#Serial Killer Peggy Carter
riversdarkblog · 1 year
How I see them sitting
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
Thought I'd share these because they all made me giggle
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juuls · 2 years
Juulna’s 2021 Multi-Fandom Fanfiction Rec List - Part Two
(Yes, I realize this is a year late, but this year's been a bit nuts. I still hope you enjoy these fics anyway!)
Based only on what I’ve read with my own eyes this year!
Follow me on my journey into what, at times, was…
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…actually rather calming! Perhaps you can find some comfort and entertainment, fluff and angst and romance and friendship, smut and a distinct lack of it, space adventures and fantasy and modern adventures, serial killers and good guys, redemption and reconciliation and learning to become someone completely different — there is so much here I read that stuck with me over the past year, and the 2021 Fanfic Reading Challenge ( @fanfic-reading-challenge ) allowed me a new way to keep track of all of my favourites. So props to that event! Definitely participating again (considering I run the event, yeah, that's probably a given lol, but full disclosure).
Without further ado, here were my 2021 fic favourites!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
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Fandom: Marvel (Comics & MCU)
Stony, Polyvengers:
you great unfinished symphony (you sent for me) by @ketchupcrisp
The last thing Steve Rogers ever expected to see on a Wednesday afternoon was his (their) dead submissive tumbling out of a portal and practically into Phil’s lap, very much alive and frantic about Soul Stones and timelines and some other version of the team.
Avengers Family:
Of Spectrums and Spoons by @calloftherunningtide
Natasha had been taught to pretend – to act and respond just like she was supposed to act and respond - from an early age.
Things You Learn In the Kitchen at Night by @buzzcat
When Darcy went into the kitchen that night, she didn't expect to meet her platonic soul mate or Tony Stark, let alone have them be one and the same person.
Iron Family (typically very Civil War Team Iron Man):
Second Chances by @izazov
Tony Stark is in love with Steve Rogers. Also, he is dying. There is no direct correlation between those two facts. But there is also the matter of Steve Rogers having no idea about Tony’s feelings.
And all that's best of dark and bright by @kaaterinapetrova
When Steve Rogers leaves her to die in Siberia, Toni Stark hacks her soulmark apart, tears the flesh and veins until she is blinded with pain, and waits to die. Up above, somewhere in the universe, something fractures.
Trigger warning for cutting, suicidal thoughts, breakdown.
Siren by @tsuki-chibi
When the exvengers were granted pardons, they return to the Compound. Steve was prepared to fight an uphill battle, but not for the biggest change of all:a clone of Peggy Carter, who is already at the Compound and acting as the newest Avenger. Determined to see everything go back to the way it was, Steve, Wanda and Clint become obsessed with figuring out a way to upstage the New Avengers and prove that the Accords are unnecessary.
Spoiler: their plan doesn't work.
Basic Rules by @striving-artist
It said something about Toni’s life that she had an established system in case of kidnapping and torture, and while there had been tweaks, it was still basically the same as from when she was a kid.
1. Let them underestimate you. 2. Don’t fight back until you have an exit. 3. Lie from the start. 4. Protect what matters. 5. Assume no one is coming to help.
you want a war? (you don't know what you're asking for) by @dyke-yoonji
“And now? Now you’ve all betrayed,”  Steve flinched at the choice of words, “Stark, and Potts and Rhodes are not going to sit and take it.”
Natasha frowned at the phone. “What does this mean for us?”
Fury laughed - an ugly laugh with no myrth in it. “It means that Potts or Rhodes are the ones who sent me this phone because they wanted me to contact you. They wanted me - and you - to know that they are with Stark, that they are the line of defence between him and us.”   “It means that they just declared war. God have mercy on your souls.”
Tony Stark is Not a Supervillain (But his Poker Group All Are) by DaughteroftheSilverMoon
A superhero walks into a room full of villains- and they play poker and give him a drink. After all, it's the polite thing to do. Only then they get to liking him, and all of a sudden they're slaying dragons for the good guys. It's very disconcerting, but kind of nice.
The Worst Job by @thealextheshipper
Jessica is assigned as the Rogue Avengers Accords delegate upon their return to the US, on the plus side she befriends Tony Stark, on the down side she has to deal with PR nightmare Steve Rogers, and his best friend PR nightmare Clint Barton.
DomesticIronHawk: (Laura/Clint/Tony)
Set On Fire by @allthemarvelousrage
She's not sure if she forgot to take her suppressants, or if something Wanda did screwed with her meds, but her world is on fire for the first time in years, and there's no one to help her through it... until there is.
Keep Me in Your Orbit by @moonlitmidnight-1
A post Civil War AU in which Toni knew Carol during the events of Captain Marvel, and was the person she gave the pager to.
ARC I: An Infinity In The Wings by @bad-days-and-beautiful-nights
Stephen and Toni met just before she's kidnapped. They spent the night together and when she returns, they strike up an easy friendship. Soon enough, Stephen falls in love with her, but by the time he realizes, it's too late. Hoping she never finds out, he gracefully steps back, trusting Captain America to be the right man for his best friend. But when Steve surprises everyone and Toni ends up at death's door for the fourth time, Stephen has to re-evaluate his life's choices.
Disinformed by Del_Rion
It’s time to come clean about Phil Coulson’s death. Out of all the Avengers, Tony’s reaction is the most surprising, and Phil must investigate it further.
Maria Hill/Sif:
Diplomatic Relations and Intelligence Failures by @scifigrl47
Maria Hill would like a night off, and maybe a date. She's not likely to get either one of them, so she's pretty resigned to long nights of protecting the world from behind the scenes. It's very satisfying, but not quite in the way she's hoping for.
Most people who know Maria are far too intimidated to make a pass. Luckily, the Lady Sif doesn't have that problem.
SHIELD Has Paperwork for Everything by @scifigrl47
Clint Barton knows where his loyalties lie, and they have more to do with his handler than his employer. Phil Coulson takes his responsibilities seriously, and a big part of his job is protecting the agent in his care from any threat to his well-being.
At this rate, neither of them is going to get a date. Natasha Romanov has other ideas, and the only side she's on is her own.
Reputation by @cpt-winniethepooh
Captain America is a hero to the nation, but an uncomfortable cage for Steve Rogers. He is confined by his reputation as the boring Avenger, Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes, and has long given up on hope to change his public image.
Then he meets James Barnes, the infamous assassin also known as the Winter Soldier, who recently switched sides and is now working for the US instead of Russia. Barnes is tall, dark and handsome with his man-bun and eyeliner, and everything Steve shouldn’t want but does.
But just as there is more to Steve than Cap, there is more to Barnes than the Soldier - but will they be able to see that and find happiness?
An albumfic about finding love through the noise, set to the tune and narrative of Taylor Swift’s Reputation.
Steve Rogers at 100: Celebrating Captain America on Film by @hellotailor, @alwaysalreadyangry, eleveninches, febricant, @morgan-leigh
“Heil Hydra,” the enemy agent shouts. 
“Heil this, motherfucker,” says Captain America, shooting off a rocket.
Steve and Bucky find out Hollywood has been busy since they went away. A historical survey, including but not limited to: one set of exploded genitals, a brief interlude in France, Mel Gibson and other masterworks of casting, eight Academy awards, several dinosaurs, and something Tony Stark has ominously dubbed “the masterpiece.” Art included.
Steve Rogers and the minefields of social media by @cpt-winniethepooh
Steve gets a Twitter account, then an Instagram one, then he gets Bucky back, too.
King Of Hearts, Queen Of . . . Nothing by ThatDamnKennedyKid
He was sure that she didn't remember, not with the way she had cried herself into drunken slumber in his arms. That did not mean he forgot. Not anything - not the painful slurs from her father that lingered in her mind, the barely visible scars across her arms and thighs from jumping into adulthood alone before she was no longer a child, how she had blubbered the name Yinsen over and over again like a regret.
I don't Want the World to See Me by @outercorner
Tony has a secret, one that is harder and harder to keep from observant teammates.
Lines by @treesramblings
“If you want—and feel free to say no, everyone and their mothers know that I’m the queen of offering too much where I’m not wanted—but, if you want…” Toni hesitates, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth for a moment, and then continues, “well, that’s the longest period of uninterrupted sleep I’ve had since last week, which was also with you, and—twice is a coincidence, but maybe we could test to see, uh, see if it’s a pattern? Only if you want; I’m not trying to guilt you into it. In fact, forget I said anything. This is a horrible idea. I’m just going to leave—”
She’s stopped by his fingers slipping into her palm as he's suddenly standing in front of her. “Okay,” he whispers.
