#Kyōjurō Rengoku au
ghostbite0 · 4 months
Who is the best at getting bby Obanai to eat in tiny 21 trio? Also, is it harder to get him to eat when he’s in baby mode or out of it? :3
it's 100% gyomei, though mitsuri is a huge help too... if kagaya is around, then kagaya can get him to eat pretty easily
gyomei figured out that obanai will eat so long as nobody makes a huge deal out of it
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it's easier for him to eat in baby mode because when he's still big brained his anxiety really gets in the way.... he's embarrassed about having to drink from a bottle and is really mortified about the situation (gyomei is really great about easing his nerves)
baby mode obanai still has trouble but he can usually be bribed into it via promising snuggle time with kaburamaru later
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ladytamayolover · 1 year
‘ᴍʏ ᴅᴀʀʟɪɴɢ’
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An innocent little fluff of fem!readerxKyojuro Rengoku.
premise: They are cute parents with cute kids
“Kyojuro!” You basically screams, running over to your husband. “I thought you would be gone forever.” You cupped his face as he held her close to his chest.
“How is my lovely wife? And our lovely children?” He says, as he ignores the deep cut on his arm. He had just gone in his last mission, ever, after two children, that’s what it took to get this passionate man to retire. He wanted to do so sooner then later, but slayers have had a downfall in numbers recently, but he finally decided he deserved it.
“Natsumi, stop pulling your fathers uniform, it’s going to rip.” You says gently. Your daughter, Natsumi, was pulling at her fathers outfit attempting to get his attention. Natsumi looked just like you, except had Kyojuros eyes. Eyes softening, as Kyojuro looked down at his daughter, scooping her up.
“How are you my dear?” He says as she giggles as he spins her around, before hugging her tightly.
“I’m good Otousan! I made you a drawing! Let me get it.” He puts her down as she scurry’s off. Her long H/C hair bobbing as she runs to the home.
“Kouki is in the garden my love.” You say. Staring at your husband, the warm midday sun shimmering down on you two as he waits for Natsumi to return. “I will go fetch him. He will be very pleased to see you.”
“Kouki can finish playing whatever he’s doing in the garden, let me have a moment with my wife.” Kyojuro says before taking you, to hold you in a tight embrace. His body heat projects from off of him onto you. In such a warm manner everything seems to glow. Everything seems to fade in a gentle, warm, blurry glow. Just him. His arms wrapped around you, being squeezed close to him. it’s all that matters in the second. The moment, of pure silence, quickly touches you, a cold, salty tear runs down your face. How you missed him.
“Otousan! I got the drawing.” Quickly the scurry of your small daughters feet comping closer, thats what drifts you from the moment. Peering down at her art, you truly are amazed. It’s a simple water color drawing, simple, just a flash of warm reds, oranges, and yellows, but even then you are immediately reminded at your husband.
“It’s wonderful Natsumi! I love it!” Kyojuro takes the piece your daughter is waving in his face, “It’s a masterpiece, right my love?”
“Couldn’t be more correct.” You say nodding towards him. Nothing but joy submerging you. “Natsumi, will you please go get your brother?” Calmly leaning down to get closer to eye level with your daughter. She enthusiastically nods and scurry’s away. “She acts so much like you, Kyo.”
“You think?”
“Oh, definitely. She’s loud, enthusiastic, and passionate, and, stubborn.” You say teasingly, as Kyojuros face gets flustered.
“I am not stubborn! But I take the others as compliments and gladly accept them! But I am not stubborn!” He says, louder then usual, but he always speaks loud. Biting your lip so you don’t break out into a laughing fit, you take his face in your palms, kissing his check, so he’s less red from embarrassment, now red from your touch.
“My darling, if you weren’t stubborn you wouldn’t be so persistent about how you aren’t.” You tease, a bit more obvious this time. Deciding he will lose against you, Kyo simply kisses you. Warmth. Suddenly you were drowning in warmth. The aura he gave off was warm, calm, and loving. What you would give to be there with him, like this, all day, each day. And now you can.
“Otousan!” Suddenly the pounding of larger feet, but still small compared to you and kyojuro, hit the ground. Looking over you see a miniature Kyojuro, also known as your son Kouki.
“Kouki, how are you?” Kyojuro says as he gently pats his sons flamy hair.
“I am good! I have been practicing with the training sword you got for me, I am ready to become a slayer! Just like you!” He beams, your son was more reserved, sweet, but liked to experience life a bit more quietly. Unlike his father and younger sister. Though, when he was with his father, he was louder, more impulsive, and very bold. The affects your husband made on everyone’s lives for the better would forever amaze you. How could someone be so perfect?
“I am sure you will be ready to train a bit more seriously soon. Let’s go see you in action then shall we?” Marching off the two identical men went off to a clearing in your property. Noticing a slight tug on your kimono you look down to see your daughter.
“Okaasan, can we make Sakura Mochi?” Natsumi was starring up at uou with her large, flame eyes, you could melt at the gaze of your daughter.
“How could I say no? Let’s go make some and then watch your father and brother train.”
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echantedtoon · 3 months
Ocean Deep Ch15 Mers And Ladies P2
(Warnings: Mentioning of Yn's wounds and getting stabbed, blood mention, kidnapping mentions, etc. 
This was the emotional turmoil I warned you about.
Also important info: Mermaid partners will play chase when courting. Why? Because I said so and it's cute.)
taglist: @six-eyed-samurai @lavenderdrxp @jjamsbangtan @camilo-uwu @hopefulworld1
@shadyd3ar @amypop122 @azuredragonstrike
@mimisweetz @chaoticoperatorduckhairdo @staarflowerr @aleee-386 @summrwalkr
Remember if you want to be added to the tag list lemme know.
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The wounds that cut the deepest were never physically.
Even as warm flesh met in a timid embrace. Lips molding in desperation and ferocity. Molding and meshing together as if this were their last moments on earth.
The sounds of weeping was never a good sign but oh- Oh how beautiful those cries were as he buried himself into the sweet honey taste of the glossy lips. The cries like a beautiful lullaby finally lulling his heart- No. His very soul to ease at last. A little hug going through the chest and shushing the throbbing pain like a wee babe trilling out. Loud sobs echoed throughout the destruction of the night. Passing over waves and bouncing off floating shreds of wood planks. 
The warmth of the water feeling nothing but cold. 
Sounds. Noises. Tones. Pitches. Frequencies.  He knew them all.
So why did it take him so long to realize that the only one sobbing here was him? Why didn't he notice the way he was letting his eyes talk for him? Why didn't he feel the way he had placed himself against her flesh? Forehead to collar bone. Hands and arms tightly clutching onto the pale wet flesh as the eyes shown down brightest in the moonlight.
"Tengen... What have you done?"
Stung. Worse than a manta Ray's jab. Still stinging. 
Sobbing. Crying. No stopping the tears that caught the moonlight. Like little stars twinkling down his face and joining the sparkling of the waves. 
Worlds collided and evaporated. Taking all rational thoughts with it. Pleas of echoing lingering self resentment clouding judgement, pride be damned.
"Dont leave me again don't leave again!! Please I beg of you do not leave me again! I can't lose you!"
Lungs burnt in panic beyond comprehension. He couldn't think clearly. He felt like he was burning in a fire while also frozen so numb in ice he lost all feeling. Sobbing wracking the heavy frame as it clung onto the smaller form like a lifeline. If he let go he would tumble and spiral out of control with nothing to stop him. Nothing to cushion his fall. 
"I have nothing else. I don't want to lose this. I can't lose you all again! PLEASE! You're the only good thing I have!!"
They were the only thing he could love. He didn't want to lose the light that had finally arrived back into his heart. They must hate him. Hate, hate, HATE HIM for everything he put them through. Everything he let happen. He was worthless. Unworthy. Useless. Horrible.
"I only wanted you safe! I swear...I'm sorry. Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry! Forgive me. Please don't leave me!"
Please don't leave him. Please don't hate him. Please let him make up for everything. As long as they stayed. 
"I LOVE YOU! I love you, I love you, I love you so much you don't understand!"
Stay. Please. Say they'll stay now. Please don't let his mind be playing tricks on him. Please don't let him wake up and find out this was nothing but a sick nightmare to mock him for his sins. 
"I promise I'll be better! I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll be a better husband I swear! Just don't go! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry-"
'Im sorry.' A mantra repeated like a prayer over and over in his broken voice. Broken up into pieces like shattered glass in chokes and sobbing. 
He wasn't even aware of who he had grabbed in the un-clarity. He just remembers two hands, so tiny but much stronger than his broken miserable body all together, grabbing the glistening sides of his head. Weakened by the force of a thousand failures. He didn't want to let her go. He had enough clarity to realize that whoever she was wasn't Kyojuro. He sobbed. He's sobbing he hadn't stopped. He couldn't stop. Not even when sweet lips met his swallowing up the next sob that dropped from his throat. Scooping it up and turning it into muffled chokes and whines. It's been so long. Too long since he felt a loving touch.
A most intimate touch only shared by lovers. 
One he didn't deserve. Shouldn't be given. Yet he accepted like a drowning man desperate for a taste of the sweet oxygen. 
All that could be heard was the muffled chokes. Like he was trying to gasp for that air but his throat was clogged beyond saving. He couldn't stop. The dam had burst and there was nothing to save himself. The screams from the past still echoed. Haunting him back to the visions of them disappearing and unable to do anything. So helpless. So worthless. 
He couldn't stop the choke that forced him to pry himself away from the saving grace that was her embrace. A hiccup, messy and loud, not helping his feelings. Eyes stinging in fear for what he'll see. Afraid it'll be nothing but air and he had just been imagining the whole thing. Gone insane with grief or worse- It'll be nothing but a desperate dream by a man who's failures costed him everything. Coasted them all everything!
Through the staining tears-
Through the haze-
In the dark-
Lit up by nothing but the moonlight-
Barely visible-
Blue eyes shown up at him big and bright.
"O-Oh my God..Oh my go-ha-haaad. Suma! SUMA!!"
Blue eyes, MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN ANY SAPPHIRE, and a face more welcome than his own father was there. 
She was here.
She was ok.
Her name felt like a holy prayer for the tongue. He couldn't stop the voice from yelling despite the closeness. If the voice hurt her ears she didn't show. Only proceeding to tear up with tears more meaningful than any other time than she's ever cried before.
