#Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng
variedvery · 6 years
Foreign Exchange - Iron Man goes Up Up and Down Down
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Iron Man (Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng) - Sroeng Santi
Making not just one of the most interesting takes on Iron Man, the iconic Black Sabbath song, Sroeng Santi has a discography full of fuzzy guitar and psych rock gems.
Keeping only the iconic riff and bare musical frame, Sroeng Santi adapts it to a contemplative song on rising and falling. What exactly is it that is rising and falling, he leaves unclear.
But I’m pretty sure it’s an allusion to his junk.
Other gems include
A cover of Kung Fu Fighting
Go Away (Pai na Pai)
And my personal favorites - สรวง สันติ /Pu Yieg Yai /900 Pawn Shops
Songs like these are more than just attempts to imitate western music. There is a real heart and creativity to his covers and compositions. It’s an energy and a take on funky psych-rock that is wholly original, and I am so glad there are places like Finders Keepers Records and Paradise Bangkok and especially that there is a crate digger and Vinyl Indiana Jones like Chris Menist who push these songs out for the entire world to enjoy.
Iron Man - Black Sabbath
You know who Black Sabbath is. You definitely know the riff. But maybe next time you’ll be singing a different set of lyrics.
Lyrics that go
ขึ้นขึ้นลงลง ลงลงขึ้นขึ้น
And doesn’t that just say everything?
-Matt @variedvery
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secretradiobrooklyn · 3 years
Two Lions In Love Edition | 6.19 & 6.26.21
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Secret Radio | 6.19 & 6.26.21 | Hear it here.
 6/19: Juneteenth “Two Lions in Love Edition”
“Tropical use only” — drug salesperson
1. Daddy Don’t - “Bottom Side of Texas”
One of our favorite spots to play in the whole country is the Pilot Light in Knoxville — it’s not just the club, but the neighborhood and really the whole drive into town, digging into the Tennessee mountains. There’s a little St. Louis in its bricks and pathways too. One evening brought us a night with Daddy Don’t, which was a gal on guitar singing songs about the gal on drums, plus a guy onstage strictly to blow bubbles. They seemed so shy and so completely cool. Their set was hilarious and touching and maybe a little stumbly and thoroughly charismatic. I felt an overlap with Birdcloud and Schwervon and ‘90s Olympia but also definitely their own thing. I hope they’re doing cool stuff these days too.
2. Ennio Morricone - “Guerra e Pace Pollo e Brace” - “Grazie Zie” soundtrack
The great music find from the wedding of Josh and Ashleigh. We spent some time recently remembering what a fantastic time that was…
3. Panjabi MC - “Mundian to Bach Ke”
…because we all met up in Chicago this month to celebrate the marriage of Ren and Kiera! It was in the Morton Arboretum, bringing together both American and Indian families in one grand event. The music throughout the evening was lovely, from the ceremony (Josh on solo guitar) through the early events and the meal. Once the dance floor was opened, however, a whole new flavor dropped: the DJ rocked between Nelly and Indian dancefloor music, then over to Michael Jackson, then into Panjabi MC and on and on. We danced our faces off!
- “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” karaoke version with special guest star!
4. Sparks - “The Number One Song in Heaven”
“Gabriel plays it and God how he plays it!” I know everybody’s gonna be talking about Sparks soon because of the doc that just dropped, and it’ll be both from people who know everything about Sparks and from people who are brand-new zealots. Bring it on — I’m so looking forward to learning more about these guys… especially because, in just over a month, on August 6, there’s going to be a whole other film dropping that we’ve been looking forward to for years. It’s called “Annette,” and it’s directed by Carax, who did “Holy Motors” and “Lovers on the Bridge” — it’s his first movie in English and his first musical. But check this: Sparks wrote all the music! The cast includes Adam Driver, Marion Cotillard, Angèle AND Russell Mael … I mean, we couldn’t be any more excited for this film. It’s entirely possible that it won’t work at all, but it’s also entirely possible that it turns out to be the combined efforts of some of the most interesting artists working today.
