alexseanchai · 10 months
“Take koharubiyori, a kigo of late autumn to early winter used to express a day of warm, mild, sunny, almost springlike weather in the midst of harshly cold days, associated with a sense of soothing and comfort,” [professional haiku poet Etsuya] Hirose told the Nikkei business newspaper. “Nowadays, more days are warm at that time of year, so you can’t really empathise with that kigo, that season and emotion.”
As global heating accelerates the process of natural misalignment, the haiku writer can either down tools in despair or simply adapt, according to Toshio Kimura, a poet and director of the Haiku International Association. Warmer, more unpredictable weather is blurring the transition from one season to the next, but haiku has the versatility to adapt, he believes. “The purpose of haiku is not to praise seasons themselves, but to try to see the human essence through nature.
“Of course, several poets will lament climate change in their haiku. However, to describe a certain climate is not the aim of haiku.”
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yyhcuties · 5 years
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Doujinshi by  中川智子(Satoko Nakagawa) / SATOKO:
狐狩り 巻ノ壱
Grass Green
狐狩り 巻ノ弐
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ike2910 · 6 years
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ププッピドゥ〜💋💋💋マリーリンモンロー🌸✨ オッドアイ💎🍀が更に綺麗に💕 @beautyplusapp #可愛い子選手権 #応募用 #マリリンモンロー #beautyplus #マリー #コスプレ #動物の顔認識 #みんねこ #オッドアイ #topmeowdels #choochoocat #ハロウィン #ハロウィンコスプレ #坂口マリー #halloween #halloweencostume #koharubiyori #oddeyedcat #mariesakaguchi https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnj17Awg8-w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17brcfclg7t6m
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cheesetrap0113 · 6 years
Random HypMic Seiyuus Facts
From all the lives they guested/hosted at 😀
Will edit if something is wrong xD
-KimuSuba debuted as a seiyuu when he was 14. He had his eyes set on Gian. -Even though he debuted as a seiyuu at 14, he had his first appearance as an actor in the 2002 Japan production of  Annie as a dancer. -He can play violin, keyboards, drums, and guitar. Was in Karate and Kendo club during his high school and university years. -He’s quite good in English and studied the language by himself, following his interest with rap and Eminem. -His parents have performed in the stage, but in the musical field (father was an opera singer, mother was a vocalist in a group) -He smokes. -He loves coca-cola very much, he can differentiate canned cola and bottled ones. -Aside from acting, Kimura is also a model under the name Sammy. -At one of his latest live broadcast, all the staff pranked him 5 times. One is where the director was angry at the staff Kimura had to be in between them during a live broadcast. -One of the staff disguised as a big fan and asked Kimura to sign 50 cards so he can give it to his brothers. He kindly did all 50. -His ex-girlfriend is called Non-chan. They broke up cause Kimura wants to love another girl.
-Amasaki is an only child. -When asked why he wanted to be a seiyuu, his answer is : “Cause I was saved...” -During Amasaki’s school days, he usually get depressed and down, thinking nothing goes right. That’s when he discovered this anime and got amazed by it. -He thought of entering in the anime industry, and he thought of being a mangaka at first. But it was hard. -He thought of a way to enter the anime industry with the experience he have in using his voice.
-Haruki doesn’t have a passport. -In yesterday’s Koharubiyori live where Hayami and Nozuyama guested, there is a question for the 3 about what female gestures turns them on. Haruki answered “when a girl wipes of her sweat around the neck area, and lifts her hair up. I think it’s sexy. He also said that he is inclined to parts that are usually hidden, especially the nape. With that being said Nozuyama joked about how basically everything is covered by clothes and teased Haruki, “Aren’t you fired up?”
-Nozuyama likes long haired girls and then fixing them into different styles. -Nozuyama also did track and field in his school days, but just for the sport fest. -He was in the basketball club in his school days.
-Kamio Shinichiro is a stage name. -He was a magician long before he became a seiyuu. He debuted when he was 30 years old.
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himatsubushini7 · 5 years
岩橋玄樹 岩橋 玄樹(いわはし げんき、1996年12月17日 – )は、日本の歌手、俳優、タレント。男性アイドルグループ「King & Prince」のメンバー。 東京都出身。ジャニーズ事務所所属。 2010年(平成22年)10月31日にジャニーズ事務所に入所。当時好きだったGReeeeNのようになりたい 20キロバイト (2,208 語) – 2019年12月24日 (火) 17:26
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(出典 koharubiyori-sala.com) さすがの人気!! 可愛すぎるwwwwww
続きを読む Source: 能まとめブログ
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toutousya · 8 years
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灯々舎も参加させていただきます。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 #EzRepost @inthefield_ with @repostigapp 企画展のお知らせ. . 「ブローチ日和」. 3月17日(金)〜29日(水). . (期間中の木曜日は定休日の為、お休みさせて頂きます). . 素材もテイストもそれぞれの、個性溢れる小さなブローチ達が集まります。 どうぞお気に入りを見つけにいらして下さい。 . . *参加作家* FLEURI( ビーズ刺繍). hands(花と羊毛) koharubiyori(革) jouer(真鍮) La Bonbonniere(真鍮). Liita(布花). luca(革). ma-no(編み). Nikarasunday(石塑粘土). 大石栄子(こぎん刺し). sunawo na katachi(木). 灯々舎(陶土). yama-ni(布花/陶土/樹脂). . 期間中はブローチの他、新入荷の雑貨や春もののウェアもたくさんご覧頂けます。 . inthefield店主のパートナー、柴犬幸助くんがいつも花市場の帰りに寄っている、 コッペパンと焼き菓子がおいしいカフェ、 @pine_fields_market .「PINE FIELDS MARKET」さんの美味しい焼き菓子が並びます。 . イベント詳細はHPでもご覧頂けます。 店頭に並ぶ作品、商品につきましては 直前にIGやblogでもご案内する予定です。
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sakuratiru · 8 years
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今年も御苗場に出展します! 2回の出展でなにげに満足していたので迷ったのですが、石の上にも3年と言う事で今回の出展を決めました。作品はちょうど撮影を初めて一年を過ぎた奈良岬さん ( @____misaki_____ )の総集編です。またポストカードを用意しますので、ご来場の際には是非お立ち寄りください(^^) 
2階 No.275 「Koharubiyori」 
2/23~2/26 場所は昨年と変わり「BankART Studio NYK」
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amanimelists · 5 years
Sound of Mushi Sequel (蟲師 サウンドトラック「蟲音 続」Mushishi Soundtrack "Mushinone Zoku") S2Disc2?
