kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Mornings with genshin men as fathers part 3.
Kaedehara Kazuha
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‌Also part of the group who wakes up with the sun. The only difference for him is how he stays on the bed admiring your sleeping face.
‌When he thinks it's a nice time to wake you up you feel little butterfly kisses all over your face followed by a soft and full of affection "Good morning, love ~"
‌Loves taking you and your daughter on morning walks!
‌Just the three of you, the rustling of the leaves, the soft chirps of birds and the wind as it grazes your skin.
‌Your little girl in the middle of both of you, holding your hands in each of her own, telling you about some kind of dream she had last night.
‌He loves giving you a mischievous look and suddenly pick up the pace only so both of you can lift her and swing her back and forth.
‌Her little giggles are worth it.
‌When you're back home it's time for some maple syrup pancakes!
‌You wouldn't change a single thing about your everyday life, you really wouldn't.
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‌With Thoma waking up first is a bit of a competition, kinda.
‌He loves you SOOO much he doesn't let you do anything around the house. So you try your best to wake up first so you can give this man the rest he deserves.
‌However it's kind of an uno reverse card match cause he can and will try to do the same. Literally the definition of "No, u" but affectionately.
‌That struggle aside the mornings are usually pretty chill.
‌Thoma absolutely adores doing his 3 little girls' hair. Braids, ponytails, you name it he can do it!
‌They admire Ayaka and play with her when she has spare time but feel kinda shy around Ayato.
‌He sulks a bit wondering if they hate him or something.
‌You have so many pets at home, it's not even funny. Your husband is unable of not picking up stray animals.
‌You try your best to stop him, you really do.
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‌Has 2 moods at morning: responsible dad and "hnnhmhmm....5 more minutes...."
‌There's no in between.
‌Your kids also share that same vibe. Either they wake up both of you by jumping on the bed and repeating "IT'S MORNING!!" or they just stay asleep all cuddled together.
‌You have a hard time waking them up, period. They're just so cute..
‌Y'know those stupid aprons? Gorou has one of those. "Kiss the cook" you bought it for him.
‌He wears it proudly tho! wagging tail and everything.
‌It's very common for small children of his specific kind(Dog/shiba ppl) to be hyperactive at their early years so you and Gorou decided to start training them in self-defense early. In a way they can use that energy in a good way and you're always watching over them to make sure they won't get hurt so every morning they seem to be pretty excited, even if there are days they complain a bit about being sore.
‌Since pushing them isn't good, when they're sore you and the ex-general manage to convince them to be chill for a while for their own good.
‌It's literally something like this:
"C'mon, it's time for your nap."
Gorou is already used to this exchange, he used to do it back in his day too.
But papa.....I'm not..."
The child in his arms yawned, unable to finish the sentence.
"Yeah, ok, sure you aren't."
A smile resting on his lips as he watches his youngest son give in to the urge of closing his eyes.
Arataki Itto
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‌Low-key got his act together(kinda) when he started his family with you.
‌The gang nowadays, under the co-leadership (and iron fist cough cough) of Shinobu works taking commissions from the adventurer's guild.
‌So as much as Itto used to say, and still says sometimes, that his job is not having a job he very much has one lmao.
‌We already stablished in my last post that this man is an overly affectionate embarrassing dad. He wakes his kids up every morning with his famous boisterous "Good morning sunshine!" line.
‌Surprisingly he's a morning person.
‌You absolutely do NOT understand how the fuck can this man be this energetic as soon as he wakes up.
‌Likes watching over them as their play in the courtyard. Even if he joins or not, Itto just appreciates little moments like these. It means a lot to him to see his kids having fun without worrying about anything since him and his parents were drove away from their village due to petty prejudice against the onis.
‌You sometimes catch Itto staring at the sky with a smile on his face. When asked about it he'll just say he hopes his parents are watching and proud of him for not ever giving up.
Kamisato Ayato
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‌Unfortunately we already know he isn't home often. But in the occasions he is, your son has a hard time giving you two privacy.
‌He's already pretty smart for his age so it's not like he doesn't understand his father's wish to have some alone time with you when he IS there but...the little boy is shy and struggles to make friends so for the time being you and Ayato are his whole world.
‌In mornings your husband's schedule wasn't packed to the brim you would just wake up to the cutest sight of Ayato hugging his little boy to his chest, chin resting on his head and sleeping away.
‌You really wish you had a kamera to properly eternalize moments like these.
‌This man is fucking banned from the kitchen btw. By Ayaka and you, mainly. You don't want him accidentally poisoning anyone and his cooking in itself is a 50/50 situation.
‌He likes to organize events in Inazuma based on his kid's interests(kinda like the test of courage event we're having rn). Yeah he's just spoiling the kid rotten, it's not like the commissioner can spend as much time as he wishes with his baby.
‌Sometimes you see Ayato doing paperwork with your son reading a book on his lap. Even if his father can't pay attention to him the boy still appreciates the closeness of it all. And he gets a headpat or a hug when Ayato needs to stretch his hands/arms so there's also that.
‌Very cute indeed.
Shikanoin Heizou
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‌Alright. What were you expecting when you married this little shit? A peaceful life sure ain't it!
‌jokes aside, it's fine for the most part. Heizou is just a tease and you and your daughter can't rlly escape from it.
‌Also he has many fucking names. Shikanoin "everything tastes good fried" Heizou is also one of them.
‌For the love of fuck do not let this man ever cook. He'll turn things into junk food or into katsudon, somehow. You don't want that.
‌Once in a while it's fine tho, he complains about not being able to experience the happiness that is watching his spouse and his daughter enjoying his food...talking like a true malewife if you ask me.
‌Also your kid cannot ever expect to be able to hide anything from him, good or bad. He can just tell she's lying from the tone of her voice or shifts in her body language/behavior. It's the thing that comes with having a detective for a dad, it happens.
‌But Heizou is anything but violente or rude when he actually finds out his baby is hiding something from him. Hell, he even lets her think she has him fooled only to show up a few days later holding two bowls of his signature dish with the excuse of "Eh, your mom let me cook today so i thought i should bring it to you. Plus i wanted to hang out with you too" and ask abt her day.
‌When she lets her guard down he just goes: "So, you're ready to tell me what you're hiding?" and yeah. It can be embarrassing for her sometimes.
‌He means well tho, just worried.
Overall he's a really caring and understanding dad with a huge soft spot for his baby and partner. Expect a lot of surprise hugs, it's his thing.
Kuni(former Scaramouche)
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Kuni was the name i gave to my scara(no fucking shot i'm referring to him as wanderer, so i'm going to call him Kuni. I should have made it clear sooner tho but lmao i ran out of space on my notes and i had to make a new folder so here we are).
