koreangrammardoctor · 6 years
[Discussion / Tips for Korean learner] Korean phrases to say to break up with your partner properly
Hello everyone, This is the Korean Grammar Doctor. 안녕하세요 여러분. 한국어 문법 의사입니다. . . One day, I read a post about a breakup of an international couple. It made me wonder what Korean phrases they used to end their relationship. So, I looked up some farewell phrases on the internet to strength my imagination of how they broke up by speaking Korean. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpTQEGucodE 이제 헤어져요. Let's go our separate ways . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyxMYD0n19w 나는 일에 집중해야 해 I need to focus on my career . 데이트할 시간이 없어 I don't have any time to date . 난 그냥 이런 종류의 연애를 위한 준비가 안 됐어 I am just not ready for this kind of relationship . 내 시간이 / 공간이 필요해 I need my time / space . 내 사생활이 필요해 I need my privacy . 너는 내게 과분한 사람이야. You deserve better . 우리 그냥 친구하자. Let's just be friends. . 우리 진도가 너무 빠른 것 같아. I think we are moving too fast. . 우리는 다른 사람을 만나기 시작해야 해 We should start seeing other people . 나는 너에게 충분하지 않아 I am not good enough for you . 나보다 더 좋은 사람 만날 수 있을 거야. You will be able to meet someone better than me. . 이게 최선이야 It is for the best. . 난 그냥 너를 더 이상 사랑하지 않아. I just don't love you anymore. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_eVNBjXIoM 우리 그만 만나자. Let's stop seeing each other . The first impression that I got after I watched these three video clips was like 'Well.....I don't think that most of the phrases here are familiar.' I am not saying that they are wrong or teaching incorrect Korean phrases. It is just my opinion. Maybe because I barely spoke and used very refined language not to hurt my partner when I broke up. Anyway, I am going to introduce phrases that I used when I broke up. . . [Note] All phrases are written in 반말 because it is more common in a romantic relationship. Most phrases are written in the conversational tense. There are some quotes from romantic K-dramas. I guess that there are some people who dislike K-drama lines, but they are really useful to break up properly. . . #Scenario The farewell process begins : 가 and 고 are in a relationship. However, 가 decides to break up with 고 after long hesitation. 가 texts 고 to decide the meeting place and time to confess 가's feelings and say goodbye. - 우리 좀 만날까? 너에게 할 말이 있어. Shall we meet? I have something to tell you. - 우리 좀 만나서 이야기 좀 할까? 할 말이 있어. Can we meet and talk? I have something to tell you. - 혹시 이 때 바빠? / 시간 괜찮아? 이야기 좀 나누고 싶어. Are you busy at this time? / Are you free at this time? I want to talk to you. [혹시 내일 시간 괜찮아? / 혹시 월요일에 시간 괜찮아요? are also fine] - 이 때 만나서 이야기 좀 할래? 나 (진짜) 진지해. Would you like to meet and talk at this time? I'm serious. . . 2. The declaration of farewell: They met at a small cafe where they did on a first date. There is an awkward silence between them. 가 starts to talk. . - 우리 이제 그만하자. = 이제 우리 그만하자. Let's stop seeing each other. - 이제 우리 (그만) 헤어지자. = 우리 이제 (그만) 헤어지자. Let's go our separate ways - 이제 우리 그만 만나자 = 우리 이제 그만 만나자. Let's stop seeing each other. - 이제 우리 (그만) 관계 정리하자. = 우리 이제 (그만) 관계 정리하자. Let's end our relationship - 이제 우리 끝낼 때가 된 거 같아. = 우리 이제 끝낼 때가 된 것 같아. I think that it is time to end. - 이제 우리 그만할 때가 될 것 같아. = 우리 이제 그만할 때가 될 것 같아. I think that it is time to end. - 이제 우리 그만할까? 나 너무 힘들어. = 우리 이제 그만할까? 나 너무 힘들어. Shall we end our relationship? I feel so tired. . 3. Frustration OR expectation: 고 is really confused and asks 가 the reason. Expected questions - 왜 갑자기 헤어지자는건데? Why are you telling me to break up all of a sudden? - 갑자기 왜 그래? 