#Kita comfort
cottonlemonade · 6 months
warnings: uni stress
synopsis: you are having a medium meltdown about academics and your boyfriend comforts you
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Kita looked up from his book when your pen zoomed past him and hit the wall. It was exam season and as always it was everything but pleasant. In true student fashion you had only started your paper with three days left until the deadline. You had been trying to write all day but it wasn’t turning out anywhere close to your satisfaction - who would’ve thought. You knew what you would have to write, you knew how you wanted to make your point but you had no idea where to start.
“Ya okay there, sweetheart?”, your boyfriend asked. He had been keeping you company after getting home from work and you were happy about him being there, as that was normally enough to calm you down but today it just infuriated you more. He didn’t have to deal with uni stress. He didn’t have to think about student debt and stupid term papers.
You buried your face in your hands and groaned loudly. You took deep breaths, trying not to cry.
You heard a shuffling and the next minute, he was kneeling next to your chair.
“Hey, look at me.”, Kita said softly, pulling your hands in his. You look at him with tearfilled eyes and his heart pulled painfully at the sight.
“Ya can do this.” Even in his own ears that sounded hollow and he didn’t blame you for snorting in disbelief. He cupped your cheek and pulled you closer to lean his forehead against yours. “Breathe.”
You did as you were told. “I’m here. Breathe.” His words were barely more than a whisper, but the soothing tone of his voice gave you something to cling to and he wiped away your tears with his thumb as he repeated his mantra a few more times. You closed your eyes and silence fell.
For a long time you just sat there like this. Him on the floor, you in your chair, one hand of his gently squeezing yours, the other caressing your cheek reassuringly.
He paid close attention to every sound you made. When he was sure you had calmed down enough, he said quietly “I love ya.” and pressed the most delicate of kisses to your lips.
You sat up a little in your chair, looking at the man kneeling in front of you and wondered what you had done to deserve him. His warm smile made you feel safe.
He rose from the floor, still holding your hand and pulled slightly, bringing your soft form into his strong arms. With gentle fingers he combed through your hair and held you tighter, setting another kiss to your temple. “Come on, darlin’. I’m gonna make us some dinner and then we’ll snuggle up on the couch for a bit, hm?”
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✨ @rinnndoll 🫶🏻✨
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doingitforbokuto · 9 months
The White Knight - Chapter Two
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Summary: Although the search for your future husband has been put on hold, you still feel like your whole life you are being pushed around by the men in your life. None of them truly care about what you want.. except for one.
Words: 3,594
Warnings: mentions of blood and death, talks of arranged marriage
Your Point Of View 
From the end of the hallway, you could see your brother standing in front of your bedroom door. It had gotten dark out and you decided it was time to leave the gardens and retire for the night. Your maid was already making her way to the kitchen to fetch your dinner and prepare a tea that the royal physician promised would help you sleep better through the night. 
Of course, there was no knight with your brother. The only thing by his side was his sword. He still enjoyed the privilege of only being guarded when it was actually needed.
None of your previous guards had been assigned to follow you wherever you went. When they were with you, they were supposed to keep you safe and what was the point of keeping you safe inside the walls of your own home? It was the general consensus at court that only the king was to be guarded day and night. You have had knights who protected you when you left the castle or when you went to a big gathering like the feasts your father would hold on special occasions. But when no one other than the inhabitants of the castle were around, you had been free to spend your time without a knight by your side. After all, there were enough people that made sure that the castle was guarded and it was thought that no one who could harm you could make their way in. 
That was until the last time your father had called together possible suitors for you, the only princess of the kingdom. Two of them had fought in the throne room, in front of theit king - a thing no one had seen coming. Your father was adamant about keeping the peace and keeping troublesome folks out of his castle. Of course there had been times when some of the men gathered at court had tried to settle their differences with a fight, but all of those fights had been caused by political differences or because someone had been insulted. This had been the first time that it had happened because of you. It scared both of you, your father and you. But the decision to tighten the circle drawn around you still hadn't been yours. 
All your life, you had noticed the circle your family drawn around you. It limited all of your freedom. All of the space you had been allowed to explore. Where you could go. What you could do. Who you were allowed to talk to. And now, what you were allowed to do on your own - which was practically nothing. 
Kita was supposed to be around you all the time. He had little time off, during the night and in the morning, someone else looked after your safety. Then, when you had woken up, gotten dressed and had your breakfast, he would start his duties for the day. He would only leave you for a little while to eat his lunch while you ate yours with your family, surrounded by your father’s guards. Kita would stay with you until you went back to your chambers to retire for the night, which was where you were going right now. 
Your brother's eyes found yours and even from a distance, you could see curiosity glimmering in them. They moved from you to Kita, then back to you. Of course, he was here to interrogate you about the newest addition of royal knights. 
“Ethan,” you nodded to greet him. 
“My prince,” Kita bowed behind you. 
Your brother smiled at the two of you. Oh, he was so going to ask you about him. “I've been waiting for you.” You wished you could just wipe that grin off his face. “I just wanted to talk to you for a bit. Why don't we go inside?” 
He gestured towards the wooden door that rarely anyone other than you and your maids passed. He let you step in first and turned around to face Kita before following you.
“I think the princess is safe enough with me around. Why don't you go and find the night guard and then retire for the day, Sir Kita?” 
Your knight glanced past your brother's figure to you, the slightest hesitation visible in his expression. 
“It's alright, Sir Kita. I will see you tomorrow.” You gave him a reassuring smile without even wanting to. 
Normally, you made sure that there was a certain distance between you and your knights. The last thing you ever wanted to do was make them believe that you were a woman who was interested in anything other than a practical relationship with her knight. It was your duty to marry a lord your father would pick out for you, so there was no point in searching for love and romance anywhere else. Though you were sure that a lot of the stories of ladys you knew being intimate with their knights while being married to someone else were true, that was not what you wanted to be. It was a princess’ duty to make sure she was respected and to make sure that there was no reason for every people to gossip about or speak lowly of her. 
So that was why you always made sure to be a little distanced from your knights. But with Kita, you couldn't help but feel more at ease. It was obvious that he was one of the few people who believed in their duty, who wanted to serve and better their kingdom and lived for the things they believed in, who thought honor and duty to be above anything. He wouldn't make an inappropriate move on you - you hoped. So it was alright to show him a little softness, right? Especially after the scare you gave him earlier today, you still felt a little bad for him and didn't want him to feel like he was failing at his duty once again. 
With your reassurance, he bowed again and moved to leave you while your brother closed the door to your bedroom. 
“So,” he smirked. “Heard he's a scaredy cat.” 
You rolled your eyes at his comment and made your way to the table you normally ate at. “You people will twist someone's words to fit your gossip.” 
You took two cups from the middle of the table and poured a little wine into each one. 
“Not at all.” Ethan stepped behind you and accepted one of the cups from your hands. “It's just a bit unusual to hear a knight admit that he's scared of dying. Makes him sound like he'll run away from a fight instead of protecting you.” The mischievous gleam was now gone from his eyes and replaced with a serious expression you rarely saw on your brother's face during a private conversation. “Do you really believe that he is the right man to protect you?” 
“I know what you're thinking. What you're all thinking.” You shot him a warning look over the edge of your cup. “But I don't know any of the men father has picked out to be my knight. I can't trust any of them completely.” 
“Of course not,” Ethan huffed. “But why would you pick out the one man who admits that he is scared to die? Why not pick someone who is ready to fight and die for you if need be?” 
“What, like the other one's I've had?” A pained look crossed your brother's face when you said that. “The last ones I've had were just like that, ready to jump into a fight head first - and jump they did. Jumped and left me defenseless.” You looked at the floor and felt like you could still see a puddle of blood by your feet. “I want someone who won't get himself killed in front of my eyes. That might be him. And I don't think that he's someone who will run away from his duty. Do you?" 
Your brother sighed and pulled out a chair to sit down. “I don't know, y/n. I really don't know. All I know is that so far all of your knights have done nothing but bring more harm to you. I do not want to see you suffer like that again.” 
You sat down next to him. It surprised you that he was expressing his concerns for you this freely. Your brother loved you, of course he did. You knew that - he was your brother after all. But usually, he would tease you and poke a little fun at you, like most siblings do. Your conversations were funny and light hearted. It was rare for him to talk to you so seriously about such a sensitive topic. You weren't even aware that he knew how much you had been suffering because of the deaths of the other knights. It was nice to know that at least someone other than Alysane really cared about your wellbeing. 
“I know some other good knights that would make a good protector and could replace him if needed.  Just promise me that you'll tell me if you feel like he isn't the right man for you, alright?” 
“ ‘The right man for me’? I think father is already taking care of that,” you chuckled, though it came out dry and humorless. 
“You know what I mean.” He gave you a stern look. “Anyway, father put the search for a husband on hold for now. I think he's worried about more fights breaking out. So you have to wait for that man anyway.” 
Your fingers traced the edge of your cup. Would this be your escape one day? You've seen more than one woman succumb to the numbing properties of wine after getting married. 
“I don't want any of them, Ethan,” you whispered.” None of them care about what I want. Father doesn't care about what I want. No one cares about what I want.” You had no idea what possessed you to say this to him, but it felt like you were just desperately trying to push a huge weight off of your shoulders. 
