sayonaramidnight · 3 months
Happy birthday to you!
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Thank you!!! <3
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
(drop me a book emoji and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction I haven't written but daydream about!) rather belatedly getting to the rest of these!!
I have an idea listed on my Sticky Note simply as "Celebrimbor in Nargothrond longfic". Does what it says on the tin, really: a story covering the years from the Dagor Bragollach to the fall of Nargothrond from Celebrimbor's point of view. To feature his growing disillusionment with, and finally his break from, Curufin, Huan being the best puppy in the world, the Celebrimbor-and-Finduilas friendship the world needs, and complicated political tension with Orodreth. I'm mainly attached to this idea because Celebrimbor is such a blorbo and I'm so so intrigued by all his First Age activities; it'll be a challenge to write, but I do want to try my hand at it.
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niennawept · 1 year
🍞 🌟 🔮 🧵 for the Middle-earth asks?
Hi there! I hope you're well today!!!
🍞 lembas bread: what's the best road trip snack?
I'm pretty partial to jerky myself. Something about it feels right for travelling.
🌟starlight: you're allowed to live in one of the Elf Kingdoms of Middle Earth, which one are you picking?
Okay - the question does say Middle-earth (otherwise I'm picking Gondolin, despite the fall). Uhhh. I think either Rivendell (good lord, kind as summer) or the Grey Havens (because I might have developed a girlish crush on Círdan).
🔮 palantír: you've found a palantir! Who are you hitting up in middle earth? What are you telling them?
I suppose that heavily depends on what point in the time line we find ourselves in? I feel like I'd contact different people at different times. But if it's just a social call ... Elrond. I just want to tell him how much I admire what he build in Imladris.
🧵 spool: list your top five favourite costumes from any of the films.
5. Tauriel's costume from The Hobbit films. I really like all the little details, particularly the embroidery work on the sleeves which I won't name here because what it's called is not so nice in modern english. 4. Thranduil in his armor in the Hobbit films. Just delicious, more of that please. 3. Galadriel's blue dress in Numenor, Rings of Power. It's a departure from all the other clothing in the show and compared with all the other women in Numenor, but I just love it. The color, the cut. It's probably the main dress I'd consider making from TROP. 2. The lilac cloak Arwen wears as she's riding to the Grey Havens. I'm obsessed with that cloak. It's just gorgeous. Honorable mention: Pippin's Shire clothes. I love that he doesn't have a waistcoat and that there's such delicate embroidery down the front of his shirt. One day I will make a shirt like that for myself. 1. Arwen's red and over-dyed deep blue velvet dress. It's iconic for a reason. I want to make it some day.
Thank you so much for asking! <3
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
Happy birthday!
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Thank you so very much! It's been a great one! <3<3<3
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svartalfhild · 1 year
😊 🐾 ☕ 👏 😂 from the Positive Asks?
😊: What are some things you do to cheer yourself up when you’re having a rough day?
I usually watch something or listen to music. If I'm in the mood for it, I'll play a game. If things are super rough, it's either Tasting History or Stardew Valley time. Something about Max Miller's food history videos is just very calming and engaging enough that it can literally help bring me down from a panic attack. Harvest Moon-style games put me in a zen zone that makes me forget about everything except managing my little farm and that's also super helpful for my anxiety.
🐾: What’s a fun fact about your favourite animal?
Crow/Raven communication has syntax! (As does the communication of many other types of birds) This is what allows them to convey complex concepts to others of their species like "there's food in a specific location" and "that particular human is a fucking asshole".
☕: What’s your favourite hot drink?
Peppermint tea!
👏: What’s something you’ve done recently (even if it’s a small thing) that you’re proud of?
I got myself through another uncomfortable medical test.
😂: What always makes you laugh?
Oh, lots of things. First thing that comes to mind though is this Oblivion glitch video.
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risualto · 2 years
9, 13, 21 for the end of year asks?
Thank you for asking!
9. Best month for you this year? August, definitely. I got to see my family for the first time in a long time, and I also went to a really fun music festival.
13. How was your birthday this year? Extremely average. I honestly don't remember what I did for my birthday this year. It wasn't bad, though; I just didn't celebrate in any particular way. I remember a comic I follow came back from a hiatus on my birthday, which was nice.
