#Kyulkyung reactions
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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msafterhours · 1 month
No Promises
Reader POV x Joo Kyulkyung (Zhou Jieqiong)
~2.7k words
“We were meant to be together sounded so much sweeter when it felt like we had forever.”
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There's something beautiful about intentionally making the wrong decision. Like, sure, it sounds crazy to step into the line of fire and say yeah, come on universe; take your best shot, but it’s also kinda fun, no? Granted, soaring down the streets of Seoul with the wind whipping against your jacket and the rain pouring past your helmet is maybe a bit much, but you left any concerns you might have had in the dust long before the sun set. Besides, this is far from the first time you’ve acted with the type of reckless abandon reserved for those who have yet to live long enough to have something to lose.
That calculus changes when you re-enter Seoul: speed limits shift from suggestions to mandates. After a third red in a row rips an extended groan from your chest, you spend the moment inspecting the streets you’ve traversed a thousand times. You’re met by the familiar sight of Gangnam-gu’s glimmering lights, gleaming skyscrapers, and garish nightclubs each casting their own unique reflection onto the shimmering street below. On most nights, you’re able to let the mess of colors fade into the background, but tonight, it feels uncharacteristically gray. Even then, it’s all so loud, from the rainfall on the swarms of umbrellas to the downcast expressions of the faceless crowd—hell, even the red light you’ve been keeping an eye on seems washed out.
Right as you’re wondering if you’ve been transported back in time and cast in a 1940s sitcom, a sudden flash of color at the far edge of vision completely derails your train of thought. You turn and are met by a sight pulled straight from a modern drama: a student close to your own age wearing a soaked banana yellow top and skirt clinging to her legs as she hides under her highlighter pink backpack like it’s some shoddy umbrella. It’s … not a pretty sight.
Or at least it wouldn't be, if not for the rest of her. Her long, dark hair cascades down past her shoulders and clings to her face, obscuring your view of her finer features, yet every aspect of her from her posture to the placement of her steps projects a practiced poise that monopolizes your attention. Everyone else fades from your vision as the light turns green and she turns the crosswalk into her personal runway … though the effect is kinda ruined by the urgency with which she scurries through the rain.
A feeling from deep within urges you to act—that and the person behind you honking their horn since you’ve spent the four seconds since the light turned green frozen in place. You release the brake, accelerate forward, and veer your motorcycle to the side where you know she's heading. With a quick step onto the soaked pavement and a tug on the strap of your helmet, you greet the rain with the widest of smiles, then feel it shift into a smirk as you call out, “Ouch, aren’t you a sad sight to behold. Need some help with that?”
She turns and stares, mouth agape, as she processes the sight of you. Your first glimpse of her leaves you stuck mirroring her expression, mouth agape in disbelief because she's gorgeous, with a sharp jawline that contrasts perfectly against her soft skin. It’s a face sculpted to show on billboards … and one whose disbelief shifts into a smirk as she remains unaffected by your reaction. Your eyes travel upwards past those invitingly soft lips, along the bridge of her nose, all the way up and meeting her own, where you’re all too tempted to lose yourself in them. Eventually, she breaks the silence and asks, “What. The. Fuck. Are you doing? Are you trying to die?”
“Of course not, don’t you listen? I already told you, I’m trying to help,” you say back, smile widening as her skepticism refuses to fade whatsoever. “I just figured that while we’re both out in the rain, only one of us wants to be, yeah? I'd be doing something wrong if I didn't at least offer to get you there faster, so I ask again: do you want my help or not?”
As you offer her your helmet, you see the distrust finally start thawing, just enough for her to crack a smile of her own. “This is insane—you’re insane. But you also seem fun, so why not?”
You hand her the helmet and exchange names, and as the girl you'll come to know as Kyulkyung repeats yours back to you, you watch as her eyebrows relax and the distrust starts leaving her eyes. As you go through a brief crash course—how to wear a helmet, where to sit, etc.—her posture slips too, hints of comfort and fatigue settling in as her shoulders slump. Yet through it all, her eyes remain locked on yours, causing an unexpected pang in your chest as you turn to climb onto the bike. It fades slightly when you turn back to her, offer your hand, and ask, “Okay, you ready?”
Even as Kyulkyung shivers and shakes like a leaf in the wind, the fire in her eyes burns bright as she dismisses your hand and climbs atop the bike with ease. Her arms wrap around you, sending a shock of heat through your system and your heart rate into the stratosphere as she asks, “Do you happen to know where the PLEDIS building is?”
“Funnily enough, I do,” you tell her, smirking with sinister intent as inspiration strikes. “What’re you, a trainee or something?”
“No …” Kyulkyung murmurs, averting her eyes as she continues, “I just have a really good reason to want to be there before 11:00.”
“Sure. Yeah. Totally,” you say. Her eyebrows raise; yours respond in kind. Her bottom lip catches between her teeth. You continue. “You, the ‘School of Performing Arts’ student—in said uniform—strutting around Gangnam of all places. You’re gonna try and convince me you’re not a trainee, just that you happen to have a ‘really good reason’ to be at an agency before a very specific time of night.”