"No, Tengen. D-Don't cry! If you start t-t-then I'm go-gonnaaa- Ahhahahaaaaaa!!" Beautiful. Her crying was always beautiful but now it was more beautiful than any dammed song or instrument in the world. 
He choked again. He couldn't say anything but choke on his own stupid breathing as she wailed and hung onto his face. Someone joined them. The most beautiful gold orbs ever that was more valuable to him than all the gold in the world. 
He couldn't finish. Both literally as the chokes claimed him and because he was not worthy to say her name let alone be in her presence. Gold and Sapphire. Sobbing and tearing up. He felt his flesh burn in shame and guilt as multiple arms surrounded his weak failure of a body, keeping him aloft as he lost himself once more sobbing uncontrollably and feeling a fist smashed into his heart only to creep up through his skin and clench around his throat from the inside as a perfect little Ruby joined the Gold and Sapphire. A gutteral, and absolutely pathetic noise left him. Somehow sounding more pathetic by how tight the fist clutched his throat. He tried to talk. He wanted to declare his apologies for his sins so badly-
"Tengen." A soft small hand pushed the quivering bottom lip back up to meet the upper even more quivering lip. "Baby, don't. It's alright now. Shh."
Choking. Hiccuping as the arms wrapped around him fully. Tightly and making sure to NOT let him go. To NOT let him leave. They were saying 'youre ours and you're going to stay right here whether you like it or not.'  He couldn't break away even if he wanted to. 
"You're alright. You're ok now. We got you."
He held on tightly. All one, two, three of them were here. Safe. Alive. It wasn't a dream. It wasn't his mind playing cruel games! Rocking back and forth and burying himself into their warmth. So soft. Smelt of fresh air and flowers. Beautiful. They were his. He was theirs. And he wanted nothing more than to allow them to reclaim him and keep him eternally. 
Time froze still. His rocking ceased. The waters fell deathly silent once again. And then puffy, bloodshot red eyes snapped on a swivel towards the one who frowned at him with fiery eyes.
"You...WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!" A voice, loud and very on edge reverberated throughout the night. Puffing with unrestrained nights of stressful sleep and rising paranoia from the mind. 
"I understand you must be very angry with me-" 
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'VE FELT!!" Kyojuro said nothing in defense in the brief silence after the declaration. A full minute of angry gasping and heaving. Edging closer to falling over the hold their wives had on him. A shaking hand raised accusingly and rightfully so. "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I FELT?! YOU WERE ALL I HAD LEFT AND YOU DECIDED TO DO WHAT I EXPLICITLY TOLD YOU NOT TO DO! YOU LEFT ME ALONE AND I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO PROCESS THIS!!..." The choking returned. Voice loosing whatever bitter bite the tongue tasted and devolving into nothing but sobs. "Dammit, Kyo...Do you know what you made me think?! W-What I felt when you left me?!.."
Whatever might've been said was lost. A warm cheek pressing into his shaking hand had him choking on whatever he might've said next. Red eyes, sorrowful, guilty, regretful, and on the verge of collapsing into tears too gazed hard into his.
"I'm so sorry, my love."
He couldn't finish. It should've been him from the very beginning to take their fate. At least then he would've done what he should've done as a good husband. There was a pure moment of relieving bliss surrounded by warmth and love. Crying too yes but he didn't care for him or how he looked in that moment..
Until the smell of thick copper finally registered in his nose.
Bloodshot eyes shot back open. No. NO. EVERYTHING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OK NOW!! SOMETHING WASN'T RIGHT! The blinking eyes shot around the abyssal horrid darkness searching for the source quickly and panicked-
Until they fell upon Kyojuro. 
And the red splattering his body. The red staining his hands and arms. 
There was nothing but silent stares until the others in mixed reactions found out quickly the reason for his sudden stoic face. 
"W h a t  t h e  f u c k  i s  t h i s?"
Kyojuro for once looked almost panicked. "Tengen, we can explain." He choked out quickly under the intensity of the face he gave her.
"I think I'd like that actually." A hand, still shaking uncontrollably, pointed at the way Kyojuro's hand bunched up and tightly held the pretty yellow fabric of a once nice dress stained by red. Most likely the source of the blood the Kyojuro was trying to prevent from leaking out. "Why the hell are you holding that human?!" 
"Tengen, I promise we will explain everything to you but right now she needs attention! We must get her to the doctors now!"
A sneer. "Leave her on the beach! Someone will find her or she'll wake up and go home herself!"
"We can't just abandon her! She's wounded!" His husband's look was panicked. Extremely afraid. "LOOK FOR YOURSELF!" As if to convince him, he turned to nudge up the obvious bleeding gash in the unconscious woman. "She won't make it if we don't do something."
Tengen said nothing. Nothing but stare at the pitiful and weak girl in his arms....He admitted Kyojuro was right. The wound wasn't deep and the bleeding wasn't bad but she'd most likely not survive the night if left to herself or perhaps a wild creature would be attracted to the blood and easy prey. She was more pitiful than the man who threatened them.
He knew that man's face. 
His voice.
He was the one who mocked him from the shoreline and thrived on his pain when his cursed bloodline stole his lovers from him. 
He was not going to survive to do it again.
He didn't recognize this woman. He leaned forward giving a deep inhale. He smelt blood obviously, and salt and water on her drenched body. Some cotton from her fabric, and then finally her own unique scent. One whiff and he was able to conclude that she was never any of the people that he took out or who wronged him before. A total stranger. A third smell got him confused.
There was a plethora of all kinds of different smells on her body. Blood, salt, water, cotton- But also the faint scent of flowers, and other plants, and strangely enough the scents of his lovers. Mostly Makio on her arms and hands and Kyojuro as he held her, but there was also softer traces of both Suma and Hinatsuru too.
....How odd.
However he fully stopped. The scent of THAT MAN was there too. On one place. Under the blood and Kyojuro's hand desperately trying to save her. Did-..
Was he responsible for this?
"Tengen, please."
"....Press down on the wound tightly. It's a long trip and if she's going to make it then she'll need all the blood she can keep in her body." 
He hoped he didn't regret this kindness.
You stared at Tengen as he continued to casually stare at you before shrugging again. You sputtered opening and closing your mouth before shaking your head and just looking out again at the blue horizon. Still no signs of land anywhere. This-..It-
"T-There's gotta be some kind of mistake." You looked back to him wet hair clinging to your face and shoulders. "Did you say that I'm on an island?"
His smile widened. "THE biggest out of the three I own!" He huffed proudly before a single finger pointed up. "I own the entire west beach where you first came from. It became mine after I drove all those humans away and claimed it for myself. I also own these three islands off it and at least five miles of ocean in all directions you see! It's a perfectly plentiful hunting ground for my pod and partners!" He hummed again and rubbed his chin. "In fact- Kyojuro's family just moved into the coral reef connected to my second island. Kyo wanted a safer place for his little brother to grow up and technically they're my in-laws-" He lit up perfectly happy again. "So my home is their home!"
"How the heck did you even manage to build a house on the beach when you can't walk on land?!" That's what confused you most.
"Oh that? Eh. This island used to be inhabited by people who fished like your town did." He waved a hand disregarding anything in concern with a bored look. "The guy who had this place before me ran them out and then I ran HIM out. I guess a few houses are still standing up."
Ok. Kinda creepy to know that you were really staying in what Used to be someone's house but that really the main concern here. Your main concern was why three girls who ended up disappearing, one girl who was Said to be carried off by a Naga, and a girl who was supposedly drowned two towns over were all stuck in a house way out in the middle of no where!
"Tengen." He hummed again glancing boredly at you from examining those sharp strangely Mitch matched claws of his. You hesitated a second before gesturing to the way you had walked from. "Why are those girls on your island?"
"Oh! Well besides this island being the biggest, there's a few houses left standing they can live in, it has a fresh water source for drinking, plenty of food-"
"That's not what I meant." Your waving hands caused him to pause in his island bragging again. "I meant WHY are they here?"....He blankly stared at you. "Why are they on your island and not home?"
He blinked. "They are home. What are you talking about?"
You wanted to facepalm yourself. "No. Why aren't they with their families?" He opened his mouth- "Their human families, Tengen!" You frowned harder.  "Everyone's been worried sick about them since they disappeared last year!" Your stomach felt tied in knots remembering the way you've seen Mr. and Mrs. Kocho cry over loosing all three of their children in one day. 
Tengen stared at you silently before he just shrugged making you gawk to the nonchalant reaction to the situation. "I dunno really. It's not my business."
"What do you mean? They're living on YOUR island aren't they?!"
He stretched his arms placing them behind his head. "I mean yeah. Can't exactly make them live in the water with their puny lungs." Your eyes narrowed but he wasn't affected by this. "*sigh* Look. They're not my mates so I have no say in their relationships other than letting them stay where they won't get killed."
Wait... Relationships? He must've seen the expression your puzzled face was making because he groaned again before rolling his eyes.
"My pod mates. They're the ones who brought 'em here. Look. I dunno about humans where you come from, but here we don't really stick our noses into others' relationships."
"Wait. What do you mean that they were brought here?"
He shrugs with his arms still behind his head. "Just as I said. That Akaza fellow traded me a whole chest of jewels just to let that suck girl live here. Uh.. What's-Her-Name. Koko? Yuki? Something like that." He looked off to the side seemingly bored again. "She kept getting sick so Giyuu and Sanemi thought it'd be a good idea to kidnap some doctors but then they stayed- Then my problem started. Obanai said he'd go look for em on land!" He tutteted and made a sour frown. "But instead of being back my women, he ends up bringing back a pink haired girl who wound up beating my ass in a suplex!"
His head snapped to you narrow eyed and frowning as you turned away covering your face. "And what the hell is so funny?!"
What was so funny was the mental image of a petite woman like Mitsuri beating the scales of a giant merman supposedly strong enough to sink ships whole. But you only shook your head despite the smile on your face.
"N-Nothing. Nothing at all," you said between giggles at his obvious frown.
"It's not funny!" He shouted before quickly lowering his arms to ..Cross them and-
"Are you pouting like a child?" Some kind of sputtering noise escaped his throat making you laugh harder than before and his face turned red out of embarrassment.
