#King of adarlan
rainingriversofyou · 21 days
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Dorian, Manon & Abraxos - TOG 🩶 Artist: andieburky
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shadowhandss60 · 2 months
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“My boy,” his father whispered again.
And it was love—love and pride and sorrow that shone in his face.
His father who had been possessed as he had, who had tried to save them in his own way and failed. His father, who had everything taken from him, but had never bowed to Erawan—not entirely.
Art by @sassyhobbits
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wishfulimaginings · 1 month
In this time of toxicity from the Acotar fandom, I give you a palette cleanser. Here's some beautiful manorian art by some insanely talented artists (links to their Instagram post below the pics)
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Art by @snowarox ,Instagram post here
The way they're holding on so tightly makes me 😭
{- Had to remove the second photo , but do go check it out here on tumblr -}
And this hot piece from that scene by @spearthymint on instagram here
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sydneymack · 1 year
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Throne of Glass Characters (Part 3)
Artist: @courtmakes_art
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sjmvillainweek · 1 month
Which villain from the SJM series Throne of Glass if your favorite? Tell us why in the notes!
Next week there will be a poll for Crescent City.
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shadybirdwombat · 4 months
Sorscha and Jesminda both beheaded by their lovers fathers.
Dorian and Lucien both bound. One by a collar and one by a mask.
Chaol and Tamlin both feel in love with fierce women. Than left by them. Also the most hated characters in their series.
Manon and Elain both run away from romantic love. Fae Elain not human. Does this mean Elain has Blueblood witch ancestry.
Chaol went on healing journey. What if Tamlin is cursed from everything. So he falls in love with a healer from dawn court.
Lucien and Elain are very similar to Manon and Dorian.
Hear me out. Dorian is besties with his friends ex. Lucien was besties with his friends ex.
Sjm has said both Dorian and Lucien would get along.
Both are considered rakes.
Than they both have feelings for a guarded iron walled female. Remember elain's mind is filled with unbloomed flowers and an iron gate. Manon iron teeth witch.
Abraxos loves flowers. We don't know the abuse Elain suffered from her grandma or mom . We only know Nesta and Feyre.
Nesta similar to asterin. Both abused by their grandma.
Both Dorian and Lucien told if I offered you the moon on a string.
The sad part is Elain could find friends like the thirteen. Though not warriors. They end up dying or the twins.
This is a crack theory. Though if you think really hard
I want to say Elain isn't a warrior type like Manon. Though she's similar in love matters. Not sex there's a difference. Both characters avoid feelings.
Dorian and Lucien both feel and love. Through the trauma from their fathers. Also what if Beron is under koschei's spell and has been for a while.
I hate Beron. I hated Dorian's dad too. He surprised me in the end.
The similarities between the characters. Albeit seem small. They exist. Asterin and her hunter. Similar to Cassian and Nesta. People say Manon is like Nesta. Nesta is similar to asterin. Grandma archeron would have beaten Nesta if she was pregnant with an unworthy man's baby. Also Nesta would never punish her sisters physically.
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shadowqueenjude · 6 months
Sorry but I just don’t think any relationships with Manon (malide or manorian) would’ve worked out when she saw marriage as a sacrifice. Also… How are we going to have the Lady of Perranth ruling over Perranth when Manon is Queen of the Witches? How are we going to have the King of Adarlan ruling over Adarlan when Manon is Queen of the Witches? Unless you’re planning on merging territories or convincing Manon marriage is not a sacrifice, there’s no relationship that would’ve worked out. Also could you ever see Manon binding her life to Dorian or Elide’s? No. Elide needs somebody who is utterly devoted to her and nobody else. Lorcan has no loyalty to a nation or a people; his only loyalty is to her and everything she stands for. He bound his life to her’s without hesitation. Dorian cares for Manon but he is not fully over Sorscha yet and he needs somebody who can stand beside him and rule Adarlan. Actually Chaorian would’ve worked better than Manorian.