혹시 내가 뭐 잘못했어? What's wrong with you all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong? - 갑자기 왜 이러는건데? Why are you doing this all of a sudden? - 너 갑자기 왜 이런 말 하는 거야? Why are you saying this all of a sudden? . OR 고 already expects this situation. Expected responses - 이럴 줄 알고 있었어. I knew this would happen. - 이럴 줄 알았어. I knew this would happen. - (우리 사이가) 이렇게 될 거라고 예상했었어 / 생각했었어. I was expecting this to happen. - 네가 그런 말 할 거라고 예상했었어 / 생각했었어. I was expecting you to say that. - 내가 예상했던 그대로네. That's exactly what I expected. . 4. Explain the reasons: 가 explains reasons - 그 동안 너의 성격 / 습관 / 행동 / 무책임함 / 집착 때문에 (너무) 힘들었어. 이제 더 이상 참기 힘들어. I have struggled with / dealt with your character / habit / behavior / irresponsibility / obsession. I can't take it anymore. - 내가 불편한 점 / 힘든 점 말했는데도 너는 변한 게 없었잖아. I told you something uncomfortable, but you haven't changed at all. - 네가 너무 바빠서 우리 제대로 만나지도 못하잖아. You're too busy to even meet me actually. - 너는 내가 뭘 해도 / 무슨 일을 당해도 별로 신경 안 쓰잖아(= 관심이 없잖아.) 넌 항상 그런 식이었어. You don't care what I do / what happens to me. You've always been that way. - 너는 나를 사랑하지 않는데, 나 혼자만 사랑하는 것 같아. 사랑이 안 느껴져(= 사랑을 못 느끼겠어). You don't love me, but I think I'm the only one who loves me. I don't feel loved. - 나만 외롭고 힘든 것 같아. / 나 혼자만 힘든 것 같아. 둘이 같이 있어도 너무 외롭고 힘들어. I think I'm the only one who's lonely. / I think I'm the only one who's having a hard time. I am so lonely even when they're together. - 너 바람폈잖아. / 너 다른 사람 만나잖아. 내가 모를 것이라고 생각했어? You cheated on me. / You're seeing another person. Don't you think that I don't know about it? . 5. Showing empathy : 고 doesn't know what to say. Instead of refuting 가's explanation or making excuses, 고 decides to say something to show empathy. - 그랬구나. I see. - 미안해. I am sorry. - 네 말이 맞아. 그건 내가 신경을 제대로 못 썼어. 미안해 You're right. I haven't actually cared about you. I'm sorry. - 내가 신경을 제대로 못 써줘서 미안해. I'm sorry that I haven't cared about you. - 그 동안 제대로 신경 못 써줘서 미안해. I'm sorry that I haven't cared about you. - 그건 내가 잘못했어. 미안해. It is my fault. I am sorry. - 그건 잘 몰랐어. 미안해. I didn't know that. I am sorry. . . 6. Farewell : 고 realizes that it is too late to restore their relationship. So, 고 says farewell to 가. - 잘 지내고 건강해. Take care and stay healthy. - 네가 하는 일 잘 되었으면 좋겠어. 잘 있어. I hope everything goes well with what you do. Take care. - 네가 더 행복해졌으면 좋겠어. I want you to be happier. - 네가 더 좋은 사람 만나길 바래 I want you to meet someone better. (Actually, --하길 바라 is grammatically correct. However, as I mentioned above, the phrases that I am introducing are conversational.) - 그래. 우리는 인연이 아닌가 보다. I think we are not supposed to be meant to be. - 그 동안 진심으로 사랑했어. 그 동안 사랑해주고 아껴줘서 고마워. I've loved you with all my heart. Thank you for loving and caring for me. . . Question When you broke up with your partner, what did you say in Korean? Also, if you have to break up with your partner, what would say in Korean? Please leave a comment! I can correct your mistakes! [I hope we will not talk about your history of romantic relationships here. Let's focus on Korean language.] . ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ If you have any feedback or questions, please let me know. The Korean grammar doctor will always be at Korean learner's side! 한국어 문법 의사는 언제나 한국어 학습자 곁에 있습니다. Stay TTTempting! ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ
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beezysmg-blog · 8 years
@KoreanMistake Episode 1 - Studio Session w/ French MystiQ & $cream http://youtu.be/jztBJHjv0cA
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koreangrammardoctor · 6 years
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Korean Translation Failure
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koreangrammardoctor · 6 years
[Tips for Korean learners] Interesting functions of '예/네.'
