#Kolivan x Reader Headcanons
galraluver · 1 month
Gonna be honest with u, I have a big kink for people with mommy issues because they're treating me like a fucking goddess (and i think you know who i am at this point, and this question is a little bit awkward now tbh, but i HAVE to ask this:)
Kolivan/Sendak/and two other galra (or not-galra) of your choice with mommy issues X dom[if possible!] momfriend reader?
And can you add their reactions if the reader calls them a "good boy/girl"?
Yk i love your writing <3
I'm not really the best at this kind of thing and I'm probably getting this wrong, but I'll give it a try anyway.
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan had a mother when he was very young, but one day she disappeared and he never saw her again
~ Because of that, he grew up with mommy issues
~ Kolivan grew up without the gentle love of a mother, and even though he had a great relationship with his father he always felt that something was missing in his life
~ Until he met you, that is
~ You almost immediately know what's going on in this man's life as soon as you meet him and you take on the motherly role he never had growing up
~ Within a few months of his friendship with you Kolivan slowly becomes less cold and stoic
~ He will do anything for you just to hear you praise him
~ Loves being called a good boy, because it heals his soul
~ Sendak ~
~ Sendak had both of his parents around during his childhood, but his mother was always dismissive towards him
~ She always preferred his sisters over him
~ And because of it, he ended up with mommy issues
~ Sendak secretly has self image issues and he's never sure how to treat women; he feels betrayed by his mother no matter how old he gets
~ Of course, that changes after he meets you
~ You treat him far better than his mother ever did and you're just so motherly,
~ After Sendak pours his heart out to you, you work on being the mother he deserves
~ With time, Sendak feels more complete and he's not as aggressive; he also treats you like a queen
~ Each time you tell Sendak he's a good boy, he shows his appreciation for you by giving you a hug while purring deeply
~ Narti ~
~ Narti never really knew her parents because they abandoned her at an orphanage shortly after she was born
~ As you can imagine it caused some issues for her, especially mommy issues
~ She's secretly very anxious all the time until she meets you
~ You have a motherly aura and she's immediately drawn to you
~ For Narti, it feels as though she found a missing part of her life
~ She tries her best to be the best official unofficial daughter you could have ever asked for
~ And if you ever call her a good girl? Narti feels as though her life is truly complete
~ Lotor ~
~ Lotor never really knew who his mother was when he was a child and it created some issues; mommy issues, mainly
~ He refuses to believe that Haggar is his mother even though she is, for him it's just easier to deny that fact
~ However, when Lotor gets to know you better he realizes how mother-like you can be sometimes
~ He treats you like a Goddess and he would never, ever do anything you wouldn't approve of
~ You think he's sweet and look out for him as much as you can
~ Whenever you call Lotor a good boy he finally feels truly loved
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mysadcorner · 10 months
Alright, so I was thinking about a Kolivan x gn reader with dyed hair. Like the reader dyes their hair purple religiously, leading Kolivan to think reader is at least a fraction Galran. But he's never actually said that assumption outloud, so when he walks in on reader touching up their purple hair he's confused. He probably doesn't know about hair dye.
How'd that play out is essentially what I'm asking for lol. Idc if it's headcanons or a oneshot, either is fine.
Kolivan x DyedHair!Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about the character you want in your request -
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Kolivan's first reaction would be of confusion and shock, mainly as he hasn't heard of the concept of dyed hair before; it isn't really a popular thing where he's from. When he first see's you he does feel like he's been lied to, but that's after the initial awkwardness of having to ask what you're doing.
He might avoid you at first after he finds out as he has to come to terms with you not being exactly what he thought you were. He always just assumed you were at least part Galran, so for someone like him it comes as a pretty big shock that you weren't.
He doesn't want to feel betrayed deep down, but it's very easy for him to feel that way due to how high he holds his honour and how he thought he was smarter than falsely assuming that you weren't just wholly human. He would get over it pretty quick though, as he just simply can't blame you or stay away from you for so long.
Kolivan has a pretty paranoid personality, so when he finds out about your dyed hair and he hasn't gotten over it yet he will start to question other things about you. Of course he doesn't want to do this, but he's constantly questioning all of the things he could have falsely assumed about you.
After a while he would come to terms with it, and wouldn't really mind your dyed hair after he's got past the elitist views he was commonly taught by his species. He would actually be quite interested in why you do it even if he doesn't fully understand your choices himself.
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Let's say Kolivan has a daughter and shes also part of the BOM. Let's also say Keith thinks shes the most beautiful thing hes ever soon. And Hes kind of obsessed with her fluffy ears. How would Kolivan react to figuring out Keith is pining over his daughter? Would Keith as for help? Would Kolivans daughter ask for help from the other paladins because (PLOT TWIST) she ALSO likes Keith back!?!
Ooooo I like this! Super cute!!! Not sure if you wanted some headcanons or a scenario so I’m gonna write some headcanons. So sorry it took me so long to get to your request!
