#Krys speaks
marvelsdc22 · 4 months
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After six hours in the chair, this bad boy is finally finished, it's tender as hell today, thank god I used a holiday today 😅
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meowgis · 4 months
one of my favorite things about myself is that when i find content, i demand that those in my life share in it with me (:
i'm not going on this journey alone bih
(just thinking about how i made my friends/family watch jatp on new years eve and had to run for my life once i told them at the end that the show had been cancelled (: )
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cityescape4 · 2 years
Hey y'all, it's uh, been a while, hasnt it? >w>; Over a year since i last posted, from the looks of it? I hope y'all have been good, both those of y'all who stuck around, and those who've (understandably) moved on. Apparently Tumblr tells you who your mutuals are now??? that wasnt a thing I'd noticed last year!
But I'm gonna try and come back to here in some capacity. I will admit, I was on TikTok for about half a year(?) before somehow winding up on Twitter in about June/July of 2021, and apparently the musky man is burning that shit to the ground so! Here I am uwu;
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draconnico · 1 year
worldbuilding is so much fucking fun. i love world building. this is what god meant when they made us in his image. he gave us the power of creation specifically for this. no other reason.
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Hey if tumblr is saying a blog I’m looking for doesn’t exist but I can view it when I go to my browser and search the url, does that mean you’ve been blocked? I’m pretty sure but I’m really hoping there’s just a problem with my app…
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starman-trashcan · 2 years
Good news I’m trying to write again!
Bad news I’ve said that before and usually don’t make much progress
I’m hoping it actually works out this time because I don’t really have anything else going for me at the moment anyway. I will save everyone the vent but just suffice it to say that life likes to kick me while I’m down and it has been for long enough that I can’t even get back up most of the time. That’s still metaphorical btw, don’t worry.
But I have been thinking deeply about Jet Star, my special darling boy (gender neutral) and it has motivated some writing to take place.
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bluumonarch · 1 year
Wind stilled in his stretch. “Wait, what?”
The sailor blinked, unsure of what he just heard. “Rancher, what did you just say?”
“We still did something valuable today? I mean, the village’s safer now.” Twilight tilted his head at his question.
“No-no, before that.” Legend corrected. “You said something about butter?”
I made a silly fic about Twilight using an expression in the wrong language :’)
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traitorsinsalem · 2 years
there's absolutely no way that the mianite writers realize how many characters they accidentally made asian in s2. it's so funny
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
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Do have every intention of taking Mitsunari's route, but this lil shit muffin is making me morbidly curious.
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🍎 🍌 🥥 🍈 :D
🍎 Red Apple: I like your blog and your personality!  🍌 Banana: You’re fun to talk to!
🥥 Coconut: I like your taste in music!
🍈 Melon: I love your sense of humor
😭😭😭😭 BDAYSIUOFHASIFUASF THANKYOU omh i would seND you the saME also big hugS
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darkbluekies · 1 year
The witty & uncanny pt 3 (finale)
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Doctor!yandere OC x reader x mafia!yandere OC
Summary: Stuck with two yanderes, your life is now turned upside down. You're kept asleep and your body is breaking down. The yanderes have won.
Warnings: yandere duo, drugs/medicine, kidnapping, restraints, bruises, blood, "humiliation", “infantilization”, mentions of sexual intimacy, changing readers clothes when they're unconscious, throwing up, following reader to bathroom, washing reader, open ending, indication of reader dying(?), unhealthy behavior, toxicity, reader breaking(?), indication of Stockholm syndrome/giving in.
Word count: 5.8k
Part 2 the outtakes
You run the quickest you can, only hearing your own heartbeat in your own ears. You’ve never been this terrified in your entire life. The gun is still safely tucked away into the pocket of your black hoodie. Your legs are aching badly by now and soon enough, you have to stop to rest. Despite all the adrenaline you’re pumping in your veins, you’re still human. With a quick look around to make sure that you’re alone, you sink down with your back against a tree. You feel for the gun and sigh out, relieved that it's still there. You’re unsure if it is going to help you in this twisted situation, but you’re going to try your best. You can’t do more than that. 
“Y/N!” Silas says. 
You look around, seeing him stand a few meters away. In panic, you shoot up on your feet, but your legs refuse to move further. All you want is to run away, but the sight of him scares you to your core. But you know you have to flee before he wins again. He can’t win again, can’t get what he want. You pick up the gun in a shaking hand, hoping to see him scared … but all he does is smile. A nostalgic, almost fatherly smile. 
“My favorite gun, I’ve missed it”, he says calmly and lifts his dark eyes to you. “But I’ve missed its new owner even more.”
“Leave me alone”, you warn him with make believe courage, “or else I’m going to shoot you.”
Silas lifts a black eyebrow. “Shoot me?”
“I shot the doctor.”
Silas smiles wider and takes a step forward. You force yourself to stand still with your head high. You can’t show how terrified you really are. He’s like a demon, he feeds of off your fear. 
“I must be a bad influence on you, my little thing”, he snickers, putting his hand over his heart. “I never wanted you to take after me. It’s not safe for you. You’re my precious little darling, you shouldn’t run around with a gun. Give it to me and I will take you home safely.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“You really think that? You don’t think I have taken measures to make sure that you’re leaving with me?”
You're about to turn around and run when someone comes up behind you locks their arm around your waist. With a surprised yelp, your back gets pressed into a taller man's build. You squirm around and manage to catch a glimpse of the blonde doctor’s face behind you. You freeze and look back at Silas who’s grinning ear to ear. Less than a second later, a sharp pain from a needle shoots through your neck. 
