#Ulaz x Reader Headcanons
galraluver · 4 months
How would Morvok, Sniv, Ulaz, and Regris try to impress a reader they’re interested in? Would they talk about their exploits or do something they’re skilled at?
That is an interesting question. Here's how I believe they would go about impressing the woman of their dreams (aka all of you, the readers)
~ Ulaz ~
~ Honestly, Ulaz is the kind of person who would observe you first to make sure that you're interested in him before he tries to impress you
~ To him, romantic relationships should take time to develop in order for the romantic tension to build up, but once he's 1,000% positive that you have a crush on him he spends more time with you
~ Ulaz likes to show off his skills to you whenever you're around and he's always careful not to make any mistakes, the last thing he wants is to embarrass himself in front of you
~ If the castle is parked on some planet, Ulaz definitely goes out on a hunt so he can impress you with his hunting skills
~ He's also always there for you whether you need someone to talk to or hang out with, in order to show you that he's interested he's always present while he's around you
~ Ulaz also impresses you by learning about the things you love or are passionate about, that way he can do those things with you on a regular basis
~ Will definitely get a little shy and blushy if you do or say something, anything, that implies that you're very interested in him
~ Ulaz is a hopeless romantic and will impress you with various romantic gestures, but he won't love bomb you or come on too strong bc he doesn't want to overwhelm you
~ He's also affectionate with you, which works like a charm while he's trying to impress you
~ Another thing Ulaz does to impress you is fire dancing; he's never done it before, but with how flexible he is, he does it perfectly without setting himself or anything else on fire
~ He's also got regular dancing skills, which are extremely impressive
~ With time, he learns how to make you swoon for him and all of his methods work because it isn't long before he begins courting you
~ Regris ~
~ Regris is still a young adult, younger than Ulaz, and even though he's serious most of the time he can get a little awkward around you, his love interest
~ Regris doesn't know what to do or how to impress you, so he does several hours of research to see what humans liked and found attractive
~ He begins working on various tech projects specifically made for you; whether it's something to make your life easier or something akin to an mp3 player that holds thousands of songs with headphones, you can bet he'll make it
~ In order to really woo you, Regris tries writing a poem and giving you flowers
~ He's definitely not a poet, but his attempt to impress you definitely confirms your suspensions about him being romantically interested in you
~ Regris definitely tries to impress you with his fighting skills
~ Just to be clear, he might try fighting someone if it impresses you unless you don't want him to
~ He also likes to impress you with how sweet and cuddly he can be, but he also treats you well just as any future significant other should
~ Regris once tried to perform a traditional dance for you from his father's people, but even though he probably messed up a few steps he could tell that you were still impressed
~ The fact that he can use his tail to lift things is impressive enough, if the two of you are out shopping he uses it to carry some of the bags
~ Thankfully Regris eventually figures out how to impress you without being awkward about it and is successful in showing you that he's romantically interested in you
~ Morvok ~
~ Morvok knows that he's not the highest ranking commander in Zarkon's military, but he can be charming and to him, he thinks he's the best
~ The problem is that when he's around you he gets shy and blushy because he's never been around such a beautiful woman before
~ However, he makes it his mission to impress you after he catches one of the foot soldiers in his ranks flirting with you
~ Instead of fighting off a monster or bringing you the biggest kill he can find, Morvok impresses you with how charming he can be
~ He definitely brags about how many planets he's successfully conquered and how big his territory is, although he leaves out the part when he needed help conquering one planet in particular
~ Morvok also doesn't tell you about how the paladins defeated him, it's too embarrassing bc of the whole ‘Victory or Death’ thing
~ Because of his size, he's avoided most dangerous situations throughout his life, although Morvok knows how to play a few different instruments and he impresses you by showing off his mad musical skills
~ While he's around you, Morvok becomes a little more humble since he doesn't want to scare you away
~ Ultimately, whether you and Morvok end up together is up to you
~ He is cute and fun-sized tho, and he's huggable too
~ Sniv ~
~ One would think that Sniv would keep pestering you when he realizes that he's romantically interested in you, but he doesn't want you to resent him if he comes on too strong
~ However, he does get more lovey and affectionate
~ In order to impress you, Sniv proudly tells you of his exploits and how many planets he's conquered in order to snag a place at the main hub
~ He also brings fresh kills for you on a regular basis and he shows off his fighting skills
~ However, he understands that humans are different and he impresses you by also showing off his sensitive side and how much he truly cares about you as a person
~ Sniv learns about your interests, even the fandoms you're into so that you both can ‘fangirl’ together when one of your favorite artists/directors comes out with something new
~ Another thing he impresses you with are his dancing skills when Zarkon throws a royal ball for only his highest ranking commanders and their plus ones
~ He's funny, too, and knows how to tell hilarious jokes to make you laugh
~ Expect him to make the fur on his head look extra fluffy because he wants to impress you in every way imaginable
~ With how impressive and charming he is, Sniv easily manages to impress you
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we-found-him · 7 years
Short Hair (+ ahoge)
Requested by @simplydlightfuldestiny: “I’m going to cut my hair sometime during summer may I have a headcanon of the paladins + Matt, Alurra, Lotor, Thace and Ulaz of short hair s/o
Bonus when they suddenly have an ahoge.
The hairdresser explains that I was born with curly hair until I had my first haircut, since then an ahoge always appear whenever my hair is short.”
I have short hair, and I love this request!
Also, I apologize for my sorry Ulaz and Thace headcanons.
So he’s always loved your long hair.
He would try to braid it if you allowed (/trusted) him.
So when he suddenly sees you with short hair,
He may not recognise you at first….
Don’t get me wrong, he loves you more than anything,
But he’s taken by surprise.
He, honestly, loves your short hair so much.
The way it frames your face is beautiful to him.
Also, he thinks the ahoge is adorable.
Imagine cuddling with him, and he just weaves his fingers through your hair because he love the style on you so much.
He liked your hair long.
It looked good, he probably didn’t notice it too much.
But when you’d style it, he’d think it looked nice.
Once your hair is short, he may not notice at first.
Like, he’d take a minute or two to realize that your hair is different.
Once he saw the difference, he would get really excited and, if you’d let him, he would play with your hair.
He really likes the new look on you.
He would poke at the ahoge a bit.
When your hair is first cut off, he is so surprised.
He l o v e s the new look on you.
He would 100% run up to you and begin to feel your hair.
He totally loves the feeling of freshly cut hair and he would just be in awe for a few days.
