#King Aelle
teamivankaye · 6 months
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Vikings: The Missing Scenes
King Aelle's Last Night with his Wife Ealswith
It was before dawn after a restless night. The King of Northumbria was sitting in his night shirt on the edge of the broad bed that he had been sharing with his wife for over three decades.
He had opened the curtains of the bed on his side and his impressive figure was bathed in a mixture of black and silver tones from the pale moonlight shining through the window. Staring outside, into the darkness, he pondered what this day might bring for him and his people: victory or doom?
As much as his confidence in the Lord's assistance had grown during the recent events, in this hour between night and day, all his doubts were readily lining up in his mind again.
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No matter how many times he had gone down in prayer and emerged enlivened and with renewed trust in the ongoings in the divine realm and his place in the greater scheme of things: It only ever lasted for a limited time. Too often had Aelle faced adversity, loss and defeat since those savage brutes had laid foot on his shores for the first time. The heathens' triumphs over good Christian people had left even the clergy at a loss.
After striving to adhere to all the rules to the letter over the years, Aelle found it hard to imagine that they would be allowed to triumph again now, especially considering that God had gifted Aelle the most dangerous one of them, his worst enemy, on a silver platter, so that he could finally make him pay for his cruel misdeeds, acting as the instrument to restore the proper order of the world. Yet the heathen plague had threatened Christian lands for a very long time with inexplicable success and the Lord's intentions always remained blurred. Aelle had never been graced with any clear signs that would have strengthened his confidence.
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Now, the heathens had landed farther south than expected and Aelle would have to meet them outside of his new fortifications, very likely on the open field, if he wanted to block their way. And allowing them to advance farther into his kingdom was out of the question. His people had suffered too often and too much from the incursions of these savages. It was his duty to protect them from further harm. But then, on the open field, a battle was usually won by numbers and the numbers of this "Great Heathen Army" had been anything but clear in the reports of his scouts.
Aelle exhaled with a deep sigh, about to rise, when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. His wife had awoken and silently risen to step around the bed, unnoticed by the king who had been deep in thought and in search of an invigorating feeling within.
"Do you really need to lead the army into battle in person?", Ealswith asked almost in a whisper, barely veiling a tremble of concern in her voice.
Turning his head, he placed the hint of a kiss on her fingers as her hand still rested on his shoulder with a loving touch. Here, in their chamber, shielded from the curious looks of the outside world, they could drop all masks, have their weak moments and show their affection for each other.
"You know the answer", he replied calmly. "Why do you ask?"
"I had a horrible dream", Ealswith shuddered, squeezing his shoulder. "And a king who has reached such an unusually high age ..."
Aelle looked out of the window again.
"A king of such a high age, however strong, does not stand a chance in a man-to-man fight with savages half his age and should better send his heir to lead the decisive battle?", he completed her sentence, pressing his lips together in a bitter, slopsided smile.
The squeeze on his shoulder intensified and he heard a stifled sob. In a sudden wave of regret, he turned around and took Ealswith's hand, dragging her down onto the bed beside him.
"Forgive me, my dear", he said in his softest voice, looking into his wife's tear-filled eyes. "I did not mean to stir up your grief again."
He appreciated her usual composure, the dignity with which she bore the terrible loss in public and most of the time even in private. But this seemed to be a weak hour for both of them.
"God has already taken our son. I cannot lose you too, my lord!" Ealswith's voice was shaky, but she kept her countenance enough not to weep. Aelle was grateful for it as the rare times she had wept, it had affected him more than he wanted to admit - and he had always felt terribly clueless about what to do to comfort her.
He sighed again. She was right that it would all have been much easier if their Ecgberth had lived to be a man. If Aelle could at least rely on his heir for support now if on nobody else. Yet one thing would not have changed: He had to fight this battle in person, to settle the old score with the Northmen once and for all and to restore the dignity and reputation of his kingdom.
"You will not lose me", the king reassured his wife more firmly than he felt. "Don't forget that we have finally regained the Lord's favour."
But Ealswith still looked at him with scared eyes. Her hand was hidden in his big fist and now, she put her other hand on his.
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"But what if we do not understand His plan right?", she asked. "What if these barbarians slaughter you? In my dream, there was blood and pain and horror everywhere - your blood and pain, I could feel it!"
She shuddered again. He had rarely seen her so horrified.
"Now, now, my dear Ealswith", he patted the back of her hand with his free hand in a helpless attempt to soothe her anxiety. "Let us not give a mere dream so much weight. Maybe it was just your worst fears that showed up. I have always returned to you, have I not?"
He tried a smile but he was not sure how convincing it looked as such a vivid dream of impending doom in the night before a decisive battle was a bad omen indeed.
"Aelle, dear husband, please, for the love of God", she pleaded, "do not go in person, not this time!"
"I must", he stated, gently but with authority. "This is my duty, I am the king. I would not be worthy of the title if I sat in my castle, watching from a safe distance as my subordinates save my kingdom and rid our lands from the heathen plague - or perish in the attempt."
"But what shall we do without you, my lord?", she asked in a disheartened tone. "What shall become of us, of our kingdom - and of our daughter, if you don't return?"
Upon hearing these desperate words, King Aelle sighed deeply.
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"Ealswith, my dear wife, do not talk like this, there is no reason to despair." He realised that his own torment at the thought of leaving not only his people, but also his family exposed to the barbarians without proper protection was barely hidden in his voice, so he squeezed her hands reassuringly.
"Believe me, I wish our son was still with us and I could assign your safety to him and leave you in his trusted custody. But even then, I would have to fight this battle myself. Be assured, I have taken all possible precautions to keep you safe in the event of a defeat."
Once more, Aelle explained to his wife:
"I have set up a chain of couriers to convey news from the battlefield to you as fast as possible. You know what to do if word of our defeat reaches you: Quickly retreat with the household to our remotest castle at the southern border. In that event, I have given instructions to send an envoy to Wessex immediately. You will be able to survive and defend yourselves for a while even with the small number of men in arms that I can leave behind - if the heathens find you. So, you will be safe until Aethelwulf can come to your rescue."
At least, Aelle hoped devoutly that his son-in-law's honour would prompt him to do so, if he could. While Ealswith listened to his reassuring words, she straightened up and bravely swallowed her unshed tears.
"Well then", she said with forced composure. "But you must promise me to do all in your power to return to us alive. All you can do, no matter what it requires!"
Aelle swallowed hard, hesitating, and considered her request. Not a man to take a promise lightly, he acknowledged that it was hard to tell what it might entail in this case.
A defeat of his troops was not too probable as he had raised the largest force in the history of his reign. It would easily defeat the biggest heathen army he had ever seen on Saxon soil, the combined forces of two kings and an earl.
Admittedly, the information his scouts had brought about the enemy's numbers were deficient, since the Northmen had not landed with all their ships in one place, but were scattered along a great stretch of the coast and it was hard to locate all of them. But it was most likely that they tried to obscure their numbers because they did not, in fact, live up to the rumours they had spread about their "Great Heathen Army". Scattering their ships along the shores was probably another device of their psychological warfare. Besides, it was not too likely that Ragnar's death would rally an enormous number of Northmen when he had not even been able to bring his own sons, let alone any significant number of troops while he had still been alive.
Despite his ever nagging doubts about God's plans, Aelle was thus fairly confident that he would be able to beat the heathens in a battle in the open field this time. And even if they turned out to get the upper hand, he could still retreat behind his fortifications and fight them off from there.
But IF the Lord in his wisdom, for whatever reason, had decided to withdraw His grace again and to allow a defeat of the Northumbrian forces, then keeping the promise Ealswith was asking for could very well involve dishonourable behaviour. And that, as a king, Aelle could not afford - and, as a man, he would find hard to bear for the potential compromise of his pride.
Eventually, Aelle sighed and decided that his good, loyal wife had bravely endured and sacrificed so much in his support over the years, without complaining even once, that she deserved this urgent wish to be fulfilled. She deserved this sacrifice on his part to calm her mind. So, he would agree - but with one important exception that, he reckoned, would keep his dignity safe.
