unabashedrebel · 2 years
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Korrinth art made by the very talented Kenwiprila_K!
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caedun · 1 year
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safrona-shadowsun · 2 years
Send 🌺 to hear what my muse likes about yours- all tres ^^
For Kirollis: "I like when you're talking about your daughter, Kiro. Always brings the best out of you. Adorable, really."
For Soriya: "Well, I'm not very acquainted but clearly she's a gem. She sounds genuinely sweet, well-meaning, productive. Definitely need more of that sort in the world."
For Korrinth: "You are acquainted, yes? I've not seen her in a time, but she always seemed sharp, resourceful. I have some respect for that."
{ @unabashedrebel }
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fel-temptation · 11 days
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Some new awesome Korrinth art! Made by the amazing TheCoffeeKats (Over on Twitter)!
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susan-gampre · 11 months
Forewarning: This is a very old ask of which I felt was a good way to reintroduce old characters, and fulfill a friends ask request which I had been sitting on much too long:
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💚 - friendship ~
There are just so many possibilities for this one, alot of characters of mine have the potential to make decent friends on their own, but when applying it to this scenario of plotting I’ll go ahead and give you the ships I think would work out the best (based on personality traits I know of your characters in order of most likely to sortta likely ➡)
Verzatea(@whatadarkbitch ) / Ana-Juli( @anajuli-mirkstone )/ Haela Balcyan (@haela-balcyan )) + Korrinth (dark powerful babe squad)
Susan / Rickie (@rickiedevron )Camille (drop out student turned painter with magic as her median (@camille-craft)) + Kiro (Degens make the best of friends)
Araebe(@little-araebe (a mermaid))/ Rickie / Amian ( divinity inclined noble soldier turned wayward paladin (@amian-delvrox))/ Esme @esme-erynn ) + Soira (Free spirits with good vibes often attract one another)
Elebreth Baelfy ( a hirable guard for nobility, a fellow rendorei) + Anne
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💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond ) ~
To me, symbolic familia is so much deeper than blood relative, because not all blood relatives get along but chosen family is more special. But I do have some Sindorei who could be blood related to any of yours (Maybe even Anne?) especially since I haven’t expanded on their family history for this very reason:
Blood -
Possibility 1: Galiera Baelfy (@galiera-baelfy) is the daughter of a well-to-do though humble family, and is currently in school so that once deemed worthy, she might join the courts and become a lawmaker. Shes anything but humble, and quite frankly can come off as rude and uptight.
Possibility 2: Verzatea Duskflame is the daughter to a noble house of published authors (with writings revolving around the Dark arts, which she perfected and utilizes in her current position as Confessor in the House of the Nine (@the-house-of-the-nine)).
Possibility 3: Elebereth Baelfy lost her mother, father and siblings to illness when she was already an adult, while she studied the ways of the courts with her cousin Galiera. Once she lost them, she lost anything worth living for and dived into combat training to hone her body as a tool for preserving the life of those worthy (she’ll not protect a corrupt being, no matter how much they pay her).
Possibility 4: Haela Balcyan. More on that later, but the gist is her family of monster hunters more or less fell off the face of the map when confirmed deaths of the household heads rolled around the newspaper. Haela specifically endured a frightful change of lifestyle which to this day marred the girl she was once.
Symbolic -
This is an open opportunity, for any number of characters.
- Susan adopts lost souls left and right - Rickie considers all of her friends people she trusts and would lay her life down for
-Lysandra Vanburen ( @lysandra-vanburen)) is a closeted witch surviving midst the Drustvar witch trials
-Haela, despite being a monster herself, is a monster hunter and oft goes out on hunts. She will protect Innocents, even if it's a loathed act that they were in the way to begin with - Araebe considers anyone who cleans, protects or loves the ocean a member of her kin and she will give you goodies from the depths for honorable acts - Amian loves literally anyone and everyone, she shall protect you in the face of any adversary - Camille was disowned by her widowed father for dropping out of school and thus craves parental bonds. A few options, but we can discuss any other possibility! 🤷
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💔 - past relationship ~
Again, this is an open opportunity. We just have to discuss who to consider for the roles and we can work of the rest of the details! The most likely candidates for the running and why:
Susan - Obviously, she's the most unlikely of them all to hold down a stable relationship. The first sign of serious vibes and she bolts, feigning that shes unprepared or doesn't love the person when in actuality she is notorious for sabotaging her happiness.