5. T.P. Orchestre Poly-Rythmo de Cotonou - “Noude Ma Gnin Tche De Me”
We met up with Theo Welling recently just off Atlantic Avenue at a place with a questionable name and a brothel theme but a pretty epic back patio. Not only were there chandeliers and a disco ball hanging from the broad branches of the tree overhead, but the music was DEAD ON our tastes. When this song came on, it was like: they got us. There was some Francis Bebey a little later on, I mean it was the very stuff. And the thing is, this song totally rocked that patio. Because T.P. rules.
This is from Analog Africa’s crucial T.P. collection, “Echos Hypnotiques.”
6. Elsa - “Ecoutez”
The energy in French records from the ‘60s is crackling hard — this one 
We picked up this record at Dave’s Records when we were in town for Ren and Keira’s wedding. It happened to be Record Store Day as well, so we went to Dave’s Records, an old favorite with a “CDs — Never Had Em, Never Will” sign in the window. “They powered through CDs,” says Paige. That sign is this relic of them living through the ‘90s and ‘00s, really.”
7. Velvet Underground - “White Light/White Heat”
Theo was wearing a Lou Reed Transformer shirt that night and we spent some time talking about this crazy band. I feel like this track is the ultimate experience of VU where they find the most ragged frayed edge of pop music to ride and they spend the whole song there, until the end when they jump on the song like leopards on an antelope and start attacking it. But the song resists, takes off running, and actually gets quite a long ways before it is finally taken down. The ending sounds like a brutal act of nature.
8. Sroeng Sari - “Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng”
It took me a while to stop and actually listen to this song — the opening riff is kind of blinding. You stare into that riff and think that you’re gonna have to deal with a whole version of “Iron Man,” but on the other side of the riff lies a fascinating new riff and completely independent verse shape. (I have no idea if the lyrics relate to the concept of “Iron Man.”) In fact, it turns out the riff is practically only used like a sample within the structure of the song, and it’s mainly not Iron Man at all. 
9. [REDACTED] Keep an eye out for the Extended Drunk Scarface Cut Edition.
[9. Paige Brubeck as Scarface & Tony S. in - “Favorite Gangster Friend” feat. Chumbawumba]
10. Midnight Oil - “The Power and the Passion”
Paige was a little too late for Midnight Oil, but she’s extremely receptive to an ideologically, ecologically driven band. “If I had heard that band when I was listening to ska music, I would have fuggin loved this band. I think I would have listened to this band a lot. The part of me that likes Reel Big Fish and the Pietasters… it’s very punk and then when the horns come in it’s like, Oh yeah I love this stuff.”
For me: I love the drum solo. It’s such an interesting full-length exploration of a few different ideas, and it helps point out the ways that the percussion operates in Midnight Oil songs. The overdubbed variations on the singer’s voice reminds me of techniques we used in Bound Stems. I really like that way of recording multiple emotions within a single line and just kind of smashing them together for a multi-faceted take on the lyric. I feel like “Jane Says” was the first recording where I noticed that approach. I also love the crescendo structure to the whole song. But to me, this feels like a song that was built to be played live but someone thought should be represented on the album. I think the transitions between the A, B and C parts are weird and unfinished, even though each of the parts is really good.
11. Phuong Dung - “Do Ai”
What a truly incredible voice… and the guitar accompaniment only slowly reveals its depth and litheness through the course of the song.
12. Group Inerane - “Ikabkaban”
This was a lucky discovery. It’s as much a state of mind as a recording of a song. The sound is very live and not ideal, which I do think ultimately makes it more interesting. There’s something about live recordings that can be embarrassing and compromised… or it can feel like lightning in a bottle. I think this one feels special. This sounds to me like desert blues. These are some of the notes on the track itself: “This album by the rebellious Tuareg musicians from Niger is certainly more hypnotic and less ecstatic than the first (which was recorded at a wedding celebration). It should be said that the guitarist Adi Mohamed, who played on the first album, was shot dead in a skirmish between the nomads and junta forces.”