[Tips for Korean learners] Interesting functions of '예/네.'
One day, one of my friends told his story about his first trip in Korea. (Now, he is perfectly fluent in Korean.) He used to think that 네/예 simply meant "Yes", and "아니요. 아닙니다" meant "No." He practiced the pronunciation of '안녕하세요' over and over, to give a good impression to Koreans. He once went to a convenient store and said "안녕하세요" to the owner 아주머니. Then, 아주머니 replied to him, saying "네~~~~." He was confused, because he had never expected to hear this kind of reply '네~~~' to many situations. For example,
He: 안녕하세요
Korean: 네 ~~~. 예 ~~~
He: 감사합니다.
Korean: 네 ~~~. 예 ~~~.
He: 죄송합니다. 실수했어요
Korean: 네~~~. 예~~~. 괜찮아요. 괜찮아요.
- He didn't know how to interpret 네~~~ OR 예 ~~~ in this context, because it sounds awkward in English. The most English speakers don't say "YES" to someone's greeting or expressions of gratitude.
I laughed out so hard when I heard this story, because I had never thought about it before he told this story! I was curious about how many meanings of 네 / 예 there are, so I looked it up.
In Korean language, 예/네 for yes in English have four official meanings.
--1. 윗사람의 부름에 대답할 때 쓰는 말. = Yes, I am here / Yes, sir. Yes. ma'am.
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker answers the call of his/her elder.
- It is also used in between people who don't know each other well. Like 존댓말 to look professional
A: 사랑아.
B: 네. 엄마. 저 부르셨어요?
A: 승규 씨.
B: 네, 유민 씨.
A: 김 대리, 지금 있나요?
B: 네, 사장님.
--2. 윗사람의 물음이나 명령 등에 긍정하여 대답할 때 쓰는 말. = Yes.
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker affirmatively answers the call or order of his/her senior or superior
- It is also used in between people who don't know each other well. Like 존댓말 to look professional
A: 사랑아. 집안일 좀 해라.
B: 예 / 네
A: 오늘 저녁으로 치킨 괜찮으세요?
B: 예/네, 좋아요.
--3. 윗사람의 말을 다시 물을 때 쓰는 말. = Excuse me? / I beg your pardon? / Sorry?
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker asks again what his/her elder said.
- It is also used in between people who don't know each other well. Like 존댓말 to look professional
- 네?/ 예? 그게 무슨 뜻이예요?
- 네? /예? 방금 뭐라고 말씀하셨나요?
- 네? / 예? 다시 한번 말씀해 주세요.
--4. 윗사람에게 무엇을 조를 때 쓰는 말. = PLEASE ~~~ (stretched pronunciation)
- An exclamation uttered when the speaker pesters his/her elder to do something.
- In this context, 예/네 must come after a complete sentence.
- 저 돈 좀 주세요. 네?/예?
- 저희랑 같이 가요. 네?/예?
- 오늘 치킨 먹어요. = 오늘 치킨 먹으면 안 될까요? 네? / 예?
--Tip 1
The length of sound decides whether it has 'a determined and professional connotation' or 'a sarcastic connotation.' If you pronounce "예/네" shortly, it mostly means "Yes."
If you stretch the sound like '아 네에에에에에에 / 예에에에에에에' to someone's speaking, it implies that you don't want to listen to the speaker's story OR you don't trust the speaker's story.
Ex) A: 저기 UFO가 있어요! 무서워요!!
B: 아이고. 그렇군요. 네에에에에에에~~~ / 예에에에에에에~~~.
A: 나 이번에 시험 100점 받았어요!
B: 아이고. 그러셨군요. 예에에에에에에~~~ / 네에에에에에에에~~~.
--Tip 2
예 / 네 is a casual and simple exclamation for people who have a higher status to reply to "안녕하세요" / "감사합니다." / "죄송합니다." from those who have a lower status. In addition, a group of people who haven't determined each other's status can use 존댓말 and 예 / 네 to reply to 안녕하세요 / 감사합니다 / 죄송합니다 at the same time.
- Status matters. It is so difficult to explain.
If you have any feedback or questions, please let me know.
The Korean grammar doctor will always be at Korean learner’s side!
한국어 문법 의사는 언제나 한국어 학습자 곁에 있습니다.
Stay TTTempting!
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