Lysandra Vanburen- She would have been a sordid partner of affairs, able to get away with such unladylike happenings in her youth for the sole fact of who her family is. Low caste or high, if they were good company and beautiful enough she may have dabbled in discreet relationships .. but it would all come to an end at a certain age when she started taking being a representative to the Vanburen name much more seriously.
Rickie - She's a drifter. Can't stay in one place long before feeling the literal call of the wild, she will always come back to town for a fling or a few months of playing house before deucing with her dogs to get back to traveling the world.
Araebe - She's not for the land, always feeling the ocean drag her back in. The open waters are her home and life, this she is rarely able to commit for the sake of her loved one.. for the ocean is her greatest love of all and she will not turn her back on it to live a fruitless life on land pretending to be human.
Haela - Monster hunters make for terrible dates, she would leave anyone on read at the chance of a monster in the area for her to flex her skills on. Plus she's kinda freaky as an individual, a psychopath in all respects.
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💜 - hateship ( they hate each other but can’t stay away ) ~
Lysandra loathes the Horde. Her history in military has left her with scars and horror stories that haunt her to this day, things she vowed to spend a life time repaying the faction for. They are all a kill on sight for her. It is a possibility where anyone she ships with she constantly runs into and will happily engage in a fight with without hesitation. Or, if on neutral territory, she will harass and mean mug you to death.
Galiera can make shit hard to swallow, and will clash/argue with anyone who responds poorly to her often shitty attitude.
Susan and Rickie don't hate people easily, but crossing either one earns a lifetime of headaches from sly/aggressive quips from the Madam or straight up shitty remarks from Rickie when around them. But its also just as acceptable for them to become frenemies with anyone. 🤙
Amian is a devout woman of the Light. She will never quietly accept the atrocities of how people destroy their bodies to house dark magic. Demon hunters, warlocks, good elves and in general people of the dark arts are susceptible to her passive aggressiveness.
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As for your add on question regarding --
💟 - friends with benefits ~       
I’ll go ahead and give you (and anyone curious) a list of potential candidates who would be open to such tom foolery:
Rickie, Esme, Verzatea, Araebe, Camille, Haela. Everyone else is a possibility but there's too many variables that could ignite or snuff out such a potential friendship that itd require some forethought.
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@unabashedrebel sorry this took literal years!🌻
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lukelxiv · 5 years
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A commission for @fel-temptation/ @unabashedrebel of the ever lovely and always dangerous, Korrinth. Hi, I love her. <3
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ask-eliendre · 5 years
⭐️x2- for @fel-temptation!
Eliendre joined the Illidari as an initiate soon after the events of the Broken Shore that saw the Horde retreating under Sylvanas’ call, when Vol’jin fell. She could have been one of the Illidari on whom Korrinth inscribed the arcane runes to keep the inner demon under control. Eliendre would not have remembered her, due to the blinding pain that the process would have caused overshadowing any other detail at the time.
Later, as Eliendre matured into a fully fledged demon huntress, she would have remained in the background, learning passively and actively the methods and princples behind carving the arcane runes herself. Should Korrinth ever have questioned her about her interest, she would have learnt that Eliendre was an apprentice mage before she became a Spellbreaker, prior to joining the Illidari, and all the younger elf wanted to be was useful to her newfound brethren, when she was not hunting.