"Save for running away from the enemy under any circumstance", he said earnestly, looking straight into her eyes, "I will do anything it takes to return to you alive. I swear it by our Lord Jesus Christ."
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That seemed to console her. As he rose from the bed, Aelle drew Ealswith into an embrace and she snuggled up against him, resting her cheek on his broad chest. For a moment, he held her slim figure tightly, gently striking her hair and enjoying her warmth on his body, remembering times past that they had spent happily in this chamber in their youth while learning to love each other.
She was a tall woman but he still had to bow down a bit to rest his chin on her head. The sudden realisation of her fragility touched him and, for a moment, he felt his throat tightening at the mere thought of losing this treasure or of imagining her in the hands of these savages - her or their young daughter. As fast as he could, he diverted his thoughts from such nightmares.
"Come back to us alive, my lord", Ealswith whispered. "We need you. All of Northumbria needs you." He gently kissed her on the forehead.
Then, he released her, in order to get dressed and head to the chapel as he had need for the comfort of prayer.
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Before donning his armour, Aelle bade his family farewell. They had joined him in the changing room for a last halfway private moment. As he entered, Aelle embraced their young daughter, the joy of his later years whose unexpected arrival had helped them to survive Ecgberth's loss. Her young heart was racing and he suddenly felt a constriction in his chest. She must have heard the renewed rumours about the alleged invincibility of the Northmen and the enormous size of their army. A look at his wife's face when he kissed her a last time showed him that a new level of concern had taken over his family's minds.
He felt desperate about leaving them in this state, but he had not much time left to uplift their spirits. Besides, the latest estimates were, in fact, concerning, even though the rumours still seemed exaggerated. With the troops waiting and the battle ahead, the pressure did not allow him to cater for the emotional needs of his womenfolk in the way he would have wished. He had to stay focussed on his strength and determination.
"Are you sure these pagans can be defeated?" Ealswith asked in deep worry, taking his hand while the servants put on his armour. "Judith warned us."
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therealvikingstrash · 9 months
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xbalanque-br · 2 months
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
You could take a shot where Ragnar makes a deal with Ecbert so that in the future his children will marry for peace. And the reader is the daughter who should marry Ubbe or Bjorn but as they are both married (margrethe and torvi) it was left to Hvitserk who is annoyed by having to marry because he likes margrethe, but after the arrival of the princess he changes his mind… happy final and smut pls
It took me so long to finish this, I am so sorry. I just finished and wanted to post as soon as possible, so If there's any mistake let me know. I had so much fun while writing It, thank you for your ask. I hope this is just as good as you imagined in your head, hope you like It as much as I did.
Maybe I wrote a Part II for this one
hell was the journey (but it brought me heaven)
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You never dared to dream of a marriage out of love, that wasn’t allowed for people like you, you knew what was expected from you. Since you got old enough to understand your place in this world, you always knew you had a duty, a hard but rewarding duty. At least that’s what your father told you, you’d feel rewarded as soon as you fulfilled your duty. 
The morning you left Wessex, King Ecbert held your hand and told you the future of all England depended on you, depended on you marrying a man you never met in your life but was destined to since the day you were born. 
Years before you sailed, Ragnar set foot at the beach in Lindisfarne and this decided the course of your future. After years of battle, King Aelle from Northumbria and Ecbert from Wessex finally reached a common ground with the vikings: they wanted land and they could have It, If they promised not to raid ever again and this pact would be sealed by marriage, a son of Ragnar should marry a daughter of one of the kings. 
Nothing happened for years until Ragnar returned to Wessex, years later, with two of his sons. Your father gave in completely, you were a baby back then and knew nothing about pacts, saxons and vikings, either way your life was completely changed by them. 
After sailing for a few days, you arrived in Norway, met by bad weather and curious gazes from the pier. Your ship docked, more people gathered around and someone you imagined was the king walked firmly towards you, followed by more of them. 
“Princess.” He announced, his voice was a loud howl that startled you a bit. “Welcome to Kattegat.”
“Thank you, my lord.” You murmured, whispering your words under your breath. “It’s an honor.” 
“I’m Bjorn. Come with me.” 
They walked you through the city, suspicious looks burned holes on your skin why you crossed the path. As soon as you arrived at their great hall, a feast awaited you, a big table was sat in the middle, filled with food and ale. Everyone was laughing and talking until Bjorn showed up with you on his tracks. Gazes crossing his body like It wasn’t even there to find your small figure hiding on his back. 
“This is for you.” He whispered, offering you his hand, which you accepted shyly. “We were all waiting for you.” He led you to the table, offering you a seat. 
“You are even more beautiful than I thought.” A beautiful woman caught your attention, she was sitting right across from you. 
“Thank you.” You nodded.
Bjorn started to introduce his family, pointing to the people gathered around the table and giving their faces a name you would have a problem repeating. He was the king, you noticed that, people seemed to respect him, he had a lot of brothers they couldn’t be all sons of Ragnar, you thought to yourself. Turns out they were, and that beautiful woman, she was named Aslaug, was his wife, their mother. You learned three of them were already married, Bjorn, the oldest, was married to a woman named Torvi, she had a kind smile towards you. The second one, a man named Ubbe, was married to a woman named Margrethe, someone who didn’t seem as friendly as the others. And the last one, Ivar, was married to Freydis. 
“And this one is my brother Hvitserk.” Bjorn announced proudly, hugging him by his shoulders and slapping at his chest. “Your future husband.”
He smiled at you, smirked actually, his lips slightly curled up as he looked down at you. He was handsome, you thought. Long braided hair falling on his shoulders, a beautiful pair of green eyes sparkling on his face, his smirk sending shivers down your spine. 
“It’s an honor, Lord Hvitserk.”
Hvitserk bowed, they all laughed and you frowned, but didn’t say anything. The feast kept going, they started to talk about your future wedding, about all the things you must learn and do before the ceremony and how you and Hvitserk couldn’t be together during this period. You didn’t think much of It since there wouldn’t be much of a talk between the two of you. 
As the days passed, you got to know more of them, they welcomed you into their space and happily taught you everything they thought you needed to learn, all the fantastic stories you would go to bed to think about. During this time, you grew closer to the women of the family, their mother, Aslaug, was gentle and cared about your well being, always checking If you were feeding and sleeping well. Torvi became your favorite storyteller, she would talk to you about traditions and their past, and was always kind to you. Freydis always made sure your hair was beautifully braided, tamed into intricate patterns. Only one of them always kept her distance from you, not really talking or even acknowledging your presence. 
“Who is she?” You asked once, Freydis was sitting behind you and she sighed, her breath slightly touching your shoulders. 
“Margrethe.” She answered angrily. “She’s Ubbe’s wife.” 
“She doesn’t like me.” You murmured. 
“She only likes the sons.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“They say she slept with all of them before she married Ubbe. She wanted them all to herself.” 
“Hvitserk…” You whispered under your breath.
“Soon you’ll be his wife.” She moved to your front, blocking Margrethe’s vision. “He will only have eyes for you.” 
“Does he have eyes for her now?”
She didn’t answer, she didn’t have to, you saw it in her face, something was going on between them. That realization made you extremely sad. You didn’t think he would have been waiting for you, but never imagined you would have to battle for a place you always thought belonged to you. The way Margrethe acted around you was everything you needed to know about her relationship with Hvitserk. 
That night, as you laid back on the bed, you knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep, thinking about Margrethe and Hvitserk and what you were going to do now, you hated the feeling that you were, somehow, the intruder. You laid there, awake, staring at the ceiling and dealing with the deadly silence until It was bothered by a few muffled sounds. 
Frowning in the dark you mentally debated If you should go check it or not and after the sounds got heavier, whispers and sighs, soft words that didn’t seem for your ears, you swallowed hard, your mind lost the control over your body and you saw yourself getting up and slowly walking towards the door, leaning against the wood and trying to listen. 