(And i have no idea if he would even be able to reproduce at all since he's described to be a puppet but recently in 3.3 we discovered he BLEEDS. So imo and for the sake of writing he's more of a homunculus than anything. Ain't no fucking way he's mechanical when he can bleed, cry, eat etc. Ei maybe explain to the class how exactly did you make him? Was it fucking magic or what. This keeps me up at night.)
‌Look i will not lie. It probably took a long fucking time, a TRULY long time for him to even start considering trusting you. His view of relationships is just "using and being used" so there's no surprise here.
‌However you sticked with him, dealt with his shit and low-key brat behavior, what the fuck did you even want from him? The man was convinced he wasn't worth anything to you, what the fuck was he even doing? Like...how exactly were you using him? Such thoughts plagued his head for really long time.
‌Kuni could only wrap his head around the thought of maybe you weren't using him after exploding due to how much it was making him restless and asking you what the hell was your deal.
‌You...love him? Love....what? Yeah, that was a whole other can of worms to open alright.
‌He just had no idea why would you even love him, what part of him could even be considered lovable. Yet...he was still intrigued.
‌It took an even bigger while for him to be able to come in terms with his feelings for you and accept them. Dating him is a lot of work but you didn't give up and he'll be forever grateful for that.
‌Alright now that we stablished that let's move on to the more recent developments.
‌Man, you better believe me when i say that he freaked out when you told him he was gonna be a father cause??? He has no idea how to interact with kids, exactly. He has a bit of a soft spot for them, sure...however HIS kid? the wanderer is afraid he'll hate them due to his self hate the size of Africa.
‌But the moment he lands his eyes on his son his worries just, disappear? Yeah...the kid looked like him, a lot actually, nonetheless it was still...a life he helped bring into this world.
‌Tho, touch a single hair on this child's head or breathe wrong near him, you. are. dead.
‌Kuni is overprotective and loves him just as much as he loves you so god forbid anything happens to him.
‌Takes advice from Nahida constantly since he's very inexperienced on the subject and doesn't want to fuck it up.
‌He's still a grumpy little shit btw. That's just how he is, he just learned to mellow out with the years.
‌The former harbinger doesn't want to make his kid ever feel lonely or like he was abandoned so he tries his best to be there for his little boy even if it can be overbearing sometimes.
‌I bet y'all were expecting him to be mean or smth abt the way he wakes his kid up, right? It's actually rlly normal.
"Alright, it's time to wake up. Breakfast is ready."
Soft whines of protest could be heard from under the fluffy covers of the child's bed
"I'm still sleepy...."
Kuni just rolled his eyes while he opened the curtains.
"Yeah yeah, it'll ruin your sleep schedule though so come downstairs when you're ready."
He gives the boy a pat on the head and leaves the room.
‌Yup, exactly something like that.
‌Oh domestic scara... can't believe i have lived long enough to see it....
‌Anyways. It's canon that he likes plushies so you can bet he sew little dolls of your family of three. He used to keep one with him during his wandering times but now that he's settled down he doesn't see the need to anymore. So they're on the living room as decoration and a reminder of how blessed he truly was to have you two.
‌Ngl he's a bit of a malewife. He denies it rlly hard but yeah we all know he enjoys doting on you and your baby. He's just being a colossal tsundere.
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Mornings with genshin men as fathers part 4 and final.
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‌Alright this was also another wild ride. Cause haha! Fennec foxes mate for life.
‌You see, Tighnari's parents have always warned him abt it. To not ever approach romance unless he was 100% serious abt it since his heart and body wouldn't be able to accept anyone else once he caught feelings™
‌So the forest ranger always seemed distant to that kind of thing and avoided the topic.
‌You can be absolutely sure it was angsty cause even if when you confessed to him he just. He rejected you. Kinda.
‌He said he liked you however his kin work differently and he didn't want to burden you. Since once his brain officially recognized you as his mate he would start getting slightly territorial and there were other things into the equation to consider.
‌You basically said: "fuck it, i don't think i'll ever love anyone else as much as i love you."
‌So here you are, 3 kids deep and married.
‌Man does it ever surprises you...how fast the night changes..../j
‌Tighnari is a great parent tho. It's almost like he was born to take care of others. His nurturing and caring but slightly firm nature makes him the best at it.
‌From a very young age he teaches them all the wonders and dangers of nature. Yes, your kids wouldn't be caught dead eating some kind of dubious mushroom or touching random animals.
‌He's very strict about that lmao.
‌But really it's very cute to see him taking care of them when they're sick or helping them with homework.
‌At morning, usually, the people in Gandharva vile abide by the invisible rule of: "Do not bother Tighnari unless you see him actually leave his house or if it's smth Collei can't handle."
‌The reasons for that is cause he wanted the other forest rangers to not depend on him as much. Collei herself also wanted to make a compromise to take some work off his back.
‌It took a while until the leader decided to abide by it, however everything has been fine so far and it gives him more time to spend with his family so the fennec isn't gonna complain.
‌You better like bland food btw. His senses are way too sharp for him to be able to handle anything that is too "spicy". So when he's in breakfast duty it's not gonna be very uh... remarkable. It's not like his food is tasteless, it's just that it's all very light and suave.
‌The kids prefer when you cook tbh but you do have to take in account how they're also fennecs so it can be overwhelming for them if you don't balance seasonings properly.
‌They're kinda clingy btw. It's not like you're complaining though! More often than not you have 3 adorable little foxes cuddling up to you to have their nap time. Sometimes Tighnari joins too.
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‌This man suffers of a very intense case of "resting bitch face". It's incredibly funny to see how his attitude changes in an entire 180 when he's around people he likes or trusts, specially your family.
‌ Ever since he learned that he was going to be a father Cyno has been slightly worried about it. What if...he ends up scaring them? Such concerns would always plague his mind, it's not like he's trying to be scary! It's just...his eyes are razor sharp and there isn't anything he can do about that. He was very much born with this face.
‌So you kinda have to reassure him. Cupping his face and slowly peppering kisses all over it you say it's going to be ok. There's no way the baby would think he's scary, it would probably be happy to see him instead.
‌Kinda made him feel better(not completely but enough to stop looking like he was about to commit a murder due to how much he's been frowning in worry).
‌The general mahamatra is essentially a very caring dad(maybe overprotective). Obviously, is part of the fathers in this list who aren't there as much as they wished they could be, however, he makes up for it in affection and spending quality time.
‌He loves holding his daughter to his chest. Cyno doesn't know why exactly, it just feels right and cozy. And judging by her expression she seems to like it too, as she seems to nuzzle him chasing his warmth.