“That's not true. You know that that's not true.” 
“Oh, really? When has he ever consulted me in the search for my husband? Not once has he asked me what I want in a husband! All that he cares about is a good political match.” This was why you never talked about serious topics with your brother. Never did he understand you! 
“He is the king. He has to keep the peace. That is his duty and the duty of the whole royal family. He did his duty when he made peace after the uprising in the east. I did my duty when I fought in a war for our house. Now it is time for you to do yours.” 
The tone in his voice was harsh and cold, letting you know that it was best not to talk back. He lifted his cup to his lips before emptying it in one go and slamming it back onto the table. 
“Think about that while you can.” With that, he pushed himself up and strode out of the room.
Perhaps you were wrong. Perhaps there really was no one but Alysane who cared about your wellbeing.
You followed your brother's example and emptied your cup in one go. It left a bitter taste in your mouth. You should probably ask your maid to bring you a different one.
The next day, Kita walked suspiciously close to you as he accompanied you to the garden once again. He was on edge and shot you side glances every few seconds. Every now and then, you would catch his hand moving out of the corner of your eye whenever you strayed a bit away from him, almost like he wanted to reach out and hold onto you. Of course, he would never dare and actually touch you unless his duties required it of him, but right now you felt like he wanted to make sure you didn't get lost, like he wanted to make sure that you were still next to him.
On any other man, that kind of behavior might have made you feel unsafe and on edge, but with him, it was different. It was obvious that he didn't mean to be possessive or to touch you inappropriately - after all, he didn't even touch you. All he wanted to do was not lose you. And the fact that he was doing this was probably a consequence of your own actions from the day before.
You knew better than to leave your guards' side. More than once you had witnessed knights being punished for leaving their charge unattended. It was their job - their sworn duty - to give their all, even their life if need be, to make sure they were safe. If they failed, the consequences would be dire. You knew that. You knew all of that. And on any other occasion, you would have been more attentive but having a knight with you in the royal garden.. that was an entirely new experience to you. You truly had just forgotten that he was even supposed to be with you. Today, you would make sure it didn't happen again.
The tea you had tried yesterday did not help you sleep at all. If anything, it made you stay up longer because you were so desperately trying to fall asleep. Maybe it didn't help as much because the herbs in it were already dried two years ago? Perhaps picking fresh herbs and making a new tea would help you.
Deep down, you knew, of course, that that was just wishful thinking. There was no tea to help you, no meal or drink that could make the images of death and blood dissappear from your mind. They were engraved into your memory forever and you could never get rid of them. But perhaps wandering around the garden and busying yourself with the searching, picking and drying of the herbs would keep you distracted from those thoughts. 
As you strolled through the gardens you let the sun warm your face. Every now and then you would stop and just let its rays catch on your cheeks. The sun bathed the flowers and plants that had just started to grow after the end of winter in a beautiful light. Little bees and butterflies were busy flying from one flower to another and you could hear the quiet hum of their wings as the passed by you. It felt like everything around you was coming back to life. It almost made you angry. 
Why did everything around you have to be so alive, so happy and free while you were being locked away? Why did every little bee and mosquito get to fly wherever they wanted but you, princess of the kingdom, were doomed to stay inside the castle walls forever? Only to be shipped off to the man who would kiss your father's arse the best! Why you, why did it have to be you?! And why didn't anyone see how you were suffering! 
Without even meaning to, you had started to just rip out the herbs that were growing in front of you. The basket you had placed on the ground beside your knees to keep the plants you had already picked up bumped against your arm when you ripped our fresh flowers only to throw them onto the ground next to where you kneeling. Intuitively, you gripped the handle of the basket and slammed the poor thing into the flowerbed where is dug into the soft ground and took the last few flowers down with it. 
All of the pretty blossoms were smushed, covered in dirt and ripped from their stems. You had beheaded the little ones in front of you and tossed their bodies around until there was nothing left. No more blossoms for the bees to sit on and get their legs covered with pollen by. None for the butterflies to drink from. None for the ants to wander up and down on. None were left. And it was all your fault. Everything was your fault. You were all alone, and it was all your fault.
Your tears had started flowing down your face all on their own and now you couldn't stop them. Your chest heaved with heavy sobs. All you wanted to do was bring back the flowers you had destroyed. You were sorry, so sorry for what you did. It wasn't their fault that these things were happening to you, you were just so irritated and tired and frustrated with everyone and everything around you that you took out all of that frustration on them. And as you got more and more lost in those thoughts, you had destroyed every lovely thing around you until you were all alone. 
Your hands started wiping at your face, at your eyes and your nose, trying to wipe off the tears and snot that was dripping down towards your chin. A hand started to move into your blurry field of vision, revealing a small handkerchief. 
“Here, princess. Take this.”
Kita was kneeling next to you on one knee. One hand was on his propped up knee, the other one was still holding the handkerchief he had just offered to you. His face was calm but you could tell that he was really just trying to keep his facade up as to not upset you any more. If he was angry or sad, you could not tell.
“Thank you..” You couldn't bring your voice to rise above a whisper but he didn't seem to care as he gently placed the cloth in your hand. It was much softer than you had imagined a knight's handkerchief to be and you couldn't help but wonder if a woman had gifted it to him. 
The same hand that had given you the handkerchief was now picking up your sad, little basked. The handle was broken and a few of the wooden strands were sticking out from the sides, but it was still usable. Kita carefully brushed off some of the dirt and started placing the flowers in it that weren't completely broken. His hands were big and rough from the work he did, but they still moved quickly and carefully, not one flower was crushed in between his calloused fingers. Watching him work his way through the battlefield of plants you had left behind was almost calming. It was a shame you didn't get to see him pick flowers more often. Perhaps in another life, he was a gardener. Or maybe even a farmer. 
After he was done, he placed the basket back where it stood before you decided to punish it for things it didn't even do. 
“What can I do, princess?” 
Dumbfounded, you just stared back at him, half of your face still hidden by the now dirty handkerchief. His eyes seemed to pierce into yours, like they were trying to look deep into your mind. It was too much for you to face. “Do?” 
“You're..  upset. I want to know what I can do to help you.” 
“Oh,” you gave him a sad smile while still avoiding his eyes. “Don't worry about it. It is nothing that you have to protect me from, no one is trying to harm me.” 
“I am your knight, princess. It is my duty to protect you from whatever harm may come to you. Physical or otherwise.” He looked at you with genuine worry now. “Please, tell me what it is that is wrong. Or merely tell me what to do to make it better.” 
He was really serious about this. He didn't just want to jump in front of a blade for you, he wanted to make sure you were safe. In every sense of the word. Even when it was out of his hands. 
“..there is nothing you can do to help me.” You fiddled with the cloth in your hands. “I'm sorry I worried you. It's just..” what were you even doing? There was nothing this knight could do for you, to truly help you. There was nothing anyone could do for you. “I'm just really tired,” you smiled. “I get upset when I can't sleep well, that's all. I've been trying all kinds of things to help me sleep but nothing does.” 
He could see right through you. You could see it in your eyes, he was reading you like an open book. You both knew that what you just said was a lie, that your insomnia wasn't the true catalyst of your outburst but thankfully, he decided to play along. 
“My grandmother has shown me an herb or two that she likes to mix into her tea blends to drink before bed.” He rose back to his full hight. His broad shoulders cast a shadow over your face and stopped the sun from blinding you as you looked up at him. A few stray hairs stuck up from the sides of his face, ones you'd never noticed if the sun hadn't been shining right onto him. He offered you a hand to help you stand up. “Let me show them to you, my princess.” 
His hand felt rough under your soft skin as you settled your hand into his palm. It made you dizzy how smoothly and quickly he pulled you back up to your feet, like he had been waiting his whole life just to do that. 
-> Next Chapter
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the door clicked, announcing that your boyfriend was home. Shinsuke opened the door carefully, sighing when he entered and closed it behind him. his expression changed when he looked over at you, a soft smile settling on his lips. however, it only lasted a moment, as he realized your posture and body language.
“my dear, what’s the matter?” he asked as he sat down next to you.
“mm,” you hummed. “dunno.”
“y/n, if there’s something wrong, I want to help you, but I can’t if I don’t know what’s wrong,” he said carefully, pushing strands of hair from your face. though his intent was kind, you couldn’t help but feel as if you were being scolded, judging by his tone.
tears stung the corners of your eyes. not wanting to cry, you lowered your voice to a whisper, “please just hold me.”
almost immediately, he took you into his arms, one resting around your waist, the other around your shoulders. your face fell to rest on his shoulder, and you inhaled his scent. this was home. he was home. of course, he wouldn’t let the day end without finding out what it was that’s bothering you, but for now this was enough, just him holding you, protecting you. he was enough.
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scarfwrites · 2 years
You Have A Mental Breakdown. Iwaizumi & Kita
❅Genre : Fluff, Angst, Comfort
❅Pairings: Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader
                    Kita x Fem!Reader
❅Warnings: Emotional damage, emotional instability, depression, anxiety, insane amount of stress, panic attack, not proofread since i made this at like twelve
❅A/N : I wish these boys were real it would make my panic attacks more bearable.
