#Klaroline FOREVER
klaroveins · 1 month
Was it casual when he allowed her to drink his blood straight from the vein while she was dying?
Was it casual when he came all the way from New Orleans for her graduation in Mystic Falls?
Was it casual when he allowed Tyler Lockwood to come back to Mystic Falls even though he was in love with Caroline but understood she was in love with Tyler and only wanted her to be happy?
Was it casual when Tyler was her first love but he intended to be her last?
Was it casual when he offered to show her anywhere around the world, Paris, Rome and Tokyo?
Was it casual when he drew a beautiful picture of her even after she insulted him and didn’t give in to his charms easily?
Was it casual when he let his guard down with her considering he was a paranoid person and she hated him?
Was it casual when he constantly pursued her even when she hated him?
Was it casual when he sacrificed one of his Hybrids that he’d spent centuries working to create, just for a single date with her?
Was it casual when before his death, they shared one final kiss?
Was it casual when she believed he was worth being saved?
Was it casual when she always knew he was never the villain in her story?
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Klaus after spending some time with Caroline -
Rebekah: What’s up with you? Klaus: What do you mean? Rebekah: You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
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elejahforever · 7 months
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brokenglassssss · 1 year
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I'm still like 4 years ago.
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cheshireegray · 2 years
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When she asked for a new prom dress 🥰
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carefuldevil · 1 year
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Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson in 03x14 "Dangerous Liaisons" The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017)
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allthingsobrien · 1 year
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klaroline + eye sex
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cforbes · 1 year
imagine an ending for the vampire diaries where damon and elena, stefan and caroline, and bonnie and enzo just got to live long happy lives together as vampires (and a witch) as a family. like they could have had it all.
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cynthiav06 · 1 year
What makes Klayley different from other series ships for you?
I am assuming you mean other ships in the orignals by that.
It's the really simple case that's not simple at all. It's the underlying passion between them that just won't go away no matter who they take as a lover. The burning anger, loathing, care, loyalty, and the inexplicably undying connection that keeps them tethered to each other always and forever, come hell or highwater.
Mikael almost killed me and the baby, but i can't help but be more worried about how Klaus suffered all these years, I need to comfort him.
The witches are murdering me and the baby. Forget Elijah , I need Klaus here.
The witches stole baby hope? Not important right now, Hayley's dead, and I need a moment or several to take it all in.
I don't really love Jackson, but Klaus needs me to marry him, so I will.
I have to deal with my newly risen from dead mother and father, but whether Hayley's new husband is treating her right or not is more important.
Hayley tried to run from me, and I am extremely furious, but I can't bear to kill her or physically hurt her.
I will hate Klaus forever, but I can't really hate him at all.
My siblings are in trouble and may need my immediate help, but the road trip with Hayley is the best fun I have had in centuries, and I love it too much to stop now.
I am the strongest and the proudest being on earth. I kneel to no one, especially not to scum like Lucien, but he has Hayley, and I would never let her die. She means too much to me. I have to kneel to save her, no problem, I will do it a thousand times if it's to save her.
I love my Pack a lot, but the Mikaelsons are dying, Klaus is dying, so my pack can go to hell. I will save him and the Mikaelsons even if I die .
I have to let go of my dignity as a wolf and kill, lie, massacre all to save Klaus and Mikaelson family. And I used to have a problem with that, but it's for Klaus, I can't watch him suffer, so i will do it gladly.
Klaus is going around the world, massacring everything in sight and trying to cut contact, but I will never give up on him.
Being in New Orleans near hope will bring forth Apocalyspe that might kill hope, but Hayley's missing, so all else be damned.
I am being killed, and Klaus is being attacked by Elijah. He's hurt, Hope's hurt, so I am going to kill Greta and sacrifice myself for them because Klaus and Hope are my family Elijah be damned.
My daughter is dying and meets me in the afterlife, but the second I hear Klaus's voice, I know all will be alright.