"Sleep tight", Dr Kry whispers. 
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You wake up in the same room you escaped from weeks ago. The only difference? Both your wrists are secured to the railings of the metallic bed by what looks like belt buckles. You start to wiggle your hands in hope of them slipping out, but whoever’s tied you has made sure that you’re not going anywhere. 
The room is foggy no matter how much you blink. You wish you could rub your eyes, but your hands won’t move. 
You try to speak, but you break out in coughs. Your throat is drier than a desert. 
“They’re awake”, Silas says. 
“Good”, Dr Kry answers. 
“They don’t sound too good.”
“Just a side effect from the drug. They need to drink some water.”
You gasp, seeing the doctor move towards you with a paper mug in his hands. The closer he comes, the more you fight against the restraints. If he put drugs in your neck that easily, who knows what he could have put in the water?
“Be careful”, Dr Kry whispers and sits down on a rolling stool next to your bed. He helps you sit up before placing the paper mug to your lips. “Drink a little.”
You shake your head frantically. 
“It’s just water, Y/N”, Dr Kry reassures you and takes a sip himself. “See? Harmless.”
"I don't want anything from you."
You start to squirm against the restraints again. You start to move your legs and manage to kick the paper mug out of his hands. The water splashes over his legs and your blanket. Dr Kry sighs heavily and for a second you’re scared that he’s going to do something to you. You shouldn't have acted so impulsive. Instead, he stands up and wipes his blue overalls. 
“Seems like you have everything in control”, Silas snorts. 
“As if you could do this better”, Dr Kry says and rolls his eyes. 
“Oh, I know I can.”
Silas picks up the paper cup, walks into the bathroom and returns. You watch him carefully, studying his every step as you involuntarily shrink. You know very well what Silas is capable of and what he does when he’s denied anything.
Silas walks over to you, standing right beside your body. You force yourself to keep your eyes on the clock on the wall, to ignore his presence. Silas leans down to your ear.
“Either you drink this voluntarily or I’m forcing you to”, he whispers. 
His hot breath fans your ear in an uncomfortable, animalistic manner. You shrink and swallow, nodding unnoticeably. Silas holds the cup to your lips gently and you open your mouth, letting the water in. Dr Kry watches in amazement how you swallow every single drop of the water. Silas smiles smugly and throws the paper cup in the trash. 
“See, doc?” he purrs and puts his hand on your head, scratching your scalp. “I know how to control our little beast here.” 
"Unbelievable", Dr Kry scoffs. 
You finally turn your head away, being done with his embarrassment. You look down, noticing something.
"Where are my clothes?" you ask in horror.
Sometime during your involuntary nap, at least one of them changed you out of your black hoodie and jeans to a flimsy hospital gown.
"Your clothes are in the backseat of my car", Silas answers calmly. "Since you like to run around the town like a madman, I thought that if you want to do it again, you'll have to look like one as well." 
Your mouth falls open "I-I want my clothes! You're striping me off of my individuality!"
"We're keeping you safe", Dr Kry says and grabs his keys. "Now, I'm going down to the cafeteria to get you something to eat. Any requests?"
"If you think I'm stupid enough to eat it-"
"I take that as a 'no', then."
With that said, Dr Kry leaves the room, locking the door behind him. Silas chuckles.
"That cheeky little bastard doesn't trust me", he says, eyes on the door. "He thinks I'm going to steal you away the very second I get you alone."
"Why wouldn't you?" you question.
Silas turns his dark eyes to you. "Because I gave my word to him. Unfortunately."
"So? You haven't kept your word earlier."
"Of course I have."
You scoff. "Like what? Name one time."
"I swore that I'd get you back." He tilts his head. "Didn't I hold that promise very well?"
You don't answer. You have to physically bite your tongue from spitting something out that you'll have to pay for dearly later on.  
Dr Kry returns with a paper container.
"I got you meatballs", he says. "I hope that's fine."
"I'm not eating that", you mutter. 
"I think you are. I don't think you've forgotten that your hands are a bit occupied — because those restraints seem to hurt — and if you want something, we have to do it for you … which means that we decide if you eat or not. Not you.” He holds the fork to your lips. “Now, open your mouth.”
You turn your head away. 
“Don’t be a brat”, Dr Kry says. 
“I don’t want to eat that!” you whine. “I don’t trust you!”
“I haven’t done anything to it, Y/N. Open up, please.”
Your stomach growls and you sigh, giving in. You open your mouth slightly, just enough to let the food in. Dr Kry smiles proudly. A string of brown sauce runs down your lips and he catches it with the fork before gently placing it into your mouth again, just like one would do with a baby. You cringe. 
“I think our drooly baby here needs a bib”, Silas chuckles from his chair. 
His embarrassing comments always ruins the mood. You pull yourself away form the food again and Dr Kry sighs, turning his head to the gang leader. 
“Are you serious?” he hisses. “I just made them eat. You’re no help.”
Silas holds up his hands in front of him innocently, but his eyes sparkle with mischief. Dr Kry turns back to you and picks up a new spoonful of mashed potatoes and meatballs. You hesitate while glancing at Silas, waiting for him to make another comment.
“Don’t mind him”, Dr Kry says. “Just focus on me, okay?”
You move your eyes to the doctor. He sighs at your teary eyes. 
