themundanemudperson · 17 days
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shelby watkins as tombo ohger
edit of shelby's clothing done by the wonderful @kyuairyeo
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pixelatedsticks · 8 months
I can thank @kyuairyeo for making me become hyper fixated on the Sakuya as Spider-Man au and because @kosukeiichi asked nicely I will now proceed to rant extensively about said au, the things that happen in it, and my own personal headcannons of course. The list will not be in chronological order.
The spider that bit Sakuya was genetically modified and infused with lupin piece energy which left some weird effects on him. He can now sense when lupin pieces are nearby which makes him able to distinguish a human and a human disguise. This got him in trouble with the GSPO from the director “you can’t go around assaulting random civilians, even if they are ganglers! What would the public think?!” To hilltop “Sakuya we all appreciate this gift you have but this is the fifth time you’ve run off give us a warning please-“. This ‘gift’ even got him snatched by the lupinrangers that one time and used as their personal ‘gangler detector’.
When sakuya was bit he collapsed and passed out for a few hours completely missing when the gangler that framed him badly injured his team. He first only adopted the vigilante persona to get revenge for not being able to stop the gangler but after saving some people and them praising him and claiming he was a hero he decided to become Spider-Man.
Sakuyas dna mutated when the spider bit him which greatly peaked goches interest. He’s simultaneously a human but also part spider and part lupin piece. She was greatly intrigued about how a specimen like this could even exist. This put her at odds with the other gangler generals because of dongranio wanting to flat out kill him. She even hired a gangler to capture him and bring him to her so she could dissect him.
Venom originally bonded to Sakuya as a means to become general but then tried to persuade him to join the ganglers.
The mere mention of Spider-Man is enough to strike absolute fear into many ganglers eyes as stories of him defeating various ganglers with his bare hands have spread across the backworld.
Noel is the one who makes and repairs Sakuyas suits for him.
The spider was genetically modified with all the normal Spider-Man powers (wall climbing, strength, spider sense etc.) but also infused with lupin pieces that gave it the ability of bio-electricity and invisibility. So he’s basically miles but he can also produce natural webbing.
The Vulture is a black market dealer who takes dead ganglers and dissects them to turn into weapons and sells them to the highest bidders. His armor and wings are made from a mix of metal and dead gangler parts. His business expanded when he found a way to crack open the safes and started using lupin pieces as power sources.
Sakuya interacts with the community more than any other ranger which has given him a fair amount of popularity. Especially with children. It annoys Keiichiro to no end.
Noel got really close to Sakuya after he found out his identity and because of their secret missions they do they have a lot of inside jokes. The rest of the ranger think it’s because they have a crush on eachother. This isn’t helped by the fact that Noel flirts alot and Sakuya lets some of his Spider-Man personality slip.
Sakuya is constantly forgetting he’s not normal. After his identity was revealed to the lupins and the pats he has had more freedom for when and where he uses his powers. And while the lupins and pats have grown used to his powers the public has not. He’ll constantly get comments like “isn’t that extremely heavy?” “Didn’t that hurt?” “How are you holding onto that” “it’s like you just appeared out of thin air?!” “how did you catch that ball flying at you when you couldn’t even SEE IT-”. The lupins and pats make excuses and scold him every time this happens. Yet somehow he still forgets he’s not normal and has to remind himself he has powers.
The lupinrangers are technically the ones responsible for giving Sakuya his powers as the spider hitched a ride out of the lab on them after they raided it.
Never ask Sakuya to explain how much something hurts his pain scale is horrifying.
Sakuya has acquired vast medical knowledge as Spider-Man. Before the pats knew his identity he was by himself. He was the one patching himself up after every fight. He was the one making a homemade cast out of web to nurse a broken bone. He was the one stitching his skin back together so he wouldn’t bleed to death. He’s had a lot of trial and error of how to deal with all kinds of injury’s. It sometimes makes Tsukasa sad that he had no one to rely on and had to deal with everything himself.