He would give you head messages since he wouldn’t have to worry about knotted hair.
He thinks the new cut looks totally badass on you.
She loves it.
When she first sees your new hair cut, she is briefly taken by surprise.
She immediately smiles up at you.
You both have short hair, and she is so happy.
Pidge totally supports the short hair cut as she has one herself.
First thing she’d to is ruffle your hair before giving you a genuine complement.
He immediately falls in love with the new look.
He would miss braiding your long hair (if you had let him) though.
He would play with your hair every now and then.
For the first few days, anytime he saw you be would just smile at the new refreshing look.
Complements all the time.
He just loves you so so much.
He loves the idea.
Once your hair is cut he will Totally laugh at the fact that his hair is longer than yours.
Her thinks that this makes you look 100% more kickass and he loves it.
He would totally ruffle your hair ask the time.
Also, he would now not hold back when it came to any pranks, now that your hair wouldn’t get nearly as knotted.
He thinks that your attractiveness went up with the cut too.
She hadn’t really seen many females with short hair before. (Besides Pidge)
So she was a little taken aback at first.
She would take some time getting used to your short hair,
But on the end, she would grow to like it.
She also sees the tactical use in short hair, (harder for people to grab).
He has seen a number of women with short hair, but it’s isn’t common.
So when your hair is shortened, his concerned that you have a disease our something.
Once you explain that it was just cut, her calms down.
He begins to like the new look on you.
He would totally run his fibers through your hair in admiration.
The way it frames your face is absolutely beautiful to him.
Be prepared to get plenty of comments.
He hasn’t ment really any females with short hair before, so at first he is confused.
He wants to make sure that you are okay health wise before really looking at your hair.
He grows to like it.
Like Ulaz, he doesn’t really know any females with shirt hair until you.
He thinks that this look on you is quite pretty.
He begins to prefer short hair to long hair from then on.
Again, I apologize about my last two, and for the delay on this.
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Ryan my love, please gift me with poly Ulaz and Thace with their pregnant human partner??
– Ryan
• We all know how I feel about Galra biology and social structure– I’ve compared it a lot to headcanons in A/B/O dynamics• So the omega will be guarded at all times• Doesn’t matter who it is, at least one of them has an eye on you at all times• Ulaz is very panicky where Thace is just overzealously protective and defensive of you• Thace will not hesitate to cut anyone down who threatens you• Ulaz has you next to him at all times• Nights are awesome, from the start of your pregnancy you have them taking care of you in ways you wouldn’t even think for your first time carrying their young• They groom you more often than before• They’re making sure you regulate your body temperature• They’re making sure you’re comfortable, and that your back is well supported while you sleep• They’re making sure you’re taking time to nourish yourself as well, making sure that you drink water every hour, and you’re eating enough fats and proteins to sustain not just the baby, but yourself as well• I have generalized headcanons of a human pregnancy with a Galra baby, because of really frEAKY human biology I learned from my dear friend @65-percent-puns and it can get really intense• Most things are done with instinct though; a more aggressive nature within both of them, they’re more territorial and defensive• They seem to pick fights a lot but it’s really just an urge to hunt and provide for their family• The a f f e c t i o n
• I’ve also given a lot of headcanons for a human s/o, so how about a Galra, or even Galra-mix, s/o!!• All of the above headcanons still apply to you, there is no escape• But I headcanon that Galrans have the ability to be impregnated by more than one individual • Following actual feline biology, where the female can have multiple eggs be released during heat, so being impregnated by Thace and Ulaz at the same time is 100% a thing that will happen• But this also means a litter of pups you’re gonna be extremely pregnant• But it’s the most beautiful sight to them
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aceofdaibazaal-blog · 7 years
Dads of momora love interest ( request pt 3 )
Request: May I have a HC for the dads of marmora reacting to their foul mouthed and ill tempered female human medic (love interest) being extremely good with kids/kits, particularly the orphaned ones since she knew what it was like to be abandoned since she and her bother were orphaned and when she’s with kids it’s the only time she’s calm and sappy, even getting attached to a certain young cub who will cry is she leaves, they think she’ll make a great mother one day 😏
A/N: I wonder if this is the same person requesting all of these... if it is you're awesome, and if not you're still awesome 😂😘
- It's surprised him at first, he never would've thought you liked children seeing as how you treated the other blades.
- Loves to watch you play with the orphans, think it's adorable that they love you so much
- Likes how patient you are with them, wishes you were that patient with the other blades
- Secretly loves all the children who love you, because most of them have a testy personality like yours
- Can't stop himself from think about someday having children with you, even though he tries to push those thoughts away because to him the idea seems impossible :(
- Loves to play with the children with you, if your with the orphans he's with the orphans
- Since his childhood was much like yours he understands why you get sappy when your with them, and sad when you have to leave them
- Likes to think about his future with you and wonders if it will ever happen
- Was a little surprised when he first saw you with the orphans
- Think it's adorable when you play with the orphans, especially since no one would expect it from you
- He wasn't really surprised you got along with the kids really well, Kolivan may have told him about you past
- Sometimes if you ask him he'll come be with you and the orphans
- When he does the children like to hang on him and play with his ears ( "I think someone likes you." You said playfully as the little ones played with his hair and ears. "Our children will never be allowed to do this." He muttered trying to gets the kids off him. "O-Our?" You stuttered making Ulaz turn a deep shade of purple. )
- Knows that you'll be an amazing mother one day, even if it's not his children
- Teases you when you say your going to go see the orphans
- Thinks it's very cute when you play games with the orphans, sometimes he will come and play with you
- Loves to watch you try to teach the orphans how to sword fight
- think that one day you'll make an amazing mother
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galraluver · 2 months
pls do 4 galrans of ur choice writing a loveletter!