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Kolivan is VERY protective oh his daughter and was very hesitant to let them become a member of the Blade of Marmora
His daughter is his daughter, his blood family and no one would ever think twice about hurting her
He hand trained his daughter so she is certainly a lethal threat and not one to be messed with
He’s ever so proud of his daughter but still hesitant to let her go on missions
And the day Keith joined the Blade of Marmora, Kolivan noticed how his daughter looked at Keith and how he looked at her
He knew this day would come one day but he had never fully prepared himself for
Keith had been smitten since the moment he first saw her during the trials of Marmora
Shiro had noticed too and even encouraged Keith to pursue his feelings for Kolivan’s daughter
Kolivan had always chased off possible suitors for his daughter or his daughter did that themselves
But he noticed how close his daughter and Keith were growing and how well they worked together
Keith in particularly loves the fluffy ears on Kolivan’s daughter and likes to play with them after tough missions as it calms him down along with her
Kolivan is honestly conflicted about the possibility of a relationship between Keith and his daughter
He wants her to be happy and have a fulfilling life away from the Blades and not spend their life fighting 
But he’s also very protective over his daughter and is very cautious about any possible relationship she may have
He’ll 100% murder anyone who breaks his daughter’s heart
So when he is sure that Keith is pining after his daughter, he accepts it but he’s going to do the fatherly thing and sit down to have a discussion with him
And surprise surprise! Kolivan’s daughter turns to the Paladins because she too like Keith and wants some advice
Shiro guides Kolivan’s daughter away to actually sit down and talk with her because he’s known Keith the longest and is the best person for advice regarding Keith
Kolivan encourages the relationship for Keith and his daughter but he’s going to make the threat very clear to Keith that if he hurts his daughter, he’s never going to see the light of day again
Sorry about these shitty headcanons! Thanks for the request! ~Admin Mae
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aceofdaibazaal-blog · 7 years
Dads of momora love interest ( request pt 3 )
Request: May I have a HC for the dads of marmora reacting to their foul mouthed and ill tempered female human medic (love interest) being extremely good with kids/kits, particularly the orphaned ones since she knew what it was like to be abandoned since she and her bother were orphaned and when she’s with kids it’s the only time she’s calm and sappy, even getting attached to a certain young cub who will cry is she leaves, they think she’ll make a great mother one day 😏
A/N: I wonder if this is the same person requesting all of these... if it is you're awesome, and if not you're still awesome 😂😘
- It's surprised him at first, he never would've thought you liked children seeing as how you treated the other blades.
- Loves to watch you play with the orphans, think it's adorable that they love you so much
- Likes how patient you are with them, wishes you were that patient with the other blades
- Secretly loves all the children who love you, because most of them have a testy personality like yours
- Can't stop himself from think about someday having children with you, even though he tries to push those thoughts away because to him the idea seems impossible :(
- Loves to play with the children with you, if your with the orphans he's with the orphans
- Since his childhood was much like yours he understands why you get sappy when your with them, and sad when you have to leave them
- Likes to think about his future with you and wonders if it will ever happen
- Was a little surprised when he first saw you with the orphans
- Think it's adorable when you play with the orphans, especially since no one would expect it from you
- He wasn't really surprised you got along with the kids really well, Kolivan may have told him about you past
- Sometimes if you ask him he'll come be with you and the orphans
- When he does the children like to hang on him and play with his ears ( "I think someone likes you." You said playfully as the little ones played with his hair and ears. "Our children will never be allowed to do this." He muttered trying to gets the kids off him. "O-Our?" You stuttered making Ulaz turn a deep shade of purple. )
- Knows that you'll be an amazing mother one day, even if it's not his children
- Teases you when you say your going to go see the orphans
- Thinks it's very cute when you play games with the orphans, sometimes he will come and play with you
- Loves to watch you try to teach the orphans how to sword fight
- think that one day you'll make an amazing mother
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HC for galras having human hybrid daughters, like how they'd raise them and how protective would they be?
THIS ONE IS CUTE OMG– I’m gonna do some generalized headcanons, but feel free to ask for a specific Galran, and I’ll be more specific!!
– Ryan
• They panic• They’re used to how a Galra baby is supposed to be raised• They’re used to how a Galra baby is supposed to look• But this… This fleshbag has skin?? where’s her fur??• God save them if they have more than one• They’re not quite sure how to raise them in the beginning stages• They rely on you, their human counterpart, to raise them for the most part• But they know raising more than one child on your own is too much to ask• So they step in once in a while• They constantly forget that they can’t groom their babies• But they’ll do it (on accident) anyway (and continue to do it later on in their adult lives)• Giving their daughters baths, they’re the ones more soaked than the babies are• Hahaha• Overprotective to the mAX• So they don’t know how much Galran they have, but it’s evident that they don’t have their structure, nor their strength• Not that their fathers will view them as weak (“You’re my daughter, I know you’re strong”)• They’re so scared that they’re gonna hurt themselves somehow• As a baby, they’re hovering over them 24/7• As children, they’re given more freedom, but when they return they’re thoroughly checked for bruises or cuts• As young adults, they’re protected at all costs, no one is good enough for their baby girls.• Honestly, they would do the whole thing over again• The worry and the constant stress that human needs require• They love their children, and they’ll spoil them rotten
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ladytelos · 6 years
Krolia x Kind s/o HC
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Just as a heads up I haven’t finished season 7 yet, I finally have been able to watch it these last couple of days but I’m not finished yet so some events might be mixed up.
This kind of went off the mark a bit I think and just turned into like a Krolia x Reader headcanon lol. Hope you like it either way. I love Krolia so much ~^.^~, she deserves so much love and happiness. This also became rather long apologies.
I’ll be adding this onto the original paladins x kind s/o post.
- I believe you and Krolia will have been friends for a long time, both of you Marmoran operatives. And although your relationship never really hit that level, the two of you were incredibly close.
- When Krolia went missing during her mission to locate the Lions your whole being had been crushed but you moved on the best you could. You believed that Krolia would have wanted you to continue forward with the mission, not drowning in misery over her.
- When she came back your world had stopped, you were happy to see her and hugged her as tight as you could towards you. But something about her had changed.
- It took a good long while before she had told you everything that had happened to her while she was missing. About the man she had fallen in love with and the son she had left behind.
- Your heart was broke but you kept smiling and lived to comfort her after this.
- Krolia survived off of your kindness for awhile. You were so gentle when she came back. There was no anger or hatred for leaving you behind. For starting this life far away from you.
- You never pressured her to tell you about what had happened. And when the nights came where she could hardly sleep because of the thoughts of the ones she had left on Earth, you were there to support her.
- She is a strong woman, and a fierce warrior but that does not mean she doesn’t need support and comfort too. Although she hates showing vulnerability, you were something different to her.
- She knew she could stand on her own if needed, and so did you. Still she was thankful for every moment you stood by her.
- Although she held love for another now, her heart never completely left you either.
- Its during the time that she meets Keith again that her love grew even more. At first with watching you interact with Keith, acting so lovingly towards him and wanting to get to know about him.
- You watched out for him and treated him as your own.
- When she found out about the death of Keith’s father she was distraught and heartbroken. She had wished for your presence in the quantum abyss, for you to hug her like you did when she was upset. In your private quarters without a soul to see her weakness, and you allowing her to break for a short while.
