#Kris is very cute and tease-y in practice
onlyforalwayswith · 8 months
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Penguins practice Oct 12, 2023
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Market Surprises
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Genre: Neighbor!AU
Pairing: Kris x Reader
A/N: Once again, I’m bringing you another little story inspired by @xui-n-soowillbethedeathofme moodboard above! (Also, it’s Kris. How could I ever resist?) (also, do not be surprised if the title changes a few times, I’m still not satisfied with it)
Going to the market was one of your favorite activities. While most people hated the very idea of going grocery shopping, you had the exact opposite approach. Maybe it was simply because of where you chose to shop.
The neighborhood that you lived in was close to an outdoor market where local farmers would bring their produce and fresh goods to be fully appreciated. You would spend a good hour there each time, looking over the fruits and vegetables, bargaining with the butcher over prices, and just conversing in general with the vendors. It was calming to you, how shopping for daily sustenance should be. It was more personal, where you knew the name of the person who grew your tomatoes or cut your pork belly.
“Are you sure you don’t want any help carrying these bags home?” Mrs. Wu asked you for the third time today. “My son would be more than happy to go with you.”
While you had at least four large bags of groceries to lug home, the bags were reusable cloth so you didn’t have to worry about any of them ripping and you were sure your arm strength could hold out. Of course, no matter how many times you told Mrs. Wu that, she still tried to get you to accept the help of her son.
There was no mistaking her hidden agenda. She was always talking up her son, saying how handsome he was and sweet and kind. One time she even boldly stated that the two of you would look good together.
“That’s okay, Mrs. Wu, I can handle it,” you assured her with a smile. “But thank you! I’ll see you next week.”
She waved goodbye to you along with her motherly smile. “Have a wonderful day, dear.”
With two stuffed bags in each hand, you began the uphill trudge to your little home, ignoring the groans of your calves as the bottom of your tennis shoes dug into the asphalt street. You stayed off to the side of road, careful of any cars that might be rushing by.
“Hey! Tomato girl!”
You groaned. Seriously? You were almost there. You were almost home free.
Kris, your neighbor who drove you up the walls, came running up behind you, his typical self-confident smirk plainly on his face. The two of you had been neighbors for a while now and yet, he still referred to you by that stupid nickname he came up with when you first met.
It was before you bought the reusable bags. You’d planned on making a large batch of homemade salsa with a recipe that you’d found online and were rushing to get back to your kitchen. However, the bag wasn’t strong enough to hold the quantity of tomatoes you’d purchased and just outside your door, it ripped, sending the fruit rolling away. The only one around to “help” happened to be your neighbor that you’d only ever seen in passing.
His idea of helping included a few teasing comments that you weren’t in the mood to receive graciously. Because of that, you refused to give him your name the next few times you ran into him. That resulted in his annoying nickname, constantly calling out to you as “tomato girl” until you gave in and told him your real name. Occasionally, when he was being obnoxious, he’d still use that stupid nickname to grate on your nerves.
“I have a name, Kris,” you gritted through your teeth.
“I know, (y/n),” he chuckled. “Do you need any help?”
“No, thank you,” you grunted unconvincingly. “I’ve got it.”
A heavy sigh left Kris’ throat. “Okay, then. I’ll… see you later.”
He walked away and a strange feeling of guilt started bubbling in your stomach. But you quickly pushed it aside and entered your home.
As soon as you closed the door behind you, your phone began to ring. You answered it when your hands were finally free of the groceries, putting the bags down on the counter. It was your best friend’s name brightening up your screen.
“Hello?” you said slightly out of breath. The irritation from just a few seconds ago was still very apparent in your voice.
Your friend laughed in your ear. “Uh-oh. Sounds like someone recently saw their very cute neighbor.”
“Cute?” you scoffed. “Don’t make me laugh.”
Kris wasn’t cute, in your opinion. He was the kind of guy who walked around in ripped-up skinny jeans and large shirts with earrings, sometimes diamonds and sometimes hoops. His black hair was long on top with a sharp undercut, often covered up by a ball cap. Tattoos decorated his arms. While they were all tasteful, he still wasn’t quite the kind of guy your mother had envisioned you bringing home to meet her.
Then again… when you really thought about it, his face wasn’t too bad. His eyes like a smoky quartz, were a bit magnetic with a glimmer of mischief behind them. The natural pout of his lips were a bit intriguing and his high-bridged nose was a bit adorable.  
What the hell were you thinking?
“He is not cute!” you insisted.
Your friend giggled at you. “A double denial? Has someone been thinking about her neighbor a little too much?”
You rolled your eyes, biting back a sarcastic comment. “Did you call me just poke my buttons or did you actually need something?”
“Oh, yeah!” There was a mild shuffling in the background before she came back to the line. “Do you want to check out this new bar that just opened up here recently?”
For a second, you thought it over. It had been a while since you’d gone out and you could use a fun night with some socializing. “Sounds like fun. What’s the bar called?”
“Um, like Tian Di, or something like that?”
Interesting name. You were definitely intrigued. “Sounds good. What time were you thinking of heading out?”
“You know the real fun doesn’t start until after ten!” your friend exclaimed.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with her. “Alright. That gives me plenty of time to get ready. Meet you at your place around that time?”
“You got it!”
After hanging up, you went back to your groceries, putting every little thing in its designated space. You still had a few hours before you needed to get ready, so you opted for a long, hot bath, sinking down into the water while your favorite playlist danced from the Bluetooth speaker. This was turning out to be quite the nice Saturday, if you did say so yourself.
Downing another shot, you giggled relentlessly as the alcohol burned your throat pleasantly. There was no doubt that you were getting well passed tipsy at this point. Your heels were becoming harder and harder to keep your balance on. Why did you wear them again?
Right. Because they were cute.
Why was fashion such a sacrifice?
“One more! One more!” your friend chanted.
“No, I need a real drink!” you yelled back over the music.
What your friend had described as a “bar” was really more like a nightclub, but you were already out and dressed, so you didn’t fight, instead choosing to make the most of the night.
“Fine!” your friend pouted. “I’m going to the bathroom real quick!” She disappeared into the crowd as you let her know that you’d heard her.
Turning to the bartender, you got his attention and said, “I’ll have the cherry round-about, please?”
“Make that two.”
Frowning, you turned to the new voice and your jaw dropped.
It took a second for you to recognize your neighbor. Gone was the hat to reveal dyed chestnut hair parted in the middle and hanging just over the cheeks on either side of his face. His jeans were no longer full of rips and holes, instead simply decorated with a zipper on each side where the pockets normally were. The long sleeves of his black shirt were pushed up to his elbows, giving you just the slightest peak at his tattoos. To be honest, they were kind of alluring, not vulgar, but intriguing, making you want to ask why he got each one.
Over the top of his shirt was a strange olive-khaki vest with rivet holes in the collar and chest and long chains that looped down from the pockets and hung loose underneath his arms. On anyone else, you would have sneered at it, thinking it strange, but somehow, Kris pulled it off, whether it was just how well it fit him or if it was his air of confidence that made it unquestionable.
Your heart was doing a funny dance in your chest while he just kept smiling at you. No, you still wouldn’t say that he was cute, but in your drunken haze, you’d dare say that you were becoming very attracted to him.
“Put it on my tab, Luke,” Kris told the bartender, only taking his eyes off of you for a second to address the issue of payment before coming back to meet your gaze.
“Wha’ you doing here?” Oh, wonderful. You were slurring already. No chance in pretending that you were sober now.
Kris chuckled at your grammatically incorrect question. “Just out for a good time, same as you. And it looks like you’re having a very good time.”
Unable to hold back the urge, you stuck your tongue out at him, making him laugh again.
Damn it. You liked his laugh. It was deep, scrunching up his nose and widening his smile to an eye-crinkling degree. Why did you not like this guy before?
When Luke the bartender put the two freshly made drinks down in front of you, you swiped one of the glasses up and began sucking down on the delicious red liquid.
“Whoa, whoa, slow down,” Kris insisted, putting one of his (very pretty) hands on top of the glass and pushing it down and away from your mouth.
Before you could let out a very loud protest, your friend came back from the bathroom, practically jumping on your back as she squealed, “Oh, my god, you must be Kris!”
At her already knowing his name, Kris raised an eyebrow while you cringed with embarrassment. A while back, she’d wanted to know what he looked like, so one time when she was over, you kept an eye on the window and pointed Kris out when he walked by.
“Y/n talks about you all the time!”
Oh, just kill me now.
You did not talk about him all the time… did you?
Kris laughed again. “Well, what a coincidence. I talk about her all the time, too.”
You pursed your lips at him, confused. “She means I complain about you a lot.”
“I figured that was the case.” That correction didn’t seem to ruin his mood at all.