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For the past few days you’ve had an intense workload from your boss. It ate all your time as you’d spend overtime in the office. When you finally went home you still had to do papers which were extremely concerning for your boyfriend as you didn’t take breaks opting to only work continuously for hours. He carefully tapped your shoulder hoping not to surprise you as you were laser-focused into your work.
“OH HAJIME!” You flinched
“I didn’t see you there sorry” you nervously chuckled
“Hey Y/N don’t you think you need a break?” he asked worriedly
“I just need to finish a few more” you said going back to working
“You said that an hour ago” he deadpanned
“Oh sorry” you scratched your neck
“I promise I'll take a break after i finish this you smiled as” he sighed
“I’ll be watching you” he narrowed his eyes
You did keep your promise and took a break for about an hour and Hajime used it as an opportunity to spend time with you. After an hour though you went back to work despite your boyfriend scolding you for not taking a longer and much needed break to which you begged that it was only one more portion. He couldn't say no to your adorable pleading face so he agreed but he also decided to help you finish ignoring your pleas and insistence that you could do it yourself.
The next day you were currently in your office trying to manage all your workload. You were extremely stressed as due dates and deadlines were facing you waiting to be done. You tried masking the stress from your boss and co-workers, which  made it worse as they added more workload. Luckily your shift ended so no more extra workload though fitting all the necessary papers in your suitcase was an arduous task for just one person. As soon as you triple-checked if everything was done you rushed to your house hopefully to have even a few minutes of break time. As soon as you got home you opened the door hopeful of seeing your boyfriend for comfort but to no avail he wasn’t there. You then opened your phone to call for his whereabouts only to see a text from him saying that he was hanging with some old friends. You sighed sadly as you now had to do your work alone. You grabbed a jug of coffee and went straight to work.
After a few hours you felt extremely exhausted. You’ve finished only a portion of the workload that is due in two days which was stressing you even more to the point where you started panicking and crying as you were convinced you would not get it done. You felt numb and helpless as you cried into the pillows of your couch. One part of your mind was telling you to call Hajime but another part didn’t want to disturb him. You knew how long it’s been since he hung out with his friends and you didn’t wanna ruin that but you were starting to lose your breath so you had no choice.
Meanwhile with Iwaizumi he was currently with Oikawa, Matsun and Maki finishing up their hangout session when his phone rang.
“Who’s calling” Matsun asked
“It’s Y/N” Iwaizumi replied
“Y/N-chan?! Pick it up! I wanna talk to her!” Oikawa said shaking Iwaizumi’s shoulders
“I will when you stop shaking my shoulders and sit your ass down” Iwaizumi scowled making Oikawa pout as the other two burst out in laughter
“Hello Y/n?” Iwaizumi said answering the call
“H-Hajime” you cried hiccupping and breathing intensely
“Y/N? What’s wrong, what happened, why are you crying?” Iwaizumi panicked as the others started to get worried
“I-I C-can” you tried saying though you couldn’t breathe properly from all the crying
“Don’t hang up I’ll be there as fast as I can” he said waving at the others goodbye and rushing to the taxis to get to your shared apartment
“Hey! Let me drive taxis are gonna take way too long” Oikawa said as Iwaizumi nodded and everyone got in the car
“Hey Y/N slowly breathe in and out” he said softly as you tried following his instructions
“Calm down alright we’ll be there in a flash” he continued 
“Yeah when the flatass drives faster than a snail” Matsun rolled his eyes
“Can’t you drive any faster?” Maki yelled from the back
“JUST SHUT UP AND FOCUS ON DRIVING” Iwaizumi scolded loudly They all heard you laughing though still heard you hiccuping as an idea popped in Maki and Matsun’s mind 
“Jeez Y/N if only you were here you’d be complaining with us” Maki said teasingly
“How’d he get his driving licence anyways?” Matsun asked
“Prolly failed a lot till he begged the instructor to just give him one” Maki smirked 
Oikawa was about to start yelling till they all heard you laughing even more and calming down
“First of all I passed on my FIRST try. Secondly I DID NOT beg to pass my test. Thirdly she wouldn’t be complaining she’d smack your faces for making fun of me” Oikawa scowled angrily
“Pfft I doubt that” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes smiling as he heard you laugh even more
“Y/N-chan I’m not a slow driver right” Oikawa said sweetly 
“I don’t know” you said teasingly as the hiccups slowly stopped
“You wound me Y/N-chan” Oikawa pouted sadly as Maki and Matsun burst out in laughter
They continued to tease and banter until they arrived at your apartment. Iwaizumi signalled the other three to stay outside the door while he slowly went in closing the door as he went inside.
“That’s no fair I wanna help Y/N-chan too” Oikawa quietly complained
“You’d make her feel worse though” Matsun scoffed quietly
“Yeah definitely” Maki chimed in
Iwaizumi sighed as he heard the three’s bantering. As he went towards the living room he saw you laying down on the couch quietly whimpering. 
“Hey Y/N I’m here” he said as you immediately throw yourself on him hugging him tightly as you cried quietly
“Calm down It’s gonna be alright” he said softly combing your hair with his hand
“Let it all out we can talk when you’re alright” He continued placing a kiss on your hair as you continued crying
After a few minutes you stopped crying and decided to open up to your boyfriend.
“I’ve got too much work on my hands and it’s stressing me out especially with all the deadlines I don’t know if I can do it all” you confessed hugging him even more tightly
“Hey Y/N it’s ok don’t bite more than you can chew. If you need to take a break take a break I’ll deal with your boss myself” he said giving you a reassuring smile
“You don’t have to Hajime it’s fine really" you sadly smiled 
“No you need a break whether you like it or not” Iwaizumi scolded lightly as you nodded in agreement
“Can we come in now?” You hear Oikawa yell followed by two loud smacks which you presumed to be on the back of his head
“SHUT UP NOT NOW” Maki and Matsun scolded in unison
“It’s alright you all can come in” you yelled as you laughed
“See i told you” Oikawa said sticking his tongue
“Woah what’s all this on the table” Maki said concerned
“Oh that’s work” you smile nervously
“No that’s hell” Matsun deadpanned as you chuckled
“I think someone needs a break” Oikawa said organising the papers
“Yeah we’ll do it for you just go take a break” Iwaizumi smiled as he went with the others to do the work for you
Most of the time was spent goofing around than actually doing the work but they eventually finished it and you all decided to watch movies until you all fell asleep. You were glad you had an amazing boyfriend and his goofy friends.
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You were at school finishing some after school activities while your boyfriend Shinsuke was with his team practising for their upcoming practice match. You were supposed to help in managing their team though you were assigned to do a bunch of contests and prepare for upcoming exams in the next few days so you opted in preparing early so you wouldn't stress out too much. Currently you were fixing your classroom putting pretty decorations trying to make it look good when your teacher passed by.
“Oh Y/N! Perfect timing” your teacher said as you stood up to bow and greet her
“I was hoping you’d represent our class for the event about European historical figures” she asked
“I asked your other classmates and they all were busy with some other things so I was hoping I could ask you” she pleaded tiredly
“Oh well-” you said thinking whether to accept it as you had other things to do though seeing your teachers tired face you nervously accepted it
“Thank you Thank you Y/N! I promise your grades will benefit greatly!” she said as hastily running towards her office
You were now regretting your decision as not only were you already skipping managing the volleyball team to do decorations in your class you now have to make a costume and represent your class you also still need to do a ton more other activities and assignments. 
After a few more hours of decorating you finally complete it though it was now night time. You quickly cleaned up your mess and organised everything before you see two familiar faces entering your classroom
“Looks like someone’s finished decorating their classroom” Samu said looking at all the decorations
“Yeah! You’ve finished faster than our classes!” Tsumu chimed in
“Oh! Samu and Tsumu, what are you doing here?” You asked cleaning a few more of the clutters and messes around the classroom
“Well captain’s looking for ya and you weren’t at practice earlier” Tsumu explained
“Well I guess you can see what I’ve been doing” you chuckled grabbing your bag
“You’ve outdone yourself well to be expected from someone dating the captain” Samu smiled
“Well Shinsuke looking for me so let’s get going” you said tugging their shoulders to come along
“Could I get a free ice cream Y/N?” Tsumu smirked
“You forgot to include me” Samu glared at the other twin
“I don’t know have you two foughten while I was away” you raise an eyebrow
“Nope we were good boys today” Tsumu said smiling innocently
“Ew stop talking like that it’s disgusting” Samu said giving Tsumu the stink eye
“Continue that and I won’t give you one” you glared at both of them
Alright fine they both said in unison
You three arrive at the gym to see the rest of the team cleaning it up.
“Oh Y/N, I hope the twins didn’t cause you too much trouble” Kita said slightly worried
“They’re nothing I can’t handle” you smiled at Kita
“Yeah! We’ve been very nice to her today!” Tsumu said proudly
“That’s kinda surprising” Aran said in disbelief
“I’m sorry I had to miss practice. I had to finish our decorations for our class” you said looking down
“It’s quite alright Y/N” Kita said giving you a reassuring smile
“Can we get our ice cream now” Tsumu whined
“Don’t whine it makes you sound like a baby” Samu scowled
‘Here we go again’ you all thought
After getting the twins ice cream it was back to work with your costume preparations. You spent half an hour researching for a good historical figure than another half looking for all the materials to make it. Whilst making it you decided to multi-task and do the other things you had to do. You did not realise how much work you decided to take on yourself but it was too late to back out now.