My brother, my companion, my only confidant who I would go insane without is dead to me for good because he killed Hayley, and there's no greater offense than that.
I am in hell. My heart feels empty. Hayley is dead. I can sacrifice Elijah to save hope and kill the hollow, but I vowed to Hayley that I would do anything to save our daughter so I will sacrifice myself. [Also because I can't live without my little wolf]
So yeah, it's you know, soul shattering stuff like this that keeps me hooked to Klayley. Nothing huge. This and all the other essays I wrote should be plenty enough evidence as to why. (Sorry for the late)
And here's the thing anyone who watched the Orignals and isn't blind should be shipping them intensely, too.
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kirythestitchwitch · 7 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Waffle House AU - Kol Drinks Coffee (questionable)
Part One here Part Two here Part Three here Part Four here Part Five here
“Order your own,” she glared.  
“How can I when—”
“Oh sorry, Caroline!” Short June scooted up next to the table, pulling her pad and a pen from her apron. “Didn’t see you had company, and Marcy’s in the back.” She shook her short black bob out of her face and smiled at Kol. “What can I get you?”
Kol leaned one arm on the table and propped his head up on his hand. “Hello darling. What can you get me?” His smile was all charm.
Caroline kicked him under the table.
“Oh.” His smile bounced off June like a rubber ball. She pointed at the menus stacked behind the condiments at the end of the table by the window. “Menus are right there, I can come back after you’ve had a chance to look them over. Do you know what you want to drink?”
Caroline was having this horrible moment of kinship with Caroline Bingley in Pride and Prejudice—the 2005 version, her favorite—when she asked if they are soon to be beset by every Bennet in the countryside: was every Mikaelson in the area going to show up and personally annoy her?
“Oh, he’s not stay—” she started.
“Coffee would be excellent.” Kol’s smile followed June as she left, and then he turned back to Caroline. “That hurt, you know,” he pouted.
She ignored that. “So fine, you’re alive. Congrats! What are you doing here?” Déjà vu.
“Well for starters, I’m—oh marvelous, darling,” he said, as June stopped by with another mug, a dish of creamers, filled his cup up, and left.
“For starters,” he continued, “I’m having coffee in what the internet informs me is a staple of Southern Americana.”
“You googled Waffle House?” Caroline asked, momentarily distracted by that detail.
Kol began opening creamers and dumping them into his coffee until it was an astonishingly light color. “I google everything. It’s the only way to catch up after being in a box for—” he lifted a hand, silently counted a few fingers, “—ninety-six years.” Pulling six sugars out of the sweetener caddy, he ripped them open and dumped the lot in. Stirring his concoction with a spoon, he said, “I love YouTube. Learned how to drive from that.”
Caroline winced as he took a sip from his cup. Good thing vampires couldn’t get cavities. “Okay so your no doubt stellar driving aside, what are you doing here, bothering me? We’ve literally never said two words to each other.”
He smirked at her over the rim of his mug. “Is Rebekah the only one who’s allowed to visit now? My, that will twist Nik’s knickers.” He snickered at the alliteration.
She leaned back in the booth and crossed her arms. “Your evil sister—”
“She’s my only sister, the evil part is implied.” Picking up the menu, he perused his choices.
“—wasn’t visiting, she was interrupting my late night study session. The way you’re doing.” She glanced pointedly at her notebooks.
“Didn’t look much like studying.” Kol smiled now, with teeth. “Looked like hunting.”
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klaroveins · 2 months
Revengeful Passion | A Klaroline story
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tw: smut and violence, 18+
Caroline discovers Hayley and Tyler have been sleeping together for months, that it wasn't all just an act. She decides she needs a rebound, and who better then the man who had been pining after her for months, a certain blue-eyed british hybrid by the name of Klaus Mikaelson.