The tension that had built up in her body releases all at once and she looks up into his eyes, the ever present churn of emotion swirling enchantingly, tenderly.
“Okay,” she responds, and his hand glides from hers as he turns away. She aches with the missing weight.
Watercolour Scars by ThatDamnKennedy
Despite fighting against Iron Man, Bucky didn't actually know Tony. Even then, he didn't know how he was the only one starstruck. He couldn't imagine the kind of miracles she must have pulled off before for the team to not even thank her.
Our Shattered Past by Elenduen
Bucky survives the snap, survives to see two-thirds of the universe die, half turning to ash, the others killed because those others turned to ash. He follows Steve back to America and the Avengers compound struggling to try and make sense of everything that has happened. Then Tony Stark returns to earth, broken, sick, desolate. Bucky feels he owes Tony for what he did to his parents, he wants to find a way to make amends and the only way he think to do that is to act as protection for Tony while he slowly recovers from his time in space.
Tony couldn't care less what happens to him now. He failed, Peter is gone, two-thirds of the Universe is gone, why should he care if he lives or dies now? he is determined to help others while he can though and if that means Barnes is following him around then he can help too.
What neither expect is a relationship to blossom between them or the family that blooms out of the ashes of their shattered pasts.
721 Fifth Avenue by Skarla
Tony Stark is a man of many faces; stressed, a little manic, overly fond of smoothies and kinder than anyone Bucky has ever met, although he hides it well. He's not quite sure why no one else is providing the support and companionship that the man is quietly desperate for, but it's no hardship to step up to the plate. He's always had a thing for scrappy underdogs after all.
The Evidence by @striving-artist
Didn’t notice. Right. Sure. Two brilliant minds, two super spies, and a god didn’t notice when the chattiest man they knew stopped making sound. They just seemed happier than before. Brighter and more cheerful than before. They just seemed like they were more comfortable with him around when he was stone silent.
Fuck it.
He knew they noticed.
And he knew they liked him better this way.
MARRY, FUCK, KILL by @sevensneakyfoxes
"Actually, you know, I get it. Rogers would be an excellent MARRY choice. You know that he'd never leave the toilet seat up, would never drink the last of the milk, and would clean the rain gutters without prompting," Darcy says. She's never really considered Steve as anything other than Captain America who is impossibly unapproachable; weirdly enough, the things she finds intimidating about him as a person oddly work for her in a domestic setting. "Ugh, plus you just KNOW Barton would be the type of fucker that would eat the last oreo and then shove the empty box back into the cupboard."
"So what's your list then, Darcy?" Jane asks, turning back to look at the mold, which has done exactly fuck all in the last half-hour.
"Don't rush me! I need to make an informed, calculated choice."
Darcy looks down at her pad, then back up at Natasha. She purses her lips in thought. "You've fucked Barnes, right? How dexterous is that metal hand?"
The ladies of SHIELD play a mass game of MARRY FUCK KILL, Avengers edition.
Wherein everyone marries Steve, kills Tony, Jane betrays science and Darcy hypothetically turns Thor into a llama.
Black Holes and Revelations by @amidtheflowers
The Winter Soldier doesn’t like her much. It doesn’t help when they get thrown in a black hole together.
Upon A Hill, Across a Blue Lake by @i-mushi
Fluffy ABO - Darcy has a few run-ins with the police and a couple Alpha Avengers show up to help. She /really/ should have specified to Jane not to send her crushes when she called for help. Steve/Darcy/Bucky Alpha!Steve, Alpha!Bucky, Omega!Darcy
my body is not their bed by @deathsweetqueen
In 1995, the Engineer and the Winter Soldier escape HYDRA and end up, bleeding, on Peggy Carter's doorstep.
This is their journey after. This is the story of their victory march.
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secretartquotes · 2 years
My Favourite Torchwood Outfits
Part 1 (because 10 photos limit)
( because I liked @torchwood-99 's post and decided to do my own )
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Countryside is not only a great and iconic torchwood episode it also has iconic looks. Jack's ww2 style has never looked better . Owen has a very nice leather warm jacket, although if I were him I would be freezing to death . Tosh gets a nice woollen coat like Jack , which kind of makes them fit , being the only smartly dressed members of team ( dress warm people) . Gwen's has overall very nice look , probably the best of the team, but not very appropriate for the mission but the jacket is awesome ( it's on my wishlist) . Ianto's outfit is kind of mediocre but it is the first time we see him without his suit and it does make him look his age so I'm saying icon ( don't look at the gun shoved down his pants )
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The first of three iconic black dress that Gwen wears. It's a very sexy dress and it is made sexier by the fact Gwen's wearing it. Very 2000s like most of Gwen's s1 outfits. I wish we saw more of it but alas.
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This is probably my favourite Tosh look .The whole outfit has a sort of festive feel , mostly because of the bright green . The shirt is very nice and I wish we could have seen more of it . The collar is very similar to the collar of a deep pink shirt Tosh also wears. Nice outfit , shame it was in an episode she was barely in . If I could own that shirt I would.
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Another green look but this time it's a very pale mint green.I love how the red suspenders contact against the pale green. It's very calming and Jack should have worn them again. Unfortunately this great ansamble was thrown in the bin along with Jack's horrid striped shirt ( the pajama one and very very 2000s one ) , beige vest and jacket. At least keep that one , he literally only wears blue .( My theory on why Jack wears only blue in s2 is that Ianto threw the stuff he didn't like when he was gone , leaving Jack with only blue shirts .) It also goes hand in hand with Gwen's countryside outfit.
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This is the brightest outfit Owen wears in the whole show and my favourite on his side. The colour is amazing and compliments him a lot. Owen wears mostly muted colours so to see him in such a bright one makes it special. I think the only time he wears it's at the end of Meat , which is a disappointment because he gets utterly annihilated by proxy. This outfit is the fraternal twin of Ianto's Sleeper/Reset suit.
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The fraternal twin of Owen's pink shirt. Ok jokes aside the striped charcoal blue tinted suit is amazing and it goes especially well with that bright pink shirt and striped tie.It is an iconic Ianto look and it's even more so because of his one liners during Sleeper , legends only.
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Aahhh , Suzie Costello, my murder wife. While Suzie is only briefly in the show , she doesn't disappoint with her outfits . Every single one is great but I think we can all agree that the black trenchcoat is the greatest ( maybe second only to the murder trenchcoat at the end of TKKS ). It looks very fitting for a mad scientist/serial killer/ necromancer about to set a plan b in motion.
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Tosh wears three purple dresses in the show and I love every single one of them . I have on my own decided that if Red is Ianto's colour and Blue is Jack's then Purple is Toshiko's . While the jeans underneath date the look , the dress itself is more timeless .It looks like something my mum would own and wants give to me because she thinks I look better in it. The lilac colour compliments the soft feel of the dress and makes Tosh look amazing ( as it should ).
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The first time I was Diane she gave me Peggy Carter vibes , from then on I knew I would like her very much and I did. Diane unabashedly rocks a vintage pilot and wears jackets I would like to own . I really just like her style.
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The people I right for
Natasha romanoff
Wanda maximoff
Carol danvers
Maria hill
Pepper Potts
Peggy carter
Sharon carter
Elizabeth olsen
Scarlett johansson
Brie larson
Cobie smulders
Gwendolyn paltrow
Emily VanCamp
Hayley Atwell
Harley quinn
Poison ivy
What I write
Angst=♧,smut=☆,maybe fluff=♡
Stepcest,daddy/mommy kink,lactation kink,blood kink,dom/sub,A/O/B,dumbefication kink,non consent,breast play,breeding kink,piss kink, possessiveness,jealousy, manipulation, stockholm syndrome,cheating
Werewolf,vampire,demon,angel,serial killer,
Requests are open. Just message me, and you shall receive
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daddynattt · 1 year
Oh that sounds yummy your making me hungry but I already ate
Okay I got a FMKK thing 🤭
Serial Killer Natasha Romanoff
Serial Killer Yelena Belova
Serial Killer Maria Hill
Serial Killer Peggy Carter
-Variant Anon (I'm at your front door open up 😏)
i got something else you can eat
fuck Serial Killer Maria
marry Serial Killer Nat
kiss Serial Killer Yelena
kill Serial Killer Peggy
i want sk Nat so bad
(come innn it’s open my bed and i are waiting for you)😌
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 3 years
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It’s that time again my dudes! I actually thought I’d not read as much in July but boy was I wrong! As always please make sure you check the warnings for each individual fic before reading. You are responsible for your own media consumption. This blog along with the majority tagged are 18+ and the majority of these fics contain adult themes. 