Sure thing 🥰 I intend on making this as cute as possible 💕😊
~ Thace ~
~ Thace is a little bit of a hopeless romantic like Ulaz, but unlike Ulaz he's not always the best at expressing his romantic interest for you
~ He loves you more than life itself, so he decides to attempt writing a love letter as a way to confess those feelings for you
~ While he writes the love letter Thace lets the words come from his heart, just as he would have done if he was confessing his feelings for you in person
~ He had only one chance to write a love letter to you and he wanted to do it right, he ended up obsessing over it for nearly a week
~ He felt that writing a love letter shouldn't have taken so long to write, and yet by the time he perfected it he was still hesitant to give it to you
~ Ulaz has to give Thace a pep talk before he leaves the envelope containing his love letter to you in front of your door
~ In the end, you reciprocate his feelings and within a week the two of you become a romantic couple
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz is a hopeless romantic and a complete sweetheart even though he acts stoic and a bit distant when others are around, but when it comes to you, his true love, he wants you to know how much he truly loves you
~ One of the most romantic things a person can do at the beginning of a relationship is write a love letter to their true love, so that's exactly what he does
~ The two of you can't be together all the time yet because of his position amongst the Blades, so writing love letters are his way of being intimate with you whenever he's away
~ Obviously there's no mail service in space, so he has Keith deliver the letters to you
~ He writes down how he feels about you in the most personal, sincere, meaningful way possible that will have you swooning as soon as you read the letter
~ While Ulaz writes the letter he writes poetically from his heart and re-reads each sentence after he finishes writing them to make sure there's no grammar mistakes and that nothing sounds cringey
~ Writing a love letter is the most heartfelt way one can express their feelings for someone they love deeply
~ Ulaz knows that you'll absolutely love the love letters he wrote for you
~ And you do; they're the most romantic thing you've ever read and you do your best to write love letters in response
~ Until you and Ulaz are permanently reunited with each other, you both send each other love letters that you both save for momentum
~ Ezor ~
~ Honesty, Ezor could just tell you that she likes you since your bedroom is right across the hallway from hers aboard Lotor's main ship, but she wants to do something really cute and she decides to write a love letter to you
~ Of course, she takes her time to write it to make sure it sounds sincere, genuine and very loving
~ Ezor isn't really good with poetry and ends up asking Lotor for advice because she's not necessarily the best at long declarations of love
~ Lotor helps her out because she's one of his oldest friends and he wants to see you and her end up as a couple
~ Ezor doesn't have as much patience as her teammates, she really likes you and she just wants to tell you
~ She ends up confessing her feelings for you in the love letter just to get it over with
~ It would crush her if you didn't reciprocate her feelings, at least with the love letter she wouldn't have to face that rejection in person
~ In the end, after you find the love letter in front of your bedroom door, you seek Ezor out and the two of you end up together as a romantic couple
~ Ladnok ~
~ Since Ladnok is a high ranking commander in the galra empire she has the privilege to take anyone as a romantic partner, even a servant
~ Ladnok likes you more than anyone and she thinks the two of you would be a good match for each other, and she can tell that you have a slight crush on her, so her way of letting you know that she's interested is by writing love letters to you
~ Writing a love letter to someone is a very serious thing; Ladnok takes her time to write the first one since she wants you to know how she feels about you, but at the same time she doesn't want to come on too strongly
~ Ladnok makes sure to include how much she truly values you as a person rather than a servant, the last thing she wants is to accidentally make you think that she's taunting you
~ Usually interspecies relationships are looked down upon in the empire, although since both you and Ladnok are women it's more accepted
~ Honesty, Ladnok felt a little nervous when she wrote the letter because she was expressing her feelings for you on paper, she just wanted you to know how much she liked you
~ Once the letter is complete and perfect Ladnok gives the letter to you personally
~ After you read the letter you swoon, and it isn't long before you accept her offer to court you
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galraluver · 5 hours
This is the version of this request where I got a little carried away 😅
~ Bogh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ Honesty touching a random pouch of magic dust in an antique shop wasn't your best idea, but you did it anyway and got turned into a baby
~ Bogh’s initial reaction would be a mixture of confusion and shock, then when you look up at him he immediately picks you up and holds you protectively
~ He's your significant other while you're an adult, but when you get turned into a baby he naturally takes on the responsibility of taking care of you
~ While the two of you are in a town on a planet he buys some baby supplies for you, then he takes you back to his assigned base
~ He's not used to taking care of babies, although you're super cute and you fit in the palm of his hand
~ Bogh keeps you in his room in the blanket nest on his bed where you're safest, and he takes the rest of the afternoon off from his duties
~ His crew are confused when their commander returns with a baby that suspiciously looks exactly like you, but Bogh only gives them a brief explanation of what happened
~ Human babies cry a lot more than he originally thought and he wasn't sure why until he fed you
~ Human babies are also harder to take care of than he thought, luckily at some point he gets you to take a nap
~ Changing diapers is the hardest part for him because of how large his hands are, and it's a task he doesn't really want to do even though it's necessary
~ Honesty, Bogh loves feeding you because it's calming for both of you
~ Luckily for him your clothes shrunk when you got turned into a baby, so while you're taking a nap he takes a picture of you
~ Bogh definitely takes a few adorable pictures of you while you're a baby bc he thinks you're the most adorable smol bebe in the universe and he wants to remember you being tiny
~ After you return to your normal self he fills you in on what happened and shows you the pictures he took of you while you were a baby
~ He didn't take any pictures you're embarrassed of because he's not that kind of person, so naturally you think the pictures are really cute
~ If Bogh was magically turned into a baby
~ The same happens to him, only it happened by accident
~ One minute your significant other was standing next to you, then the next he turned into a baby and was sitting on the floor
~ You just stood there in shock, gawking at your once fully-grown lover who magically got turned into a baby
~ You're not necessarily used to taking care of babies, and even if you are you’ve never taken care of a galran kit before
~ The shopkeeper snaps you out of your thoughts and explains what happened, so after the explanation you have to take care of Bogh until he turns back to normal the next day
~ Compared to a human baby he's pretty big and he's definitely a chubby little guy, but he's super adorable and he's not too much trouble
~ His base isn't equipped for babies, so you have to go buy whatever supplies you might need (thankfully by some miracle you found the galra version of diapers at a baby supplies store)
~ You don't know the first thing about taking care of a galran kit, luckily one of Bogh’s crewmembers gives you a few pointers
~ Bogh is an adventurous baby and if you're not constantly watching him he tends to crawl away
~ Just like his adult self, he absolutely loves snuggling with you on the bed
~ Loves peek-a-boo and patty cake, so of course you play both with him
~ Feeding, burping and changing him are pretty easy since he's easygoing
~ However, you weren't aware that galra kits can sleep for so long
~ You take a few pictures of baby Bogh when he's napping because you won't ever get to see him as a baby ever again
~ You also recorded a few videos during playtime before he fell asleep
~ The next day comes sooner than you thought it would and Bogh returns to his normal self, and after you tell him what happened he thanks you for taking care of him
~ Ulaz ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Ulaz were our on a date at a street fair on a planet when you accidentally drank a potion that turned you into a baby
~ Ulaz was stunned at first, but then his instincts would kick in and he would immediately pick you up and cradle you against his chest
~ He would definitely take care of you because you're very special to him, but if you were magically turned into a baby then he would take care of you even more bc you're a tiny infant and technically you're still you
~ However, just because you're temporarily a baby doesn't mean that you don't have a good grip (seriously though, Ulaz is surprised by how strongly you can grip his suit, one of his fingers, ect.)