‌Also just like scara, touch a single hair on this child's head wrong and you are losing that hand. With no warning! Your lost arm IS the warning.
‌Is very adamant about sharing workload. He knows he isn't home often so when he is, cyno takes over some chores and watches his baby so you can rest or so you can be free so you three can eventually enjoy being together.
‌Yeah he can cook and he's pretty good at it! He also might crack one food joke or two, please laugh, he wants to see you smile.
‌When your little girl is old enough to understand it, you suggest have family Genuius Invokation TCG nights every now and then.
‌It made Cyno incredibly happy, he hugged you almost to death.
‌Explain the rules to his baby in the easiest way to understand possible. And yet...he can still be kinda ruthless.
‌This man is convinced that letting her win will ruin her expectations for it so...he makes sure to crush her relentlessly until she finally starts to understand what's going on.
‌Truth to be told he only wanted to help her develop her critical thinking and strategic planning. They aren't bad skills to have and besides, they're both competitive. She's bound to learn from her mistakes.
‌Your daughter loves his jokes(at least until she hits her teens. She'll start thinking they're lame by then) and the he always has this really happy smile on his face when he makes her laugh.
‌Mornings with Cyno are very fun, let's put it like that. More specifically cause you have a man who has eyes that could literally cut someone's arm off with only the power of glaring wearing some pink frilly apron and doing domestic shit.
‌It's. The gap moe is great.
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You and him are both gangsta until you have to wake up with triplets jumping on you.
You already told them not to but SOMEONE encourages and enables their chaotic behavior.
We already stablished they're all kinds spoiled, even if you try your best not to let it affect them too much, so good luck fighing against literal 4 puppy eyes(your fucking husband joined) when they ask you to have i don't know, ice cream for breakfast.
These boys are kinda...hyperactive so as soon as they're done eating they're already putting on their winter clothes and running outside to play in the cold wonderland that is Snehznaya.
Yes! They get sick easily cause of that. Do they ever learn? No.
Surprisingly Childe himself just made a compromise with them to protect their health. It's not like they couldn't have fun inside for a change.
It would spare your heart for sure.
So they make pillow forts, play with whatever toys they have or try their luck with genius Invokation TCG.
Ajax is absolutely tired of getting CRUSHED at the game by literal toddlers, this shit gets old fast.
He was built for irl combat not stupid card strategy games! (Yeah he's overdosing on copium rn).
He might sulk so give him a couple kisses and he'll be back to normal.
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Mornings with genshin men as fathers part 2.
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‌Has to wake up early to work but before that he enjoys being the one making breakfast and taking care of usual morning chores.
‌Can you tell he loves you so much he refuses to let you do anything.
‌Wakes his daughter up in the unfortunately meanest way possible...he gently lowers her blankets and waits for a few seconds before she gets up all confused missing the warmth. Dragons are sensitive to temperatures it seems.
‌You and your baby kiss his cheeks goodbye and wave at him by the door wishing another good day at work.
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‌We already stablished he's the distant type of dad and with his duty of protecting Liyue to also take care of he isn't home often.
‌However the Yaksha makes an effort to at least go home every night to check up on you and your daughter.
‌In very very rare occasions where the nation seems to be having a peaceful streak Xiao feels more at ease to be with you, after all he can't really do much since it's the era of humans now, he respects their wishes of not depending on adepti.
‌He loves saying he doesn't need sleep but we all know that's bullshit, right? As an adeptus he doesn't need to sleep as often as humans do but his body can still very much crash since it needs "shut down" periods every now and then. If there's nothing going on Xiao will rest, cuddling with you in his sleep.
‌You are aware of his nightmares and so is your baby. Bless her heart, she seems to be very understanding of why Xiao isn't very present. She doesn't understand it completely but she's determined to spend more time with him when he's here.
"The voices, the memories...oh how he despises them and how much he blames himself as well, letting guilt eat him alive for the rest of his days."
"He WOULD atone for his sins, it doesn't matter how long it takes, how much demon blood he has to spill."
The Yaksha wakes up in cold sweat. His lungs gasping for air.
It seems like Xiao slept without meaning to, again. This night was a fairly ok one, no traces of demonic activity could be felt so he decided to come back home. What he didn't expect was to end up cuddling you to sleep, he couldn't really bring himself to say no and felt guilty about not spending enough time with his family as he wanted or felt like he should.
Cold sweat seemed to have formed on his forehead. It was hard to breathe and everything reminded himself of his bloodhound era.
He could feel his sanity slipping through the cracks of his mind, bit by bit. Until a little presence made itself known.
"Hmmm...? Papa are you ok? Your face looks...weird...did you have a nightmare?"
He could feel himself wheeze, he needed to calm down, he was panicking. It's ok, his beloved was here and so were his daughter, he was going to be fine.
His brain repeated these words like a mantra but to no avail.
Suddenly everything came to a halt as something soft and warm touched his forehead.
"Do you feel better now? Mama does this to me when I have nightmares so...."
This wasn't the past, it's the present. He's safe now, he's with people who love him.
"Thank you...."
Xiao says as he engulfs his daughter into a hug and lies down again. His hand caressing her hair smoothing any stray locks.
Archons, he was so grateful to have you two.
In the morning you wonder if you missed something. Xiao and your daughter seem to be very "clingy" with each other today.
You weren't complaining though, it was good to know there were moments he stopped worrying about hurting her or not.
A smile graced your lips as you watched the little green haired girl feed her father almond tofu.
A light pink seemed to dust his cheeks but you could see in his eyes this moment meant a lot to him.
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‌Good luck trying to get his twink ass out of bed every morning.
‌He still reads until late as that is his way of "de-stressing" from all the work he has to do for his family.
‌You feel bad for him though...you really wish you didn't have to wake him up, you wish you could let him sleep since he probably needs it but it's either you, your son or a servant does it.
‌luckily your child is a bit too smart for his own good already as he inherited a lot of his father's teasing tendencies. Things such as:
"Father if you don't wake up I'm afraid i won't be able to share this new book i got with you..."
‌Mans is literally jolting out of bed immediately.
‌Listen, he appreciates the time he spends with his baby a LOT since they don't get to do much together usually.
‌You just roll your eyes and shake your head as a smile forms in your lips, watching their antics.
‌His handwriting still sucks major ass and you can be sure that's a reason for his own fucking son to tease him.
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‌Wakes and goes to sleep early, he can't really stay up late at all. It's a childhood habit he was never able to change and doesn't really think he has to.
‌As stated before Chongyun is a very awkward dad and your son is very shy. So as much as they see each other everyday they have trouble interacting properly.
