#Kim Tae Hyung Onshot
latinapoetbts · 5 months
You, I Want You [Part 2] "Love In The Club" - KTH & Y/N (Mini-Series OneShot)
Labels: KTH | Latina Reader Insert, AU, Smut, Club Scene, Noona Love, Master Program College Student, Reader is dealing with insecurity, featuring - other BTS members [Summary] - Y/N feels insecure about herself and the attention she gets from Tae Hyung. She thinks the attention is because he pities her. Little does she know that's not it at all; Tae makes a bold move to show her just how attached she is to her. Playlist: Playlist: A mix of sensual and upbeat tunes to match the story's mood-waist it on Me | Mi Gente by J Balvin, X {equis) by Nicky Jam & J. Balvin, Calma- Pedro Capo & Farruko, and Love in the Club- Usher. Part 1 Here | Master List |
Part 2: Love in the Club
As you neared the bathroom you saw your good friend Cristine and her boyfriend Jimin along with Tiffany and her boyfriend Yoongi. You also saw Hoesok and NamJoon, who were friends with Yoongi and Jin. Jin a classmate along with you. Then there was Leti and Veronica from class along with them. This was your group. You loved how accepting and supportive they were of you. You also loved how diverse your group was, koroean, black, philipino and latinos. 
“Y/N!!!!!!!! I’m so happy you are here I almost thought you weren’t coming!!!” Cristine squeals, taking you into her arms. You smile brightly, this is what you needed and wanted to distract you from your troubles. You greet the rest of the group with hugs.
“Babe what do you and Y/N want to drink…” Jimin turned to you and Cristine.
“I’m good thank you.” You respond. 
“I don’t think so girl, we are treating you tonight, drinks are on us. This is a special occasion, you never come clubbing with us!!”. You smiled at the two of them, your heart filled with love. They were such great friends even if they were 6-7 years younger than you.
‘Everyone is so determined to buy my drinks. Fuck it, I’m going to get trashed tonight!’ You made the revelation that you were going to have fun and tell that critical voice in your head to ‘shut the fuck up’. You are determined not to let your anxiety get in the way of having fun, not tonight. 
“Ok. I’ll have whatever you're having! Oh wait nevermind. Maybe the next round or something because Tae hyung is at the bar buying me a drink right now”. 
“Oh, no big deal. I'm still buying you a drink y/n and I will keep them coming”. You smiled at Jimin.
“Thank you--” you couldn't finish your sentence due to being pulled away by Cristine to the bathroom.
“Ok guys we are using the ladies room and will find you guys by the bar!”. Leti and Veroncia followed behind you and Cristine.
“Y/N you look beautiful! That top is sexy, look at that cleavage, girl display them proudly cause you got some nice tits! And those skinny jeans and heels, girl I’d want to take you home If I liked girls!” You blushed slightly.
“Thanks, cristine. I needed to hear that I feel so weird being here and….”
“Shh that will be enough of that! You are here to have fun, get treated right and maybe get laid!”.
“What! Get laid, are you crazy, I only been separated for 2 months and I-I-never been with anyone else...besides Jack--.”
“Besides who? The asshole!!! Fuck him. I don't want to hear about him.  I will support you in whatever you decide tonight laid or not. “ You both giggled and Veronica and leti join in.
“Yes that pinche cabron!” Veronica spits out as you laugh with her. [Trans: Fucking Bastard]
“Y que se come verga!” Leti chiming in. [trans: and eat dick.]  
“Yes what they said!” Cristine laughs. You couldn't be more happy. As everyone finishes in the restroom and starts walking out, Cristine holds you back.
“Tae Hyung is here huh? And he bought you a drink? That was nice of him…” Cristine comments, raising her eyebrows at you. 
“Don’t give me that look Cristine. It was nothing. He bought Amanda a drink too….”
“Uhhh... Amanda? That bitch is so clingy...Y/N… I've been noticing the way Tae looks at you….”
“Stop right there...your crazy...he’s just a really sweet, funny, smart, caring guy….”
“Oh is that all? Just all those amazing traits not to mention he is fine as hell! Next next to Jimin of course---and he seems to….”
“Cristine, let's get out of this bathroom….” Your attempt to end the conversation.
“I’m just saying that I’ve noticed how he looks at you. And whenever you're late to class he always asks me where you are and if you're ok. Even when you're absent, he seems a little down....and why not have a little fun? What’s the harm in....”