Sakuya teeth got sharper and he got fangs after he was bit. His venom came after having his powers for a while.
The lupin piece that gave Sakuya his bio electricity became unstable after being used on the spider which resulted in a freak lab accident that transferred the rest of the power into a scientist creating Electro.
Sakuya has a higher level of endurance and regenerates faster than a regular human which has lead him to be more reckless. He is constantly giving the other rangers heart attacks by purposely placing himself in the middle of danger. He was once wondering why it was so hard to focus on work before Tsukasa practically yelled that he had a shard of metal in his leg. Sakuyas response was “oh, this?” And then he pulled it out and went right back to work. Much to the horror of his co workers.
Sakuya is constantly on the move and saving people so he’s gotten used to sleeping anywhere. He will find a way to sleep comfortably on a ladder. He can’t be trusted to be alone when he’s sleepy, it’s impossible to wake him up once he goes down.
Keiichiro, Tsukasa, and hilltop were absolutely horrified to learn that he was trapped under a building when he fought the vulture.
Sakuya is very bad at self care. Every single other ranger has recounted a time where they chased Sakuya down and forced him to take care of himself. Wether it be tooma forcing him to eat because he hasn’t been for the last two days or Keiichiro dragging him back to his house because he is absolutely NOT patrolling with a dislocated shoulder.
When the ryusoulgers met the patrangers and heard about Sakuyas abilities they immediately made asuna challenge him to an arm wrestling competition and towa challenged him to see who was faster.
When the kyurangers met the patrangers hammie and Sakuya became extremely close because of their shared powers. They formed a sibling like relationship with eachother.
Zamigo likes Sakuya, well likes Spider-Man. With raw strength greater than a lupinranger and patranger combined and stubbornness to boot zamigo finds him an even more entertaining opponent than Kairi. This makes Kairi absolutely despise Spider-Man as zamigo wasn’t interested in fighting him anymore.
Satoru after being saved by Sakuya checks on him a lot to see how he’s doing. Sakuya often gives saturo weekly reports of what he did as Spider-Man. And updates him on what Keiichiro and Tsukasa are doing as well.
Sakuya is absolutely covered in scars. Ranging from bullets to blades to even burn scars.
Sakuya developed sensory issues after the spider bite and has adopted the habit of entering the office through the window as he cannot be around that many people in the morning.
If Sakuya doesn’t use his bio-electricity for a while he’ll get static-y with all the built up energy.
Sakuya lives by the fact that the world isn’t black and white. He will extend kindness to any human, gangler or alien. Even if they don’t deserve it.
Sakuya metabolism is through the roof. He is constantly burning through energy and eats a lot too. He started buying his own groceries after tooma commented about it once.
Sakuya secludes himself when he’s injured because of the whole ‘learning how to help himself’. Keiichiro and Tsukasa have learned that whenever he locks himself in the bathroom he’s patching up an injury and they jump him when he comes out to drag him off to the infirmary.
Sakuya also doesn’t communicate very well. He is not a leader and when he is it’s to himself. So he has a bad habit of going no contact while on missions and it infuriates the pats to no end.
Sakuya has made himself flatline before to trick a gangler and it scared the shit out of Noel when he found him.
Sakuya invisibility reacts with his emotion so when he’s excited he’ll flicker in and out of sight.
Sakuya once made the mistake of saying “if I’m not dead I’m fine” and Keiichiro immediately reprimanded (yelled) at him for a solid 5 minutes about it.
The duality of Sakuya is that he can survive multiple life threatening injury’s without batting an eye but can’t stay in a turtleneck sweater for more than 2 hours without getting sensory issues.
Sakuyas Spider-Man personality is best described as a mix between the 10th doctor humor and sassiness and the 11th doctors childishness.
Noel and Sakuya both have parkour competitions when they’re off work. Surprisingly Noel is winning.
Sometimes Past ganglers or villains Spider-Man has helped will show up at his apartment for free impromptu therapy/guidance or for coffee. Sakuya is a bit too nice to turn any of them down.