13. The Lemon Twigs - “As Long As We’re Together” (video version)
Now I should just say A) this is the video version of the song, and B) that’s the real version of the song as far as I’m concerned. This video is a perfect thing, at least to me. It was directed by Autumn de Wilde, who went on to direct the film “Emma,” which was one of the most enjoyable pieces of art we saw during the pandemic. (She initially got notice as a photographer before going into music videos.) The recording is masterful, with an intentionally pushed back main vocal and all kinds of panned effects both minimal and baroque. These guys were all teens when they wrote and recorded this song with Foxygen’s Jonathan Rado, which only makes it more (annoyingly?) brilliant. Also: this is our candidate for the song likeliest to get stuck in your head.
That video (I love the ending): 
- Nisar Bazmi - “Aesi Chal Main”
Pakistani music from a collection labeled “Folk and Pop Instrumentals 1966-1976.” It’s easy to imagine this as a folk song, but the instrumentation is so radically electric that it feels like new information being learned on the spot.
14. Katty Lane - “Ne Fais Pas La Tête” 
Another live recording. Actually, that’s probably not true: it’s a recording from a TV of a TV appearance that Katty made, almost certainly lip-synching the vocals. But it sounds better than the album version to us. Katty Lane is going for a cross between Nancy Sinatra and Brigitte Bardot, and it’s really interesting how close she gets but how far away she remains.
15. Ezra Furman - “I Lost My Innocence”
Man, the rhythmic arrangement of the opening verse knocks me out. The production on this whole album really, but the minimalist rhythmic clarity that comes from splitting the beat among a variety of instruments is so amazing. As a drummer I just find the pattern-building in this song enviable.
We got to know these songs well during a tour we did with Ezra Furman. The whole band is full of heavy hitters, including Tim Sandusky, the guy who recorded the album and plays a variety of instruments there and live. He’s one of my favorite musical brains, period, and “Transangelic Exodus,” the album this comes from, is one of my favorite pieces of album production, period.
16. Voilaaa - “Pas bon”
These are apparently contemporary people! This album is from 2015. I think Josh pointed us to this one.
17. Francois and the Atlas Mountains - “La Verité”
This a band Paige came across a couple of years ago, at 2222 Jefferson I believe. This chorus is a true tonguetwister and thus irresistable to try to sing along with. The melody is really strong, and check out how the guitar enters the solo!
18. Ata Kak - “Daa Nyinaa”
We had an amazing night in the back patio zone we share with our building. Dexter had a few friends over including a dude named KG who turned out to be super interesting on a variety of subjects. As we were talking about music he brought up Ata Kak, whose “Obaa Sima” we’ve played on here and who we absolutely love. Paige disappeared inside and came back with our tape of this whole album. He fell out, like what are we doing with this thing? I started telling the whole back story of how the album was discovered in a street tent in Ghana by the guy from Awesome Tapes From Africa, and eventually after many adventures actually tracked down Ata Kak, who was surprised to be found and even more surprised to find that the tape Awesome Tapes had found was distorted and ran way faster than originally intended. But then KG started playing that original tempo track, which does indeed sound comPLETely different. I still haven’t been able to find a way to get ahold of that original track. “Daa Nyinaa” is another banger off the same tape. The man just has a really great sense of what makes a hook.
19. Sakuran Zensen - “Taxi Man” 錯乱前戦 タクシーマンのMVです
This was a video that flickered through my feed a couple of years ago, I think thanks to Steve Scariano (not Steve Pick as I claim aloud). I don’t think a single recommendation of Steve Scariano has ever been the wrong answer — the man has impeccable taste. This song has all of the rock and all of the roll PLUS a ladder. It’s a strong song and an even stronger video:
20. New York Dolls - “Looking for a Kiss”
As soon as we were in the nasty distortion of Sakuran Zensen it was probably inevitable that we would go looking for the New York Dolls. The live performance of this song is worth the price of admission… and the drummer looks like one of the brothers from The Lemon Twigs!
21. Mina - “La verità”
Sometimes Italian is the only language that will do. It does tend to have its own melodic shapes separate from French. I adore the way she goes for the high notes in the chorus only to get to the climax, which is her dropping down into her lowest register to bitterly and sarcastically deliver the title phrase: “La verità:” “the truth.” I know just enough Italian to catch that her final declaration is “Sono stato io,” or: “It was me.”