But actions do not come without consequences; Thats something Caroline soon discovered
— — — — — — — — — —
(first two chapters out now)
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averseunhinged · 3 months
wip wednesday! back again after a week off for global warming migraines. this is more of the feelings part of the porn with feelings. it keeps getting longer, but whatever. THAT'S FINE.
no actual porn in this part, but imma content warn for mention of hook ups with underhanded motives and also subsequent compulsion regarding that. it's douchebag bro revenge stuff, but it's still ehhhhhh. pretty shitty.
parts i've posted previously (i thiiiiiink this is the correct read order):
this part
then this week's snippet
then this
and finally this.
"He hasn't been doing anything," she flailed her hands in agitation, unable to think of the exact word she wanted, and finally settling on an unsatisfactory, "hybridy."
"But he has been doing something." It sounded like casual interest, but she'd known Klaus long enough to start to decode the full spectrum of nuance to his most pleasant line deliveries.
"Stupid ex-boyfriend stuff, not supernatural warfare! Look," Caroline said and then stopped to gather her thoughts. She looked around for somewhere to sit, but the sofa wasn't very long, and Klaus was just lanky enough to take up the entire length. So, she folded gracelessly next to his hip. He oofed when she elbowed him in the belly, but scootched over agreeably enough. "Before everything, Tyler was a jerk. A really huge one. But he changed so much when he triggered the curse. It was like the angry part that made him feel like everyone owed him something was gone, and he was just as scared and lost as I had been when I died. I had Stefan helping me." She kept going when Klaus scoffed, talking over him. "But Tyler didn't have anyone at first. For a little while, it felt like we were the only ones who understood each other. A lot happened, but we were friends for the first time, not just two people who'd always known each other."
He looked at her for a long moment, gentling in a way he only managed with any regularity for her and, very occasionally, Rebekah, and admitted, "I know."
"Right." Caroline looked away, uncomfortable with the reminder that Klaus had sire-bonded her entire relationship with Tyler out of him before he'd realized he was unable to refuse. "I assumed all of the jerk stuff went away, but I guess it was just dormant until now."
Klaus looked very much like he wanted to argue with that point as well, but exercised a seldom-used ability to read the room. "So, he isn't doing anything threatening, but he is being...uncouth with you."
"Uncouth? Really?" She laughed sadly and shrugged. "I guess he is, yeah. It's embarrassing. Mostly for him, but a little bit for me, too. Rebekah's been taking care of it. Not that I wanted her to, but there's no stopping her when she decides she's offended."
"He offended her?"
There was no part of her that wanted to continue, but she knew he'd get it out of someone eventually. Rebekah's willingness to keep him out of the loop had done a lot for their friendship, but Caroline doubted the other woman wouldn't spill if he asked her outright.
"Do not get involved, okay? I mean it. The two of you need to stay the hell away from each other." She swept up her hair, arranging it precisely over her shoulder, and twirled the curls around her fingers, glancing around the room without landing on anything for long. “He’s been hooking up with girls on my floor. And in my classes. And random girls I’ve met, who seemed fun. I think he was trying to make me jealous at first, but when he realized I just thought he was being skeezy, he started telling them he couldn’t see them again, because they knew me. Suddenly, I’m the hosebeast ex-girlfriend, standing in the way of true love, with no potential friends, because he’s poisoned the well.”
Klaus caught her fingers as they pulled on her hair a little bit too hard, tugged her hand down and cupped it with his own, running his thumb in soft strokes over her knuckles. “I’m sorry.”
“Oh, shut up. You are not.”
“I,” he pursed his lips in thought before carefully answering, “dislike seeing you in pain.”
Caroline was trapped by the way he looked at her, like he was begging her to believe his sincerity. As often as Klaus was the architect of his own suffering, and as well as he'd seemed able to ford her river of brutal rejection, she knew the times she'd hurt him the most were when he'd dropped the charm, but she'd still doubted him.
She didn't anymore. He'd been a warm and mildly flirty companion all summer, seemingly content enough in her willing company without pushing for more. It made it easier to blurt out the truth.