"I am not pouting! Tengen Uzui does not pout like a pint sized minnow! You got that?!" Despite his annoyed face and look you couldn't help but end up laughing more, hugging your sides and trying not to jostle the hurt shoulder. "I MEAN IT! STOP! STOP YOUR LAUGHING!! IM THE MOST FLASHY AND TERRIFYING SEA CREATURE OF THE WEST SEAS!! IF I WANTED TO, I COULD SCARE YOU SO BAD YOU COULDN'T EVEN TAKE A BATH WITHOUT BEING SCARED OF ME!"
You wheezed for air not being able to breath. "Y-Yes. T-Tengen U-Uzui. *Snort* Lord of pouts A-And god of- Hahaha! Blushing-"
"I'M NOT INTO YOU!!" He sounded..panicked almost. His face a sudden ten shades redder. And he squawked out half stuttering. "LET'S GET THAT STRAIGHT! I MIGHT BE GRATEFUL BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE SEDUCING ME! GET REAL! IF ANYTHING YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN AWE OF ME!!"
"Aw. You came all the way here to seduce me?", you teased not taking him seriously at all. 
"I-... THAT'S NOT-"
"Or do you want a 'medical kiss' too?" You teased again. Feeling a little better that you can get back at him in some way after all you went through. "I think I can arrange that.~"
Tengen absolutely froze solid. Big lashes on sparkling f/c orbs batting up at him as the soft face leaned in closer. The water droplets against her skin shown in the sunlight like a thousand tiny diamonds clung onto her. Her nightgown clinging to her showing off her figure as soft hands reached out to grabbed his burning cheeks. He couldn't move. Couldn't speak as she inched forever closer. Beautiful orbs going half lidded before closing and warm breath ghosting over him. His face reddened to a shade that rivaled that of an apple, he leaned forward enough to kiss your lips, eyes slowly closing as well- Before her head changed direction and she completely leaned away startling him into opening his as. Blinking as she stood in in giggles. 
"Consider that payback for your teasing. Now.."
 You walked away from his frozen form stopping halfway back down the rock to cross your arms and look around. There was the matter with getting off this island...Maybe the old town here, or what was left of it, had a leftover row boat or something. Or maybe Tengen or one of your friends could give you a ride back to shore? If not you were sure you could make a raft out of-
You jumped at the sound of sudden rumbling. What THE- What was that? The skies were still clear so not thunder. Was that your stomach? You know you didn't have breakfast yet but you didn't think you were THAT hungry.
"So..THAT'S  how you want to initiate courtship huh?~ How flashy.~"
You looked behind you but froze as you met wine red eyes. His pupils quickly switching between completely dialated and completely all black and round. His mouth in a playful EAGER smirk that nearly split his face. His body was in a pounce position similar to a cat's. Speaking of cat's his shoulders rolled like a cat about to pounce on prey. Face still blushing a mad red.
"Two can play at this game, Little Gem.~"
You squealed out as a large merman suddenly and without warning pounced towards you-
Scrraaaaappe. Scrraaaaappe. 
The soft sounds of a bristled broom swept across the floors and outside of the home. Sending the dust and dirt flying outside into the air in a small cloud of dust before it disappated into thin air. The waves softly rolling off the sand in rolls as the wind gently blew through. Sending pretty long black hair into her face. Her gentle voice giggled as it tickled her skin and she brushed it away-
Pink eyes blinked-
Pretty pink eyes turned towards the source of the one calling out to her. A white head of hair bobbing amongst the water. The face of bloodshot black pupils scars staring intensely at her form in the doorway before-
The face stretched an unsure smile across his face as if he wasn't sure how to smile showing off nothing but fangs. A splash sending droplets over himself sounded off as a hand pushed into the air. In his grasp sparkled pretty strings of pearls and gem necklaces. 
"Look! I traded one of Uzui's girls for them! They're f-for you! Aren't they beautiful?!," he called desperately.
...A sad frown settled on her features as she turned- 
"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT!! L-LOOK!! I-I got something for your little sister too! Kanao  likes butterflies right?!" He desperately fumbled as she watched with the same sad, silence she always gave him. Shaking claws desperately picking out a small oddly shaped greenish gem. "Look! This kinda looks like one! I have six little brothers and sisters so I know how you must feel about them! I-I can be good to your family too! LOOK!!' The oddly shaped thing was held up with a frown from him. "Just-... Please don't ignore me anymore. I-I can give you anything you want! Just name whatever the hell you want and I'll get the dam thing!"
She didn't respond. Only looking back forward, and slowly walking back through the doorway. His heart felt like it broke into a million pieces as the noise of the door once again closing echoed in his mind. 
"Rejected again, Shinazugawa?"
A growl echoed over the waves before dangerously slit eyes snapped in the direction of the voice. "Fuck off, Obanai!"
Above the shore and gliding across the dry beach was a much longer but less powerful sea snake. The seemingly endless coils from where he had been wrapped up, sunbathing no doubt, uncoiled just enough to allow his torso to raise and look at him. 
He looked unfazed by his friend's anger as usual. "You think you would've learnt by now. That girl is never going to acknowledge you."
A hiss in place of a growl left narrowed slit eyes. "That'ssss none of your business."
"It'sss hard not too when you're so loud it wakes up fish all the way in fucking Antarctica!"
"Yeah?!" He pointed out a hand still clutching precious jewels. "At least I'm not as shitting as Lonerfish when it comes to-" He looked over and choked on his words. "OH WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Said snake turned and both comically felt their eyes bug out at the sight before them. A familiar looking blue and black tailed merman sat there looking bored out of his mind and silent as usual which wasn't really out of the ordinary. But what WAS our of the ordinary was the smiling lavender eyed woman squishing his cheeks over and over again as he did nothing to stop her from doing so. He seemed entirely unfazed by any of her poking and prodding of him. Until she said something to him...He mouthed something back which must've been the right thing to say because the girl smiled closed eyed and pleased with herself.
They both continued to stare.
"...Well...This day can't get any worse I suppose."
Obanai had spoken too soon.
Both men looked towards the left. Giyuu looked up startled and the girl snapped around startled. ..And all of them watched as a woman drenched to the bone and holding up the end of her nightgown running down the beach with a lovestruck koi tailed merman behind her.
You voice was cut short when Uzui somehow used his arms to leap in front of you and skid to a stop making sand fly as he slid to a stop. You stopped nearly tripping over forward as he stared at you with such an intense look that was like a man falling in love after a hundred years of loneliness. Somewhere behind you a door slammed open hearing the screams, pink eyes blinked widely.
"What the hell has gotten into you people?!," you squealed out as he gave a sound between a deep chuckle and a loud purr. 
His muscles tensed as he smiled wider and again his shoulders did that rolling motion. "I did say I was flashier than anyone else didn't I?~"
He leapt. You squealed. And a moment later you found yourself wrapped up in big burly arms. Pulled against a rippled chest and looked up into the wine red eyes of a playfully blushing merman. 
He smiled brightly at his catch giving a pleased growl that had you freezing. Before he puckered his lips and leaned forward to kiss you-
"TENGEN UZUI!!" He paused still puckered, blinked, and looked over his shoulder at an angry pinked eyed woman. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"
"Just a minute there-"
You opened your mouth only to freeze as a head of white hair snapped back to you and suddenly there was a warmth upon your lips-
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sapphickocho · 1 year
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We need to talk about the potential of renkaza in the entertainment district. Like imagine, just visualize with me here, Kyojuro survives the battle with Akaza and after a couple of months with minor injuries and a brand new eye patch he sees his close friend uzui trying to kidnap the butterfly girls and is able to reason with him, knowing he is distressed about his wives disappearance and offers himself instead along with the original trio. (Therefore we get to see tanjiro and rengoku being like brothers in this au)
Uzui is like unsure but accepts that this might actually work despite rengoku being too old to be accepted as a courtesan (because they usually go for young girls to train so they can be indebted) yet when they put on his kimono and makeup Uzui is like OH SHIT-Kyojuro is fucking gorgeous.
They dont even get halfway down the first street before Kyojuro is crowded by many people begging for him to join their house. Despite being confused Kyojuro accepts with his boisterous enthusiasm. Uzui doesn't let him bring his sword (despite his friends glare) and he is lead to the Tokito house.
Meanwhile Akaza enters the red light district on orders by Muzan to check on Daki and Gyutaro. However he is caught up in a crowd of men who are all beneath a balcony in the Tokito house, as they all whisper about this mysterious new woman known as "Renka." Akaza is not interested in this until he hears that she has strange exotic hair, a vibrant hue of yellow and red. Suddenly Akaza is now interested to see this woman that reminds him of the hashira that was constantly thinking about ever since that battle months ago.
well you can imagine his surprise when the flame hashira himself walks out in the disguise of Renka.
Akaza is even more infatuated then before, and decides right then and then he is going to pay to meet him. He plans to not reveal who he is just yet so he hides in his human disguise and to make it more realistic he buys a snowflake pin as a gift (it subconsciously reminds him of his wife)
Uzui told Kyojuro to decline anyone who is willing to pay for his time but Akaza offers the house so much money they force him to accept. Kyojuro is silently cursing out his friend as he and this mysterious man go up to the rooms, unsure what to do.
Except nothing happens. The man who never says his name is polite and respectful, if only a little pushy by asking him many questions. All they do is talk that night and the man gives him a snowflake pin. In fact Kyojuro thinks him quite handsome, even with the three tattoo lines he has on his forearms.
However when he leaves before dawn, tanjiro alerts Kyojuro that man was a demon by using his super sense of smell. They notify Uzui and Kyojuro receives his sword but they do not think that the demon will go to the same house twice.
They are so wrong.
Akaza comes back the next night and pays for his time AGAIN. By then Tanjiro has left the house to meet with Inosuke and Zenitsu so he is the only slayer in the house. As soon as they get up to the rooms, to Akaza's surprise, pulls out his sword (that he hid in his kimono like the badass he is) and confronts him. Akaza then reveals who he's been the entire time.
Kyojuro knows he cant fight inside the house, or else the innocents can get hurt yet Akaza does not make a move. So instead Kyojuro demands him to tell him where Uzui's wives are. Akaza then informs him that he was not the one that took him, and that he does not attack woman ever. This confuses Kyojuro to no end, and even more so when Akaza tells him about Daki and Gyutaro  telling them all their secrets.
