safrona-shadowsun · 1 year
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
(And you’re not allowed to say liquid grapes!)
OC Interview Questions - Nature
A pout initially found Safrona's lips. "Oh, look at you, cutting me off from an easy answer. " It upturned into an amused smirk. "It's been years, was certain you'd forgotten how I work. I'm impressed, Kiro."
The void elf tilted her head in some thought, "I think I'm a protein sort, with fruit as a close second? I've always liked easy to carry food on the road that have their hit of energy - nuts, cheeses, little slices of salami. Now that I have more time to sit in on some meals and really take my time with food, I am finding I have a taste for delicately prepared meat, like fish, shrimp, that sort. One of my couriers is more a fisherman than anything and I think he helped push me toward that taste with his talk of catches and preparation."
She leaned forward at the little cafe table Kiro had stolen a seat at to join her, playfully expectant. "Does that satisfy your little investigation, hm? I hope this means you plan on treating me this time on our next lunch. I think we are overdue."
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{ @unabashedrebel }
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unabashedrebel · 1 year
Silvermoons Finest
Emerald eyes scanned over the woman that sat across from him. He knew what desperation looked like, and the woman had it in spades. A tired sigh pushed passed his lips as he once again had to break a heart to give himself some peace.
“Look- what exactly do you want me to do? I’m retired these days. Honestly, between you and me? I don’t even know if I could get into my leathers,” the desire to crack a joke was strong, but he knew better.
Every ounce of her being was stopping her from crying. It hadn’t been the first, second, or third bid for help that had fallen on deaf ears and the dam had finally broken. The middle aged Sin’dorei began to quietly weep as her head hung down defeated.
“Even if I wanted to… you said the authorities already looked into this. I hate to say it but kids go running off all the time.” A stray glance was given to the photo of his own daughter that sat snuggly at the corner of his desk.
A gasp was quickly sucked in by the grieving mother, “That’s exactly what they told me at the Farstrider offices. He wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t just leave,” sniffling she added, “Its been just the two of us since the Scourge. He wouldn’t just leave without telling me,” the reaffirment grew more hysterical with each passing word.
A handkerchief was offered from across the table, and quickly snatched away. Kirollis couldn’t help but feel for her, that pain she carried was nothing he was unaccustomed to. Yet still he couldn’t help wonder why she would come to his door, surely there were bleeding hearts far more capable then his in tracking down a missing child. “I’ll consider it but I have a question first. We don’t know each other. Why would you come to some washed up rogue you’ve never met before?”
“Cali said I could trust you,” that was all it took.
Fuck…. He thought to himself. “Write down what you know,” Kirollis said as he fidgeted with the underside of his desk. Producing a notepad and pencil he tapped it as if expecting her to do just that before he slid them over.
Two days later
The streets weren’t ever as busy as they once were, Silvermoon was a varitible ghost town these days. It only made it all the harder to find information or old contacts. Though it did certainly make it easier to track a string of disappearances that started in autumn. His investigation leading him out into the country of Quel’thalas proper. A welcome relief from being cooped up in the city.
Quel’thalas county-side was a lot of things, but hospitable wasn’t one of them. Sure, the Sin’dorei would have you think it was idyllic, eternal spring where weather conditions never dare enter and disrupt it. A sham to anyone who had been further than the Blackened Wood. Another line in the book of false equivalence the Sin’dorei had practically written, even if he couldn’t deny the marketing worked.
As he arrived at the humble, if a bit rundown, cottage on the border of Eversong and The Ghostlands Kirollis double checked the notes he had made. Forcefully he wiggled a finger into the confines of his leather breastplate that seemed all too snug on him, “Come ooooon,” he lamented before finding the strap to his constrained torso. A big breath escaped him as the corner of the hard rawhide panel gave way to some much needed relief.
“Why am I even out here?” He questioned with a healthy dose of disdain. “This kid probably got scooped up by an Amani raiding party, Lords know the rangers aren’t doing their jobs.” But as he approached the house he heard a familiar voice chastising him, “Yeah, Sori would probably kill me if she heard that,” he concluded to nobody in particular.
With his head hung low he approached the front window, pressing up his hand against the glass to blot out the sunlight as his face was soon followed to peek into the abode. “What the shit?!” the lost art of quiet yelling seemingly holding up in his advanced age. Wiping at the grime and dust that collected on the window he pressed his face up against it again. Just like he had seen the first time, it was creep show central; cobwebs as large as tarps lined the corners of what appeared as a dining hall, still setup from it’s last use. It had an every vibe that sent shivers up his spine, especially for all the things he couldn’t make out in the dimly lit home.