- She spends time talking to Keith about you while they are on the whale. He also gets many flashbacks, both before and after his birth. Seeing how close you have always been to his mother, and the obvious love you held for her.
- He could also see her own admiration towards you. How you had always been there, and how you continued to be so loving despite being in the middle of a war. How it didn’t stop you from loving those around you and bringing them joy.
- Keith has mixed feelings for a short while, unsure of how to feel at the idea of his mother loving someone other than his father. But he wants her to happy, and comes to the conclusion that you make her just so. His father had given her all the happiness he could, but now he was gone. He’d want her to be happy too.
- It also helped that you were incredibly loving towards him. That you had accepted him so quickly and didn’t treat him poorly despite being proof that the one you loved had loved another. If there was anyone he would be okay with his mother being with it was you.
- She craves your presence many times during the two year time skip. She is thankful in this time for every moment she gets to spend with her son, but your smile never leaves her mind for long.
- When she gets back from the abyss, she stays closer to you than before. Being without you again for so long tore at her.
- She tells you about what she discovered in the abyss, about how her love had passed. And finally you were able to be there to comfort her.
- She loves to watch you with Keith again, and now he’s actively hanging around you too.If you’re the one his mother has fallen in love with, he wants to take every chance to get to know you.
- Seeing you take so much time out of your day to talk with Keith and help him warms her heart.
- Having you there allows her to heal from the damage inside her soul.
- When you two finally get together, after years and years of friendship she holds you as close as can be. Keith smiles from the sideline.
- You take extra care to make sure Keith is okay with everything, you never force him into anything he doesn’t want. He assures you that he has been fine with all of it for awhile now, as long as you promise to keep his mother happy.
- When Krolia goes to reignite the blades, you go with her and Kolivan. Together you find everyone you can.
- When you go to earth you sit by her hand in hand, waiting anxiously for Keith to awaken. Wanting to hug him close.
- You join the both of them at Keith’s dads grave. At first standing at a distance, unsure of whether or not you should come closer. But then they usher you forward and you stand to face the gravestone.
- When they get ready to leave you ask them for a moment, and they wait for you a few feet away. There you turn to the gravestone, thanking him for the wonderful people you had in your life. For loving Krolia and for bringing Keith into existence. Before you leave you promise to always watch over them, since he is no longer able to.
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ruvatia · 6 years
WIP Game! + Bonus message
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by the amazing @perksofapaladin <3 <3 <3
Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues or interests you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
Hopefully links work now! Also this got really long so I put it under a read more. Thank you so much for tagging me, have fun looking at everything I haven’t done yet I guess?? LOLOL (If you’re interested in my bonus message please scroll through my list!)
-------------------- VOLTRON WIPS --------------------
[AMRITA] Lance x reader, HP AU based on these headcanons (xxx) from a long time ago. The title may be changed in the future but for now, I like this one!
[CANDLELIGHT CHT.3] Matt x reader, where reader is insecure and believes that Matt has a thing for Allura while he’s actually head over heels for someone else. Cht 1 (xxx), Cht 2 (xxx)
[PIDGE VERSE] Pidge x reader, title to be determined and based on an ask! (xxx)
[ALLURA VERSE] Allura x reader, title to be determined and based on an ask! (xxx)
[BEHIND THE EARS, PLEASE.] Lance x reader, AU with our boi as his Monsters and Mana character! (B-but his name isn’t Pike, it’s Lance.)
[DON’T LEAVE ME] Kolivan x reader, where his significant other is a human that is both close to him and the paladins. (was specifically asked for angst for this one)
-------------------- OTHER WIPS --------------------
[Masked, Unmasked 4] Young Justice! Dick Grayson x reader where you develop powers that you’re learning about with the team. Cht1 (xxx) Cht2 (xxx) Cht3 (xxx)
-------------------- BONUS MESSAGE --------------------
[MILESTONE REACHED: 200] I’ve reached another 100 follower goal! So for a few days, I’ll be accepting a few doodle requests (example at the beginning of the post). If you’re interested in seeing your fave or other little things drawn by me slip into my askbox!
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galraluver · 9 months
If you’re still taking requests, may I have some headcanons for an S/O with chronic pain and fatigue, for Kolivan and Sendak?
I did what I could, so I hope that you like it
~ Sendak ~
~ Galra generally don't have as many illnesses and conditions as humans do because it's basically bred out of them as a species, so when Sendak learns that you have a condition that causes chronic pain and fatigue he tries his best to make you as comfortable as possible
~ He researches your condition so he can better understand it without making you uncomfortable, although he listens to you so he can understand what you're going through from your point of view
~ He doesn't view you as weak because it's not your fault that you have your condition, but you're the only person he makes accommodations for
~ Based on what you've told him that you need extra sleep Sendak makes the bed even more comfortable when you need a nap
~ He also helps you practice relaxation techniques and simple physical exercise
~ Support groups aren't really a thing in the galra empire, although if you have mood swings or anxiety he schedules a talk therapy session with one of the best therapists in the empire via video chat
~ Sendak likes taking naps with you from time to time, at his age and with how busy he is he needs it
~ For your tender and sore muscles Sendak delicately rubs pain relief ointment on your skin where you're sore, he doesn't like seeing you in pain
~ If your periods are affected by your condition Sendak gives you a little extra painkiller so that your cramps aren't too bad and he keeps the right period products stocked in the bathroom as well
~ He eventually commissions Haggar to make a cure for you so that you don't have to deal with your condition for the rest of your life; it can be done because she knows ancient altean healing magic
~ Modern galra technology and medicine also gives her an advantage, it just takes her a little while to make a cure for you
~ Kolivan ~
~ Shortly after Kolivan started courting you he noticed how there was something different about you; he never noticed it much before, but you seem tired and in pain more than the paladins
~ Before he could ask you about it you confessed that you have a condition that makes you experience chronic pain and fatigue, as well as a few other unpleasant symptoms
~ Kolivan isn't familiar with human conditions and illnesses, although he does everything he can to make you comfortable
~ You agree to move in with him so he can take care of you easier after he asks you
~ He asks Ulaz if he can make a cure for you because he doesn't want you to keep suffering from your condition
~ Ulaz can definitely make something, but it'll take a while because some of the things he needs are rare and hard to find
~ Until then he lets you rest as much as you need to, he even made the bed more comfy for you
~ You appreciate that Kolivan's willing to take the time out of his schedule in order to take care of you
~ He listens to you when you need someone to talk to and he helps you with simple exercises
~ If you need someone else to talk to you talk to the on-site therapist
~ Doing yoga with him every couple of days helps you to relax
~ Ulaz keeps muscle relaxant ointment in stock for you, it's effective in making your chronic pain less painful
~ There isn't much anyone can do for your chronic fatigue until your cure is ready
~ You take plenty of naps, though
~ If you need a massage then he gives you a massage if he's not too busy
~ You couldn't have asked for a better significant other, until your cure is ready Kolivan takes care of you in every way imaginable
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galraluver · 2 months
Hey, Hey <3 I’m always reading your VoltronxReader scenarios/headcanons and I love your work, thank you for everything! Could you write a headcanon for Kolivan/Sendak/Ranveig/Prorok with a Dom!GalraReader (you can add some spiceee if you want ;))??? I really love seeing those big strong guys as a bottom with a female (or male) person who loves them more than everything and wants them to feel safe and secure in her arms!
