#Kisame has to go fish them out of the lake they crashed into
ladykissingfish · 7 months
Had a dream last night that I was watching English-dubbed Naruto but it was like a filler episode and like Itachi got sicker and had to start using a wheelchair. And Deidara and Hidan were fighting with each other over taking turns pushing it because Kisame made it so that the wheels turned different colors when you pushed the chair really fast and they were trying to see who could make the prettiest colors and meanwhile Itachi is just gripping the armrest of the chair for dear life but at the same time having so much fun 🥹
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Harry Potter Au Masterlist- Kakagai
This one is a bit long since i put both Kakashi and Gai together, so it will be all under the cut :)
@tenzoyamato @itachi-uchiha-deserved-better @uchihashisui-kun @temarihime
Sorted into Hufflepuff
Chaser for the Hufflepuff team
The son of a Squib and thus looked down on by a lot of pureblood and even half blood families
His father, Dai, was made Caretaker and the Muggle Studies Professor in his fourth year, so that he didn’t have to live separately from the boys to go to his muggle job so he could support Kakashi and Gai. 
Met Kakashi on the train to Konoha in his first year, and instantly decided that this would be his rival. That if he could become as good a wizard as Kakashi, that no one would be able to question his skills ever again. 
Went from having mediocre scores in all of his classes, to being the second best student of his year just under Kakashi because of his rivalry and drive to be as good as Kakashi. Is not at all surprised that people say he would make a great slytherin, but still likes that he’s in hufflepuff.
Became a Prefect in his fifth year and Head boy in his 7th year. 
Excels in Transfiguration and Charms, even beating out Kakashi’s scores in both classes from 3rd year until their seventh year.
Took Care of Magical creatures and Ancient Ruins as his chosen classes in his third year.
Decided that he wanted to be a Professor in his fifth year while he was thinking about what he wanted to do with his life. Made the choice because he realized that Professor Senju wanted to retire in the near future and he thought he would make a great transfigurations professor (he does)
His Father and Him moved into the Hatake residence during the summer before his fourth year. This happened because Sakumo died just before his third year started, and in his will he left the Hatake residence to Maito Dai to ensure that Kakashi would get it when he was old enough. 
In his 7th year the Tri-Wizard tournament is taking place at his school. When the Yule ball comes around, he ends up going with a student from one of the other schools who asked him out, which ended up being a mistake because the day after they asked him to the dance, Kakashi asked him. He still remembers the crushed look in Kakashi’s eyes when he told his best friend that he already had a date. Though, to his credit, Kakashi did not try to make Gai feel bad for his choice at all and instead ended up going with Baki
Was extremely surprised to find out after the Yule ball that he was Kakashi’s most precious person. He found this out because he was called to Headmaster Hiruzen’s office one day before the second trial, and woke up after the trial with Kakashi sitting over him with a stupid smile. Genma ended up filling him in on what happened. 
The only year he did not celebrate doing better than Kakashi in some of their classes was their third year, because that Year Kakashi was in such a bad place that he was actually in the bottom ranks of their year for most of the year. 
Is an Animagus that can transform into a Tortoise with a beautiful red shell. Like to chill out by the Castle lake and visit with Rin, who turns into a Koi fish. Also likes to take naps with Kakashi by his side.
Only ended up asking Kakashi out near the end of their seventh year. Did so by telling Kakashi that they should go out for dinner during the summer to celebrate finally graduation, and Kakashi smiled over at him and said “It’s a date”
Joined the Kyoto Kneazle during the summer before his first year of further education. Purposefully chose to join a team that Kakashi was not on, both so that they could continue their rivalry in quidditch and so that they didn’t over power other teams too much. 
Became the Captain of the Kyoto Kneazle’s in his third year on the team, only a year after Kakashi became Captain of his team. 
Sorted into Slytherin
Became the Slytherin team Seeker in his second year
Became Team Captain in his fourth year, the youngest person in history to become a team Captain until Itachi.
Became a prefect in his fifth year.
Excels in all of his classes, but with particular skills in Defence Against the Dark arts and Arithmancy
Decided to take Care of Magical creatures and Arithmancy in his third year. Arithmancy because he was interested in it, care of Magical creatures because Gai wanted to take it and he wanted one more class with Gai.
Decided to become a professor when Gai told him that it was what he wanted to do, because he wanted to follow a different path from his father.