Make sure you give these incredible writer’s some love and reblogs because they deserve the damn world! Hope you enjoy these as much as I did 💖💖
✨ @jobean12-blog
*Boys in bed with books
The staring contest (Bucky x reader)
✨ @syntheticavenger
*Anonymous (Andy Barber x female reader)
*Time to run (Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
Deception (Soft Dark! Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
✨ @mypoisonedvine
Seven against one (dark!Howling Commandos x reader)
✨ @gogolucky13
*Southpaw (boxer!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Tainted love (70spornstar!Bucky Barnes x 70spornstar!Reader)
Don't fear the reaper (WS!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
✨ @navybrat817
Destroy (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
*Howling commandos tattoo au (Bucky Barnes x female reader x Steve Rogers)
✨ @tuiccim
*Positions and pleasures (Steve Rogers x Reader)
*A scarred enigma (Bucky Barnes x OC Lexa Green)
✨ @bucksfucks
Dead of night (bucky barnes/winter soldier x f!reader)
Mr brightside (ex’s!dad!bucky x f!reader)
Forbidden fruit (dad’sbestfriend!bucky x f!reader)
Left gasping for air (bucky barnes x f!reader)
*The bodyguard (bodyguard!bucky x stark!reader (adopted))
*Fake boyfriend real orgasms (roommate!bucky x f!reader)
✨ @lex-the-flex
Catnip (Bucky Barnes x reader)
✨ @jurassicbarnes
*What a night (Bucky Barnes x Reader (TFATWS))
✨ @wkemeup
Suburbia (bucky x reader)
✨ @nastybuckybarnes
*Madness (Dark!Steve X Reader)
✨ @bemine-bucky
Insomnia / daydream (Reader x Bucky Barnes)
Who's your daddy (Destroyer!Chris x Reader)
✨ @extremelyblackandwhite
*Innocence (bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader)
✨ @cockslut-padalecki
When daddy's not around (DadsBestFriend!Bucky x F!Reader)
✨ @metalbuckaroo
Diner (Biker!Bucky x F!Reader)
To the edge (Stripper!Bucky x Innocent!Reader)
✨ @buckyhoney
The bar rules (bartender!bucky x reader)
✨ @sweetlyscared
Zero-sum game (Dark!SilverFox Andy Barber x Fem!Reader)
✨ @the-iceni-bitch
Fight so dirty (Ransom Drysdale x fem!Reader)
Tied up and twisted (soft!dark CEO!Steve Rogers x fem!reader)
✨ @geminixevans
His cherry (Andy Barber x Black Reader)
✨ @drabblewithfrannybarnes
Jealous boy (Jake Jensen x female reader)
✨ @dreamlessinparis
Lessons in temptation (Andy Barber x Fem!Reader x Ari Levinson)
✨ @stargazingfangirl18
Misconceptions (Ransom Drysdale x female!reader)
*Necessary arrangements 
Just desserts (Steve Rogers x female!reader)
✨ @msmarvelwrites
Sleeping with ghosts (Bucky x assassin!reader)
✨ @buckys-darling
Soft skin, soft eyes (Steve Rogers x Reader)
✨ @buckyjamess
*Girl with the lion (detective!bucky barnes x female!reader)
✨ @starbuckie
In two years (college!bestfriend’sbrother!bucky barnes x reader)
✨ @imanuglywombat
Comme Trois Lapins Qui Baisent (AU Steve Rogers x Reader x Peggy Carter)
✨ @chouettedubois
If I only had a heart (Bucky x f!Reader)
✨ @lokithealligator
*Born in flames (Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Reader)
✨ @marvelswh0re
All in good time (Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader)
✨ @sweetflowerdreams
*The lunch club (Andy Barber x Reader)
✨ @certainaesthetic
*Back and forth (roommate!steve x woc!reader)
✨ @ritesofreverie
Nobody does it like you do (divorced dilf!bucky x fem!reader)
✨ @angrythingstarlight
Come here and show me (Beefy lumberjack Steve x reader)
✨ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
Need you tonight (Andy Barber x Reader x Chris (Destroyer))
✨ @firefly-in-darkness
All yours (Steve Rogers x Reader)
✨ @holdontorogers
*Will you teach me (Steve Rogers x agent!reader)
✨ @boxofbonesfic
Judge & jury (Serial Killer!Steve x Reader)
Unexpected showers (Business CEO!Steve Rogers x Female Reader)
✨ @marvelmaree
Mistakes (Bodyguard!Sam Wilson x Black F!Reader)
✨ @whiskey-cokenfanfic
Something different (Steve Rogers x Reader x Thor)
✨ @sinner-as-saint
Yes daddy (Sambucky x Reader)
✨ @buckybarneschokeme
If you could see what I see (Soft!Bucky x Reader)
✨ @mysecretlittlelibrary
Teaching and old dog new tricks (Steve Rogers x Reader)
✨ @starlightrogers
The first time (Bucky Barnes x reader)
✨ @river-soul
Shelter (Soft Dark!Curtis Everett x Reader)
 ✨ @holacia2
Goodbye kisses (Ransom Drysdale x reader)
✨ @sagechanoafterdark
Toys in the attic (Bucky x reader)
✨ @thefallenbibliophilequote
Forever (Bucky x Reader)
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One of my LEAST favorite things about Marvel is the way they introduce characters (usually women) or plot lines (usually romance centric) for the sake of a few gasps and/or shock value and then completely ignore it moving forward until it’s like “oh wait we can use it again”
Am I talking about Sharon Carter? YES THE FUCK I AM
First of all, I OG thought she made a nice addition to CATWS. The role could have been filled by any nameless character, being the agent that keeps an eye on Cap and then defies Hydras revolution is a good part to play but ultimately DIDNT have to be name dropped with Agent 13, especially since they did nothing with that knowledge.
And then watching CACW it was like “oh. She’s Peggys niece.” That revelation should have been MINDBLOWING to Steve. He should have big brothered up and wanted to work with her and shared drinks post funeral and laughed about Peggy and they should have hugged and move on.
OR she could have just.... not shown up. Again, the role of Happy Helpterton could have been filled by absolutely any one of sam or caps contacts instead of being filled by what is supposed to be a BAMF character who is then reduced to worlds most cringeworthy kiss before she helps them and then is NEVER SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN.
CACW was what, two years before the Blip? And Sharon just doesn’t exist in Steves head for that long? Kissed his Best Gals niecey after a funeral and then never look back? Let her struggle alone while he was growing out his Depression Beard and playing with goats with Bucky? Captain Rogers, you are a F*ck Boy
Seeing Sharon again, while shes BAMF AF.... it feels a little lazy first of all, like hey remember this person? She’s back and better than ever! And then also... It just legit feels like fan service, like that girl power moment in EG. Did I scream? Yeah. Was I sort of depressingly aware that a moment like that wouldn’t have happened without them caving to peer pressure and the forcefully changing social dynamics that are forcing Those Men to change? YEAH.
And I realize I REALIZE that when you’re undertaking something that became as massive as the MCU, there’s no possible way to flesh out every story line and every character and sometimes you think a story is going one way but it does something different but it would be nice if the storylines and characters forgotten/abandoned weren’t consistently women.