And I ’m thinking that Sendak and Kolivan are secretly both bottoms (wait, let me explain!!!)
Because more often than not, people in leadership positions [Kolivan as the leader of the BoM who probably lost everything in his life at some point and needs some rest from practically everything. And Sendak as zarkons commander who would do EVERYTHING for his kings attention, because it’s the only kind of affection/attention that he gets. (…but what will happen if another person finds a way through his heart and replaces Zarkon?)] need someone in their life to take away the burden of taking care of being in charge. And Yup, that’s my personal fan-theory
Love your work!<3
I can try my best. I can definitely see that though, especially with poor Kolivan who's always overworked. These four big guys definitely need more love 💜
~ Kolivan ~
~ Because of his position as the leader of the Blades Kolivan feels as though he's carrying the weight of the universe on his shoulders and if he does anything wrong then everyone in the whole universe will suffer more than they already have
~ When he began courting you Kolivan has a hard time being vulnerable around you, even when the two of you are in private, because he's afraid of losing you
~ You definitely notice Kolivan's hesitation and you simply want him to know that you're always going to be there for him, no matter what
~ You're also kind of a dom and you have a natural drive to take care of and protect your significant other
~ One evening while you and Kolivan are fooling around in bed you discover that he can get a bit submissive when you gently bite down on one of his bonding glands
~ Kolivan's horrified at first when he unintentionally lets out a particularly loud moan, although with the discovery that you, his petite girlfriend, is a dom, he finally allows himself to lay back and let you take control
~ Whenever the two of you are alone in your private quarters Kolivan can finally rest and have someone take care of him for once
~ You love Kolivan more than anything and you want him to feel safe and relaxed during his downtime, so you pamper him nearly every evening
~ Kolivan still pampers you because you're his lover, but whenever he's particularly stressed you take care of him
~ You often have dinner waiting for him and afterwards you either give him a massage or the two of you take a warm bath or shower together
~ One of your favorite things to do with Kolivan is slowly unbraid his hair and delicately run your fingers through whilst whispering sweet nothings to him until he falls asleep
~ While you're pampering Kolivan he feels as though you're taking away all of his burdens, at least for a short amount of time
~ He's also submissive in bed and lets you take take care of him whilst also making sure to satisfy you
~ Imagine big, strong and usually stoic Kolivan writhing and moaning while he lays on the bed as you're going down on him
~ You're a soft dom though, bc Kolivan is literally the most precious lover a woman can ask for and you just want him to take a break from reality
~ Sendak ~
~ Back on Daibazaal Sendak and Zarkon had a casual situationship kind of deal before Zarkon met Honerva, then everything changed; The more distant Zarkon became, the more desperate Sendak was for his attention
~ Sendak might seem like a ruthless killer, and he definitely is during certain situations, but in his personal life he's very submissive
~ He'll do anything, and I mean ANYTHING for Zarkon's attention and affection as the years pass
~ That is until you come into his life; you're supposed to be one of Sendak's crew members, but you're very attracted to him and you don't think he would even consider pursuing a relationship with you simply because you're petite for a galran woman
~ However, as more time passes you become closer to Sendak and he starts to get attached to you; he doesn't recognize it at first, then one day when he's having a mental breakdown alone in the training room you comfort him
~ After that day Sendak gets attached to you and slowly begins to let go of his attachment to Zarkon
~ At some point you begin courting him and he lets you take the lead in the relationship, for him it's nice to have someone to take care of him for once
~ It isn't until mating season that he learns how much of a dom you are whether it be during sex or during daily life
~ Sendak actually prefers you to top him during sexy times regardless of if it's during his rut or not
~ You don't mind topping him bc it's super hot to have him writhing and moaning either above or beneath you
~ After life gets back to normal once your heat and his rut ends you formally begin courting Sendak, the only catch is that you both have to make it look like he's the one courting you when the two of you are our in public
~ Haxus thinks you and Sendak make a good couple and he keeps your secret
~ Sometimes life can get really stressful for Sendak and during those times you practically drag him to bed where you snuggle with him
~ This man practically turns into a purring kitten if you touch him in just the right way (mainly when you massage the bonding glands on either side of his neck, in case you all were wondering)
~ Ultimately Sendak doesn't abandon the empire because he has a sense of duty, but eventually the two of you get married and you receive a higher rank in order to be a better match for him in the empire's eyes
~ Prorok ~
~ Prorok isn't necessarily one of the highest ranking commanders, but he's earned a place at the main hub which is still an honor
~ It's actually where he met you, his petite significant other
~ Everyone who sees you and Prorok together always assume that he's the dominant one in your relationship, especially since he has a higher rank than you
~ The one thing no one else knows is that he's very much the submissive one in your relationship
~ Because you're a dom you don't mind taking care of your big fluffy lover, it's endearing how he can be submissive
~ In fact, you're the one courting him
~ But to avoid suspicion you both act like he's courting you when the two of you are out and about
~ You absolutely love taking care of Prorok and he feels special to have such a loving mate
~ After a long day of your duties you and Prorok pamper each other and then rest for a while
~ He does all the cooking though; not because you can't, but because he loves cooking meals for the two of you to share
~ Prorok's pretty submissive in the bedroom, too ;)
~ He prefers to bottom while you top him, nevertheless if you want him to top you then he will
~ All in all, Prorok is the sweetest lover you could have asked for
~ Ranveig ~
~ Ranveig is one of the biggest, toughest commanders in the galra empire, but he doesn't want anyone to know that he's secretly submissive
~ When he begins courting you he keeps up his tough facade; honestly, he's just afraid that you'll change your mind about him if you find out that he's not as strong and dominant as he acts