The next few days were very hectic for you. You were assigned homeworks and projects in each class while having volleyball management meaning you would have barely any time to spend with your boyfriend. Dates outside turned into indoor dates as you had no time to spend it outside. Currently Kita was helping you lessen your workload no matter how much you tried to insist you were fine.
“Oh Shin, you really don’t have to do that!” You insisted grabbing the needle he was holding
“Y/N you still have to finish making your poem” he said, taking back the needle. “Let me finish stitching your costume together for you” he said, going back to sewing it together. 
“But you still have homework to do” you pleaded
“It doesn’t compare to the amount of work you have” he said as he shook his head
“Thanks Shinsuke” you smiled brightly
“But you really don’t have to do this” you said before going back to writing your poem
“I don’t want you to overexert yourself Y/N. Don’t bite more than you can chew alright?” He smiled empathetically as you look at him and smiled
“How’d I get so lucky with a boyfriend like you” you said hugging him 
“I’m luckier to have you” he said hugging you back
You did your best to follow your boyfriend’s wishes but each day the workload got worse and worse as more assignments, quizzes, and projects were thrown left and right. You barely had time to study for the upcoming exams thanks to volleyball practice especially with how chaotic it is. You tried managing your time going from contest to contest, activity to activity and it completely stressed you out. The team especially noticed your behaviour and were extremely concerned.
“Hey capt have ya noticed Y/N? She looks really sad” Tsumu pointed out to Kita
“Did ya have to point out the obvious?” Samu rolled his eyes as Tsumu glared him
“It’s most likely her heavy workload I’ll take care of it” Kita said walking towards you as you drink your bottle of coffee
“Y/N why don’t you take a break at home. We can manage ourselves” Kita said
“No no I’ve missed practice too many times” you pouted
“No need to worry we understand, you need to rest” Kita insisted
“But Shin” you pleaded as he looked at you
“Make sure you rest well and don’t worry about your assignments I’ll do it for you” he gave a reassuring smile
You knew whatever you say would not convince him otherwise so you decided to just head back home.
“Ya think she’s gonna follow Captain this time?” Tsumu asked
“Knowing her probably not” Aran replied
“Now there’s no one to settle down the twins when they fight” Akagi said slightly worried
“Eh more fun for me” Suna said nonchalantly
As soon as you got home you did not rest, especially because of the amount of homework they gave that day. You were extremely stressed now as you had tons of other activities on top of the costume modelling tomorrow. You were too overwhelmed to the point where you couldn’t breathe from panicking and crying. You couldn’t call Kita as your phone died from earlier while you were multi-tasking so you were crying even more from the lack of comfort. Meanwhile the team just finished practising when they saw your worried boyfriend trying to call you.
“Something wrong?” Ginjima asked concerned
“Y/N won’t answer my calls it goes straight to voicemail” Kita said with slight frustration in his voice
“Maybe she’s just sleeping” Suna said yawning
“Of course you’d say that” Samu retorted
“No knowing her she’s definitely not sleeping” Kita said
“I’ll head off early” Kita continued as he rushed outside
“Oi! Capt wait up!” Tsumu said following your concerned boyfriend as the others soon followed
Thanks to the breakdown you just had your house looked like a wreck. You tried listening to music or doing activities that would normally cheer you up but to no avail it did not work. Currently you were laying down on the couch crying loudly as you tried to calm down when the door was unlocked which made you panic even more.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Kita said rushing towards you and pulling you into a tight embrace but you couldn’t respond as you were hyperventilating whilst bawling in tears
“Breathe in and breathe out” he said calmly
“Don’t worry I’m here you can let it all out” he continued in a soothing voice as you continue to hiccup and cry
After a few minutes he brewed your favourite tea to soothe you which helped you calm down though you were still hiccuping. He pulled you into a very tight embrace as he rubbed your back comforting you with your favourite lullabies.
“T-Thank you Shin” you whimpered
“Don’t worry about it” he said giving a reassuring smile
“I-I’m really sorry, I must’ve made you and the team worried” you said sadly as more tears poured from your eyes
“It’s alright what matters is your ok” Kita said pulling you to his chest to cry on
“You were right Shin, I shouldn’t have forced myself to join all of those activities. It’s too much and I can’t take it anymore” you cried holding him tighter
“It’s alright but why did you join all those activities?” Kita asked curiously
“I couldn’t say no to their tired faces” you said sadly
“You shouldn’t be pushing yourself too much, you’re not the only one in the classroom” he said as he brushed your hair
“Yeah you’re right Shin” you said quietly
“Thank you” you smiled brightly as he then leans forward to kiss you but gets interrupted by the sound of the door slightly opening
“Shit, the door!” A muffled voice said
“Stop moving like there’s a cockroach is near you” another muffled voice said
“Guys-” a third muffled voice said as two of the muffled voices get into an argument
As you both heard this you couldn’t help but laugh since it was most definitely the twins’ senseless banter. You got up from Kita’s lap and opened the door and said the whole team was trying to hear from the door whilst the twins yelled at each other quietly.
“Oh uh hello Y/N” Akagi chuckled nervously
“Just so you know I did not get that on video but I got the twins on video” Suna nonchalantly said as you giggled
“OH Y/N ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?” Tsumu said as he quickly stopped his bantering with the other twin
“Yeah don’t worry” you smiled brightly
“You blew our cover” Samu glared at Tsumu
“Why don’t we all grab a bite at the nearby restaurant, my treat?” Kita said coming out of the door
“YEAH!” you all yelled
Suffice to say you spent the rest of your day relaxing with the team with tasty food! It was the first time in a while you relaxed and you felt so much better. It was chaotic from the twins sure but they just made it more entertaining watching their bantering over silly things like last piece food. After eating the whole team did the rest of your to do activities while you relaxed. Some of them did well some did not but it was funny seeing the twins argue over small things while Aran and Kita try to settle them down.
“Stupid you’re supposed to cut it like this” Samu said showing Tsumu the “proper way”
“I’ll cut it the way I want to cut it” Tsumu retorts
“Unless you want her to get a bad grade then you’re gonna cut it properly” Samu scowled
“Guys calm down we don’t wanna stress Y/N more than she already was” Reseki sighed
“It’s alright helping me is more than enough” you smiled at all of them
“Thanks again Shin you’ve helped me too much” you said facing towards him as he chuckled
“Trust me, I haven’t done enough” he said placing a soft kiss on your head
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itszazouu · 1 year
You're enough (kita shinsuke x reader who got rejected from an university)
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characters : timeskip! Kita Shinsuke x gneutral reader
genre : hurt/comfort
warnings : mention of academic rejection, crying, throwing up, self doubt, mental break down
a/n : hi guys, well my application for my dream university recently got rejected, so I guess writting a scenario with my sweet boy Shinsuke is my way to cope, hope you'll like it ♡
as you are in an established relationship with Kita Shinsuke, one day you receive a response from an application you sent to your dream university, unfortunately this isn't the aswer you were hoping for
You can’t believe it. No, it is not possible. 
As you look at your laptop screen in your darkening living room, you feel your eyes filling with tears. You just received a response for an application from your dream university. 
     Hello, this is x university,  We are sorry but considering the requirements of our institution and your profile, we regret to inform you that you are not eligible and you can’t come to study in our university.  The final result will be communicated in a few weeks, and we hope that you will be able to continue your studies in another institution.  
You really can’t believe it, you feel your heart collapsing in your chest. Your blood is turning cold and your hands are shaking. Why is it happening to you ? You’ve worked so hard. Many restless nights and stressful days were sacrificed in order to prepare yourself for this. And yet, it isn’t enough. You fear the disappointment of your parents, your friends and Shinsuke.
Oh god, what are you going to tell Shinsuke ? He was so supportive and comforting towards you during your worst days. When you were insecure of your capacities and convinced that you won’t make it. He’s going to be so disappointed and it’s all your fault. Because of your own incompetence. You can’t face him right now, not during this breakdown. Even though you trust him with your whole heart, you don’t want to rely on him and bother him too much. 
You feel lost, Shinsuke isn’t here, he’s still working in the rice fields as the summer days grow longer. You’re alone in your shared house as the sun is setting. You stand up abruptly, as you’re feeling like throwing up. You make your way quickly to the bathroom and empty your guts in the toilet. Your anxiety makes you sick, like literally, you can’t stand it anymore.
You cry uncontrollably as you sit on the bathroom floor. You’re all alone and it’s like your world is crumbling. All your future plans and aspirations were whipped away by a simple email. 
You’re still crouched on the bathroom floor and you’re beginning to feel overwhelmed. Your breathing is uneven and you feel like you’re going to faint. You hear the front door open, crap Shinsuke is already back and you haven’t processed the news correctly. You need to regain composure very quickly.
You try to muffle your sobs as you discern the loving voice of your boyfriend from the living room.
“y/n, darling are you there ?” Shinsuke says lightly, looking for you through the house after an exhausting day. 
You don’t respond and Kita starts to feel worried. Where could you be ? You didn’t tell him that you were going to be out. He tries again, with a more concerned voice “y/n, sweetheart you’re home ? Where are you ?” 