They do not end up fighting, because soon they hear a loud explosion (Daki fighting Tanjiro) and Kyojuro is immediately in battle mode. But he is still stuck in an Oiran outfit that restricts his movement because of the shoes. So Akaza like the himbo he is picks up Kyojuro bridal style and launches him over to the site of the explosion. It goes as well as you expect;
Kyojuro: How am I going to get there in time? These clothes are no good for running in my breathing style.
Akaza: Dont worry I got you *Picks him up*
Kyojuro: You could have just taken my shoes off!!??
Now Tanjiro is wondering why the hell uppermoon three is carrying Kyojuro to him more then the fact that Kyojuro cuts the head off of Daki in a breeze a moment later. Uzui joins them, just to see Akaza run off. Kyojuro tells him not to pursue him because Gyutaro is going to show up any minute now.
The battle goes quicker with two hashira, except Kyojuro being informed that his blood art is poision, jumps in the way of Tengen to stop a poisonous blow that was meant for him. The rest of the battle goes exactly the same while Kyojuro is taken out of the picture. When Gyutaro is beheaded he gives one last ditch effort by using his blood art that nearly decimates the entire district. Like Nezuko to Tanjiro, Akaza who was watching the battle the entire time, uses his body to protect Kyojuro from the blast.
Uzui despite having his arm and eye destroyed wonders why the hell an uppermoon that nearly killed his best friend months before is clinging on to him so tightly. He nearly begins another brawl with him, until he realizes that Kyojuro has been poisoned and both begin a truce to figure out how to save him. It goes something like this;
Uzui: Hes going to die! We need to bring kocho here, or a doctor-
Akaza: Is there anything you can do?
Uzui: Do I look like a fucking doctor to you? How about you do something.
Akaza: I can turn him into a demon.
Uzui: I'm going to cut you into little bits you bastard-
Then Nezuko, always being the one to fix things (and carry the entire show) pops up and begins to burn him. Akaza nearly strangles the girl until he realizes its actually burning the poison out of him.
As soon as thats done, Uzui plays a little game of tug of war with Kyojuro as the rope since Akaza refuses to let go of him. Kyojuro wakes up in the middle of this wondering why his torso is in Akazas hand and why Uzui is gripping his legs.
Uzui: Let go of him!
Akaza: No you let go of him!
Kyojuro: I have an idea! How about you both let go of me
Finally free from their grips they are all very tense unsure who is going to attack first. Then, Akaza takes something out of his pocket; the snowflake pin that was torn out of his hair during the battle. He gives it to him, saying to keep it, before running away, just as the sunrise hits.
Uzui gawks at him as Kyojuro puts it back in his hair, and Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu and Uzui's wives wonder why a demon is courting the flame pillar. Kyojuro still oblivious, questions why his heart feels so fuzzy. Is it the effect of the poison? Either way, he is glad he went on this mission.
Update: I wrote a Fanfic
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squidthesquidd · 11 months
Your household pets au is so adorable!!!
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GRAAAAAA THANK YOU drawing lil squishy animal things is my 100% all time cure for art block <3
so have some doodles!!! mostly of the uzui fam lmao
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Demon Kyojuro and Senjuro AU!
First off tho! Credit! This design was inspired by @lokh ‘s demon Kyojuro design! Which can be found here. It's extremely cool please go reblog it!!!!
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Explanation of my AU is under the cut :)
Okay! so!
this AU begins after Kyojuro's survival of the Mugen Train.
He takes months to begin to get near fully healed but he'd never be healthy enough to become an active demon slayer again, much less a hashira.
Then Senjuro gets diagnosed with the same disease that killed their mother and it all spirals.
Akaza makes a startling appearance and becomes a frequent visitor.
Akaza isn't stupid, he knows he can't convince Kyojuro to become a demon willingly, convincing him to turn his dying little brother while hes vulnerable in multiple ways (physically, emotionally etc) on the other hand ? He switches tactics. It works.
They run, because Kyojuro knows the consequences of what he's done and isn't willing to face them.
Because of Kyojuro's presence Senjuro was able to retain his memories and full autonomy.
The same cannot be said for Kyojuro later, who is turned unwillingly (note: NOT by Akaza). He looses his memories and most of his speech (he can talk, its just choppy and mostly one word sentences). All he remembers is his love for his little brother and dislike of Akaza and other demons.
He becomes a sort of...demonic vigilante? He does eat, but only when he needs to and tries very hard to only attack and eat those he deems morally corrupt. When it comes to demon slayers, those he considers innocent or morally just he preforms quick, 'mercy' killings.
I'm not quite sure what his demon blood art would be yet but I'm thinking its something simple like him just setting alight and burning people (which, when slayers begin to find bodies of people who were clearly killed by a demon but burned it mystifies them. Demons aren't know to 'cook' their food). Knowing the Rengoku name means Purgatory you could say it's a form of hell-like punishment. He only burns those he considers morally corrupt.
A note about Senjuro: he refuses to eat and it worries Kyojuro to no end.
Senjuro wants to tell his brother about who they were and why whats going on is wrong but hes under strict instruction and threat from Akaza to not. (the threat being Akaza tracking down and attacking people like Tanjiro, their father, Kocho and such).
Another thing about Senjuro is that even as a demon he's weak. Well comparatively to humans he's much stronger but he's still nowhere near useful in combat. This angers both him and Akaza.
and...that's it so far! this has been a lot of rambling but i've fallen in love w this AU so i hope u can forgive me :)
There is a short playlist for this AU! You can find it here <3
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teamfreewill56-blog · 5 months
you reposted the chapter of the kimetsu gakuen "breath of flame" and made a comment that Kyojuro is depicted canonically correctly here. what do you think about his characterization in all the other chapters of the school au? does his image exactly correspond to the canon? I'm really interested in your opinion, because you understand Kyojuro better than anyone else and are a real expert in interpreting this character. ;^;
Thank you that's really sweet! I'm flattered that you are wanting my opinion and thank you for calling me an expert thats such high praise!
I haven't read all of the chapters, (only Vol.1 and Vol. 2 are currently available on kindle where I am) so this may have something to do with it---but up until this point all the other chapters I've seen floating around Tumblr I feel are canonically inaccurate. It doesn't exactly correspond, it felt like they picked a couple of his traits and then just went nuts.
Which I mean it is an AU and its for humor so I usually don't critique too harshly because its for fun etc etc. But they did Kyojuro so dirty and it makes me not want to read the school au chapters honestly. Everyone else is still relatively canon accurate but him they just...I dunno but I hate it.
Every chapter with Kyojuro involves him getting food, making food or trying to eat something that is for sure bad for him and the other Hashira-Teachers chiding him for it. It feels like the people working on these chapters saw the Mugen Train anime-only episode and the first like 15 minutes of the movie and decided they knew Kyojuro's personality based just on those. And didn't watch or read anything else with him in it. I mean my hell we got the shortest amount of time with this character and they decide to give him a food gag almost every time? Like really? Ya'll being lazy and they clearly did not understand why we all love Kyojuro so much.
In Mugen Train after Tanjiro sees Kyojuro eating does Kyojuro talk or bring up food with Tanjiro during any of that first conversation before they fall asleep? NOPE. During the entire movie there is not a single time-- even when he's eating the bento--that he says or does anything to indicate he is food obsessed. Conversation in his dreams? NOPE. Waking up and finding the boys and giving orders? NOPE. Throughout the whole movie, nothing. It's almost like gasp Kyojuro having a big appetite is just a tiny miscellaneous detail!
His Gaiden right when he gets introduced Senjuro says "I made you some sweets how about a rest?" You know who rushes to him and the food? MITSURI. And behind her Kyojuro is going "Hey! We aren't done yet!" And absolutely no hate to Mitsuri because I adore her and I love her big appetite and her obsession with food but she is the one obsessed with food, in canon she is the one who often talks about it, not Kyojuro. But we don't see it at all in the high school AU.
There are moments in Gaiden, Mugen Train Drama CD etc where Kyojuro is shown mostly being around people when eating but he's clearly enjoying their company and being with them, not focused on the food. Even in the anime only episode which is food heavy, he uses it to navigate around the people he has to interact with--and my only complaint really is him being upset about Slasher stepping on the bento box while he's got his claws in a guy's shoulder. Because Kyojuro cares about people and their safety most and that victim would have been his only concern not the bento.
The very first time Kyojuro is in the High School AU he orders pizza and has it delivered to the school because he was craving it--even though he knows there's rules against deliveries for safety reasons. "I never do anything for myself and always put everyone else, especially their safety first" Kyojuro Rengoku would never do this. Shinobu tells the boys the reason for the rule is to keep dangerous people from trying to sneak into the school and there is no way Kyojuro would risk that, like none. And then Sanemi tells him to "control his urges".
...Ya'll joking right?
Not only is that a horrible way to phrase that especially towards this cinnamon roll man (urges to purchase food you're craving is not that bad anyway if at all...) but Kyojuro is always in control and has never once given into urges or even his emotions other than happy?? Even with Akaza pissing him off he didn't lose control of himself and Upper Moon 3 was attacking his core beliefs. But even then like, I didn't find this particular part of the conversation to be funny although that's the intention but that could just be me.
He wouldn't sneak into the home ec room to make food either, although its unclear if its actually sneaking or if its just "sneaking" to Haganezuka. Either way if he's getting chased for something he supposedly did wrong he's not going to run he's going to confront it and try to resolve it.
There are things that I feel are accurate, at least a little bit. When Kyojuro isn't being food obsessed but is focused on helping his students I feel like we're closer to canon. He does always try to help students who come to him with a problem and he commits to helping them just as he does in canon with his job.
He helps the butterfly sisters try to figure out a solution to creating medicines for their club (but his solution is food when he could have given them historical references/places to look to get ideas from and help them brainstorm from there).
He recognizes how badly the boys wanted pizza and so found a way to get them pizza and made it for them.
I haven't read the full comic but I've seen a little section of Kyojuro helping Sanemi and Obanai get in the way of a pot of spilled Tonjiro so it didn't get on a student. But beyond that to me it just doesn't feel like Kyojuro. The marshmallow one does because he gives real advice and insight about a topic when he talks about it with Senjuro, he teaches the boys about the sun and fire (this hints to me that he should have been able to help the Butterfly girls on a level beyond let's make foods that we know are healthy), when Senjuro realizes that the food in his drawing is more like a marshmallow than sweet potato Kyojuro chimes in with insight "Good idea, come to think about it I also like roasting sweet potato with marshmallow too!"---giving Senjuro additional reassurance that hey the way he colored it does actually fit something Kyojuro would do. The boys get hungry so okay let's feed you lads.