“Cristine, I’m like 7 years older than him...and you're making something out of nothing...come on let's go get those drinks….” Your last attempt to change the subject.
“Ok, Ok, let's drink and dance!”
You were relieved to get out of the bathroom with her but your heart was still fluttering replaying her words in your mind.
‘I’m just saying that I’ve noticed how he looks at you. And whenever you're late to class he always asks me where you are and if you're ok. Even when you're absent, he seems a little down....’
You had no idea that he would ask about you. A smile formed on your lips. He really is a nice guy. You made your way back to the bar with Cristine. You saw that the group had found Tae Hyung and Amanda. Amanda, still standing as close as possible to Tae hyung giving the impression they were together, at least from your perspective. Tae was smiling brightly and chatting with the group. His eye caught yours, his lips spreading into an even bigger smile as he lifted both hands into the air displaying 4 shot glasses. 
‘He waited, Why is he so perfect, it kills me’, you thought to yourself. 
The song blaring in the club was “Waste It On Me”. You loved that song, but definitely needed some shots to feel comfortable dancing. As arrived at the group Tae handed you your shots. Jimin handed Cristine hers and also handed you another shot mix. The group laughed with all the drinks in your hand.
“Woah, someone is getting wasted tonight!”, Nam joon replied, winking at me. Tae raised his shots in the air in your direction as you both took one shot after another. Tae grimaced as you kept a straight face downing your tequila shots. You finished with your green tea shot and handed your glasses to Tae Hyung, turned to face the dance floor just as the song Mi Gente by J Balvin played. You loved this song. You were happy that this was a club that plays all genres of music. The alcohol took on its effects quickly, now you were feeling wild and free as you used to feel all the time. 
“Damn, Y/N you can really handle your liquor. Impressive---Tae not so much”. Yoongi comments as the group laughs. You, Cristine, Leti and Veronica start dancing to the song, you weaving your hips in seductive figure eights with your fingers laced into your hair. Ah yes, the sweet sweet drum beats and reggaeton rhythms taking over your body. You were in your element. You alternated between figure eights, body rolls and hip hop moves. You were definitely feeling yourself and losing yourself in the music, the liquor egging you on. You had not turned loose like this in several years. You felt like a wild tiger set free from it’s cage now in its natural element. For the first time in a long time you felt confident and sexy. 
POV: 3rd Person for Kim Tae Hyung
He watched her as she moved her body in ways he had only imagined. He knew she had it in her. He had watched and observed her in class, during after class bar meet ups and project meetups. She was smart, funny, kind, thoughtful and outgoing. To him she was beautiful in every way. He was ecstatic to say the least when he saw her at the club. He only came because he had heard she had agreed to come and hoped that he would find her here. He just wanted to be near her as much as possible. She was addictive, his vice, his weakness and what made him mad with want. He wanted to be her shield and protector. He didn’t care that she was older, he didn’t care that she had a kid and he could care less that she technically was still married. It was only a technicality, they were separated now. He was a scumbag who didn’t deserve her as far as he was concerned. 
Flashback: POV: Tae Hyung
I heard her cell ring and watched her eyes roll when she saw who it was but she chose to ignore it. The phone kept ringing over and over. She finally stood grabbing her phone and excusing herself from the table. 
“I’ll be right back…”
About 10 or so minutes went by, and I just couldn’t wait any longer. I excused myself and told them I needed to get something from my car. I walked out into the parking lot searching for her and that’s when I spotted her in the car her windows cracked. I could hear her crying. I stayed in a spot where she couldn’t see me. I felt wrong for intentionally eavesdropping on her but I was glad I did. 
“No! Don’t come here. You can’t do this to me anymore. We are separated. You can't force me to anything anymore! No you can’t just keep her to try and punish me. Jackson, don’t. Ok! Ok! I’m coming.” 
I watched as her cries turned to weeping. She wiped her tears, buckled up and left. The following day was the evening to start on our group project. When I arrived at Cristine and Jimins apartment I asked where she was, he motioned that she was with Cristine and that they were having a girl talk. 
When she came out of Cristine's room. I saw her rolling down her sleeve quickly but it was too late. I saw the bruises, a trail leading from her wrist up her forearm. Her lip slightly bruised and busted. My heart broke, she didn’t deserve this, she deserved to be loved and adored. And slowly over time I felt myself wanting to be that person to her. 