~ You might be smol for a galran woman, but you can be quite the dom and it sometimes interferes with your relationship with Ranveig
~ In fact, it took the two of you a long time to become physically intimate with each other
~ Ultimately it's your cuteness that gets to Ranveig and he can't help but be vulnerable around you
~ Being one of the highest ranking commanders is a hard job, so naturally you don't mind taking care of your significant other the way he deserves
~ Usually the bigger partner is supposed to take the lead in the relationship, but when the two of you are alone Ranveig lets you take the lead
~ He's huge compared to you, and yet you manage to snuggle with him just fine in bed
~ Although when it comes to *other* bedroom activities Ranveig occasionally lets you take the lead, otherwise he's pretty dominant during sex
~ If he feels like being submissive during sex then he likes receiving a bit of pain since he had a little bit of a pain fetish
~ As much as you like being the dominant one during sex, just one look at his thick cock and large, rounded knot makes you weak in the knees
~ Will melt if you massage the bases of his ears, there's no faster way to get this man purring like a kitten quicker than delicately massaging the bases of his ears
~ Ultimately, as long as the two of you are in private Ranveig enjoys it when you take care of him in every way imaginable
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galraluver · 5 months
idk if someone has already asked this before but what kind of Galra x reader or just Galra stuff would you like to see out in the world? What do you wish there was more of?
I think that I've answered a question like this a long time ago, or at least something similar. Honestly, I wish that I had been in the fandom back in 2016 because I'm sure that I've missed out on a lot of amazing galra/Voltron x reader stories that aren't around anymore because their writers deleted their stories or their blogs got deleted during the Tumblr porn purge; I do remember that there was once a reader insert story on ao3 called Initiation featuring Kolivan, Antok, Thace and Ulaz, unfortunately it got deleted at some point. I know that I've missed out on seeing some pretty cool/spicy fanart, too.
Honestly, I'm always looking for some good paladin x reader stories and reading other people's galra x reader stories, at least the ones that are still around, is nice. I also like reading Voltron/galra x OC stories from time to time and/or seeing galra x oc fanart. Reading other people's galra headcanons is a lot of fun; we never got very much information when it comes to galra culture, traditions and anatomy, so basically anything goes when it comes to writing for them and even the original paladins
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mysadcorner · 1 year
Voltron Masterlist
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Kolivan x DyedHair!Reader Headcanons
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galraluver · 3 years
Either Halloween, thanksgiving, or Christmas head cannons for Sendak, Zarkon, lotor, and Kolivan please
I think that I'll go with all three holidays, if you don't mind. I'm sorry for the long wait 😅
~ Sendak ~
🎃 Halloween 🎃
~ A holiday where one gets to scare people for fun? Count Sendak in!
~ He loves getting to scare people for fun
~ He does it to kids who come for trick-or-treating, too
~ Except for the really young children bc he doesn't want any angry parents bothering him
~ Sendak doesn't exactly get the point of dressing up, so don't expect him to
~ He practically tore a pumpkin apart while trying to carve it
~ He likes seeing you dress up though, especially if you wear something sexy
~ You've tried taking Sendak to a haunted house once, but when one of the actors tried scaring him, he roared loudly at the poor guy in the costume
~ Ever since then, you both just spend Halloween at home
~ Sendak doesn't like eating too much candy, but he will eat a few pieces
~ You avoid putting up fake spiders and fake spider webs because he's scared to death of them
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
~ Sendak thinks that the whole point of Thanksgiving is pointless, but he celebrates it with you anyway (if you celebrate it)
~ He likes the idea of having a big dinner with you
~ Expect to find him preparing a freshly killed turkey in the kitchen on Thanksgiving morning
~ Sendak likes the idea of bringing home a turkey that he killed and preparing it by hand rather than buying one from the store
~ He hates vegetables, so he doesn't eat them
~ If you take Sendak to visit your family, he makes sure that he's on his best behavior
~ You both usually spend it alone together, though
🎄 Christmas 🎄
~ Sendak doesn't quite understand the religious part of Christmas nor does he understand the holiday itself, but if it means so much to you, he'll celebrate it
~ He gets grumpy when you call him 'the grinch' whenever he's grumpy about something
~ However, he likes the part where you both give each other gifts, given of how much gift giving means to Galra
~ You get an artificial tree so that it doesn't drop its needles everywhere
~ Another holiday with lots of food? Sendak goes out to kill either a turkey, a goose or a pheasant, brings it home and prepares it for cooking
~ He has a sweet tooth when it comes to homemade Christmas cookies
~ Sendak doesn't mind the cold weather; he has all that thick fur, so he stays pretty warm
~ He loves cuddling with you on the couch on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day while Christmas movies are playing on the TV
~ Zarkon ~
🎃 Halloween 🎃
~ Zarkon thinks that Halloween is just a waste of time, but he celebrates it with you because you just so happen to like it
~ You both just stay home, eat candy and watch Halloween movies
~ Zarkon might pass out candy to trick-or-treaters
~ Don't even try getting him to dress up because it won't work
~ However, he thinks it's cute when you dress up
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
~ Thanksgiving is a waste of time to Zarkon, but he will have a Thanksgiving feast with you
~ He kills the biggest turkey that he can find and prepares it for dinner, himself
~ You both watch the Thanksgiving day parade on TV
~ You occasionally take him to your parents' house for Thanksgiving
~ If/when you do, he actually behaves himself
🎄 Christmas 🎄
~ Zarkon thinks that all holidays are a waste of time, and Christmas is no different
~ Oddly enough, he's a little nicer around Christmas time
~ He's the Emperor of the known universe, so naturally he showers you with gifts
~ He doesn't mind that you can't give him the same amount of gifts; he's the dominant one in the relationship, so it's his job to provide
~ He hunts a couple of pheasants for Christmas dinner
~ All in all, Zarkon isn't much of a holiday person
~ Lotor ~
🎃 Halloween 🎃
~ Lotor thinks that all Earth holidays are interesting, so naturally he wants to celebrate them with you