When the lightning starts a fire he immediately goes for the fire extinguisher and then jumps outside and puts it out and all his dialogue here is spot on although I'm not sure I believe Kyojuro would miss a part of the fire. If anything he'd probably offer to just make them a fire after putting one out but maybe that's just me.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
Anyway here’s my enmu x reader story since tumblr wants to randomly block it from the tags. Check it out on my blog or the link in the comments.
Fic linked here
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wolfbeestudio · 1 year
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More Neko Slayer, this time featuring Kyojuro Rengokmew!
Like, comment, share, and follow for more!
Commissions for illustrations and plush are open :3c
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ghostbite0 · 7 months
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tiny 21 trio memes for the masses…
tiktok shadowbanned me so. expect more art here than ever before
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kakukat-lucky · 1 year
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Kyojuro Rengoku. Because why not
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it’s cosplaying time for the crew, let’s see what they choose!
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Nice! NICE! Let’s get a close up huh??
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snowhashiraamiya · 1 year
He's so perfect in modern AU
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It was a long day at work. So many things and so much information in one day, you just wanted to get home and see your husband Kyojurou.
As you open the door and set your keys on the table, you slip off your shoes and hang your coat up. "Sunflower!! I'm in the kitchen!!"
His voice rings out like a melody, you and Kyojurou have been married for years, since then his hair has gotten longer and he's only gotten beefier lately.
You walk to the kitchen and see him shirtless while wearing an apron, his perfect ass tight against those sweatpants. An immediate blush goes to your face when he turns to you licking his fingers from whatever he's baking.
"How was work sweetheart?"
You're eyes trailed to his lips, as he sucked on his fingers, you shake your head and look into his dashing golden eyes, "It was- work."
He notices your distracted, and he turns away as his golden hair flows down his bare back, he bends forward to put the cake in the oven and adjusts his sweatpants before taking off the apron.
He turns to you and smirks before walking closer and moved behind you starting to massage your shoulders.
"Looks like someone's a little distracted, perhaps we could try something I've wanted to try for a while~"
He murmurs in your ear, a stirr of desire for him making your knees weaker than they were before.
Rengoku takes your hand and pulls you to the kitchen and has you stand against the counter, "Strip."
He says bluntly and it only makes your face blush even redder.
But you do as he says and rid yourself of your clothing, he grabs at your plush thighs and lifts you onto the cool counter and walks to your side murmuring in your ear.
"I think you'll enjoy this darling."
You blush deeper and watch him as he goes to the fridge and grabs some chocolate and strawberries, you gasp gently as you watch him heat up the chocolate just a bit and then walk back over to you.
"Lean back."
You lean back against the counter, he's tall enough to still lean over you. You watch him as he gently drips the chocolate along your belly, chest, and thighs, then he decorates your chest with strawberry pieces.
He takes a step back and chuckles, "You're so cute. Do you feel alright love? Nothing is too hot?"
You shake your head no as your thighs quiver a bit, he gently moves your body to the middle of the counter and pulls himself up on it then adjusts himself over you. He leans down and runs his tongue on your body, lapping and sucking at the chocolate.
Your breath catches in your throat and you squeak and gasp the more he kisses your body. He leans up and licks his lips, looking at you as if you were his most delicious snack- and he's starving.
"You look... tasty~"
He says and leans down to gently feast upon your beautiful skin once more, he chuckles and soft words leave his lips as he takes each strawberry piece in his mouth with just his teeth.
He revels at your cries for more as he takes his time with you, chuckling at your impatience.
"Calm down beloved, this won't end anytime soon."
Some of his words are by @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi
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echantedtoon · 5 months
Ocean Deep Ch4 Kindness And Help Go Hand In Hand
(Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, selling of mers, the bad conditions they endured, mistreatment of the wives, and mermen sinking ships and harming people. Yn gets a cut on her palm. Mentioning of blood. 
To which Y/n learns that her kind act has come with work but others also learn that they can appreciate the work put into the kindness. If you need a refresher on what fish I based their tails on take a look at the links.
Strawberry Peacock 
Golden Dragon Koi 
 (all blue) Halfmoon Betta Fish )
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You know..It all seemed like just a bad dream when you woke up sprawled out on the cold floor instead of your bed.
F/c eyes slowly blinked open and you found yourself staring at the ceiling. You stared at it for a long time allowing your brain to process the sleepiness away, at least enough for you to groan and sit up with a hand rubbing your face. Autopilot kicked in as you did the usual morning routine of making your bed, mentally cursing yourself for rolling out of it, and going about your business making breakfast, combing your hair, and getting dressed. It wasn't until you were tying the belt around your waist did the events of last night suddenly flew right back into memory harder than someone hitting you with a boulder.
Mermaids. ...You stole three mermaids from the Henyas' property and stashed them in your bathhouse!! The last events of the night before hit you straight away-
You had just returned back home, sneaking between the shadows on high alert not normal for a human. You'd done your best to dry the back of the wagon with a couple towels before sneaking the horse back to the flower shop and tying the pony back to it's post. Leaving it in the original spot you found it in since it might look suspicious if you left a horse and buggy that didn't belong to you outside your home. Someone might think you were trying to see it. You didn't need that on your head too. Thankfully no one seemed to notice anything either sound asleep or too afraid to come outside because of the rumor of monsters. You sighed once safely inside your home and the first thing you did was head straight for the guest room. It was a Smaller room barely bigger than the pantry used mainly to just house the occasional guest, but it had a small bath too and you were tired of running around soaked by dirty smelling water. So you didn't return to your unsuspecting guests until you took the time to thoroughly bath and put on a clean dress.
"You three look and smell a whole lot better."
You had barely given the three half fish women a second glance. Too busy rinsing the tub out after draining the soapy water before again filling it with clean water. This time filling it up all the way instead of halfway this time. The three mermaids in question were lying in various poses on the tiles bathroom floor, and honestly they DID look better. Their hair was now shiny instead of greasy, their skin looked slightly red from scrubbing hard but it looked less dirty, and their tails looked shinier but you barely noticed being too tired and just wanting to get this over with so you can sleep.
"Yes. Thank you very much for lending us your clothing," Pink smiled at you.
Orange looked a mixture of tired and bored while Blue gushed about how pretty your flower print dress looked on her. Pink seemed to be the only one who talked to you calmly and happily. The clothes they had previously been wearing was in a pile by the door along with the towels they used. You'd deep clean them all before you went to sleep. That way they'd be dry by morning.
"It's not a problem. Those old clothes were disgusting to say the least. ..There. That should be enough water for you all to sleep comfortably in. Better than the nasty tank you were in at least."
"Again thank you. I doubt we would've been able to even leave at all if you hadn't taken us into consideration."
"Yeah..Well I would've felt bad about leaving you behind like that."
"You look tired. You should get some rest and sleep."
It was kinda a blur after that. You briefly remember the scent of freshly clean clothes and the darkness as you hung up wet laundry and the feeling of laying down but that was it. No. None of that could've been real could it?  It was just a fever dream after being paranoid all night and staying up late! Yeah! That was it! You had a wild dream due to your fear and your tired mind. Why if you walked into your bathroom right now then you wouldn't see anything! That's why now in the present you were standing in front of the door that lead into the main family bathroom. Hesitantly you inhaled before quietly reaching a hand out. Grabbed the doorknob. And then opened it to see..
Absolutely nothing.
You blinked. There was... nothing. It looked the same as it did yesterday morning when you left for work. Towels and soaps neatly placed on the shelf. Room fully clean without a single drop on the floor. Spotless. The only thing out of place was the tub full of water, but you probably just forgot to drain it out. With a sigh you leaned against the door frame.
"It was just a dream."
You ended up falling backwards onto your behind as a spray of droplets rained everywhere. Staring shocked at the edge of the tub as a pair of eyes stared back to you.
"Uh... Oops. Sorry."
"Great going. Are you going to make her fall into the water and an encore?" Orange popped her head up as Blue whipped to her.
"I didn't mean to!! I was just saying hi!!"
"Well you sure did a good job!"
"....Oh good gods. It wasn't a dream." You mumbled shakily reaching out and pulling yourself off the floor. 
Soon three heads were now poking out of the water and staring at you in a mix of emotions. Ggggrreeaaattt. Looks like you really weren't dreaming. The reality made you sigh and reach out a hand to rub your forehead. 
"Good morning!," Blue called out again as cheery as a little kid with candy waving a full arm. "Did you sleep well?"
"Hardly. I'm still tired and sore." Your body wasn't as tired and sore as you were last night but you were still feeling like taking a nap. "Are you alright?"
"We're fine," Pink confirmed with a smile at you. "Were you cooking food? There's a smell in the air."
"You means eggs and bacon?" You glanced at the three of them in curiosity. "Can mermaids eat eggs and bacon?" It was a genuine question.
"Depends. What animal are the eggs from and what's bacon?"
"Um. They're chicken eggs and bacon comes from pigs. Y'know. Pork."
All three seemed to light up at the mentions of meats and protein. 
"Oh! Oh! Do you have claims? I love claims!"
"We're not in the ocean! There wouldn't be claims in here!!"
You ignored the other two in favor of giving Pink a deadpanned look. "Are they always like this?"
Pink sighed. "Unfortunately."
"...Are you three hungry?" Well that got Blue and Orange to stop arguing and whip around to you so fast and wide eyed it had you jumping. "I'll take that as a yes. I'm gonna go cook some for you guys, just STOP arguing. You'll make the neighbors angry and I don't think I can explain why three mermaids are in my bathhouse."
Never thought you'd be cooking bacon and eggs for three mermaids but here you were. Cooking enough food for you to open up a buffet for breakfast. How much did mermaids eat? They were bigger than you- Or should you say longer? You suspected if they were actually human, they'd be about as tall as you. But their tales made it to where they had longer bodies than you, so you guessed that they must've needed more food. Bigger bodies means more food needed right? Like how bigger plants needed more water than smaller plants. It was only a guess and if there was anything left over you'd just store it away for later. 
You ended up having to carry everything in on a tray, and from the moment you entered there was a clear shift in both the air and their bodies. You paused when meeting their gaze. Dilated pupils and enlarged irises stared you down. Stiff movements akin to a cat rolling back their shoulders.
A predator staring down it's prey.
