mudwerks · 9 months
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(via The Grim Gallery: Exhibit 4576)
Artist Shaka Fumu Kabaka wearing his costume, Matshozi 6 Jours (Six Days of Tears) made from discarded dolls to honour the victims of the six-day war in his home town of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo
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📍 Kisangani, DR Congo 🇨🇩
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whats-in-a-sentence · 11 months
The River Congo
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"Heart of Darkness" - Joseph Conrad
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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As wheat prices rise, a food staple in the DRC gets reimagined Every morning, Madeleine Kombozi, 38, sets up a stall in front of the Institut Chololo, a technical school in the Makiso commune in the center of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She turns on the hob and begins cooking pasta, known locally as spaghetti, for students and passersby.Read more... https://qz.com/as-wheat-prices-rise-a-food-staple-in-drc-gets-reimagi-1850111202
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atukaworld · 2 years
Yangambi brûle.
Date, heure et contexte de l’événement ?Auteurs des actes ?Le mobile ?La motivation ?Conséquences à courtes et longues échéances ?Capacités d’intervention des yangambiens et du reste des préjudiciés ?Autorités, mesures prises ? À Kisangani, non loin de Yangambi, nous avons fermé notre succursale de l’EAE ASBL, où nous souhaitions installer notre centre de publication de supports de formation…
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iweb-rdc001 · 2 months
Campagne "tout pour la patrie" : Éveil patriotique à Kisangani
La campagne nationale d’éveil patriotique “Tout pour la Patrie” a été officiellement lancée vendredi dernier à Kisangani, dans la province de la Tshopo. Cet événement, qui s’est poursuivi samedi matin dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Université de Kisangani, a rassemblé étudiants et membres du gouvernement autour de l’importance de soutenir les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC)…
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archivio-disattivato · 7 months
Patrice Lumumba was the first elected Prime Minister of the Congo. He ascended to power in the Congo on June 30, 1960, the date of Congo’ s independence from Belgium. Within ten weeks of being elected, Lumumba’s government was deposed in a coup. He was subsequently imprisoned and assassinated on January 17, 1961 by Western powers (United States, Belgium, France, England and the United Nations) in cahoots with local leaders such as Moise Tshombe and Joseph Desire Mobutu.
Lumumba is a member of the Tetela ethnic group. He was born on July 2, 1925, in Katako-Kombe in the Sunkuru district of the Kasai Province. Growing up, Lumumba attended a Protestant Missionary school as well as a Catholic missionary school and became a part of the educated elite called évolués. Lumumba contributed to the Congolese press through poems and other writings. His occupations included a postal clerk in Kinshasa and an accountant in Kisangani. Lumumba’s organizational involvement were varied. He served as head of a trade union of government employees, he was active in the Belgian Liberal Party and in 1958, Lumumba founded the Congolese National Movement (MNC in French). Also in 1958, he was invited to the first All-African People’s Conference in Accra, Ghana, organized by Kwame Nkrumah. He met nationalists and pan-africanists from various African countries and became a member of the permanent organization set up by the conference.
Lumumba’s party won national elections in May of 1960 which led to his ascendancy to Prime Minister on June 30, 1960. Read more on Lumumba>>
Lumumba’s Independence Day Speech Lumumba’s Last Letter to his Wife
Reading List Congo My Country by Patrice Lumumba Patrice Lumumba: Fighter for Africa’s Freedom by Patrice Lumumba The Assassination of Lumumba by Ludo De Witte Rise and Fall of Patrice Lumumba by Thomas Kanza Lumumba Speaks: The Speeches and Writings of Patrice Lumumba, 1958-1961 Translated by Helen R. Lane. Ed. Jean Van Lierde
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bigfootbeat · 4 months
Chimporilla in the Congo
This is not Bigfoot. However, an undiscovered primate obviously has implications for cryptozoology if an unknow primate is documented in the 21st century.
From the article:
Because the Chimporilla was shot hundreds of kilometres away from known gorilla ranges, Hicks is certain he knows what species it is.
“I have a pretty strong opinion on what I think it is. And it’s a bit of a controversial one. But I need to point out I’m not certain, this is just what I think” he said.
“I would love it to be a gorilla. But if it was, it would be mind-blowing. It would rewrite the history or biology books on the distribution of the gorilla. Because it would put them hundreds of kilometres away from the closest ones we know of.”
Hicks had heard rumours of the Chimporilla for years and was delighted when he was shown its taxidermied body when visiting Kisangani.
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dampfloks · 6 months
Walt Disney - Animal Kingdom - Wildlife Express Train
Die Bahn (mit der nicht mehr dampfgetriebenen Lokomotive) ist Teil der fiktiven Eastern Star Railway, die von Lusaka nach Nairobi und Kisangani führt. Ein 1.2 Mailen Rundkurs zu Rafiki's Planet Watch und zurück.
The railroad (with the no longer steam-powered locomotive) is part of the fictitious Eastern Star Railway, which runs from Lusaka to Nairobi and Kisangani. A 1.2 mile round trip to Rafiki's Planet Watch and back.
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mosertone · 9 months
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Artist Shaka Fumu Kabaka wearing his costume, Matshozi 6 Jours (Six Days of Tears) made from discarded dolls to honour the victims of the six-day war in his home town of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo
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ptseti · 4 months
Wagenia Fishermen of Kisangani
In Kisangani you’ll get to know the famous fishermen of the Wagenia Falls who fish from a wooden construction on the Congo River, where they place wooden baskets to catch big fish.
They have an island on the Congo River, where their King resides.