“Does the restraint hurt?” he asks softly, caressing your left wrist over the belt-looking thing. 
You have barely been able to feel the pain from the leather bands holding you down, but they do sting. You nod to his question, although it’s not the reason why you’re crying. 
“I will remove them”, Dr Kry promises. “But I’ll have to do something else instead. We don’t quite trust you yet.”
“What are you going to do?” you whisper resentfully. 
“I’m not sure yet. I’ll see.” He holds the fork to your lips again. “Open up again, please.”
You comply this time. In silence, you manage to eat the entire container full of food. 
“Now you should take an afternoon nap”, Dr Kry says.
“I’m not a child”, you spit. 
“You sure do act like one”, Silas says, raising one of his dark eyebrows. “Running away, throwing temper tantrums … shooting people.” He stands up from his chair. “If you want to act like one, we’ll treat you like one.”
“Until you start to act like an adult”, Dr Kry adds. “Until then, you better believe that we’ll keep on treating you like you’re five. Now, time for a nap.”
He helps you lie down again. You refuse to close your eyes, refuse to let them out of your sight. They don’t talk much to each other. Silas is sitting in his chair with his phone out and Doctor Kry is by his desk, filing paperwork. 
You want to scream when you feel the need to go to the bathroom. For thirty minutes, you try suppressing it. Asking to go feels more humiliating than Silas wanting to give you a baby bib.
“I need to go to the bathroom”, you say lowly. 
The two of them look up immediately. 
“What did you say?” Dr Kry asks. 
“Bathroom”, you repeat shortly.
“Absolutely. I'll help you.”
He stands up and walks over to the bed. You breathe out a sigh of relief as the restraints disappear from your arms. Quickly, you sit up and massage your sore wrists. There’s clear marks after the leather bands, a bit of blood as well. Dr Kry takes your hands in his, inspecting. He hisses. 
“We’ll have to put bandage on that”, he says. “You shouldn’t have moved too much.”
Silas walks over to you to inspect your wrists. He twists and turns to see every angle before placing a kiss on both marks. You flinch, ripping your arms back in shock. 
“Come now, Y/N”, Dr Kry says and puts his hand on your back. “Let’s go to the bathroom.”
“T-Together?” you question. 
“You could hurt yourself. There are things in there you could use to harm yourself with. Im not letting that happen.”
Damn him and his professionalism. 
You sigh heavily, giving up, silently relieved that it’s not Silas. Dr Kry follows you into the bathroom, standing by in silence. He doesn't give you a spare glance, staying as professional as he is. You wash your hands and sigh at the marks in your wrists.
"Let's get that patched up", he smiles.
"This is humiliating", you say weakly. 
"It's just a precaution. I can't let you hurt yourself."
You show your wrists to him, eyebrows raised. 
"That is a different case", he says.
A harsh knock can be heard on the door.
"Don't try anything, doc", Silas warns on the other side. "When are you coming out?"
Dr Kry massages his nose bridge with his index finger and thumb, sighing heavily. He unlocks the door and walks you out. While Dr Kry walks over to his desk, Silas walks back to his chair with his phone. You glance towards the door. Whatever Dr Kry had in mind to give you to substitute for the restraints will be sure to keep you bedridden. This is your only chance. None of their eyes are on you. Quickly, you shoot towards the door with all the power you have in your body. As on demand, the two men let go of their things and hurry after. You manage to grab the door handle before Silas has grabbed your shoulders and Dr Kry your arm.
"Where do you think you're going?" Silas asks, pulling you back. 
"Let go of me!" you shout.
"Doc, whatever you had planned you better use it now."
Doctor Kry jogs over to his desk again and grabs a needle. You squirm in Silas’s grip and plead the doctor to put the syringe away.
"Stay still and it won't hurt as much", Dr Kry says, holding his hand on the base of your throat. "Deep breaths, count backwards from ten."
"No, please!" you scream desperately. 
Silas covers your mouth with his rough hand and in the next second, the needle penetrates your skin. What feels like a stinging, burning sensation spirals through your body, effectively numbing it.
"Good job, almost there", Dr Kry praises. "Keep on breathing, you're doing great."
You feel your body growing weak in Silas embrace. He tightens his arms to keep you held up. You eventually stop fighting.
"Good job, Y/N, you did so well", Dr Kry smiles, removing the needle from your neck. "Silas, put them into bed."
Silas scoops you up like a bride on the wedding night and carries you back to your bed. Dr Kry starts to take care of your wrists and soon they're wrapped in white, comfy bandage. 
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After dinner — which consists of another meatball meal — they decide that you should go to sleep. But you refuse. They could do anything to you when you’re asleep. You don’t want to be moved again, you don’t want to be acknowledged. 
“Y/N, close your eyes”, Silas says. “You’re just torturing yourself by being awake.”
“I don’t want to sleep!” you whine. 
You wish that you could do something, but your body is feeling heavy and numb. You’re not sure where your limbs are or if they're held by one of the two men. Your body is already asleep, you should be too according to Silas and Dr Kry.
"Alright, I'm done with this", Dr Kry says after a long silence.
He stands up and walks over to the machines by your bed. You scurry to the other side of the bed with the little power you have left in your body.
"What are you doing?" Silas asks. "Don't do something without my approval."
"If Y/N won't sleep voluntarily, I'm going to help them", Dr Kry answers and lifts down a plastic mask connected to one of the machines by a tube. He pulls out a rubber band thats supposed to hold the mask latched onto the face. "Here, let me just put this over your nose and mouth-"
You cover the lower part of your face with your shaking hands. Your eyes glow with fear. They can numb your body until it's unmovable, but your eyes will always stay alert and alive. 