[Flashback ended]-Present Club start / POV: 3rd person for Tae Hyung
He was enjoying watching her dance, she was enticing. He ensured himself to pregame before arriving at the club because he wanted to be disinhibited and free of self conscious restraint.  He wanted to be relentlessly charming and flirtatious with her. He wanted to make it known to her that he wanted her. He could only hope that she wanted him too and in order to find out he needed to be restraintless. And when it was all said and done, if she rejected him, none of it mattered because he was also set in making her have the best night of her life no matter what. He wanted to be the reason she had a great time. 
He watched as she continued to deliciously roll her body to the music. She was an amazing dancer. 
“Damn, Y/N is getting it. It's hard to believe she is married and a mom when I’m seeing her like this.” Nam Joon comments to Jin and Hoesok.
“Actually she is separated…” the words slip out of Tae Hyungs mouth as he winces instantly regretting letting that slip out. That was personal information and was something that she had shared with him. ‘Fucking alcohol is working’ he chided himself. 
“I thought she might be single since I overheard Cristine the other day tell her she needed to put herself out there...when I was over at their house and she was there giving us batcha dance lessons. I’m glad you confirmed this Tae Hyung...excuse me...boys…” Hoesok comments as he starts to sway his hips more to the music dancing his way towards Y/N. 
You watched as he expertly gilded himself behind her swaying his body matching her rhythm, wrapping one arm around her waist and his other arm mirroring the arm that hand her fingers laced in her hair.
She responded to his touch without looking back. Placing one hand on top of the hand on her waist and resting her head back in the crook of his neck. He was spooning her perfectly, their bodies rocking and grinding together effortlessly. She turned her face slightly as Tae caught her side profile, her face display pure ecstasy. It was driving Tae Hyung mad. He continued glaring at the two of them trying to hide his jealousy. Jimin grabs Cristine taking her out to the dance floor as Nam joon grabs Leti and Jin grabs Veronica. The song switching to another latin jam. (X {equis) Nicky Jam & J. Balvin. ) He watched as Hoseok guided y/n while still dancing to the dance floor. Y/N grinding her ass hard into Hoseok. Amanda grabbing Tae Hyungs hand dragging him to the dance floor, his eyes still glued to Y/N and Hoseok. 
Y/N turning her head to the right, catching Tae Hyung's intense gaze on her, her hand stroking the side of Hoseok's face. Tae couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, neglecting Amanda twerking. Her eye’s growing wide at the sight of Tae Hyung. She careens her head towards Hoseok seeming to be taking him in for the first time. Smiling shyly at him and slowing down her dancing.
“Hoseok...I’m sorry I didn’t know who it was…”, Hoseok smiling and still swaying with her.
“Hey baby girl, I don’t know who you thought I was but you can definitely keep doing what you are doing…” a smirk playing on his lips as he pulled her tightly between his legs. She glances at Tae again, Hoseok following her graze. Amanda is still grinding away at him, as he barely responds to her keeping his eyes on Y/N not noticing or caring that Hoseok is watching the interaction taking place. Y/N looks away. The song changes. Hoseok takes Y/N by the hand and guides her to the side of the dance floor and near the bar. Tae Hyung instantly follows, leaving Amanda on the dance floor.
“Hey, are you ready for another drink? I know I am.” Tae asks, grabbing Y/N free hand.
“Hey Tae, I got her…” Hoseok nods to Tae Hyung. Tae Hyung licks his lips in irritation. 
“Ok.” Tae responds but follows the pair to the bar leaving Amanda behind. 
“What do you want Y/N?”
“I’ll just have what you are having, Hoseok…” She smiles warmly at him and steals a quick glance at Tae hyung who is flirting with Lacy the bartender. Meanwhile Hoseok is still waiting to be attended to.
“Y/N here, 1 amaretto sour and 1 green tea shoot”. He hands her the drinks.
“Thank you…” Hoseok glares at Tae Hyung.
“Hey Tae I told you I got her…”, he says, his voice tense.
“Well, I was the one taking care of her before you even got here and promised to keep them coming right y/n?”. Tae squaring up to Hoseok.
“That’s true and thank you for that...what is up with everyone trying to buy my drinks. Why is everyone just trying to get me drunk? Are you guys planning something?” Laughter spilling from her mouth, she was past buzzed. She took the two drinks from Tae’s hand.
“Here’s to getting drunk and dancing troubles away!” She clanked her drink with Tae’s and chugged it followed by the green tea shot. Hoseok considered the situation and his options. He could see it in Tae’s eyes, he was so obvious that he wanted her but still wasn’t drunk enough to make a move. He also was aware of the way Y/N looked at him on the dance floor. He decided it wasn’t worth a fight tonight and set his eyes on Amanda who was desperate for attention. 