When you finally decided to leave the room and opened the door, the noise got louder. The small corridor was poorly lit by some torches stuck in the walls, the orange light flickered in the dark, creating dancing shadows on your face as you slowly walked towards the noise. Your room stayed in the back of the great hall, the only thing separating the corridor and the front of the hall was a thin fabric curtain that you softly moved away so you could pry on what was happening. 
You hid against the wall and looked through the thin material, eyes widened at the scene unfolding before your eyes, utterly shocked. Margrethe was trapped between two bulky men, one of them being her husband, Ubbe and the other one you couldn’t see, he had his back towards you. Her eyes were closed, her lips were parted, she moaned softly while they both moved obscenely against her body. 
You couldn’t believe it, even though you heard about their different manners, you didn’t expect that. She tried so hard to hug both of them, but that didn’t seem possible while Ubbe grabbed her hips from behind and the other man spreaded kisses all over her chest, kneading at her breasts. You blinked in shock, but weren't able to stop looking, too entranced by them. 
“Too much…” 
You heard when she moaned softly, her lips moving slowly while she carefully opened her eyes, a different gray tone mixed with green. She tried to focus on something until she found yours, widened, looking at her. She mumbled something and the man in front of her finally looked over his shoulders, a loud gasp left your throat when you noticed he was your future husband. You quickly covered your mouth and when they all looked towards the tiny door frame where you were, you moved fast trying to hide. Everything went quiet again and you ran back to your room, locking yourself inside, hands on your chest while you walked backwards into the room until your knees met the edge of the bed and you fell sitting. 
Timid knocks on your door warned you they followed you, three voices whispered exasperated outside your room, but you pretended not to hear, stayed inside, in silence, waiting until they left, something that happened quicker than you thought. So you sat in your bed for hours, waiting for the sun to rise and when its first rays creeped through the cracks of the window, the maids you had taken there with you, finally entered your room. 
“You didn’t sleep, my lady.” One of them whispered.
“Is it that obvious?” You asked back with sarcasm. 
They helped you to get dressed,  a beautiful red gown with long sleeves to help you face the cold in Kattegat and probably the wrath of the vikings, but you didn’t mind, you had made your decision. You left your bedroom with your maids leading you towards the great hall, the same corridor, the same door frame, you felt chills down your spine. The only table was already occupied and the first pair of eyes to meet yours, was Hvitserk’s, he blinked quickly as you walked firmly towards the head of the table, his brother Bjorn. They all looked at you at some point, the conversation stopped and you sighed before starting to talk. 
“We should talk.” You announced firmly, looking at them from where you were. 
“Shouldn’t we eat first?” Bjorn asked, offering you a place at the table, but you rejected.
“I am not hungry.” You answered. “The sooner we end this conversation, the sooner I’ll leave Kattegat.”
“What?” He gasped, getting up with a jolt. You startled, taking back a step or two. 
“I guess my presence here is useless.” You started. “I don’t think any of us want this thing to happen.”
“What are you talking about?” Bjorn insisted. 
“I don’t know what is going on here, but I don’t think Lord Hvitserk wants to marry me. And I know we all have an agreement, but after so much time, we can change things.” You continued. “We can make the decisions for ourselves, you could make the decision of not raiding again in England, and we can make the decision of keeping your settlements safe. It’s not necessary to go through something none of us desire.” 
“I don’t think you understand this, princess.” Bjorn tried, his eyes narrowed as he looked down at you, his expression smug and arrogant. 
“Don’t treat me like I’m stupid.” You hissed. 
“I am not. But this thing you’re suggesting it’s beyond stupid, It’s suicidal.”  
Hvitserk, who was silent the whole time, finally got up, held Bjorn’s arm, stopping him in his tracks before he said anything else. 
“I guess It’s time for us to talk, princess.” He told you, a little too harshly.
“I guess It’s late, lord Hvitserk.” You hissed more sharply than you intended. 
“What is going on?” Bjorn tried again, his eyes on his little brother. 
“Let’s talk in private, princess.” Hvitserk insisted, ignoring the confused looks from his family.
“I will do no such thing! You’re not my husband, I can’t be alone in private with you!” You replied offended. 
“Then we can discuss what happened last night here, in front of everyone.” He smirked and your cheeks flushed almost immediately, your hands went to the sides of your face trying to cover up your embarrassment while you blinked in utter shock. “It’s your choice.”
“Not in chambers.” You warned before walking away without looking back. 
You didn’t see, but felt him following your steps outside the great hall. You walked fast, but Hvitserk reached you, held your arm and stopped you both. 
“We’ll have more privacy on the beach.”
“I thought you didn’t need privacy, my lord.” You teased. 
“I do need actually, you’re just nosy.” He teased back. 
“How dare you?!” You raised your hand ready to slap him in the face, but he held It in the air, before It could reach him. 
“Lurking in the shadows, watching people while they’re distracted.” He pulled you in, your faces so close you felt his breath fanning on your cheeks. 
“I wasn’t lurking!” You growled, pulling your arm out of his grasp. “You were out doors, you didn’t seem very preoccupied with that last night.” 
“You remember last night very clearly.” 
“I remember how disgusted I felt.” 
He stopped, didn’t have any answer for that and you were so angry with him you could scream, you felt betrayed, even though he wasn’t your husband yet, you felt it either way. 
“Do you love her?” You asked all of a sudden and he didn’t answer that either. 
“Why are you asking me this?” He frowned. 
“I don’t want to marry a man who can not love me.” You sighed. “I know we don’t love each other now, but I always thought that whenever I married someone… Maybe… With time… That can not happen If you already love someone else.” 
“I… I don’t know…” He answered honestly and you smiled to yourself. 
“You always know these types of things. You just don’t want to tell me.” You finally looked at him. “How do you do this? How can you share?” 
“I guess a little is better than nothing.” 
“Honestly, I don’t want to do this.” You murmured. 
You left him there and he didn’t try to stop you. After that you just locked yourself up in your room, well not yours, the room they settled for you and felt like an outsider again. People knocked on your door, your maids, Bjorn, Torvi and Freydis, even Aslaug made her attempt to talk to you, but you didn’t want to see anyone, not in that moment at least. 
“What happened?” Bjorn asked angrily, looking at an equally nervous Hvitserk, who didn’t answer.
“She saw us last night.” Ubbe was the one to clarify things. “With Margrethe.” 
“What??” He asked again, this time in shock and Ubbe just shrugged. 
“This is low.” Ivar said, looking at the food in front of him. “Even for you, brother.” He completed, pointing at Hvitserk. 
“Not as low as you.” Hvitserk answered, receiving a bunch of peas on his face thrown by Ivar. 
“Stop tormenting your brother. This is serious.” Aslaug scolded. “How could you do this?” 
“I didn’t think she was going to see It.” Hvitserk answered. 
“She’s just like Ivar.” Sigurd teased. 
“At least I'm not a christian and not his future wife.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” Bjorn growled loudly, looking angrily at Hvitserk. “You better fix this, because if she leaves, you can forget the last few years of peace.” 
“I know brother, you don’t have to remind me.” 
“Then why did you fuck Margrethe in the middle of the great hall?”
“I was drunk.” 
“Great explanation brother, why don’t you tell her this?” Ivar teased again. 
“Ivar, don't make things worse.” Aslaug scolded once again.
The conversation went on for some time, with Hvitserk dealing with his whole family talking about his sex life, but he wasn’t really listening, your voice in his head asking him If he loved Margrethe and his lack of response, he didn’t know that, love was such a strong word for whatever happened between himself and his brother’s wife. He liked her, liked to have sex with her, he felt betrayed when she accepted to marry Ubbe, but he didn’t know If he loved her. And while those thoughts circulated inside his mouth, you were someone he felt he could love someday, someone with whom he could create a family of his own. 
He marched to your room, thought about all the things he could say to you and softly knocked on your door. You didn’t answer. He insisted. This went on for a few minutes until he finally heard a few noises coming from inside, next thing was the door opening and revealing your tired shape. 