“Yeah, sure, just call old Kiro whenever there’s a fucking evil cult ass baba yaga snatching kids. That’s cool. Totally where I thought my reputation would bring me,” no amount of complaining brought him comfort, but still he persisted. It was the only thing keeping the thoughts of what happened to those kids at bay.
Kirollis tried the front door only to receive a knob that would not budge in one direction or the other, “Of course it is,” he groaned.
The back of the house was walled off and enclosed, solid concrete for at least eight feet. Kirollis stood, staring at the top for a few painfully long moments. Another tired sigh pushed passed his lips as he reluctantly accepted the situation. Jumping up to grip the edge of the wall, the rogue shimmied up, hooking his other leg over onto the ledge to boost himself up and over.
Another groan slipped out as he landed on the other side harder then he expected. Slowing standing to full height as his knees made sickening pops. “Don’t like that,” he grumbled as he stretched out those aging bones. “Seriously it’s like I took a little break and every injury I ever had was just waiting for it,” neglecting to realize much of his form was scar tissue at this point.
The back door creaked open as the shadowy figure of Kirollis dipped his head in to take a peak, confirming, “Yep. Just as creepy as expected.” he said of the long hallway littered with remnants of a bygone time. He even recognized the furniture styling as pre-scourge design. Though the age of such a dilapidated cottage was never in question.
Slow, silent footing left no sound in its wake as he made it through the small house and into the main area. An auburn brow perked at the peculiar scene. The long table was set for dinner, though the food had long been spoiled long enough to turn to dust. His head swiveled back and around as he looked through the whole of the room. There weren’t any signs of struggle, no broken furniture or even a plate out of place. It was simply as if these people had vanished. Nor would that have been entirely unheard of considering the state a lot of Sin’dorei left things in when the undead came.
“So what’s the rub?” He wondered out loud. “Kids disappearing, spooky house,” wandering around the main hall with an eye for detail he continued to try and work it out, “Even if kids did come here to hang out something would be fucked,” batting away a thick cobweb he smiled as his eyes set on a bookshelf. A single index finger ran over a shelf where a plume of dust was mysteriously missing. “Still got it! Alright now make my day, be a secret door,” he chanted as he pulled three books from their place- and of course, one seemed fixed in as a lever, “Yay!” He chirped as the bookcase opened like a door to reveal a dark corridor leading down under the house.
The dark and dreary corridor was nothing new, but it still never failed to invoke horror of what’s to come. Never was there a surprise birthday party at the end of these, rather some unspeakable horror that no amount of drink could make one forget. Too much time away had brought the familiar sinking feeling in his stomach back into the fold. Gripping the handle of his pistol he slowly approached the wooden door with no window. Slowly, pushing it open to reveal what horror it was this time.
A gunshot echoed in the quiet chamber as seven heads of the missing Sin’dorei children popped up from their sewing projects splayed out on the long tables they worked at. First they looked at the rogue, and then to the demon now bleeding on the floor. Their tormentor and warden gone, just like that.
“Worst summer camp ever, am I right?” His joke fell on deaf ears as the malnourished and mistreated children just stared back at him. “Right, yeah, sorry, maybe bad timing,” he amended as he worked on the first of many chains holding them tethered to the table.
“Okay kids, I want you all to go upstairs and wait for me to come back. I need to have a quick chat with your lovely boss here.” He waited until the children found their way up the corridor and back to sunlight before casting those boring green eyes as sharp as daggers down at the fallen Succubi, “Hi, I’m Kiro, and I’m going to be causing you a whole lot of pain until, and possibly after, you give me the name of who summoned you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” the succubi hissed.
“Oh,” he chuckled, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
{This horrible story was sponsored by @caedun who likes to torture me by making me write things}
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luck-and-larceny · 3 months
Hi this is your (idk yearly?) reminder that I love Malika and she’s super cool ❤️
Ah! Yaaay!
This is my (idk yearly?) reply that this message makes me happy and you're super cool. I love following your blogs and want to learn more about Kirollis and Soriya, too!
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Here's Malika trying out a cool, nonchalant pose in response to your compliment.
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simplysoriya · 4 months
If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
Too cute for her own good.
Nah, it’s funny though because on at least one occasion Soriya has literally tried to get herself arrested and it flat out didn’t work. First she talked herself out of bribery charges by accident by saying the money never changed hands- then promptly realized her goal was to get arrested so she could heal her friend in the Stockades. So she went to another guard and after tapping them on the shoulder and being informed touching a guard was illegal? She promptly began poking the guard to try and get herself locked up. Unsurprisingly the guard was just like ‘ma’am please stop I’m not arresting you for this’. So yeah, even when she tries it’s a hard sell.