Over the course of the next few hours, the three of you sat there and talked about the most random things including topics of pop culture and occasionally complaining about the annoying songs blaring from the speakers while hitting back the drinks. Or, at least, you and your friend were still kicking them back. Kris had stopped several hours ago, still very sober.
Intoxicated or not, you discovered that you actually enjoy conversing with Kris. You were falling for his laugh and discovering that he was actually a large dork behind the cool façade.
At one point, a friend of his showed up and, before you knew it, your friend was declaring very loudly that she was ready to head home, sending a wink in his friend’s direction. The four of you headed out of the club while your friend called for an Uber. The two extras hopped in the back of the car and disappeared down the road.
“Don’t worry,” Kris assured you. “He’s a good guy. He’ll just make sure she gets home and then leave.”
You nodded, trusting his judgement.
It turned out that Tian Di was just a few blocks from your house, so, instead of wasting money on a ride, Kris walked with you. However, you only made it a few steps before you stumbled in your shoes.
“Whoa, there.” Kris was able to catch you before your knees hit the sidewalk. Thankfully, you were wearing jeans, but the impact still would have hurt like hell. Crouching down in front of you, he offered, “Get on. I’ll carry you.”
“No, you don’t have to,” you said quickly, heat rising up in your cheeks.
“You’re going to end up getting hurt if you keep stumbling around in those shoes,” he pointed out. “And I’m not going to let you walk around on the concrete barefoot. It’s not that far, just hop on.”
Giving in, you wrapped your arms around Kris’ neck while situating yourself on his back, legs tightly locked around his waist when he stood back up. He kept a good grip on your thighs, not letting you slip for a second.
If you allowed yourself to be honest, you were quite enjoying this, letting your heavy eyelids close with contentment.
Kris made it to your door without any problems. It was just his luck that he happened to run into you at the bar and even more so that you didn’t immediately run away when he approached. He finally figured out that his teasing style was getting him nowhere with you and so he decided to play the gentleman, just being nice and talking without a hint of sarcasm. And now here he was, fitting into the role of hero as he carried you home on his back.
Except now you were fast asleep, your grip a little looser than it had been in the beginning. Thankfully, your keys were already out in your hand, so Kris gently tugged them out of your grip and let himself inside.
Since you were next door neighbors in these little townhomes, he knew the basic layout of the place and was able to take you to your room without any difficulties. Getting you down onto the bed wasn’t as easy, but he managed to lay you down without waking you up. Oh, so he thought.
Just as he stepped away, you reached out and took hold of his wrist, keeping him place.
“Don’t go,” you mumbled. Your eyes were still closed and you were shoving half of your face into the pillow. You were too cute to resist.
Knowing that you would probably yell at him in the morning, Kris laid down beside you, shocked when you immediately attached yourself to his side. He smiled to himself as he wrapped an arm around your waist and drifted off.
Boy, you were in for a rude awakening.
At first, you were very comfortable with whatever pillow you were snuggling up with. Until you opened your eyes.
When you realized that the warm pillow was actually Kris, you screamed, throwing yourself off the bed in the process of shuffling away. The loud noises jolted Kris awake, immediately pushing himself up to a sitting position where his eyes found you on the hardwood floor.
“What are you doing down there?” he laughed.
“Me?” you scoffed. “What are you doing in my bed?”
He raised an eyebrow. “You were the one who asked me to stay.”
Absolutely flustered because the memories of last night were flooding back to you all at once, you scrambled up from the floor, putting your fists on your hips. “You shouldn’t take my intoxicated ramblings at face value.”
Rolling his eyes, Kris slid off the bed so he was now standing nearly toe to toe with you. With gentle fingers, he cupped your jaw and caressed your cheek with his thumb. “Are you saying that you don’t actually like me?”
“Uh- well… no, you see- it’s just that- I mean, come on, we-”
You couldn’t finish a single thought or sentence. You were completely cornered. Actions truly spoke louder than words. Because – well, maybe you did like him. Last night kind of proved that. And… there was a fine line between irritation and attraction, wasn’t there?
You sighed heavily, pouting your lips. “Okay, so maybe I do like you… like that. What about it?”
Not answering your very important question, Kris dripped down and pressed his lips to yours. It was a deep kiss, one that made you snake your fingers through his sleep-tousled hair as he pulled you in closer with his warm hands pressed against your back. With incredible expertise, he gripped your hips and lifted you up so you could wrap your legs around his waist. However, not so expertly, Kris ended up tripping, sending both of you backwards onto the bed.
You couldn’t help but laugh hysterically as you pushed yourself up. “Smooth.”
Kris simply shrugged, the faintest of pinks painting his cheeks. “Part of my charm, right?”
Shaking your head, you giggled, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
Satisfied with that answer, Kris pulled you down again, continuing where you’d left off.
Almost two weeks had gone by and you were still in a slight state of shock at the fact that you were dating your neighbor Kris; the boy that you couldn’t stand just a while ago was suddenly making you smile and your heart race. Oh, well. Life was just funny that way, you guessed.
Said boyfriend was scheduled to come over tonight for dinner and you wanted to make him a meal that would really impress. That meant a trip to the market.
You were currently looking over the tomatoes, smiling over the irony of it all.
“Finding everything all right, dear?” Mrs. Wu inquired when she stepped around the display.
“Yes, thank you,” you nodded. “In fact, I think I will call it good with these.” You held out the bag you’d filled with her goods and Mrs. Wu counted everything before adding it all up on her calculator she’d pulled out from her pocket. You handed her the amount due and started off.
“Wait!” Mrs. Wu called out before you’d taken two steps.
“My son is just inside,” she grinned at you. “Please, let him help you with your bags.”
You sighed. “Mrs. Wu, I really appreciate it, but-”
Your jaw dropped. Because who else just waltzed out of the shop but none other than Kris. He kissed his mother on the head before stepping up to you, taking the bags out of your hand. There was no fight from you; the shock was still much too present.
“Come on,” Kris smirked. “I’ll help you home.”
Shaking your head, you followed him up the road while Mrs. Wu waved excitedly behind you. She had no idea that the pair up she’d been trying to concoct this whole time had already happened and her wish manifested. You were absolutely dumbfounded as you stared at Kris’ back, but you quickly ran to catch up with him, happy with the little surprise from the market.
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fairyscribbles · 7 years
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[ Yifan | Thieving Hearts ]
\ First Touch
You nodded, smiling when he threaded your fingers together and led you back towards the house, your bag slung over his shoulder.
You were quite expecting the shocked gazes when you got inside, yet it didn't mean you welcomed them.
It wasn't very nice, being stared at by a tall wolf with weird ears and his mate, along with Jongdae and Haerin, who decided to join Chanyeol and Jimin downstairs. Kris noticed their staring and he sighed.
"Take a picture, guys. It lasts longer." He rolled his eyes and the youngest girl was the only one to react with a blush, hiding her face away, but as she turned her head to the side, she revealed her neck..and the bruise on it.
Oh. oh. Jongdae finally decided to taint his little mate?
She caught you looking at it, and her blush spread down her neck. All you did was smile at her, glad that Jongdae seemed to be able to control himself enough to mark his mate. As Jongdae reached to wrap an arm around Haerin, you couldn't help but glance at Kris's back.
How long would it take before you no longer felt the tinge of doubt with him? Until you were finally able to believe that he wasn't going to disappear? Until you could carry around a mark like Haerin's...?
You shook the thoughts out of your head, because you heard you mate tell Jongdae something about protection and the way he was holding up your bag full of weapons indicating that he must've started to talk about the mate's need to protect themselves.
You moved in closer, standing in between the curious Chanyeol and Kris, looking at the suspicious Jongdae.
"And how do you expect the mates are to protect themselves?" Jongdae asked and you could clearly see his fingers wanting to reach for his mate.
"Well...last night, during the raid, I took some guns and-"
"No." Jongdae's eyes turned hard and you could hear Chanyeol's snicker from next to you.
"Jongdae..." Haerin said softly and as she was slowly inching to you. She looked genuinely curious of the weapons, but the second she got too close, Jongdae was wrapping his arm around her waist and twirling her behind him.
"Out of the question, baby."
"Jongdae, don't be like this," she scolded. "It's for our own protection."
"I'll protect you," Jongdae insisted, to which Haerin just pursed her lips.
You were glad for that, considering that the topic was still a sore subject for all of you. "But... this gives her an option, Jongdae. It doesn't leave her completely helpless in the event that... she is left alone..."
Haerin touched her mate gently, communicating warmth and reassurance even from where you stood. "I know you want to be there for me at all times, but we have to be realistic..." she whispered calmly.
Jongdae scowled. "But a gun? They're so unpredictable, and you wanna learn that?"
