#Killers Of Stonecrest
riveramorylunar 8 months
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Twas The Night Before Christmas
The Ghost Girl Is Back
Her Crazy Jester
Love Without Sight
U.A. Winter Festival
Murder Mystery
Bound To The Devil
Beyond The Dojo
The Midnight Killer
The Midnight Witch & Her Little Demon
Never One Without The Other
They Were Never Real
Demon Slayer AU
Serial Killers Of Stonecrest
Diamond Ridge University
Guitarist Nemuri Kayama
Vampire Nemuri Kayama
Serial Killer Nemuri Kayama
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riversdarkblog 1 year
How I see them sitting
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riveramorylunar 1 year
Just imagining Serial Killer Natasha and Serial Killer Maria in these poses has me giggling and smiling. Obviously Natasha is the red one and Maria is the blue one.
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Yelena Belova Moodboard:
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Leonora Lesso Moodboard:
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Natasha Romanoff Moodboard:
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riversdarkblog 1 year
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Series Masterlist
Pairings: Jordan(GF) x Reader
Warnings 鈿狅笍: Bus Breaking Down, Shouting, Cussing & Height Difference
Pet Names/Nicknames: none
Word Count: 881
A/N: This is the first installment for Serial Killers Of Stonecrest. Please be advised that this whole series is pretty dark and if you do not like dark stuff please do not read it. This chapter won't be dark since it's the first chapter but all the others will be! And this one is short since it's just the prologue.
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Stonecrest you might think it's a beautiful and lively little town but it's far from it. Years ago it was of course a beautiful and lively place. It was quite the tourist attraction back then. People stopped by when they went on long road trips. Some people just visited the place to see the structures and unique things it had. It became abandoned in 1970 when unusual things started happening. People started going missing. Some started losing their memories due to a toxic pollution. Some were found dead near the town in the forest. People had stopped coming by it and the people that were still there had left not long after.
It was fall of 2016. A girl named Y/N Y/L/N and her friends along with her girlfriend all decided to go on a road trip together for their first semester break. They had taken the small bus they had along with their dirt bikes. There were a total of six of them. There was Y/N of course, her girlfriend Jordan, Y/N's best friend Geo, Jordan's best friend Vincent, Geo's girlfriend Avery who was trans and Dakota Jordan's other best friend.
"Vincent are you sure you took the right road" Dakota asked as he looked out of the mini bus. "Yes I'm sure now would you shut up" Vincent huffed out as he clenched his jaw. "Well sure as hell doesn't look like it" Dakota muttered out as he turned towards the others. "Oh come on Dakota he knows where he's going" Jordan said as she chuckled. Dakota rolled his eyes as he leaned back against the window. "I think Dakota has a point love, this doesn't look like the way we usually go" Y/N muttered out and Jordan looked at her girlfriend. Jordan sighed before standing up and making her way up to the front. "Vin" Jordan asked and Vincent hummed. Before Jordan could say anything the bus swerved causing it to go into a ditch. "What the hell" Geo shouted as she almost fell out of her seat. "Vincent what the fuck just happened" Avery said as she stood up. "I don't know" Vincent shouted back as he hit the break. The bus stopped right before it hit a tree. Y/N stood up before making her way up to the front. "Vince open the door" Y/N said and Vincent opened the door. Y/N and Jordan got off the bus and walked around it. "Y/N looks like we have a flat tire" Jordan said as she kneeled down. Y/N walked over and knelt down as well. "Looks like it and we don't have any extras" Y/N sighed out before she stood up.
The two walked around and got back on the bus. "What happened" Dakota said as he stood up. "Flat tire" Jordan said causing them to all groan. "Just great we're lost we have a flat tire and there's no service apparently" Avery said as she shoved her phone back into her pocket. "Guess we're gonna have to find a place to stay" Jordan said and they all looked at her. "Why not stay in here it's better than out there" Geo said and Jordan rolled her eyes. "Well for one we need food and secondly we didn't bring any blankets" Jordan said and Geo sighed. "Fine" she said before they all got off after grabbing their bags. They all got off the bus and went to the back before grabbing their dirt bikes. "Remind me again why we didn't think about bringing any food and blankets with us" Y/N said as she got onto her black dirt bike. "Yeah I don't know why we didn't think about that" Jordan said and the others laughed.
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They drove in their dirt bikes for awhile and it was starting to get dark. "Hey guys I see a road up ahead to the right" Avery said and they all looked over. "Finally" Vincent said as he slightly went faster. The others followed him and turned onto the road that had weeds growing from underneath it and had cracks in it. "Looks like no one's been here for decades" Y/N said before swerving slightly so she didn't hit the huge hole that was in front of her. They continued until they came up to a clearing. Y/N stopped so the others did as well. "Looks like this is where we will be staying" Jordan said as they all looked at the town.
Underground in a basement computers were on showing every single spot in the town. Security cameras were placed everywhere. The basement started flashing red and an alarm started blaring causing the person down in the basement to wake up. They groaned before getting up off the couch. They walked over to the computers before hitting the off button on the alarm. Their emerald green eyes widened in shock as they saw on one of the screens 6 kids driving across it. They picked up their walkie talkie and hit the button. "Guys it looks like we have some visitors 6 to be exact" the person said in the walkie talkie as they smirked. Oh how they were gonna have so much fun with their visitors.
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Maria Hill Moodboard:
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riveramorylunar 1 year
Thought I'd share these because they all made me giggle
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Peggy Carter Moodboard:
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riversdarkblog 1 year
Serial Killer Nemuri Kayama Moodboard:
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riveramorylunar 1 year
Ugh I can't stop thinking about Serial Killers Natasha, Leonora, Maria, Nemuri, Peggy & Yelena
I need to go to sleep but I guess my mind is preoccupied right now with thoughts about them
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riveramorylunar 1 year
I just want to ask this question before I continue writing chapter one of my serial killer series!
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riversdarkblog 1 year
i feel like i already know who's going to win but i need your opinion on who would seem more scary over the phone
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riveramorylunar 1 year
So I made a Serial Killer Edit for my Serial Killer AU and well I love it!! (Skip to 18 seconds if you don't want to wait for the intro to end)
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riveramorylunar 1 year
I had to add Peggy to the Serial Killer AU 馃き
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