“Would you forgive me?” He asked and you blinked. “Ever?”
You sighed. “Lord Hvitserk.” 
He took your hand to his mouth. “It won’t happen again.” He mumbled against your skin and kissed your knuckles. “I can promise you that, If you forgive me, It won’t happen again.”
“You promise?”
That seemed a childish thing to do, asking for a promise, but that’s what you needed and you didn’t even know If you could ever trust him close to that woman, but something inside you turned your confidence into melting butter as soon as his skin touched yours, he had something you couldn’t explain, something that entranced you. 
“I promise.”  
After the talk, the marriage preparations were rushed, everybody feared Hvitserk could mess up again since Margrethe wouldn’t leave him alone. You could sense her circling him like a vulture, everytime you were together she would sneak around, ask for his help or something, he would smile and politely deny her and she would insist, until he’d give up and go with her, that was the worst thing about the time before the wedding. 
Once the day came, all of the women in the family showed up in your room to help prepare you, your maids didn’t have much to do. Torvi brought a beautiful white gown for you, long sleeved with golden embroidment, you were mesmerized. They took you out to the river, helped you wash yourself, dressed you and braided your hair, they even put a flower crown over your head, you felt beautiful. 
The ceremony wasn’t really easy for you since you weren’t totally understanding what was happening, but once the few droplets of blood touched your face, you knew It was done. You learned this that week. Hvitserk smiled and gave you a tender kiss on your forehead, another one on your cheek and finally touched your lips softly, your cheeks flushed immediately and you smiled shyly. 
A feast was thrown, with lots of ale and food, people gathered around the great hall laughing and screaming with each other. Hvitserk was the happiest you ever saw him since you first met and you were letting yourself think that was because of you. 
“Sigurd, now you’re the only one left.” Bjorn teased. 
“I have a lot of women, brother.” He teased back, making Ivar laugh on his cup, almost gagging with liquid.
“You??? Who would want to sleep with you???” He laughed.
“Definitely more than the ones who want to sleep with you.” Sigurd rolled his eyes. 
“He already has one, Sigurd.” Freydis growled, walking towards Ivar and sitting on his lap. “He doesn’t need anyone else.” Ivar smiled proudly, kissing her on the cheek.
“Sigurd, you’ll have to settle one day.” Aslaug started. “Have a family, have children. I can’t wait to see this place filled with your children.”
“I can arrange that. Don’t need to settle to bring children into this world.” He insisted, making his mother roll her eyes in anger. 
“You should be content with just one woman, like your brothers.” She insisted.
“I don’t think Hvitserk can do that.” Margrethe talked for the first time during the whole feast. “He’s too insatiable, too greedy.” 
The smile that was on your face slowly faded, everyone stayed in silence and eventually looked at you. You felt embarrassed, but didn’t answer, nor looked at her, you drank from your cup and stared blankly into an invisible point in front of you until Hvitserk’s beautiful emeralds showed up, a tiny smirk curling his lips up before he kissed you again, taking you by surprise. He tasted like ale and meat, strangely pleasant on your tongue when you felt It against his, both of his hands on the sides of your face for a quick moment, a feverish but quick moment. 
“I already found the one who can satiate me.” 
You blushed, but pride filled your tummy. Your hand met his cheek and silently thanked him for his kind gesture. After that the conversation restarted, what Margrethe said completely forgotten once Ivar and Sigurd got into another one of their fights, but Hvitserk’s eyes were still on you, he was nuzzling into your hand and you were thankful, relieved, maybe this whole thing was right after all. 
By the end of the night, they took your husband by his legs and put him on their shoulders, led him to his house while your maids and the girls took you by the hand and followed. The screaming and the laughing stayed for long until they took you to the bedroom and Hvitserk kicked them out very quickly, until you were both alone. 
He touched your shoulders, then your neck, lastly your cheeks. 
“We don’t have to do anything.”
“It’s alright.” 
“So you want to?”
You nodded. 
He kissed you again. Slow. His lips softly touching yours while he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. You shivered, feeling his tongue slowly entering your mouth and massaging yours, the taste of ale was so strong It made you slightly dizzy. You pawed at his tunic, pushing the fabric with your fingers and pulling his body in until his chest pressed against yours. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered against your mouth. “So, so beautiful…” He took his kisses down your face, nipped at your jaw before he started pressing insistent kisses on your throat. 
His hands met the straps of your bodice and started to untie until the leather garment fell on the ground around your feet. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in, making you stay on your tiptoes and hug his neck, fingers dipped in his braids. 
“Come to bed.” He whispered again, holding your hand and taking you. 
Carefully, Hvitserk sat you on the bed, he kissed your forehead before taking off his tunic. That was the first time you ever saw a man half naked, your cheeks flushed and you moved your gaze away from his body. Quickly, he grabbed your hands, putting them on his own abdomen. The rigid muscles tensed under your palm and you bit your lower lip, with his thumb he pulled your lip out of the grip of your teeth, slowly caressing the trembling flesh. 
He softly kneeled in front of you, you felt his hands on your legs, first on your calves, then on your knees and up your thighs, his touch raised goosebumps on your heated skin, he smirked when felt you trembling. Slowly, he raised one of your legs and started spreading kisses while sliding up the hem of the dress. His mouth was sinful, wet and soft, he left a trail of saliva behind. He did the same with both of your legs until you were leaned back on your elbows and your gown was crumpled on the middle of your thighs. When his kisses went up a little further, you jolted, shooting up into a sitting position and touching his chest, slightly pushing him away. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” He repeated, his hand covering the one you had on his chest. 
“Just… Just… Be gentle.” You pleaded, utter embarrassment on your face. 
He nodded and got up, taking you with him. His hands met your hips and took the fabric of your gown, carefully he pushed It up, sliding it off of your body leaving you only on your white chemise. Hvitserk then took you on his arms, bride style, laying you down on the bed, your head softly touching the pillows. Your hands met the sides of your face while he laid down on top of you, his hips looking for home between your legs which you allowed, opening up to accommodate him. 
Hvitserk then lowered his head, his lips choosing a place on your neck to nip on, he pulled up the sheer fabric of your chemise over your chest, exposing your breasts to his hungry gaze. The sensitive skin of your nipple prickled even before he did anything. Lowering his head even more, your husband took one nipple in his mouth and you gasped at the new sensation, wet and warm. You fisted the sheets, eyes immediately closed while you whimpered under his ministrations. 
“I can’t believe you’re mine.” He murmured after releasing one nipple with a soft pop. “All mine.” He hissed before taking the other nipple into his mouth too. 
He lowered his kisses, finding the soft skin of your tummy, licking and sucking, leaving a trail of light red marks. He traced the curve of your belly button with the tip of his tongue before licking down your belly.
“W-What are you doing??” You asked when you saw where he was going, he just smirked, kept licking down your curls until he brushed against your clit and you shivered. “Serk…” You breathed the nickname you heard so many times, so easily It seemed was made for your mouth. 
His eyes were dark, nothing of the beautiful emeralds you were growing used to, they had a dark shade of gray while he looked at you. He spread your legs even more, using his shoulders as support as he lapped up your folds, slowly savoring you like the sweetest wine. His tongue was soft and warm, your folds were dripping into his mouth, making him moan softly, humming in satisfaction. 
You threw your head back and grabbed the sheets, your toes curled and you wined loud. You never felt that way before, your body was completely out of your control and under his power, the kind of feeling you've never experienced. He kept licking through your slit until you felt his tongue inside of you and you whimpered, a little uncomfortable. He then used his free hand to gently massage your clit, distracting you almost immediately, he buried almost his entire face between your legs as his lips curled around your clit and sucked, you started seeing white spots behind your eyelids, a tight coil forming on your belly when while your hips started to move under their own accord against his mouth. He hummed again, like he was happy you were doing that. 