Though tbh she’s gotten herself arrested when accompanying her father Kiro. I’ve even gone so far as to write out the scene of her freaking out and Kirollis being like that First Time? meme. So like if she ever is going to get herself arrested it’d probably be his fault
Soriya herself isn’t really the type to break the rules all the time. She respects them until she doesn’t (IE if it endangers someone’s life or comes between them and happiness within reason). So she doesn’t really get herself into a lot of situations that suggest she’d get arrested. I’m fully willing to lay the blame on Kiro for any future incarcerations. She’d just be a victim of circumstance to his shenanigans. I mean like honestly look at these two they scream cell mates;
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(Art by Frrrozi )
Thanks @astarmaux !
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nixalegos · 6 months
How easy is it for you to say you’re sorry? *in the distance one could hear Kirollis snickering*
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"I have never had any issue with apologizing when I'm in the wrong or incorrect. It's still a big world, new cultures are literally being discovered every year it feels like, something as mundane as a misread scenario, or having outdated or factually incorrect information is bound to happen to anyone." "Fortunately, this is an extremely rare scenario, for me anyway. Most of the time, it's just people expecting you to apologize to them for simply being direct and giving correct answers the first time even when they don't deserve it. Never apologize when you don't have to, it cheapens the sentiment."
Thanks @unabashedrebel!
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dicenne · 1 year
FFAF: Something they’ve always wanted to say, (Kirollis to Dice): “Your shows always make me so uncomfortable in ways I can’t fully explain.” Pausing for dramatic effect, he followed up just as the silence grew awkward, “Like that’s got to be like a fire hazard in so many ways. How much do you guys have to leave on deposit for a venue?”
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"We tend to use an open venue when we're gonna have a multitude of fiery performances, so many of mine have been in an open air setting for that reason.
If they're not...well...we have ways of fire proofing, and locations will also have some sort of ventilation already available. I assure you, all those little things most of the audience doesn't think of, we already have and are on top of it! Safety is absolute key in our performances!"
ty @unabashedrebel
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sir-camelot · 7 years
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Kirollis for @unabashedrebel
When I talk to my close friends about positivity in the RP community your Tumblr has been brought up on more than one occasion. So consider this a thank you for keeping positive.
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fel-temptation · 4 years
You are true to Korrinth's character through and through! Something I really enjoy. You don't bend her a different way to come across as polite when she doesn't want to be, or feels the need to be - and I think that's badass! Also, your demon hunter portrayal is 10/10.
Aww, that means a lot! Honestly something I’m still sort of learning is how to just let her be her without trying to like... ply a scene. I always thought there was a level of being amiable, especially when someone else is approaching you. To me it’s like, I recognize the effort and probably the struggle to even just get to that point. I always felt like a dick for having my character respond in a way... well, that’s appropriate, but will probably scare them off.
Boy have I been not doing that recently. Not only have I found that if my character calls out less then ideal behavior? The other character usually concedes pretty quickly. Not for nothing it’s really, really, really helped to direct the flow of the scene, where it’s not just my character pretending to be interested in something that... well she’s not. It’s also sort of forced people who interact with her to actually say something note worthy, or to carry a conversation where she actually has things to add- which as a writer just makes my job a billion times easier.
Not only that but it’s just felt very liberating? Like I finally got the stones to play the character as she was intended rather then just letting her be conversation foil. It just adds a different layer, and it’s been a real treat considering that both Soriya and Kirollis kinda pander to people.
Thanks for the kind words @nocturnedreaming !
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newsnerd-ooc · 5 years
Different: Three members of the opposite sex they find attractive.
“Oof. Uuuummmm.” Lat would nibble on a finger nail. “I don’t really...I’m terrible about commenting on attraction.”
“Probably Dallio, for sure. Just...he wears his armor well and has maintained an aesthetic for four fecking years.”
“Aaaaaaah. Kirollis manages a semi-suave roguish aesthetic for sure. Don’t tell him, though.”
“Ffff. Shallas, absolutely. He wears a suit like HEEEEEELL.”
@zephyrous-gold @unabashedrebel
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sin-emberstalker · 5 years
“Look at this bitch. Back from the dead, huh?” Kirollis said with a healthy back pat. All but a ploy to stick a ‘kick me’ sign on the other rogues back.
"Back from the dead like Kori's big titties." Sin caught himself, shaking the reverie from his posture. "Wait... What?"
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safrona-shadowsun · 2 years
Send 🌺 to hear what my muse likes about yours- all tres ^^
For Kirollis: "I like when you're talking about your daughter, Kiro. Always brings the best out of you. Adorable, really."
For Soriya: "Well, I'm not very acquainted but clearly she's a gem. She sounds genuinely sweet, well-meaning, productive. Definitely need more of that sort in the world."
For Korrinth: "You are acquainted, yes? I've not seen her in a time, but she always seemed sharp, resourceful. I have some respect for that."