"I can't really learn martial arts, Jongdae." Haerin told him and you nodded.
"I agree. Even if she would be able to pack a punch, it would take only one to take her down." Jongdae's head turned over slowly to look at you and you panicked, speaking some more.
"I'm pretty sure only one good aimed hit from a tougher guy could knock her out, even worse..."
"___." Kris's voice stopped your mindless babbling after Jongdae's eyes turned red and he snarled, pulling his mate even closer.
"I'm shutting up now..." you murmured, taking refuge in Kris's arms when he reached out for you.
"What ___ was trying to say is that I'm tiny." Haerin cupped Jongdae's cheek, letting herself be pulled against her mate tightly.
"I can't really rely on my hits and kicks to defend me."
"Yes, but guns?" Jongdae whined, holding the hand against his cheek.
"Jongdae, the day I'll be able to overpower Kris oppa or Chanyeol oppa I won't need guns."
"Yeah, but..." Jongdae scowled. Because he knew it was a losing battle. "...guns, really?"
You almost wanted to look away when Haerin gave you a pleading look. She wanted to learn, and after what you guys went through together, you didn't blame her in the least.
"Jongdae, you can be there..." you whispered, instinctively moving further into your mate's hold to escape any possible backlash.
"Yeah. You watch and help me," Haerin added, to which Jongdae just groaned.
"I'm just gonna panic at everything."
"You sound like a mom, Jongdae-yah," Chanyeol teased, earning himself an elbow to the ribs from a smiling Jimin.
"Yah, I'm an injured man." Chanyeol mumbled with a small pout as he rubbed the poked spot. The cute giant was ignored though, you and Kris watched the silent exchange Jongdae and Haerin had with eye contact.
In the end, Jongdae sighed and shook his head.
"But if you ever get even this close to hurting yourself," Jongdae demonstrated to Haerin with his index and middle finger, which were tightly smushed together.
"I'm stopping this and forever chaining you together to me, so I can protect you. You got it?"
"Y-you're insane..." Haerin said breathlessly.
A little unreasonable, if you could say so yourself. But you chose not to.
"I'm your mate. When it comes to anything concerning you, I kinda am." Jongdae's tone was matter-of-fact.
But at least he agreed. And that was all you really needed.
"So... we're good to go?"
"Eh?!" Jongdae's head whipped around to look at you with a shocked expression, and you instinctively buried yourself in Kris's arms. Luckily, he understood and while one of his arms were wrapped around you, he tried to nudge you back behind him.
"Can we?!" Haerin's exclamation was quite the opposite, very hyper, as she tried to bounce to you, but Jongdae's strict hold on her preventing it.
"B-but we can't shoot just yet, because of yesterday...so we can go practice aiming."
Haerin's pout might as well have been a tantrum, but Jongdae was good at appeasing his mate. He kissed her gently, ignoring everyone else in the room and effectively wiping her pouting away.
You turned away from the displays of affection, smiling uneasily up at Kris. "It's okay, right..?"
He sighed, shrugging as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "I guess... It's not like you two are gonna let us stop you, right?"
You smiled, leaning up on tiptoes to reach his chin and planting a grateful peck there. "Okay, come supervise, alpha."
Kris groaned, swatting at your ass playfully. "Don't sweet talk me. Just go."
And with a slight blush, you went. Jimin and Chanyeol left somewhere in the middle of the grand persuasion of Jongdae and so it was only the four of you.
If you could say honestly, Haerin was a much better student than Jimin. The young girl effortlessly mastered the pistol within a few moments and she was eager to learn more, much to her mate's distaste. Even though the shotgun seemed to be a bit too heavy for her, she handled it like a champ, practicing until she couldn't anymore and the morning sun slowly moved up high above.
You didn't even realize how fast time went by, you only knew once Kris wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you in closer so he could whisper in your ear.
"Aren't you hungry? You've been teaching her for three hours now." He murmured and you turned to look at him with shock in your eyes. Three hours? Kris nodded, kissing your forehead.
"Let's call it a day, and put Jongdae's mind at ease."
"Yes, please!" Jongdae practically wailed.
The rest of you just laughed as Jongdae snatched the weapon from his mate's hands and tossed it towards Kris, who caught it with ease in one hand. Then Jongdae was herding his mate into his arms, nuzzling her as he cooed things you couldn't hear. You glanced up at Kris, who was touching your hair absentmindedly.
"Should we go inside then?"
"That would probably be best," he said with a smile, not even bothering to alert Jongdae and Haerin.
The two of you slipped back towards the house, leaving the mated couple behind to do what they were doing. When you got inside, the call of the couch was too tempting. You plopped back into it before Kris could even finish setting the weapons down, groaning with relief. "Ohh, I didn't realize how tiring that could be..."
He chuckled, walking towards you and you automatically lifted your torso and head up so Kris could settle on the couch and you could rest your head in his lap. You sighed in bliss when you felt Kris dips his fingers into your hair, carding through them in a caring manner.
"You're a good teacher." He murmured in appreciation and he almost absentmindedly traced your lips with his fingers before they fluttered downwards. You shivered at the contact, looking up at him with a small smile.
"Are you sure you're not hungry?"
You glanced up at him. "Are you?"
He shook his head. "Not really, but I'll go grab you something."
"How sweet of you," you smiled, reaching up and playing with the collar of his shirt.
He took that as his cue, curving down to close the distance. You looped your arm around his neck, leaning up as well to meet him halfway. You kissed softly - once, twice - before Kris let you ease back down.
His smile was gentle, as he looked down at you with adoring eyes. The look made you feel something come alive inside you. Made you feel...oh so safe, oh so loved.
Something you haven't felt for a very long time in your life, if ever.
You reciprocated his smile, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"Is there anything you'd specifically like?" He asked as he nuzzled into your hand, making you chuckle.
"Not really. I don't care."
"Yixing hyung wanted to make some lunch, so if you'll wait, you can have something warm." Kyungsoo added from the stairs, hair ruffled as he looked like he just woke up.
"Hey, Kyung-ah," Kris greeted with a smile, surveying the younger wolf. "You feeling okay?"
"Hi, hyung. I'm fine... It'll heal... Noona," said wolf ducked his head towards you before shuffling to the kitchen. Where he seemed to be a lot, you noted.
"Kyungsoo's not mated?" you asked curiously.
"Not yet," Kris sighed. "I almost wish he was. So someone can take care of him now. He's just like Minseok. He never complains about pain. He just... keeps it to himself."
You frowned. "You think he's in a lot of pain..?"
Kris shrugged. "That's the problem. I have no idea. I'll be back. I'll go get you food and talk to him."
You sat up. "You mind if I come and sit at the table?"
Kris raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were tired?"
It was your turn to shrug. "I wanna know if he's okay too."
He smiled before shrugging.
"Alright, come on." He helped you get off the couch and you followed your mate to the kitchen, where the younger wolf was already making food for himself. He looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
"How are you feeling, Kyung-ah?" Kris sat down at the table, watching as the wolf looked away from his alpha, a clear sign he couldn't quite lie to his leader.
"It's managable, hyung." You tsked, shaking your head. It was now at you where Kyungsoo's surprise stare was aimed.
"You were shot with wolfsbane. Did you make the medicine to take it out?" Both of the wolves now looked at you.
"There is medicine to deal with it?" Kyungsoo asked and you nodded, already moving to the closet to search for the right ingredients.
"We never thought something like that existed. We would just wash it out with water..." Kris mumbled, watching you in awe.
"Well, that was the way it's supposed to be. This is something every citizen knows just in case they get caught in a fight between the wolfsguard and the wolves." You pushed a tray, knife and some roots over to your mate, clearly wanting him to cut it up.
"It makes the wolfsbane disappear faster in your body, and it could quicken the healing process."
Kyungsoo gaped, leaning over your side as you went about putting a pot on the stove. "Hm... I bet Jimin knows..."
"She's a little preoccupied with Chanyeol... and Kyungsoo doesn't know how to say anything," Kris quipped.
Said wolf threw a glare towards his alpha, who just glared right back, daring him to say otherwise. When the younger wolf just remained quiet and pouted, Kris chuckled. You had to smother your own giggle, focusing instead on the boiling water in front of you.
"Kris, give me that stuff, please."
Carefully, knowing that the ingredients would make the water sizzle, you dropped in the tiny squares and slices of roots and other things, stirring it in the water.
"It should be ready in a few moments..." you murmured, mostly to yourself but you knew the two wolves heard you.
"Kyungsoo, could you take off your shirt, please?" You did expect your mate's growl. What you didn't expect was Kyungsoo's small blush that spread over his cheeks.
"Really, Kris? What, are you afraid he's more buff than you?" You teased, turning around to grin at the alpha.