"Rebekah's been compelling everyone he sleeps with to think he's really bad in bed. Like under a minute and then," she ended the sentence by tilting her head, shutting her eyes, and snoring.
Klaus stared at her, wide-eyed, his lips pressed together in a deliberate frown.
"Don't laugh," she insisted and his composure broke. It was infectious, his giggle. She'd always felt guilty about how easy it was to laugh with him.
"No! No, don't. She shouldn't be," Caroline complained, helplessly trying to hold onto her composure. "Compulsion shouldn't be used for--"
"Is it working?" he asked, still grinning at her.
"Yes," she reluctantly admitted. "I'm pretty sure she threatened him with something else, too, but she won't tell me, and I don't want to talk to him."
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret."
"Not this again."
"Tyler is a wolf, sweetheart," Klaus insisted. "We're stubborn creatures. He isn't going to let it go unless someone makes him. Surely, Rebekah's methods are preferable to my own?"
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userlaylivia · 9 months
god rewatching and seeing how far klayley came just makes me sob like a baby!! they started off not trusting each other and her assuming the worst of him to her literally sacrificing herself to save him (and hope!!) and him being devastated over her death! their development and growth was just so amazing and I love them so much!! sorry but klaroline will be never compare to klayley because klaroline has nothing but manipulation and abuse and deception and zero growth! klayley had actual growth and actual development ahhhhhh
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cheshireegray · 11 months
☆。I know I haven’t been on here in the longest time, but I’m sorta back so here’s a Klaroline one shot as an apology. Please don’t hate me 🫣
"Okay favorite color?" Her voice was light and airy as she called the next question. Klaus leans behind her combing his slender fingers through her bouncy water curls. Humming softly to an older classical singer he favored.
His young blonde turns her head a little to retrieve his attention again—-not that she ever lost it, but he hadn't answered quickly like her last few turns.
The original chuckles lightly and kisses her hair, "that one's easy, it's yellow."
Caroline shakes her head but hums when he massages her scalp with his firm hands. She lets her body sink deeper into his spread legs, feeling her hands wave and sway with the bathtub water. Klaus's finger graze the tip of her temple before he pulls them back lightly.
"What was my youngest brother's name?"
The question itself didn't float around so hotly or discomforted as it once did in the first year of their relationship. At first he wouldn't answer any questions that she'd asked—-involving his past sibling. Always reminding how she didn't need to dig into something he'd never cared to talk about, which caused arguments and very emotional tears. 
That was then though. 
He hears her heart pump slightly more, a known excitement coursing through her delicate skin. He knew how much she enjoyed talking about 'the Viking days' with him. Always finding deep enjoyment in his stories of how he once lived his very old and tedious life. 
"I personally love calling him Henry, but his name was Henrik." Her head tilts with a speckle of sass in her tone, knowing he'd be smirking behind her. It was true Caroline loved calling Henrik—-Henry or little hen, saying if he was still alive they'd be best friends. Making bracelets, playing with their magic, still remaining their fragile human selves,  and playing innocent jokes on the rest of his dysfunctional family. 
Klaus smirks--as she'd known. Thinking about how much a simple human girl could shift his dark and immortal life. So much of him he'd thought had died along with the his last human heart beat, she'd pulled out of his cold blocked off heart. 
He continued to wonder where she'd been when he was human and begging to find a love such as the kind they'd experienced currently. Well of course he knew that she wasn't even a seedling when he was flesh and fragile skinned, but it never hurt to question. 
The still hot bathtub water waves against her shifting to lean her head back toward his bare chest. Humming when his hands wrap to cover her bare---soft skin, pulling her closer in between his legs. 
Klaus leans down to plant sweet lipped touches across her next, slowly tasting the salty taste of the lavender bubble bath. Nobody would or could ever understand his affection for the short blonde that leaned up against his chest in a fathomable way. 
None could understand how badly he breathed her oxygen, ingesting the sweet tangling smell of her everything. Klaus had always lived to be the eternal bachelor, until the day she'd run into him while he was walking through the wood in mystic falls. Trying to plot ways to get the doppelganger to break his curse. 