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? I have a new drying rack for my clothes. Also, a takoyaki stand opened nearby, and my massage therapist moved up a floor in her building.
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opportunity-strikes · 2 years
Adventure Poll!
Previous Poll
The stone is worn smooth, and the veins of dark emerald green glitter even in the deep gloom of the forest. Cautiously you reach forward to scoop it from the folds of the cloak. As soon as you touch it, something like an electric shock jolts through your body! Instinctively you fling yourself backwards--or are you flung backwards? Whichever it is, you land squarely on your back. For a second you lay there motionless, breathing heavily, entire body buzzing.
Slowly your brain catches up, and you realize what initially you had interpreted as a shock had actually been... you're not sure. It had felt crowded and overwhelming just existing in your skin. Like someone made out of lightning had jumped into your body and briefly tried to live in your veins. You had felt lost, and afraid, and ready to recoil from the unknown.
With another aching groan you roll on to your hands and knees and crawl back to the stone. You take a deep breath, and cautiously poke it with your index finger. The reaction this time is similar, but mitigated. Emotions and thoughts hit you in rapid-fire succession.
You're lost... you exist. Afraid. You exist. Excited. Seconds are trickling by, you can feel it in your mind now. Passing through time like thick molasses. Overwhelmed. The one presence you've ever known is gone. Grief. But the one you picked. Hesitant. The one you picked. Curious. The one you found. Hopeful. They've found you?
The senses slowly subside, and carefully you pick up the stone. It's so light. It feels so fragile, like holding a birds egg. You cradle it in both your hands, awestruck with the realization that this thing is alive. You can feel it... a little heartbeat in your mind.
Carefully you stand, picking up the cloak as you do and delicately wrapping it around the stone again. You nestle it safely into your bag, pushing aside bandages, herbs, and poultices to make room.
When you look up, you notice how much of the light has gone. With a thrill of panic, you turn and start to pick your way back through the forest. If you're lucky you can make it out of the forest before nightfall.
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starlightcleric · 4 months
Tagged by @dragonologist-phd, thank you! Tagging (if you would like) @rannadylin, @risualto, @sayonaramidnight, @pyritea, @raynshyu, and anyone else who would like to!
1. the last book I read:
The last book I finished (just yesterday) was The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley. It had been on my to-read and I saw it on the shelf at the library so I took it. I enjoyed it, I think it’s well written and the main character realistically flawed in an interesting way, but I don’t know that I would ever reread.
2. a book I recommend:
Depends on who I’m recommending to, but I did actually in real life recommend Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid to a friend and she read it (although she didn’t enjoy it as much as I did).
3. a book that I couldn’t put down:
I read quickly, so I either read books in one day or it takes me multiple days of reading a few chapters at a time, but I absolutely devoured The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. Stay up past bedtime to finish reading levels of hooked, which is rare for me as an adult.
4. a book that I’ve read twice (or more):
I reread more in my childhood, but a series (that I read in childhood admittedly) that I’m intentionally re-reading now is the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams. Currently I’m on volume 3(.1), To Green Angel Tower, part 1 because the book is too long to publish in one mass market paperback volume. (The original form of the book I read was all one volume).
5. a book on my TBR:
I either own books because I love them, or because I want to read them, and The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi is in the latter category. I originally got it from the library, didn’t finish it, put it on my christmas list and received it, and now it’s sitting on my shelf waiting for the stars to align and actually read it.
6. a book I’ve put down:
Last book I intentionally put down was The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang. Not because of the quality or anything, I’m just extremely uninterested in school stories right now.
7. a book on my wish list:
I am extremely looking forward to The Lotus Empire by Tasha Suri coming out later this year.
8. a favourite book from childhood:
Watership Down by Richard Adams is the book that I’ve read most in my life, to the point that my copy is falling apart.
9. a book you would give to a friend:
Is this either A) to lend or B) as a present, in which case A) no I hate lending my books to people. If it’s B) it supremely depends on the person and what they like reading. Hopefully I would give them something they want. I don’t like this question.
10. a book of poetry or lyrics you own:
I don’t really own short poetry, but I do have multiple Shakespeare plays and also national epic poems. So let’s call out The Kalevala by Elias Lönnrot (translated Keith Bosley) which is a beautiful work of poetry, even translated, and it touched me to my soul and I love it and it makes no goddamn sense.