~ He likes dressing up with you on Halloween and going to Halloween parties
~ Since he's never gone trick-or-treating, you both go out during his first Halloween with you so that he could experience it
~ Neither of you cared that some people were judging you both for going trick-or-treating
~ You've taken him to a haunted house once, but he wasn’t scared
~ He didn't mind you staying close to him, though
~ Pumpkin carving is something that he's oddly good at despite never doing it again
~ You and Lotor don't stay home on Halloween night because you both are at some kind of party, usually a costume party
~ He likes Halloween cookies more than candy, but he'll help himself to a few pieces of Halloween candy
~ He helps you decorate the outside of your house/apartment for Halloween
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
~ Lotor is a little confused about why you celebrate Thanksgiving (if you do) so you explain why you do
~ He actually likes it when you take him to your parents' house, especially if they like and approve of him
~ His parents neglected him, so having your parents and extended family treat him as part of the family is something that he loves
~ Lotor doesn't mind providing the bird, but you politely tell him that buying a turkey is easier
~ He helps you and your family cook the meal, set the table and even help wash the dishes after dinner
~ He doesn't like too much whipped cream on his pumpkin pie, but he doesn't like too little, either
🎄 Christmas 🎄
~ Lotor likes… No, loves, Christmas; especially since he gets to celebrate it with you
~ He understands the religious part of Christmas and takes it seriously
~ He doesn't mind going out shopping with you, but prefers online shopping
~ If you're lucky, you convince him to wear an ugly Christmas sweater that matches one you wear
~ Baking Christmas cookies and going caroling with you are two of his favorite things about Christmas
~ He doesn't get flustered if he receives a gift from your parents; Alteans give each other gifts on holidays, and since he’s half Altean, it's normal to him
~ If you both get invited to your parents' place for Christmas, he makes sure to get them a simple yet meaningful gift
~ Lotor likes decorating for Christmas with you, too
~ Just expect some of the candy canes to go missing at some point
~ He doesn't like snowball fights bc he doesn't like throwing things at you, even if it is just snow
~ Cuddling on the couch with you, with hot cocoa and watching Christmas movies are his favorite way to spend Christmas Eve
~ He also likes helping you decorating your home
~ Kolivan ~
🎃 Halloween 🎃
~ Kolivan is more interested in Human holidays than he cares to admit, and Halloween is no different
~ He's good at carving pumpkins due to his skills
~ If you're lucky, like, really lucky, you can get him to dress up as something
~ It takes a lot of pleading, convincing and you giving him an irresistibly cute look
~ You both pretty much stay home and pass out candy to trick-or-treaters
~ He helps you decorate the outside of your home
~ Kolivan occasionally picks at the Halloween candy, but he won't take too much
🦃 Thanksgiving 🦃
~ Kolivan likes Thanksgiving and doesn't mind celebrating it with you (if you do)
~ He doesn't have a preference of where you both spend it
~ Whether it's at home or your parents' place, he doesn't mind as long as he gets to spend it with you
~ He helps set the table and insists on cleaning up afterwards
~ He even helps cook dinner
~ When it comes to pumpkin pie, Kolivan smothers his slices with whipped cream
~ Your parents approve of him, so he’s comfortable around your family
~ When you both spend Thanksgiving at home, you and Kolivan usually cuddle on the couch after dinner and dessert are done and everything is cleaned up
🎄 Christmas 🎄
~ Kolivan likes celebrating Christmas at home with you
~ He's not opposed to visiting your family, though
~ He understands the religious part of Christmas and takes it seriously
~ Decorating the Christmas tree, making and decorating Christmas cookies, watching Christmas movies with you and cuddling in front of the fireplace (if there's one in your home) with you are his favorite things about Christmas
~ He doesn't mind going out caroling with you and your family/friends, but don't expect him to sing
~ You both do give each other gifts on Christmas, but that's where gift giving ends bc you respect Galra traditions in regard to gifts
~ Kolivan will hunt a bird for Christmas dinner and prepare it by hand
~ He doesn't mind the snow, but he's not crazy about it, either
~ He likes watching old Christmas movies with you
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galraluver · 3 years
Zarkon, Sendak, Kolivan, and Antok for labor head cannons. Their SO is giving birth! What do they do in the moment it happens/reaction, during the labour, and after. How do they feel. Their reaction to meeting their child (headcannon can change based on gender) and any other head cannons that may come to mind
I'd be honored to. I hope you like them:)
~ Their reaction to you going into labor ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ When you go into labor Kolivan drops everything he's doing so that he can rush you to Ulaz' office
~ His heart nearly stopped when you commed him and told him that you were in labor
~ He seems calm on the outside, but on the inside he's panicking
~ Antok ~
~ When you told Antok that you were in labor he panicked a little
~ He's never actually seen anyone go into labor, so he isn't sure what to do
~ He rushed you to Ulaz' office after you calmly told him to settle down
~ He had to be careful as he rushed you there because you were in a lot of pain
~ Zarkon ~
~ When you sent Zarkon a message that you were in labor he had a doctor take you to the infirmary
~ He isn't in any rush to be by your side since he's already been through this once before
~ Sendak ~
~ When you go into labor Sendak actually panics a little
~ He's usually prepared for every situation, but this isn't one of those things
~ He takes you to his and your shared bathroom, lays a few towels down and lays you on the towels; since you both are in his cruiser there's no time to rush to Galra Central Command and there are no doctors around
~ How they are while you're in labor ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan tries his best to stay calm while you're in labor
~ He stays by your side and lets you squeeze one of his hands
~ He encourages you to work through the pain, but when you yell at him he stops
~ He feels a little nauseous when your water breaks and he smells a hint of blood
~ He wipes your forehead and tries his best to keep you as calm as possible
~ Kolivan feels bad for putting you through this, but he knows that it's necessary if he wants to continue his bloodline and all the pain will be worth it in the end
~ He knows that having a half galran baby is risky, especially since you're Human
~ But he's not worried because you have one of the best doctors helping you