Sakuya had mastered the disappointed mom look to a scary degree. He once even managed to make Tooma stutter by accidentally giving him the look.
The Pats sometimes go out of their way to do something or be there for Sakuya as a way of making it up to him for the whole thinking he’s a gangler fiasco. The Lupins admitted that they didn’t know how to make it up to him.
Yes Sakuya is built like a martini glass.
Kairi and Sakuya will have pleasant conversations with eachother. Lupin red and Spiderman will try and end eachothers bloodline.
Sakuya down plays injury’s a lot as he isn’t at much risk because of his healing. Its basically. “Your arm’s cut in half!” “Tis but a scratch” “a SCRATCH?!”
Sakuya has the no killing rule for humans but is more lenient with ganglers because their actual threats who have killed before and will do it again. He’s kinda like tanjiro, he not hesitate to kill ganglers to prevent suffering but if they feel regret or never wanted to kill in the first place he’ll give them a chance. No more than 1 though.
Well I had a lot more ideas than I originally thought. I might start making more posts related to this au as I find it enjoyable to think about. If I do I’ll definitely flesh the story out more and get an actual timeline down.
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
Happy Birthday to a no.1 Ryuunosuke (Shinken Blue) fan!! 💙💙💙
Aw, thanks!
Indeed, I still miss the boy. ^^ One of my all-time fave Blues.
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skyqueen3 · 7 years
Ryuunosuke Ikenami Meme!!!
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (I’m not a big HP fan but from what I understand Ravenclaw is for smart people and he’s smart so that’s why.)best quality: Loyalty and reliability.worst quality: Sometimes comes across a bit too strict and that can sometimes be a bit annoying. :\ship them with: Takeru (forgive me), Chiaki... (maybe it’s better I just stick to within the show, as if I admit I crossover ship him with Kevin you’ll kill me... wait a minute. :P ) brotp them with: I’m working on the idea for a few that I can both otp and brotp depending on things so all of the above from the ship question and Kotoha.  needs to stay away from: Those that don’t care for him, and Hitomidama, no more glow eyed crazy stuff.  misc. thoughts: You’re right, people don’t give him enough credit or even a chance. 
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iristial · 3 years
How I find you:
Tbh, I really don't know why but I think cuz I want to see more of your Super Sentai opinions 😂
*glances at my blog content these days* …better do more of that then xD
how did you find my blog and what made you want to follow
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fanbynature · 4 years
10 songs 10 people
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping!
Thanks to @skyisfull for tagging me
Playlist: Dark Pop
1.Hozier - Arsonist's Lullabye
2.THE DRIVER ERA - Preacher Man
3.Lost Stars - No Turning Back
4.Ritt Momney - Put Your Record On
5.Artic Monkeys - No 1 Party Anthem
6.Catfish and the Bottleman - Homesick
7.AViVA - Rules
8.Billie Eilish - everything i wanted
9.Simple Creatures - Thanks, I Hate It
@borntobeafan @kyuairyeo @whazzaspam @duichenko
@cosmicrealmofkissteria @strangerinaholyplace
@fuzzysocksforme @hrynachx
@the-happy-knitter @acciokenobi
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k-ryeo · 4 years
this or that // i was tagged by @2ya2yao, thank you ☺️
Ancient or Modern
Bitter and Sweet 
Chocolate and Vanilla 
Coffee or Tea 
 Create or Destroy
 Day and Night
 Early Bird and Night Owl
 Freckles and Dimples
Gold or Silver 
Greek Mythology or Egyptian Mythology
Macarons or Eclair 
Hot and Cold 
Thunder or Lightning 
Typewritten and Handwritten 
Secret Garden and Secret Library 
Spicy or Mild
 Dark Magic or Light Magic
 Virtue or Vice
 Ocean or Desert
 Mermaids or Sirens
Known and Unknown
Rough or Smooth 
Moon and Stars 
Rain and Snow
oof im not the most interesting one but these choices do have some weird reasons sksks
i’ll tag @thesirenandtheking , @kfaem , @kyuairyeo , @haus-of-wu , @/anyone who wants to do the challenge as well ^^
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amberbeach · 5 years
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gif belongs to kyuairyeo
Since he started working at the cafe, Riley noticed a lot of things. He was very aware of what happened around him, and when you came in every single day, ordering the exact same order and sitting at the same table - he took notice.