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warningsine · 3 months
This ongoing conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and throughout the region has intensified – leading to widespread displacement and raising serious concerns about the humanitarian situation in North Kivu Province in particular.
On June 28 and 29, M23 rebels in the Eastern DRC captured the towns of Kanyabayonga and Kirumba, respectively.
Kirumba residents like Tsongo Augustin say more and more people have been forced out of the area, which had become home to many who already had been displaced by the conflict.
"Kirumba is gradually being deserted by the population, and therefore the humanitarian situation is very complicated. This area has welcomed many displaced families from Rutshuru, and now they are fleeing again," Augustin said.
Strategic importance of region
Kirumba is the largest settlement in the Lubero territory with a population of over 120,000.
Kanyabayonga meanwhile is home to more than 60,000 people, but tens of thousands of people had fled there in recent months, driven from their homes by the advance of the rebels. 
The region considered to be a "strategic stronghold, which is meant to block the rebels' advance towards the country's Grand North region," said Professor Adolphe Agenonga Chober, a lecturer at the University of Kisangani, who is also an expert on armed movements.
Soaring humanitarian crisis — and frustration
The capture of Kanyabayonga and Kirumba has now triggered another bout of mass displacement, compounding an already dire humanitarian situation.
"The question we ask ourselves is where will all these displaced families go?" Augustin said.
Others feel disillusioned with those in leadership. Wema Kennedy, a resident of Kirumba, complained that the community is "not seeing the government doing anything to take control of the territories captured by M23."
"Bunagana for instance has been under M23 for about two years now, and many are scared that it will not be easy for the government to retake control of Kirumba. We have the impression that M23, which started as a minor group, is today overpowering everything, and because of this, people are frustrated," she told DW.
A recent attack on a convoy in North Kivu province further exacerbated the security situation and humanitarian crisis in the area — and beyond. Two South African soldiers were kiled in such recents attack, and two members of aid staff are still missing.
The UK-based international Christian relief and development organization Tearfund said in a statement that is condemned the attack on humanitarian workers "who are working tirelessly to serve the people of the DRC."
"We urge all parties to respect and protect aid workers, ensuring their safety as they carry out their vital mission," Tearfund said.
Silence from the international community
The international community and the African Union meanwhile have remained largely silent on these latest developments amid escalating tensions. Professor Agenonga attributes this to a divergence of interests and approaches.
"The international community and the African Union are advocating for dialogue between the parties involved in this conflict — an approach rejected by the government in Kinshasa," Agenonga told DW, adding that "this also does not seem to be doing enough to change the situation and stop the M23 from advancing." The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has reiterated the severity of the humanitarian crisis in the DRC. Eric Batonon, country director of the NRC for Congo, said that action had to be taken urgently.
"It is really important that the international community and all world leaders come together to try to find a solution to these conflicts, and allow millions of women and children to return home and safeguard a safe future for them," Batonon said.
Accusations against Congo's military
The Congolese army's performance, meanwhile, has also come under scrutiny, with accusations of passivity amid escalating attacks and ineffective command structures.
Augustin Muhesi, a political science professor in eastern DRC, underscored the need to reassess the army's strategy:
"This could be related to the morale of soldiers. Many have been fighting for a long time without rest. I am among those who think that we should also consider replacing these soldiers," Muhesi told DW, citing coordination issues due to overlapping command structures in North Kivu as another factor.
Alleged squirmishes among army commanders are also frustrating locals and boiling over into violence. Youth in the town of Butembo have attacked army officers, accusing them of inaction.
"We believe there is a problem with the leadership hierarchy on the front line, and that is what angers the population," Mathe Saanane, president of a network of civil society groups in Butembo, told DW.
A president in crisis mode
In response to the M23's advances, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi convened a Defense Council meeting and reassured the nation of his commitment to preserving the country's territorial integrity.
In his Independence Day address on June 30, Tshisekedi expressed his concern forthe affected populations.
"I cannot ignore the grave security situation shaking our country. To our brothers and sisters in Kanyabayonga and the surrounding regions, I want to express my deep solidarity and compassion in the face of the suffering you endure," he declared.
However, his words of affirmation may fall on deaf ears, as North Kivu province has now been racked by violence since 2021, when the M23 rebel group first resumed its armed campaign in the region.
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justicerikai · 1 year
Could you please repost the “Why is Rikai Kisangani cute” presentation? :< I loved it
Oh, sure!
I'll put it all under this ask
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La New Vision Clinic-Eyano de Goma porte à la connaissance de la population de Goma, Bukavu, Beni, Butembo, Bunia, Kindu, Kisangani et ses alentours de la présence à GOMA le Médecin Spécialiste Cardiologue en provenance de la Cote d'Ivoire pour la prise en charge des maladies cardiaques et des vaisseaux .
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- Douleur thoracique, difficulté respiratoire, vertiges, palpitation, maux de tête, perte de connaissance, gonflement des pieds, fatigabilité au moindre effort, ....
Sont prié de prendre rendez-vous maintenant aux numéros suivants:
+243 994 620 712
+243 979 260 901
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Audrey Hepburn at Kisangani market at the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1958 for the production of The Nun’s Story (1958) Photography by Leo Fuchs
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iweb-rdc001 · 2 months
Campagne "tout pour la patrie" : Éveil patriotique à Kisangani
La campagne nationale d’éveil patriotique “Tout pour la Patrie” a été officiellement lancée vendredi dernier à Kisangani, dans la province de la Tshopo. Cet événement, qui s’est poursuivi samedi matin dans l’amphithéâtre de l’Université de Kisangani, a rassemblé étudiants et membres du gouvernement autour de l’importance de soutenir les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC)…
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