You perceive the concern but most of all the exhaustion in his voice. And you can’t help but feel guilty. You are hiding from him, even though he must have a very tiring day and you don’t want to upset him even more. So, to avoid him starting to look for you, you respond in the most persuasive voice you can manage right now  “In the bathroom Shin, I’ll be there in a minute.” 
“Hm, okay, I’ll start making dinner then” announces Kita from the kitchen. Good, it doesn’t seem like he’s suspicious of your behavior. Giving you time to clear your mind for a bit. 
You decide to snap out of it and go greet him. Enough is enough and you can’t avoid him forever. You pass some water on your face in order to freshen up a bit and soothe your red eyes. As you make your way towards the kitchen, you hear the rumbling of the oven and the sound of the knife against the cutting board. Shinsuke must be halfway through the process of preparing dinner. You enter the room and meet his back. He’s wearing his black apron and currently cutting vegetables. 
You’re frozen, he seems so peaceful and unbothered. Following his routine, making dinner just after he comes back from work. 
You know that as soon as you’re going to tell him your failure, his exhausting day is going to be worse.  
He turns himself toward the stove and notices your presence. You see the exhaustion in his eyes and you feel tears wind up to your eyes once again. God, you're tired of this. But you can’t cry right now, you can’t break your composure in front of Shinsuke. 
Your unstable state doesn’t go unnoticed by Kita.
“Love, are you feeling okay ?” Shinsuke says as he makes his way towards you, wiping his hands against his apron. 
This is it, you can’t hold it anymore, his worried eyes and his sweet and loving voice make you burst out into tears. You can’t breathe and you feel strong arms encircling you in a warm and loving hug. 
“y/n, what is wrong, tell me love, what happened ? I can’t help you if you’re not telling me what is wrong.” says Shinsuke in an hesitant voice, as he slowly begins to pannick. The always calm and logical man starts to feel a little overwhelmed as he sees your current distress. However, he tries to remain calm for your well being. 
You speak incoherently, your cries muffled by Kita’s chest, defined by his past volleyball practice and his current work in the fields. “I’m sorry Shin, shit I’m so sorry… forgive me please, I’m a failure…” You tighten your grip on your boyfriend shirt, as your life depends on it.
“What are you saying, darling… love, y/n, what happened, you’re worrying me.” Kita tries to soothe you as his large hands draw circles on your back. “Calm down, y/n, I need you to calm down and tell me what is wrong, otherwise I won’t be able to help you.”  He cups your cheeks, kisses them to prevent the tears from falling more, and leads you towards the sofa in the living room. 
You rest your head in the crook of Kita’s neck. He pats your head gently and tries to appease your crying. “I’m here love, are you feeling better ?”  Shinsuke asks worriedly. 
“No, but I owe you an explanation” you straighten a bit to face him and you almost burst into tears once again. He looks at you with such adoration and worries that your heart aches.
He furrows his eyebrows but listens anyway. “I was rejected from the university. I’m sorry you helped me so much and still couldn’t make it, I’m not good enough, you must be so disappointed, I sor-” 
“y/n, stop, calm down !” Kita stops your rambling by grasping your shoulders and raising his voice, which is uncharacteristically of him. 
“Look, first of all you need to breathe, can you do that for me ?”  You nod and tilt your head backward to prevent more tears from falling. Looking at the ceiling, you try to control your breath, as Shinsuke keeps caressing your back in a soothing way. 
Shinsuke brushes your cheek gently and speaks again “Good,now that you’re a bit calmer, I’m so sorry that your application got rejected. I know how much you wanted to go to this school, but it’s okay. You’re enough, you’re brilliant and you’ll be able to go to another university and be excellent in it.” He pampers your face with kisses. And in between each kiss he whispers sweet reassurance to you. “You’re *kiss* more *kiss* than *kiss* enough my love *kiss*.” 
You cry once again but this time because of the relief you feel from the reaction of your boyfriend. “Do you really mean it ? Are you sure ? Because I feel so lost right now Shinsuke, I don’t know what I am going to do. On the other hand, you seem perfectly sure of your future and I feel so shitty besides you. I’m sorry to bother you with this, you must be exhausted from your day.” You try to calm yourself and Kita grabs both of your hands to place kisses on your palm. 
“y/n darling, no matter how far I am in my life, what matters now is you. You’re as capable as me to achieve your goals and you must be proud of yourself, just see how far you’ve come since we left highschool, hm ?” Shinsuke affirms as he plants a tender kiss on your temple. 
You nod as you never felt more grateful to have him as your boyfriend. Just by the way he always supports you and cares for you no matter how much you fail, he’s always there. You love him. Just as much he loves you. Showing his love in everyday actions, in words affirmation and always touching you with so much care and love.
“I love you so much y/n, never forget that, I’m so proud of you and I’ll always be, never doubt it.” He hugs you once again, placing your face in the crook of his neck, and pats your head, waiting patiently for you to calm your cries.
Once your breathing is a little bit steadier, he kisses you and locks his eyes with yours. “Do you want to eat dinner now or would you rather lay down for a bit in our room, it’s up to you darling.”  
You respond with a sore voice from all your crying “I would like to stay here with you holding me for a little longer if you don’t mind it.”  Kita holds you, and as he places you on his lap to hug you better, mutters “Of course darling, we can stay there as long as you want, I’m not going anywhere.”
You kiss him gently, and sigh finally at peace with yourself. Because you know that Shinsuke will be there. He will be there with you during this difficult journey in order to accept your failures, and move on towards better opportunities, even if it seems so difficult right now.
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veritasangel · 2 months
Giving them the silent treatment
ft. Bokuto, Kuroo, Akaashi, Kita (pt.1 here)
⋆ ˚。⋆ any pov ୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw in Kuroo's {mdni} ↣ {wc: 1.8k}
↣ I think it should be obvious but to clarify, anytime i write for hq, it's always post-timeskip
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Tetsurō Kuroo
He laughs it off
Finds it funny that you resort to silent treatment and definitely teases you for being all moody as you ignore him
This man is 110% a brat tamer (don't argue with me on this)
Kuroo’s eyes sparkle with amusement as he watches where you’re sitting in his office chair, looking mad. “You didn’t have to bring me lunch.” he muses, “Thought you’d be too stroppy to stop by today.” he teases as he closes the door and savours the aroma of food in the air.
An eyebrow raises when you don’t respond, “Oh, we’re still mad at each other, huh?” he tuts a little as he leans against his desk, loosening his tie slightly, “Thought I fucked the attitude out of you this morning, no? I’d say let’s go for round two but we both know you can’t keep your mouth shut and these walls are way too thin.”
You feel your cheeks heat up as you try to ignore how his words make you feel. You continue to relax comfortably in his chair, occasionally looking up at him, his appearance already slightly dishevelled from the day and you so desperately want to fix the messy strands of his hair that are out of place, but you refrain.
“You’re cute like this… all grumpy.” he smirks as he goes through the lunch you brought him, his favourite. You look like you couldn’t care less but you still came all this way to give him a homemade lunch, he grins at the irony as silence fills the room.
“Oh okay, you’re serious about the silent treatment this time, my bad.” he chuckles half heartedly as he relaxes against his desk, beginning to tuck into his food.
After a few bites, he holds the fork out to you for you to have a taste and as you slowly lean in, he pulls it away, “Gotta' use your words if you want some.”
“But I made it-” you scoff
“Not the words I wanted but it’s a start.” he grins mischievously as you roll your eyes and he can’t help but give in, handing the fork back to you. “I’m sorry sweetheart, forgive me?” he tilts his head at you.
“I forgave you ages ago.”
“Then what the hell was the point in this?” he chuckles as he pulls you in closer to him, putting the lunch to the side momentarily.
You shrug, “Just wanted to annoy you a little more.” a small smirk tugging on your lips and he shakes his head, knowing damn well he’s gonna wipe that smirk off your face before you leave the office.
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Kōtarō Bokuto
He gets grumpy when he realises you’re giving him silent treatment.
Pouts about it and acts all sad and mopey.
Tries to make you feel guilty for ignoring him so that you’ll talk.
It was a stupid argument, really, but you were both stressed and it escalated way too quickly. Bokuto brushed it off, but you were feeling so frustrated, you couldn’t help but give him the silent treatment.
Bokuto’s mood plummeted the moment he realised you weren’t responding to anything he said. His usual energetic self was replaced by a mopey, pouty version. He huffs dramatically, hoping you’d hear and take pity on him as he snuck a glance over at you in the car. When that didn’t work, he tried to look even more miserable, if that was even possible. Gave you puppy dog eyes and kept mumbling about how sad it was in the silence.
“It’s such a shame I have nobody to listen to my amazing gossip.” he exclaims, dramatically, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. “Meian and Atsumu have some crazy drama going on…Imagine I had someone to tell it all too-” he sighs.
He missed your voice, your laughter, even your frustrated groans when he teased you too much. This silent treatment was torture as he drove you guys back home.
“Fuck, I’m sorry-” the words come spilling out before you can stop them. It was too hard when he looked as sad as he did. He was like a big teddy bear and it didn’t look right seeing him so dejected. You were frustrated at him but you weren’t heartless.
His eyes widened, the joy practically already returning to his face as you smiled at him, your hand intertwining with his, “Spit it out then.” you try and sound mad but it doesn’t work.