“Are you trying to say something?”
“Two things actually: you’re full of shit and you’re out past curfew.”
“You sound pretty sure of that.”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Why would it even matter?”
“Because I like being right, and you apparently hate being wrong. Aside from that, if I need to get you back before curfew, we’re going to have to book it, run a few red lights, pray that we don’t get pulled over—”
“Alright, enough,” Kyulkyung interjects, eyes rolling with a gymnast’s grace. “You’re not wrong, but let’s just focus on getting me back in one piece, alright? I’m pretty sure they care more about me being alive than on time.”
“We’re not going anywhere until you say it,” you insist. “Go ahead, tell me I’m right.”
“You’re actually serious?” she mutters in disbelief. You opt to let the silence act as your confirmation.
“Fine. You’re right: I’m a trainee. Happy?” Kyulkyung grumbles, grimacing as a grin overtakes your expression. “What gave it away?”
“I dunno, you kinda just seem ‘that kind of pretty’,” you say with a shrug. “Something about the way you walk too … honestly, nothing about you comes off as normal.”
“Bit rich for you of all people to say that, don’t you think? I wouldn’t exactly call this a ‘normal’ way to spend a Friday night.”
“I wouldn't either,” you admit, smiling wide as you respond. “But are you—the trainee—really gonna be the one to lecture me about running headfirst towards an enticing risk?”
“No, I'm not,” Kyulkyung says, her grip on your ribs tightening. “Though I might not be so kind if you keep me out in this rain any longer.”
“Alright, alright, fine,” you wheeze out, struggling to catch your breath as you paint on your most dramatic pout. “You’re no fun … but you are kinda cute, so I guess I can cave just this once.”
“Good,” she replies, smiling in smug satisfaction. “Now, let’s get going! I’m cold.”
“As you wish, princess,” you say, revving the engine and speeding off before she gets the chance to respond.
You immediately lose any semblance of newfound confidence as the unfiltered brunt of the elements threatens to overwhelm you on your first time riding without a helmet. First, it’s the scent of rain. Then, it’s the rain pummeling your brow. Finally, it’s the noise. Your motorcycle roars and the cars passing you scream off into the night as they pass—it’s all just so fucking loud and every single sensation threatens to pull your focus away from the road. Yet even amongst the brutal weather of a stormy night, Kyulkyung’s thoughts resonate through your mind clear as day. You feel her heartbeat race as you accelerate out of a turn, feel her cling to you tighter at every hint of yellow in the stoplights above. Without fail, she wordlessly pleads for you to choose caution, and, without fail, you do whatever she asks.
At one such intersection, you ask a question of your own: you let go of the handlebar and place your hand atop hers. Kyulkyung's response is just as silent, but she needs no words to tell you yes as she intertwines her fingers with yours as you wait together. Even through the drenched material of your glove, the heat of her touch wards off the cold, sending a surge of warmth through your shivering body as you both stare ahead into the awaiting darkness. You revel in the sensation as long as possible, right up until the light turns to green and you’re forced to pull away.
As she embraces you once more and you accelerate forward, a realization cuts through the fog and arrives at the forefront of your mind: you just met this girl and you already know you’re never going to be able to say no to her. And that’s … okay?
Yes. There’s something about her that takes the tension out of the knots in your shoulders, makes you breathe just that bit easier—at least when she’s allowing you to do so. It’s all too easy to ease into her embrace, all too tempting to take your time weaving your way through the tangled web of your home suburb’s streets. The thought proves far too tempting and you choose to do so, desperate to preserve the sanctity of these seconds spent together.
Unfortunately, the night only lasts so long and the road only goes so far, so you’re soon met by the familiar sight of your destination. You force yourself to ease off the gas, allowing your momentum to carry you forward until you come to a stop across the street from the building in question. With a sigh and a swing of your leg, you step off the motorcycle and turn to face her as you offer her your hand. This time, Kyulkyung accepts, taking it and joining you on the sidewalk. After loosening the chin strap, you gently pull the helmet off her head, granting you a glimpse of her parted lips before revealing the excitement and expectation in her wide eyes.
“So, what’d you think? Kinda fun, right?” you ask, allowing your eyebrows to lift in expectation as you await her response.
“Maaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyybbbbbeeee,” she says, drawing out that single syllable just long enough for smirks to overtake both your expressions.
“You know what? I’ll take it. And you—” you say, turning away for a moment as you unlock one of the side compartments of your bike and pull something out. “—should take this.”
Kyulkyung lets out the slightest squeak of surprise as she catches the umbrella you toss her, though the surprise is quickly replaced by the disdain and disbelief overtaking her expression. “Wait, you’re kidding. You have to be. You had this the whole fucking time?”
“And you still felt the need to convince me to risk my life on that screaming metal death trap?”
“I thought it’d be a valuable experience,” you say, shrugging once more. “You can keep the umbrella by the way; it’s all yours.”
Kyulkyung’s sigh of resignation is all that keeps the street from falling into silence as you stand there, waiting for her to voice her thoughts. Eventually, she does so. “Give me your phone.”