ALSO while I’m ranting— Nat and Bruce being involved? Why? So Nat can say she’s a monster for not being able to have kids and then apparently sacrifice herself at vormir for someone who DID have kids and also a serial killer gap year? THE ABSOLUTE AUDACITY
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skiplo-wave · 3 years
What if episode ratings ( in my opinion)
What if ep1: Captain Carter 4/10 speed run captain America movie but also we get buff Peggy and Bucky isnt winter soldier
What if ep2: Star Lord! T’challa 6/10 Chadwick last role :’) Blonde Nebula plus dilf Thanos that didn’t kill everyone
What if ep3: Hank just goes feral killing all the avengers 2/10 didn’t take long figure out killer. Writing could’ve been better. But hey we know how kill hulk I guess
What if ep4: Dark Stephen 10/10 Writing was good, pacing good, actions do be having consequences. Goth dilf wizard nuff said
What if ep5: Zombies 8/10 Auntie Wasp and her spider nephew! Also Yandere Vision. Like idea all zombies effecting heroes kept their skills. Guck zombie Thanos tho
What if ep6: Tony x Erik friend to lover to enemies speed run edition. 6/10 Really could’ve just gotten Erik and Tony being baddies together but alas. The ages and timeline still bug me tho. Only episode we get Rhodey and ya kill him -7/10
What if ep7: Party Thor 9/10 college AU we deserved and end the depression train for past 4 episodes 12/10 for Jotun Loki Stan healthy frost king
What if ep8: Ultron Vision 8/10
Thanos getting one shot killed was cool. Also watcher no loner watching and now acting lol. Thanos was very merciful killing us via dust. How humble of him
What if Ep9: 5/10 hot ass mess and very lackluster finale. Erik really didn’t have be in this episode because Ultron still be in the timeout ball while Steohen watched him. Gamora was wasted because everyone else had their own episode to be brogg ig ht back later. Should’ve been ZH peter, Avenger Loki, Good guy Thanos, FUCKIBG SERIAL KILLER HANK. Party Thor was funny but borderline annoying.
Series overall: 6/10 writing and pacing kills it for me. But hey all out AU fanfics are canons plus new rareships :)
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stony-ao3-feed · 2 years
a blessing of meat
Read it on AO3
by deathsweetqueen
“Chester, are you up there?”
There’s still no response.
Dread sinks heavily in Tony’s belly, like a lead weight.
“Chester, I’m coming inside,” he warns.
He opens the door to a cramped attic study, every shelf crammed with various knick knacks, gifted and gathered, presented and positioned with care.
And there he is, Chester Phillips, eighty-five years old, slung across a leather day bed, his head draped over the armrest, throat slit from ear to ear, blood drenching his front, his eyes open and numb.
The tray slips out of Tony’s hands, crashes to the floor, and hot coffee seeps into the carpet.
Words: 5031, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Sarah Rogers (Marvel), Joseph Rogers, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Janet Van Dyne, Peggy Carter
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Knives Out (2019) Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Knives Out (2019) Fusion, Inspired by Knives Out (2019), Serial Killer Steve Rogers, Enemies to Lovers, Not rich Tony Stark, Racism, Classism, Sexual Harassment
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riversdarkblog · 1 year
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Reader ↓
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
Ugh I can't stop thinking about Serial Killers Natasha, Leonora, Maria, Nemuri, Peggy & Yelena
I need to go to sleep but I guess my mind is preoccupied right now with thoughts about them
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Status of Marvel Heroes’ Relationships
So I was having an interesting conversation on a different thread about the fridging/broken relationships trope that a lot of action-y stories fall into, and it got me thinking: How many Marvel heroes have actually gotten to have a stable relationship?
**Big disclaimer, I am not up-to-date with all the shows and the Marvel catalogue is sprawling, so I may be working on some outdated information here or there.** But honestly, I feel like the ratio of broken relationships to sustained relationships in Marvel properties is pretty bad. This isn’t to say that I think ALL stories should end up with the heroes paired off for a happily ever after--that doesn’t make sense for some stories, and also not every relationship in real life pans out either lol. Some relationships just don’t work out, and it’s important to show that too. But it begins to be depressing and tiresome when nearly EVERY hero/superhero in the genre ends up alone, far too often because of stupid or plot-wavey reasons.
Okay, here we go:
Steve Rogers: This is one of the ones that actually doesn’t bother me as much. He doesn’t end up with Peggy (until Endgame shenanigans, anyway), but the reasons why make sense. He tries to have a relationship with Sharon, which obvi doesn’t work out. He might have been able to have a great relationship with Nat, if the writers hadn’t decided to completely ignore their chemistry and the juicy opportunities their relationship would have provided and just borked everything up.
💔Broken Relationship--you could technically argue for a stable relationship ruling here bc he does presumably have a life with Peggy Carter, but we never get to see it, so that renders it kinda null as far as representation goes.
Tony Stark: Tony actually does somehow end up having a stable relationship with Pepper and they have a daughter together (yay!). But then he pulls a heroic sacrifice (not so yay). This is another instance that feels “earned” though, so I’m not gonna call this one fridging. If he could have won that fight without dying, he totally would have, so it isn’t forced. It’s just sad.
💕Ongoing Relationship (at least up until he died...)
Thor: Thor and Jane are separated. A “mutual” dumping for “reasons.”
💔Broken Relationship
Bruce Banner: He and Nat almost kinda had a thing (why, i’ll NEVER understand). But then he went to space. And then she died for pLoT ReAsoNs.
💔Broken Relationship
Clint: Awww, he has his family! Which we know next to nothing about, actually (that being said, I haven’t watched Hawkeye yet, so maybe they’ve elaborated a little on this). Also his whole family gets fridged at one point so we could get edgy serial killer Hawkeye (which... who wanted that?!?). Whatever, they come back, right? 🙃🙃🙃 So it doesn’t count... right?
... 😑
anyway, without having seen Hawkeye, this stable relationship in his life feels really distant and abstract because he keeps his superheroing so separate from his family life--for good reasons, mind you, but still. And when we talk about subverting that whole “a man/hero has to walk alone” trope, just the mere fact that he has a family stashed away but never showing that interpersonal dynamic does pretty little to subvert that stereotype.
💕Ongoing Relationship (but only barely bc of the family fridging)
Natasha Romanova: Oof. I mean, see above. Marvel did her DIRTY. They def fridged her, and honestly? Never gonna forgive them for that.
💔Broken Relationship
Wanda: Girl had a lovely relationship with her robot boy Vision, and then they had to rip that away from her--not once, but twice (along with her kids!!). I kinda feel like they fridged Vision a bit, too, because they were so close to a solution but couldn’t follow through at the last second because... PLOT!
💔Broken Relationship
Loki: Him and Sylvie, man. They had a thing going only to have them totally fall apart at the end. I can see why they did, much as I hate it, so it isn’t, like, completely out of left field, but the writers also didn’t have to go the way they went. I feel like that one could have gone either way, and they chose violence.
💔Broken Relationship
Dr. Strange: yeah, he never ends up with his lady in, like, ANY universe.
💔Broken Relationship
T’Challa: I think he and Nakia would have ended up together eventually. Unfortunately, we will never know due to the truly untimely and incredibly tragic death of Chadwick Boseman. 😢😢😢
Peter Quill: Somehow he landed Gamora. Then they killed her for pLoT ReAsoNs. Now he has a shot with Gamora 2.0, which means that we can totally forgive the writers for fridging her the first time, right? 
...right? 🙃
💔Broken Relationship
Scott Lang: HELL YES. This is the one I’m really happy about! He and Hope have got it going on! They love each other, they’re superheroes together, and because they tackle world-ending threats together, they have plenty of challenges to their lives and relationship without having to throw a weird extra love interest in there to shake things up or whatever. PERFECT. Another tally for the 💕Ongoing Relationship list.
Matt Murdock: ughhhhhh. for real, I fucking loved Matt in the first season. But I really couldn’t stand him from S2E5 on. His relationship with Elektra was totally toxic and not in a way I could personally enjoy. First she dies and then HE seems to die and then... stuff happens, god, I don’t fucking know. All I know is that he also had Karen Page totally in love with him and then treated her like crap and gaslit the shit out of her--and then they decided to create a practice together in the end?? What? WHY
anyway, this is in the 💔Broken Relationship category for me.
Frank Castle: Oh Frank. He starts out with his whole family being murdered, so already off to a bad start. And then he and Karen make moon eyes at each other for like two seasons but nothing ever happens, even though she’s def a ride or die bitch for him and tough as nails herself. I mean, he’d have to give up, you know, killing people all the time, but c’mon. 
...I guess it makes sense narratively why he wouldn’t do that? But I think it’s really that the writers wanted to squeeze another season out of The Punisher and they couldn’t have Karen Page around actually, you know, helping Frank process his pain and trauma in a not murdery way.
This one will always offend me personally. I love Kastle.
💔Broken Relationship
Jessica Jones: Okay, I haven’t watched Season 2 or 3, sorry guys. But it’s still my impression that she and Luke STILL aren’t together.