{ @unabashedrebel }
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unabashedrebel · 1 year
Soriya: Do you really think this is going to work?
Kirollis, holding an Ouija Board: Yeah definitely. People talk to ghosts all the time.
Soriya, taking a deep breath: Okay here we go. First time talking to mom.
Ouija Board: D
Ouija Board: O
Ouija Board: R
Ouija Board: K
Soriya, groaning: Are you fucking with me? Not coo-
Ouija Board: S
Soriya: Is that her?!?
Kirollis, stunned, under his breath: …holy shit
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simplysoriya · 8 months
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
OC Solidifying
Jeez Amo, you just went straight for the gut punch huh? It’s Monday dude c’mon 😫❤️
Sori’s mom isn’t a light topic in the Duskhaven household. For Sori herself, Nelah is the embodiment of all things good and pure, an unshakable will that always sought to see better in others. A larger then life pair of shoes she is constantly questioning if she’s living up to, wanting nothing more than to be the type of person her mom would be proud of.
It’s kind of sad when I put it like that because frankly? I think Soriya would have exceeded any expectations her mother had by miles. Nor is it a lip service whenever her father states how much Soriya reminds him of Nelah. Soriya has her mom’s DNA ingrained into her, which is almost like a testament to what her father says since neither Kiro nor Nelah had raised her.
That’s kind of how it all shook out though. Unfortunately for everyone involved Nelah was murdered shortly after Soriya was born, meaning that Soriya never actually had the chance to meet her and learn from her. To be honest, Sori does absolutely romanticize her mother, and to be even more honest I think Nelah has been put on a pedestal, both by Kirollis and Soriya— though interestingly, Soriya has only ever heard about her mom via Kiro, so his rose tinted glasses regarding his soulmate are pretty clearly in effect (regardless if he’s fairly spot on). That in and of itself has put a lot of pressure on Soriya to live up to this shadow, and that mixes a lot with her desire to know more about where she comes from and connect with her family. It’s a bit of a catch-22 how their differing feelings about a person immensely important to both of them plays out, and I’d say it’s almost negative, but it probably reads a little more neutral then anything.
To answer the nitty gritty question though. Soriya has nothing but love for her mother, and believes she was a very good person at heart. Almost to the point where the pure hearted Sori feels like she won’t achieve that same level of saintly (even though she more or less has). She does a lot for the memory of her mom and keeping it alive. Most recently she started using her mother’s maiden name as an alias while she trains to be a rogue in Stormwind, her reason for choosing such essentially being that it was a small way of honoring her memory.
But to simplify this word salad; there is a meteor sized indent on her soul that her mother left. It affects her in ways big and small. Though in true Sori and Nelah fashion- instead of a crater, it became a lake.
Thanks @amorthonblackwood !
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nixalegos · 4 years
Serious question. Who is the biggest pain in his ass? Kirollis or Korrinth.
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At days end, Nix views both more as ‘potential assets’ then he does annoyances. They require prodding, bribing, and verbal jabs in the side to get to doing anything, but Nix cannot simply have people of their skill level NOT at arms reach. They might prefer that reach to be far far longer then it is, but Nix doesn’t really care about that. Kiro is far easier to deal with, Nix actually does have a sense of humor, and Kiro seemingly can’t stop making jokes if it’ll mean something witty comes out of his mouth.  Korr by contrast steps on his toes which he finds to be very button pushing. Her skillset and past methods of training is just too close to his own to not grate on his nerves for the resulting differences even when they’re not actively insulting the other. Kiro he can have an ale with. Korr he wants to throw the mug at.
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kat-hawke · 5 years
📦 + a glitter bomb
Send 📦 + an object for my muse to react to getting that object as a present in the mail.
With an arched brow Kat eyed the package over skeptically. Her jaw shifted to the side as only the last name was written on the label as to who it was from, a fifty-fifty shot this was either something from Soriya for one reason or another, or from her father. Worst case he found out Kat and Soriya were spending some time together and sent a bomb.
Taking her chances she broke the seal and threw back the lid, instantly met with a face full of glitter which spread all over the office space. Stunned, Kat just stood still, rage boiling in her core and nearly taking over, having to fight back the beast within.
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Her gaze shifted hard to the now empty box, knowing exactly who it was from now. Her lips snarled with a low growl as the box was tossed into the garbage, hands moving to wipe glitter from her face.
“Don’t fuck with me Kirollis, I know how to get to yer daughter. She’s innocent from yer crimes but I can quickly change that. Family makes one hell of a collateral. Such a sweet girl, would be a damned shame.”
[ @unabashedrebel / @simplysoriya ]
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Fact swap: Kirollis can touch his tongue to his nose
Covex can as well. She can touch her tongue to many things ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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