A shiver ran down through your body as you cautiously approached and set down the tray just within arm's distance of them. "Here. Wait a second and I'll get you some utensils-"
They lunged at you. You shrieked arms flying up to shield yourself from the upcoming assault. This was it! This is how you died! Torn apart by a mermaid feeding frenzy! A metal clattering sound filled the air followed by a splash. You'd be next to meet the watery grave. Your body would feel hands on you any moment ready to drag you down-
F/c eyes slowly opened up as your arms lowered just enough to peek out.
"Hm. This is pretty good..Not as tasty as lobster but it's good."
You stared dumbfounded as the three of them grabbed random amounts of eggs and bacon in their hands and was tearing the food apart with sharp teeth before swallowing them down like it was nothing. Rip. Tear. Swallow. Rip. Tear. Swallow. Over and over they frenzied grabbing the spilt food across the tiled floor and the food floating in the water. Diving in and splashing around sending water droplets spraying everywhere and water sloshing over the sides getting the floor wet. Every piece devoured like a trio of piranhas on their last meal before they died. Eventually it calmed down with the three of them licking their fangs clean and seeming content. 
"That was the best meal we've had in weeks!," Blue gushed before looking at you absolutely beaming. "Can we have some more?!"
...You blinked. "Uh. Sure. I can see what else I have but w-what the heck?" You gestured in shock at your now wet floor and slightly wet dress. "It looks like a wave crashed in my bathroom."
"Sorry." You looked up in even more slight surprise at Orange. That..was the first thing she said around you that wasn't a shout or insult or complaint as she looked slightly away. "It's just...W-We haven't eaten a good meal in a while, and we were hungry."
You stood back up lightly shaking your wet foot. "I can tell..How often were you fed?"
"A couple fish every few days? I think." Her expression squinted to one of deep thought. "We were lucky to get that. The dam food wasn't in any condition to eat-"
Orange snapped a raged scowl at Pink. "Well it was eat that or starve! Did you want to give them the satisfaction of dying?!"
"Can mermaids eat plants?" You waved a hand to gain their attention. "Y'know like apples and cucumbers and stuff."
"Huh? I mean yes but it's not as good tasting as meat. Why?"
"Because currently all I have in my pantry is potatoes and other fruits and vegetables. It might not be as tasty but you'll have to eat it until I can get back from work."
"Work?! But why are you leaving?!"
"Because I need money for the meat you guys like, and I need to work because I like my job. But I'll give you guys more food before I go. Is there anything else you want?"
The three of them looked at one another in shocked silence. "If it wouldn't be too much trouble, maybe a comb?"
"A comb? I can do that but do me one thing first. Can you give me back my tray? It's not supposed to be in the bath."
The front door to the flower shop opened right up as you pushed it open and stepped inside. Your voice calling out into the space for boss, but the old woman didn't answer you back. Not very strange. Sometimes you'd show up long before your boss did and that's alright. It was also relieving because then no one would know that you showed up and hour and a half late to work making it look less suspicious. You really didn't want to explain why you were late today, even if you were sure you could easily say you just slept in and lost track of time as an excuse. With Mrs. Satoshi no where to be seen, you quickly went about your duties and just did what you normally do around here. Take care of the many flowers that called this tiny shop home. The normalcy of the routine helped to calm your spiked nerves being so familiar. It almost made you forget about the three women in your home.. Almost.
You'd left the three with a large bag of random fruits and vegetables you just threw in there to fill up your stomachs and a comb for you guessed their hair. Made sense they'd want to properly take care of themselves after everything they suffered. You didn't know what it was like being shoved into a cramped space with three people to share it with, stuck in filthy grime and water never being changed and barely fed for weeks. It made you feel both angry and sorry for them. You were still unsure of what you were going to do with them. Obviously you weren't going to toss them at anyone. You might've still been weary around them but you weren't a cruel person. .. Maybe you could release them into the river nearby? Yeah! That could work! You could just release them into the river and everything would be fixed. They'd be free, you'd be free from them, and no one would ever know! Perfect! Your life would go right back to how it was before this entire mess dropped into your lap. 
You were happily lost in thought smiling at nothing when the door suddenly opened up causing you to jump and turn around eyes wids as a man entered the shop. He was tall with dark eyes and grey hair. He gave a look around before landing on you and he smiled a familiar kind smile. You recognized him easily.
"Niko." You were surprised to see him but smiled and turned to him. "What are you doing here?"
You knew instantly who he was. After all he looked exactly like his mother would if she was younger and a man. He smiled wider. "Hi, Y/n! I'm surprised to see you working with Ma not around."
"Well someone has to take care of the shop. What are you doing here?," you asked again raising a brow. "I thought you were supposed to be here yesterday."
"Ah! A-About that!" He tiredly reached up a hand to rub his neck and it was only then that you noticed the bags under his eyes and how disheveled he looked. Was he ok? "My wife unexpectedly went into labor the other day. Guess the babies didn't wanna wait."
His wife had""  their children? ....Well THAT explained everything.
You couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations, Niko! That's amazing! Are they girls or boys?"
"Two boys and a little girl." He smiled fondly. "I can already picture her begging for another sister once she's bigger. Haha."
"That's wonderful! You're so lucky! Is your wife ok?"
He nodded. "Yeah. Ma's with her right now while I take care of a few things." Ah. That's why she wasn't here. "I was told there was some pots here for me to deliver-" he looked around again. "B-But I don't see any." You froze. "I guess Ma got someone else to do it."
"Uh..Well you shouldn't worry about that since you don't have to do it." You said quickly with a forced smile. "You should just head on home and make sure your wife has you by her side."
"I guess you're right." He sighed in relief. "That's just one less thing I gotta do. I'll be taking my horse back though. I hope you guys didn't need him for anything else."
"Oh no no. He's probably bored staying in the SAME SPOT all day and night not at ALL moving an inch since yesterday." You stressed but he didn't seem to notice in his tired state. "You go right ahead and take him home."
"Y-Yeah. I'll do that. Thanks, Y/n. Hey. Can I buy some carnations while I'm here? I'm sure she'd love them after everything she went through yesterday."
"Of course!"
You had gotten some money from Niko buying a rather large bouquet for his wife and to your relief he had ended up taking the horse and wagon away. It was like the last piece of evidence that connected the shop to the crime of last night, but now you'd have to figure out another way to transport them to the river. You'd worry about that later. You'd just be rest assured for now that you had found the solution to the problem. 
The rest of the day was uneventful as it had always usually been. You happily skipped home with a smile on your face and a basket of fish in your hands. It wasn't a lot but the butcher gave them to you for a decent prize with what money you had and you were sure the others would appreciate it. The door to your home opened and closed behind you as you stepped inside. Relief flooding into your veins as soon as you approached the familiar route leading out to the bathroom. Mouth opening to call out to the three-
"How are we going to get them back?" 
Your feet stopped blinking at the sudden question. That..sounded like Orange's voice.
"I-..*sigh* I don't know. Maybe it's better that we just leave them behind." Pink eyes glanced over at her oranged eyed counterpart lazily floating around the water bobbing like a leaf with a hard scowl on her features.
"There is absolutely NO fucking way I'm leaving anything behind for them!! They can't have it! It's-..." Her face slowly melted into one a mix of silent longing. And.. fear. "It's the only thing we have left of him. We could never see him again."
Her mouth opened reaching out for her but slowly her mouth closed and her arm lowered back into the water. "I know. But you know as well as us that there's no physical way we can get back there."
"Why can't we just ask her to get them for us?" Their third counterpart finally decided to pipe up between her rare quietness. ...Then again her silence was probably chalked up to feasting on whatever she could grab from the giant bag. Currently she was holding it in one hand while digging he arm around inside.
"No. Absolutely not." Her pink eyes narrowed as she held up a hand and shut that down quickly. "We can't ask her to do that. She's already done enough without even asking for anything more in return."
"And we don't know if she'll stab us in the back and make off with the jewels! And don't pretend like she wouldn't! All humans are selfish and greedy if you dangle riches in their faces!" Her arms crossed and her scowl pierced the water. "It's always been like that."
"That's a very rude assumption you'd make about me." 
The mermaid holding the bag squealed and ended up falling off the edge colliding with the scowling one who's curse was cut off as both were forced underwater with a massive splash. There was a sputter of water sloshing and more splashing before three wide pairs of eyes stared at you in the doorway. You stared at them deadpanned or more specifically at Orange.
"Ok. Look, You!" You pointed at Orange and frowned stepping into the bathroom. "I'm not going to pretend to know everything about what you three went through because I don't, and I won't pretend to know how you three must feel because again I obviously don't! But I didn't ask for this!" You gestured to the three of them. "I didn't ask to be taking care of three mermaids who I don't even know and could probably put me in danger but y'know what?"  You stopped just in front of the large bath, firmly putting the basket down and staring right at Orange. Pointing a finger directly at her to make her know exactly WHO you were speaking to. "You don't have to like me! I'm not asking you to like me but the least you can do is not be rude to me! I don't WANT to be in this situation anymore than you do! That's why I was going to leave when I first saw you! I just want a normal life like everyone else here!"
..She scowled again. "Then why did you help us if you were so worried about your perfect normal life?!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" You shouted at her making her lose the scowl on her face. "WHAT?! You think I know why?! No! For all I know I could be the next meal you put into your stomachs! I'm terrified of you.. But-" F/c eyes closed. Body deflated. Sigh escaping your lips. "But if I just abandoned you then I would be no better than the people who put you in there in the first place."
There was a good long silence as the three just looked at one another for a long moment. Unsure. Shocked. Stunned. Maybe guilty. When it was obviously they weren't going to say anything, you sighed again and nudged the basket towards them with your foot. 
"Here. I thought you might enjoy something a bit more to your taste."
Again hesitance but eventually Blue reached out to grab the basket and peek inside- "IT'S SALMON!!!"
You winced at the sudden shift in volume and the sudden one eighty switch from unsure and shocked to absolutely happiness. Her eyes sparkles and a hint of drool covered her mouth as she looked inside-
"Gimme that!" Orange ignored the loud 'HEY' Blue gave her snatching the basket out of her hands to look inside, becoming surprised at the sight of fresh salmon staring up at her. A hand reached inside and pulled one out examining it around in a cartwheel motion before sniffing it. "It's fresh." Her tone was surprised.