💔Broken Relationship
Luke Cage: Same as above, only he also had a brief thing with Misty and a MUCH more involved relationship with Claire which ended bitterly.
💔Broken Relationship
Peter Parker: Okay, there’s a lot of these, but suffice to say that outside of Toby’s Peter, who ended up with MJ in the end, none of the other spiderboys have had much luck maintaining their relationships. In the most recent movie, Peter once again cuts his friend and girlfriend out of a major decision (despite them repeatedly telling him not to do that!). Yeah, the fate of the multiverse depended on him making a quick decision, but still... it kinda sat weird with me. And it’s ambiguous whether or not he will ACTUALLY try to woo MJ again like he promised now that she doesn’t remember him.
💔Broken Relationship(s) (💕💔💔)
Logan: Ah, Wolverine, my first love. He really can never catch a break. Not only does his main squeeze get fridged, HE HAS TO KILL HER.
💔Broken Relationship
Eddie Brock: I haven’t seen Venom 2, but I don’t think Eddie and Anne are together, though they aren’t on bad terms either.
💔Broken Relationship
(although...some would say his relationship with his symbiote is going strong, so...honorary 💕Ongoing Relationship?)
(shudder) Michael Morbius: just... *sigh* no.
💔Broken Relationship
 and I know this is DC, but I can’t stop thinking about how they killed off Steve in Wonder Woman too 😭💔
I bet there are a LOT of people I’m forgetting, but this is just off the top of my head. Bear in mind this is limited to MARVEL; we aren’t even looking at the whole breadth of the action genre. 
idk guys, I just... I really dislike the prevalence of the Lone Hero thing. This idea that after a whirlwind love affair, heroes must put aside their relationships and live a life without any stable romantic partnerships. (Let me be clear: platonic bonds are also SUPER important and some people can live happily with only those--Aro rep is an important thing too! But most of these instances aren’t intentional aro rep, and are instead designed to either manufacture easy character development/additional character pain or to free their MC of the complications (read: tricky writing) of an ongoing and supportive relationship).
Anyway, current tally:
💕Ongoing Relationships: 3 (possibly 5 if you add Venom and Toby’s Spiderman)
💔Broken Relationships: 18
see what I mean?
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notanotherstuckybb · 4 years
NASBB Presents: Coming Up Easy
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Coming Up Easy
Author: Musette22
Artist: LiquidLightz
Story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28181796/chapters/69056511
Art: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28180473
Rating: E
Word Count: 45,000
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers; Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Major Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Strangers to Lovers; Slow Burn; Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Pining; Mutual Pining; Domestic Bliss; Gay Bucky Barnes; Bisexual Steve Rogers; Writer Bucky Barnes; Art Teacher Steve Rogers; DIY; Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers; Tooth-Rotting Fluff; Eventual Smut; Bottom Bucky Barnes; Top Steve Rogers; Blow Jobs; Anal Sex; Light Angst; Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts
Summary: “Listen, I was just thinkin’,” Steve says, his face open, eyebrows raised in a tentatively hopeful expression. “Why don’t you come stay at my place for a while? I’ve got an office that I barely use, and a change of scenery might do you good, right? Help you beat that writer’s block?” With a crooked smile, he adds, “I promise I’m not a serial killer.” While Bucky would normally crack a joke about how that’s exactly what a serial killer would say, right now, all he can do is blink at Steve in surprise, heart tripping over itself in his chest. Steve wants him to come and stay at his place. In Massachusetts. Just the two of them. "Oh," Bucky croaks. "I- Wow." “I mean, no pressure,” Steve says hastily. “Totally fine if you don’t wanna. I just thought I’d offer, in case it might help, y’know?” “Yeah.” Bucky ignores the little voice in his head that sounds an awful lot Nat and Becca, telling him he’s setting himself up for heartbreak. “If you’re sure… that would be amazing, actually.”
See @anotherstuckybb post with more art and an excerpt here!
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daddynattt · 1 year
Go to sleep now 🙄 (I'm totally joking I know it's only 2 in the afternoon)
I got another FMKK with two different characters this time 🤭
Professor Peggy Carter
Serial Killer Agatha Harkness
Villain Natasha Romanoff
Cowgirl Maria Hill
-Variant Anon
stay awake you say? till 5am? sure wifey whatever you say 😌
ooo okay okay hmm
fuck Serial Killer Agatha (the way she will slice me up 😍) and i’ll let her
marry Villain Natasha
kiss Cowgirl Maria Hill (this is putting such a delicious image in my head)
sorry i gotta kill Professor Peggy :(
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merakiaes · 4 years
Epiphany - Jack Thompson
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Pairing: Jack Thompson x reader
Requested: Yes. 
Prompts: None.
Warnings/notes: In this, Chief Dooley is still alive even though it takes place after the events of Agent Carter. I haven’t seen the show in a while so sorry if it’s a bit out of character. I’m also extremely writer’s blocked, so yeah...😅 I’m feeling so unmotivated right now so please show some love, let me know what you think😭 NOT PROOFREAD!
Wordcount: 6405
Summary: Agent Thompson has never been anything but an ass towards you, but that’s all about to change. 
Being the younger sister of Howard Stark came with a lot of baggage, baggage that, at times, was far too heavy for you to carry.
The disadvantages were many and they were big, one of the biggest ones being that no matter how great and how many things that you accomplished in life, you never got recognized as anything other than Howard Stark’s sister.
That’s all you were, his sister. You weren’t (Y/N) Stark, you were just Howard Stark’s sister.
When you accomplished something, he was the one who got all of the attention, all of the compliments and applaud.
He was praised because obviously, he was the one who had taught you everything you knew, right? In no way could a woman, on her own, accomplish what you had. In no way could a woman be so smart.
And being the arrogant man that he was, he absorbed the praise like a sponge, leaving none of the spotlight to you; even when you were, in fact, the star of the hour.
His name, his fame and your kinship haunted you. When he did something good, you got told by everyone that you must be so proud to be related to him, and when he did something bad, well…
The time he got accused of selling off his inventions to the enemies of the state spoke loudly enough on that topic.
You worked at the SSR alongside Peggy and had been since the end of the war, in which you had both served side by side with Captain America up until his passing.
In the end, it became known that during all of the time your brother had been in hiding from the law, Peggy had been helping him in the shadows, in secret alongside his butler, Edwin Jarvis.
But despite it, you had been the one to be closely monitored up until that revelation.
Because of your kinship to him, the Chief and your fellow co-workers were suspicious of you and your every move the entire time they were chasing him, thinking you were just lying through your teeth when you said you had no idea about your brother’s whereabouts.
But you did, in fact, not have a clue as to where he was or what he was doing. Neither Peggy nor Edwin told you anything about their secret operation to clear your brother’s name, despite the fact they were both your closest friends.
When it was revealed that they had been the ones helping your brother and not you, you were happy to get Jack and the Chief off your ass, but that didn’t change the fact that your brother had trusted Peggy and Edwin over you, his own sister.
Having the same parents and being related to him did have its perks too, however; all of his personality traits weren’t bad. Most of them were, but not all.
You had both been blessed by the quick wit, intelligence, perseverance, confidence and loyalty. You were a very independent woman, sure of yourself, wise beyond your years, and you knew it, never settling for anything less than you were worth.
Luckily, you hadn’t gotten your brother’s arrogance and impulsiveness. You were the more analyzing, cautious, responsible and compassionate sibling, much to your own relief.
You were, however, just as sarcastic as him, if not even more. It was your biggest flaw and it often caused you to get in trouble, especially with your male co-workers as you almost always managed to out-wit them, making them feel threatened and like you were challenging their positions and superiority.
Which, in all truth, you were.
They were all sexist assholes, treating you and Peggy like brainless broads, as if you weren’t agents just like them.
Jack Thompson was one of the worst, finding pleasure and amusement in pissing the two of you, you especially, off.
You had disliked him all the way from the start but after the way he had treated you when suspecting you of helping Howard during his life as a criminal on the run, you could barely stand being in the same room as him.
You could barely breathe without it leading to some kind of sexist, oppressive comment leaving his lips and being thrown in your face.
Unlike other, well-mannered women who had known no other struggles than the ones of a housewife, you didn’t possess the power of self-restraint to keep quiet when being insulted or made fun off, and in the society you lived in, that wasn’t very ideal.