The mood is instantly lifted in the car as he rambles on and on about the drama that happened at practice. Honestly your fight was long forgotten as the two of you gossiped for the entire journey back home. His boisterous grin was back on his face and you felt bad for ignoring him, if only temporarily.
“I’m sorry-” you begin but he cuts you off, squeezing your hand.
“Sshh, doesn’t matter. We don’t even need to think about it, let’s just be happy.” he grins at you, sending a wink your way as he parks the car.
“Pizza for dinner?” you ask.
“God, you’re an awful influence.” he sighs, before quickly nodding, “Pizza. Just don’t tell Hajime.”
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Shinsuke Kita
He either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care enough to give you the satisfaction.
Will continue on with the day as if nothing’s different.
You give him silent treatment to annoy him and it backfires because you’re more annoyed that he doesn’t say anything about it.
You were already tucked up in bed when Kita came in from his shower, still getting ready for bed. Honestly you don’t even remember what the argument was about and you always said you’d never go to sleep on one and honestly this was probably more one sided, so you dropped the silence.
You looked over at him, trying not to admire his physique too much as you sighed, “I’m sorry Shin-”
He throws on some sweatpants as he gets into bed beside you, looking completely unphased, you weren’t even sure if he’d heard you, until he finally spoke.
“For what?” he mumbles.
“You know, for being silent with you all day…” you mumble, trailing off as you notice he’s not even looking at you, he’s just looking around the room.
“Had no idea.” He shrugs, eventually looking back at you as a small chuckle leaves him, “So that’s why it was so nice and peaceful today.”
And Kita swears you want to hit him over the head, with the glare you’re now giving him.
He shuffles sheepishly, “Sorry.” Kita mumbles as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in so that your head’s resting against his chest and you can feel his comforting heartbeat. “Honestly just sorta forgot about our little spat, it was that stupid.”
*Yep, you were definitely in a one sided argument, giving him the silent treatment earlier*
“Really? It got a little heated.”
“It was heated because I was tired and Rin called earlier, pissed me off prior to our disagreement.” He says casually as he runs a hand along your skin, “I’m sorry if I upset you, shouldn’t have let everything get to me.”
“I’m sorry too.” you say softly as you look up at him, his eyes meeting yours, “Sorry for the argument and….maybe for being a little childish afterwards and trying to ignore you.” you mumble the last part quietly.
“You know I don’t care.” he says as he kisses the top of your head, “I mean, you should know this by now. After all this time of being together and you think I care about some ridiculous bickering? Baby, it was the most pointless argument ever. You think we’re even going to remember it 2 days from now? Absolutely not.”
You smile a little, knowing he's right, “I love you.” you whisper as you feel your eyes drifting shut.
“I love you too, idiot.” he says softly.
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Keiji Akaashi
It’s definitely not silent treatment after an argument because this man is a green flag in a relationship. But you do it as a little prank to see how he’ll react.
He doesn’t take you seriously at all and knows you can’t ignore him for long.
Just so chill about it honestly.
When he arrived home and you didn’t greet him at the door like usual, he just knew you were trying something today. He tried to engage in brief conversation as he got changed from work but you didn’t budge an inch at his words, so he just laughed, shaking his head before going to have a shower.
“Are you doing one of those stupid trends on me again?” he mumbles as he approaches you after his shower and you squeal because he hasn’t dried off yet so he drips water onto you.
“Oh my bad, guess that breaks the silence, huh?” he teases as he runs a hand through his wet hair.
You shake your head, still refusing to speak.
“What? That absolutely counts, your mouth was open and a noise was emitted.” 
You still don’t give up, making an effort to act as though you’re zipping your mouth shut.
“I can tell you’ve been babysitting all day.”
And you laugh, unable to hold it in because it’s true. You were babysitting his niece and she wanted you to try the prank out on him
“That has to count! That was a full on noise.” he exclaims, smiling at your foolishness as you lean in to give him a quick kiss. You pull away far too quickly for his liking, but he lets it slide.
“Fine, fine, I’ll let you have that one-  But only because I have so much to tell you.”
He grins, knowing you too well, silent treatment never works with you because once he’s home from work, you always have so much to talk about. You’re like Bokuto, you’ll talk for weeks once you get going, he must attract the babblers, he thinks to himself.
“Ah, I gave in too easily, she’ll be mad at me for letting you win.” you groan as you lean into Akaashi,
“I’m sure she’ll survive.” he jokes, hands resting comfortably on your waist. “We could never have kids, you’d be like this all the time.” he croons, resting his chin on your head.
You fake gasp, “You mean you don’t want me doing anymore more stupid pranks?”
He has to take a moment to think about it, a slight smirk appearing, “I suppose I could handle the silent treatment if it made our little one happy.”
“Look at you, getting carried away already, you’ll have to help babysit next time.”
“Mhm, I will...And ’ll make sure to get you back.” he grins, leaning in to kiss you once more.
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༄ m.list
© veritasangel ↣ 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬𝘴
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rishiguro · 11 months
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a/n: hello flu season, you make me write purely self-indulgent shit because i turn into a needy child when i‘m sick
warnings: mentions of meds. one f-bomb.
jjk version
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SUNA RINTAROU: can’t help but tease you for it
“i told you to put on a jacket and dry your hair before you go out,” he muttered amused as he watched you huddle into the living room, wrapped into your thick blanket. you rolled your eyes at him, to which he immediately held up his hands. “don’t look at me like that, you know i’m right” you couldn’t help but pout at him, whispering curses annoyed. “you know damn well that that’s not how viruses work,” you grumbled. “then why are you sick now?” he retorted, smiling. “fuck you” you turned around to go back into the bedroom. “oh, come here you big baby” your boyfriend opened his arms and gestured you to come closer, offering to cuddle with you. “i hate you sometimes,” you muttered under your breath as you walked up to him, falling into his arms and laying your head on his chest. “i love you too”
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI: decks you in with every remedy he can get his hands on
he looked at all the meds on the table after carefully reciting the benefits of each one word-by-word, remembering everything the pharmacist had told him. “are you sure you got everything you need? i can run out to the pharmacy again, it’s not a problem,” he offered after a short pause. you let out a quiet laugh, nodding confidently. “i’m sure i’ll be fine, ‘toshi. promise,” you stated, reaching out to grab his hand. “okay” admittedly, it was adorable just how overboard he went the second he heard you sneeze. you probably just caught the flu somewhere, nothing that couldn’t be cured with rest and maybe a few meds. when you texted your boyfriend, asking him to pick some up for you, you surely didn’t expect him to enter your home with the whole pharmacy in his bag. you grinned, your heart warming at his silly, but incredibly caring gesture. “what are you laughing at?” he asked confused. “nothing,” you assured him quickly, giving his cheek a peck before leaning into him and his warmth. “i’m just happy you’re here with me”
KITA SHINSUKE: keeps a respectable distance but doesn’t fail to make you feel cared for
following a soft knock, the door to your dim bedroom was opened with your boyfriend stepping into the room. “i made you some tea” he spoke softly as he put the mug down on the small table next to you. he proceeded to quickly feel your forehead, nodding when he realizes that your temperature has gone down. “and some soup is currently cooking on the stove, i’m gonna bring you a bowl later” he smiled softly at you, giving your forehead a peck. “i’ll be in the living room, yeah?” he turned to leave, making sure to not close the door behind him. he then turned around and took another look at you. “the door’s open, love, so just say the word and i’ll be here, no need to strain your voice” you smiled weakly at him. “thank you” he nodded. “i love you,” he whispered to you. “i love you too,” you replied. he turned to leave, but stopped when you called out to him again. he hummed, waiting for you to continue. “can i get a hug? just a quick one,” you mumbled, almost sounding shy, “please” he smiled, immediately making his way over to you. “you don’t have to ask, anything you want”
HINATA SHOYO: latches himself onto you and ends up getting sick too
you groaned, trying to push him off you, but finishing yourself too weak to actually do so. his head was buried in the crook of your neck with his arms wrapped tightly secured around you, not wanting to let you go. you sighed in defeat. “shoyo, i love you, but you’re gonna get sick of you keep doing this” “nuh-uh” he denied, shaking his head, his hair tickling your skin. “yes you will,” you insisted, your hands however finding their way on his back, softly running your nails over it. he kept denying it however and soon after you couldn’t find the energy to keep arguing with him — and you really didn’t want him to leave (not like you’d tell him and give him an actual reason to stay). and just about two weeks later, you’d be the one tending to him, not failing to tease him about his sickness. it didn’t matter to him though, he’d get sick a thousand times over if it meant he could stay close to you.
KUROO TETSUROU: loves to berate you but will drop everything to take care of you
he groaned when he saw you in his field of vision, raising his eyebrows at you with hands stemmed into his hips. “i told you to stay under the covers” he shook his head, pointing into the direction of your bedroom and motioning you towards it. “back under the blanket, come on” you whined. “it’s too hot, tetsurou, i’m sweating” you shivered as you spoke, your arms wrapping around your midsection. honestly, you just needed to see some things that weren’t the walls or the ceiling of your room. you’d take anything at this point. “that’s the point! you need to sweat it out!” he claimed, gesturing with his hands. “can i at least take a shower first? or just get changed? i feel disgusting, my clothes are literally drenched in sweat,” you spoke after sighing in defeat. there was no point in arguing with him, especially when you knew that he was right. “hop into the bathroom, i’ll get you some new pajamas”
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sexyandcringe · 1 year
[04:25 PM]
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Your boyfriend got you a bouquet.