"Y/N, please", Dr Kry sighs, putting his free hand over yours, about to pry yours off your face. "Just let me-"
You hide your face down in your arm. He stops and looks at you. Your body is trembling like a leaf swirling in the wind. 
"Y/N, it's just anesthesia", he says comfortingly. "It'll help your mind relax so you can sleep. It's not going to hurt you."
He tries to move close again, but your crying halts his movements.
"Please …", you whisper weakly, shaking your head. "Please don't …"
Dr Kry sighs heavily, looks at Silas and then places the plastic mask on your stomach in defeat.
"Alright", he says. "I'm not going to force you. If you want to use it, just hold it over your mouth and inhale the gas."
He returns to his desk. Silas is about to stand up, but a particular strict gaze from the doctor makes him sit down again. He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. Sometimes you wonder if Silas is the one behaving like a child. After all, he throws tantrums, runs away from problems and shoots people. But if you said that out loud, you'd spend a month in his basement.
You stay awake for another hour out of spite, but you can feel how your body wants the sweet prize of sleep. You try to shut your eyes and drift of to sleep, but all the worries and thoughts about what they could do to you when you're out is stopping you from actually falling asleep. Your head is pounding with fear and minute by minute, you're slowly drifting to insanity. 
You glance at the mask and hesitantly lift it to your face, making sure to cover both nose and mouth. Carefully, you give in and breathe the strong gas into your lungs. It doesn't take long until your head clouds up. The mask slips out of your hands and your head rests against the pillow.
Dr Kry looks up from his papers and sighs out in relief. Quietly, he moves over to you and picks up the mask, pulling out the rubber band to wrap around your head. The mask stays in place over your face.
"How long will that work?" Silas asks and stands up.
"It'll work for as long as we keep the mask on them", Dr Kry says. "We can make them sleep for as long as we want."
Silas fixes a strand of your hair that has been caught by the rubber band with a gentle smile. 
"Are they usually this difficult?" Dr Kry wonders, raising a blonde eyebrow.
"Yes", Silas says. "That's why I've managed to develop a technique. You can't be soft with them, you have to be strict and force them. Otherwise they'll refuse and fight. Like today."
"No wonder they hate you."
Silas picks up the gun he stole back from you, placing it under Dr Kry’s chin. The blonde man doesn't react.
"They don't hate me", Silas growls. "Don't make me fucking shoot you."
"Are we back to this?" Dr Kry sighs, nodding his chin down on the gun testingly. "I have told you were to happen if you shoot me here. I wouldn't test my luck if I were you."
"You're such a clever thing, aren't you? God, you piss me off." 
Nonetheless, Silas puts the gun back in his waistband. Dr Kry looks down at his phone, looking annoyed.
"I have to go help another doctor with a surgery, can you watch Y/N?" he asks. "Don't leave the room unless necessary and don't touch anything. Wrong button and you've hurt them."
"What will stop me from going through your drawers?"
"Your morality, I hope. I'll see you later."
With that said, he walks out and locks the door.
“‘Don't leave’, he said”, Silas scoffs and strolls over to your bed, lying down beside you. “How the fuck did he think I'd do that if he locks the door? My pretty baby, you are so precious, that pesky doctor doesn't know how to handle you.”
He knows you can’t hear him, but he finds it nicely to talk to you without you cursing at him in return. Silas smiles at you and pulls you closer to his body, hiding your face into his chest. He secures the rubber band in the back of your head with a small smile.
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“Get the fuck of out the bed”, Dr Kry sighs as he enters the room two hours later. “You’ll break it.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I broke a bed”, Silas grins, pulling you closer to his chest. 
Dr Kry grimaces. “Oh my God, be quiet, that’s disgusting.”
“Why? You’re a doctor, shouldn’t you be able to talk about those kind of things?”
“Do you ever just keep your mouth shut?”
“I could, but why not use my mouth for the greater good?”
“You’re not Superman, now get out of the bed.”
Silas sighs heavily and rolls his eyes. He starts to move out of the bed gently, making sure that you won’t get hurt. Before walking to the chair, he places a kiss on your forehead. With a smirk, he pets Dr Kry on the shoulder.
“Why so stiff, doc?” he asks amusingly, raising his eyebrows. “Haven’t you gotten laid in a while?”
“My sexlife is none of your business and yours is none of mine, so be quiet”, Dr Kry answers murderously cold and turns to his desk. 
Silas smiles widely, almost like a school boy. 
“You really like getting on people’s nerves, don’t you?” Dr Kry asks over his shoulder. 
“No, just yours”, Silas smiles and sits down in his chair. 
Dr Kry grits his teeth. “What an honor.”
Silas looks down at his phone, noticing a new message from his right hand man. 
“Those stupid- … I have to go”, he growls and stands up, grabbing his coat. “Seems like I have to do everything myself! I’ll be back in an hour, don’t do anything to Y/N without my approval, got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, just go”, Dr Kry says. “If it’s urgent, take the back door, there’s a special elevator for that.”
“Thanks, doc.”
With that said, he runs out. Dr Kry decides to sneak over to you and fix your blanket and mask. He caresses your cheek and sighs out in satisfaction. You look so sweet. So innocent. He touches the bandage on your wrists. Why did you have to fight so harshly? He doesn’t like seeing you hurt. 