Chase would often tease him for staring when you would come in. Riley always wondered what you were writing in a notebook for three hours at a time.
“I don’t have a crush on her. I don’t even know her!” Riley said defensively..
Chase smirked as he turned the page of his magazine, putting his feet on a table until Kendall hit them off.
Riley looked around the base before turning to Chase. “I don’t have a crush.”
Chase only hummed, and Riley rolled his eyes while going to continue his workout.
The next day you left the cafe and never came back for a few weeks. Riley always kept an eye out for you, but you never stepped foot in the museum.
Until now.
Riley tried to look nonchalant about his staring, but eventually, he couldn’t look away. He couldn’t hear Tyler telling him an order was ready over the sound of his thoughts.
He turned when Tyler put a hand on his shoulder. “You okay, man? You’ve been zoning out all day.”
Chase smirked as he walked out the kitchen, two plates in his hands. “Y/N’s back.” He said, nodding to where you were sitting.
Tyler chuckled and placed a plate in front of Riley. “Well, you can take this to her.”
Riley inwardly groaned.
“And try to at least say ‘here’s your order.’” Chase chuckled, patting his shoulder before going to the kitchen.
Riley huffed in annoyance, lifting the plate and approaching your table.
You looked up at him when he placed the plate down. He opened his mouth, but no words came out. His eyes showed his panic while he tried to speak before he slowly walked away.
You watched him walk away and sighed as you picked up a fry, popping it in your mouth.
A few minutes later, Chase sat across from you, and you raised an eyebrow at him. You had gotten to know him and Koda well since you first started coming to the cafe.
“Why don’t you put the boy out of his misery?” He smiled.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You glanced away.
Chase raised an eyebrow before reaching for the notebook. “Oh look -” You snatched it back before he could see anymore of your drawings. “I saw the little heart there.”
You glared at him. “Fine.”
Chase smirked as he walked away, and you sighed as you looked at your notebook, groaning quietly.
You stood up and approached the counter. Riley lifted his head, “That’ll be…” His eyes widened slightly.
“Am I that scary?” You giggled.
“No! No! It’s not that - uh…” He closed his eyes briefly, sighing.
You held your hand out, “Y/N.”
He smiled softly and shook your hand. “Riley.”
The next day you arrived right on time, and Riley walked over to your table, notepad in hand. He looked at the book you sketched into.
“See you tomorrow, Riley.” You handed him cash for your meal before walking out.
“Those are really good! Are they from the museum?” He pointed to the drawings you had done of the dinosaur skeletons.
You nodded. “Yeah, I come here every day to try and get better at drawing dinosaurs. It’s different from a book, and I get to see a cute waiter.”
You watched the information sink in, and he pointed to himself. “You come to see me?”
You smiled, biting your lip anxiously. “Yeah. And draw obviously.”
Riley smiled. “Uh,” He chuckled nervously. “would you like to go out sometime? We can go somewhere that isn’t here.”
You smiled, standing up as you picked up your book. “I’d love to.” You kissed his cheek and walked away, looking back to wave. Riley felt hands on his shoulders, and he smiled when Chase and Tyler asked for details.
“I don’t know where yet.” He said. “And I’m not telling you when I do know, so you can’t spy on me.”
He headed to the kitchen. “Would we do a thing like that?” Chase smirked.
“Yeah!” Riley said, going to help Koda in the kitchen.
He knew that they wouldn’t give up until he told them about what happened and how you came to kiss his cheek. But Riley would keep it to himself for a while. The only thing he was worried about was where he was going to take you on your date.