~ Once you both return to the castle/base he'll definitely remove his chest armor so you can be comfy against his chest
~ This man is very resourceful and will figure out how to make a baby sling to carry you around in
~ He thinks you're the cutest baby in the entire universe while he's taking care if you
~ Ulaz is a doctor, so he's not bothered if he has to change your diaper at any point in time; he won't tell you later about it since he doesn't want adult you to be embarrassed
~ Will let you nap on his chest if you get sleepy and he'll take a nap with you as well
~ The paladins/other Blades are surprised by how well Ulaz takes care of you considering that he's never had kids of his own before
~ You don't cry once while you're a baby because you feel safe with Ulaz
~ Ulaz makes a nest on his bed for the two of you to rest in
~ You love it when he purrs and snuggles with you
~ It takes about a day for you to magically turn back into your normal self and you don't remember a thing
~ Ulaz fills you in on what happened and that he took care of you, which you were grateful for
~ Ulaz can hardly wait for when the two of you have children with each other in the future, he'll be the greatest dad ever
~ If Ulaz was magically turned into a baby
~ The same thing happens, but in reverse
~ You weren't expecting Ulaz to magically get turned into a baby and at first you nearly have a panic attack, but then you quickly realize that Ulaz is a pretty chill baby
~ But only with you, if anyone else tries to hold him he screams
~ Imagine Ulaz as a somewhat chubby baby with an extremely fluffy crest and big round eyes
~ Come to think of it, he's pretty clingy as a baby
~ You have to carry him around in a baby sling pretty much all the time, otherwise he starts crying
~ He's literally the cutest baby in the universe and he doesn't cause any trouble
~ One of the other Blades has to give you instructions on how to feed Ulaz if/when he gets hungry, including how to mix the formula and how warm it needs to be
~ You get to take lots of cute pictures of Ulaz while he's still a baby, especially when he takes a nap
~ You only have to change his diaper once and it's not too bad since the galra version of diapers are more absorbent
~ Ulaz already loves snuggling when he's an adult, but he loves it even more while he's a baby
~ After taking care of lil’ Ulaz for a day you definitely want to have kids with him in the future after he returns to his normal adult self
~ To remember the day, Shiro/Thace takes a picture of you holding Ulaz
~ Your significant other returns to normal the next day and doesn't remember anything, so you show him the picture that Shiro/Thace had taken of the two of you
~ Ulaz is grateful that you were the one who took care of him while he was vulnerable, and he expresses his gratitude by snuggling with you
~ Hepta ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ While you and Hepta were exploring a planet you saw some kind of fruit growing on a tree, little did you know that it had been enchanted by a sorceress
~ Right after you first bit into the fruit a poof of smoke surrounded you and the next moment you were a baby, luckily your clothes shrunk with you; Hepta had to rub his eyes when he saw that you'd been turned into a baby; he thought that he was just imagining it at first, unfortunately he wasn't
~ He nearly fainted, but he needed to get you away from the grove of trees before the sorceress came back
~ Hepta could hardly believe that you got turned into a baby and he doesn't know what to do because he's never been around babies before, nor has he even taken care of one
~ After calling up Ladnok she gave him a little advice; since she's his older sister she helped their parents take care of him back when he was a baby
~ Honesty, Hepta has to admit that you're pretty cute as a baby, but he has to get some baby supplies so he can take care of you until you turn back to your normal self
~ He prefers to keep you close to him because he's afraid that someone in the crew he's a part of might try to hurt you
~ Poor Hepta panics when you start crying because he doesn't know what you need until he figures out that you're just hungry
~ Loves feeding and burping you bc it makes him feel like a dad taking care of his offspring even though you're not his child, unfortunately he eventually has to change your diaper and nearly faints again
~ Swears to himself that he'll never tell you that he changed your diaper
~ Playtime is a lot of fun even though he only knows how to play peek-a-boo, just getting to hear your cute laugh makes Hepta feel a happiness he's never felt before
~ At some point you both take a nap on his couch with you sleeping on his chest
~ Just to remember the day, Hepta takes a selfie while he's got you in a baby sling
~ After taking care of baby you for a day, he decides that he definitely wants to have kids with you someday after you return to normal
~ The next day when you're back to your normal adult self Hepta tells you most of what happened after you ate the fruit and he shows you the selfie he took
~ Ultimately you're just glad that your significant other took such good care of you while you were a baby for a day
~ If Hepta was magically turned into a baby
~ The two of you were on the same planet in the same grove of trees, but the sorceress had been around and Hepta somehow pissed her off to the point where she magically turned him into a baby for a day as a punishment
~ You wanted to tell your significant other off, but he was a baby and you weren't mean enough to yell at a baby for something he did when he'd been an adult
~ Honestly you're just too shocked that your s/o got turned into a baby to react properly, you just do what you need to do in order to take care of him
~ Hepta's a super cute baby, but if you put him down he screams
~ Either that or he tries to crawl away and get into things he shouldn't
~ Basically, he's a little trouble maker
~ You keep him mostly to yourself, except you call upon his older sister for a little advice and she tells you a couple of embarrassing stories from when Hepta was a baby
~ You have to get some baby supplies so you can take care of your babyfied significant other, including a few cute little outfits
~ You also take lots of pictures
~ At some point Hepta spits up on himself because of an upset tummy because he drank his formula too fast and you have to bathe him
~ Hepta loves water and splashing is ensured
~ Your shirt gets soaked, but he's just so cute that you can't get upset at him; besides, you have plenty of dry shirts you can wear instead of the wet one
~ After Hepta's bath he gets sleepy and by that point it's bedtime anyway
~ The two of you fall asleep on the bed and he won't sleep unless he's laying on top of you
~ The next morning a fully grown Hepta is laying on top of you and after you tell him what happened the previous day and he decides to try not pissing anyone else off
~ Herreh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Herreh were simply on an outing on one of the planets in Ladnok's territory enjoying a date at the alien equivalent of a café when you accidentally ordered a potion instead of a regular drink
~ One minute you were sipping your drink, then the next you turned into a baby
~ Herreh was absolutely speechless when he watched you get turned into a baby and even after he got a good look at you he was still speechless, then he realized what happened
~ In all his life he'd never seen anyone get turned into a baby in a magical way before and it took him a while to respond until he saw you staring up at him, and not knowing when you'll return back to normal has him panicking a little
