pennsyltuckyheathen · 10 months
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(via Koch network pledges 'full support' of 'unmatched grassroots army' to stop Trump in GOP primary - Alternet.org)
Koch network is putting their millions behind Nikki Haley (instead of Rhonda Santis who now lags behind Haley) to defeat Trump.  
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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From: Smocking Gun @oceana404 The 1% love watching us scramble during this terrible inflation as they think it will make us accept less just to get by. The oligarchs in the US must be stopped. reblog
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#KochNetwork #HeritageFoundation this is the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of these right-wing foundations, think tanks, and political action committees going back decades. The Koch family, the Walton Family, and a few others have spent hundreds of billions to control and shape this country through misinformation and brainwashing for decades. Some of these think tanks literally write the legislation that Republikkkan puppets introduce into Congress. When you shop at Walmart or buy Koch Industries products you are directly funding everything you protest against.
Greene and Boebert didn’t magically appear in Congress, they were put there by these billionaires to do their bidding. Ted Cruz is told what to tweet. Mitch McConnell is handed legislation to introduce into the Senate. The Tea Party and Freedom Caucus were literally created, funded, and directed by Koch dark money.
The racism, the voter suppression, the evangelical bullshit, the culture wars, the homophobia, the war on women, etc are just smokescreens to attract redneck voters and foot soldiers for the Republikkkan puppets. It’s all about a handful of billionaire families and their quest to manipulate the government into making them even richer and more powerful than they are.
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dragoni · 5 years
Setting some context: William S. Consovoy is one of Trump’s private lawyers. Giuliani is Trump’s public lawyer and everyone knows how that’s working out 😂
belongs to the Federalist Society
a former law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. All Republican judges are Federalist Society members including those on SCOTUS 
Two of Trump’s critics have called Consovoy’s views as “spectacularly anti-constitutional”.
A panel of three federal appeals court judges appeared to be unreceptive Wednesday to President Donald Trump's claim that local prosecutors cannot get his financial records as long as he's in office — and heard an extreme hypothetical example making that case.
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, okay?”, Trump
Asked about that, Consovoy said a president could be charged with such a crime once he was out of office or if he was impeached and removed from office. "This is not a permanent immunity," he said.
"I'm talking about while in office. Nothing could be done? That's your position?" Judge Denny Chin asked.
"That is correct," Consovoy said.
Back to reality: Getting Trump’s Tax Returns
“Federal judges in Washington and New York have rejected his argument that the president’s financial records for his businesses are off-limits to Congress.”
Coming to Trump’s defense: An unconventional lawyer for an unconventional president,  Washington Post - Aug. 22, 2019
William Consovoy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know, Heavy
The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank  #KochBrothers  #KochNetwork
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
#TheBlueWave- Where We Stand, Going Forward.
New House and Senate ratings from CNN point the way to an excellent set of midterms for the Democratic Party.
That said- Beware complacency.
Those two words are so gigantic in this case, that they could be the whole article.
There’s a number of different factors at play in the political scene of America at this time. Some of them are in no way American, but most of them are.
One of the biggest is…
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myweddingsandevents · 3 years
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accidental-ambience · 3 years
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American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
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dragoni · 5 years
👏👏👏 Citizens for Ethics  #EndCitizensUnted   #EndDarkMoney 
Keep in mind, Dark Money organizations and their donors make it virtually impossible to “follow the money” for a reason...
Keep in mind, “Americans for Job Security” is only ONE of dozens if not 100′s of “non-profits” donating on behalf of their “secret donors” to politicians in exchange for laws, jobs, contracts and tax cuts. Many of are controlled the same Oligarchs, i.e. Koch Brothers and #KochNetwork.
“Americans for Job Security is one of the top 15 dark money groups”
Americans for Job Security (AJS) has released its donors from 2010 through 2012, including major contributions from Peter Thiel, Richard and Helen DeVos, Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, and Robert McNair, as well as contributions from Trump appointees like Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, former SBA Administrator Linda McMahon and former-Labor Secretary nominee Andy Puzder. 
Other major donors included major players in the dark money world such as the Wellspring Committee, the Koch-connected Center to Protect Patient Rights, Crossroads GPS and Michigan Citizens for Fiscal Responsibility, major corporations like Wynn Resorts, Bass Pro Shops and Quicken Loans, PR firms like the DCI Group and government contractors like Hensel Phelps Construction. 
“This is a major victory for transparency and the rule of law,” CREW Executive Director Noah Bookbinder said. “This is the first major release of dark money sources in the post-Citizens United era, a rare and long overdue victory in the fight against the illegal use of dark money in politics.”
Notable donors include:
Peter Thiel – $500,000
Richard and Helen Devos – $2 million
Sheldon and Miriam Adelson – $500,000
Robert McNair – $1,000,000
Notable corporate donors include:
Continental Resources – $1 million
Devon Energy and Devon Energy Production Corp – $3 million
Hensel Phelps Construction – $2.93 million
Penn National Gaming – $737,000
US Sugar Corp – $750,000
Wynn Resorts – $500,000
Bass Pro Shops – $50,000
Quicken Loans – $250,000
Previously known donors include Anthony Pritzker, Eli Broad, John Fisher and Charles Schwab. Schwab was known to have given millions to AJS, but the new information shows that he gave an additional $12.15 million.