Thanks @unabashedrebel / @fel-temptation
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kryntora · 5 years
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This time, Kryntora found @fel-temptation !!!!
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eleeria · 5 years
 💭 x2 for Korr
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“You know we’ve only met once and talked proper, but I feel like if I could get her out of her shell a bit, we’d be that kind of friend that’s thick as thieves. And that’s saying something, coming from — well, you know.”
“Note to self, send pictures of Smudge and Smear ASAP.”
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mothervvoid · 4 years
One to three scenarios where my muse would fight or go against yours?- your choice of muses
Random Questions
K SO I’m gonna use Celyssena and Kiro soz in advance lmao
uuh okay so I can see Kiro probably finding out WHO Celyssena really is lbr tho her name isn’t common who would name their daughter after the daughter of a traitor lmfao and while I don’t see him as the kind of person to attack someone based on blood/who they’re related to I can see Celyssena freaking out and threatening him because she doesn’t want to u kno..... DIE.
Also sry I’m uhh using Kiro since while Cel would probably do the same if Sori or Korri found out she’s much more likely to be attacked by a retired/semiretired assassin than she is by a monk or DH considering she used to be affiliated w/ the Illidari via someone else she knew during Legion.
BUT ALSO CONSIDER: Terras and Korrinth duking it out over the last slice of pizza.
Wow I could have just put that. I’m gonna leave the rant tho, as a treat.
Luv u @unabashedrebel
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unabashedrebel · 2 years
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Korrinth Dawnshatter drawn by the awesome Kwatchi!
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caedun · 1 year
Who would win in a fight to the death, Caed or Korr? Give me your hottest take.
First of all, pal, I hate his question. They shouldn't be trying to kill each other, they should be friends. Caedun should be her nutritionist. Korri should be teaching him how to tighten up his runework. They should run a food truck that sells hokey Illidari-themed food. (Clenched-Fist Yam Fritters, Eye Beam Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Fel-Breath Chili, Sigil of Sandwich, etc.)
If I have to answer it, I'd probably give the win to Korrinth. Keeping Caedun away from you is the surest way to get an advantage, and her capability with runes--Illidari and otherwise--would help her create the space needed to press that advantage. But it's a thin line; you slip up, he's on you, and it's bad times from there on out.
Part of me thinks it would be a funny tie. I can't imagine Demon Hunters are well-equipped for killing each other, being resistant to their own weapons and spells as they are, and the constant regenerating wouldn't help either. They probably get tired, forget why they were fighting in the first place, and then go get a Big Water.
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safrona-shadowsun · 6 years
“Really? Not even a little hate cuddles?” Both of them in unison stated.
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{ Saf is 75% done @unabashedrebel She’s also mildly amused at intervals lol It beats being dropped in the middle of a Warfront and just wanting to lay waste to everyone. :p}
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fel-temptation · 7 months
3. a headcanon that canon doesn't disprove
4. a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
3. A headcanon lore doesn’t disprove.
Demon hunters having to consume demon souls as a form of sustenance! I don’t think it was ever stated anywhere, so I ended up writing them as power boosters with a twist.
4. A headcanon to spite canon
Not that I have anything against Illidan but Korrinths journey has more or less been- when I first started writing her she was all about Illidaddy. Though after some time and putting myself in the characters shoes? I mean she’s a smart lady. I write Korrinth now more so angry with Illidan, in particular with his penchant for focus recruiting the emotionally unstable (people who’s lives were ruined by the Legion), and coupled that with giving them the choice to die in the ritual or doom themselves for eternity. In her view, becoming Illidari was not even a prerequisite for finishing the Legion off as the heroes of Azeroth proved they could do just fine without the demon juice.
Hi Ard! Also thanks @mothervvoid !
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emalynde · 7 years
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Redhead shenanigans w/ @fel-temptation ;) I can feel @wyrmrest-poet sweating already.
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hugs-not-anonymous · 5 years
// tag dump :: rp relations edition
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