~ Then a protective instinct takes over him and he pays for everything before he takes you back to the cruiser, but on the way he had to buy some baby supplies
~ Before Herreh takes the rest of the day off so he can take care of you he shows you to Ladnok and explains what happened
~ Ladnok understands and gives her lieutenant the rest of the day off
~ Herreh is a gruff older man who's seen a lot during his life, yet taking care of you makes him less gruff
~ When he sees you smile at him while you grip one of his pointer fingers he actually smiles and feels his heart melt
~ This poor man isn't sure how to take care of babies, especially human babies, and you turn out to be more of a handful than he expected
~ If/when you cry he's not sure why or what to do until he figures out what you need
~ He only takes one picture of you while you're napping
~ Herreh isn't exactly crazy about kids, but since you're his significant other when you're an adult and baby you brings out the caring side of him
~ Luckily for him you turn back to your normal self by the next day and he tells you about what happened
~ From then on you would be sure to double check your order whenever you go out to eat somewhere
~ If Herreh was magically turned into a baby
~ Herreh already knows not to order anything suspicious, unfortunately the waiter got his drink order mixed up with someone else's
~ As soon as your significant other turned into a baby you panicked; people don't just turn into babies on a normal basis and you're not sure what to do, all you could do at the time was stare at him with your mouth partially open
~ Herreh's a gruff older man, so seeing him as an adorable baby is extremely shocking
~ After you question the waiter on what happened he felt guilty about what happened and promised you that the effects would wear off by the next day
~ You naturally take care of Herreh since he's normally your lover, although while he's a baby you're his caretaker
~ You're the only person he smiles for and he's a bit clingy as well
~ He's a surprisingly quiet baby except when he's drinking from a bottle of formula
~ Baby galra sleep a lot which means Herreh sleeps for most of the time he's a baby
~ He's also got a head full of fluffy hair and absolutely no scars, it's kind of refreshing seeing your once significant other as an innocent baby
~ You get lots of cute pics while he's napping though
~ Before you know it the next day comes and Herreh is back to his normal gruff self
~ He thanks you for taking care of him during his time of vulnerability and for the first time ever he's actually a little more cheerful than usual
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galraluver · 5 hours
How would the galra react to their significant other being turned into a baby through magical means, and vise versa
I've been waiting to write this because it's both hilarious and adorable ✨️ I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊
~ Bogh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ Honesty touching a random pouch of magic dust in an antique shop wasn't your best idea, but you did it anyway and got turned into a baby
~ Bogh’s initial reaction would be a mixture of confusion and shock, then when you look up at him he immediately picks you up and holds you protectively
~ He's your significant other while you're an adult, but when you get turned into a baby he naturally takes on the responsibility of taking care of you
~ If Bogh was magically turned into a baby
~ The same happens to him, only it happened by accident
~ One minute your significant other was standing next to you, then the next he turned into a baby and was sitting on the floor
~ You just stood there in shock, gawking at your once fully-grown lover who magically got turned into a baby
~ Ulaz ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Ulaz were our on a date at a street fair on a planet when you accidentally drank a potion that turned you into a baby
~ Ulaz was stunned at first, but then his instincts would kick in and he would immediately pick you up and cradle you against his chest
~ He would definitely take care of you because you're very special to him, but if you were magically turned into a baby then he would take care of you even more bc you're a tiny infant and technically you're still you
~ However, just because you're temporarily a baby doesn't mean that you don't have a good grip (seriously though, Ulaz is surprised by how strongly you can grip his suit, one of his fingers, ect.)
~ If Ulaz was magically turned into a baby
~ The same thing happens, but in reverse
~ You weren't expecting Ulaz to magically get turned into a baby and at first you nearly have a panic attack, but then you quickly realize that Ulaz is a pretty chill baby
~ Hepta ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ While you and Hepta were exploring a planet you saw some kind of fruit growing on a tree, little did you know that it had been enchanted by a sorceress
~ Right after you first bit into the fruit a poof of smoke surrounded you and the next moment you were a baby, luckily your clothes shrunk with you; Hepta had to rub his eyes when he saw that you'd been turned into a baby; he thought that he was just imagining it at first, unfortunately he wasn't
~ He nearly fainted, but he needed to get you away from the grove of trees before the sorceress came back
~ Hepta could hardly believe that you got turned into a baby and he doesn't know what to do because he's never been around babies before, nor has he even taken care of one
~ If Hepta was magically turned into a baby
~ The two of you were on the same planet in the same grove of trees, but the sorceress had been around and Hepta somehow pissed her off to the point where she magically turned him into a baby for a day as a punishment
~ You wanted to tell your significant other off, but he was a baby and you weren't mean enough to yell at a baby for something he did when he'd been an adult
~ Honestly you're just too shocked that your s/o got turned into a baby to react properly, you just do what you need to do in order to take care of him
~ Herreh ~
~ If you were magically turned into a baby
~ You and Herreh were simply on an outing on one of the planets in Ladnok's territory enjoying a date at the alien equivalent of a café when you accidentally ordered a potion instead of a regular drink
~ One minute you were sipping your drink, then the next you turned into a baby
~ Herreh was absolutely speechless when he watched you get turned into a baby and even after he got a good look at you he was still speechless, then he realized what happened
~ In all his life he'd never seen anyone get turned into a baby in a magical way before and it took him a while to respond until he saw you staring up at him, and not knowing when you'll return back to normal has him panicking a little
~ Then a protective instinct takes over him and he pays for everything before he takes you back to the cruiser, but on the way he had to buy some baby supplies
~ If Herreh was magically turned into a baby
~ Herreh already knows not to order anything suspicious, unfortunately the waiter got his drink order mixed up with someone else's
~ As soon as your significant other turned into a baby you panicked; people don't just turn into babies on a normal basis and you're not sure what to do, all you could do at the time was stare at him with your mouth partially open
~ Herreh's a gruff older man, so seeing him as an adorable baby is extremely shocking
~ After you question the waiter on what happened he felt guilty about what happened and promised you that the effects would wear off by the next day
~ You naturally take care of Herreh since he's normally your lover, although while he's a baby you're his caretaker