‌The exorcist still has no idea how to handle children but it's desperately trying to learn, he loves his son so much!!
‌Your little boy knows that, it's easy to know as his father kinda wears his emotions on his sleeves. However he thinks his dad is really cool and gets overwhelmed before he actually utters any words.
‌You kinda have to pitch in so both will feel comfortable and realize they were just overthinking.
‌Everyday before training starts Chongyun shares one of his special popsicles with the kid. They kinda sit there in comfortable silence before the older one rests his hand on the little one's head. Very cute ♥.
‌Shenhe visits you every now and then, she loves playing with your son and he loves her just as much!
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Yes I did say i wouldn't write again and i stand by that but i'm brainrotting and i promise you this will truly be the last time(copium).
Basically this is just some headcannons of how normal mornings in their domestic life with you is like! But as parents ofc. I added some extra characters since we got some more ppl and also cause i realized I forgot Scaramouche in my last post 💀
As always terribly fucking sorry for my bad and cringy writing or any bad grammar or OOC.
Afab reader btw and i might use terms like "mother, mom" etc but no pronouns defined.
Also this was supposed to be mornings but it turned into general headcanons too and tbh never expect me to be consistent, i have ADHD.
Mornings with genshin men as fathers, part 1.
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‌For starters he barely even SLEEPS.
‌More often than not he's busy taking care of the tavern, inside his office or doing his darknight hero business.
‌You has a lengthy conversation with him about it so nowadays he's more likely to value his life and won't fight carelessly, he has children to raise and a partner after all.
‌Anyways it's hard for him to sleep more than 4 maybe 3 hours and can't rlly spend much time with you or your children but istg he's trying.
‌In some rare occasions you'll wake up to his sleeping face. Scarlet hair delicately framing his face, freed of it's usual ponytail. Truly an ethereal sight.
‌Is also the type to wake up his kids by sitting on their bed, patting their head and softly calling their names. Saying it's already morning and that Adelinde made pancakes.
‌You people have no idea how much Diluc appreciates the period of life where his kids are still small, cute and need him.
‌If asked he will deny it but the way he has your daughter cradled in his arms, head resting against his shoulder, napping after eating gives him out.
‌You just watch the sweet scene, cradling your son as he got sleepy right after eating his fill like his sister.
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‌Has the weirdest fucking habit of sleeping on the couch cause he's either too tired or too lazy to go to bed so it's very common to wake up to an empty bed, walk to the living room and seeing your husband laying there looking like a dead man.
‌You already have got into fights with him for it and he still doesn't fix it.
‌You worry about his back and his neck since this seriously causes pain to spread all over his body.
‌Kaeya doesn't complain about it though, he's sorry for worrying you, he swears. However the changing point was him waking up to his daughter giving him her pillow, trying to move his head with her little hands in a way that wouldn't wake him up(she obviously failed).
‌He considers himself a lame dad now for making his baby worry about him so he actually sleeps on your bed now.
‌Is also usually in charge of breakfast! The cavalry captain refuses to let you do any work when he's home. It's his way of letting you rest and thanking you for all you do.
‌ Turns chores into fun little games! He wants your daughter to learn how important house keeping skills are for the future. Even if it does hurt him to imagine her leaving it's his duty as a parent to teach her.
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‌Another bitch who barely sleeps. Either spends the entire night in his lab doing experiments or he's revising Sucrose and Timaeus's projects.
‌You try your hardest to stay up and wait for him to come to bed but god. Being a mother can be really tiring sometimes, so more often than not you're sleeping away by the time he ACTUALLY enters the room.
‌As weird as it sounds your son is usually the one who has to remind Albedo to sleep, even if he doesn't need it much or at all.
‌The boy is quiet and in the rare moments he feels like speaking his tone is very soft and easy to miss if you don't pay attention. His steps are just as silent.
‌The alchemist is so absorbed in his job that he fails to realize the little presence in his lab.
Small hands make their way to the hem of his pants and perform gentle tugs. Albedo only sighed, he already knew who it was.
"Shouldn't you be asleep, Ruby?"
He turned around only to see bright eyes staring back at his own. His son's eyes reminded him so much of you, he thought it was adorable.
That was all the little boy said. And it was just enough for his father to understand it's meaning.
"Alright, alright. Sorry for worrying you and mommy."
A smile made way to his lips as the man picked his baby up. Immediately he could feel the toddler's head resting on his shoulder, a sign of trust and comfort.
"But let's go to bed ok? being up late isn't good for you."
‌Albedo is the master of making food look like art, this man doesn't need to be extra but he wants to be.
‌When he makes pancakes he likes to craft intricate shapes. You seriously feel bad for eating something so pretty.
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‌Wakes up early to make breakfast!!
‌With Benny it's a bit of a hit or miss situation cause of his bad luck. Either you wake up to the smell of burnt eggs(in worse cases your entire fucking kitchen) or slightly charred but still delicious toast.
‌Likes to keep himself active and has a morning workout routine. He won't force or even ask you or your daughter to join but you do anyway, his smile when you two choose to spend time with him is seriously priceless.
‌He still has a hard time believing he has a partner and a kid who love him for who he is, bad luck and everything so he becomes emotional really easily and kinda clingy too.
‌Your baby doesn't mind it, in fact she loves it! It's very common to see them cuddling during nap time.
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‌He might drink less often now that he's a father but it doesn't mean that you don't have to deal with drunk clingy Venti coming home at the asscrack of dawn after an entire night of partying away at Dawn winery every now and then.
‌You don't particularly mind since he does need some space too. He settled down with you(which was a fucking miracle) cause he loves you and your son to death, never doubt that. However...the bard may feel suffocated sometimes.
‌Usually wakes up at either 7Am or 1pm there's no in between.
‌If your baby takes interest in music you can bet your husband is going to flex his bard™ skills.
‌So many duets, you're so proud.
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‌Wakes up with the sun, can't sleep more even if he wanted to. After years of following his pack's routine, it's ingrained on him.
‌Doesn't wake you or the kids up though, his protective nature makes him want all of you to sleep as long as you can.
‌So you usually wake up with the smell of breakfast or the twins literally jumping on your bed so you'll get up.
‌Takes the boys with him during morning patrols around your house's area. His habit of checking to see if anyone got lost or hurt in the woods never actually changed.
‌Andrius is not amused to have kids trying to climb him or pulling his fur but doesn't mind it, they're his grandkids anyway.
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Some genshin men as fathers headcannons i did at midnight cause i couldn't sleep
Also i tried to keep it gender neutral but i have little to no experience in writing and it might have seemed AFAB oriented cause well, I'm afab myself. So i'm very sorry if it's bad or cringy, idk. Just did it for fun.