"Well actually they're two days old," you corrected a bit embarrassed, "That's why they were on sale, but they're still good to eat. If you give me a few minutes I'll cook-" You paused as without hesitation Orange opened her mouth wide and with sharp fangs completely bit off the head of the fish she holding with a crunch sound. "Uh...Or not I guess. Your welcome?"
Blue whined at Orange for 'being mean' and grabbed the basket back leading to the both of them hissing at one another and tugging the basket in a game of tug of war. Pink only sighed again and turned to you again.
"That was very considerate of you."
You shrugged. "I mean you guys live in water, and what else would there be for you to eat down there? It was kinda obvious..No offense."
She giggled and smiled brightly. Wow. She did look really pretty when she smiled. "None taken. But I do have to ask." Her slight frown came back. "How much did you overhear?"
F/c eyes stared into pink ones before you sighed. "A little bit of it. You guys were talking pretty loudly." It felt a bit bad to confessing to eavesdropping but it's true. They were loud enough for you to hear them from the front door..Hm. that's a problem. "But I'm serious! You guys really need to be more quiet. Anyone could've heard you, and I don't think that'll be good for any of us. So could you please try to stop these two from yelling?" You gestured to the two that were still fighting over the basket.
Pink sighed again. "I'll try. It's not exactly easy."
"What were you guys talking about anyways?" She hummed. "I heard you yelling about leaving something behind." Blue and Orange stopped fighting long enough to snap at you with Blue holding up the basket and pushing Orange's reaching form away from it. That got their attention. "Are there more of you back there?"
Pink shook her head slowly humming. "No. Not really. At least not in the barn we were kept in. Some..things of ours are still back there is all. You shouldn't worry yourself about it." She quickly held up a hand. "It's all replaceable in the end and the risk of going back there is just not worth it."
A brow rose confused. "You lost something?"
"More like something was stolen from us." Orange once again scowled and crossed her arms.
"What was stolen?" You weren't sure what a mermaid could have that could be stolen. You didn't think they had backpacks or anything like that in the water.
"Hey! Doesn't she have a right to know?," Orange countered cutting Pink off, "It's not like we're going anywhere anyways." You stared at the two of them confused. What were they talking about? Orange looked directly at you sizing you up for three seconds. "It's treasure."
Well you weren't expecting that. You blinked surprised. "Treasure?"
"It's not exactly treasure. It's just some jewelry like bracelets and a few strands of gold is all. They were forcibly taken off of us after we got caught."
Jewelry huh? Granted you know a lot about mermaids but with this being a mostly fishing community, you've heard your fair bit about mermaid stories. Mostly the bad ones only. How they'd sing to attract people to their watery deaths. Making ships sink. Some attacking humans only to drown them and eat their corpses- A shiver ran through you. But there was the occasional not so bad ones. Like how these creatures always hoarded treasure from ships they sunk. Guess that rumor was true, at least for these three. 
"I-.. Didn't see anything like that in the barn."
"Because it's hidden." Pink made a rectangle shape with her hands. "They're in an old chest about this big." She then held out her hands about a width of two feet apart. "I think they used to use it as an old bait box because it smelled like old fish." 
An old box? "I still didn't see anything like that there. Hm. Although it was dark. I could've missed it I guess."
"It's hidden under the stack of hay. I don't think they've done anything with them yet," Pink hummed in thought. "It would probably look rather suspicious to suddenly spend a large amount of treasure in a short amount of time."
"I'm sorry for that." Your head tilted and your brow rose. "I hope you don't mind me asking but is that stuff really important? I mean I guess it's really valuable but couldn't you just replace it?"
Pink jolted but was quick to nod in agreement. "Y-Yes! You're absolutely right! Everything can be replaced! We shouldn't worry about it! Neither should you-"
"They were gifts from someone really important to us." Pink snapped a glare at Orange who shrugged. "What? She asked."
"We're not going to ask her to get them and THAT'S final!" You were a bit taken aback by Pink's shout. You hadn't seen her calm self get angry before now. "We're lucky to have gotten out of there! And we are not taking anymore risks!" Orange huffed but seemed to drop the subject. Pink sighed and looked at you. "I'm sorry. Please forget anything about this. You've already gotten into enough trouble helping us."
"Will do!" You agreed quickly with a thumbs up! "If I'm honest, I don't plan on going back there even if I was offered all the treasures in the sea." Orange gave a look.. before turning away, giving a look at the water below. "Now you three better eat up and get some rest. It's getting late...I think your old clothes might be dry now. I'm betting you'd want them back."
Pink clapped her hands together. "Yes, please! You'd probably want your own dresses back."
"Sure."....Your gaze glanced over to Orange who still floated curled up and saddened. ".. Actually. There's some holes in the fabric I need to sew up for you. Why don't you three get some rest and we'll deal with that tomorrow?"
Pink nodded. "Sounds good! You also must be tired still! Go rest yourself!"
You nodded turning to leave the three behind as you slowly walked out. Blue starting up another crying fit as Pink took her share away from her hands. Orange remained silent in the same curled up position as before. F/c eyes gave her another look.. before turning away and leaving. You didn't think any of them heard the front door opening and closing shut again.
The lull of water is calm.
The movement of it's nature unpredictable.
The comfort of home made any dangers worth while.
The only thing needed was the ones surrounding the warm body. Keeping her safe and comforted against the unpredictable waters. A look up beheld a sight. Sunlight bedazzled from up above safely lighting up the cavern so deep below. A few jellyfish and fish lazily swimming by. A perfect meal for a quick breakfast. If she could move that was. The soft sand only held her weighed down body as a burlier one napped away by her left side with an arm thrown around her pulling her against his chest as two smaller figures were curled literally on top of them one snoring obnoxiously loud. Couldn't be helped she was the only one here that was awake ...But one of their pod was missing. 
Her eyes looked up. A smile who's warmth could challenge the sun overshadowed any beautiful sights above her. Fuchsia eyes crinkled up in adoration at her own. 
"Shh. Don't wake up anyone. I got a present for you."
"For me? Just me?"
"But of course! I spoil all my wives individually and this turn is yours. Look."
It was beautiful shining in the light. Golden strands holding up amber cut into small pieces and smoothed to perfection.
"I found this and was instantly reminded of you. Here. Try it on. It'll make your beautiful face all that much more flamboyant."
"Lord Tengen, it's beautiful. I-I don't know what to say."
A hand tilted the woman's face up to meet his eyes. "How about I love you? I love you, Makio.~"
A snort of bubbles escaped from her lungs floating up to the surface of the water. Where was she? It was cold and hard. Nothing like their seafloor home. A loud snore next to her brought her tired brain back to reality. Oh right. She was stuck in a random bath miles away from her home and sleeping on cold hard tiles instead of her soft home surrounded by her family..Well all of her family. She nudged her shoulder until the snoring ox that was her wife floated onto the bottom instead without waking. She swore she could sleep through a hurricane-
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
Her eyes looked up at the surface of the water. Footsteps? At this time of night? Who'd be up in the middle of the night like this? Suspicions provoked curiosity which sparked actions as she rose up. Up, up, up. Pushing up from the surface to poke her head out-
"Good morning!" You smiled down at Orange holding a stack of clean towels you were going to place on the shelf. She blinked at you in surprise before you turned to place said towels back on the shelf. "I hope I didn't wake you up."
Orange blinked some more before yawning and reaching a wet hand up to wipe her eyes. "What are you doing up in the middle of the night?! Don't you humans get any sleep?"
"Actually I was asleep most of the night, and it's not 'in the middle of the night.' It's six in the morning. I just woke up and figured I should put all the laundry away. I'm done repairing you three's clothes by the way." You gestured to a pile of neatly folded dresses and a rather large bowl of apples near the edge of the pool. "I also brought you all something to eat. It's not much but it'll help fill you."
Her response was to just look at it blankly. "...Thanks."
You nodded and there was a moment of silence before you spoke again. "I'm sorry."
Her eyes blinked at you. "What?"
"I said I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you earlier. I mean you've been through a lot and I probably wasn't helping with your stress. So.." You made a motion with your hand. "Sorry about that."
"...It's fine." She muttered looking away again frowning. "Just forget that ever happened if it makes you feel better."
"This isn't about me. It's about how you all feel. Can't imagine how you all must feel but I think I have something that might cheer you up!"
Her brow rose. "I doubt that."
You smiled. "Oh I think it will considering if it's the right box."
Box? Her eyes snapped back up watching intently as you walked on over to the open doorway and stepped partially out leaning to the right of the doorframe. A metal jingling filled the air as you grunted and turned back around smiling. Orange's jaw dropped and her eyes nearly popped out of her skull as she stared at the box. Then at you. Then at the box. Then at you. Then she repeated the actions mouth opening and closing for a solid minute before finally coughing up one word.
Well it wasn't easy. You still mentally cursed yourself for being stupid enough to actually go back there in the middle of the NIGHT no less. You were EXTREMELY lucky you weren't caught the first time you were there! But you supposed you were foolish enough to sneak back through town and back to that barn. You were half hoping for the window to be locked this time since the door still was, but you were filled with dread when the window once again slipped open.
"Wasn't easy. Have you ever tried digging through a massive pile of hay with no light? And then trying to be sneaky with a giant jingling box? I'm honestly surprised that no one heard me fall out the window." Good thing you remembered to close it behind you.
"But-..I-.." Orange shook her head harder. "You didn't have to!!"
"I know but I wanted to and no offense but don't expect me to go crawling through anymore windows for you guys. It's a pain in the neck." You plopped down the box onto the floor which made a loud jingling noise. 
Orange didn't say anything. Only stared wide eyed at the box before reaching out shaking hands and pulling it towards her. It was an old box, starting to rot away but still too hard for you to break in. A rusty metal latch was on the front and an old lock kept it from opening. You had tried to pick the lock and pull it off to no avail. You smiled watching Orange shake the box which jingled. You guessed you got the right bo-
Orange blinked. One minute you were standing there, and then the next minute you were gone. What the-?
"She's hurt!!" 
Her head turned. You spat out a stream of water completely soaked from being yanked into the water, and was being death hugged by a sniveling, crying mermaid.
"Good morning to you, Blue," you deadpanned looking at Orange who seemed just as surprised as you were.
"Hey! What's the big idea?!"
"AAAAHHH. She's gonna ddiiiieeee!!" Blue wailed planting her head on your shoulder.