In either case, Manon cannot be that person for them. Ultimately, she should end up single or with a character from the crossover (once she finally gets over the marriage is a sacrifice thing). And I believe that the reason Elide is NOT a witch is because she also has an untapped magic bloodline which she hasn’t discovered yet and witches don’t have magic.
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ramim · 3 months
Not me waiting the whole fucking time for the Autumn king to turn out like Dorian's father, the king of Adarlan, and suddenly become a father who had to be bad for some reason but actually loved his child(ren).
This bad parent trope SJM seems to be obsessed with is really boring the hell out of me.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 👑 Dorian Havilliard appreciation post 👑˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
(@greeneyedivy heheheheh😏)
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jayktoralldaylong · 4 months
ACOTAR will always have the favouritism spot in my heart cause it was my first (and it didn't do as much damage - F you TOG 😭😭), but there were things that TOG did better.
1. The web that connected all the characters. That must have taken forever to plan and I loved it! Everything had to go according to plan, had to happen for a reason, and 36 different gods working together to direct and make sure every player in the game was exactly where they needed to be at the right time. Diabolical! 🤩🔥
2. The Villains. Omg THE. VILLAINS 🔥🔥🔥
In ACOTAR we had Amarantha and the King of Hybern. In Throne of Glass, it's Maeve and the King of Adarlan (Male villains do be lacking names but that works to make them even more terrifying.)
In ACOTAR everyone was terrified of those big two, they were a constant looming threat that no one could solve, but it started to feel like the idea of them was scarier than actually meeting them in person. Fighting them was pretty......underwhelming. The stakes were high of course but the defeat...kind of underwhelming I won't lie. No one really thinks about them anymore. Of course the scars of Amarantha linger deeply in Rhysand, Tamlin, Lucien, Feyre, but no one ever really talks about anything else that happened Under The Mountain. We witnessed the end of Amarantha's rule, understanding that she was a terrible person but never really fearing her. I have no problems with how Hybern died, the Hybern war just didn't give me the feeling I usually enjoy in conflict. Not nearly enough tension (No complaints though because TOG was a work built to give readers heart attacks and I'm not sure I could stand for going through that a second time. 💀💀).
The easy settle of everything is why ACOTAR is a comfort novel. I can read that and be comforted.....by the lukewarm villains, and the knowledge that everything is going to work out in the end.
The King of Adarlan was TERRIFYING!! And there was so much opportunity for him to be a flop.
We had him since Book 1, he is not a looming presence, he is something the characters occasionally interact with, he is Dorian's father. Yet somehow the more time we spent with him, the scarier he became. It also helped that Aelin had personal beef with him and she was scared of him which made the readers equally fear him. And when the shoe dropped and we finally got to witness his evil, it was heart shattering! Omg. The things he did. The marks he left on Chaol, Aelin and Dorian the most.
Then Maeve? Downplaying Maeve's evil was a genius play because by the time we understood all the shit she'd done.....my jaw hit the floor.
She really pulled an
"What if I told you NONE of this was ACCIDENTAL? And the first time that you saw me nothing was going to stop me! I laid the groundwork and then just like clockwork the dominos cascaded in a line! What if I told you I'm a mastermind?" 😏😏
Readers: 😳🤯
Maeve: "And now you're mine."😈🔥
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Dorian & Manon - Throne Of Glass - Artist: hachandraws 🧡
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foxybananaaaz · 9 months
PEOPLE OF EVERYONE (who like the sjmverse) I HAVE A THEORY!!!!
So I was watching different theory videos on TikTok, and came across THIS ONE HERE (press the red bold words).
And it makes sense, except I'd like to tweak it just a little.
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For those who did not click the link to go to the TikTok video, or do not want to, let me summarize the theory in the video.
Erewan stole the King of Adarlans name. How? Possibly some Valg King powers. But he did. He also has two brothers.
Maeve had the ability to world walk, you know, before Dorian took it away.
So what if, Erewan, and his two brothers also had the world walking ability, and the two brothers went to different worlds. What if they too also stole names?