Especially not when your boss obviously valued the work of a man over that of a woman’s, too, no matter how much he tried to hide it. Needless to say, your big mouth and lack of impulse-control had put you in more than a few strained situations with your superiors at work.
Chief Dooley had even put you on suspension once when you had secretly gotten involved in a case that he had specifically forbidden you from partaking in. You really were your brother’s sister in those moments, and this time was no different.
Over the last three weeks, bodies of young women had been found all around New York City. The first week, five girls. The second week, four more and this week, two. But that was only so far, and the weekend still remained.
The girls all had their throats slit and their bowels brutally cut out. Being the serial killer-fanatic that you were, you instantly recognized the characteristics and realized in an instant that you were dealing with a Jack The Ripper copycat.
It wasn’t what the SSR usually dealt with but seeing as the killer had left a message specifically addressing you, the case was assigned to you.  
You knew you would have been able to help with the knowledge you had of Jack The Ripper, his strategies and his tendencies, but as usual, you were shut out of the investigation like you were with every case you showed the slightest of interest in.
One of the countless disadvantages of being a woman; you could impossibly have any information that the men didn’t already have.
So you were stuck at your desk, sulking and muttering to yourself while going through paperwork like every other day, slightly comforted by the fact that Daniel was willingly doing the same a few desks away from you, most likely having turned down any participation in the Copycat case out of pure pity for you.
It would have been a lot more tolerable if Peggy would have been there with you to keep you company, but for once in her life, she had taken the day off for the reasons she claimed and not because she was sneaking around poking her nose where it didn’t belong.
“Hey, (Y/N)! Bring us some coffee, will you?” A voice suddenly called out, breaking you free from your trance and pulling you back to reality with a jerk of surprise.
Your eyes instantly flickered over to the doorway on the other side of the room, completely oblivious to Daniel lightly snickering at your priceless reaction as your eyes found Johnson’s.
He was leaning back in his seat to be able to peek out of the office that him and the others who were on the Copycat case were currently residing, eyebrows raised and face pulled into an amused smile.
“Daydreaming again, are we?” He asked in a mocking tone and your face instantly pulled into a glare.
What the hell did he mean with again? You took your job more seriously than anyone, more so than him, more than Jack and possibly even more than Peggy. So what the hell was that supposed to mean?
You wanted to throw him a snarky reply but you stopped yourself, remembering that you were already on thin ice from the last time you had gone against the Chief’s orders.
So you sucked it up, breathing in a long breath through your nose and clenching your fists under your desks in an attempt to calm yourself, before forcing a smile onto your lips.
“Yes, I’m a bit distracted today.” You agreed with him through clenched teeth.
“I can see that.” He wasted no time in chuckling, raising his eyebrow. “So, coffee.”
The forced smile fell from your lips the second he uttered those two words, your eyes rolling. “Maybe if you ask nicely instead of bossing me around, then I could be so kind as to bring you coffee.” You replied.
As a response, it was his time to roll his eyes, before dramatically throwing his arms out and exclaiming loudly. “Oh, wonderful and talented (Y/N), please bring us some steamy, hot coffee so that we might behold your beauty if so only for a few seconds in these difficult times!”
You rolled your eyes once again, but nonetheless dropped the ballpoint pen that you were holding to the surface of your mahogany desk and stood up, brushing down your blouse. “I’ll be right there.”
A wide smirk spread across his face again. “Thanks, sugar.” He winked, and wasted not another second before leaning back into the room.
“Asshole.” You mumbled under your breath, shaking your head.
A chuckle came from down the room. “Duty calls, huh?” Daniel asked from his seat, where he had now turned away from his work to look at you with an amused expression on his face.
You narrowed your eyes at him, pointing a finger. “Don’t even start, Sousa.” You warned him, and turned around without waiting for a response to go bid to your co-worker’s command.
You put the cups neatly on a metal tray while you brewed some fresh coffee, pouring some milk into a small can and adding another small container with sugar cubes. All of that took no longer than a minute or two, so you stood there awaiting the coffee to be done impatiently the rest of the time.
When it finally finished bubbling, you took the pot and put it on the space you had saved on the tray and wasted no time in turning on your heel and heading for the open office.
The voices of Johnson and the two other agents in there became louder the closer you got and you quickly started suspecting that they weren’t working at all, something you got confirmed when you entered the room to find the case files pushed away on the table, the three of them instead flipping through a magazine.
The sight caused annoyance to bubble up in the pit of your stomach almost instantly and you had to quickly mask  your anger with a straight face when the three of them looked up at you at your entrance.
Putting the tray down in front of them, you nodded your head to the blue manila folders sprawled out on the table, raising an eyebrow at them. “Aren’t you supposed to be looking over the case files?”
They barely even acknowledged you, returning to the magazine with a wave of their hands. “We’re taking a small break.” They said. “We have a question for you actually.”
“That so?” You asked in a bored tone, paying them no mind despite feeling their gazes return to you, instead busying yourself with pouring them a cup of coffee each.
Johnson cleared his throat and as your eyes flickered up to look at them for the briefest of moments, you caught them exchanging glances while obviously trying to hold back smirks.
“Yeah, we were talking about our deepest, darkest sexual fantasies and how it would be interesting to know yours.” Johnson spoke and you raised an unimpressed eyebrow when the others attempted to hide their laughs by coughing into their hands.
He shrugged, the two of you now staring straight into each other’s eyes. “You rarely let on what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, makes a man wonder.” He smirked.
Your eyes narrowed into slits in an instant and you automatically put the pot back down on the tray, glaring. “I beg your pardon?” You scoffed and at that, Kesey leaned forward too, wearing a smirk to match his co-worker’s.
“Oh, come on, Stark. Don’t be a prude.” He said, causing the other two to chuckle.
You turned your attention to him. “He dies during foreplay and leaves me 1.3 billion dollars, that’s my fantasy.” You replied shortly, holding his gaze for a moment before returning your attention to the coffee.
They groaned, not at all satisfied by your answer. “No, but seriously.” They kept pressing and you sighed, once again lowering the coffee pot to look up at them.
“I don’t have time to ponder fantasies. If I want something, I go get it. I’m a go-getter.”
Johnson whistled, leaning back in his seat. “You know, you’re a pain in the ass, but… that’s kind of hot.”
“Wish I could say the same about you.” You fired back before you could stop yourself, watching as the smirk instantly fell off of all of their face.
“Why you always gotta be like that?” Kesey questioned, giving you an annoyed stare to which you only raised your eyebrows innocently.
“Be like what?” You asked, and he rolled his eyes.
“Sarcastic.” He replied. “You would be a lot more approachable and desirable if you just smiled more and talked back less.”  
“Yeah, because pleasing men is my main mission in life.” You rolled your eyes.
He glared right back at you but with a discouraging slap to his shoulder from Johnson, he just scoffed, turning his attention back to the magazine and allowing you to return to pouring them their cups of coffee.  
They started talking quietly among themselves, flipping through the paper that seemed to contain pictures of cars and women, but you managed to block their voices out for a good minute by putting all of your attention to the coffee, preparing it just the way you knew they liked it.
You were pretty sure you knew their preferences better than they did themselves at this point, and the same went for Peggy, with the ridiculous amount of times you’d both been forced to serve them like maids.
“God, what I would do to see her naked.” Was the first thing you heard when you finished pouring the coffee and zoned back into their conversation, looking up to see them looking down on a centerfold girl and wasting no time in scoffing, inviting yourself into the conversation.
“Do you know what I want to see?” You asked, holding Johnson’s eyes with a fierce glare when he looked up at the sound of the voice.
“What?” He asked and you scoffed again, putting the can of coffee down and shaking your head.
“A society in which the objectification of women makes way for gender-neutral interaction free from assumptions and expectations.” You threw a hand out to the folders of evidence lying to the side. “I can’t even begin to describe the density of illness I feel in my bone marrow right now, that is how appalled I am by all this. Women are dying and you’re supposed to solve the case, and yet here you are, wasting time and lookin-”
“Gentlemen.” Your rant was interrupted by Jack as he walked into the room, slapping another manila folder down on the table and raising his eyebrows at you in an easy smile. “(Y/L/N), you boring them with your feminist monologues again?”
“When is she not?” Johnson wasted no time in snorting back.