He remembered how she criticized him on being a weirdo for walking in the woods at nearly  eleven at night. Her hair had been  wet from the lake that she'd been taking a late night swim in, speckles falling down her neck, just above the beating line that pumped the invigorating liquid he'd feasted upon only hours before from a bystander. 
It was like his heart skipped the centuries worth of beats it had over the thousand years. Watching her chest rise and fall ever so gently as she breathed in the thing he'd no longer needed. Caroline had been the first breath he'd breathed since before the sword went right into his heart. 
That was the night he'd felt a crack run down the barrier of his heart when she'd smiled at him after he walked her up the white boarded porch of her mother's old home. Klaus had fallen quicker than he'd ever felt one could fall. 
He trails his lips up her soft baby like skin, towards the under bone of her neck that connected to her ear. Nibbling at the skin there, then planting a tender kiss against the never there mark. 
"Your turn, sweetheart," his voice whispers, listening to her barley sounded hum in return. 
Caroline sighs gently, "What's my middle name?" 
He doesn't ponder on the thought, she'd known that he knew every simple detail about her. Including the cloud shaped birthmark that was underneath her left breast, or the star tattoo that resided on her right ankle.  
Truth was she loved hearing him say it, regardless if it was when they would disagree on something and he'd bluntly burst out the name to grab her attention in a less physical manner. Or when he'd say if she was testing his patients in the most loving---but childish ways. 
Her body tingled in the most deliciously delicate ways. Hearing each syllable fall from his fine wined lips, having the feeling of being held by the most dangerous man to walk among the world. The power that came with his detailed and vibrant accent every each of words he'd spoken to her, but the name---oh the name, it made her want to bury herself underneath the tongue in which he'd used it. 
Nothing ever made a name so simple as Elizabeth could ever sound so special, so tender, so earnest, as Klaus saying it in the presence of her finely pierced ears. Caroline had imagined living her life until age's of normal humans came to take her away, a astounding journalism career, a husband she'd met by an accidental bump in a supermarket, marriage, two beautiful children--maybe even a dog, and the love that followed with the wish. 
But being with an immortal hybrid who'd burn down the world for a scratch against her peach colored skin, for a wrong head turn to curse profanities against her clear mind, or even the simplest of coffee mistakes. A man who breathed in her skin, her eyes, her soul, it was all so delicate. 
So alluring and fictional, she'd be with him until the universe said 'no mas'. Till her old timed out coral blue eyes seen nothing but bur without a pair of reading glasses, and he still looked like the gorgeous man he timelessly was. 
simply perfection, in both senses of mind.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
The funny thing about Steroline is that I ship them both with Klaus.
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morningstargirl666 · 9 months
It's here. The new improved chapters 1-3 have posted. Read The Big Bad Wolf's prequel from the beginning here. Chapters 4 & 5 should be posted a week from now, either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, depending on when I finish it.
Think of it as my little gift to you all - I hope you all have a Merry Christmas (or a Happy Hanukkah!). And for those who don't celebrate either, then Happy New Year!
If you want more details on all the changes I made to The Little Wolf, read below. It's not too spoil-ery but it's not exactly spoiler-free either, so by all means come back later to see if you found all the changes I made! Extra kudos to those who notices them all.
Over 20k+ of brand new content. This includes two new chapters (chapter 2 & 4 respectively) and around 20 or more new scenes to devour across the entirety of the fic.
Original scenes have been tweaked and expanded upon, with longer conversations or scenes between characters.
All punctuation, grammar and spelling has been proof read repeatedly. I won't say it's all perfect, because I've probably still missed bits, but its in a much better state than it was before. Dialogue grammar in particular has had a complete overhaul, which should make everything much easier to read.
Each chapter has song lyrics at the beginning, fitting the vibes or themes of the chapter. This is a part of a playlist that I will share in Running With Wolves after completing the editing to The Big Bad Wolf (which has it's own share of songs, compiled with a mix of the music I listen to while writing and music I feel embodies each chapter).