Whose nameless, who would they steal names from?
King of Hybern has no name given too him.
But then there's a character in Crescent City, who still has a name, but rarely is it used. Perhaps the Autumn King is in the process of having his name stolen.
I obviously paraphrased, but that basically what the video says.
Now, as I said above, I would like to tweak it a little, because while I can get behind the King of Hybern, it's harder to believe the Autumn King, just because he does still have a name right?
Also because there is another character who has remained nameless, and only referred to by their title, which has endlessly annoyed, to infuriated fans.
Sarah doesn't do coincidences. What if this character is only referred to by her title, because they literally cannot be called by their name anymore?
I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's jump back a little bit and set my theory tweak up some more okay?
In Throne of Glass, we all(or at least I) thought it was the King of Adarlan who was possessed by Erewan. Only to get to the twist later, finding out it was Lord Perrington.
This in itself shows that you do not have to be the one possessed by the Valg King, to have your name stolen.
Back to where I was.
So there is one character, living with someone so cruel. Could this third Valg King prefer to have her suffer? Could he have stolen this characters name, with no ring or collar to plant a lower Valg.
Does he do all he does, to this character, purely to be cruel, because that's how he is?
I should probably mention that the nameless character I am talking about is... actually, let me wait just a little longer, make sure I've really laid the ground work for it to be more believable.
This character possibly possessed by the third Valg King, have we seen how, or who they truly are? Perhaps not.
This character is still needlessly cruel, and not just to the nameless character. But their children as well.
Have you guessed the possessed character, and by extension, the character whose name they stole, yet?
When it came time to bring Feyre back to life.. oh yeah! This character is also in ACOTAR world. But when bringing Feyre, and then Rhys back to life, yes this character possessed by the Valg King did so, perhaps to conceal the possession.
Perrington did well to hide the fact that he was possessed, but still did things to make people actively dislike him at the same time. So would it not make sense for this character to also do the same?
Brutally murdering his one son's first love, forcing him to watch.
Seemingly torturing his other son, for any reason.
Doing who knows what to make his other sons become so needlessly cruel as well.
Doing unthinkable things to his wife, for what reason?
Could Beron be possessed by a Valg King? And if so, did he steal the Lady of Autumns name?
If you think about it, even Helion does not speak her name, when telling the story of his past with her. And a man who loves someone so much? Should that not have been the moment we learned her name if we had not yet?
Perhaps Helion physically could not speak her name.
The question though, would Beron have been possessed Before marrying LoA, or After. My guess is before. The Valg King within, perhaps seeing the dear Lady as his possession, and then learning of this affair of Helion, could this be why he stole her name? So the male who truly loves her cannot even speak her name?
I don't know, I've gotten ahead of myself.
Basically I'm saying, Sarah doesn't do coincidences. If the Lady of Autumn still had a name, we would know it by now. Was her name stolen from her?
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yanny-77 · 1 year
This Ice King & The Witch Queen
SJM Romance Week Day 6: Anniversaries
Summary: Manon and Dorian found love in loss. They both know that it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
When the glass castle shattered, so did a piece of Dorian. To help him handle his guilt and grief, Manon visits Rifthold every year on the anniversary. This year, they both know what to expect from the visit, but it doesn't make it any easier to face.
Content Warning: Major Character Death
SJM Series: ToG
Primary Ship: Manorian
Word Count: 1,685
It was hard to love a king when you were a queen in your own right, but Dorian Havilliard, he was easy to love. And Manon did love Dorian – she had long ago stopped trying to deny it. She loved him for Asterin... She loved him for him, the curious mind and gentle soul. But most of all she loved him for her. In a world with so much darkness, Dorian had shown her that there could still be light.
Thank you to @poisonivy206 for edits
Read now on AO3
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shadowsingerofnight · 2 years
I miss my baby Aelin. And Dorian. And Manon. And Elide. I think I’m gonna reread ToG.
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 1 year
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
Is the MOST Celaena Sardothien song I have EVER heard!
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