You glared at him, annoyed that he had spoken in your place, which only seemed to make Jack’s amusement grow. “What is with you and your constant preaching about the future being female?” He asked. “I mean, I know they say no dream is too big but come on, look around.”
He laughed and the others joined in immediately.
But you weren’t discouraged, crossing your arms over your chest and looking down at Jack who had now sat down in a chair, man-sprawling like his life depended on it. “You know, men who say that feminists want to overpower men probably know that there is already a gender imbalance and are threatened by the idea that gender roles will no longer be in their favor, so I’m only taking your insults as a compliment.”
Jack smirked up at you, nodding his head. “You do that.” He answered shortly and without even giving you a chance to reply, he turned his attention away from you like you were nothing, which only vexed you further.
“Any new leads on the suspect?” Johnson and the others turned their attention to their superior, all of them now ignoring you where you were standing with your arms still crossed over your chest.
Jack shook his head with a sigh, opening the manila folder he had brought with him and in turn urging the others to scramble for their folders.
“No, the lead turned out to be a dead end. This guy is good. We’ve had two new victims since yesterday and still no trace of him. He doesn’t leave anything behind, not a single fingerprint. It’s like he doesn’t even exist.”
“Whoa, whoa, woah, hold on.” You interrupted, holding a hand out and stepping closer to them. “Two new victims? Still all females? Why have I not been informed?”
Jack gave you an annoyed stare, obviously not happy about being interrupted. “You weren’t informed because it’s not your case, but yes. All female between the ages of sixteen and twenty-seven, all wearing uh…” He cleared his throat, averting his gaze from you. “Provocative clothing.”
“What does their clothing matter?” You scoffed. “They could’ve been strolling naked down the street and it still wouldn’t justify what happened to them. Women shouldn’t have to be modest to be respected.”
“If this is a Jack The Ripper copycat we’re dealing with then it does matter.” Jack looked back up at you. “Every victim so far have been women, dressed in suggestive, light clothing at the time of their deaths.”
“But none of them were prostitutes.” You pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
At this point, you were just talking back for the sake of arguing with him, knowing fully well that all of the evidence pointed towards a Copycat.
And Jack knew it. Not only because you had been the one to bring up Jack The Ripper in the first place, but because he also, no matter how much it pained you to say so, knew you and the way you functioned like the back of his own hand with how long you had been working together.
“No, but it’s obvious that their choice of clothing are provoking him. It’s the only thing tying them together and the only thing we have to go on.” He replied calmly despite his annoyance obviously increasing with every passing second.
You shrugged your shoulders, crossing your arms over your chest again. “Maybe he just doesn’t like blondes.”
“See, that’s what we thought at first, too. But the last two girls were brunettes, so there goes that theory.” He replied and you suddenly turned smug, realizing that he was giving you information on the case that wasn’t yours to possess.
But before you could dig any deeper, the Chief walked in with his own cup of coffee raised to his lips, and his eyes instantly found yours.
“Agent (Y/L/N), I thought I told you that you weren’t going to be on this case.” He told you, lowering the cup from his face and taking a seat at the head of the table.
“I’m- I was just bringing the hardworking men some coffee, sir.” You replied, clearing your throat, wiping your face free of emotion and uncrossing your arms.
He either didn’t notice the sarcasm in your tone or he just chose to ignore it, nodding his head in approval. “I left some paperwork on your desk and I need you to fill it out before the day is up because it needs to be posted to Los Angeles before the weekend. Each minute passing is a minute wasted so I suggest that you get to work.”
He waved a hand at you but before you could reply, Jack spoke up without looking at you. “And take your feminazi monologues with you.”
He was staring down into the case file, flipping through photographs of the crime scene, but it was clear that he could feel your glare burning into the side of his face with the way the corners of his lips tugged upward slightly.
You kept your gaze unwavering at him.
“The Nazis rounded up Jews, locked them in concentration camps, lined them up in gas chambers and performed genocide. When I’m asking, arguing and fighting for equal pay, equal opportunities, no judgement, and right over my own body, how is anything, apart from your fragile male ego, getting killed?” You asked, and he simply looked up at you with a wide grin, eyes squinted with mockery.
“Point taken, now go do your job.” He said causally and you could’ve sworn you felt your eye twitch right then and there.
But as earlier mentioned, you did posses slightly more control of your impulses than your brother, so you turned on your heel and walked out of the office with long, determined strides before you said or did something you would come to regret, closing the door behind you so that you wouldn’t have to hear their ridiculing chuckles.
“Well, I can see you’re not very happy but it was amusing as always to witness you in your natural habitat, so I hope it can provide you with some comfort to know that you’ve officially made my day.” A voice spoke not even a second later, and you felt relief flood your entire body at the sight of Peggy’s warm smile.
Your heels clicked against the wooden floors as you walked closer to her where she was leaning against your desk. “And what habitat would that be?” You questioned, watching as she raised an eyebrow.
“Putting disrespectful, sexist men in their place, rightfully so might I add, and being kicked out for doing so.”
“Yes, I fear it’s starting to become a habit of mine.” You chuckled, sinking down into your chair once you reached your desk.
Peggy pushed herself off the edge of said desk, uncrossing her arms and turning around to face her. “Starting to?” She asked, eyes sparkling with amusement.
You chuckled once more. “What are you doing here? I thought you took a day off.”
“I did.” She confirmed. “But my doctor’s appointment went quicker than expected so here I am.”
“Thank God for that.” You let out a loud breath, motioning with your hand to the large stack of papers now resting on your desk, looking at her guiltily. “Feeling helpful?”
All she did in response was smile, nod her head and pull a chair up to sit beside you, wordlessly grabbing the first paper.
With the help, it only took an hour to fill out all of the paperwork, but even though it would’ve taken much longer without the extra set of hands, you wished the time would’ve gone by quicker.
It was a Friday afternoon and there was nothing you wanted more than to go home, take off your heels, get out of your uncomfortable clothes and go to bed, and the last two hours of the day were always the longest, and hardest.
Once the paperwork was done, Peggy moved over to the breakroom to grab you a cup of coffee. She was the least exhausted out of the two of you seeing as she hadn’t been there the entire day and offered to do so, so that you could take a breather after the intense paperwork.
When she busied herself with that, you moved over to Daniel where he was still sitting at his desk, working hard.
You sparked up a conversation and became so engrossed in it you didn’t even realize another half hour went by and passed the end of your workday, also completely oblivious to the pair of eyes that instantly found you as the five men came out of the closed office.
Jack watched you laugh at something Sousa had said with an uncomfortable knot rapidly growing in the pit of his stomach, a sour taste growing in his mouth.
In a desperate attempt to get rid of the feeling of the anger bubbling up inside him, he raised his coffee cup to his lips and took a sip of the black beverage despite it having gone cold at that point.
He was so focused on watching you from afar, taking note of every move of your body and every flicker of emotion in your face, that he didn’t even notice Peggy coming up to his side until she cleared her throat and made her presence known.
Jack instantly tore his eyes away from you to look at the woman now standing beside him, only to find that she was looking straight at you, too.
“Why don’t you get off your high horse, swallow your pride and ask her out already?” She asked without looking at him, admittedly catching him by surprise.
“What?” He asked, chuckling nervously.
At that, Peggy turned to look at him, scoffing and giving him an unimpressed stare. “Oh, please.” She said. “Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
His eyes hardened and his Adam’s apple bobbled as he swallowed. “I don’t.” He replied casually, taking another sip of his coffee.
But she didn’t believe him for a second, and wasted no time.
“One day, you’re going to see her holding hands with someone who took your chance. She won’t even notice you because she’s too busy laughing with the stupid jokes he makes. And it will burn your heart seeing that beautiful smile on her face and realizing that you’re not the reason. And then it will finally hit you that she’s always been the one.”
She smiled softly at him, eyes glazing over as she fell into deep thought at the last part, obviously thinking back to her time with Steve.
“Sousa and the others might be blind, but I’m not. I’ve seen the looks you give her when she’s not looking. I’m not stupid, Jack. But you are.”
Her words made his façade falter for the briefest of moments, but he quickly covered it up with his usual careless smile, raising an eyebrow. “And why would that be?” He asked.
He was appearing so sure of himself but Peggy Carter knew better; she always did.
“Because only an idiot would let a woman like her slip out of his fingers. And if you want to have a chance, you might want to hurry up, because you’re not the only one who’s got your eye on her.” She answered, nodding her head in your direction.
