#Kid saiki: that's weird I guess I didn't do as good a job covering the hair as I thought. Least they're just calling them genetic quirks
phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Personal headcanon that is absolutely untrue but also no one can prove it's incorrect:
Saiki k is set in the same universe as bnha. Why?
Because saiki accidentally created quirks.
Listen. We don't know the exact date saiki k is set, but it roughly fits the time period the first quirks started appearing. A glowing child (oh hey, like teruhashi) born in China seems like the sort of thing that might result from a five year old rewriting humanity's dna to include anime hair and super healing so he wouldn't be lonely.
Something that always made me wonder about the bnha universe is that it's explicitly said that it is our modern timeline that suddenly diverged with the arrival of quirks. And yet... People who don't have those quirks still have anime hair. People who genetically don't have the special new mutation still have unnatural hair. And that never gets mentioned. Or explained.
And yes, the doyalist explanation is 'hur dur they're literally both anime, one just breaks the fourth wall for a gag and explains it' but we're fandom, we're not here for that.
Saiki k would be perfect for being the true past of bnha. It explains and expands upon everything, from the sudden and unexpected genetic mutations that even 3 centuries later super geniuses aren't able to nail down as how exactly they work, to the spontaneous and yet entirely unnoticed new hair colours, the why the how the what the when.
Because a world with a history of secret superpowers and people hiding their abilities accidentally creating a world just like them in the most unexpected way... A world where their childhood selves could have been so much happier and safer without needing to hide themselves...
Now that's a legacy.
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