Kris scowled. "Well, he's stronger than me."
You turned to Kyungsoo's now more intense blush with a grin. "Please don't worry about him." You waved off your mate's growl. "What I'm concerned about is you getting better."
Kyungsoo bowed his head, but he flashed his alpha an apologetic look anyway before tugging his shirt off.
You tried not to look too hard - at the very least - to appease your mate, and you gestured to the table for Kyungsoo to sit as you went to stir one last time. With a sigh, you followed the injured wolf to the table, making a point of kissing Kris gently before setting the pot on the table.
"Can I have a towel, please?"
Kris nodded silently, kissing you again before going to fetch it. He came back within seconds, handing you the towel and plopping back into his seat.
You chuckled at his petulant behavior before dipping the towel into the still steaming liquid. "Don't burn yourself."
You laughed. "Thank you, Kris."
You waited for a moment, moving to inspect the three arrow holes on his chest. They were red and slightly swollen, making you frown.
"Kyungsoo, this must hurt like hell..." you murmured, but Kyungsoo shook his head.
"It isn't that b-!" His words were interrupted by a painful snarl when you jabbed into the wound with your finger.
"And I didn't even do this with much force." You looked at him with a small glare before moving to retrieve the towel that now cooled down a bit.
"You know it isn't shameful to say it hurts, right?" Kyungsoo scoffed, looking at you with still-red eyes.
"Yeah, and who should I go to?"
"Us. Joonmyun." Kris was the one to speak up now.
"Just because you don't have a mate doesn't mean you're something less than your brothers."
Kyungsoo sighed, watching as you wrung the towel a bit and held it up. "I just didn't think it was worth worrying about. Chanyeol and Sehun got it worse."
"And yet Chanyeol was out and about with his mate today, watching her shoot."
Kyungsoo didn't even attempt another excuse. He just stiffened as you approached with the towel, frowning. "It might sting..."
You saw his jaw clench as he gritted his teeth for the oncoming pain.
Kris was already rising from his chair.
"Should I do it? Just in case." He inched closer to you, at which you clicked your tongue.
"It's fine, alpha. Don't worry about it."
"No, noona." Kyungsoo's voice had you snapping in surprise his way.
"I...it's not the best area for me, and I don't know how I might react. Could hyung do it?" You stared at him for a while, the wide eyes looking as honest as ever.
"I would hate to hurt you when all you are trying to do is help."
You smiled appreciatively at him, nodding. But when you went to hand the towel to Kris, you were surprised to see the flash of red in his eyes. "Kris..?"
He growled, taking the warm cloth from your hand. "I just don't like the idea of you getting hurt."
You raised an eyebrow, and Kyungsoo gave an uncertain chuckle. Maybe go try and ease some tension, including his own nervousness. "And I don't much like the idea of hurting her, hyung."
You patted Kris's back in comfort, stepping away from Kyungsoo just to appease the alpha.
"You see? Far away now. Kyungsoo won't reach me now." Kris shook his head with a chuckle, making his way to the injured packmate.
"You first need to press the cloth in, so the oitment gets into his skin and washes out the wolfsbane."  You instructed and your mate did just that, looking at you when Kyungsoo snarled in pain.
"It will hurt but he will heal much faster now." You said with a guilty frown, making Kyungsoo chuckle shakily.
"Don't worry, noona. I can handle a little pain."
You smiled reassuringly back at him and returned to instructing your mate. Kris did just as you told, circular motions as he cleaned out the wound, occasional wringing out of the towel and one change, after the cloth got too bloody. Unconsciously, you started moving to the suffering werewolf as well, and you didn't ever realize it until you were leaning over him, running your fingers through his hair in comfort.
"You're almost done, Kyungsoo..."
It didn't take much more. Kris managed another bloody towel, but he washed that out and used a bit more of the medicine to wash away what you hoped were the last remnants of the wolfsbane.
Kyungsoo was left leaned back uncomfortably on the chair, panting, body slack with relief from the pain.
"Is it... all out?" he grumbled.
"I think so," Kris answered, patting Kyungsoo's shoulder gently. "We should've known of this sooner."
"It would've been nice," Kyungsoo groaned.
You smiled, pushing his hair back from his forehead and feeling his temperature. "Are you feverish or is that just a stressed werewolf thing?"
"We run hot," Kris answered. "We don't really get sick, even after such injuries, because of it. His system is trying to recover."
"I'll be fine soon. Thank you, noona."
You smiled at Kyungsoo. "Of course. Get some
rest, okay?"
Kris helped him to his feet, but Kyungsoo seemed stable enough to grab his shirt again and wobble to the stairs. "I'm gonna sleep a bit. See you guys."
You waved at him, listening as Kris tossed the rest of the medicine and washed his hands.
"Well that was relatively quick..."
Kris sighed. "I told you. Kyungsoo is good at no-nonsense."
"I see that," you mumbled.
But you found yourself squealing when you were swung up. "Now you. I have a bone to pick with you."
You kicked futilely the entire way as Kris climed the stairs with you in his arms, and he kicked the door to his room shut before tossing you on the bed. You blinked, and he was above you, hovering almost menacingly. Your heart kicked rapidly, and your first instinct was to reach and beat at his chest.
But he caught your wrists before you could do even that. "I told you to stay back. You're lucky Kyungsoo's control is good."
"He was in pain!" you countered easily.
For some reason, you adopted a motherly approach when you saw the younger wolf in pain. There was no way you weren't going to comfort him.
Kris groaned. "You're so good at getting yourself in trouble, ___..."
You scowled, but he was burying his face into your neck the next minute, and your angry retort died on your lips.
"But thank you..."
"You've gone out of your way all day to help the pack."
Oh... You blinked, unsure how to answer. But he raised his head and looked down at you, kissing your nose gently.
"I really appreciate this, ___."
You smiled, not quite sure what to say, so you just didn't say anything. You wriggled your wrist a bit and Kris let your hand free, so you could reach up and cup his cheek. Kris nuzzled into it, his eyes closing in bliss at the contact.
"It's to repay what you've done for me..." you murmured, when you realized you were currently stroking his cheek with your right hand. Kris's eyes watched you in confusion.
"For the hand..." Kris's chest rumbled as he shook his head. He then turned to kiss at your palm.
"No, baobei. You can't expect me to watch my mate be in pain, can you?" You chuckled.
"Have you known it by then?" You asked him and Kris nodded, dropping down onto his elbows. He nuzzled his nose against yours.
"Since the first time I saw you, I knew..." he murmured softly and you moved your other hand to card them through his hair lovingly. Almost unconsciously, his chest vibrated against yours as he rumbled in content.
"How did you know, though?"
"I just knew. It's something primal."
You hummed in thought.
"I guess I have that primal sense, too. You know why?" Kris smiled, shaking his head.
"Because I also knew you were my mate at some point." Kris's eyes sparkled in interest.
"Really? How?"
"Like this." You pulled him in closer, planting your lips over his.
Kris growled, but he sank into your body naturally anyway. Who was he to argue when his mate decided to kiss him so passionately?
"Yet you fought me so hard."
"I'm still fighting you," you muttered, palms slipping up his back over his shirt. "You have a lot to prove to me..."
Kris eased up just to stare down at you. "And by that you mean?"
You shrugged as best as you could from the position. "You can figure that out, can't you, alpha?"
Kris grinned, shaking his head before leaning down to kiss you again. This time he led the kiss, soft lips moving against yours, stealing your breath away little by little, until you were left breathless under him, panting lightly with a small blush over your cheeks.
"Do you enjoy seeing me struggle?" Kris asked you, his voice slightly deeper than usually, making all beautiful things happen in your tummy.
"Maybe a little. Just because how handsome you look when you frown." You confessed, making him chuckle. His hand came up to stroke your cheek with an affectionate look in his eyes.
"I enjoy seeing you blush...especially when you blush so prettily just for me..."
You glared at him, but it probably didn't look half as threatening as you wanted it to considering you were still blushing just as he said.
Kris sighed, kissing your cheek gently. "Now you're just asking for it."
"F-for what?" you grumbled, punching his shoulder lightly.
"To be teased," he rumbled.
Your face went even hotter. Because he didn't elaborate... and you weren't sure how you were supposed to take that at all.
Kris leaned in again but lower this time, slowly and carefully kissing your neck, taking his sweet time to explore the area. Chaste kisses turned into openmouthed ones when you leaned your head back, offering him more with a sigh and closed eyes. Kris growled as your hands tightened in his shirt, pulling him lower on you. He complied, pressing himself into you a little more and he grinned wolfishly at your gasp when his tongue licked a trail all the way up to your ear.
"My sweet little mate..." he rasped into your ear, nibbling on your lobe.
"I'm n-not sweet..." you opposed a bit breathlessly and Kris chuckled.