Go Deeper:  Issue One’s “Dark Money Illuminated”
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
A Media Monopoly- Koch Network Funds Time Inc. Buyout.
History has taught us that the media industry in Washington is capable of posing a considerable threat to our democracy. It stands to reason that a sound and empowered federal regulation ought to exist, one capable of holding media outlets accountable. There’s got to be a mechanism overseeing the news, to see it stays within the bounds of reason.
Hardly any such protections exist, however, and…
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
Democrats Stand Up for Senator Franken- MD DissectFake.
The Republicans are at it again. These people can’t even spell “accountability”.
Minnesota Senator Al Franken was accused of sexual harassment today by conservative talk show host Leann Tweeden, in a particularly transparent and unfair attempt to display false equivalence.
This news comes hot on the heels of Franken delivering up to the alleged child molester and Alabama Senatorial candidate Roy…
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
#WeWillEmbraceYou- An Offered Handshake to Bernie Supporters.
#WeWillEmbraceYou- An Offered Handshake to Bernie Supporters.
The cause of leftist unity suffered a disappointment on Tuesday, when Senator Bernard Sanders(I-VT)  announced that contrary to earlier statements, he will not be running as a Democrat in future elections.
In November 2015, Sanders made a point of making clear that in fact he would run as a Democrat in future elections, after the subject came up during an interview.
“In future elections,…
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
#WeWillEmbraceYou- An Offered Handshake to Bernie's Supporters.
#WeWillEmbraceYou- An Offered Handshake to Bernie’s Supporters.
The cause of leftist unity suffered a disappointment on Tuesday, when Senator Bernard Sanders(I-VT)  announced that contrary to earlier statements, he will not be running as a Democrat in future elections.
In November 2015, Sanders made a point of making clear that in fact he would run as a Democrat in future elections, after the subject came up during an interview.
“In future elections,…
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milesdemos667 · 7 years
Great Education, No Segregation- Controlled Choice Policy.
Great Education, No Segregation- Controlled Choice Policy.
Conservative America has never given up on segregating the country’s schools. Donald Trump has given them a free hand to do it.
Think tanks across the country have been working out a legal method to do so. It is proving effective. American schools are more segregated than they were in 1968.
The privatizing of education has been their long term goal for a number of different reasons. Some of these…
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dragoni · 6 years
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Brett Kavanaugh lied to become a federal judge in 2006. Now he’s lying to become a Supreme Court Justice in 2018.
#RightWingAgenda #KochNetwork #Oligarchs #FederalistSociety 
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dragoni · 6 years
The Koch’s and their #KochNetwork were #NeverTrump EXCEPT when it came to tax cuts for the rich and corporations — and of course SCOTUS justices; Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh!
In spite of the network’s decision to stay out of the presidential race, it will still support candidates for Senate and governor through its various groups like Americans for Prosperity.
Here’s what happens when the Koch’s turns a Republican into a #KochSucker: “Marco Rubio voted 98 percent of the time with Koch brothers”, PolitiFact #PaulRyanToo
Koch network Spokesman James Davis told the Post the organization plans to “significant investment to support policy champions in Senate, House and state races, build broad-based policy coalitions, and to launch a major new initiative to fight poverty in America.”
From the Washington Post
The snub of the president is likely to reinforce the personal divide between Trump and Koch.
At a meeting of top Koch network donors last summer, senior network officials criticized the “tremendous lack of leadership” in Trump’s Washington, saying “the divisiveness of this White House is causing long-term damage.”
The Dark Money of the Koch Network - 2014
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dragoni · 6 years
Welcome to the Fascist States of America. Republicans are acting like they are the law. Prove them Wrong.
The entire confirmation is a sham. It’s all show. Republicans don’t care about listening to or investigating Dr. Ford’s claims - let alone Deborah Ramirez’s.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court on Friday morning, less than 24 hours after Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford appear before the panel to discuss Ford's allegation that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than 30 years ago.
Of course they going to vote because the Republicans are the majority.
According to committee rules, Judiciary must schedule a committee vote three days in advance. But the committee said the vote will proceed only if a "majority of the members" of the 21-member panel are ready to vote on Friday.
“For Republicans to schedule a Friday vote on Brett Kavanaugh today, two days before Dr. Blasey Ford has had a chance to tell her story, is outrageous," Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the committee's ranking member, said Tuesday. “First Republicans demanded Dr. Blasey Ford testify immediately. Now Republicans don’t even need to hear her before they move ahead with a vote."
With that in mind, McConnell — described by one Republican as “fired up” — was already warning his colleagues that he would keep the Senate in all weekend in order to have a final confirmation vote on Kavanaugh by early next week. The new Supreme Court term starts Oct. 1.
The Koch Network threatened Republicans that they would stop all funding if Republicans didn’t pass health and tax reform. Did they do the same with Kavanaugh’s confirmation?
"A kleptocracy is a government ruled by corrupt politicians who use their political power to receive kickbacks, bribes, and special favors at the expense of the populace.“  #KochBrothers #KochNetwork #FederalistSociety
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