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cipi127 · 6 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @ryuunosenshi and @tommyismymainranger 💕
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band cleverly answer the questions and then tag 10 people.
artist/band: Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams
what is your gender: Neon
how do you feel: Armed and Ready
if you could go anywhere: From Shadows
favorite mode of transportation: Wings
if your life was a tv show: This Will Be the Day
your best friend: Smile
favorite time of the day: Like Morning Follows Night
relationship status: I’m the One
your fear: All Things Must Die
Tagging: @medixnight, @the-ultimate-nobody, @thecrazydragonlady, @chacerider, @zhzhel, @aquaburst07, @twelve-to-the-highest-power, @kyuairyeo, @seasaltmemories, @chromsai
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kpopunnielol · 7 years
Get To Know The Blogger
I was tagged by @tabiswife (Thank you! TT)
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
 I am 5'7" or taller
 I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo
 I have at least one piercing 
I have blonde hair
 I have brown eyes
 I have short hair
 My abs are at least somewhat defined 
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
 People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me 
I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude asshole with people I know well
 I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
I can sing well 
I can play an instrument 
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping 
I’m a fast runner 
I can draw well subjectively 
 I have a good memory 
 I’m good at doing math in my head 
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute 
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
 I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
 I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports 
I’m on a team at my school or somewhere else 
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
 I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week 
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months 
I have drawn something in the past month 
Fandoms are my #1 passion 
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
 I have had alcohol
 I have scored the winning goal in a sports game 
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting 
I have been at an overnight event 
 I have been in a taxi
 I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
 I have beaten a video game in one day 
I have visited another country 
 I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (TT huhu)
 I’m in a relationship 
I have a crush on a celebrity 
 I have a crush on someone I know 
I have been in at least 3 relationships
 I have never been in a relationship 
 I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them 
I get crushes easily 
 I have had a crush on someone for over a year 
I have been in a relationship for at least a year 
 I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” 
I live close to my work/school 
 My parents are still together 
I have at least one sibling 
I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live 
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
 I have a smartphone 
 I have at least 15 CDs 
 I share my room with someone
 I have breakdanced
 I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce 
I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now 
 I have punched someone in the past week
 I know someone who has gone to jail
 I have broken a bone
 I have eaten a waffle today 
I know what I want to do with my life 
I speak at least 2 languages 
 I have made a new friend in the past year
I tag @secshkies, @kyuairyeo, @daehyuns-lip-ring, @noraengi, @hvnv27, @katerikring, @gottalovesechskies, @fxxkitup, and anyone else who wants to do it^^
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talented-ela · 7 years
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Kendall’s stern look (#ClaireBlackwelder) #PS: This is for you, @kyuairyeo
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
A list about our favourite blue boy, Ikenami Ryuunosuke 💙
A good boo!
Favourite thing about themHis exuberance, and how even though he was a personality that might have been exclusively treated as the ‘joke’ character, he was actually even regarded as something like the second in command, and even got to have the final strike on the big bad.
Least favourite thing about themThat he’s not here anymore. DX I honestly can’t think of much, otherwise.
Favourite lineReally liked the speech he gave to the fisherman/former Kuroko when he was fishing for the swordfish mech.
BrOTPHim and… Everyone? Though mainly Chiaki and Genta, maybe. I feel like he’s very close w/ Takeru, but there’s always that different… Feel to their relationship?
OTPNone. Like Takeru, I do have an oc that I paired him w/, but in the actual canon, I never really shipped him w/ anyone.Okay, no, that’s a lie. It’s no otp, but I had a little soft spot for him and Mako.
NOTPUh… Him w/ any of the villains, I guess?
Random headcanonRyuunosuke calls Takeru every. Single. Day. To make sure that Tono is doing alright, and did Tono eat breakfast, and does Tono want him to come visit? Even though they have a group chat, he still calls. Takeru secretly appreciates and enjoys it.