Today is not Valentines day, nor is it your birthday. Why did he get you a bouquet then?
You're confused, you ask him what's the special occasion. "Just because." he replies.
"What do you mean "just because"?"
"Because i love you, so giving you stuff and seeing you happy makes me happy."
You stare at him, a little shocked, mouth slightly open as you rethink of your ex who, in the three years of dating, got you exactly 2 plastic roses only for every Valentines day (he didn't get them in your last year of dating because that night he was out drinking with his friends while you were crying in your miserable home).
"I'm- i, thank you so much, my love." you hug him tight as you feel your eyes watering. "Really, you have no idea how much this means for me."
Finding your boyfriend in this generation was a miracle for you, since you didn't really expect anyone to like you other than your ex, but you were so wrong. Your boyfriend told you his heart skipped a beat the day he met you and sometimes it still does because he can't comprehend how someone as gorgeous as you came into his life and made it hundred times better.
"I love you." you say. You mean it with your whole soul.
"I love you more." he says, and your inner child, the child who grew up without love - or with a fake love - who was never enough, starts to feel safe.
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Reblogs are really appreciated!
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tetsuswaifu · 2 months
Domestic drabble prompts? I’m a sucker for characters comforting their s/o or alternatively comforted by their s/o when they have a nightmare 🤔 I think it’s the soft gentleness of the whole thing that gets me 😔
He Comforts You After a Nightmare Prompts
a/n: i apologize if you wanted those gender neutral, i just imagined hq boys offering this type of comfort, so i did use he/him pronouns for the characters. thank you for submitting the request, i hope it fits what you were wanting 🫶🏼🫶🏼 if anyone wants any of these prompts written out, let me know ☺️
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read my work :)
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He gently pulls you into his arms as he whispers soothing words into your ear, rubbing your back until you calm down.
He will sing or hum a lullaby to you while stroking your hair and holding you close until you fall back asleep.
He makes you a warm cup of tea after the nightmare. Sitting together in the kitchen while you sip on your tea and talk until you feel ready to go back to bed.
You’re too scared to go back to bed, so he promises to comfort you and stay up until you feel secure enough to sleep again.
He shares a fond memory or comforting story to distract you from your lingering fear, his voice is a calming presence in the dark.
He lights your favorite scented candle and offers you a warm bath with essential oils, staying with you to provide comfort and reassurance.
He holds you close, giving soft kisses to your head while reassuring you it was just a dream and that you’re safe in his arms.
He fetches an extra blanket so he can wrap you into a blanket burrito. Cuddling and talking with you about anything that will take your mind off the nightmare.
He puts on a playlist of soothing music and lies back down with you, creating a serene atmosphere to help you relax.
After nonstop nightmares, you wake up to find him cooking you a full breakfast, hoping to start your day on a positive note.
He guides you in doing a few deep breathing exercises to help lower your heart rate and calm your racing mind.
He turns on a soft night light, offering to read a book to you or watch a light-hearted show until you’re ready to sleep again.
If you don’t have it already, he retrieves your favorite blanket or stuffed animal so you can feel snug as a bug.
He traces patterns into your skin, such as circles or swirls, to soothe you and help you drift back to sleep.
If you want to discuss the nightmare, he attentively listens, offering understanding and validation without trying to minimize your feelings.
He promises to keep watch for you, allowing you to feel at ease enough to fall back asleep.
He offers a sketchpad to you, encouraging you to draw or doodle as a way to express and release from your lingering thoughts.
If you want to take a shower, he makes sure to let you relax the whole time. He’ll rub your muscles under the hot water while offering comforting words, hoping it’ll release your tension and fear.
He engages in light, casual conversation about mundane topics to distract you. Talking about random things like the weather or the new store that’s being built in town.
If your pet isn’t already in bed with you, he goes and brings them. He knows the presence of a beloved pet can provide additional comfort and reassurance.
He will spray your pillow in whatever scent makes you calm, like his cologne, eucalyptus, lavender, or chamomile. He’ll rub your back as you deep inhale the scent.
He guides you through visualization exercises, helping you imagine a safe and peaceful place to temporarily escape reality.
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choco4miruku · 11 months
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I need to do more ship art so here are my personnal favorites being lovey-dovey during the cold season ❤️
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liillyliilly · 2 months
im fine i say. im fine. im just thinking about middle schooler and high schooler kita shinsuke who didn't get a jersey. he didn't have a jersey until his 3rd year and final year of high school. and he was also named captain the same time he got his first jersey. im just thinking about how he cried when he had earned his place because the coaches saw his continued, dedicated, loving focus and care for volleyball. im fine.
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doingitforbokuto · 8 months
The White Knight - Chapter Eight
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Summary: A relationship between a Lady and her knight always seemed impossible - but perhaps there is someone in the castle to prove that assumption wrong.
Words: 2,882
Warnings: none
Your Point Of View 
Of course you had caught a fever. After exhausting yourself so much despite your wound, it really came as no surprise. You now had regular visits from the physician, maids and even your father, who was now sitting beside your bed, checking your temperature with his palm, even after you assured him that it had gone down already. 
“You should have rested, sweetheart,” he scolded you. “I even told your knight that he should make sure you rest.” 
“Father, I was not truly resting until I saw Alysane. I was only worrying about her. He knew that.” 
“Well, now you know that she is alive. So rest. Alright?” 
“Yes, father.” You smiled at his worry. It was endearing to see him care for you so sweetly. It was a rare sight, one you cherished. “Where is Ethan, anyway? He has not come to see me yet.” 
Only the day of the attack had your brother visited you, albeit very quickly, excusing himself shortly after his arrival. And now that you were sick, he had not come to see you despite your father coming in to see you every day. Did your brother not care about your recovery? 
“Your brother is very busy surveilling the men working in the castle. He wants to make sure that no one else commits treason like Garret did. But he asks about your health every time he sees me.” 
“I wish he would come and see me himself, though.” 
“I know, my love. But you are still weak. Maybe too many visits would be too much stress for you anyway.” Your father gave you a sympathetic smile. “Speaking of, I wanted to ask if you want me to postpone Garret's execution until you are feeling better?” 
Your stomach twisted and cramped at your father's words. Watch Garret's execution? No way. You could not do it. 
“No, father, it's fine.” You forced a smile onto your lips. “You can go ahead without me.” Please leave now before I start crying over this, you thought. 
“Fine, fine.” Your father planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “I'll leave you to rest then.” 
Holding yourself together until he left was hard enough, but when you saw Clara peek her head into the room, you just waved for her to leave while you pulled the blanket over your head. 
With one hand pressed to your mouth, you muffled your gasps for air as tears streamed down your face. Another man was going to die, because of you. One dead body after another littered your path. Everything you touched turned to ash and dust. 
Garret deserved what he got, you knew that. But it still hurt, it still felt like it was your fault. You could hear the sword swinging to kill him, you could hear his body hit the floor. You could see his blood drip down onto the floor, creeping up your legs. Every part of you was covered with someone else's blood. Everything was your fault. You were killing yet another man. 
Still, Kita wanted you to see the good in the world. Weren't you the one making things worse all the time? One day there would be nothing good left.
Kita's Point Of View 
Kita was running late. He hated making people wait, but today it was worth it. He knew how much you wanted to know how your friend was doing and although Clara made sure to make sure she got all the gossip from every possible person, he thought it would still be a good idea to check in himself. There was no denying the fact that Kita also felt a sense of reassurance when he knew that Alysane was doing well - considering the circumstances. 
It had been almost four weeks since the attack and although you had recovered very quickly - despite the fever you had caught - you still were still not allowed to visit Alysane. When you had been to her room right after she had been injured, she was not awake, so it did not really matter whether you were there or not. But then, after she regained consciousness, it was determined that she needed as much rest, peace and quiet as possible. So no visits were permitted, not even by the precious princess of the kingdom.
Though still weak, Alysane was awake a lot now and even able to speak and hold a conversation. She was clear headed and her injury was healing well, showing no sign of infection. The first time she was strong enough to, she had asked about you. When Garret attacked her, he had told her what he had done to you and although Osric had assured her that you were fine, you two were very alike. Neither one of you seemed to be able to rest while not being completely sure that the other one was fine. And since she was still too weak to leave her bed, she had to satisfy herself with recollections of the events. 
Every time that Kita saw Osric now, who was now guarding the Lady, he asked him how she was doing and was satisfied to see his friend smile at him and tell him with an almost euphoric tone about how Alysane was able to speak more that day or ate a few spoonfuls of soup all by herself. They were all small things but it was clear just how happy it made Osric, how invested he was in your friend’s recovery. Every small thing that she did made him beam at his friend and lit up his face like he was the sun itself. He truly was in love with her. 
Those recollections were all that Kita knew about Alysane but he would tell you about it every time, knowing that you were dying to hear any good news. Today, during breakfast, Osric had told him big news: Alysane was allowed to have visitors from now on - if she felt well enough that day! 
