#Kyo's teaching is fuckin wack. like. idk man don't go to him for carefully planned cumulative lessons!
snowshinobi · 2 years
I wonder if Kyojuro ever got caught up in the moment during training and pulled out a sick sword move that scared the hell outta Senjuro. Singed the sleeve of Senjuro's white haori, shocked the kid to tears. Kyojuro immediately drops the blade and wraps Senjuro in a hug and later he patches up the haori himself (canon seamster Kyo my beloved), but it weighs on him. Senjuro's a little extra jumpy around him for the next few days and it shatters Kyojuro's heart.
I just keep thinking about that regeneration technique Kyojuro rather unorthodoxly teaches Tanjiro in the very moment he needs it. I wonder how much of the training Tanjiro got builds on what Kyojuro gave his lil brother. Kyo's teaching is no less chaotic now than before, he just kinda be that way, but that emphasis on healing ... came from somewhere.
Fighting on behalf of the weak includes sewing injuries back up. It's about playing defense too, not just offense. I bet that regeneration technique is the next thing Kyojuro showed his brother how to do. "I hope you never need it. I'll make sure you never have to use it because of something I did. But I think learning this will make you feel better." And then Kyojuro slices his palm open WHICH MAKES SENJURO SCREAM but hearing Kyojuro breathe deep as the mark closes up does make Senjuro feel better. A lot better.
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