Unpopular opinionMy love for him, maybe? I dunno. Like w/ Takeru I can’t think of anything particularly ‘unpopular’… Maybe the fact that I ship them w/ ocs?
Song I associate with themUm… That’s a hard one. Hmm…Warrior by Ke$ha (though it’s a little bit about the whole team XD).
Favourite picture of them
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(Everyone needs to appreciate what I went through to find this. DX)
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skyqueen3 · 6 years
new ask challenge! ✴ name 5 unpopular opinions you have and send this ask to 5 more blogs you want to get to know better!
I swear I thought I did this ages ago. *sweat drop* Let’s cover many fandoms. :D
1) Power Rangers and Super Sentai both have good and not so good points and arguing over which is better overall is stupid.
2) Pokemon GO is still a fun game.
3) Shelton Benjamin should’ve been a world champion back during his first run in WWE. 
4) Speaking of WWE, I don’t completely hate a few certain wrestlers that most of tumbr do. (Yeah, being vauge on this one.)
5) A lot of my ships seem to be unpopular, does that count? 
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iristial · 4 years
LuPat as Hotel Del Luna AU? Who would fit certain characters?
Apologies for taking so long to reply!! But I assure you that I’ve been thinking about this non-stop for the past few days because it was so fun to think about <3
Jang Manwol - Kairi Except Touma’s the one running the hotel’s affairs and Kairi does all the “cool” stuff like destroying evil spirits. In life he would’ve been executed for thievery if not for Shori taking the fall for him, and the self-hatred, remorse, guilt and anger is what keeps Kairi from moving on. He plans on having his soul destroyed once he hunts down the reincarnations/spirits of his brother’s killers because, as he puts it, he’s one of them
Kim Seonbi - Touma His unfinished business was settled long ago, it’s just that the idea of leaving the establishment in Kairi’s hands disturbs him too much. Is it because Kairi may self-destruct, or the hotel might return to the pigsty it was when Touma first arrived? Yes
Choi Seohee - Tsukasa She’s been watching over her cousin’s bloodline to ensure they have the long, prosperous lives Tsukasa herself couldn’t have for the past few hundred years. Though she notes the irony in how Kairi has had a long life but he’s still rooted in one place
Ji Hyunjoong - Sakuya Is unable to move on because he didn’t accomplish much in life and feels like a disappointment to his family, so he applied to work at the hotel and do some “good work”. He quickly grew passionate for the plight of ghosts who died unfair deaths, and whenever a ghost needs help, Kairi sometimes summons Sakuya to do the job with mixed results
Gu Chanseong - Keiichiro A policeman who stumbled into the hotel while chasing down a “criminal” (actually a grim reaper who freaked out), and Kairi made him manager-in-training because he found the situation hilarious. But when he discovers Kairi’s origins and his intentions, he decides to do everything in his power to steer him to a brighter path
Kim Yoona - Umika Umika originally died at the hands of bullies, and Shiho made a deal with Kairi - in exchange for lending her services at the hotel (as she can see ghosts), Kairi will extend Umika’s lifespan by a few years. However, an accident resulted in Umika reviving in Shiho’s body, so Umika has to pay the debt. She doesn’t mind, and aims to make use of her time fully so she and Shiho don’t have regrets
Go Chungmyung, Yeonwoo - Shori The person you “hated” the most and the person you loved the most can exist in the same person in Kairi’s case. Shori broke away from a life of stealing to become a scholar and warrior, beloved by many - but he threw it all away to save Kairi. He was beheaded, and the history books consider him a disgrace. He initially tried to stay at the hotel and plead with Kairi to move on, but the latter refused, and Shori had to go to the afterlife without him
Mago - Noel Just imagine, four different versions of Noel. It’ll be chaos
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akwardly-magical · 8 years
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Shout out to my pals: @nsfwshamecave @srpelo @lizherubones @shysweetgirlliza @kyuairyeo And @fillsyouwithdirtysins *hugs all*
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