#Knitter shows up 15 years late with Starbucks
storyknitter · 7 years
SWTOR Multiple Character Questions
Tagged by @rannadylin about ten years ago (sorry!) Thanks for the tag! 
Do you have more Imperial or Republic characters? Republic, but only by a couple characters. I’ve got one of each class and then a Sanna clone (or two three), plus a second smuggler, agent, and inquisitor, none of which are higher than level 20-ish?
Which class do you play as the most? *coughcoughSentinelcough*
Which race do you play as the most? Mirialan (no, I don’t have a problem, you have a problem!)
How many have completed Kotfe/Kotet? So far, just Vassanna. I started running Ellie through it and I stalled out around ch11 of KotFE, and decided to try a DS playthrough with my Eeeeeevil(TM) SI, but I’m halfway through ch 2 KotFE with her.
How many have completed up to Copero? Alas, just Vassanna. (So. Much. Angst.)
Who stayed loyal to their class romance? Everyone so far. Darth Nox was intrigued by Lana, however, and flirted a bit during SOR.
Who started a romance with Lana, Theron or Koth? In case anyone here missed it, Vassanna romanced Theron (though she flirted a bit with Doc for a while).
Who is your oldest (having played the longest) oc? Eli’anara. She’s been around since before the game launched!
Who is your newest? I just finally, after far too long, created Ellie’s Corran in-game. Granted, he’s like, level 5, but he actually exists in-game now!
Who is your favorite? Sanna (don’t tell the others!)
Lemme tag @mjaydziarand , @elveny , and @stephyhimemademe !
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storyknitter · 6 years
"kisses that start at the fingers, then the knuckles, then trail all the way up the wrist and arm" with either of your avocado girls :)
The crash of the waves along the Rishi shore made for a soothing background as Corran strolled home along the beach, the afternoon sun casting shadows along the sand. Today had been a great day, and it wasn’t even over yet: he’d spent the entire morning relaxing in the sun and sand with the love of his life, his favorite Huttball team had won, there were more credits in his pockets than he’d taken to the cantina – thanks to a few good hands of sabacc – and Ellie had promised him something special for dinner. He took a sip of his Corellian Ale, idly wondering what she was having Seetoo prepare. (After the last over-salted, scorched fiasco in the kitchen, she’d sworn off of cooking forever – for probably the fiftieth time since they’d started dating.)
All in all, it was shaping up to be a fairly good birthday, if he did say so himself.
Arriving at the entrance to their apartment, Corey sniffed and grinned at the delicious aroma filling his nose. A sharp yelp of pain followed by a crash sent his heart racing.
An impressive string of curses answered him and he darted into the living room, only to find it empty. “El?” he asked, worry bleeding into his voice “Where are you?”
“In the Force-damned kitchen,” she snarled, letting out another series of expletives. Following her voice, Corey found his wife standing next to the stove, her right hand clutched to her chest, blinking away tears.
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, rushing to her side. Ellie nodded with a sniffle and, content that she wasn’t too badly injured, he glanced around the kitchen.
The oven door was hanging open, a large pan containing two near-perfectly seared pieces of food rested haphazardly on the open door, dangerously close to the edge, and there was some liquid on the floor surrounding Ellie. Two pots, sides dirty from spills, sat on the burners. A lone potholder was millimeters from falling from the countertop to the floor.
“What the hells happened in here?”
“I happened,” she said morosely. “Why do I suck at cooking? It shouldn’t be this difficult!” She frowned, still cradling her curled-up hand, and he ran his fingertips along her arm.
“That’s not what I meant, El. How bad does it hurt? Can it wait until I get that pan on the stove top?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she grumbled, and made her way to the dining table, avoiding whatever had spilled on the floor.
“Where’s Seetoo? I figured you’d have him do the cooking,” he said, snagging the potholder before picking up the scalding hot handle of the pan, resting it on the back burner.
“It’s your birthday. I wanted to do this for you by myself.” Flopping into a chair, she sighed as he turned the burners off under the pots and put a lid on the still-hot pan. “I’ll go reactivate Seetoo.”
“No, wait. I mean, it looks done. Let’s try it before we toss it.” She looked up at him and he shrugged, turning to the cabinet where they kept the med kit. “Worst-case scenario, we head out for dinner. Or… we order in,” he said with a wink, clutching his chest in feigned hurt when she rolled her eyes.
“All right, now lemme see your hand, babe.” Hooking his ankle around the empty chair, he dragged it next to Ellie and set the kit on the table. She hissed as she uncurled her fingers, a massive blister crossing her entire palm, as well as parts of her fingers and thumb.
“Oh, El,” he murmured, gently slathering kolto and an analgesic on her palm. Reaching back into the kit, he pulled out a roll of gauze before wrapping up her hand, starting at her wrist and ending with her fingers, their painted nails peeking out from the white fabric.
Grasping Eli'anara’s wrist tenderly, Corey turned her hand palm-up and lightly kissed each of the exposed fingertips. His lips drifted to the pad of her thumb, then her wrist, pressing against the pulse beating beneath her soft skin. He took her upper arm in his other hand, trailing kisses up her forearm. He nuzzled the crook of her elbow and ignored her annoyed huff, determined to make her feel better about dinner.
He dropped kiss after kiss along her bicep and over the top of her shoulder, sliding the skinny strap of her tank out of the way to trace the length of her collarbone with his lips. Pausing millimeters from her neck, his hot breath sent goosebumps prickling along her skin and he grinned wolfishly.
In one swift motion, Corey wrapped his arms around her, his fingertips finding the sensitive spots on the side of her ribs. He poked at them as he exaggeratedly bit into the side of her neck, eliciting a shriek of laughter as she tried to squirm out of his grasp.
“Aaah, haha, Corey stop it,” she gasped. “That tickles! Ahaha!”
He paused briefly. “Are you still upset about dinner?” Ellie sighed in response and he poked at her ribs again, content to lose his hearing over her squeaks and giggles. After a few minutes of her attempts at wriggling out of his arms, they both ended up on the floor in a tangle of limbs.
“Hmm,” he said with a smirk. “I like how this has worked out.” She rested her bandaged hand on his cheek and kissed him soundly, pulling away with another giggle as his stomach rumbled. He glared, offended, at his torso.
“Shall we see if I completely karked up dinner this time, or if I just karked it up a little bit?” Ellie asked, her smile sparkling in her big blue eyes.
“That’s my girl,” he said. “Let’s go try it out – what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Corran, you really should know better by now than to ask that.”
He stood and offered his hand, pulling her up and into another hug. Ellie tensed, expecting to be tickled, but instead, Corey kissed her, hard.
“I love you, ya know,” he said, a bit more breathless than he’d expected. She grinned and nodded. “I think the only thing that could make this day better would be getting to unwrap you after dinner.”
“Well, then. What are we waiting for?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
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