~ Antok ~
~ While you're in labor Antok lets you squeeze one of his fingers
~ He's worried about you since you're Human and you have to push out a one third Galran baby
~ He briefly wonders if the baby will have a tail
~ He hates seeing you in so much pain as the contractions rip through your body
~ He's very thankful that he doesn't have to go through what you're going through
~ Antok isn't offended by any of the things you scream and curse
~ He's seen a lot during his life, but when he briefly stands behind Ulaz who's sitting on a stool to see what's going on he nearly faints
~ He decided that standing by your side was the safest place
~ Outer Antok: *trying to seem calm while obviously failing*
~ Inner Antok: *panicking like crazy*
~ He tries his best to encourage you to keep working through the pain and he tells you that you're doing a good job
~ Zarkon ~
~ Zarkon just stands by your bedside and makes sure the doctor is doing his job
~ He at least lets you hold one of his hands
~ Despite being a nearly emotionless quintessence zombie he still feels kind of bad for putting you through this
~ He's amazed that you, a mere Human, can go through all that pain and survive
~ Sendak ~
~ At some point Sendak received some medical training, but he wasn't prepared to help someone give birth, least of all his Human mate
~ He urged you to stay calm and to breathe each time a contraction wracked your body
~ He gave you something to squeeze as you breathed heavily
~ He had Haxus get a few things ready since he was busy
~ Sendak had his mechanical arm in the bedroom where it couldn't hurt you or the baby
~ As a warrior, nothing made him nauseous; not even the sight of your child's head coming out of your lady bits
~ He couldn't believe that you were going through all this pain and not screaming your head off
~ How they feel while you're in labor/after you give birth ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan feels bad for putting you through this
~ He's also a little stressed because you're human and you're pushing a baby out of your lady bits
~ As soon as you give birth and Ulaz tells him that you and your new daughter are healthy he relaxes
~ He feels oddly calm and a tad bit jittery as Ulaz places your daughter in your arms as she screams her little head off, but soon calms down when she senses you
~ He feels a tad bit emotional as he watches you feed your daughter for the first time
~ Antok ~
~ Antok kind of feels scared because of how much pain you're in and how loud you're screaming despite having something similar an epidural
~ He feels nauseous when he gets to see exactly what's going on
~ As soon as your son is born he relaxes
~ When a second baby, a girl, is born he's shocked and a little dazed
~ He was still dazed as your twins wailed loudly
~ When Ulaz says that you and the twins are healthy he's happy
~ Zarkon ~
~ Zarkon feels slightly bad for putting you through this, but he knows that it's necessary if he wants a second heir
~ As soon as your daughter is born and the doctor says that you and your daughter are healthy he feels oddly proud
~ He's also a little happy that it's a girl and not a boy
~ He has to admit that his and your daughter has good lungs as she cries loudly
~ Sendak ~
~ Throughout the entire process Sendak feels nervous because he's afraid of losing you
~ He also feels bad for making you feel so much pain
~ He winces slightly as his and your son wails loudly
~ As soon as you're finished giving birth to his son, and once he cuts the cord and makes sure you both are healthy, he feels relieved that it's over and proud of you for bearing him a son
~ Their reaction to when they meet the baby/babies for the first time ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan wasn't sure what to think when he first met his and your new daughter
~ She was very tiny, even compared to you
~ After Ulaz helped him get you and your newborn to his and your shared habsuite and he finally met his new daughter he was a little dazed
~ He was also proud of you for doing so well
~ Antok ~
~ As soon as Ulaz helped Antok get you and your twins to your shared habsuite, and left, he wasn't sure what to think of them
~ They were very tiny and seemed calm now that they were somewhere quieter
~ He had to admit that they were adorable
~ Zarkon ~
~ As soon as he met his and your new daughter he felt an odd warm feeling build up deep inside of him
~ It was then that he wanted his and your daughter to be a lady and not be involved in the war
~ Sendak ~
~ When Sendak took you and your new son to your shared bed and he watched as you fed your tiny son he had to admit that the new addition was adorable
~ How they felt when they got to hold the baby/babies for the first time ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ When Kolivan finally got to hold his daughter for the first time he felt somewhat emotional
~ She was so tiny that she basically fit in his palm
~ He shed a few tears of joy as he laid next to you while carefully holding his new daughter
~ Antok ~
~ As soon as Antok laid down next to you, you placed both babies on his chest
~ He immediately felt a strong emotional feeling as he looked down at them
~ He couldn't help but smile when he saw that his son had a tail just like his
~ They were both so tiny, even compared to you, and he shed a few tears of joy as they fell asleep on him
~ Zarkon ~
~ The first time Zarkon had a child with someone he refused to hold him, but this time around he held his new daughter only for just long enough for her to know who her father was
~ Sendak ~
~ When Sendak first held his and your newborn son it was while be was wet with after birth
~ He gave his tiny son a tongue bath before giving him to you
~ As soon as the three of you were on his and your large bed and after you fed your new son you gave him to his father
~ Now that his son was dried off and fed Sendak actually felt somewhat emotional
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galraluver · 4 years
Kolivan Masterlist
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~ Scenarios ~
~ Kolivan Guilty Wank
~ Kolivan and his petite Fem! Galra S/o cuddling and grooming each other (scenario)
~ Kolivan's Fem! Human S/o teaching him how to ice skate (scenario)
~ Threesome with Kolivan and Krolia (scenario)
~ Kolivan taking a female Blades' virginity (scenario)
~ Kolivan on vacation with his Fem! Human S/o (scenario)
~ Kolivan thinking that his Fem! Human S/o is half galra until he finds out that she dyes her hair purple (scenario)
~ Kolivan and his Fem! Human S/o arguing over who should pay (scenario)
~ Kolivan falling in love with Allura's older brother (scenario)
~ Kolivan falling head over heels in love with his future Fem! Galra S/o when he sees her face for the first time (scenario)
~ Headcanons ~
~ Kolivan A-Z Fluff Headcanons
~ Kolivan A-Z NSFW Headcanons