"I'm not dying!" "She's not gonna die you loudmouthed bass!" You both yelled out.
All the commotion must've woke up Pink because a moment later she took popped up. "What is going on here?!" ..She blinked seeing you deadpanned patting the sobbing mermaid's shoulder. "What happened?"
"She's gonna die! WWAAAAHHH!!"
Orange groaned again. "Oh for the love of- SHE'S NOT DYING SNAIL FOR BRAINS!!"
"BUT SHE'S BLEEDING!!" You yelped and shouted out as Blue without a problem forced one of your hands into the air revealing the red stained bandage wrapped around it. She was a lot stronger than she looked!
The other two stared in stunned silence before Pink grabbed your arm and with more surprising strength pulled you towards her looking at your hand in horror. "What happened?"
"I tried to pick the lock using the top of one of my knives. My hands slipped and I ended up cutting myself. I'm fine." You tugged on your arm but it was like you were held by pure concrete. "I swear it's fine! It's not even that deep. I'm just mad I couldn't get the stupid box open."
Pink looked up. Uh oh- "Box?" Her head snapped to Orange and stared at the old box in her hands. Before her anger snapped to you. Double uh oh- "What is THAT doing here?!" She demanded to you. "I thought I told you to forget about it!"
"You did."
"And you went back putting yourself in danger!"
"Yeah. That one's on me I admit."
"Then why did you?"
"Because I wanted to," you answered honestly, "And it wasn't fair to leave behind something so important to you guys. Sorry I couldn't get it open. I tried everything I co-"
C R A C K!!
You three looked over and was stunned by Orange literally ripping the top right off of the box, nail and all.
"You know what? That works too."
Y'know you knew these three were really pretty. Obviously they were a lot prettier than most of the women you've met in your small town. You guessed that's normal for mermaids. But you weren't expecting to see just how beautiful they really were.
"Come on and get get out of there." You motioned for them to get out after you had wrestled yourself out of Blue's grip with Orange's help and crawled out of the tub to get changed. This was the second time you had gotten soaked because of these Three. "I have a rinse out the bath and clean the place today. You guys got water everywhere."
On second thought you'd  clean up the floors first and then rinse the tub after. The three sure were curious watching you mip the tiled floors before motioning for them to crawl themselves out of there. You watched as the three of them used their arms to pull themselves out of the water, and you finally saw their tails. Well you've seen them before but you either only saw them briefly, they were covered in dirt, or you weren't really paying attention because of other factors. But as you ran the water to rinse out the tub to fill it up again for them but you happened to look up during that time and paused. Your jaw dropped. Eyes going wide. Holy cow!
They were all absolutely beautiful!
They're tails looked so pretty! Colorful, vibrant, and absolutely GLOWING in the light as the three absolutely frenzied upon the box in a similar fashion to how they dove upon every meal you've given them. You never got a chance to see what was inside but watched in awe as a small pile of jewelry piled onto the floor. ..And you did mean small. For such a big box, there was only a few pieces that can tumbling out. A few necklaces, bracelets, and one long golden strand of studded blue sapphires. Each took to them like dogs to prime steak. Each of them slapping the dazzling accessories onto each other. But you weren't paying too much attention to the jewelry. 
You were too busy admiring the beautiful mermaids.
Each one has a tail that matched their eyes. Pink's was red where her waist met her scales but quickly faded to a pretty magenta pink with a semi spotted pattern along her fins. Orange didn't really have an orange tail, but her scales shines so golden that you were sure that it was made of actual gold for a second. Blue's was pretty plain at first compared to the fanciness of the others, but her fins were much much longer and ruffled up big and large. It reminded you of very fancy fabric. The three were finished changing back into their original clothes (your poor dresses left in a wet soggy pile on the floor) and they were all practically beaming to the nines decked out back in their belongings. Smiling and happy.
They were very beautiful. No wonder sailors always warned others about their dangerous allure. 
You shook you head. "Alright. The tub should be back full in a minute." The three looked up at you. "Then you all can get back in. I'll get you all some food too. You all seem a little thin."
That wasn't good. You'd noticed that the three of them seemed to be a little bit thin probably from the fact that they hadn't been treated well. You wanted to be sure that they were in good health before you freed them, if anything bad happened...You didn't want to think about that. They could stay for a little while longer and recover a bit more. You'd have to increase the size of their meals but you also didn't want to have them here for too long.. You'd let them stay for the rest of this month and next month and increase the amount of food you gave them. They seemed to like protein and meat based foods, so you'd have to put an increase in those above fruits and vegetables. Sigh..This wasn't going to be easy.
"Hm?" You blinked as a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you to sit down- More like trip to until you fell sideways onto your bottom and was then dragged over to sit in the middle of the three. "Hey!"
 Not surprising that Blue was sobbing and hugging one of your arms again as Orange forced your injured palm into her own hands tearing up the bandages to look at it. You decided to not fight this time and allow the two to satisfy their need for touch.
"It's fine. Really. I'm just happy you're happy, Blue."
"*sniffle*...Blue?" Blue finally pulled away to look at you in question. Her body had quite a few golden bracelets along her arms, and a necklace of tiny shells sat neatly over her shoulders. But what must've been the most prominent piece of jewelry was a rather large gold chain with sapphires embedded into it. It was so long she had to wrap it around her waist multiple times like a belt.
You shrugged as Orange scowled at the not so deep cut on your palm. "Well I don't know your name. I've just kinda been calling you all by your eye color. It'd be rude and confusing to just call you three 'Mermaid' all the time."
"That's right." You turned to Pink who smiled at you, she was now adorned in a silver choker studded with shiny red rubies. A matching pair of ruby earrings dangled from her ears as her head tilted.  She also wore a few silver bracelets although not as many as Blue. Her hand placed itself on her chest. "My name is Hinatsuru. Hinatsuru Uzui." She then pointed at Blue. "This is Suma Uzui, and that's Makio Uzui."
She gestured to Orange who was busy rubbing a sleeve of one of your wet dresses on your palm to 'clean' it (nevermind you had ALREADY cleaned it this morning before bandaging it). Orange-..Makio as she was called, wore the most gold jewelry. A necklace shaped In a triangle on her chest studded with...Amber? You thought those pretty stones were amber. A few things gold chains wrapped around her tail almost blending in with her gold scales, and you thought you spotted a pair of golden hoop earrings behind her bangs. 
"My name's Y/n. Y/n L/n." 
Uzui huh? They all had the same last name. Did that mean they were related? You looked at them all again. They.. didn't exactly look alike. All had different eye colors, very different tails, and their facial features all had slight differences. We're they sisters? Cousins maybe? They all had the same colored hair minus Makio's golden bangs and they all looked around the same age. So maybe???
"Are you three sisters?" You asked curiously.
Hinatsuru blinked a moment before smiling again. "Oh no! Not at all. We're wives!"
...You blinked. Taking a moment to process what you heard. "Wait. Wives? As in...you three are married?" You gestured the hand Makio wasn't still looking over at the three of them. "To each other?"
"Well its not just us! Our husbands are probably worried sick about us by now."
You stared at her wider. "Husbands?! As in..Two of them?!"
"Yes! You'd like them! They're both so doting!"
Your mouth only opened up in shocked disbelief-
Your gaze snapped back to Makio who ripped a long strand of fabric out of your wet dress with her fangs before proceeding to wrap said wet strand around your palm.
"....My dress."
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stormee-jiiva · 2 years
The Flame of Peace
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Can you tell what happened today lmao, I also ate my fingernails so now I can't type properly and I write on impulse on the tumblr app so rip there's probably so many mistakes lol I'm onto Sunbreak soon hopefully :>
@auraee I summon thee fellow hunter B) come get some food
Monster Hunter AU!
Hunter!Kyōjurō Rengoku x Hunter!MC
Warnings: not at all proofread
Kyōjurō paced amongst the people of Kamura, His older styled Rathalos armour glittering with every distant flash of lightning. You'd been gone for hours, 2 hours, 34 minutes and 29 seconds. 30, 31, 32, 34-
"They'll be okay lad." Elder Fugen spoke, breaking Kyōjurō's counting streak. He moved his gaze from the stone tiles at his feet to the towering elder at his side, eyes shimmering with emotions. Worry, Love, Fear, all swimming amongst glistening hues of red and gold. Elder Fugen smiled a reassuring smile before Kyōjurō resumed his pacing.
The source of The Rampage had been found. Two Elder Dragons now identified as 'Wind Serpent Ibushi' and 'Thunder Serpent Narwa'. The two had somehow been able to resonate with the resident twins Hinoa and Minoto, they'd been the cause of countless years of pain and destruction for Kamura amongst other nearby regions... and now, the guild was sending you to deal with what was left of them after the previous encounters.
Kyōjurō started to pace slightly faster, brows pinching just those few millimeters further with each passing minute. Kamura was relying on a single person with their palico and palamute at their side to defeat two gods. And yet somehow this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. Few could forget the tales of hunters across both The Old World and The New taking on legendary beasts with only their palico at their side. Of course that knowledge did nothing to quell Kyōjurō's worry. Not many tales tell of the multitude of hunters that fell before they could reach such a level. You'd achieved so much already, Kyōjurō could only pray that this wouldn't be your final battle.
Senjurō watched his brother wear his boots into the stone, at this rate scorch marks would start to embed themselves into the rock below his feet. Instead of watching his dear brother wear his armour down with worry alone, Senjurō decided to turn his attention to the great red bridge that stood before Kamura's gates. At least the skies were clear now, that was surely a good sign. Although Senjurō had to admit he too was becoming concerned, it had been close to 3 hours now, if not longer.
It seemed however his fears would not last, as he saw you appear before him on the bridge, your stride full of both pride and fatigue. "Brother!" Senjurō called out to notify his brother but Kyōjurō had already stopped in his tracks upon seeing you cross the bridge, your loyal hunting buddies at your sides. His eyes almost couldn't believe what they were seeing, you were here, you had returned to him alive and well. Kyōjurō clumsily ran towards you if only to feel you in his arms again, to be sure that you were really here.
You giggled as Kyōjurō's arms wrapped around your form and spun you around. "Hehe well hello to you too My Flame." You'd quietly said to him as you embraced your fellow hunter. The Rampage was over for good, Kamura has been freed of calamity and your flaming lover was in your arms again.
Now that certainly calls for a feast.
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squidthesquidd · 10 months
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he does this every night <3
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