‌At first he wasn't sure about what he should do or how. He never really imagined himself as a father but even if he were inexperienced the ginger was more than willing to try if you were to be by his side.
‌Strikes me as the worrywart type of dad. He wants his kids to have a free childhood instead of being restrained by their responsibilities as ragnvindrs but he still would rather have them where he can see them.
‌Kinda busy with work but still makes time for his family.
‌Anything they want he'll give them but doesn't let them become spoiled cause of it.
‌The kids love Kaeya and he hates it with every fiber of his being(he's actually just jealous).
‌Had a boy and a girl btw.
‌Had a girl and let me tell you... the way he acts with her is the most annoyingly cute thing ever. Ya know how that guy from Fullmetal alchemist acts with his daughter? It's Kaeya.
‌Of course he doesn't want to restrain her. That's against his personal beliefs and values. He just fears someone might take his little girl away from him.
‌Is the type of dad who is very particular about the way his kid dresses. He won't tell them what to wear or anything, he just gives very direct criticism.
‌"Dad what do you think about my outfit?"
‌"This is not your best combination. I told you to slay, didn't i?"
‌He paints her nails and gossips with her about things he heard from Rosaria at Diluc's tavern.
‌Talking about him, Diluc has to babysit his niece sometimes and it's seriously the most hilarious thing ever cause he has no idea how to interact with this kid. But he doesn't have the heart to tell her to quiet down so he ends up becoming the uncle who accidentally spoils her.
‌Oh boy this one was a little complicated. Due to being a homunculus he wondered if he was even capable of reproducing in the first place, which ended up in you two becoming parents.
‌His fascination for life made him eager to be responsible for the direct creation and guidance of a new being but you needed to make something very clear to him. That you wouldn't stand for letting him see your kid as a test subject of sorts.
‌You two talked about it, cried, it was angsty and messy. He didn't have the intention of making it seem like he saw his child as a lab rat but he would be lying if he said he didn't get carried away with his overall thought process.
‌Time passed and your child was finally born. A boy who was almost a carbon copy of his father with the exception of his eye colour that resembled yours.
‌You two happened to be blessed with a quiet baby. The only moment he seemed to cry was when he was hungry or needed to change diapers.
‌One thing you two noticed is how your son seemed interested in Albedo's experiments. He loved watching his father work. It was a little worrying for you to leave him there cause what if an explosion happened or something? But you couldn't bring yourself to say no when your adorable son looked at your husband's working self with so much admiration, affection and curiosity.
‌The little one also developed a love for drawing if the crayon all over your walls were any indication. Albedo convinced you to not clean or paint over it, these drawings could turn into precious memories after all.
‌As much as your son and Albedo seemed close, unfortunately, the chief alchemist couldn't spend as much time as he would like with his son so every little moment was cherished.
‌And on rare opportunities when he had a free schedule you would plan family days and do all kinds of things like picnics, taking walks around mondstadt, having lunch at good hunter or just cuddling under the blankets when the cold seeped in.
‌Needless to say he cried an entire river when you told him you wanted kids. He could never have imagine himself as a father or in a relationship with anyone for that matter.
‌Absolutely worried about his bad luck, what if it hurts your child? Benny needed a lot of reassuring from you tbh.
‌In the end he just decided he would try his hardest to protect you two if his bad luck ever threatened your lives.
‌You two had a little girl and this man...he was determined to be the best father in the world.
‌Very very affectionate, kisses and hugs were a must for him. He really wanted his daughter to feel loved and to not ever experience loneliness like he did.
‌Benny is a very fun dad! takes your child to little adventures he planned(they're all very safe of course) and would encourage her imagination. Countless times they would get home covered in either mud or dirt cause they apparently "had to save a princess from hillichurls." You were happy as long as they were having fun.
‌Your daughter sees him as a hero and that's his biggest pride. Seeing her brag to her friends about how cool her dad is just makes your hearts swell with love.
‌Oh wow? Getting him to settle down at all were a hugeass feat but a kid??? Jesus Christ he really is down BAD.
‌Your son was an absolute sweetheart most of the time(in front of you at the very least) however if his father were involved things would take a turn for the worse cause you see.... they're both menaces to society.
‌He was very mischievous and a prankster to boot. The worst part was how his father enabled his mischief and sometimes even joined! No one is safe.
‌They are literally this: ":3c" , ">:3c".
‌Jokes apart people always get shocked when they learn Venti has a son since they look like brothers instead.
‌The fact his father is an archon kinda just went straight through his head. This kid absolutely does not care, his dad is his dad and that's all there is to it. Venti almost cried ngl.
‌Ok ok, listen to me. Venti's archon form has wings, Right? Only fair your kid inherits those as well. Your husband taught him how to hide them away when needed but it's the most adorable thing to watch both of them flying and playing around.
‌Piggyback rides are a must btw. Venti loves taking his adorable son to walks and sometimes even sings lullabies which never fail to make him sleepy. It's a very cute sight.
‌Truly, your little angel is the apple of your eye.
‌Oh boy this one is a bit tricky, cause you see....Razor doesn't know much about this kind of thing.
‌He has seen the birth of some of his packmates but he had no idea how it happened at all. Yet, here you two were. About to become parents.
‌You had to tell him the little you knew and asked Lisa to help and educate him on the subject. He was pretty determined to learn so he could properly protect you and his future "pups".
‌You had twins, two boys. And they turned out to be absolute fucking menaces.
‌They're so energetic no one other than themselves and sometimes Razor can keep up with them.
‌Your family of 4 decided to live near wolvendom. You had a cottage built in a safe area, all of this for your husband's comfort.
‌The silver haired man got better at talking and interacting with people as time passed but he still wanted to avoid it if he could, so you two talked about it and decided to raise your children in a balance between human society and nature.
‌Razor's way of bonding and playing with them is either roughhousing or taking them to hunt. He isn't very good when it comes to advice about complicated matters but he does tries his best.
‌He usually prefers to use physical touch as a reassuring method for the twins cause for him it's way easier than talking.
‌Alright, this is pretty obvious but he's the perfect dad. This man has so much knowledge and has lived through so much shit that it's actually surprising he doesn't have an "heir" yet.
‌You two were blessed with a little girl who is literally, his princess.
‌Seriously she's so young but so polite already!!!! very kind and sometimes a little too mature for her age but you aren't that surprised considering who her father is.
‌Zhongli likes doing her hair, helping her pick her clothes and feels more than delighted in having her on his arms as often as possible.
‌Don't @ me on this but i'm a monsterfucker/kemono mimi enthusiast and i was bound to include my own fucking biases into this. He's a dragon and so is your baby.