11. a nonfiction book you own:
I have one history book that I have two copies of (by accident) but I’ve kept both because they’re actually slightly different! The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783 by A.T. Mahan, but the second is a larger copy with more pictures that’s 1660-1805 for some reason!
12. what are you currently reading:
I have, in progress, The Unbroken by C.L. Clark, To Green Angel Tower, Part 1 by Tad Williams, and The Journey to the West, Volume 1 translated Anthony C. Yu.
13. what are you planning on reading next:
I just picked up from the library today Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End, Volume 4 by Kanehito Yamada and The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo!
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dragonologist-phd · 9 months
10 Songs, 10 People
tagged by @arendaes to put a playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs!! thanks for the tag, i'll take a page from your book and use one of Piper's playlists for the shuffle!
Galway Girl - MALINDA
2. A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
3. Pretty Little Head - Eliza rickman
4. Vagabond - Misterwives
5. How You Survived the War - The Weepies
6. Skeleton Key - Dessa
7. A Song is a Weapon - Stars
8. Poet - Bastille
9. Grifters - Charming Disaster
10. Fake It - Bastille
tagging (if you want to, no pressure!) @bugdotpng @cassynite @orime-stories @rannadylin @risualto @ammoniteflesh @big-cheesy-productions @dujour13 @starlightcleric @serenbach86
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sayonaramidnight · 1 year
Happy Crab Day!
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Further LOTRO greetings, this time with some really tall statues! Here's Eldacar, guarding the entrance to The Pier at the Citadel of Minas Tirith, with the Tower of Ecthelion behind him:
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And as a bonus, here are his son and dad!
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They really like their statues colossus-sized in Minas Tirith. As seen from the far end of the Pier...
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Aahhhh I love these – thank you for sharing!! Eldacar and family all deserve the biggest fanciest most impressive statues 🥺
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niennawept · 1 year
From the Ainur asks, how about #4, 7, 13, and 17?
Hi! Thank you so much for asking, my dear!
4. Which Vala(r) would you serve?
It's gotta be Nienna, doesn't it? She's the one that speaks to me the most. I think that her place in the cosmology is so very interesting. But I guess my second choice would me Námo, because I like death gods, especially neutral ones. They tend to be my favorites in almost every pantheon.
7. Which Ainu would be your greatest rival?
This is probably going to be the second most popular answer to this question, but Melkor and I are throwing hands. I know he's a lot of people's blorbo, but I'm just never gonna be okay with what he did to the orcs and thralls.
13. Descend into Arda or stay in the Timeless Halls?
Descend to Arda, hands down! There's no way I'm staying out of the fray. This is going to be a mess and I am determined to be part of it - trying to make it better.
17. Is there an event in canon you'd (attempt to) influence (using your powers/foresight/etc.)?
I thought about 24/7 following Fëanor around whispering into his subconscious to try to counter Melkor's lies and avert the First Kinslaying, but I think Fëanor is too stubborn for that. So, going with plan B, try to convince Turgon that Tuor's warning about the Fall of Gondolin is genuine and he needs to listen.
For the ask game here
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(Have an unwritten daydream concept for the cheap, cheap price of a cute book emoji!)
Thank you @rannadylin!
This is cheating, in that I have written one (1) line for this famfic scenario, but I do confess I have a soft spot for the idea of Maedhros in Aman after Reembodiment, accompanying a nearly-faded Maglor through recovery.
It's about care and estrangement and resentment paling in the face of reunion, it's about the course of time and the strenght of commitment and how some things can't be altered. It's about enduring love for something unrecognisable, it's about scrutinised faith, it's about trying to avoid co-dependent habits that are so, so comforting and familiar in an unfamiliar world....
And mostly, it's about a very beautiful garden.
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masterskywalkers · 3 months
I was tagged by the always amazing @renegade-skywalker, thanks so much lovely! This is the favourite character poll, so please feel free to vote and tag me in any polls of your own so I can vote on yours! In return, I'll send a tag out to ... @commanderspock, @nightclimes, @owlpockets, @eghfeithrean, @carmine-sunlight , @lindira , @dreamerinsilico , @rannadylin. For those that follow me on my asian drama blog, I also have an alternative version of this poll here. For this poll, our theme is ...
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risualto · 4 months
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I was tagged by @orime-stories to make some OC kisses in this picrew! Thank you.