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galraluver · 2 years
Ulaz with a human s/o that loves to grow plants and garden. Since they are currently on a ship with the blade of mamora thats turned into a collection of grow lights and all sorts of plants both edible and for aesthetic taking over an entire wall. 😂
I'd love to! As someone who enjoys gardening during summer this'll be a breeze! I hope you enjoy 😊
~ Ever since Ulaz found out how much you love plants he got permission from Kolivan to make a place where plants could be kept
~ He got as much information as he could about plant care before he prepared everything, making sure he had the right lights and set a good temperature that plants would thrive in
~ Ulaz knew that you would definitely love the surprise he prepared for you, he even found a few plants used for aesthetic to put on the shelf he built before he showed it to you
~ Temporarily living in the largest Marmoran ship wasn't exactly the best for growing plants to thrive in; Ulaz wasn't going to let that stop him from surprising you though
~ *Cue happy plant mom sounds when Ulaz shows you the plant area he set up for you*
~ You suspected your boyfriend had a surprise for you but you weren't expecting him to help you start a collection of plants
~ Some are from alien planets while one or two of the potted flowers look as though they were native to Earth
~ You knew about all kinds of alien plants because you read about them during your free time, so you definitely knew which ones were edible and which ones were for decoration
~ One or two of the aesthetic plants are naturally your favorite color which makes you even happier
~ Between the shelf, the plants, the right kind of lights and the necessary plant food and a water source you have everything you need to take care of each plant
~ The whole shelf covers an entire wall, so lots of plants get added during the Blades' mission
~ Like, during each trip to a planet you buy one or two potted plants to add to your little collection
~ Having a boyfriend who knows you so well and what you like is one of the many reasons you love Ulaz
~ When you and the Blades eventually return to the main BoM headquarters, you plan on turning one of the spare rooms into a plant collection room with Ulaz' help
~ Ulaz listens as you tell him about each plant; seeing you so passionate about something makes him fall in love with you even more
~ As a doctor he knows about plants that are used for medicine, so he definitely got two different kinds for you to take care of and learn about
~ You spend time with your new plants every day, making sure they're healthy and to maybe sing to them from time to time
~ Ulaz def thinks it's adorable how you sing to your plants
~ One of the edible plants just so happens to be an aphrodisiac if the leaves are eaten, so you and Ulaz will definitely be putting it to good use;)
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galraluver · 5 months
idk if someone has already asked this before but what kind of Galra x reader or just Galra stuff would you like to see out in the world? What do you wish there was more of?
I think that I've answered a question like this a long time ago, or at least something similar. Honestly, I wish that I had been in the fandom back in 2016 because I'm sure that I've missed out on a lot of amazing galra/Voltron x reader stories that aren't around anymore because their writers deleted their stories or their blogs got deleted during the Tumblr porn purge; I do remember that there was once a reader insert story on ao3 called Initiation featuring Kolivan, Antok, Thace and Ulaz, unfortunately it got deleted at some point. I know that I've missed out on seeing some pretty cool/spicy fanart, too.
Honestly, I'm always looking for some good paladin x reader stories and reading other people's galra x reader stories, at least the ones that are still around, is nice. I also like reading Voltron/galra x OC stories from time to time and/or seeing galra x oc fanart. Reading other people's galra headcanons is a lot of fun; we never got very much information when it comes to galra culture, traditions and anatomy, so basically anything goes when it comes to writing for them and even the original paladins
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galraluver · 2 years
Hi, I know that it's been a while but I sincerely want to apologize for not posting here on Tumblr as much as I used to and not finishing requests. Life has been kind of stressful for me lately and I've still been focused on my BoM Parent Scenarios; speaking of which, I'm posting two chapters on ao3 on the Sunday after next. I have good news though, I've been slowly working on some Ulaz x Reader headcanons recently. Anyway, have a wonderful day/night
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galraluver · 3 years
How would the Galra react to their S/O joining Zarkon
Galra: Kolivon, Thace, Ulaz, Sendak, Krolia, Ladnok and Trugg
As I mentioned before, I only do four Galra for headcanons, plus Sendak, Ladnok and Trugg's S/o would already be with Zarkon. Also the reader (you) are a female Galra bc Zarkon would never let a Human join him
~ Kolivan ~
~ When you betrayed the Blade of Marmora and Kolivan to join Zarkon he was beyond shocked that you would do such a thing
~ He felt foolish for ever loving you in the first place
~ He swore that he would never love anyone ever again
~ He was secretly very depressed, but he couldn't let his feelings distract him; there was a war to be won and he wouldn't let anyone stop him
~ Krolia ~
~ Krolia was shocked that you would join Zarkon
~ She was pissed and swore revenge on you
~ Kolivian gave her time off so that she could sort her feelings out
~ She was also very depressed and stayed in her habsuite
~ Keith stayed at the base because she needed someone to comfort her
~ Thace ~
~ When you joined Zarkon, Thace wasn't sure how to react at first
~ He was mad, depressed and very confused
~ Kolivan wouldn't let him go out on any missions until he got over it
~ He became so depressed that he refused to eat for a few days after you left
~ Krolia and Keith eventually got him to eat something after almost a week
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz was very depressed when he found out that you left and joined Zarkon
~ He refused to leave his habsuite, so Kolivian had him work in the BoM med bay
~ He had to detach himself from his emotions when he was working, but when he was alone he often cried
~ He refused to ever get emotionally attached to anyone ever again
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galraluver · 4 years
Ulaz Masterlist
Tumblr media
~ Scenarios ~
~ Ulaz Guilty Wank
~ Ulaz and his Fem! Human S/o making love while cuddling (scenario)
~ Ulaz with a Fem! Human S/o who has a mental disability (scenario)
~ Ulaz ending up in your bedroom after flying into the RoBeast (scenario)
~ Passionate love making with Ulaz after he ends up in another dimension (scenario)
~ Ulaz' reaction to finding out his Fem! Human S/o is a witch (scenario)
~ Ulaz with a Fem! Human S/o who gets cold easily (scenario)
~ Ulaz comforting his Fem! Human S/o after she has an anxiety attack (scenario)
~ Ulaz with a Fem! Human S/o who has shoulder problems (scenario)
~ Ulaz finding out that his shy, delicate Fem! Human mate is a Kunoichi (scenario)
~ Ulaz' reaction to another Galra flirting with his Fem! Human S/o (scenario)
~ Headcanons ~
~ Ulaz A-Z Fluff Headcanons
~ Ulaz A-Z NSFW Headcanons
~ How the Galra felt during their first kiss with you/first time being romantic with you/first time sleeping in the same bed as you and having sex with you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would attract you, their love interest (headcanons)
