#Kid Kaibyo
richerlandtv · 1 year
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   Meet Lee Lynch, a teenage inhabitant of the mysterious Ateral County in northern California. He is a popular face on the world’s biggest social media platform known simply as Social. His goal is to reach a million subscribers and get a Social Gold Plaque, and he’s nearly there. He posts all sorts of content, from reaction vids to paranormal content. Anything to get views. He’s doing pretty well for himself financially on sponsorship alone. 
   Lee is also a huge fan of a franchise his parents introduced him to at a young age, Bokéde (short for Boketto Demon), a Japanese game about catching monsters. After its recent resurgence in the form of a mobile app called Bokéde EXplore, Lee found a market in “iceburg videos”. His favourite Bokude monster is a cat-like monster based on a cryptid from Japan known as the Tokushima Kaibyou. When he wins a contest to visit Zeke Pilgrim’s Museum of the Occult and be one of a select few to livestream a paranormal investigation regarding the creature, his life takes a very dramatic turn. Initially skeptical and merely putting on an act for his followers, Lee soon learns that some paranormal creatures are real after all, and his encounter with the Tokushima Kaibyou is just the beginning. 
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chernobog13 · 3 years
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Coming to theaters soon: Samurai vs the Furry!
Naw, just kidding’.  The above is from a 1937 film entitled Honcho Kaibyo-Den (Indigenous Legend of the Cat-Ghost).  A kaibyo is a “ghost cat” or “cat demon,” and a popular subject matter in kabuki plays starting in the late Edo period.
Depending on the source, this film is either based on or a remake of earlier cinematic kaibyo films dating back as far as 1910.  The kaibyo is the manifestation of revenge for an unfortunate soul, usually a murder victim or suicide.
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richerlandtv · 1 year
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Like Lee Lynch, Silas Silabar's life was changed forever when the Tokushima Kaibyou arrived in Ateral County. His journey of self-discovery led him to uncover family secrets and a truth about himself that he must keep hidden. 
Despite his torn, distressed denim and scruffy appearance, Silas is actually the heir to the Silabar fortune, with parents who own the largest mining companies in California. However, Silas desires to become a NASA engineer, causing a growing distance between himself and his millionaire parents. The same group of girls who bully Amanda Chase pick on Silas under the assumption he is poor, a belief he is willing to humour as he feels it makes people act sincerely towards him. 
Silas is a member of the AV Club, providing props, practical effects, music, and sound effects, utilising his talents for engineering and for playing and composing original guitar music. He joined the club to spend more time with his friend Lee, and through it became friends with Amanda. However, his secret is starting to make him lose sleep three nights out of the month, which is putting both additional strain on his relationship with his parents, and some strain on his friendships.
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richerlandtv · 9 months
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Public opinion request! For a superhero series dealing with the supernatural, which of these logos do you think is best?
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richerlandtv · 1 year
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richerlandtv · 1 year
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Amanda Chase is a young woman with a strong passion for filmmaking and leadership. She is determined to pursue her dream of becoming a film director and has taken the initiative to gain the necessary skills through attending CalArts. Her success in leading the Audio/Visual Club at her high school demonstrates her ability to take charge and rally support for causes she believes in.
Despite facing bullying from a particular group of girls, Amanda does not let their hurtful comments get to her. Her quick wit and sense of humor allow her to come back with clever retorts, showing that she is not easily intimidated. Her fashion sense is a unique part of her individuality that she takes pride in. However, she may be developing some sense of insecurity that is impacting her self-esteem...
Amanda's self-defense classes speak to her practical nature, indicating that she is proactive in taking care of herself and others. Her organizational skills, which are unparalleled, make her an excellent problem solver and planner. She is a reliable and dependable friend, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. Howver, her eagerness to take on new challenges can sometimes lead her to overcommit, resulting in stress and burnout.
Amanda's strong organizational skills and determination can lead her to have high expectations of herself, which can result in her being overly critical or demanding of herself. Thankfully, her friends are always there to balance her out. However, something seems different about her friends lately...
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richerlandtv · 1 year
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People sure are weird. 
An out-of-context non-canon adventure from The Spirited Adventures of Kid Kaibyo, a work in progress featuring a superhero specialising in the preternatural.
This was an experiment in how I would convey speech from a character (Kyosai, named Kyosen at the time) who has no physical form, seen in the bottom right of the final panel. I’ve moved away from it, and the idea of a comic (at least, the idea of illustrating it). As it was only a mock-up, Kid Kaibyo is only seen in silhouette, created from a concept drawing.
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