‌Usually he retains his human form due to it being way more convenient but Zhongli does enjoy letting out his more draconic features when you are in the comfort of your house away from possible prying eyes and your daughter is the same.
‌It's the most adorable thing to see her cuddling with her father. Their tails tightly coiled together like some kind of hand-holding. Both of them letting out low and barely audible purrs(I don't care if dragons don't purr, they do know cause I said so, imagine it sounds like growling but softer and quieter).
‌He likes taking her to sightseeing as well! Your husband knows countless great spots that would make someone's jaw drop.
‌Ok. Xiao had a lot of complicated feelings when you told him he was going to be a father. First of all he had trouble wrapping his head around it at ALL.
‌Him??? The conqueror of demons having a child???what???for the first time in eons he felt like his brain truly blue screened(even more than when he actually came into terms with the fact he loved you). Also he had no idea how to interact with children let alone even...how he was supposed to act as one of their guardians.
‌He needs constant reassuring. Tell him he won't be doing this alone, you'll be with him and both of you can learn along the way since there's no such a thing as perfect parents.
‌As much as it hurts me to say it the Yaksha is a bit of a distant dad. It's not cause he doesn't love his child, he does he REALLY does. But Xiao constantly worries about hurting your daughter and can't really understand how he helped you creating something so adorable and pure.
‌He usually watches over her from the shadows and shows up as soon as she calls his name just like he does to you.
A little green haired girl yells to the wind.
"What is it? Are you in danger? Or perhaps your mother?"
The adeptus shows up almost instantly.
"No!! I just wanted to see you!!!"
She smiles as brightly as the sun as she says this.
"....I-I...I already told you to only call me when emergencies happen, didn't i?"
Her father's cheeks bloom in a rosy color. He looks to the side, hiding his face. Trying his best not to fall over dead due to his daughter's cuteness.
‌Xiao isn't very affectionate but he does pat his baby's head every now and then. Sometimes he sits through her talking about her day while making flower crowns, a soft but rare smile resting on his lips.
‌Do not let his tsundere behavior fool you this man is head over heels for his family. He loves you and your kid to death and he would die for both of you.
‌He's a very very very awkward dad. Don't even get me started on it, alright?
‌Low-key kinda strict to his son since he has to pass down his exorcist knowledge but won't force him to do more than what he can handle.
‌Unfortunately your baby inherited his father's constitution so you and your husband try to keep the house cool during the summer.
‌They usually eat popsicles together after training and talk about what he needs to improve and what he got right.
‌When it comes to comforting it's kinda gonna be up to you cause oh my god. Chongyun is as socially awkward as someone can get and your kid is very very shy. So you usually hug him or do some tricks with your vision so he can relax and stop overthinking.
‌Doesn't have much time to spend with his family, unfortunately. Even if he has an older brother Xingqiu agreed to be responsible for a good amount of the feiyun commerce's guild job.
‌But for some reason, only god knows how, he always seem to be waiting for his little boy every night, holding a new book each time. An affectionate look in his eyes and ready to tell another bedtime story today too.
‌Xingqiu also encourages his son's creativity and they have writing competitions or sometimes even create a story together. You happen to be the judge of the contents btw, it hurts to choose everytime.
‌Also this child is an absolute little shit and he bullies his friends just as much as his father used to in his younger days. Even his sly smirk is identical, you can't with this duo, you just can't.
Arataki Itto
‌Oh my god. What a mess, istg. Listen, Itto loves his children to death and if anything happens to them he goes absolutely ballistic.
‌He brags about how cute they are to everyone.
‌Loves hugging, cuddling or anything physical touch related. He WILL shower them with love and affection and there's nothing they can do about it.
‌Is very eager to teach his 2 boys and 1 girl about their oni lineage, at this point they're already tired of hearing it.
‌Probably the most fun dad out of every genshin boy out there cause whatever his children are playing he immediately joins and takes it to another level.
‌Since Itto is really huge due to his yokai blood your kids are already pretty tall even at a young age and that might scare some other kids. But he's always there to tell them to not ever let oni stereotypes or rumors define who they are.
‌Also needless to say this himbo literally walks around unbothered with 3 yokai children climbing his body like a jungle gym.
‌Fears the day his little girl bring someone home and present them as her partner...no one is good enough for her, no one!!
‌Imma be honest. You knew what you were getting into when you married this man.
‌Heat seasons, rut, courting rituals of his kind, you knew about it but it didn't exactly make the whole ride any less surprising.
‌Welcome to the world of being a mother of 4 puppies! 2 boys and 2 girls
‌Jokes aside they're all unbearably adorable and constantly whine for you and Gorou's attention. However as soon they get old enough to speak and walk things get... complicated.
‌They're way too energetic and love playing outside so you need to constantly have an eye on them so they don't get hurt or smth.
‌Nowadays your husband has a lot more opportunities to be with your family since he decided it was better to retreat from being a general in order to be able to raise his children properly.
‌The ex-general can be a little stern and use a little bit of an "intimidating" tone to reprimand them if they do something wrong but that's pretty rare. Usually Gorou can be seen brushing their tails, cuddling them to sleep, nuzzling their cheeks or giving them scratches behind the ears as they sleep on his lap.
‌He doesn't mind being himself true to his friendly, loveable and big hearted shiba nature when it's around your family.
Kaedehara Kazuha.
‌I think out of everyone he might be the most understandable and calm father ever. Does not raise his voice and always prefer to ask them about their feelings so he can properly understand them.
‌Kazuha didn't imagine he would settle down with anyone but here he is, teaching his daughter how to play the leaf flute.
‌Flowers still come out of his mouth when he speaks and you particularly think it's the most adorable thing ever, he's just so good with his words ♥(you are not biased at all, no sir). But he decided to tone it down a bit near your baby girl so she wouldn't be confused.
‌The samurai uses his anemo vision to play with her sometimes as well. Like engulfing her in a safer version of his chihayaburu and allowing her to "fly" even for a little.
‌Makes a promise to himself to always guide her and to make his family's happiness his top priority.
Kamisato Ayato
‌Another dad who cannot be with his child as much as he wish he did!
‌But my Lord he's trying, he tries so so hard to come back home as soon as possible but that's not always an option so he has to resort to letters or gifts.
‌It really does upsets him that he can't be the present father he wishes he was. Ayato doesn't want his son to feel the loneliness he didn't really allow himself to feel at the time due to having to take over the Kamisato clan head position.
‌When the commissioner IS able to return home he returns eager to see you, the love of his life and his baby boy waiting for him at the door.
‌One of the things Ayato loves doing is kissing your forehead. He thinks it's an adorable way to express his love for you and he happens to do that to your kid as well.