During the Summer before his third year, he came inside after hearing a loud crash in the kitchen and found his father's body laying on the kitchen floor. Sakumo had committed Suicide after being labelled a failure and traitor for choosing to save his partner from an attack, rather than focusing on catching the criminal that they were chasing. 
That summer was when his dream of becoming an Auror ended
Is part of a prestigious pure blood clan, and the only living member of that clan after his father's death. 
During his first year, Kakashi realized that Obito would be unlikely to buy a lot of his books for their second year because he had been disowned by his clan for being sorted into gryffindor. That year while him and his father were getting his books, he asked his dad if they could pick up an extra copy of everything for Obito. Sakumo has never been so proud of his son.
Has a pet dog, Pakkun, that he brings to school even though it’s not one of the standard animals that students can have. 
Bought Gai a Tortoise during the summer before their second year so that he had a friend to keep him company in the common rooms, since Kakashi couldn’t be with him. 
In his fourth year he picks up two new friends, both of whom are first years. Shisui he starts to hang around because he realizes that Shisui likes to hide away from people in the forbidden forest and Kakashi wants to make sure that he’s not alone and is looked after in case anything happens. Tenzo he sees in the hallways one day, brand new Slytherin, being bullied by some second year gryffindors. He walks up behind Tenzo and as soon as the Gryffindor’s see him they run for it, and then before Tenzo can protest he legit picks him up and starts to talk away. This is his friend now and Tenzo will learn to accept this.
Him and Gai often get into a lot of trouble in their first year for staying out after curfew, but all they’re doing is studying and chit chatting a bit too late and they have lost track of time. Because of this, the teachers stop taking points from them in their second year and start just telling them the time and watching them scramble to grab their things and say goodnight before running to their common rooms. 
During his Sevnth year Kakashi is upset to find out that there will be no Quidditch because of the Tri-Wizard competition. 
He puts his name into the cup as a potential champion because Gai tells him it won’t be the same type of victory being named Champion if Kakashi wasn’t even in competition with him for the spot.
Absolutely face plants against the slytherin table and groans when it’s his name called out as champion.
Is absolutely devastated to find out that Gai is going to the Yule ball with someone else. It took him days to get up the courage to ask his friend to the dance, only to be turned down because someone asked him a day quicker. 
Ends up going to the Yule ball with Baki, who assures him he only asked him because he was feeling sorry for him since he looked so sad after Gai’s rejection. But Baki spends all night dancing with him so he’s not keen to believe his lies.
Is horrified to find out that someone precious to him has been put in the lake for his second task, because he knows who it is. Unless someone else considers Gai more precious than he does, it is going to be Gai. And if somehow by some miracle it’s not Gai, it will be Tenzo. Either way, he feels sick to his stomach and it definitely affects his performance because he’s so terrified of losing someone else precious to him. 
Ends up starting the fourth task in last place because of poor performance in the second and third task (he got second just after Baki in the first task) but ends up winning even though he enters the maze last because at the end of the day out of all the champions, he is the most diverse in skills. 
Absolutely ends up facing down a spider to save Kisame from it, and Kisame will never let him forget the fact that he screamed in terror when it came running at him, even as he called out a curse and put it down.
Everyone is both surprised, but unsurprised to find out Kakashi wins. Surprised because he had been doing so poorly before the final task, but unsurprised because he is Sakumo Hatake’s son and regardless of how Sakumo fell, he was a fantastic wizard who was extremely diverse in his skills and Kakashi got that same diversity and intelligence 
Join’s the Tokyo Threstral’s National team during the summer after his seventh year. Becomes the team Captain during his second year with them. The only team that has a chance against his team, is of course Gai’s. 
Chooses to teach Defence against the dark arts and Arithmancy after getting his training to become a professor, because those were the two classes he excelled at and thus the two classes he would enjoy teaching the most. 
Proposes to Gai during their first year as Professors. It’s the end of the year and they’ve just seen off all of the students when Gai starts gushing about how the next year is going to be even better, and this time Hufflepuff will beat Slytherin for the house cup. Kakashi just ends up smiling and saying ‘Marry me’, which Gai think’s he has misheard. But Kakashi repeats himself and ends up getting crushed in a hug from Gai as he repeats ‘yes’ over and over again
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