"I beg to differ. Your scent is the sweetest thing I ever smelled...all drenched in arousal, just for me."
Your tone kicked up an octave when you squealed lightly and swatted at his shoulder. But that turned into an even higher-pitched surprised sound when his large hand swatted right back - at what he could reach of your ass.
And damn if that didn't make you arch against him with a gasp. You couldn't exactly deny your arousal at that point.
Kris chuckled, his hand settling back on the bed as he spoke against the curve of your ear again. "Mm~ So sweet..."
Instinctively, your legs parted, letting your mate settle deeper against you with a growl on his lips. Your hands balled into the back of his shirt when you felt him press into you, hardened arousal into your core.
Kris growled your name, one of his hands gliding down the side of your body, all the way down to your leg, where he hoisted it over his waist, kissing you once again. His palm then cupped your ass and you gasped, bucking up into him at his squeeze.
"K-Kris..." you basically whimpered. It has been such a long time since you've done this with someone and this feeling was so perfectly exquisite, you never wanted it to end.
"Yes, baby?" Without another word, you tugged on his shirt, whining almost pathetically. That stupid shirt needed to be off. Right. Now.
Kris chuckled roughly, slipping your fingers away before tugging the shirt off. It slid over his head, and you followed the entire trail up, biting your lip to keep in the moan that wanted to come out.
You were so lucky.
Your palms landed on his abs before he could even toss the shirt aside, and Kris's hissed from between his teeth.
"Your hands are cold..."
You laughed. "You're so romantic."
He leaned down, his hands sliding under your shirt and making you hiss right back.
"I know," he whispered, kissing up your arched neck as his fingers ghosted over your ribs. "You like it?"
You merely hummed, eyes closed in bliss as you enjoyed the way you felt his soft lips explore your neck before they sucked on a certain spot. Immediately, nails dug into his skin and Kris growled, sucking well enough until he was content with the blooming bruise over your virgin skin.
"That will be the spot." He rumbled proudly, looking down at you with a glint in his amber eyes. Your mate had control, you noted. You wondered what you would have to do to break it.
"T-the spot?" You asked and Kris only nodded, swooping down again after he discarded your shirt as well.
"Yes." He rasped in your ear.
"The spot where I will mark you as mine."
Your belly clenched at the idea. To be marked. To belong to him? To someone at all...
Kris's hand palmed your breast through your bra, and you pushed up against him with a breathy sigh.
"I don't know what I'm doing here..."
You blinked before your eyes narrowed at him. This silly wolf and his impulsive declaration. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"I shouldn't be touching you, but I can't stop."
Which you could see judging by the way he slipped his hands to your back to unclasp your bra.
The offending garment was thrown aside, away from you and Kris leaned up to look at you with an undescribable expression in his eyes. You weren't the shyest of people but when you saw him look at you like that, your arms inched to cover yourself up.
"Don't." He grabbed your arms, stilling you. You shivered when he licked his lips and your nipples puckered up, almost as if they were prepared for him.
"Beautiful..." he snarled just a second before he swooped down to bury his face in your chest.
You gasped in surprise, but it didn't stop you from arching up towards him. Your hands wound straight into his hair, and Kris growled as he nuzzled his cheek against one breast before taking the nipple into his mouth.
Your breath rushed out in the form of his name, and Kris was encouraged to roll his tongue around it, making your eyes screw shut.
"Hnnngg. K-Kris..."
He hummed as he trailed kisses to the other breast, laving the other, already budded nipple the same way.
Your core burned with desire. It felt unbearable, mainly because Kris just barely started doing something to you and it already made you feel this way. You moaned out his name again and your legs naturally parted as wide as they go, unconsciously offering yourself to him. Kris snarled.
"Baobei, do you know what you're doing to me?" He ground out in a gruff voice but even so, his hand trailed down and ripped the pants off you, making you squeak in surprise. That squeak soon changed into a mewl when you felt his fingers press into you through your panties, into your already engorged clit, making your head fall back against the pillows.
"The way you say my name..." he grated, his finger moving just barely. The press already made your eyes flutter, and you fought to keep your hips from moving against him too much.
You twisted underneath him, hand grabbing at his side to bring him closer. "Kris..."
"Please..." you whimpered against his lips, your hips grinding up to meet his now moving finger. You could barely keep eye contact with the blood red eyes, as they stared down at you with great intensity.
"Are you sure, baby?" He asked, his voice deliciously deep, deliciously husky, just the way you loved it. You nodded shakily and Kris growled before covering your lips with his and slipping off your panties. You gladly spread your legs wider, welcoming the touch of his fingers up your now bare core when-
"Duizhang, Sehun woke up."
"Fucking hell."
The grating curse echoed through your lips as Kris's mouth hovered over them, his teeth baring in an indignant snarl.
You closed your eyes, willing the moment not to break. You swung your legs around Kris's hips, locking at his back to keep him in place.
"No..." you whined.
From not feeling like this for so long, from not having anything like this ever, to having your mate here ready to pleasure you? You didn't want to be interrupted, as selfish as it felt.
"Is he okay?" Kris grumbled.
"Yeah. Disoriented..."
Kris growled, grabbing the nape of your neck and planting a hard kiss against your lips.
"Five minutes." He growled against you.
"Give me five minutes, babe." And then he was sliding off, covering your naked form with a sheet. He didn't bother putting on a shirt. Just like that, he swung the door open and with one heated glance sent your way, he was off, leaving you naked and alone in his bed.
Five minutes. Such little time yet it was long enough for all the tiny voices to appear in your head. The ones that sneered, laughing how gullible you were. All it took was for a guy to bring you water when you were hungover and tell you you're his mate, and you spread your legs. It was ridiculous. You thought that after your history, you'd grow more cautious but no, here you were again, naive and naked for someone you don't even know.
You didn't even realize what you were doing, only when you were slipping on Kris's boxers and your shirt. Stupid, you were so stupud...it rang in your head, Echoing in the silence. You slipped out of the room and snuck down the stairs before running out the back door.
You were so stupid...and you needed to be alone for a while.
Kris grumbled under his breath, and Yixing glanced over at him. "Sorry, duizhang."
"Don't be."
They walked into Sehun's room together, where Jongin was perched at his brother's side. "Sehun-ah."
"Hey, hyung."
"How you feelin'?"
Sehun muttered nonsensically, and Kris had to sigh. He promised his mate five minutes. And as much as he was worried about his packmate, he could already sense the turmoil in you all the way from the other room. He didn't want to lose what progress he may have made. He couldn't afford it.
Yet even when he was listening to his packmate mumble on without making sense and the pack's healer explained to him what was happening, Kris couldn't concentrate on what he was saying because he heard his mate run down the hallway. Seconds later, the back door closed and Kris closed his eyes, breathing heavily.
You will come back. He knew you will, he just hated that you felt the need to run away from him. He also tried to tamp down his urge to run after you, because feeling his mate run from him made his beast whine.
You will return. And Kris knew so and he was right, when in the middle of the dark night, he felt you slip wordlessly under the covers with him.
He said nothing. He didn't turn, didn't move his arms from behind his head where they propped up his head as he stared at the ceiling. He knew that you knew he was awake. His eyes were hard to hide in the dark, especially when flashing in relief to see his mate coming back.
You didn't say anything, but you did draw little patterns into his bicep, trying to curl into yourself and keep away from him.
"Are you mad?" you whispered, voice surprisingly frail.
"I was worried..."
"I came back." Your stubborn streak flashed with that statement. "I wasn't sure at first if I could, but I did..." And then it was back to softness just like that.
"No matter what you do, you can always come back to me." Kris told you honestly, his arm carefully and slowly curling around you in a fragile hold, just in case you didn't want to touch him yet. But you did, and you scooted deeper into his embrace, searching for the security Kris provided.
"I know this is hard to swallow at first..." he murmured, rubbing his thumb into your skin comfortingly.
"And although I hate not knowing where you are, if you need distance every now and then, I have no problem giving it to you."
You sighed, closing your eyes. This is why you came back. The appeal of this feeling, the warmth and acceptance, the safety in his arms.
"I'm mad at myself."
"Because I want to trust you. And then... sometimes, I really don't want to..."
Kris sighed. "It makes sense... As much as I don't like it, it does."
You groaned softly. "Is it... supposed to feel so... quick?"
"What is..?"
"Being a mate," you explained. "I don't know you, Kris. But... I actually... do trust you. And... you don't understand how strange this feels for me."
Kris sighed, pulling you closer. When you burrowed even deeper, he rumbled his content. "You trust me?"
It took a moment. "I can't explain it... and I'm not sure I like it... but yeah... I do."
"I won't do anything to betray that trust, ___."
"Yeah, I've heard that one before."