~ What date you would take the Galra on (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would confess their feelings for you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra feel about having kids/being a parent with you (headcanons)
~ How the Galra would react to you being pregnant/what gender they're hoping for/how many they're hoping for/their plans for their and your children in the future and how they would take care of you during your pregnancy (headcanons)
~ Throk, Prorok, Ulaz and Krolia show you their grooming habits (headcanons)
~ What Ranveig, Ulaz, Sniv and Kolivian think about their Fem! Human S/o's tattoos (headcanons)
~ When Kolivian/Ulaz/Thace realized that they wanted to have kits with you/what motherly qualities they saw you had/how they would bring up the topic of having kids (headcanons)
~ How Kolivian, Krolia, Thace and Ulaz would react to you joining Zarkon (headcanons)
~ Antok, Ulaz, Young Sendak and Sniv's favorite places to kiss you (headcanons)
~ Kolivian, Sendak and Ulaz' reaction to their wedding day and their Fem! Human S/o wearing her wedding gown (headcanons)
~ Kolivan, Sendak, Ulaz and Antok having sex with their Fem! Human S/o + aftercare (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok spending time with their Galra/Human hybrid child/children (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok asserting their dominance when another Male Galra flirts with their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ What Ulaz and Sniv think of their Fem! Human S/o's pet guinea pig (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Kolivan, Ulaz and Antok having a pregnancy kink towards their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Thace and Ulaz have a crush on a Fem! Human animated character (headcanons)
~ Thace and Ulaz with a Male! Galra S/o who's insecure about his height (headcanons)
~ Thace and Ulaz' childhood (headcanons)
~ What pillow talk and make out sessions include with Thace and Ulaz (headcanons)
~ Thace and Ulaz seeing their Fem! Human S/o naked for the first time (headcanons)
~ Ulaz and Sniv with a Fem! Human S/o who is a Sorceress who's learning magic (headcanons)
~ Sendak, Thace, Zarkon and Ulaz taking care of their babies when they're sick (headcanons)
~ Thace and Ulaz having an interspecies sex kink/size kink towards their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Ulaz adopting/taking care of a human baby/toddler (headcanons)
~ Ulaz with a Fem! Human S/o who really likes plants (headcanons)
~ How Ulaz, Regris, Morvok and Sniv would impress their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Thace, Ulaz, Ezor and Ladnok writing a love letter to their Fem! Human S/o (headcanons)
~ Bogh, Ulaz, Herreh and Hepta's reaction to their Fem! Human S/o magically getting turned into a baby and visa versa (headcanons) {First version}
~ Bogh, Ulaz, Herreh and Hepta's reaction to their Fem! Human S/o magically getting turned into a baby and visa versa (headcanons) {Second version}
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galraluver · 4 years
hedcanons for Kolivan, Ulaz, Thace (x fem human reader)the moment they realized they wanted to have kits (what qualities they had discovered in their mate) and how they would have communicated that to them,,
Coming right up!
~ When they realized that they wanted to have kits with you ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan had never thought of having kits with anyone until after the two of you became intimate with each other
~ After spending his rut with you for the first time he really started wondering what would happen if he did get you pregnant
~ After a while of thinking about it he knew that he wanted to have a few kits with you
~ He would always be there for you throughout the entire process and he would be around to always help raise any future kits he had with you
~ Ulaz ~
~ Shortly after he started courting you Ulaz started wanting to have kits with you
~ He would never force you into anything that you weren't ready for
~ He couldn't wait to see you swollen with his kits and to spoil them and you once they were born
~ It really showed during love making when he would tell you how much he wanted to impregnate you
~ Thace ~ 
~ At some point during his courtship with you Thace wondered what it would be like to have kits with you
~ He knew that having kits around would be hard work, but no matter what he would take care of you and your future kits
~ All he had to do was figure out how to bring up the subject
~ What motherly qualities they see in you ~ 
~ Kolivan ~
~ For someone who was much younger than him Kolivan noticed that you were very responsible
~ You were also patient, loving, supportive and forgiving
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz saw so many good qualities in you
~ The ones that really stood out was that you were kind, loving, patient, supportive, forgiving and empathetic
~ Thace ~ 
~ To Thace, you were supportive, forgiving, patient and humble
~ You were also responsible, calm, organized and caring
~ How they brought up the topic of having kids with you ~
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan brought it up when you both were having dinner in your shared habsuite
~ He casually asked you if you would ever want to have kits with him
~ He was happy when you said that you did, but a little sad when you told him that you wanted to wait until the war was over (which thankfully was sooner than everyone thought)
~ Ulaz ~
~ After Ulaz' breeding kink started to show during love making sessions you knew that he wanted to have kits with you
~ One night while you both were cuddling in bed he straight up asked you if you ever wanted to have kits with him
~ You knew that he would help you raise them and be there for you throughout your pregnancy, and you didn't know how much longer the war would last, so you wanted to start trying as soon as possible
~ Ulaz was elated and started telling you how much he loved you and that you both would make wonderful parents and how beautiful your kits would be
~ Thace ~ 
~ Thace casually brought it up one day while you both were relaxing together
~ He asked you if you ever wanted to have a few kits with him
~ You were a little shocked, but as you thought about it you liked the idea of having a family with him
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galraluver · 4 years
How would the Galra feel about a reader who has a lot of tattoos?
As I mentioned before I'm now only doing four Galra for headcanons. I'll see what I can do
~ Ranveig ~
~ Ranveig is interested in your tattoos and asks you about each one
~ In a way, your tattoos remind him of war paint and he thinks they look good on you
~ Ulaz ~
~ Ulaz wonders why you have so many tattoos and asks you to tell him about each one
~ He's concerned for the health of your skin since it sometimes gets infected due to all the ink
~ He makes you a cream that keeps your skin from getting infections
~ Sniv ~
~ Sniv really likes your tattoos and thinks that they're really cool
~ However, after he hears how you got them he didn't want any of his own
~ He thinks that they make you even more beautiful than you already are, especially if you have one in a naughty place;)
~ Kolivan ~
~ Kolivan doesn't judge you for getting so many tattoos, but he is concerned for the health of your skin
~ He comes to think of them as a kind of art that he doesn't quite understand
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galraluver · 4 years
Can I get headcanons on galra of your choice showing reader their grooming habits, showing them how to do it on themselves, on reader, and maybe for when they have their future kids?