Dr Kry sits by his desk until Silas is back, an hour later, blood covering his clothes. 
“What happened?” Dr Kry gasps. 
“Shit happened”, Silas mutters. “Can I take a shower or something?”
“Yeah, sure. There are a towel in the bathroom and a bathrobe for patients. Wash the clothes in the sink and hang them somewhere.”
Silas walks into the bathroom and undresses. He thinks about you and the hospital. There’s nothing he’d like more than to bring you home and keep you in his bedroom again, but it’s not safe for you. It never was, but he had nowhere else to keep you. Here, you have doctor Kry to keep an eye on you when he has to work … and no one knows you’re here. Maybe he should keep you here? The doctor has everything necessary to keep you where they want you. Silas sighs and runs his hand through his wet, black hair. The water is hitting him in the face, but there’s something comforting about it. 
He returns ten minutes later, wearing the white bathrobe. 
“Do you think Y/N could stay here long term?” Silas asks. 
“Yes, of course”, Dr Kry answers. “This room is mine, I can keep whoever I want in here for as long as I want.”
“Perfect.” He sits down by your bed, lifting your hand and giving it a gentle kiss. “Doc, if I pay for every medicine you need, could you keep Y/N safe while I’m working?”
“I’d do it even if you didn’t pay me.”
Silas smiles slightly.
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Days go by, turning into weeks. You’re kept asleep for the most part, only woken up to use the bathroom, eat and wash yourself. You’re too drowsy and confused to do anything yourself. The two men take turns in helping your limp body. It’s an exhausting, dissociation feeling. You don’t know what time nor day it is when you wake up, and you certainly don’t know how long they’ve kept you asleep. You barely feel real. You’re starting to wonder if the real you is a small spider in the corner of the room, looking at the half dead human in the bed.
You’re sitting completely bare in the bathtub, hugging your knees close to your chest as Silas washes your hair. You don’t care about neither Silas or Dr Kry seeing your most vulnerable areas anymore. They’ve seen it all by now and you’re too gone to care. They’re keeping you alive, you’re grateful for that. Almost … a little too grateful. A guilty, shameful gratefulness. You should take care of your own body, two men shouldn’t have to do it for you! You’re ashamed of letting your life be controlled by them, but you’re happy that they’re taking care of your basic needs — at least. You sigh. You have to get a grip of yourself before it’s too late. 
There’s a heavy feeling that has started eating you up from the inside. Something is building up in your stomach and is resting in the bottom of your throat. You want to burp, but you’re not able to, it keeps getting stuck. Every part of your body is aching, everything is wrong and on edge. You can’t take it anymore and finally allow yourself to break down in tears. Silas is quick to turn off the shower and turn your body to him. 
“What’s wrong, little thing?” he asks worriedly, fixing your wet hair. 
“I feel so sick”, you sob. 
“It’s okay, it’s just the medicine. It’ll go away.”
He holds your wet face between his hands and kisses your forehead. 
“I know it’s hard”, he says. "But you're my little champion, aren't you?"
Through your tears, you manage to nod. You have to be some kind of champion after everything you’ve been through. 
Silas smiles reaches for the shower handle. "Are you doing fine? Should I continue?"
You nod, feeling completely out of it. Is this state making you lose your mind? Why did you kiss him back? Why are you answering him at all? Why are you taking his words to heart? Get a grip on yourself. He continues to wash your hair, now more touchy after your accidental affection. You curl up, sighing. Get a grip.
You're lifted out of the tub in a towel. Silas helps you dress in the bathrobe and makes you stay in front of the mirror while he dries your hair with the towel. 
"Look at yourself, look how pretty you are", he smiles, placing a kiss in the top of your head.
You shiver and shake your head. After these last couple of weeks in a make believe coma and being stuck with these men you can no longer feel any empathy towards you. You’re disappointed in yourself for starting to cave in and you look half dead. How can you be pretty?
“You don’t think you’re pretty?” Silas gasps and hugs you from behind. “Nonsense, baby. You’re the most beautiful thing on this wretched planet. I wish you could let me show you how much I adore you.” He kisses your neck. “I’d make you feel so good, make you feel like the only person in the world. You’d never doubt yourself again, I promise. Please, will you let me take care of you?”
You shake your head. If you give yourself to him, you’ll never get out of his grip again and you know that very well. The very thought of it makes you sick to your stomach once again. You hold your hand over your weirdly aching stomach, frowning. Something’s creeping up your throat.
“What’s wrong?” Silas asks. 
“I still feel sick”, you whisper. “I think I’m going to throw up.”
Silas acts quickly. He pushes you towards the toilet, forces you down on your knees and opens the lid and pulls your hair out of your face. 
“Go for it, I got you”, he says. 
As if on commando — and maybe his rough actions — you empty everything Dr Kry’s forced down your throat the last few days. Your body hasn’t been able to digest much correctly when you’ve been forced to sleep for hours on end. You’re not sure much in your body is working right for the moment being. 
“What’s going on?” Dr Kry asks worriedly and enters the bathroom. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“You’re the doctor!” Silas says. “Shouldn’t you know?”
“I’ll do an examination. When they’re done, take them out to the bed and I’ll take a look.”
Silas nods and turns to you, helping you.
“You’re doing good, Y/N”, Silas says. “Get it out.”
“It smells”, you whine with a grimace.
“You’re a champion, baby, aren’t you? You can push through.”