‌When they play shogi he always lets his son win, he absolutely cannot see his sad face, it breaks his heart.
‌Alright, father who? He's the mother here. Not you, not anyone else, it's him.
‌He cooks, cleans and absolutely refuses to let you do anything(you have to force him to let you help) and also cause you're kinda banned from the kitchen. I'll leave the reason to y'all's imagination.
‌Anyway he's totally a perfect dad. All your 3 daughters love him to death and for a reason, he has so much golden retriever energy it's impossible to hate him.
‌Is the type that wakes his kids up by kissing their cheeks or tickling them. He has so much love to give, the sight makes your heart melt.
‌The hot-pot game turned into a regular thing between your family and boy...as always he ends up eating all the weird stuff, he's very unlucky.
‌Nags a bit but means well.
‌So, we got to Ed Sheeran huh?/j, alright alright sorry not sorry.
‌Anyway y'all saw this man. His family is huge and so is yours. You had triplets all gingers full of freckles, his genes strangled yours pretty much ( do not @ me abt actual biology i only work with anime logic).
‌Ya know how he treats Teucer? Imagine that but 5x worse. So you have to be the "boring" parent sometimes and tell him, for the love of god, stop giving his sons so many gifts, they have enough already.
‌You worry they won't be able to learn about humility so you told him to knock it off for a bit and he reluctantly agreed(the kids still get what they ask for 90% of the time tho).
‌Ajax is actually a big softie underneath his stupid fatui mask so it's pretty normal to see him hugging his boys or peppering kisses all over their faces. And he won't stop that until they're angsty teens probably.
‌Takes them to ice fishing or declares they'rel having a snowball fight(which they all force you to participate). Childe loves saying "It's an easy victory buy i still won't hold back" until the triplets are involved. He can and will let them win, he just wants to see their smiles.
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Alright i apologize for grammar and cringyness on top of whatever oocness as well. English isn't my first language.
Ok so before the actual fic i would like to put up some warnings abt content.
This is a femReader oneshot and it has some Yokai marriage bullshit, magic and slight manipulation. If any of that bothers you, please refrain from reading it, be safe!!
Also I'm gonna put some headcannons i came up with for Yokai marriage shenanigans that i wanted to share, that's all!
Also hell no i'm not writing ever again, now, for sure.
Spirited away.
Your mother always told you to not wander too far around places like chinju forest or just away from Inazuma city but you as a mischievous and curious child never cared to listen.
"Mama is such a worrywart, i'm a big girl now i can take care of myself, hmph!"
You murmured to yourself as you walked through the usual path you always took to get your favorite type of flowers. This place would never cease to amaze you with it's mystical air.
Your pout was gone as soon as it came when you spotted the familiar flower field you used to play at. Smiling you ran towards it excited to work on some flower crowns...or maybe you should try something like a flower necklace? Maybe a bracelet.
Your small legs suddenly stopped when you saw some kind of...white lump among the almost neon tint of the flowers that surrounded your claimed spot.
What? Was a tanuki playing tricks on you again like the last time? If so you wouldn't let it slide! You still remember how it seemed to mock you for falling for it's illusionary tricks.
Your brows furrowed as you prepared to scare it away. However, when you crouched to pick up a rock your hand stopped on it's tracks as you heard growling.
On the middle of your favorite place sat a creature you never thought you would've seen in your 9 years of life.
A Kitsune! A real living breathing kitsune! Just like you imagined!!
Yet it's pure white fur seemed to be stained with unnatural blotches of red. The source of the possible bleeding probably came from one it's paws.
The more you tried getting closer to the creature the more intense the growling became. You gulped, this was kinda scary but abandoning it was not something you would do at all!
Getting the handkerchief you kept inside your pocket you tried to get closer to the wound but the yokai had other plans. It bit you hard.
"Nngh...!" A groan escaped your mouth instinctively but you bit your lip and ignored the pain.
You couldn't even get angry at it, it did warn you. Nevertheless you were nothing if not determined and bandaged the gash despite the growling only growing fiercer.
"Y-you really think i'm gonna hurt you? Well think again buddy! I'm gonna help you wether you like it or not, my mama always tells me to be helpful at least!"
As ridiculous as it sounds the kitsune seemed to buy your reason or should i say excuse? It doesn't matter. It stopped biting you and that's all that matters.
It kinda hurt...a lot but you weren't going to let it show.
"There we go, not so hard was it?"
You said looking at it with a satisfied smile, admiring your handiwork.
The little kitsune's ears flickered about while it inspected the fabric. You reached for it's head, you NEEDED to pet it! This is something you always wanted to do but for some reason animals in general weren't so keen in interacting with you at all.
However you never managed to as a strong headwind suddenly started to blow. You lost your footing and fell on your butt, immediately you felt worry about the yokai in front of you, it was so small what if it got blown away?
You open your eyes and what you see shocks you to the core.
A boy who looked to be right about your age, slightly taller than you now stood where the yokai previously rested. Two fluffy ears atop his head, white just like majority of his hair except for the tips that seemed to gently blend into red. 9 bushy tails decorated his back, giving him an ethereal vibe, they had the same coloring pattern as his ears and hair.
Red seemed to be a prominent color for him as his kimono, littered with maple leaves, and eyes shared the pigment.
He literally took your breath away, you have never seen someone so.... beautiful and....mysterious before. You felt like he would disappear if you ever so dared to blink.
The mysterious boy walked towards you, a kind smile resting on his lips. He crouches to get to your eye level and you notice your handkerchief were still firm around his hand.
"Thanks for helping me and sorry for biting you. This was done by humans, you see? I know it sounds bad but i guess i got...a little heated there."
He had a strange way of speaking. He was your age, right? Yet why did he talk like a grown-up?
Noticing the confusion on your face he just chuckled.
Suddenly feeling embarrassed you try to focus on actually answering him instead of admiring like a weirdo.
"U-Uh....yeah! It was...no problem...yeah!"
Your voice shook and you felt mortified.
The kitsune only chuckled once more. You wondered if your suffering was something funny to him. You were about to tell him off when suddenly his face got eerily closer.
You instinctively leaned back, nevertheless, that proved to be futile as you felt your back hit a tree. You had successfully trapped yourself, great.
He only keeps getting closer and the only thing you could do was close your eyes and wait for whatever it is to come, would he kill you?
Such assumptions disappeared as soon as they came when you felt something soft against your cheek.
Your eyes flew open as your face got warmer.
He gave you a kiss. It was a cheek kiss but still!
Seriously is this something you aren't getting? Is this normal for Yokai? Ughhh! Everything is so confusing you want to scream!