Jack turned his eyes back to you at the sound of her words, finding that Sousa was now nowhere in sight, the new intern now standing in front of you instead, the two of you conversing about something and both of you smiling.
He had been transferred to your unit only a few weeks prior, having fought in the war like the rest of you and lost one of his hands in the process, dooming him to a life-worth of desk work.
He’d had his eye on you ever since he arrived, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of them; especially not Jack.
“It doesn’t make you any less of a man to let a woman shine, and you better come to terms with that before you even think about getting close to her.” Peggy continued. “Because she’s not a woman to be kept in the dark. She deserves better than that.”
Jack swallowed again, his eyes never leaving your form as Peggy spoke, and not when she turned on her heel and walked away, either.
He took a moment to regain his composure after the conversation he’d just had, his mind at war with his heart after everything Peggy had just told him. He stood by, sipping his cold coffee and watching you, until the intern walked away from you.
The discouraged look on his face made him feel smug in some way, and he quickly threw back the rest of his coffee, putting the cup down on the closest surface and wasting no time in heading over in your direction.
It took no more than a few long strides to reach you at your desk. He came up behind you, watching over your shoulder as you packed your things into your bag that was standing on your chair.
He leaned against the short side of the mahogany table, tucking his hands into the pockets of his grey slacks and glancing at you.
“An admirer, I take it?” He asked casually, watching your every move.  
You made no move to turn around to look at him, simply continuing to pack down the papers you needed to take home over the weekend. “Well, he tried. Didn’t have much luck but you have to admire him for his attempt.”
Jack snickered. “You might not want to be too picky, you know, or you’ll end up alone eventually.”
“I’d take that over ending up divorced after settling for less than I deserve any day.”
“Touché. But no matter how hard you try to deny it the fact still remains at the end of the day that every woman needs a man, sooner or later.”
“I don’t need a man.” You replied, closing the flap of your bag and grabbing your coat from the back of your chair. “I need a family sized tub of chocolate chip ice cream and a bottle of tequila to drown my misery of having to work from a desk every day.”
You hurriedly started to put your arms into your sleeves, wanting nothing more than to get away from the conversation at hand and go home.
When you grabbed your bag off of the chair and turned around to leave, Jack pushed himself off the desk, finally catching your eye. “Well, that’s a shame because I was thinking, when you’re done flirting with cripples who have barely gone through puberty yet, that maybe we could go out sometime.”
You instantly rolled your eyes, completely missing the fact that he, in his own way, had just asked you out.
“Do you ever take a day off from being an asshole?” You asked. “Does it make you feel good about yourself to talk down on everyone?”
“I think those may be questions best pondered over dinner.” He offered again, raising his eyebrows.
You could only snort and roll your eyes once more. “Funny. I know your tactics work on pretty much everyone else, but they won’t do any good with me. Good night, Agent Thompson.”
Without wasting another second, you hung the strap of the bag of your arm, walking past him and not looking back.
But he just turned on his heel and walked after you, walking by your side with his hands still tucked into his pockets.
“We’re not on the clock anymore, you can call me Jack.” He said. “And the dinner proposal wasn’t a joke.”
“What? You’re like, asking me out on a date?” You snorted, without looking up at him and without ever slowing down.
In the corner of your eye, you could see his head shaking. “No, just… causal dinner. But…” He trailed off, shrugging. “If we happen to have sex afterwards, so be it.”
His words instantly drew a scoff from your lips and you stopped in your tracks, turning to look at him with a glare. Before you could say anything, however, he continued.
“Having sex once or twice a week has been proven to boost your immune system to help fight colds and the flu and I don’t know about you, but I don’t really enjoy being sick.”
You weren’t impressed, not in the slightest, your glare remaining unfaltering. “It’s a good thing I have a perfect immune system, then.” You fired back and moved to keep walking.
But this time, he rushed up in front of you, blocking you from continuing. “Come on, I’ve run out of reasons that we shouldn’t, haven’t you?”
“No.” You answered without a single doubt in your mind. “In fact, I couldn’t even count all of the reasons on both my hands. I don’t have enough fingers.”
He opened his mouth to speak, but you quickly cut him off, raising your hands and beginning to count off your fingers.
“But let’s start with, uh, you’re an asshole. You’re constantly degrading me and treating me like I’m below you even though we have the exact same title and the exact same job. I’m an agent like you and yet, you treat me like I’m a secretary with no brains, like I’m not capable of literally everything you are. You’re a sexist pig and every day for the past two years, Peggy and I have been the targets of yours, the Chief’s, and everyone else’s oppression. So excuse me if I’m not jumping up and down with excitement at the thought of going out with you and becoming just another name on your endlessly long list.”
A long moment of awkward silence fell over the two as you finished your hateful rant. His mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water. For the first time since you had met him, you had left him speechless and taken the last word.
You thought, at least.
“Ouch. That hurt.” He spoke after a long moment, chuckling awkwardly.
His face was pulled into an expression of genuine hurt and for a moment, just for a moment, you felt guilty for going off on him the way you had. But then you remember that it was justified, and that he had it coming.
So you just hummed in response, averting your gaze to the floor. While you did so, Jack took a step closer to you and caught both you and himself by surprise by reaching out for your hand.
Your head instantly whipped back up at the sudden touch of his skin against yours, a sharp spark going through your skin and causing you to flinch.
Luckily, he didn’t seem to have noticed it. Either that, or he just didn’t care, instead looking down at you with warm, genuine eyes.
“Look, it’s a man’s world. It’s been a man’s world for as long as history goes, for as long as you and I have been alive, and we’re still living in it. But…” He paused, properly taking your hand into his. “I’m willing to learn how to look at it from another perspective.”
Your could feel yourself melting into his touch, your eyes softening but your face remaining stoic. You weren’t about to let your guard down that easily.
“I recall you calling  that my monologues about feminism boring no more than an hour and a half ago.” You pointed out, and watched as a lopsided smile slowly made its way onto his lips.
“Eh.” He tilted his head, shrugging again. “Not everything can be interesting. But that doesn’t mean it’s not necessary to learn.”
“Wow, this is… not like you at all.” You pointed out, eyes slowly narrowing. You tore your hand out of his grasp, taking a step back. “What’s going on? Did you make a bet with the guys or something? Is that it?”
“Do you really think that little of me?” He asked, looking genuinely offended.
But you only raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest. “Is this where I’m supposed to lie to protect your delicate, fragile male ego?”
He closed his eyes, raising his hand to his face and pinching the bridge of his nose. “No, forget I asked.” He mumbled, breathing in deeply and lowering his hand again. “I had an eyeopener, that’s all. Realized that there’s always room for improvement in one’s character and view of the world.”
He was obviously dramatically articulating his words for extra effect, the sarcastic smile pulling at his lips only proving that further.
You gave him a doubtful once-over, but soon felt yourself relaxing, your arms uncrossing from over your chest and your head nodding slowly. “Well, whoever made you realize that you were being a grade A asshole, give them my thanks. I like this version of you much better than the one I’ve had to deal with every day for the last two years.”
He instantly raised an eyebrow at your halfhearted confession, lips once again beginning to pull into a smirk. “So is that a yes to the date?” He asked and you raised an eyebrow in return.
“I thought you said it wasn’t a date?” You teased.
He looked to the side briefly, smirking. “Well…” He shrugged.
You chuckled, nodding your head and biting down on the inside of your cheek lightly in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to break out on your face. “I’ll be ready at eight tomorrow night. I would tell you where I live but I believe you already know seeing as you and Johnson stalked me every night for an entire month when you thought I was hiding my brother from you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “You knew about that the whole time?”
“I did, and you had no idea.” You chuckled. “The way you men think of us women as intellectually challenged works in our favor sometimes. We see so much more than you think.”
He grinned, unbeknownst to you feeling extremely proud of you in that moment.
Before he got the chance to say anything else, you gave him a nod of your head and offered him a wholehearted, sincere smile.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Jack.” You told him, and then pushed past him without waiting for a reply, walking away from him with butterflies in your stomach; the very same ones you had felt the first time you met him.
Before he opened his big mouth, that is.
But everyone was capable of change, and you silently thanked whatever person that had helped him on the right path to his sudden epiphany. 
Although, you believed you already knew.
Who else but Peggy?
Tagged: @corishirogane3​ @trenchcoatedwings​ @microwaved-timmies​
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