You whine tiredly. After a few more minutes of pure hell, you’re finally empty. Silas wipes your mouth with some paper and flushes the toilet. He carries you back to the bed where Dr Kry is waiting. You’re sat down. 
“Okay, Y/N”, Dr Kry says. “I have some suspicions, but I need to test you.”
He performs a medical test on you to make sure that his medicine hasn't had too bad of an effect on you. He's counted on you feeling weak and heavy, but he couldn't have prepared himself for your digestion giving up.
"What's wrong with me?" you ask carefully, fearing the worst. 
"I'm afraid that your digestion might need some help." Dr Kry reaches for the oxygen mask. "I'll figure something out while-"
"No, please don't make me sleep again!"
Dr Kry halts with the mask in hand. 
“I think it’s the gas making me like this …”, you say. “Doctor, please don’t make me sleep again, I’ll be quiet and let you work.”
“I’ll keep an eye on them, doc”, Silas says, moving closer to the bed. “Just work.”
Silas sits beside you and lets you play games on his phone. He smiles gently everytime you manage to win a round of Candy Crush. Dr Kry smiles from his desk at your focused facial expressions. The two men relax, finally you’re showing some signs of giving it. You’re not crying, not fighting, just enjoying the moment by distracting yourself. They hope it can stay like this, but they both know all of this is on borrowed time. 
“Do you still feel sick?” Dr Kry asks after a while. 
“I’m feeling weird, but I’m not sure how to describe it”, you say quietly, suddenly shrinking again when remembering your awful situation. “It’s a bit better after I got to throw up … but I’m scared to eat. I don’t want to feel like that again.”
“I’m going to go get some tea for you to see if it can help your digestion. After that, I think you should go back to sleep.”
Dr Kry leaves the room. You turn to Silas with pleading eyes. 
“Why do I have to sleep?” you ask carefully. “I don't want to. It’s so terrifying waking up and not knowing how much time has passed. I’m missing out on life …”
“When you’re asleep, you don’t have to feel any of the bad feelings or see what a horrible place we live in”, Silas answers, fixing your hair. “You’re safe from everything.”
You look down in your lap to get away from those dark, lovesick eyes of his. Silas slides over his phone to you again. 
“Distract yourself, baby”, he says. “You’ll soon get some tea and then you’ll be feeling better. Keep on playing your little games. You look so cute when you focus.”
You decide to keep your mouth shut and do what he says. You manage to do two rounds of Subway Surfers before Dr Kry is back with a steaming cup in his hand.
“Here, Y/N”, he says and gives you the cup. “This should get your organs up and running.”
“I won’t throw up again, right?” you ask carefully. 
“No, you won’t.”
You sip on it, taking your sweet time with a glance towards the oxygen mask. Will this be your life from now on? Kept asleep and only awoken when someone else wants you to be?
“Are you done?” Dr Kry asks after a while. 
You look down in the cup. Empty. You gulp. 
“No …”, you lie and pretend to take another sip. 
“You’ve been sitting with that for ten minutes now. If you’re not done with it, it’s mostly likely ice cold by now.”
“When I’m done, you’ll make me sleep …”, you say. “So if i don’t finish it you can’t make me.”
“You little brat”, Silas laughs. “You’re so cute.”
“Why don’t you want to sleep, Y/N?” Dr Kry asks. “You’re not having to worry about anything, you can just relax. We’re waking you up when there’s nothing bad happening.”
“It’s not fair”, you whisper, shaking your head.
“Life’s not fair, peach”, Silas says and stands up, grabbing the mask. “Time to nap, little thing. Don’t worry, we will be here to protect you.”
You want to fight back, want to protest, but your body has given up. You know that there’s no use. They’ll get their way no matter how much you disagree. The mask gets once again placed over your face.
“Such a good patient”, Dr Kry praises as if he’s read your thoughts. “Letting us do whatever we want to you.”
You send him a gaze you intend to be a glare, but your head has already fogged up. Silas helps you lay down and the last thing you feel before everything turns into that familiar yet terrifying pitch blackness, is the soft pillow against your back. Silas tucks you in, making sure that none of your limbs are in any uncomfortable position. He sighs, stepping back. The two men look at each other with fear in their eyes, both knowing that this won’t work forever. Today was only one sign of the damage they do to you. Your body will fully break down someday, and that day might be the day they’ll lose you forever. But for now, they’ll keep you in the land of dreams where nothing can hurt you — not even you.
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marvelsdc22 · 9 months
Went to my first pride fest yesterday and a couple was giving free mom and dad hugs, I didn't thinking anything of it until the dad hugged me, my farther isnt a physically affectionate person nor is he very kind, I will admit I teared up, I've never felt accepted from my dad or my mom, so those hugs felt real and meant the world to me
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meowgis · 5 months
it has been *years* since i’ve written anything (RP or fanfic related) but i have been ACHING in my bones with character inspo but completely frozen out of a fear of being inadequate after not doing it so long
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olivermorningstar · 22 days
You said in the tags of violetts post you could point out some cool OCs? Plz could you maybe do a breakdown of them and their suitors?
Hello Anon!
So I gave this ask some thought and honestly, I don't think I'm the best person to speak on other people's OCs, so what I'll do instead is I'll point to some cool Ikemen OCs that I have featured on this blog previously and I'll open it up to others to talk about their characters, their friend's characters, things like that.
Since you're coming from Violett's post, I'm assuming you're looking for IkePri OCs, but I'll take this a chance to celebrate others that I know of as well.
