species that had lived there for thousands of years held a secret that he coveted. So he tricked them and took their lands, after he had alerted other members of his species to come to the planet. 
War raged for the land for quite some time but in the end, the peoples of the planet lost and they became slaves for the newcomers. However, the species didn’t do too well with the introduction of so many things--including disease. They now lived on through the caves and ancient texts that they left behind, their stories and myths carved on the walls. 
After the history lesson, Yoongi was sitting in the bridge with the lights low and by himself. The data that Nyala had left him was still bothering him. There was some sort of connection to all of this, he was sure of it. Already, he had his fingers into the network to find some answers that seemed to be plaguing the story that was presented. His network of connections, favors and outright intimidation on various fronts had a long reach which was the reason why he was so valuable to both sides but even he knew that it wouldn’t be long before they determined that he was not useful anymore. So there was a lot of shit that he had to get done before that happened. 
Vairuit had been exploring more of the ship while everyone else was off doing other things. She thought about taking a nap or something since she didn’t have much room to move around in. Well, not until they got some of the cargo out of the way. She ended up at the bridge again and leaned up against the doorway, watching the other in there as he stared at the screen. He was a curious being, one that looked like the humans but wasn’t human.
“I can sense you over there, Vairuit. Do you want anything?” Yoongi suddenly spoke, not even moving a single muscle. She stood up just a little bit more at his words, realizing that she had been caught. Not that she was doing anything wrong in the first place, just standing there minding her own business. Her ears twitched in annoyance but she brushed it off and shoved herself off the perch she had made. She walked straight up to him and leaned down to see what it was that he was doing. 
“Aren’t you bored, going over this again?”
He sighed and swiveled in his chair to stare at her. He lifted his hand to place his head as he studied her, a Mao with some control. It was strange for him to see as he’d seen and dealt with numerous species, each with their own feelings as well as thoughts that he could detect. There was a current running underneath all of the exterior, he could see it well. 
“Aren’t you getting a little bored yourself? I can sense that you are so why are you really in here bothering me?” 
Vairuit snorted and leaned up against the console, peering down at him as he made his assessment of her. Her eyebrow raised as her eyes twinkled in the low-lighting, almost like a couple of lone buttons in the dark of night that were flickering. There was just something in his tone, his attitude that bothered Vairuit, same with Jungkook but at least he was more upfront about himself. This one, he hid in the shadows and didn’t really care much for everything outside of his ‘realm’ as she saw it. Yoongi could sense those thoughts and he smirked, turning back to what he was doing. 
“I’m in here because I want to see what you’re doing. Is that a problem or is it you that really has the problem?”
He scoffed and didn’t answer her, moving on to another piece of information that he was studying. She reached over and pushed a button, causing the thing to power down--throwing them in almost total darkness. She could see his face, visibly angered by what she had done so she leaned over and crossed her arms over her chest. Yoongi raised the lighting and stood up, glaring at her for doing such a thing. Had she been anyone else, they would have balked at the stare but she stood her ground. She had hit a sore spot with him apparently, coolly looking at the man as he controlled his anger at her.
“The thing I have a problem with is your incessant meddling. My business is information and second money. I find things and get shit done so you are essentially getting in the way of my business. What is it that you’re searching for? Really? A purpose or just a good time?”
The questions caught her off guard as she was expecting him to rant and rail at her. However, he countered her pestering with his words. He was using her own mind against her, digging deep to something she had fought with for so long--even since being with her own family. They didn’t understand her need to go, to reach out and grasp what was on the edge of herself but not knowing what that really was. A calling, just as she was sure that he had since he was out there and away from his comfort zone. 
She bristled a bit but still kept everything to herself, the energy that she had been expecting from him was now rising up in her as he spoke. 
“Maybe both. I don’t know but at least I’m out here figuring that out and not hiding from things. I don’t sit and hope that nobody bothers me because I already know that they will. So what’s your deal, huh? Family leave you out in the dust? Trust issues? Betrayal?” She was reaching because what did she really know of this man? Yet, those always seemed to be common factors that she saw in people. Nobody was really original, were they? 
“Or maybe it's all three? Let’s throw in a lost love and you’re the whole package. The tormented soul out making a name for himself.”
Yoongi’s face stilled, his anger turning white-hot but nowhere near to exploding. It bothered him that she had hit some sore spots but what did she truly understand about him? She was poking and prodding with the intent of making him explode but he wouldn’t have it. They clashed in a very different way than she did with Jungkook, even he could see it. So why was it that she was rubbing himself and the assassin the wrong way? Taking a breath, Yoongi’s eyes glittered with anger and actual pity for the woman. 
“I don’t have to provoke others for a reaction to free themselves of boredom. I’d made my peace with my past and myself long ago. Did you?”
He took a device with the information on it and pushed past her, done with the conversation. It had been a while since he let anyone get under his skin like that. Yet, he’d let the Mao do that very thing and revealed a bit of himself that he hadn’t planned to do. It wasn’t even that far into what they were doing and already he had others that was getting on his nerves. He wondered how long he was going to last before he finally exploded on someone. He would have to see Jimin for another session, it seemed. 
Vairuit, however, sat there and mulled over his words. She didn’t normally needle at people like that but there was just something that irritated her about him. Jungkook as well, the man with his smirk and his overconfident attitude. She really needed to get that cargo area cleared out to start her exercises again so that way the confrontation wouldn’t happen again. To get some of her aggressions out. It was going to be a long trip, it seemed.
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