“Serk…” You breathed out, feeling hot and bothered as never before, like you were about to explode. You sequenced his name and your legs trembled around his head, your body went rigid and you moaned long and loud, a relaxing sensation taking over your body. He kept licking on you as you experienced the twitching and the aftershocks of the first orgasm of your life, he only stopped when you squirmed away. 
When he raised his head, his mouth was wet with your slick and he had a silly smirk on his face as he climbed up on you and kissed you, making you taste your own juices on your tongue. He was quick to discard his own trousers, all while squirming to stay in between your legs again, you hugged his neck and blinked nervously. 
“We don’t-” He started but you touched his lips with your fingertips. 
“It’s alright.” You assured him and he nodded. 
He grabbed his cock between your bodies and lined the tip with your wet folds, rubbing the head against your clit, making you shudder. He kissed you again and pushed his tip inside you, the stretch burned your walls that fluttered around him, he growled against your mouth, completely immobile. 
“Can I move?” He asked you, a pained grunt, like he was using all his strength to stay still. His arms supporting his weight on each side of your head started to shake and you breathed heavily, nodding the permission he asked for.  
You cried out in pain when slid a little more inside, his lips brushing against yours as he stopped again, but you pressed your fingers on his nape, a silent consent for him to keep going, he looked at you with true concern, his eyes glossy as he slowly entered you until he bottomed out completely and you mewled loudly, closing your eyes. 
Hvitserk spread kisses all over your face, wetting his lips with the insistent tears falling down your cheeks, he burned inside you like wildfire, the stretch was almost unbearable. 
“Sweetheart… I’m going to pull out…” He hissed, seeing how painful this was for you. 
“No… Just… Give me a minute…” You breathed out, opening your eyes to look at him. “Would you… Would you kiss me, please?” You pleaded with hooded eyes. 
“Of course.” He answered softly, touching your lips with his feverishly, it’s messier than the other kisses he gave you, sloppier, his teeth brushing against your lips and his tongue massaging yours obscenely, within minutes you’re deep into his spell again, trembling hands on his neck, tugging at his hair and slightly untying his braids. 
Noticing you’re distracted, he moved, pulling out a little and slowly coming back, you mewled into his mouth, your walls fluttering around him but he doesn’t know If it’s because of the pain or pleasure. So he pulled away from your lips, smiling a little when you followed blindly reaching for his mouth, moving under him and pulling him in a little more. He grunted under his breath, sighing heavily while trying not to think about the way your walls feel around him. 
Suddenly his forehead is against your lips, his eyes are closed, all of the veins on his arms are visible and puffed, you touched his biceps and he shuddered on top of you. Pride filled your heart knowing you were the one doing this to him, you wanted to do more so you moved your hips up, the burn inside you reduced a bit and you moved again, Hvitserk moaned. 
“Sweetheart… Don’t do this.” He pleaded, a breathed beg, his breathing fanning against your chest. A groan left his lips and you felt his cock twitching inside you, the foreign feeling a little overwhelming but not causing any discomfort.
“Please move.” You hissed and he immediately obeyed, like his body was just waiting another sign of consentment. He pulled out a little and slid right back in, you felt the burn and mewled. “Keep moving.” You pleaded again and he growled, doing exactly what you asked. 
Hvitserk slowly moved inside you, trying his best not to hurt you, but he never felt that way before, buried inside you felt better than anything he ever felt, It truly felt like Valhala and you looked like a Goddess, blissed out under him, taking all of him so well. He wanted you to feel just as good as he felt, he dived his hand between your bodies and gently touched your clit, you shuddered, that touch being the first real pleasure you felt since he slipped inside you. 
He kept massaging your puffy clit, looking at your parted lips as he slightly changed the angle of his hips, searching for that spot inside you. You mewled when he found, fluttering at the new position, widening your eyes and staring at him when you felt that same tingle from before, he smiled when he noticed. He kept thrusting into you, always searching for that spot, always pressing on your clit, but the way you gripped him, he wouldn’t last long. 
When he picked up his pace, you felt the burn again, but Hvitserk was deep into his pleasure, he needed to finish, so you hugged him, close, trying not to focus on anything but the gentle tugs on your clit. However, he knew he needed to be faster, so he did, a few more thrusts and he was gone, his hips slapping up yours sloppily quick until he stopped completely and you felt the twitch of his cock, the warmth of his spend inside you and the rough noises coming from his throat. 
“I’m sorry.” He pleaded before raising his head up to look at you. Your hands met the side of his face and you smiled tiredly at him. “It won’t hurt this much next time.” 
“I know.” 
Quickly, Hvitserk moved, getting up from the bed he walked out of the room and came back with a bowl full of water and a clean towel. You watched as he cleaned between your legs with the wet cloth, gently washing away the pink stains on the soft skin of your thighs. When he was done, he put the bowl on the ground and moved to lay down by your side, pulling you in so you could lay on his chest, one of his hands softly touching your hair while the other grabbed your own, tangled your fingers and pulled it towards his lips, he started spreading kisses on your knuckles.  
“Will you make me happy, Hvitserk?” You asked all of a sudden. 
“That’s the only thing I can do from now on.”  ***
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This blue and gold costume was first worn by Clive Wood as King Henry I in the 2010 mini-series The Pillars of the Earth.  It was spotted again in 2013 on Ivan Kaye as King Aelle in Vikings. 
Costume Credit: Lucia
E-mail Submissions: [email protected]
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last-night-is-a-blur · 9 months
Vikings (the Show) thoughts
Spoiler Warning
I find Sigurd dying so early a waste. Both because he died before he managed to do much, and the viewers didn't get to know him well, and because in the tales of Ragnar and his sons, he became king and married Aelle's daughter.
It would be cool if Sigurd became the King of Kattegat (or another place for that matter), married Judith's sister and brought her to Scandinavia. Watching a Saxon princess trying to adjust to life there would have been interesting.
I also find it a waste to kill Gyda so soon. I am curious how she would have turned out. I imagine her as gentle, open-minded and curious woman who longed to explore the world and wanted to carry on Ragnar's dream of seattling in fertile land where their people could live in peace. Not much of a warrior, though she might have learned to fight to protect herself and others. More of a diplomat, explorer and peace-keeper who influences things around her without murder and warfare.
I imagine her staying with Ragnar, since Björn left with Lagertha, and Athelstan becoming like a second father to her. Since Aslaug focused mostly on Ivar, Gyda stepped up to take care of her three other half-brothers.
Someone even suggested that it could have been cool if Gyda had been the woman who "inspired" Harald to conquer Norway, since in the legends that woman was also named Gyda (though she was a daughter of a king named Eiríkur). I kind of like that.
People talking someone becoming King of Iceland is a bit funny, because Iceland has never had it's own king (just foreign kings, who annexed Iceland). For the first few centuries Iceland didn't even have a Head of State. It by several chieftains who together made legislative desicions.
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Complete Athelstan Fic Ideas List (for anyone interested in the long long explanation of what I'm working on):
-There is Thunder In Our Hearts (4th and final chapter) Status: almost complete I swear
-Hallowed aka The Yule Fic Status: hopefully will be done for the Vikings Fall Equinox event!
-The one where I'm shipwrecking him AGAIN wtf is wrong with me Status: like 2 pages written?
-The Victorian Orphan AU Status: a couple paragraphs??? idk if I'll actually finish this one
-I have an angsty idea regarding him building a church, based on an idea/dream of @grantairescurls' *ahem* I think you know what I'm talking about yes I was serious
-Modern au where he goes skiing with the Lothbroks here is me yelling about that one
-Another modern au set during the holidays, it's Christmas at the Lothbrok Norwegian cabin & adventures ensue
-A ridiculous self indulgent plot bunny about him being a tutor to Ragnar and Lagertha's kids during the 1920s and they take him in when he becomes deathly ill??? why do 9/10 of my plot bunnies start like this lmao
-OK AND I have. Uh. A Knew Idea that's like a fantasy au with very similar societal/political dynamics as the canon universe but it's Different, and Athelstan is some kind of archivist who's sent by King Aelle to investigate Ragnar because he thinks he's behind the raiding of their country and basically uses him as a spy & also there's magic I'm weirdly insane about this one
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To be in the favor of Gods... PART 5.
