both · 1 year
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The_Brunswick_Plane_001_04_04_2023 Pencil on Paper
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thetreehunter · 1 year
The Walking Twins of Roosendael
Breaking News! Two planes have crashed to the ground at Roosendael in Flanders, Belgium.  Miraculously, no one was killed, and they walked away from the wreckage.
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The Walking Twins of Roosendael
So free and beautiful, tall in the sky, they flew, 
Until a great storm raged and raged and blew, 
Their hands slipped, their embrace was broken, 
Crashing to the ground, their neighbours were woken, 
No one was killed, only slight injuries, 
The miraculous Walking Twins of Roosendaal are no 'plain' trees! 
Tree hunter Rob McBride Sept. 2023
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Platanus x hispanica (London Plane)
Bomen Beter Beheren weekend in Roosendael - Sint-Katelijne-Waver Arboweekend 29 sept – 1 okt Domein Roosendael - Veterane bomen Massive thanks to organisers, Willem Van Der Linden, Sander Van Coillie, plus Kjel Dupon and Wim Peeters, and all the incredible arborists and attendees that came to such an amazing event. Thank you also to the Catering Staff for the delicious food and drink. And special thanks to speakers... Nico d’hamers ; Kris van de kerkhove; Jeroen Snaaijers ; Ruben van Praag ; Koen Smets ; Frits Gielissen ; Guy Herremans ; Alex Lefevre Thanks also to Belgian Tree hunters Roel Jacobs and Marc Meyer for their inspiration and trips around the Great Trees of Belgium over many years.
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The 'Not-so Plain' Walking Twins of Roosendael
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The Planes crashed to the Earth...Now they 'Walk' to London...
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Platanus xhispanica (London Plane)
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They are no longer 'ROOTED' to the spot....The Walking Twins of Roosendael... They are an OPEN CLASSROOM for everyone to learn about the wonders of trees... PHOENIX trees regenerate and root after falling to the ground...essentially, they 'walk' across landscapes. In three hundred years, these Platanus will be a long way from the 'Mother Trees'.
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Not any old PLANE Forest...a real gem of Europe...
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Wonderful, tree man Ton above tree man arborist Bert
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Playing the 'Nail' game... Arjan below is the Champion mostly.. If I can remember! Lol.
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Such an important event for all of these excellent arborists to come together to discuss veteran trees and so much more...
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I look forward to the next event with Bomen Beter Beheren.
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coffeenuts · 9 months
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manuti · 11 months
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Mira "among the fir trees" de athanecon que me gustó en flickr
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daveankhor · 2 years
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A tree bathing. #planetree #platanusacerifolia #lake #garden #milan https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWh-6iKokD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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massensterben-a · 2 months
The wallpaper has started to peel off. It bloats and then spalls, tearing along every seam. There are trees who shed their bark like this. Planetrees, he believes they're called. But Bertholdt lacks the whimsy to imagine that he is living in the heart of some tree. The apartment has been hollowed out of the complex like a man was digging around for a bullet. Now there is the rot, the necrosis. Bertholdt sits for days on end, at the kitchen table, and stares at the wall as it peels off. He's been informed that this is called rest and relaxation.
He is in the process of lighting a cigarette when the rapping at his door disrupts his oily yellow evening. The sun has not yet sunken. It sets all the roofs aflame and chips off the spires of the internment wall. He looks for it, when he noisily pushes his chair back. He makes sure that it is still there, that he is still on the correct side of it. The cigarette is stubbed to death in a coffee mug that hasn't seen coffee in some time.
The last person he expected to find on the other side of his threshold is her. Annie arrives like a cold front. He can barely scrape the dust off his vocal chords to invite her in before she already slinks past him. Alley cat grace, vampiric customs.
"I—" His voice is a stillborn thing, arrives scaley and disjointed. He coughs to break through a layer of tar that's caked up his throat. "I wasn't expecting anyone. What's the occasion?"
@calcitration says: “  i’m here to raid your cupboards ‘cause my date went really bad and all i’ve had is lukewarm water and breadsticks.  ”
What constitutes his stomach these days sinks. That biting remark, grumbled as if the mere act of speaking is an inconvenience (and isn't it?), is enough to cut Bertholdt's tongue out. He watches Annie rummage through his meager rations of canned goods, sardines and pickled onions, a stray pack of hardtack, and his mouth fills up with blood.
"...Date? Like, a date?"
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thesilicontribesman · 2 years
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Planetrees Section of Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland
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smute · 2 years
thank you for the tag @macbethwitches 🥰
What are you currently reading? i feel like this week i've been reading one book a day but i still haven't finished the secret history.... sorry donna it's kind of a slog
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? i haven't been to the cinema in aaaaaages <- prev tags! i mean. same here.
What do you usually wear? jeans and shirt, jeans and sweater, jeans and hoodie... and always a beanie! SLAY✌️
How tall are you? 1,98 m /6'6"
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? Aries! i dont really care about any of my celebrity birthday twins which is why i can never remember who they are, but the beatles broke up on my birthday in 1970 💀 youre welcome
Do you go by your name or a nickname? jan is short enough but smute works too
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child? not what i wanted to be as a child but i've been wanting to do what i do now for a very long time so. kinda?
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? im great at listing things im bad at and terrible at listing things im good at
Dog or Cats? if i ever found myself in a scenario where i had to choose between a cat and a dog i would 100% kms on the spot
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this past year? "The evening tastes of rain and the planetrees rustle patiently."