"From some mongrel who didn't know what he had." Kris growled, his grip growing tighter on you.
"He was lucky, too. If I had met you and you'd still be with him, he wouldn't have a chance."
"And what did that mongrel have?" You asked, looking up at him from where your chin was propped on his chest. Kris smiled down at you, running his fingers through your hair fondly.
"A mate of an alpha. My mate."
You smiled. "That... has a nice ring to it..."
Kris chuckled. "Good. I'm glad you think so."
You nuzzled into his shoulder with a sigh, unsure how to feel about the issue. You already spent hours going over it again and again in your head, so you were too drained to draw any more conclusions now anyway.
"Go to sleep..." he whispered, hand still weaving through your hair.
He didn't have to tell you twice- sleep was already creeping up on you, gently lulling you to sleep a little faster now that you were in Kris's arms. And his voice that seemed to hum some unknown tune to you just carried you off to dreamland and once again, you slept with ease, knowing that your mate is there to protect you.
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kpopyourcherryy · 7 years
Take It - (M)
Kris, hope you enjoy being hurt~ p.s I hope this kills you babies as much as it kills Kris <3 
Genre; S M U T
Length; just a smidgen over 3,000 words
Kink(s);  exhibitionism/public sex, oral (receiving), slight degradation, slight overstimulation, Daddy kink
Tumblr media
Usually, you loved shopping- you loved looking for cute outfits or just searching for lovely pieces to add to your wardrobe, but when it came to looking for formal clothes; you dreaded it. You found it boring and tedious- all the dresses seemed to look like one another, there was really never anything unique about any of them. 
But despite your feelings toward formal wear, you came along- knowing that it’d be a very important event for him and the others.
Hoseok and you seemed to walk around the mall for hours, going into each fancy department store five times over, looking for what the two of you would wear to tonight’s dinner. 
As the two of you walked into what was probably the eighth store today, you sighed in complete frustration. “Babe, we have lots of clothes like this at home-” You huffed while searching through the racks of look alike clothes. “-can’t we just wear what we already have?”
Immediately, your boyfriend shook his head- chuckling at your surly expression as he pulled out a chic little black dress.  “We need something new and elegant to wear, my love.” Holding the dress out in front of you, he grinned; biting his lower lip as he pictured it hugging your curves oh-so perfectly. “Here go try this one on princess.” 
Despite your distaste for the boring garment, you couldn’t deny that he had amazing taste. You rolled your eyes, letting out another exasperated sigh, but just as you were about to refuse- a fun little idea popped into your head. 
Your cheeks flushed a bright rose shade just thinking about it, “Daddy..” The sweet pet name rolling off your tongue in a mischievous purr and you walked over to him. 
Taking the gown from him, you intertwined your hand with his; batting your lashes up at him. “I’ll only go try it on if you come with me.” You softly cooed, biting your lower lip the instant you noticed that dark cloud of lust coat his fixated gaze. 
“Baby, you’re gonna regret it if you try anything.” He teased, following you over to the fitting rooms. His eyes zeroing in on your lower half, watching as your hips swayed with each step you took. 
“But will I really though?” You retorted as you opened the door to the room, hurriedly pulling him inside before locking it. 
Hoseok took a seat on the little bench inside, patting his lap. “Come here babygirl..” He cooed, reaching his hand out for you. “Let me help you undress..” 
You automatically obeyed, strutted over to him; wrapping your arms around his neck before taking a seat.  
His fingers hook around the hem of your shirt, lifting it off you in one quick movement tossing it onto the floor.  A soft hiss escaped his gritted teeth as he exposed your bare breasts, “Mhmm, no bra today?” He snickered, ghosting the pads of his fingers over your pert nipples. “You’re such a bad girl.” 
Just as you were about to reply, his mouth was on you; licking broad, enticing strips along your supple breasts before taking one of your nipples into his mouth.  A slight groan escaped him as his lightly nipped at your pearl, tugging it just as he began swirling his tongue around it. 
That familiar fiery need began to manifest in your core as the erotic sight he was, seduced you. “Da- Daddy..” You airily whimpered as he roughly bit down on your breasts, sucking the tender flesh.  Soft whines freely flowed from you as you began to rock your hips back and forth on his toned thigh in an attempt to find the friction you desperately craved.
“Fuck-” Hoseok lowly growled against your chest, using his free hand to grope your inner thighs as things began to quickly heat up. “You need to be quiet baby, you’re gonna get us in trouble.”
His hand trailed upwards, pushing up your skirt as his fingers traced along your sopping core- his torturous assault drawing out more of your trembled sounds. 
Just as he opened his mouth to say something else, someone knocked on the door. “Ma’am, is everything okay?” The man asked, knocking once more. “Do you need any help?”
Your cheeks turned red hot as your boyfriend suddenly pressing one of his digits inside of you.  “‘No-No thank you, I’m fi- I’m fine..” You stuttered, biting on your lower lip as you tried your absolute hardest to suppress your lewd moans. “I’ll be done in a mo- moment.” 
To your relief, the employee walked away- his heavy footsteps becoming faint as he left.  Immediately you turned to a smug Hoseok, “Babe you can’t-” You hissed, but your words fell flat as he suddenly shoved another one of his long digits inside your velvet. 
As he automatically pumped into with hefty movements, your body seemed to just turn to jelly as he curled and twisted his fingers inside you; perfectly striking your most sensitive spot with each thrust.  “Oh- Fuck.. fuck, fuck..” You whimpered, repeatedly cussing as euphoria filled you to the absolute brim. 
“What did I tell you, baby?” Hoseok snarled into your ear, only intensifying the entire situation. “Are you gonna be quiet?”  You wanted to nod, but your body refused to do anything but allow your erotic hushed mewls to escape you. 
Hoseok pompously grinned, retracting his fingers from your wanting velvet. “Looks like I’ll have to make you be quiet, huh?” He snickered, still teasing your slit. “Get up..”
“But- But..” You whined in protest, rocking your hips forward to meet each one of his gentle strokes. 
Shaking his head, he stilled his movements, “Did I fucking stutter?” He replied in an aggressive tone, harshly gripping your thigh. “Get up now.” 
“Y- Yes, Sir.” You obediently replied, standing from your spot on his lap. A soft shakily whimper flowing out of you as your legs trembled beneath you. 
“Take off your panties baby..” He purred, rising from his spot on the bench- moving in front of you. “Or do you need Daddy to do it for you?”
Biting your lower lip, you nodded, “Do it for me Daddy.~” You airily replied, instinctively rubbing your thighs together as your flower became more and more desperate for his touch. 
Hobi smiled, licking his lips- slowly crouching down in front of you; completely pulling down and off your, tossing it over with your t-shirt before sliding his fingers around the waistband of your panties.  “Mhmm, you’re so fucking wet for me..” He jeered, his eyes fixating on the wetness that soaked the crotch of your underwear as he yanked them down. 
Bringing your underwear up to his nose, he took a deep inhale- groaning as your sweet scent entranced him. “Fuck, you always smell so fucking delicious..” He rumbled as he stood back up.  Balling your panties up in his hand, he gently stroked his fingers through your curls before grabbing a fistful of them; his animalistic nature slowly taking over him. “Open, slut.” He harshly said, holding your panties up to your lips. 
“Wh-” You began but were immediately cut off as he began roughly tugging on your hair, his lips crashed against yours; encapturing you in a desperate kiss, your tongue fighting for dominance as he moved you back- practically slamming you against the wooden wall of the fitting room. 
Reluctantly he broke the kiss, keeping you pinned there as shoved your balled up panties into your mouth while pressing his hardened member against your bare thigh. With his lips still centimeters from yours, he purred, “Go lay on the bench now, slut.”  Slowly he moved from his place in front you, peppering intoxicating kisses along your collar bone. “Daddy wants to taste you..” 
The instant his bewitching words rang through your mind, you could feel the slickness between your legs practically drip down your thighs. You immediately made your way over to the small bench, sitting down as you watched him stalk over. 
Crouching in front of you once again, Hoseok lightly placed teasing pecks along your inner thigh. “You want me so fucking badly, huh whore?” He growled, licking his lips as your scent drew him in. “My sweet little y/n..” He breathily groaned as he finally put his skilled mouth on you. 
Your eyes practically rolled back as he gripped your thighs, keeping you in place while his tongue explored your folds. “Mhmm..” He hummed against you, the vibrations from his deep tone lightly massaging your aching clit. 
“Ahh.~” You whimpered into your panties, your hands finding their way to his soft brunette hair; taking fistfuls of it into your hands as his tongue penetrated you. 
His tongue relentlessly filled you, licking away at your sweet velvet before he moved his attention to your sensitive bud. 