AN: I got back into Vikings. AAAABSOLUTELY obsessed w the Ragnarssons ofc... who isn't?
Part 4 here.
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-Will you not be jealous of eachother? - you whispered to Bjorn.
-We have talked about it a lot when you were sickly. It is fated, our feelings are unmoving and true.. If you'll have us... - he said looking into your eyes.
In the battle against King Aelle..
You decided you would fight alongside with the sons of Ragnar. Your brother Harald merely just used you for his gains, at least some of the sons of Ragnar were seeing after your wellbeing. You did not give Bjorn your answer. How could you possibly.
It turned out you were right again. The great viking army defeated Aelle's in two hours, the rest of you were now searching for survivors , looting the swords of the christians. You were standing on top of the hill, looking over everyone when Harald stranded up to you, Halfdan hot on his heels. When he got to you, he took his sword, attempting to slash you, but it was just a failed attempt, because you were just as good as Lagertha. So now, the clinking of your swords were gathering everyone's attention. You were standing your ground.
-You betrayed and humiliated me today sister.. - he grunted before attacking you.
-I think you forget how you disowned me and kick me out to the mountains to die brother.. - you said before attacking back.
-And i forgave you in the great hall.. do not hold a grudge little sister, the gods wouldn't like that.. - he told you before grazing your arm. Ubbe and Bjorn suddenly on your sides, drawing their axe and sword.
-I think it is not you who has the right to forgive Harald, i also suggest you stop this right now before we kill you too. - shouted Ubbe before stopping Harald's sword before hitting you again.
Harald dropped his sword with a smirk, you looked at him, then Ubbe and Bjorn, before turning around and storming away.
The rest of the day you didn't talked to them. One of the hostages lead the army to the place where Aelle killed Ragnar. Ivar was blood-eagleing the man. His screams filled the forest, making most of the men laugh. Aelle was a pathetic man and a pathetic leader. You set camp for the night, knowing nobody would be coming to attack you, their king was dead. When any of your brothers or any of the Ragnarssons even tried to took a step towards you, you stood up, and walked away, far from them.
You were thankful that they had tried to help you, but so so angry that none of them believed you could stand your ground. You were not the fragile princess they thought you were, and you had proved it a thousand times by now.
At dawn you were throwing rocks in the water, when someone walked up behind you.
-Ubbe.. - you greeted him with a coldness.
-(Y/n).. we just... - he started but you jumped up standing in front of him with a few strides, only to start to hit him with all your might.
-You just what? You thought i couldn't stand my ground against ONE man? You thought jumping in to protect me would do well for you , didn't you?
-(Y/n) listen.. - he held your hands to stop you from fighting, but you threw him on the ground, straddling him, hitting him.
-No, you listen. I am not a damsel in distress, im not some christian girl, nor Margrethe. I am not afraid of nor Ivar, nor my brothers. I am afraid of noone. - you said before he turned you both over, so now he was hovering over you as you struggled.
-I know you are not. - he said as he tried to kiss you, only for you to bite his lip, drawing blood, Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, showing you fragments of the future. He would be against Ivar in a battle, then the next fragment was you straddling him, chasing your orgasm, as you showered you with kisses, his hands nearly bruising your skin... When you regained your body from the images of the future, he was looking at you in worry. It was frustrating to say the least. You knew you wanted them, and at this point wanted nothing with your gifts. But it was something you couldn't do.
That day the army started their journey to Wessex. When you next set camp, you decided to sit on the shore far from everyone.
-Freya, show me when. Show me until when do i have to suffer like this. Will i lose my gifts if i... - you pleaded to the god.
Soon enough images filled your mind again. You were walking towards a house up over Kattegat. Your hands caressed the weeds, and trees on the way to it. You were wearing white, and flowers in your hair, gold markings over your face. You stepped into the hut, Bjorn fast on your side, taking your hand. He wore white too, you were his wife. You looked him over, before Ubbe shut the door and locked it, slowly walking over to your other side like a lion to his prey. You undid your dress, the soft white fabric falling to your feet. Their hands started to wander around you, their lips started to shower you with kisses. Then you heard a voice, a distant voice calling your name. Ivar was by your side.
-What did you see? - he asked.
-Nothing that concerns the revenge or you. - was all you said before standing up. He grabbed your hand looking up at you.
-You should talk to them. They suffer just as much as you do... - he said with all his sincerity. Then you stood up and left for the forest, even further away from them.
By the time you were back in Kattegat, you were so frustrated you even decided to sail with your brothers just to be further away from Bjorn and Ubbe. They didn't know what has gotten into you. Ivar just smirked at them.
-Don't sulk borthers.. Don't you see what her problem is?
-What are you talking about Ivar? ... - said Ubbe rolling his eyes.
-As experienced as both of you are it's a shame i need to tell you this... the god's are plaguaging her with images... that is not connected to the raids... nor to any of us other than you two.. - he said as he curled his finger, lightly tapping his temple with it... motioning them to think. They again rolled their eyes, and went to the other end of the ship, resuming their sulking. You had clearly said before that you could not lay with them...
A few days later you were standing on the dock of Kattegat, hugging your brother Halfdan.
-Take care of that bastard for me brother. - you said to him.
-You still love him don't you?
-'course i do, he is my brother just as much as you.. you are just wiser.. - you said smirking, kissing his cheek.
-You sure you don't want to come home with us sister?
-Yes, i have business here. Can't refuse what the god's have shown me. I must stay..- you said with a sad smile. As he let you go, he smiled at you before hopping in the ship, leaving the dock slowly. And you watched as they left for the place you once called home.
Soon winter came again. Your hands were cold as you wandered around the forest near Kattegat. You saw a trail of someone else there, deciding to follow just in case. It went further into the forest. When a hut came into view, you were suddenly picked up. You started to trash is the man's arms, and he just laughed. The sound was familiar.
-Ubbe, you want me to die of fright? - you ask smiling at him.
-No, i just wanted to spend some time with you.. - he said setting you down, bumping his forehead into yours.
-Well there is a blizzard coming, so we certainly wouldn't make it back to Kattegat now.. - you said looking around.
-We can wait it out in that hut. We used to play there when we were kids. - he said as he took your hand and led you to the small hut.
He lit the fire, as you prepared some salted fish and bread for supper.
The converstaion flowed easily as you both ate and sat in front of the fire. He made sure you wouldn't freeze that night. As you both laid down on the bed, looking at the ceiling, the silence was welcome. After some time you heard him sigh.
-Why are you avoiding us? - he whispered.
-I am not. - you answered him.
-Yes you are, cmon, tell me. - he said as he hit you in the side with his elbow.
You sighed and waited a bit in silence.
-I guess.. it's just hard..
-What is? - he turned to his side, now looking at you, as you were staring at the ceiling.
-I.. i guess.. um.. it is frightening me that i may lose my gifts some day.
-Mother didn't..
-I know, but what if it's different with me?
-(Y/n), why would you lose your gifts? - he said cupping your face, making you look at him.
-The gods have been... they have been plaguing my mind with images. Now i don't know which is the future or which is just a mere dream. All the futures i have seen in my life time... yet i can't seem to trust even the gods with my heart.. It is a burden so heavy i don't know what to do anymore...
-Show me then, let me help you carry it... - he said before hovering over you. You nodded a bit, before biting your lip to draw blood, before he dives in to kiss you. He saw it all. He saw all the lust and love that have been torturing you for months.
His voice is dropping so low you almost think it's just in your head.
-So that's what you have been seeing...
You again just nod, looking into his eyes.
-I could help you my love.. - he told as he dived in to shower your neck with kisses and soft bites making you clench your thighs together. Breathing heavy.
-You cannot... we cannot Ubbe... - you said, his name is barely above a whimper.
-What if i can help without making you mine? - he said as he started to slowly undo your dress. You didn't stop him this time. He rid you of your dress. Suddenly self-conscious about your scars you tried to cover yourself.