Sun-eating Shadow (日蝕む翳 Hihamu Kage)
Tradition (伝承 Denshou)
Under the Sun (日向 Hinata)
Shade (翳 Kage)
Dark (暗澹(あんたん) Antan)
Sign (Remastered): Quiet (気配(けわい)(改)・静 Kewai (Kai) - Sei)
Sign (Remastered): Movement (気配(けわい)(改)・動 Kewai (Kai) - Dou)
"Mushishi Sequel Chapter" (「蟲師・続章」"Mushishi Zokushou")
Abyss (Remastered) (深淵(改) Shin'en (Kai))
Mushi Gathering (蟲溜まり Mushidamari)
Melancholy (暗鬱(あんうつ) An'utsu)
Search (探索 Tansaku)
Feast (宴 Utage)
Along the Road (道すがら Michisugara)
Mild Late Autumn Weather (小春日和 Koharubiyori)
Moment (刹那 Setsuna)
Path of Drops (雫道(しずくみち) Shizukumichi)
Wriggling (蠢動(しゅんどう) Shundou)
Emotion (想い Omoi)
Regret (悔恨 Kaikon)
Warmth (ぬくもり Nukumori)
Night Vision (暗視 Anshi)
Respective Answer (否応 Iyaou)
Night Cherry Blossoms (夜桜 Yozakura)
Uncertainty (無常 Mujou)
Swaying (揺蕩(たゆた) Tayuta)
Mushi (Remastered) (蟲(改) Mushi (Kai))
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michaelewood · 10 years
Here is the official trailer for Koharubiyori, the short film I shot in Japan 2 years ago.
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himatsubushini7 · 5 years
岸優太 岸 優太(きし ゆうた、1995年9月29日 – )は、日本の歌手、俳優、タレント。男性アイドルグループ「King & Prince」のメンバーであり、リーダー。 埼玉県出身。ジャニーズ事務所所属。 いとこが履歴書を送り、2009年7月20日にジャニーズ事務所に入所する。2013年はジャニーズJr.内ユニット・Sexy 15キロバイト (1,579 語) – 2019年12月18日 (水) 16:29
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(出典 koharubiyori-sala.com) 人気あるね〜wwwwww
続きを読む Source: 能まとめブログ
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michaelewood · 10 years
Koharubiyori Awarded at First Run
Koharubiyori, the short film I shot in Japan last year, had its premiere at NYU's First Run Film Festival and took home the 3rd place Wasserman Award in Grad Film as well as the audience award. I also received a craft award for my cinematography in the film. Pretty sweet!
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michaelewood · 12 years
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Koharubiyori (小春日和)
In early February, I had the amazing opportunity to shoot my classmate Toshimichi Saito's thesis film in Japan. We filmed on the Arri Alexa for 8 days in Kobe, Osaka, and Okayama with a Japanese crew in some beautiful locations.
The project was particularly exciting as it was my first trip to Asia and Toshi was really open to explore unconventional ways of telling the story with the camera. 'Koharubiyori', which translates to English best as "Indian Summer", tells the story of a disconnected family and several lonely urban dwellers who join together at a funeral in a small village in west Japan's countryside. The film is a drama inspired by classic Japanese films like Kenji Mizoguchi's 'Ugetsu' and culminates in an enchanting Nihon Buyo performance by a mysterious and spirited woman who unexpectedly helps the family with preparations for the funeral. With an ambitious production scale and an almost entirely Japanese crew, the shoot posed some interesting challenges. For one, the set was run in Japanese and I needed a translator to let me know what was going on most of the time. On the first day, we were shooting guerrilla style inside the impossibly loud cargo hold of a commercial jet. While I was adjusting the iris on the camera, amidst a chaotic back and forth in Japanese, I was surprised to see in my viewfinder that we were recording a take! I hadn't learned the terms for "picture's up", "camera speeding" or "we're about to get kicked out this friggin' plane!" at that point. Thankfully, the craft of telling stories with images is way more universal than Japanese or English, and we were in no short order of talented filmmakers. The production was a thrilling experience of trying new things, working with old friends, and making new ones. We were in local newspapers, on national television, and while boarding the flight home, the smiling face of our lead actress bid us a final farewell from a Visa® billboard. The Japanese are great with warmhearted goodbyes.
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