22. Pylon - “Cool”
Pylon has been back in the news recently thanks to a big ol’ rerelease at the 40 year mark, and it’s a great way to get more in touch with a band that lies at the source of so much music we love. They are every bit as cool as the song.
23. Dalida - “Aghani Aghani”
Dalida is Egyptian born, in an Italian household, who first gained fame singing in French — or in Italian to French audiences. She ended up singing in 10 languages in all. She is a blockbuster French star with no parallel, though she died young by her own hand. “Aghani Aghani” is an Arabic medley that became a gigantic hit all across the Arab world and has since entered the fabric of the language and culture.
24. Betti-Betti & T.P. Orchestre Poly Rythmo de Cotonou - “Mbala”
We have been falling deeper and deeper for Betti-Betti’s songs. This one has so many of my favorite things that she does — the fantastic melodies that cycle past each other, the expressive horn lines, and the mouth percussion that totally transforms the song for me. We just recently got a different album of hers that we’re also really excited about; that one features an entirely different band in a different style. This one is T.P. though, those consummate collaborators, and this song is an epic joining of forces.
- Mulatu Astatke + Black Jesus Experience - “Mulatu”
25. Nick Drake - “Pink Moon”
Oh that strawberry moon with its red halo.
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parkerbombshell · 4 years
Generating Steam Heat #258
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Monday's Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Generating Steam Heat 4pm EST 9pm BST 1pm PDT bombshellradio.com  #GeneratingSteamHeat #Postpunk #punk #newmusic #60sClassics #Ska #60sGarage #StitcherRadio #Itunes #BombshellRadio  Circle Jerks - I Wanna Destroy You Scrounge - Badoom (From the Fierce Panda Records EP ‘Ideal’ 2019) Beak - Life Goes On (Invada Records digital single 2019) Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood (Sire Records single1981) C.H.E.W - Toxoplasmosis (From the Iron Lung Records EP ‘In Due Time’ 2020) The Dickies - Paranoid (A&M Records 7’’ 1978) Taggy Matcher & Birdy Nixon - Paranoid (From the Stix Records album ‘Singasong’ 2014)  Sroeng Santi - Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng (From the Finders Keepers Records compilation album ‘Thai? Dai! The heavier Sound Of The Luk Thung Underground’ 2011) Crucifixion -  On The Run (Neat Records 7’’ 1982) Girlschool - Watch Your Step (From the Bronze Records album ‘Hit and Run’ 1981) The Teardrop Explodes - Like Leila Khaled Said (From the Mercury Records album ‘Wilder’ 1981) Hazel English - More Like You (From the Marathon Artists album ‘Just Give In/Never Going Home’ 2017) Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness (From the Dead Oceans Records album ‘Stranger In The Alps’ 2017) Automatic feat JooJoo - Signal (JooJoo remix) (Stones Throw Records digital single 2020) Read the full article
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cr0ss0veronlymusic · 7 years
Sroeng Santi - Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng
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snackpointcharlie · 7 years
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Airing the first Wednesday of every month from 9:30PM-midnight (GMT-5) on WGXC, 90.7 FM Acra/Hudson/Catskill in upstate New York’s Hudson Valley. Tune in live, stream/download, or subscribe to the iTunes podcast or RSS feeds.