He kissed up on your stomach, in the valley of your breasts, your neck before lightly pecking your lips, moving both your hands to grab on the back of the bed, and you obeyed. His hand caressed every inch of skin, his lips kissed every scar you hated. Before he settled between your legs. Slowly kissing, licking up your slit, circling your nub, drawing the prettiest noises from you.
He did not talk, just ate you out like a dying man. You were his air, his last meal. His hands gripping your thighs, your butt, sometimes reaching up to cup your breast or to play with your nipples. Your moans become quieter, your breathing is even more ragged. YOu are near. He kisses up your body again, to kiss you passionately on your lips as he replaces his tongue with his finger down on your aching nub, circling it gently, making you moan into his mouth.
He is circling, caressing, pinching you, looking into your eyes as you came. Shutting your eyes, feeling him kiss you again. It is much softer this time. He gathers you in his arms, hiding both of you under the furs, setting your head on his chest. He slowly rubs circles on your back as you cuddle.
-What if you get bored of me? - you asked playing with the hairs on his chest.
-I don't think i ever could.. - he answered kissing the top of your head.
-No, seriously.. what if this is all we could ever do.. and even that you'd have to shar with your half-brother. Would that be ever enough?
-If it would grant me half your heart i would do it a thousand times over.. Don't underestimate yourself my love.. There is noone i would ever want other than you.. - he said as you slowly fell asleep in his embrace.
When the morning came you were cold. When you opened your eyes he wasn't there. When you started to panic he opened the door with wood for the fire. He smiled when he saw you.
-Worried i ran away? - he said smirking playfully. You just threw a pillow to him. He play acted that the pillow hurt him, only to fall over you, to kiss you passionately.
Some time later he was putting wood on the fire when the door suddenly opened, making you hide even further into the furs.
-Close the door brother before she catch a cold. - he said not even looking at the man entering. He did as he told, when you saw it was Bjorn.
He sat down next to you, to kiss your cheek.
-Where is your dress doll? - he asked cocking an eyebrow.
You looked at Ubbe, before giggling. Then suddenly an image flooded your mind. Ubbe holding your hands and legs, while Bjorn tortures you with kisses, touches, licks... With a big gulp you look him in the eye with lustblown eyes.
-Brother i think she saw something again.. - Bjorn said before getting up to straddle you.
-What did you saw you vixen? - he asked before tickling you.
-I will never tell, the gods forbid it. - you said giggling. Bjorn held down your hands, before lookling over to Ubbe, motioning him to get in the bed, behind you. He slowly peeled away the furs covering you. He licked his lips as he looked over your body with hunger.
-Still no? - he asked getting closer to your face. You instead kissed him but he bit your lips before you could react, seeing the scene you just saw. Smirking down at you as he rid himself of his shirt. Meanwhile Ubbe sat behind you, hugging you to himself.
-What do you say brother? Should we make up for all these months she avoided us and denied us this gorgeous body? - he asked, eyes never leaving you. Ubbe laughed behind you, before lifting your hands around his neck before his hands caressed down your body, agonizigly slow, stopping on the sides of your thighs. He whispered into your ears, looking at Bjorn.
-I think we should brother.. I'd feel very bad if you wouldn't hear those sweet sounds she makes... - as he gently lifted your thighs, exposing you completely to Bjorn. And he didn't waste much time before diving in. He was so different than Ubbe. He was wild, he was trying to devour you, to claim you just with his mouth. He left little bruises over your thighs, his fingers bruised your flesh as he tried to eat you alive. You didn't even realized that after an orgasm, you were now quietly chanting their names, pleading for something. YOu didn't even know what. When Bjorn sat up, you threw your legs around his waist yanking him closer. Making them chuckle wickedly.
-No can do princess.. I'll only give that to my wife. - he joked. You pouted before kicking him away, twisting in Ubbe's hands, now effectively straddling him stark naked. Blissed out from your orgasm, cupping his face, kissing him. His hands slowly grabbing your ass, grinding you slowly on his clothed bulge.
-Well you'll do have to marry one of us to get it princess... You want it badly do you? - he cooed. -We'd gladly give it to you, but you see this one night is nowhere near the amount we suffered cause you avoided us.. I think we should punish you... shouldn't we Bjorn? - he asked as you slowly soaked the front of his pants. -Maybe we should just tie her to that bed and make her cum so much, all she knows are our names... - he said getting behind you hugging you to himself as he cups your breast with one hand, and helping Ubbe rocking you over himself. A whimper escaping your lips.
After days of sweet torture you were currently sitting in a tub of hot water, relaxing as they were lounging around the hut.
Your face was up towards the ceiling as you rested it over the edge, your eyes closed.
-WHat is going on in that pretty head of yours? - asked Ubbe.
-A prophecy the gods have shown me months ago..
-Care to tell ? - asked Ubbe.
-It's one where i would marry Bjorn, only for you to wait for us in a hut above Kattegat. You'd share me.. - you said.
-That can be arranged.. - said Bjorn striding over to you. - if you're willing.
You opened your eyes to see his crystal ones staring back at you with hope in them. You just smiled and nod.
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silviarucci · 1 year
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Princess Judith
Daughter of King Aelle and Queen Ealhswith of Northumbria and the wife of Aethelw . Princess Judith is portrayed as a complex and nuanced character, who is capable of great courage and strength, but also of vulnerability and weakness. She is a woman who is deeply committed to her family and her kingdom, and who will stop at nothing to protect them. At the same time, she is also a woman who is deeply affected by the violence and brutality of the medieval world, and who is forced to make difficult and heartbreaking choices in order to survive
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crowsandmurder · 2 years
Ragnar Lothbrok Tags
Ragnar  ✖ (Aesthetics)
Ragnar ✖ (Thoughts)
Ragnar ✖ (Character Development)
Ragnar ✖ (Crack)
Ragnar  ✖ (Headcanons)
Ragnar  ✖ (Photos)
Ragnar ✖ (Starter Call)
C L E V E R  B E G I N N I N G S
Ragnar Sigurdsson was a clever boy who learn the Vikings way young, continuing to apply them through this teenage years. This can anything from childhood to him becoming an adult at the age of eighteen.
P L A N T  T H O S E  S E E D S
As Ragnar Lothbrok moves into adulthood and his marriage to Lagertha, he embraces life on the farm, the Viking adventures and raids, and becoming a father to his daughter and son. This can be anywhere were early adulthood until the Show Beginning.
F I G H T  A N D  T A K E  C A R E  O F  Y O U R  F A M I L Y
Ragnar Lothbrok has grown over the years, but still has some of the same priorities: family, the Viking ways, raids. But things are beginning to change, as his eldest son is able to get his arm band, and new hostilities from various enemies rise up. Eventually, he becomes to Earl of Kattegat
K  I N G  O F  T H E   D A N E S
After discovering the plot that King Horik had to kill him and his sons, Ragnar killed King Horik and became the King of Denmark. This includes any time that Ragnar is King of Denmark, and the adventures that occur during this time.
W H O  W A N T S  T O  B E  K I N G?
After being defeated by Rollo, Ragnar disappeared for ten years. Ten years later, he returns much older, and some even think that he seems crazy. This is anything that occurs after his return, right before the second half of Season Four.
D O W N  B U T   N O T  O U T
After the attempt to take on Paris again, Ragnar felt emotionally defeated after his loss to Rollo. He knows that his brother is lost to them all, having chose the Franks above his own. But, Ragnar has grown battle weary, and wants to focus on more important things. Although he is discouraged and feels defeated, he has returned to Kattegat with the others, to remain King of the Danes. This can take place any time after they return after fighting Rollo and the French in 4x10.