In a similar thread, new timestamps have been added whenever there is a time or location jump. Again, this is a change that will be happening to The Big Bad Wolf as well to make flashbacks clearer. Upon completion of TBBW's edit, a timeline will be added to Running With Wolves so you can see all of the events that take place in the series in chronological order.
Historical accuracy has been given a bigger focus. Obviously, there's still a need for suspension of disbelief (vikings never travelled that far south in America, horses weren't introduced to America until the 1500s etc) as I'm no history buff and I personally believe you can allow a little leeway for sake of creative freedom. However, that said, I've tried to right the most egregious wrongs by Julie Plec: the white washing of the native Americans, the almost European-Christian culture of the Mikaelsons' village (views on bastards, women like Rebekah not carrying arms and being all innocently feminine even though they were warrriors too in viking culture, lack of historical accuracy in settings/costumes/props etc) and of course, the complete lack of explanation behind how the vikings arrived in Southern America. Hopefully it should feel more alive, and I'll probably add even more in the final FINAL edit that will happen once I've finished TBBW.
The Little Wolf's main focus is Klaus' characterisation arc. However, in this rewrite, all the Mikaelson siblings get more screen time and you get their characterisation arcs in the background, as a treat.
Henrik is much more fleshed out as a character. He's mischievous and playful, a lot like Kol, with other attributes from the other siblings thrown in. He's also got more Youngest Sibling energy, just as the other siblings have Middle Child/Eldest Child energy, because in a fic about family, really that's the most important detail of them all.
I've delved deeper into Mikael and Esther's treatment of Klaus and how it wasn't much different to how they treated the other siblings after all. Don't get me wrong - in my mind Klaus was dealt the worst of Mikael's physical fury, but I don't believe 'he was singled out' is as black and white as the show would lead you to believe. That's not how abusive households work.
Talking about Klaus' characterisation, think of this fic as the death of Niklaus Mikaelson, leading to the birth of Klaus, The Original Hybrid. The Little Wolf leading the way for The Big, Bad Wolf. You'll get innocent baby boi Niklaus of course, but that same innocent kid has a feral side. When you become a vampire, it heightens who you already are and Klaus - he had that fury and violence in him all along, and it wasn't just because of the wolf.
In a lot of human-era Originals fics and the actual shows, when they're turned into vampires its all very planned out. Idk, like Esther and Mikael are evil villains twirling their moustaches? Turning their children into vampires, its all very pre-meditated, oh the horror and everything. And although there is elements of that in this rewrite (they ARE shitty, evil parents after all) I tried to do something a little original myself. In this fic, more focus is given to the family's grief and how Henrik's death becomes the shatterpoint for EVERYTHING. His death causes every bad decision made by the family from that moment on. It's less of "I planned to make my children the most powerful beings to ever walk this earth" and more of "I tried to save my children and didn't expect ANY of this so wtf do I do now, another bad decision? Yeah let's do that". You feel me? Hopefully that comes across anyways.
Okay what haven't I mentioned yet... WEREWOLF LORE. Yeah that's been expanded on and fleshed out some more. You get a glimpse into my take on how the werewolf gene is triggered, along with a coming of age ritual, general culture, outsider prejudice against werewolves etc...Klaus' views on them is much more explored, especially in relation to his heritage. Kinda playing with the idea that him being a bastard was never the problem to Mikael or Klaus - it was him being a werewolf.
Since I started re-writing this I watched way too many of Mike Flanagan's series'. So I kinda went all 'Midnight Mass' on the Mikaelson's village. Oopsies.
In a similar thread, the raven from the Fall of The House of Usher left a bigger impact on me than I like to admit. That's something so sexy about an omen of death okay leave me alone I NEED THE FORESHADOWING
There's probably more, I'm disclaiming that now, but I've forgotten. Go forth and devour my lovelies ✨
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