OCs and their owners are under the cut.
Ikemen Sengoku
Habiba Malik - @spoopy-fish-writes
Marie - @oda-princess
Thai Bulan - @fighting-and-drawing
Katsuko - @the12thnightproject
Ei - @honeybyte
Aimée - @bicayaya
Ikemen Vampire
Kiara - @bicayaya
Julia - @queengiuliettafirstlady
Pyetrovna Ilyich Tchaikovsky - @koco-coko
Persephone Rowan Grey - @faustianfascination
Abigail - @krys-loves-otome
Odette/Annalisa - @ana-thedaydreamer
Iris - @yarnnerdally
Jane Seymour - @onegianthotmess
Amélie/Anju - @scummy-writes
Leanna - @rinaririr
Luka Klein - @flimflam707
Ikemen Prince
Maeve - @keithsandwich
Beatrice/Erin - @bicayaya
Esther/Viva - @lorei-writes
Leyla - @violettduchess
Tala - @m-mmiy
Ciel/Étienne - @floydsteeth
Julie/July - @queengiuliettafirstlady
Constance - @scummy-writes
Ioanna Alexander - @citrusmornings
Demelza Larkspur - @solacedeer
Shiloh - @tulipsaisle
Aurelia Deveroux - @kaizoku-musume
Ikemen Villains
Lacie - @koco-coko
Amelia - @dododrawsstuff
Mina - @natimiles
And these are the ones I could find quickly or just knew off of the cuff! Please feel free to expand! If you want to talk about your OCs, go wild. If you want to show off your friends, go for it!
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carolfierce116 · 8 months
I Want You Around
A/N: Sooooooooo I haven't done this in a verrryyyyyy loooonnnnggggg tiiiimmmmmeeeee. Writer's block/real life circumstances/and self doubt is a bitch. But a burst of inspiration hit me out of nowhere and this is what I came up with. Let's see where this goes. S/O to @lisayourworries for staying on my ass & @krysxtotheo for the constant thirst chats about The Bloodline.
*Pairings: Solo Sikoa/OC (black fem)
*Warnings: 18+, hint of smut but not too much.....for now
*Word Count: Approximately 1900 words
************************************************************************“Krys you awake?”
Chocolate brown eyes rolled as a soft giggle filled the room. The woman laying next to the muscular body turned to face her bed companion, resting her head on top of her arm. Her gaze landed on the side profile of her boyfriend’s face, his expression unchanging. 
“I’ve been thinking.”
“That can’t be good,” Krys joked with a small smile. She reached out and placed her index finger on his cheek, turning his face towards hers. “What’s on your mind Sefa?”
“Us?” Krys asked with a raise of her perfectly arched brow. “What about us?” 
Silence filled the room as Sefa studied the woman’s face, his eyes unreadable. Krys felt her palms start to perspire despite being completely nude under the lightweight bed sheet, the air conditioner nestled in the window rumbling lowly above the bed her and Sefa laid in. Despite being in a relationship with one another for a little over a year, most times Sefa was a puzzle that Krys couldn’t solve. He mostly kept to himself not allowing many people to penetrate the hardened exterior that he constructed to conceal his innermost thoughts and emotions.
Krys, however, was different. 
From the moment he laid eyes on her on his first day at NXT as she prepared to take his introductory photo after he joined the company he was enamored with her. From her infectious giggle to the way her light brown eyes sparkled when she watched him ringside performing as she snapped pictures to the way her body melted under his firm but loving touch whenever they made love, Krys had managed to do the one thing that no other woman before her could do.  
She turned him into a pile of mush.
That could be the only explanation as to why he was even considering this proposition. His brain was screaming at him that he was taking a huge risk and to slow down. There was no need to make such a hasty decision at this stage of their relationship. They needed more time to get to know one another to strengthen their bond. Things were great the way they were currently going. So why change what wasn’t broken? 
However, despite all of the valid reasons his brain created he couldn’t ignore his gut telling him he was making the right choice. 
Sefa parted his lips to speak before Krys’s shaky exhale interrupted his thoughts. She fully sat up in the bed, using the sheet as a temporary shield to hide her breasts that were decorated with of a spattering of Sefa’s teeth marks. 
“Sefa, I already know what you’re going to say.” 
“You do?”
Krys nodded and ran a hand through her curly blondish brown hair, pushing it away from her face. “Yeah. You’re gonna say that you care about me but you need to focus on your career now. You just got called up to the main roster and that requires a lot of focus and you can’t handle being distracted with a semi long distance relationship while I still work down at NXT.” 
“And I get it. This has been a dream of yours before we even knew one another. So it hurts but I completely understand it.” 
“You’re a great guy and I want the best for you.  I truly mean that. Even if it means we have to break up.” 
Sefa’s head jerked towards Krys, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Break up? You think I want to break-"
“I really should get going,” Krys interrupted as she swung her legs out of the bed, her foot touching the hardwood floor to look for her slipper. Before her other foot could do the same, Sefa’s large hand darted out and gently grabbed her wrist and halting her movements. Krys shivered at his touch, a chill running the length of her body and making her nipples harden instantly. 
“Move in with me.” 
Krys’s lips parted slightly as her eyes widened before darting to look at Sefa who was staring intently at her.
“I don’t wanna break up with you Krystle. I want you to move in with me.” 
The couple held each other’s stare waiting for the other one to speak. Krys cracked first, clearing her throat softly. “Wow I wasn’t expecting that.” 