Names and lil stories under the cut.
I'll tag (sorry if you've been tagged already; I'm not sure who's done this yet) @captainofthefallen @rannadylin @ariela-of-aedyr @hopelesshaunts @queen-scribbles @gwiriwyll @haledamage @marumigamer @quaxorascal and @bragganhyl! Tbh if you see this and you want to make some kisses, please make them and tag me so I see them, though.
Top left, we have my now-retired D&D baby, Montgomery von Calliston Radcliffe, kissing his lovely wife, Lorelei Valier. This is probably a relaxed kiss in the kitchen of their party's keep, early enough in the morning that no one is awake to start shenanigans (and before their accidentally acquired child wakes up and accidentally has a wild magic surge).
Top right is a currently-active D&D baby, Odelle, kissing her half-orc bestie, Pashka. They're not dating, but they've slept together in the past and have a very physical friendship. There's no feelings or obligations between them except to stay safe. This was a goodbye kiss the last time Odelle left the monastery. She's promising to come back.
Middle left is a @speakergame kiss featuring my Speaker, Yoshiko Nakamura, and the dryad-next-door, Azalea Mirin. Probably takes place a while in the future after Yoshiko has accepted her lesbian heart and gotten around to asking Azalea out (or accepting being asked out by Az, not sure which yet).
Middle right is my Everything Bad!Watcher, Lila, kissing Xoti <3 murder girlfriends go brrrrrr. Probably takes place after killing some cultists, but honestly might also be the blood of the town guards...depends on the day, I guess. They love each other, but not the idea that there are solutions other than violence. Featuring a little Gaun-like glow in the background.
Bottom left and right are both my primary WoL, Rihnkiki "Inky" Rihnki, kissing her boyfriends. Urianger's kiss was a surprise because he wasn't expecting to turn around and see Inky on the table before they left to meet up with Thancred; Thancred's is a lazy goodnight kiss while they're waiting for Urianger to finish reading a chapter of his book. I couldn't get green hair in this dollmaker (and idk how to photo edit), so these are from an AU where Inky's hair turned white post-ShB, I guess. Just consider Urianger's kiss mirrored, because otherwise you should be able to see their archon tattoo and Inky's scar.
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@a-lonely-dunedain tagged me for stick a few ocs' names in here and see if the headcanon it spits out matches :D
esterin is afraid of doing anything without their parent's permission ...we don't have time to unpack All That right now <3 (the answer is 'kinda, yeah!') esterin enjoys doing taxes i don't think she pays taxes. do Adventurers(tm) pay income tax anywhere? idk where her legal residence even is at this point esterin is unemployed asfsdsdfdsf. her job is 'hey mordirothmog is back again' and 'greetings, friend! i have a fetch quest for you <3'
isedd has an extensive manga collection under his bed ya know. he might! idk what genre he'd be in to, but he plausibly would have a collection of ones he liked isedd is a cat person [matwyn voice] i will not be held responsible for whatever happens to the cat that tries to fight me isedd can play the piano i don't think he's honestly very musically inclined at all. he'll sing along to stuff but he's not really the type to play things
halthel gets into twitter discourse SADFSDFA. my guy has made a concerted effort in later ages to Stay In His Lane. this doesn't always work out, but he doesn't generally get dragged into Yelling On The Internet and thinks it's stupid 99% of the time halthel does not know what sleep is ASDFSD. when exactly are we talking? tbh he is generally pretty good about things like sleeping correctly, unless he's decided it's Necessary for one reason or another to be very stupid about things. very aware the whole time though how much it's going to suck afterwards halthel has a roblox account silmeniel got him into it. silear still hadn't woken up and they both needed something stupid and distracting. halthel plays extensive building games. silmeniel plays survival or pvp games and intends to Win
rani can't sit in a chair properly pffff. she can! she just chooses not to rani watched the sonic movie yeah probably lol rani would buy clothes from the soup store not only that, she would insist it's perfectly normal to regularly get the bulk of your daily clothing from the place that mostly sells soup and only incidentally has clothes at all. what do you mean there's a perfectly reasonable and more practical in every conceivable way clothes store literally next door? sounds fake
and uhhh tags. @pursuer-of-hope @dunadaan @chaos-corvus @hallothere @rannadylin
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