K I N G   I S   G O N E  B U T   N O T  F O R G O T T E N
After being defeated by Rollo and the French, Ragnar could not bear to stay in Kattegat, any longer. He was tired of being a warrior to the people, tired of being King. So, after telling his sons that he had to leave, he headed off, not knowing where he was going or if he wanted to leave. Several months later, he shows up in Hedeby, seeking out the person who he trusts more than a lot of people: Lagertha. Spending the next several years there, he entrusts her with that knowledge, knowing that she would keep his secret, unless it was dangerous to him. This takes place during his time away from Kattegat. This verse can include plotting with more than just Lagertha.
I  W A S  N O  L O N G E R  I N T E R E S T E D   I N   R U L I N G
After the events in The Last Ship, Ragnar, feeling like a failure and tired of ruling leaves Kattegat and is not seen again, for close to a decade. This verse is what happens during his time away from Kattegat.  
B L O O D   I S   T H I C K E R   T H A N   W A T E R
Ragnar Lothbrok had every intention of heading back to Wessex, after coming back to Kattegat. But, he wanted his sons to go with him. When only Ivar agreed to go, he realized that he had missed out on his sons’ lives, and that he was needed in Kattegat. Despite being away for many years, he is determined to take his throne back from his wife, and to help mold his sons into even better warriors, than they already are. This can take place anytime after the end of the 4x10 - The Last Ship and it is open ended, how much canon comes to play, any time afterwards.
M Y   D E A T H   C O M E S   W I T H O U T   A P O L O G Y
Ragnar’s time has come to an end on Midgard.  Executed by King Aelle, death found him, and Odin told his sons of his death, his sons seeking the revenge Ragnar knew they would. Despite Ragnar’s doubts and indifference to the Gods he fought in the name of for so many years, he found himself in Odin’s hall: Valhalla.
T H I S  I S   N O T   T H E   E N D
Ragnar Lothbrok thought that he had the best plan. He was going to turn himself over to Ecbert, and then Ecbert was to turn him over to King Aielle, knowing what his fate would be.  What he did not count on was that Ecbert had a plot of his own, that included using his power to reclaim Ragnar from King Aelle, before he could be executed. After being rescued, he is in debt to King Ecbert, and unsure if he will be returning to Scandinavia, or if he is happy at all, by the turn of events. This takes place after King Ecbert reclaims Ragnar from King Aelle.  Ecbert had more than just giving land to the Northman up his sleeve. Though he made his family think that he had no idea that they’d be betrayed and that Ragnar’s sons would come for him, he had Ragnar held in the tower of the Royal Villa. But, what he did not know was that Ragnar, despite his injuries and ailing statius, had escaped. There’s a variety of places that he could turn up.  He could turn up in York, in England at various spots where people are, possibly even found a way back to Scandinavia. In Season  6, he officially is in back to Kattegat and reveals himself to more and more people but has 0 desire to become King, once more.
H A U N T  M E
This one is exactly what it sounds like. It doesn’t have to be a bad haunting. Ragnar appears to various people in ghost form. Ghost may not be the proper term, but given he’s ascended to Valhalla already, draugr may not be the correct term, either. This is not something that the terminology is going to be overthought about, but there is going to be various times when he can appear to people.  
T I M E  K E E P S  G O I N G
During the course of Vikings, there has been many gaps in time, whether it be between seasons or the sometimes large time jumps that occur. This can be anytime during any of those time jumps, whether it be a short amount of time, the four years during Season Two or the ten years of time, during the middle of Season Four.
I N T O  T H E  P R E S E N T  
This is my blanket tag for Modern AU’s. These can range from College AU’s, to a modern AU, some Modern Crime, and various AU’s. This will be expanded over time, but his main modern AU is he’s a man who wound up having to get rid of a corrupt King, became King, but eventually got tired of it, and lives more of a common life, although time dependent, he is trying to get more focused on it. But, he does prefer a simpler life.  In the modern crime AU, he took over a corporation from a corrupt boss, while running an illegal business on the side. These are all adaptation dependent.  
Born in 763 a.C. to  Sigurd Hring and Alfhild Gandolfsdatter, Ragnar thought for many years that he was an only child. His mother doted on him, while his father taught him the ways of being a Viking, something that Ragnar embraced. He was interested in the gods, specifically Odin from a young age. From a young age, he believed that he was a descendant Odin and in many ways, it helped shape who he became from a young boy to the eventual King of the Danes.  
Early in Ragnar’s adolescence, he was introduced to his brother Rollo, who came to live with them. Ragnar knew that his mother did not favor Rollo in any way, likely due to the fact that his father had brought home another woman’s child.  During his adolescence, Ragnar grew to do well on all the things on the farm and in the Viking Ways.  He always strove to be the best at everything that he does, paying attention to how he processed things, while rarely losing his temper.
As a young adult, Ragnar became quite taken with shield maiden Lagertha. Her skill and the fact that it was clear she was already an excellent shield maiden for her age, appealed to him even more. Plus, there was the fact that she was beautiful. He spent a good while, doing what he could to impress her. His father pointed out that she would make a good wife, and Ragnar agreed.
Going to her home to try to profess his love for her, he killed both a bear and a large hound, then declared to her father that he had earned her hand in marriage.  During his marriage to Lagertha, he loved her deeply and still loves her even now.  Neither of them were under false pretenses of what the other was capable of and on the farm, they raised their son Bjorn and daughter Gyda. Life on the farm is something that’s extremely important to Ragnar.  His family is as important to him, as being the best warrior, he possibly can be.
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teamivankaye · 3 months
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🥚Easter egg search🥚 Tap to find the best company for the weekend! 😄👑 Which character is it? Happy Easter/Ostara/Eostre to all who're celebrating! 🐰🥚🐣
#IvanKaye #HappyEaster #KingAelle #Vikings #IvarTheBoneless #HammerOfTheGods #LudovicoSforza #TheBorgias #Bryan #TheGreenGreenGrass #TheGreatAlphonso #ApocalypseClown #MickSturrock #TheCoroner #TedButton #SisterBonifaceMysteries #SamSaturday #Pesca #TheWomanInWhite #MrDelaney #WeddingSeason #ReubenStarkadder #ColdComfortFarm #Yankee #GunpowderMilkshake #Patrick #ForLoveOrMoney #Adonijah #Solomon
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therealvikingstrash · 9 months
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Today's entry for @vikingsevents autumnal equinox. Day 2: Favorite Episode - S04E18 - Revenge
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1234567ttttttttttt · 2 months
Vikings - The Great Heathen Army Attacks King Aelle's Army [Season 4B Of...
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devoutpriest · 3 months
'hope seemed like the summer birds ; too swiftly flown away,' judith says, as she looks at him with her blue bright eyes. he was interesting, this monk, and calmed her with his presence. she was glad he had stayed to talk peace. she whispers this to him as they witness the harvest of the farm together.
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athelstan looks at her, she was a blessed and kind woman. they started to know each other in wessex, she the daughter in law of king ecbert, whom had said for him not to be crucified. he sensed she had a lot of pain in her, her father king aelle rather mean and tyrannical ; he wishing he had a son instead of a daughter. he sees that she is shaken by the blood harvest, lagertha and her maidens scattering blood of the oxen into the dirt of the earth, surely sacrilege, she whispers to him. he looks more calmly now, they sowing the seeds and honouring the earth of ymir. ‘hope is always there,' he says to her. she was saying that she was sad to see him leave after her confession that she loved him, as they were simply going back to kattegat. 'if hope is a bird, it is one that stays.' she remembers this, as she paints on the parchment of a gospel, wearing a white dress with red rose. the light poured in through the brown brick windowed walls. he had said the grey bowl in the harvest was a sickle an angel of god held in revelation’s harvest.
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literaryuppsala · 2 years
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I’m always mesmerized by the way Bjorn is just completely traumatized during the blood eagle of king aelle, like that thing changed him as a man, meanwhile 
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‘uuhh skincare’
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Hvitserk *having the time of his life*, Sigurd is like ‘christian blood 🤢 🤮’
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‘so this is the view... ’
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*so am i intensifies*
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tatisaaresto · 8 months
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Derfel vai até a Ilha dos Mortos. Arthur encontra o rei Saxão Aelle.
Acesse o link AQUI.
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