“Fuck-” He lowly snarled, taking a few deep breaths; glancing up at you with his darkened eyes. “You always taste so fucking heavenly..” 
Again he delved back into your flower, this time his skilled tongue circled your clit before wrapping his plush lips around him.  Your shaky, muffled sounds filled the small room as your beloved Daddy quickly brought you near that sweet abyss with his talented mouth. 
Bring his hand up to your core, he continued toying with your throbbing clit while he lightly prodded your wanting entrance with his digits. Slowly, he eased two fingers inside you- instantly feeling you walls clench around them. 
“Does my babygirl need to cum?” He murmured as he retracted his mouth from you while pumping his lengthy digits into you with fast strokes.  Immediately you nodded, frantically whining as you rested your head against the wall, allowing that pressure in your core to build up as you concentrated on his delicious attack. 
A sadistic smirk sprawled across his ironically angelic face as he watched you squirm at his touch, “Cum baby..” He demanded, quicking the pace of his fingers as he watched you slowly unravel. “Good girl, cum all over Daddy’s fingers..”  
You could feel your cheeks become flushed as your entire body seemed to melt yet tense up all at once. “Mmm.~” You whined, your legs trembled as your orgasm washed over you. 
His talented tongue swiped over your hypersensitive bud four more times; viciously circling it before removing his fingers from your clenched silk. “God damn..” He sung, replacing his digits with his mouth; licking and sucking at your essence coated lips before probing your dripping hole. 
Your eyes practically rolled back as oversensitivity inched closer and closer with each ravishing twist and swirl of his muscle.  “Unf~ Ahh..” You whined, biting down on your panties as you involuntarily attempted to shut your legs. 
Hoseok airily chuckled against your heat, taking one last broad lap of your flower before moved back up your body. “Is Daddy’s mouth too much for you, kitten?” He coldly mocked as he planted sloppy kisses along your bosom. 
“Mhmm..” You whimpered in response- rapidly nodding, taking quick shallow breaths as he fooled with your hardened nipples once more. 
“Well then-” He replied, pinching your pearls; giving them torturous tugs as his dark gaze carefully watched as your face contorted with the painful pleasure.  “I think my cock would be a much better option then, huh y/n?” 
As soon as he said this, the embers in your core reignited. “Pl- Please..” You attempted to say despite the makeshift gag shoved in your mouth.  “So damn needy aren’t you?” He teased, rising up onto his feet before standing you up as well. 
Quickly, your boyfriend turned you around, pressing his hand against your upper back as he bent you over. Lightly kicking at your inner feet, “Feet apart and hands behind you back.” 
Nodding, you immediately obeyed knowing very well he wouldn’t hesitate to punish you right then and there.  “Such a good little girl-” He praised, running his hand down your upper back along your arch than to your plump little ass giving his a harsh yet discreet swat on your bum cheek. 
“Ahh.~~” You quietly whimpered, jolting forward as he grasped your hands; keeping them bound behind your back while he undid his pants. You turned your head slightly just watching as he slid his jeans down his toned thighs- the instant his lengthy cock sprung free, an eager whine flowed freely from your gagged mouth. 
“You want Daddy to fuck you, slut?” He lowly snarled, stroking his shaft as he watched you giddily wiggle your ass a little. “Mhmm, yeah of course you do. you’re always ready for my cock..” 
With your hands tightly pinned behind your back; bound by his strong vice grip, and you soaked panties shoved into your mouth- your boyfriend teasingly ran the tip of his member along your slit. As he gently rubbed against your drenched cunt, soft groans escaped his pursed lips. “Mhmm, such a naughty little girl..” He cooed. 
He listened to your muffled, tortured moans before finally sliding his cock inside you; pumping into you with powerful yet slow motions.  Your sounds, though suppressed, only seemed to get louder each time he pushed inside your velvet- filling you completely. “Sh, sh, sh..” He purred, purposely quickening his pace. “Be quiet, baby, you wouldn’t want us to get us to get caught, now would you?” 
Your soft moans escaped you though you attempted to quiet them, shaking your head in a weak response to his question.  “You say that but..” He growled, drilling into you as his free hand bruisingly gripped your hips. “You don’t fucking shut up. My little whore just wants them to come bursting in to watch me fuck your brains out, hm?” 
Tears began to form at the corners of your eyes as you already felt that painful yet sweet urge strengthened in your heated center. Rapid whines flowed out as your harshly bit down on your underwear, your wetness making a pornographic squelch with every hefty stroke. 
“Mhmm, you hear that baby?” He snarled through gritted teeth while ruthlessly pounding into you from behind. “Your sweet little cunt is so wet for me.”  Adjusting his footing with his cock still buried inside you, a choke up moan poured from you as his new position had him hitting your most sensitive spot so fucking perfectly. 
Hoseok chuckled at your mousy sound, “I’m hitting your spot aren’t I?”  Before you could even nod to reply, he shoved you face down onto the bench; making sure your ass stay nice and high for him as he began his brutish fucking. 
The feeling of his pounding as he exquisitely struck your spot over and over again; throwing your body into a euphoric frenzy as that pressure made itself more and more apparent.  “Cu- Cum..” You whimpered as your walls began to clench around his thick member. 
A predatory groan escaped him as he felt your silk tighten around his manhood, “Does my slut needa cum?” He thundered, still pounding into at an inhuman pace. Lifting his shirt, he took the hem into his mouth, keeping it up; exposing his glorious abs while watching his cock slide in and out your pussy. 
The sinful sight that he was plus the overwhelming sensation of him fucking just right, had you weak. Your body was practically putty now as your second orgasm raced toward you. Your boyfriend grinned as he watched you body begin to tremble, his thrusts began to sputter, his own climax inching closer by the minute. 
“Cum for Daddy, princess..” He groaned, his shirt falling from his mouth as he allowed more of his wonderful, airy sounds to escape him. “I wanna feel you cover my cock with it..” 
Your body, again, seemed to automatically respond to his lewd command; your body tensed up once more as your high slammed into you. Desperate little whimpers escaped you as your jaw went slack causing your panties to slowly slip out. 
Hobi seemed to just not care anymore because despite your noises becoming louder and louder, he pumping into at a vicious pace; chasing his own sweet release.  “Fuck baby..” He hissed, roughly nipping at his lower lip as your drenched walls clamped down on his manhood; in an attempt to milk him of his warm cum. 
“Shit, shit- “ He repeatedly cursed as his sloppy thrust signaled his incoming orgasm. “Do you want Daddy to cum, babygirl?” He mewled, picking up his pace one last time. 
“Yes- Yes, Daddy!~” You softly exclaimed, bucking your hips back to match every one of his rough thrusts. 
Throwing his head back at the divine sensation, “Wh- Where baby?” He stuttered, licking his lips as ecstasy filled him. ‘Where do you want me to cum?” 
“My..” You whined in a hushed tone, your brows furrowing as oversensitivity had your body feeling sore and weak. “My stomach..” 
Without saying a word, Hosoek stood you up; nearly pushing you down onto the bench. “Daddy’s gonna fucking cum..” He hummed, wedging himself between your legs as he locked eyes with you; stroking his member until he finally let out the most ethereal groan, his body becoming stiff as streams of his warm spunk painted across your bare tummy. 
“Mhmm fuck..” You moaned, rubbing the fluid up to your breasts before taking your soiled fingers into your mouth; sucking them clean. 
That shy yet smug smirk of his painted across his face as he watched you play with and clean up as much of his cum as you could.  “We- We should probably go now..” He giggled, running his fingers through hair while taking deep, quick breaths before standing to pull up his pants and gather your clothes. “I wouldn’t doubt if the entire store heard us- my princess just isn't one to be discreet.” He playfully teased
Nodding, your cheeks blushed a vibrant red as you stared up at him for a moment longer- admiring his post sex charm,  before attempting to get up yourself.  As he handed you your top and skirt, you snickered; letting out a stifled sigh,“Yeah..” You mousily replied, looking up at him with a coy little grin. “-but in my defense, you weren’t much help, babe.” 
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
EXO | You Feel Insecure About Yourself Because Of What Magazines and “Fans” Say
Anonymous said:
If it's not too much to ask, could you do a Big Bang reaction and Exo reaction to you feeling insecure about your body because of what magazines and "fans" say?
I kinda changed it up and made it where you become insecure about anything that the fans or magazines could point out about you and not just your body. Hope you enjoy.
Xiumin/Minseok: “Colored contacts?” Minseok said looking over your shoulder and seeing what you were looking for online, “You looking for some for the costume party?”
You quickly closed your laptop and turned around to face him. “The thought hadn’t crossed my mind.”
“So how come you were looking at them?” he asked.
“No reason?” you replied, not wanting to tell him the real reason why to were looking at colored contacts.