“Why not?” 
“It’s just…I mean we’re…well…honestly Sefa I didn’t think that was an option,” she admitted softly. Her gaze fell to her lap and she shrugged. “You just don’t seem like the type that would want a woman living with you and being around 24/7. You’re kinda of a loner.”
A soft chuckle fell from Sefa’s full lips. “True.” 
“And things are going really well between us. Sure the new adjustment of you being on the road weekly is a new challenge but besides that we’re pretty solid.” 
“Is that so? Well why did you automatically assume I wanted to break up with you a few minutes ago?” Sefa asked as he folded his arms across his chest. 
Krys shrugged. “I mean if your boyfriend tells you that they’ve been thinking about your relationship late at night it typically aren’t good thoughts.” She turned to look at him over her shoulder. “So you don’t want to break up with me?”
“I love you Krys why would I want to break up with you?” 
Sefa watched as relief flushed over Krys’s face, another small exhale slipping from her lips at his admission.  She slipped out from underneath the sheets and started to pace back and forth in front of the bed. His eyes couldn’t help but study the naked frame in front of him, her full breasts bouncing slightly with every step she took as her hips swayed from side to side. He subconsciously bit his bottom lip as his eyes landed on her supple ass, the moonlight streaming into his room accentuating her caramel hued skin that was prickled with various stretch marks that he loved to trace with his tongue any chance he got. Not only was Krys the most beautiful and sexiest woman he laid eyes on but she also one of the nicest people he knew. As corny as it fuckin sounded she was one of the rare people that managed to lighten anybody’s life that she came in contact with. She was extremely compassionate and charming and could crack the toughest person she encountered, her contagious personality causing people to constantly want to be in her presence.  
Sefa was a prime example of that. 
When he finally got signed by WWE, Sefa main goal was to add to his family’s rich wrestling legacy. He knew he had big shoes to fill based on the amount of Hall of Famers in his family and the current legacy his brothers and cousin were crafting at that very moment. Sefa told himself that failure was not an option. Being less than great was not a choice. And he was willing to put in the work to carve his own legacy that would be praised for decades to come. 
But the moment he met Krys, his goals shifted.
Sure he still wanted to become one of the greats in his family. But now he slowly found himself thinking about what he wanted his life outside the ring to look like. And every fantasy included Krys. Marrying her. Having kids with her. Growing old with her. Loving her until he took his last breath. 
But those fantasies couldn’t become a reality if the naked woman in front of him wasn’t on board. 
“You don’t seem happy about my request.” 
Krys stopped pacing back and forth at the sound of disappointment in Sefa’s voice and turned to face him. “Baby it’s not that I’m not happy. I just want to make sure this is something you truly want. What if we move in together and it ruins what we have now? I don’t want to lose you.”
Sefa stood to his feet and climbed out of his bed, taking large strides towards Krys before he finally reached her. His muscular arms wrapped around her body pulling it plush against his chest as he dropped a kiss on her temple. Krys’s arms automatically opened to hug him back, her body relaxing in his embrace. 
“Krys I don’t wanna lose you either. But I also know that I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. You’re right I’m a loner and stay to myself. I keep most people at a distance. But Krystle Washington you’re not one of those people. I want to come home from the road with you waiting for me to talk my ear off about whatever gossip from those housewives shows you watch that you read that day. Or to wake up every single morning and watch you test every last bit of resolve I have while doing your daily yoga routine in the living room. I want all that sappy shit in those rom com movies that you force me to watch with you and only you.” 
Krys scoffed. “Stop lying I do not force you to watch those movies with me. You love them just like I do,” she said with a giggle. 
Sefa smirked. “What I love more is watching them with you. I love spending time with you baby.” He pulled away from the embrace and titled Krys’s head upward so they could lock eyes once again. “Admit it I make a compelling argument.” 
Krys couldn’t stop the small grin from appearing on the corners of her lips as Sefa’s words resonated in her mind. It wasn’t like she already didn’t spend all of her free time at his place. Financially it made sense to agree to his request so she could stop paying rent for a place that she had barely slept in since the moment her and Sefa became intimate a few months prior.  There was no denying how head over heels she was for him and the mere thought of taking this leap with him and moving to the next stage of their relationship excited her. But it was still a huge decision she had to think about. And seeing as how the two of them were currently holding each other’s naked bodies, his penis slowly awakening and slapping her inner thigh she knew it was not the right circumstance to think clearly.
“I’m not saying no.” She held up her index finger as a wide smile spread across Sefa’s face. “But I’m not saying yes either. Not yet anyway. I’m just saying give me some time to think about it babe.” 
Sefa nodded. “Ok that’s fair enough.”
Before Krys could say anything else, Sefa dipped his head and captured her lips in a smoldering kiss. She felt the wind slowly evaporate from her body as she quickly became lightheaded. She placed her small palms on Sefa’s chest to steady herself as his tongue slid out of his mouth and expertly pried the seams of her full lips before quickly tangling with her tongue. His hands fell to her round ass and squeezed generously eliciting a loud moan from Krys. Her thighs instinctively parted as the heat rushed to her pussy  causing it to throb without being touched and begged for attention. Sefa’s arms suddenly scooped Krys’s body into a fireman’s carry and he slowly walked back to the bed without their lips parting, planning to spend the next few hours to convince her to take him up on his offer. 
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Oh god i think I’m gonna cry and have a crisis about something I thought I was past all over again… this is great :/
I hate losing things.
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