The kiss lasted for a few more seconds. His long lashes tickled your skin and you wondered why you suddenly felt so nervous.
The silver haired boy moved away. You swear you could SEE the sheer mischievousness swirling on those eyes.
After that he helped you up and introduced himself as Kazuha, a kitsune who got separated from his parents due to wanting to go ahead of them on their usual walks and ended up getting jumped by treasure horders who tried to capture him however a yokai, even if they are children, aren't supposed to be underestimated.
Kazuha managed to deal with some of them but he did end up with an injury so you guess he still has a lot to learn about self-defense. At least, that's what you're gonna assume, he didn't tell you anything more than that.
His story helped you loosen up and you hit it off quickly. You played hide and seek, tag, watched the clouds, heck you even made him a flower crown! Even if he seemed reluctant to let you put it on him, guess he could see through you. You just wanted an excuse to pet his ears.
You wondered why he didn't let you do it when he was ok with you touching his tails...were his ears some kind of...no-no area? Or what? You had no idea and you didn't bother to ask.
You had a blast with your new friend, so much that you didn't realize it was getting late and you needed to go back before your mother got worried.
Kazuha looked a bit disappointed but understood. You still felt a little uneasy though.
"Will i...see you again?"
You ask him after gathering enough courage to do so.
"Mhm. Rest assured, i will come back for you."
You felt relieved. It would be nice to give him a parting hug before going but before you could that strong wind enveloped you again. You moved your arms to your face in order to shield your eyes and the moment you open them again you're on the front of your house.
Confused to hell and back you looked to the sides, behind you, any direction you could think of in search of him.
He was nowhere to be seen.
Just like the wind he suddenly disappeared after knocking you down and making a strong impression. You looked forward to the day you would see him again.
With a smile on your face and hope blooming in your chest you open the door to your house.
"Mama, I'm back!"
You ran to the kitchen and gave her a side-hug.
"Welcome back, sweetie ~"
You didn't tell her about Kazuha, you don't think she would believe you.
Still the fact the bite wound on your hand was suddenly healed and that a faint mark started to form on your cheek assured you that in fact you didn't imagine everything.
Some years later you still find yourself thinking back to that day. It's been so long you started doubting yourself, was it all really real? Didn't you imagine him cause you were lonely? It was hard to say.
it isn't until you decide to go for a walk in chinju forest, desperately trying to cling down to those "memories" that you see him again.
"I said i would come for you, didn't i? Thank you for waiting for me."
Tears prickle your eyes as you smile.
"Yeah...thanks for coming, Kazuha..."
At the mention of his name his expression seemed to soften even more.
He held his hand to you. His eyes, pleading, tempting you to take it.
You worried about your mother, something told you this was the last time you would be seeing her at all. But you couldn't find it in yourself to not go with him.
You felt bad for your mom but she would understand, right? You would be with the person you love! Your own happy ever after.
You were never seen again.
Ok so now that it's over let's go to headcannons!
So basically all i did was add my own twist to kitsune lore and some yokai marriage shit i saw in anime.
‌Kitsunes usually exude a specific type of charm magic that makes people more likely to be attracted to them but that's all that it is, it's just some kind of pre-disposition, it does not mean the human will always fall in love with that kitsune or that the kitsune themselves will reciprocate.
‌However helping a kitsune can be considered "courting" and if you strike their fancy they'll mark you(usually done by a kiss) and you'll be mates for life.
‌The mark can usually take many forms. In Kazuha's case his cheek kiss gave you a mark that resembled a little maple leaf.
‌Their charm magic ends up making it harder for their partner to say no, it's a pretty much dub-con of sorts.
‌Kazuha didn't let you touch his ears cause that's something only family and a romantic partner is allowed to do. For kitsunes the act of petting one's ears is very intimate.
‌Asking to touch their tails, however, is fine. It isn't considered as intimate
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
(I said i would never write again. But my brain is a bitch and i came up with this drabble in like 5 minutes. When my brain thinks abt smth it's literally like
"Aw shit here we go again."
Also i have no idea if it snows in Inazuma but it does now cause i said so.)
You always hated the cold. Ever since you could remember you always hated the feeling of numbness on your fingers and headaches due to your strange sensitivity to that specific weather.
You watched the rain of snowflakes fall as you tried your damn hardest to not fall over on the spot. This fucking sucked.
You unfortunately had to stay until late in the sango detective agency doing paperwork and by the time you were finally done you realized you didn't bring a coat or a scarf or anything that would provide warmth.
The climate made you feel unable to move. You never understood this about yourself, is it a psychological thing or are your legs paralyzed by the cold? You have no idea. It just...always seemed a waste to not admire the natural spectacle when it happened.
At the cost of your own fucking sanity of course cause you need to be some complicated bitch don't you?
You sighed to yourself as you prepared to psyche yourself to move when you hear a voice in the distance.
"Haha, see? I knew I was right. My detective instincts are never wrong!"
Oh hell no.
You could recognize that voice anywhere. It was your childhood friend AND boyfriend Shikanoin Heizou. Goddammit he's gonna make so much fun of you when you get home.
You simply pretended not to listen as his footsteps made crunchy sounds on the accumulated snow on the ground.
"I know you can hear me, don't start pouting just cause you know you were wrong when you told me you didn't need a coat cause you said and i quote 'wasn't gonna snow' ".
My fucking god you want to hit him so bad. You knew better than to challenge his supernatural detective senses but you were nothing if not a stubborn motherfucker.
You kept quiet as your pout got worse and your cheeks gained a rosy color out of shame.
"Anyway c'mon. Your parents are gonna kill me if i let you get sick. I promised them i would take care of you."
The redhead said as he took your hand. You instantly felt warmth flood it as he started walking and you were forcefully dragged from your spot.
With his other hand he gave you his coat despite you noticing he soon started shaking. Y'know for someone who dresses the way he does this man surely can't handle the cold.
"You're welcome."
Your boyfriend said with a slight shaky voice as you two walked to your shared home.
"I know what you're thinking and there's nothing cool about watching you freeze your ass Hei."
The detective rolled his eyes at your sentence.
"Geez archons forbid i wanna show off to my partner."
You only shook your head with a small smile on your lips.
"There's nothing remotely attractive about that, it's the lamest shit I've ever seen but....thank you."
You kissed his cheek as a bonus.
"Yeah yeah, just doing my duty."
Your playful banter continued as you watched his face become equally flushed with the affectionate gesture.
Indeed Shikanoin Heizou always found new ways to make you feel warm. Even during a snowstorm.
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kirarinlovesidols · 2 years
Oh uh, some ppl actually read what i write, huh.
So abt that...i’ve tagged my things are “KirarinWritting” now so it should be easier to find.
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