#Kris van de kerkhove
thetreehunter · 1 year
The Walking Twins of Roosendael
Breaking News! Two planes have crashed to the ground at Roosendael in Flanders, Belgium.  Miraculously, no one was killed, and they walked away from the wreckage.
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The Walking Twins of Roosendael
So free and beautiful, tall in the sky, they flew, 
Until a great storm raged and raged and blew, 
Their hands slipped, their embrace was broken, 
Crashing to the ground, their neighbours were woken, 
No one was killed, only slight injuries, 
The miraculous Walking Twins of Roosendaal are no 'plain' trees! 
Tree hunter Rob McBride Sept. 2023
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Platanus x hispanica (London Plane)
Bomen Beter Beheren weekend in Roosendael - Sint-Katelijne-Waver Arboweekend 29 sept – 1 okt Domein Roosendael - Veterane bomen Massive thanks to organisers, Willem Van Der Linden, Sander Van Coillie, plus Kjel Dupon and Wim Peeters, and all the incredible arborists and attendees that came to such an amazing event. Thank you also to the Catering Staff for the delicious food and drink. And special thanks to speakers... Nico d’hamers ; Kris van de kerkhove; Jeroen Snaaijers ; Ruben van Praag ; Koen Smets ; Frits Gielissen ; Guy Herremans ; Alex Lefevre Thanks also to Belgian Tree hunters Roel Jacobs and Marc Meyer for their inspiration and trips around the Great Trees of Belgium over many years.
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The 'Not-so Plain' Walking Twins of Roosendael
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The Planes crashed to the Earth...Now they 'Walk' to London...
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Platanus xhispanica (London Plane)
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They are no longer 'ROOTED' to the spot....The Walking Twins of Roosendael... They are an OPEN CLASSROOM for everyone to learn about the wonders of trees... PHOENIX trees regenerate and root after falling to the ground...essentially, they 'walk' across landscapes. In three hundred years, these Platanus will be a long way from the 'Mother Trees'.
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Not any old PLANE Forest...a real gem of Europe...
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Wonderful, tree man Ton above tree man arborist Bert
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Playing the 'Nail' game... Arjan below is the Champion mostly.. If I can remember! Lol.
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Such an important event for all of these excellent arborists to come together to discuss veteran trees and so much more...
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I look forward to the next event with Bomen Beter Beheren.
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