I'll try my best
~ Throk ~
~ You actually walked in on Throk grooming himself one evening
~ You know how Throk is a contortionist? Well, when you walked in on him he was completely naked and he was grooming his *ahem* bits
~ When you sat on the edge of the bed and asked him if you could watch him groom himself he smirked and continued with his grooming routine
~ After he was finished grooming himself Throk began grooming you
~ It didn't take long for things to get heated between the two of you
~ Prorok ~
~ Lately Prorok's fur had been frizzy, so one day he took the time to groom himself on his and your shared bed
~ You sat on the edge of the bed and watched him groom the fur on his head, chest and arms until it wasn't as frizzy
~ At some point he went from grooming himself to grooming you
~ It felt strange having him licking your hair and face, but you didn't mind it
~ You tried returning the favor, but you ended up having to pick his fur off of your tongue
~ Ulaz ~
~ You were always curious of how Galra groom themselves when they weren't in the mood for taking a bath or a shower, so naturally Ulaz agreed to show you
~ He only took his shirt off and you sat on the bed with him
~ You curiously watched as he began grooming the fur that grew out of his crest and his ears and face
~ At some point you moved closer to Ulaz and he started grooming you while telling you all about grooming habits and how Galra groomed their young kits
~ What started out as an innocent grooming session soon led to passionate love making
~ Krolia ~
~ You were aware that Galra tend to groom themselves without having to take a bath or a shower, but you never actually saw it
~ One evening when you walked into you and Krolia's shared bedroom you saw her grooming herself
~ She invited you to watch her and you sat on the bed
~ You watched as she groomed her hair to perfection
~ Krolia decided to groom you next, so you moved closer to her
~ She also told you how she used to groom Keith when he was a baby and how he prefered tongue baths over regular baths
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galraluver · 4 years
Ulaz A-Z Fluff Headcanons
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
~ Ulaz is kind of shy when it comes to giving/receiving affection
~ However, he loves it when he gets to hug, kiss and cuddle with you
~ The only form of affection Ulaz will show for you in public is holding your hand
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
~ Ulaz' best memory with you was when you accepted the first courtship gift he gave you
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
~ Ulaz is practically a cat magnet; so cats
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
~ Ulaz wants to settle down with you on a peaceful planet, have a big house in a meadow and have several kids with you
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? Do they go out? Do they read?)
~ Ulaz loves spending his time either reading a good book or watching a romantic movie with you
~ Sometimes you both will go out to dinner or go see a play or an opera
F = first date (what was it like?)
~ Galra don't really date, but you've convinced him to try it
~ You and Ulaz watched a romantic movie together while cuddling and kissing
~ You made snacks for you both to eat together
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
~ Ulaz doesn't laugh too often, but his laugh is mostly silent and breathy
H = hugs (do they like hugs? What kind of hugs do they give?)
~ Ulaz loves hugging you any chance he gets as long as no one else is around
~ Ulaz likes picking you up bridal style and hugging you that way
~ He hugs you that way so that you can wrap your arms around his neck
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
~ Ulaz never considered playing an instrument until he tried playing the harp
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
~ One of the main things that brings Ulaz joy in life when you gently rub his ears while you both cuddle
~ Something else that brings him joy is sunbathing in the tall grass near a stream in a meadow while listening to the birds chirping
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
~ Ulaz is a very shy kisser, especially since you had to teach him how to do it
~ Ever since you taught him how to kiss Ulaz will kiss you on the lips every chance he gets
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
~ It took Ulaz a while to realize that he was in love with you
~ He was quieter and more distant than normal while he was crushing on you
~ Thankfully, you knew that he was in love with you
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
~ Ulaz' favorite memory is when you kissed him for the very first time 
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
~ Ulaz hates it when someone has the intention of betraying his trust, that's why he was hesitant of being in a relationship with you
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
~ Ever since Ulaz was little he wanted to be a freedom fighter
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
~ Ulaz would be the hovery kind of parent when his kid/kids are little
~ As your kid/kids get older he is a tad bit strict, but caring
~ He gets very overprotective of his daughter/daughters, especially when they're attracted to boys their age
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
~ Ulaz has always wondered how mother's intuition works
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
~ Ulaz is extremely romantic while he's in a relationship with you
~ He'll bring you various courtship gifts and you can expect lots of cuddling and kissing
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
~ Ulaz smiles when he sees you doing something you're passionate about
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
~ In public, Ulaz doesn't want to seem too clingy. But as soon as the two of you are alone he wants nothing more than to cuddle with you
~ Ulaz always wants to spend as much time with you as he can, especially when he gets
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable?)
~ Ulaz tends to follow his impulses
~ Following his impulses is what almost got Ulaz killed (in my AU)
~ He sometimes still follows his impulses, but it's not in any fatal situations
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
~ Both you and Ulaz take an equal amount of pictures during your relationship so that you both can put them in a photo album
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
~ You and Ulaz chose to have a wedding with both Human and Galra wedding traditions
~ Ulaz wore a traditional Galran wedding clothes and you wore a big, fluffy fairytale pastel purple and white wedding gown and you had a bouquet of pastel purple roses and you had a long veil
~ Your only guests was your immediate family, the Blade of Marmora operatives and the Paladins
~ You both exchanged rings, but you both also nibbled on each other's right ear lobes to make it official
~ The wedding cake had seven layers and had pastel purple frosting with white decorations
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
~ Sometimes Ulaz sings his favorite love songs when he knows that he's completely alone
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, scent, word anything)
~ For some reason Ulaz hates chocolate. He says that it tastes bitter
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
~ Ulaz is a fairly heavy sleeper, especially when he's sleeping with you.
~ Ulaz sleeps on his side with you on your side; he either spoons you (with you as the little spoon) or with your face nestled in the crook of his neck
~ Ulaz wakes up in a very good mood when you're with him because. He thinks that you look cute with bed head
~ Before you and Ulaz met he was a light sleeper and he hated waking up
~ Sometimes Ulaz purrs right before he falls asleep while telling you how much he loves you
~ Ulaz can't sleep unless he has his arms wrapped protectively around you
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