“Is this about what the fans said about your eyes?” he asked.
“You...you saw that?” you said sadly.
“Jongdae did...he let me know about it...I don’t tend to really pay attention to that sort of stuff,” he replied, “You do know that they’re just jealous that you have two different colored eyes.”
“The fans think I’m a freak....”
“Do you think you’re a freak?”
“................I just....I don’t know...I’ve always been made fun of because of them.”
“Well you are not a freak, you are beautiful and unique in every way and that’s what a love about you. Your eyes are just another thing that’s special about you.”
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Suho/Junmyeon: “To be honest? These aren’t the most intelligent people I’ve ever met,” Junmyeon said reading the article that you had showed him.
“I mean...do I wear too much makeup? Be honest?” you questioned.
“I would say you wear the same amount of makeup anyone else wears these days...they want to blow it out of proportion because I said you do makeup tutorials,” he replied.
“But...I mean for someone to say that there must be some merit, shouldn’t there?” you questioned.
“I told you stuff like this might happen,” he said, “You’re a makeup artist, you do tutorials so that people can learn how to do their own makeup, yeah it looks like a lot of product but think about what I’ve worn at times,” he said, “Now that is a lot of makeup.”
“You’ve got a point.”
“See...you’re makeup is completely normal for daily use...again, they’re blowing it out of proportion.”
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Lay/Yixing: “Were you expecting me?” Yixing asked, walking into the bedroom to see you standing in front of the mirror in just your underwear.
“Do you think I need to work out more?” you questioned.
“Um...no...I think three days a week works fine for you...” he replied.
“So you don’t think I’m pudgy?” you asked sadly.
“Why would I think you’re pudgy? And why would you think that?” he asked.
“I just may or may not have read somewhere that I looked like I had gained weight...” you said.
He was confused by your statement until he saw the open magazine on the bed. “Oh...that thing. He’s a crackpot reporter looking for attention. He criticizes idols for a living and apparently he attacks their loved ones too.”
“I try really hard when I work out...”
“And it shows...soon you’ll look like this,” he said lifting up his shirt to show you his abs, “That guy’s just a freak show reporter, nothing more.”
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Baekhyun: “Come on jagi, you haven’t smiled all day...that’s so unlike you,” Baek whined, “What’s wrong.”
“I just don’t feel like smiling right now...that’s all,” you said, looking away from him. Truth was, you were slightly embarrassed from your recently acquired braces. When you had gotten your braces, your doc told you that you would have them for about a year maybe longer depending on your progress so you had stayed positive about the fact that they would be off before you knew it. However some fans had been commenting recently on some Instagram about how unappealing they were and even making fun of them.
“But you always feel like smiling...and we watched your favorite movie...what’s wrong?” Baek questioned.
“I just...I’m embarrassed to smile...” you said sadly.
“But why?” he asked.
“Cause of my braces...tell the truth...I look funny,” you said.
“You look as funny as I do, I mean look at this...” he said, opening his mouth and sticking it in your face.
“Ah Baek stop!” you said laughing.
“There we go...a beautiful smile.”
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Chen/Jongdae: “Hey Jongdae?” you said walking into the living room, phone in hand, “Do I have a ‘rigid and cold personality’?”
“Um...no,” he said, sitting up and looking over the back of the couch at you, “What in the world would make you think you did.”
“Well there have been pictures taken of us and well...people of been saying that I seem to have a rigid and cold personality because we’re never seen holding hands...” you replied.
“You mean because you don’t like PDA and I respect that?” he asked.
“Well...I didn’t really think of it like that....” you said.
“Y/N...when we first started dating you said that you weren’t really into the whole PDA thing and I respect that and you make up for it when we’re out of the public eye,” he said, “Like right now...you owe me some cuddles.” 
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Chanyeol: “Do you consider me ‘too short’?” you questioned.
“No...why?” he asked.
“A fan took a photo of us and apparently be you had to lean down to kiss me there are fans that think I’m too short to be with you,” you replied.
“That’s silly,” he remarked, “I think the fact that you’re short is really cute and it has it’s advantages sometimes.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked putting your hands on your hips.
“Um...if you’re thinking what I’m thinking that’s not what I meant...”
“I was thinking it was because you like to tease me sometimes...what were you thinking?”
“Oh crap, this is embarrassing...my mind wandered I’m sorry.”
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D.O.: “I thought you were going to wear the new skirt you got you?” Kyungsoo said when you walked into the living room in a shirt and pants instead of the intended blouse and skirt you said you were going to wear.
“I though this would look better,” you said.
“But that skirt looked cute on you,” he said slightly disappointed.
“I just don’t think its a good idea...I wouldn’t want my thighs to offend anyone...” you said sadly.
“Huh? What do you mean by that?” 
“When we went to the awards show...that dress that I wore...apparently it was too short for me and showed off my ‘fat thighs’.”
“Whoever said that obviously has no idea what they’re talking about...personally I love your thighs just the way they are and if you want to show them...show them. You’re beautiful.”
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Kai/Jongin: “I’m not that bad of a dancer...” you mumbled watching the video that Jongin had posted of the both of you and reading some of the fan comments that were pouring in, “I mean I’m no professional by any means but...”
“Hey Y/N, what are you up to?” Jongin asked.
“Am I a bad dancer?” you questioned.
“Actually, for someone who said that they had never tried choreographed dancing you did very well...why?” he questioned.
“I was rewatching the video that you made and there were fans saying that I danced like a “new born baby giraffe” and “Y/N should be embarrassed dancing next to Kai like that”...”
“You did really really well Y/N. Far from a new born baby giraffe; a few more practice sessions and I think you would be able to keep up with me and the rest of the guys at full speed instead of half.”
“No buts...in fact...why don’t we do some more dancing now...”
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Sehun: (Y/NH/C -You New Hair Color)
You had dyed your hair; it was the first time you had ever dyed your hair and you had decided to live on the edge and dye it Y/NH/C. When you had first dyed your hair you were quite proud of it. But after a fashion magazine posted a picture of you and Sehun and commented on your hair in a not so positive way.
“I think it would look cuter if you wore the hate with your hair showing,” Sehun said, watching you as you got ready to go out.
“Eh...I don’t know...my hair showing probably isn’t a great idea,” you said sadly.
“Why?” I thought you were proud of your hair?” he questioned.
You sighed and went and grabbed the magazine and showed him the article. He read it and just shook his head. “These people wouldn’t know fashion if it gave them a lap dance,” he commented, “Besides you shouldn’t listen to anyone who says anything about your wild hairstyle...if you want wild, think about when I had rainbow hair.”
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Luhan: “Maybe they are right...” you said, holding up one of your bras an looking at it.
“Who’s right about what and what does it have to do with your bra?” Lu asked.
“Oh um..well...I was on your fan page and some fans were commenting that my boobs were really big...and they might have a point,” you replied.
“So? It’s not really their place to comment on your boobs...”
“No...not really but still it’s your fans and when they point out stuff and make comments like they did it makes me feel a little insecure...”
“Well you shouldn’t feel that way because of some silly comments especially when you haven’t felt that way before...also I kinda like them just the way they are,” he said with an eyebrow wiggle.
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Kris: “Did you raid an organic market?” Kris asked, standing in front of the open refrigerator.
“I just decided to check it out and I bought some stuff...” you said.
“Some?” he questioned, pulling out a bundle of kale, “Do you even like kale?”
“I can learn to like it...” you said snatching it away from him, “Besides, it’s not such a bad thing to eat healthier, right?”
“You already do though...what brought this on?” he questioned.
“Oh...someone may have commented about me and my liking of fast food and I thought that I might just start myself on a diet...”
“Who did?”
“Some fans...”
“Oh jeez, jagi...don’t listen to what they say. You eat healthy all the time and splurge on fast food every once and a while there’s nothing wrong with that...especially when you share the french fries with your wonderfully handsome boyfriend...” 
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Tao:  “Nope...nope...not that either, nope....” 
“Hey Y/N, what’s taking so oomph-,” Tao said, getting hit in the face with a pair of pants, “What are you doing.”
“Trying to find something to wear,” you replied, walking over to the mirror and holding a shirt up to you, “Definitely not this...”
“I think you’re going to run out of clothes....we’re just going to lunch,” he said, “A shirt and pants will do.”
“But what if a fan or a press member takes a picture of us?” you questioned, “I...I might not look good enough next to you.”
He just looked at you for a moment, confused at what would make you say something like that. “Then they do...as what normally happens...why are you worried.”
“Well, some fans said that I didn’t dress chic enough.”
He was silent before he let out a small chuckle. “If you could wear a paper sack and you would still be chic enough for me. Don’t listen to what some jealous fans say....plus, just think...it could just be all the Gucci I wear scrambling their brains.”
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