Knowing how desperate you were to see her, Kita accompanied Osric on his way to the Lady’s room after they had finished their breakfast. Kita decided that since Osric was going to go to her room anyway, he might as well go with him, see for himself how she was doing. She was probably just as excited to see you as you were and if he found out if she was doing well that day, your reunion would be made possible even sooner. 
Upon opening the door to her chamber, the two men were met with a surprise: Not only was Alysane awake, she was sitting up on her bed, a feat she had not been able to tackle on her own since her injury. 
The happiness due to her quick recovery was huge, as was the worry that she might be putting too much of a strain on herself and worsen her situation again by doing too much too fast. In all the chaos Kita had forgotten the time and was now hurrying to come back to you again. Though he hated being late, he was sure that you would not be angry with him, especially not when he would tell you the good news. He could already imagine the way your eyes would light up and the way your teeth would show themselves when you smiled up at him. The image of you so happy was something almost completely new to him. Ever since he had met you, you had been sad - so sad it made his heart hurt, too. 
And now, after the attack, you seemed to be even sadder than before. He had tried to tell you that everything would get better and he even found you looking out the window every now and then, seemingly looking for the beautiful things he had told you made him happier. But still, you weren't happy. Your mood seemed to worsen even more after Garret's execution - if that was even possible. But, Kita still found a way to make you smile, despite everything. Every time he told you about his talks to Osric and how well Alysane was recovering, you would smile up at him, giving him an expression he had rarely seen before. He wanted to see it every day now. 
And although he made an effort to tell you as many good news as possible and succeeded in making you smile quite often (considering the circumstances)  he still did not feel like you were any happier. The only time he saw you smile was when he talked about Alysane's recovery. He often felt like all you wanted to do was rest, but whenever you went to lie down, you just laid there and stared at the ceiling with the same exhausted expression you had before. Something else was weighing on you, something Kita didn't seem to be able to lift. At least not like this, not if you didn't tell him what it even was. Was it your mother's death? Was it Garret's attack on you? Was it worry for your friend? Was it something different? He did not know and neither did he dare to ask. It was clear that you were too tired, too exhausted to talk about it. Not to mention that it was not his place to ask. So if he couldn't help you figure out what was going on, he could at least make you feel better for a moment by telling you how well Alysane was doing. 
A small smile crept onto his face as he imagined how you would look at him, with wrinkles around your eyes and your teeth showing as your mouth widened into a smile. He loved how you looked in those moments. Even if you still looked exhausted, you always seemed to enjoy those conversations of yours. 
Quickly, he made his way to your chambers and relieved the knight on duty. He knocked on your door, hopefully hitting it just so that it wouldn't wake you if you were still resting, but still loud enough to be heard if you were indeed awake. 
“Come in,” you answered from inside. 
You were sitting at your table, a small breakfast in front of you. You were dressed in comfortable clothes, simple enough to lay down in comfortably, but still sensible enough to look presentable for potential visitors. Slowly but surely, you were returning to normalcy. The wound was still bandaged and Kita did not know what it looked like underneath now, but he calmed himself with the knowledge that you were gaining more and more strength every day. 
“Princess,” he bowed down before stepping further into your room. Was the smile still plastered on his face? 
“Sir Kita,” you looked back down at your plate with a shy smile. “I was actually just wondering when you would arrive,” you confessed in a small, soft voice that sounded like music to his ears, though he still felt a pang of guilt at making his princess wait. 
“I'm sorry I'm late princess, but I was visiting the Lady Alysane.” 
“Oh,” your face lit up as you faced him again. “Is she allowed to have visitors now?” Had you had more energy, you would have probably jumped from your seat. 
“Yes, princess,” Kita confirmed. “And she would be very happy to see you.” 
Your Point Of View 
Alysane's face was still covered in bandages, giving her just enough space to open one eye and her mouth to eat and speak. Still, she was sitting on her bed, asking you how you were feeling. 
“Alysane, you're insane!” You scolded her. “You nearly died and you're worrying about me!” 
“Didn't you do the same?” 
“Well..” You pouted, looking away from her. “My injury is not as bad as yours. I've been able to walk around and even go outside for a while now.” You looked back up at her. “How is your wound healing?” 
“Well,” she tried shifting on the bed, which was obviously quiet a feat for her. Gently, you took her arm and pushed a hand into her back to help her. Once she got into a comfortable position, she continued. “It is healing well but.. no matter how well it heals, it will leave me ugly and scarred.” 
“No, y/n, it will! It is deep and huge. My whole face will be taken over by a huge scar. You might not think me ugly, but many other people will. There is no point in denying it.” She was serious and determined to bring her point across, even though she was already breathing harder from the exhaustion after she worked herself up so much. You did not expect her to be able to raise her voice like that. “I will have to write to my father,” she said, now quieter, sounding defeated. “I will not be able to make a good match. He will probably tell me to come home, too. He'll think that there is no point in me being here anymore. No man will want me now and I will just be a disgrace if everyone at court sees me with this huge scar.”
It pained you to hear that her own father might think of her this way and it hurt you to hear her speak of herself so lowly. “You are not a disgrace. And it does not matter if other men do not want you because the only man that truly matters does want you: Osric wants you.” 
Of course he did. You knew he did because recently, after your fever had been cured, while you were taking a stroll through the gardens with Kita (with permission from the physician, of course), you had encountered Osric, picking flowers. 
“Lady Alysane can't go outside, so I thought.. maybe I'd bring the outside to her,” he had said, a faint blush and a big smile on his face. He rambled on about how well she was recovering, how strong she was and how happy he was to see her alive and you were sure that he could have (and wanted to) go on for hours, but he excused himself because Alysane was waiting inside and he did not want to leave her for too long - even though you knew that another knight was guarding her when Osric wasn't there. He just did not want to leave her side. It was obvious that he was in love with her. At least to you it was. Alysane apparently did not think like you did. 
“You should have seen the way he looked at me after my bandages got changed,” she said. “He walked in while they were off and the wound was exposed. He immediately left the room to stand guard outside. He didn't come back in for almost the entire day and then, when he did, he barely even looked at me.” Alysane sniffled softly. “He thinks I'm disgusting.” 
There was no way in hell that he would ever think that. Just now, when you came to visit her, Osric had been sitting next to her bed, talking to her, a big smile plastered on his face. 
“Alysane, he very obviously enjoys spending time with you.”
“He's just being nice.” 
Grabbing her hand, you stared into her eyes so intensely you thought you might just pierce through her skull with just the intensity of it. “There is no man in this castle ho is more in love than Osric. You can believe me or not, but that is the truth. And if you keep running away from it, you will just hurt him and yourself. Do you really want that?” 
 Alysane shook her head. 
“Then you have to do something about it,” you said. “In a way, this scar might be a good thing for you.” 
Alysane just raised her one exposed eyebrow at you. 
“Well, if you cannot make a match with a rich Lord, I am sure that your father would not object to you being betrothed to an honorable royal knight, would he?” 
Your friend looked at you with an almost blank expression before the realization dawned on her. 
“You mean.. I could actually.. marry him?” Tears filled her eye and her voice was quivering. 
“Yes,” you said, rubbing her hand comfortingly. “I think you could. But, like I said: you have to do something about it. You can't let other people determine your fate for you all the time” 
She looked up at you. “But what could I possibly do? I'm a sick woman chained to her bed who can only talk for a little while. I'm already exhausted.” 
“Well..” You got up and let go of her hand. “I think you still have enough breath for a short conversation, don't you?” 
And with that, you took a few long steps and reached the door, pulling it open before Alysane could say anything else. 
“Sir Osric?” you questioned. “Lady Alysane wants to discuss something with you.” 
And with that, you gave Alysane another glance before leaving. Her face was pale, but her hands were gripping the bedsheets in determination. She was not looking at you, but at Osric, who was now slowly making his way into the room. She knew what she needed to do.
-> Next Chapter
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sugawarassoccerlover · 10 months
“Let your pain out. Just let it all out, okay? You’re allowed to cry. Even if it means taking your time. I'm not in any rush, sweetheart, and you shouldn’t rush yourself either. It’s okay to not be strong for now. Don’t force yourself to be strong. I’ve got you. I know you're struggling. I know you're tired... I know you're exhausted. Just rest, sweetheart. In my arms, I'll catch you when you fall. I won't let you hit the ground”
Koshi Sugawara, Osamu Miya, Kita Shinsuke, Daichi Sawamura, Takashi Mitsuya, Suehiro Tecchou, Sanji Vinsmoke, Kyojuro Rengoku, Kazuha Kaedahara, Kaeya, Satan
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satorisoup · 3 months
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hi friends !! ^_^ i’ll be on a hiatus until further notice <3 i’m sending all of you the bestest of wishes !! until i’m back, please take great care of yourselves !! MWUUUAH !! 🍓
original pinned linkiedink ! 🍨
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
I think kita is always there for his juniors, but they don't really utilize it. like most of the second years worship kita so they don't want to bother him with their issues.
but I think suna eventually gets over that idea and starts confiding in kita a lot because home life is hard for suna in a way that the twins don't understand, and suna eventually gets a crush on osamu and he can't tell either of the twins and he doesn't feel close to aran in the way that the twins are.
kita and suna sorta become besties in their own little weird way.
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only-lonely-www · 2 years
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Help they have reconquered my brain
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