~ How the Galra felt during their first kiss with you/first time being romantic with you/first time sleeping in the same bed as you and having sex with you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would attract you, their love interest (headcanons)
~ What date you would take the Galra on (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would confess their feelings for you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra feel about having kids/being a parent with you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would react to you being pregnant/what gender they're hoping for/how many they're hoping for/their plans for their and your children in the future and how they would take care of you during your pregnancy (headcanons)
~ What Ranveig, Ulaz, Sniv and Kolivan think about their Fem! Human S/o's tattoos (headcanons)
~ When Kolivan, Ulaz andThace realized that they wanted to have kits with you/what motherly qualities they saw you had/how they would bring up the topic of having kids (headcanons)
~ How Antok, Prorok, Kolivan and Haxus would feel about their Fem! Human S/o who already has a kid (headcanons)
~ How Kolivan, Krolia, Thace and Ulaz would react to you joining Zarkon (headcanons)
~ Zarkon, Sendak, Kolivan and Antok's reaction to you going into labor/how they are while you're in labor/how they feel about it/their reaction to meeting the baby/babies for the first time and how they felt when holding the baby/babies for the first time (headcanons)
~ Thace, Kolivan, Sendak and Throk's reaction to their Fem! Human S/o's pet (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Trugg, Sendak and Lahn's reaction to their Fem! Human S/o having a wet dream (headcanons)
~ How Trugg, Kolivan, Lahn and Ladnok would react to their Fem! Human S/o straddling their lap every time they sit down (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Lahn, Sendak and Trugg's reaction to their Fem! Human S/o calling herself ugly (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak and Ulaz' reaction to their wedding day and their Fem! Human S/o wearing her wedding gown (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak, Ulaz and Antok having sex with their Fem! Human S/o + aftercare (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak and Zarkon reacting to their Fem! Human S/o shaking (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok spending time with their Galra/Human hybrid child/children (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok asserting their dominance when another Male Galra flirts with their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok having a pregnancy kink towards their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Kolivan and Krolia sharing a Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Zarkon, Sendak, Kolivan and Antok's reaction to Earth music {rock, metal, country and oldies} (headcanons)
~ Kolivan walking in on his Male! Galra S/o mating with Antok (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Zarkon, Lotor and Kolivan  spending Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas with their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, (young) Sendak, Throk and Haxus being edged by their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Sendak and Kolivan with a Fem! Human S/o who experiences chronic pain and fatigue (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak, Ranveig and Prorok with a Dom! Fem! Galra S/o (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak, Narti and Lotor with a mom friend (headcanons)
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galraluver · 3 years
How would the Galra react to their S/O joining Zarkon
Galra: Kolivon, Thace, Ulaz, Sendak, Krolia, Ladnok and Trugg
As I mentioned before, I only do four Galra for headcanons, plus Sendak, Ladnok and Trugg's S/o would already be with Zarkon. Also the reader (you) are a female Galra bc Zarkon would never let a Human join him
~ Kolivan ~
~ When you betrayed the Blade of Marmora and Kolivan to join Zarkon he was beyond shocked that you would do such a thing
~ He felt foolish for ever loving you in the first place
~ He swore that he would never love anyone ever again
~ He was secretly very depressed, but he couldn't let his feelings distract him; there was a war to be won and he wouldn't let anyone stop him
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia was shocked that you would join Zarkon
~ She was pissed and swore revenge on you
~ Kolivian gave her time off so that she could sort her feelings out
~ She was also very depressed and stayed in her habsuite
~ Keith stayed at the base because she needed someone to comfort her
~ Thace ~
~ When you joined Zarkon, Thace wasn't sure how to react at first
~ He was mad, depressed and very confused
~ Kolivan wouldn't let him go out on any missions until he got over it
~ He became so depressed that he refused to eat for a few days after you left
~ Krolia and Keith eventually got him to eat something after almost a week
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz was very depressed when he found out that you left and joined Zarkon
~ He refused to leave his habsuite, so Kolivian had him work in the BoM med bay
~ He had to detach himself from his emotions when he was working, but when he was alone he often cried
~ He refused to ever get emotionally attached to anyone ever again
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galraluver · 3 years
Kolivan, Sendak and Zarkon reacting to their s/o shaking?
Shaking from hunger or from the cold? Since you didn't specify what I decided to do both. I hope you don't mind that I added what they do when you're shaking because it kinda goes along with it
~ Kolivan ~
~ When your shaking from hunger Kolivan's first reaction is to get you something to eat because he doesn't want you going hungry
~ When you're shaky because you're hungry he takes you straight to the kitchen so that you can eat something because he doesn't want you to be hungry
~ Whenever you're shaking because you're cold Kolivan's first reaction is to keep you as warm as possible
~ He does that either by getting you a blanket or wrapping his arms around you while you're sitting on his lap
~ Sendak ~
~ When you're shaking from hunger Sendak isn't sure what's going on with you until you tell him that you're shaking because you're hungry
~ When you tell him that you're hungry he gets you something to eat
~ When you're shaking because you're cold Sendak's reaction is to get you somewhere warm as soon as possible
~ He always takes you to his and your bed and wraps you in a few soft, fluffy blankets
~ Zarkon ~
~ When you're shaking from hunger Zarkon wonders why you're shaking
~ When he finds out that you're shaking from hunger he gets you whatever you want to eat
~ Whenever you're shaking because you're cold Zarkon's first reaction is to get you somewhere warm
~ He takes you to his and your shared bedroom where he wraps you in blankets
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