Transmission 004 - 2017.07.05
1) Mendrix - “Transitions” from PT. 1 https://soundcloud.com/mendrixmusic incorporating William S. Burroughs - various samples from BREAK THROUGH IN GREY ROOM http://amzn.to/2supadn
2) The Hygrades - “In The Jungle (Instrumental)” from WAKE UP YOU! VOL 1-THE RISE AND FALL OF NIGERIAN ROCK 1972-1977 http://amzn.to/2tRlsOm
3) Istanbul Blues Kumpanyasi - “Izmir'e Dönüş (Return to Izmir)” from SAIR ZAMANLAR (OTHER TIMES) https://www.discogs.com/Istanbul-Blues-Kumpanyasi-Sair-Zamanlar/release/2715023
4) Jack Walrath - “Godzilla Jazz" from GODZILLA JAZZ http://amzn.to/2sLmP1A
5) Reme Izabo's Music Research - “The Same Man” from THE WORLD ENDS: AFRO ROCK PSYCHEDELIA IN 1970S NIGERIA http://amzn.to/2tRaJn2
6) Surapon alias The Fox - "Nang Maew Pee (The Ghost of Catwoman)" from THAI BEAT A GO-GO VOLUME 2 https://www.discogs.com/Various-Thai-Beat-A-Go-Go-Volume-2-Groovy-60s-Sounds-From-The-Land-Of-Smile/master/306317
7) Sroeng Santi - "Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng (Iron Man)" from THAI? DAI! THE HEAVIER SIDE OF THE LUK THUNG UNDERGROUND https://finderskeepersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/thai-dai
8) Here Lies Man - "I Stand Alone" from HERE LIES MAN https://hereliesman.bandcamp.com/album/here-lies-man
9) Danan Hargeysa feat. Mohamed "Huro” Abdihashi - "Uur Hooyo (Mother's Womb)” from SWEET AS BROKEN DATES: LOST SOMALI TAPES FROM THE HORN OF AFRICA https://ostinatorecords.bandcamp.com/album/sweet-as-broken-dates-lost-somali-tapes-from-the-horn-of-africa
watch: "How Music Can Rebuild a Country After 20 Years of Civil War” (TED Mogadishu) from Ostinato Records https://vimeo.com/219811830
10) Chicano Batman - “Prelude/La Jura” from FREEDOM IS FREE https://chicanobatman.bandcamp.com/album/freedom-is-free
11) Jaime Llano Gonzalez - "Mosaico" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubFW3_r35UY
12) Meridian Brothers - “Dinamita” from LOS SUICIDAS https://meridianbrothers.bandcamp.com/album/los-suicidas
13) Hailu Mergia - "Yegle Nesh" from YEGLE NESH / HAILU http://hailumergia.bandcamp.com
14) Philip Cohran and the Artistic Heritage Ensemble - "Unity" from ON THE BEACH https://www.discogs.com/Philip-Cohran-And-The-Artistic-Heritage-Ensemble-On-The-Beach/master/84579
15) Idris Ackamoor & the Pyramids - “Epiphany" from WE BE ALL AFRICANS https://idrisackamoor.bandcamp.com/album/we-be-all-africans
16) Françoise Guimbert - "Tantine Zaza” from OTÉ MALOYA - THE BIRTH OF ELECTRIC MALOYA ON RÉUNION ISLAND 1975-1986 https://strut.bandcamp.com/album/ote-maloya
17) Jay-U Experience - "Some More" from ENOUGH IS ENOUGH https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/enough-is-enough
18) Colomach - "Kassa Kpa Sama” from COLOMACH https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/colomach
19) Megan Sue Hicks - "Hey, Can You Come Out and Play" from FOLLOW THE SUN https://anthologyrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/follow-the-sun
20) David Greenberger, Glenn Jones, Chris Corsano - "Trouble Don" from AN IDEA IN EVERYTHING https://okrainarecords.bandcamp.com/album/an-idea-in-everything
21) Joëlle Léandre & Rüdiger Carl - "Fatty's Lullaby" from BLUE GOO PARK https://destination-out.bandcamp.com/album/blue-goo-park
22) Nina Violet - “For You I” from ESOPUS 18 http://www.esopus.org/issues/view/18 https://ninaviolet.bandcamp.com/track/for-you-i
23) Nohelani Cypriano - “O’Kailua" from ALOHA GOT SOUL https://strut.bandcamp.com/album/aloha-got-soul
24) Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - “Nice, Nice, Very Nice” from CAT’S CRADLE https://www.discogs.com/Kurt-VonnegutJr-Cats-Cradle/release/4229292
25) Hedzoleh Soundz - "Mee Bee (When)" from HEDZOLEH SOUNDZ https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hedzoleh-soundz
27) Kandja Kouyaté - “Guede” from KANDJA KOUYATÉ ET L'ENSEMBLE INSTRUMENTAL DU MALIhttp://awesometapesfromafrica.blogspot.com/2007/08/la-grande-vedette-malienne-kandja.html
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tumbloar · 10 years
Sroeng Santi - Kuen Kuen Lueng Lueng
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altonbrownisgod · 10 years
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cordjefferson · 12 years
The jam.
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