What's something you would like to create content for? well rn im mostly making stuff for the bin so.. anything but that <3
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? GRANNY SMITH APPLES 🍏 OUGH OUGH i have like 2 or 3 a day
What’s a hidden talent of yours? i used to be able to speak backwards fluently (in german) but that skill has atrophied somewhat. but i still like to annoy my loved ones with spoonerisms and shit which i think is my brains way of compensating for that self-imposed reverse speech ban
Are you religious? naur
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? soft animal on lap and one hundred thousand euros (TM Gemma)
tagging the same people i just tagged but please dont feel obligated 🧡 its my fault for collecting these tagged poasts for weeks and weeks and then doing them all in one night 😳
@mmolia @jamdoughnutmagician @snoozy-red-panda @caressthosecheekbones @isabella-lugosi @fourwindows @kluntjekandis @leatherleaves
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roseseafoam · 2 years
seeing little signs of autumn everywhere, from the planetrees and bald cypresses to the ornamental pears
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urbanadventureleague · 4 months
Film Preferences: Re-evaluating stocks
London planetrees in Laurelhurst Park, 2 April 2024. Canon Canonet QL17 G-III/Fomapan 400 A few months ago I mentioned my jettisoning of certain stocks from the film freezer. The lean years of pandemic created film scarcity and I had packed that freezer as full as possible so I wouldn’t run out. The scarcity is over and there’s no need for that anymore. So I evaluated what I had and got rid of…
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both · 1 year
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Plane trees in Russell Square. Pencil on paper. April 2023
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All week, I hear news of flooding, rivers unspooling, undoing. Once we cross this year, we will have crossed it. In Brighton, I track the blue with my left eye, the pebbles and fanfare, my grief on two legs. Lilies float up on the edge of a wave, and I almost believe it—I must believe it now. The aim was to get the petals out there, across the channel, where small homes lift their heads, then hide. Even they can’t bear the sight as I step into the salt, the white of my dress rising. I have no grave to visit, just this stretch of water that never darkens, even in depth, in storms that crash. Bent over the sea, I watch light sink to the floor, like a lost body reaching home and asking, What do I know of this place? At sunset, I walk the long line of the car park, the music of the day receding—I struggle to believe, and the music isn’t for me. I think: I will have to think of things that are. In London, foxes line the roofs; neighbours watch. I passed by some months ago, spring hemming the shops green, the windows green, my hands green as they held onto another’s. I stopped to look at two pears in a bowl of milk, other strange things. I stop to get there now, look: the film of time is so thin, I can step through, cutting off legs, my grief. Once we cross this year, but I’m certain I won’t. I’m certain I haven’t lost you: you are riding a bus through the city, the moon heavy with a waxing face. You are riding a bus through the city, your eyes gleaming in silver light. You are riding a bus through the city, and you are watching the last of the river rise: spilling onto the streets, it drenches the catnip, the planetrees, our stubborn relics.
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amazoniaonline · 1 year
Sespa wins awards at US event
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In a remarkable achievement for Brazil's public health sector, the state of Pará shone at the International Planetree Conference, held in Boston, United States. The State Department of Public Health (Sespa) not only made its presence felt but was also lauded for its innovative projects in the health field. On Wednesday night (11), the project "Boys of the River" was awarded first place in the poster category, while the project "Health Throughout Pará in Indigenous Territories" secured second place in the video category, standing out at an event that celebrates and awards global health initiatives and actions. The conference, which began last Monday (09), brings together professionals from various countries, serving as a stage for awarding global health projects and actions and encouraging the exchange of best practices and innovations in public and private health. The Sespa team, represented by Francisco Wellington Santos Ramos, Nayara Barbalho, Alene de Oliveira Quadros, Rejane Soares Gomes, and José Batista Luz Neto, demonstrated the efficacy and innovation of the public health projects developed in Pará. The "Boys of the River" project, executed by the Integrated Centre for Inclusion and Rehabilitation (CIIR), offers activities such as canoeing and stand-up paddleboarding, adapted for people with physical, visual, auditory, and intellectual disabilities. On the other hand, the "Health Throughout Pará in Indigenous Territories" project carried out seven expeditions between 2021 and 2022, providing 12,000 services to indigenous people from nine ethnic groups in Pará, showing a vital commitment to health in indigenous communities. Nayara Barbalho, coordinator at Sespa, expressed the satisfaction and feeling of victory that permeated the team, not only for the positions achieved but for the journey and efforts expended up to that point. This recognition goes beyond a simple award, reflecting the result of the investment that the State Government of Pará has been making in good assistance practices and public health policies. Participation and recognition in the international conference not only enhance the projects and the team involved but also highlight the consistent and dedicated work being developed by the state of Pará in the health field. Rejane Xavier, executive director of CIIR, expressed pride in representing Pará and Brazil at such a significant event, showing that recognition is the result of teamwork and support from the Government of Pará, through Sespa. Read the full article
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basaltpines · 1 year
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Trees of Ptown and the cape! They are and where they were found, in order top to bottom:
Sweetgum (Ptown street tree)
Horsechestnut (Ptown street tree)
London Planetree (Ptown street tree)
Red Maple (Atlantic White Cedar Swamp)
Bear Oak (Atlantic White Cedar Swamp)
Atlantic White Cedar (Atlantic White Cedar Swamp)
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daveankhor · 2 years
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It has roots. #tree #city #planetree #street https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnm0sSXqdpV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesilicontribesman · 2 years
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The Planetrees Section of Hadrian's Wall, Northumberland
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