“Ok, Y/N Tae’s taking care of you tonight, I respect that, I’ll have to wait till I can have you for myself” he winked at her. Tae puffed up wanting to pounce on Hoseok for his comment but decided to let it go. He ordered two drinks and headed towards Amanda. Tae finished his drinks as well and felt embolden as the songs changed again. Here was his opportunity. 
POV: 2nd Person Y/N
You were past the point of buzzed but not yet drunk. You finished your drinks with Tae Hyung still thinking how you were grinding on Hoseok thinking it was Tae Hyung the entire time. Even standing in his presence you couldn’t keep from imaging grinding on him and that's when one of your favorite songs blarred in the club. It couldn’t have been more perfect.
Love in this Club- Usher
He entwined his fingers within yours pulling you gently yet briskly to the dance floor, was he as eager as you? When you reached the dance floor it felt literally as if all other individuals had faded away and it was only you and the lights dimmed a spotlight on the two of you. You turned your hips swiveling into the space between his legs, rolling your ass as hard as possible onto his dick. As soon as you pressed against it you felt it was already hard.
“I want to see you…” he whispered in a sultry sweet warm breath into your ear, spinning you effortlessly around to face him. Positing you perfectly with one leg in between your legs, his thigh pushing up the lips of your aching core. You bit your bottom lip wishing you were wearing a skirt rather than jeans. He placed one hand at the back of your waist pressing your abdomen flat against his and driving his thigh higher into your cunt. You breath hitched as you grinded against him swaying to the rhythm of the music. He tilted your chin up with his free hand.
“Don’t take your eyes away from mine, not even for a second….” You sucked in a cold breath as he pressed his forehead against yours, his lips ghosting yours. Your eyes locked into his deep brown orbs. You couldn’t imagine anything that could break your gaze from him. You were drowning in him. Your shallow breaths swirling with his breath, you were both breathing as one. 
“Ok…” was all you could muster in a breathy whisper.
“That’s my girl…” he replies, licking his lips, his tongue skimming just barely over your parted lips. He was on the verge of bringing you to your knees literally. You were nearly so far gone you were ready to unbuckle his pants and suck him off right there on the dance floor in hopes he would take you right then there in the club. Making love in the club like no one else is there just you and he. 
“....” you were rendered speechless. You wondered if he could feel how fast your heart was beating. “Fuck it’, you told yourself. You were losing your shit coming undone right before him as he grinding his thigh savagely into your core and making love to you with just his eyes. You were dripping wet, feeling horny was an understatement. You don’t think you’ve ever wanted a man as much as you wanted him right now in this moment. You closed the gap, he must have had the same idea because your lips crashed together at the same time.
He molded and moved his lips against yours softly and gently pushing them open flicking his tongue in, you opened your mouth willingly taking in the length and warmth of his tongue.
It was delicious still with the flavor of sweet amaretto as your tongues swirled together effortly like you were both made for this, for each other's mouths. He cupped the back of your head bringing your mouths even closer together. You let out a moan that reciprocated a shutter from him. He releases his own moan into your mouth breaking the kiss panting but never breaking his gaze from you. It was too much, you look away.
He instant brings your face back towards him, “na uh...I told you not to look away. You’ve disobeyed me and now you must be punished....” you trembled, his pressure increasing on your core, his hand grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing bringing nearly to your breaking point. 
“Tae, please… I-I-can’t, take much more...fuck, I’m going to cum right here…”, You lost yourself in him. The song coming to an end, provides you with some relief so to speak, you felt so edged it was unbearable. 
He takes you by the hand pulling off the dance floor not giving you or him an opportunity to speak to anyone. He takes you towards the club entrance and presses you against the wall near the entrance.
“You get to choose, here are you choices--- (planting wet kisses on your neck) , do you want to be punished in the club--- ( sucking your neck) or in my car, because I’m not willing to wait till I get you to my room. And then, i’ll have you again when we get home…. (more sucking and licking at your neck) ” moans escaped your mouth, you were shaking in between his arms, your legs felt like jello. 
“I-I--” You couldn’t even speak.
Part 1 | Master List| Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate you! If you love this fiction, please let me know. It really keeps me motivated when I get feedback! Thank you in advance for reblogging, or adding me to your favs or following!
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