“So greedy, honestly. I just gave you a ride and my umbrella, yet you’re still asking for more?” you scoff. Still though, you do as she asks, pulling it out of your pocket and unlocking it before handing it to her.
“It’s one of my toxic traits,” she replies as she taps away at the screen. “Everyone else seems to have gotten used to it, so I’m sure you’ll be fine, eventually.”
“Oh?” you ask, eyebrow arching as she piques your curiosity. “You hoping I’ll stick around?”
“No, I was just texting myself from your phone for the hell of it,” she says, sarcasm soaking her words like the rain-soaked streets as she finishes typing. “It totally wasn’t because I was gonna ask if I could get you coffee or something, as thanks for getting me home safe.”
Kyulkyung finally looks away from the screen, meeting your gaze with an infectious smile as she offers you your phone. “That’s unfortunate. I really like the thought of someone else paying for my drink.”
“Yeah?” she asks. A pause. Then, “Maybe we’ll just have to make it happen.”
“Maybe we will,” you agree. With that, you turn and remount your motorcycle. Before you go, you offer her one last smile as you bid her farewell. “I need to get back, but I hope you have a good night and good luck with—” you gesture wildly at the beautiful mess standing in front of you “—explaining everything I guess.”
“Thaaanks,” Kyulkyung grumbles, pouting as she shudders at the thought and ripping a warm laugh out from deep within your chest. As it echoes against the buildings’ frigid walls, her hints of a smile bloom into her own peals of laughter that harmonize with your own as they resonate as one.
“I hope you have a good night too,” she says softly after a short while. “Try not to die on the way home, alright?”
“No promises.”
Kyulkyung’s eyes roll once more, but there’s genuine gratitude in the nod she gives before turning away. As she disappears into the building’s darkened halls and vanishes from your sight, a chill courses through your veins, leaving you shivering as you adjust your helmet and take off down the road.
Barely a minute passes before you reach your apartment complex and the pale brick and light blue tones that define its color palette. After locking up your bike, you hike upstairs, step up to your door, turn the latch, and reveal … the silent darkness within. Empty, just like always. Muscle memory guides your hand to the switch, momentarily blinding you as the cool whites wash away the darkness to reveal the relaxing hues of your home.
While the sight normally instills a sense of calmness, it all seems to blur as the chill refuses to leave your body, rendering you seasick as your head swims. It remains even as you peel away your gloves and free yourself from the soaked leather of your jacket, leaving you shivering even as you turn on the shower and pray for it to heat quickly. As you wait, you decide to check your phone and see what message Kyulkyung sent herself.
You can’t help but scoff at the assumption, but it quickly shifts into a smile as you compose your response.
You (10:59 PM): When you read this, let me know if you got home safe.
I don’t want to put the time into making coffee plans if you’re not gonna show up
You (11:08 PM): You’re insufferable
You (11:08 PM): How’d everything go? Were you able to sneak back in?
Kyulkyung (11:09 PM): Oh, easily
You (11:09 PM): Not your first time pushing curfew?
Kyulkyung (11:09 PM): Definitely not
Kyulkyung (11:10 PM): And definitely not the last either
You (11:10 PM): Can't say I'm surprised lol
You (11:11 PM): I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, even if the most interesting part has already happened
Kyulkyung (11:11 PM): Lol thanks, try not to get into too much trouble while I'm not there to supervise
You (11:12 PM): No promises
(My sincerest gratitude to @capslocked as always for their contributions towards bettering this fic. This was a draft I started a while ago that I didn't foresee myself finishing, but as I was editing it, I had the idea of posting little vignettes from the plot that I had written instead of making it a singular narrative. The plot I had in mind originally spanned something like 4 years, so just writing the highlights seems like a better fit (if there's interest for this story at all, I know it's an idol that's been away from the industry for a bit). Regardless, thank you so much for spending your time reading my work and I hope you enjoyed it!)
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moostaronce · 4 years
PRISTIN Masterlist
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Pristin reaction to their s/o getting too close with other members
Nayoung (Im Nayoung)
Roa (Kim Minkyung)
 Summer Camp
Yuha (Kang Kyungwon)
Eunwoo (Jung Eunwoo)
Rena (Kang Yebin)
Kyulkyung (Zhou Jieqiong)
Yehana (Kim Yewon)
Sungyeon (Bae Sungyeon)
Xiyeon (Park Junghyeon)
Kyla (Kyla Massie)
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Reaction to Breaking Up with Their S/O and Wanting to Get Back Together
Request: “Pristin reaction to them breaking up with their bf and wanting to get back”
A/N: pledis hate hours are always open
- C
Nayoung never wanted to break up with you in the first place, and it was all because of a stupid fight where you said things that you never meant. She was the one who came to you, and after hearing her sincere apology, you knew there were intense feelings for Nayoung that you couldn’t deny. Nayoung tried to put the past behind you, she didn’t want any more negativity in the relationship.
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Minkyung didn’t want to get back with you, because she knew her members wouldn’t agree, but there were so many feelings for you that she couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard she tried. She talked to her members, and realising that she still loved you, her members told her to go back to you. Roa did just that, confessing her feelings and asking you out again. Roa would want to do it better this time, and she would.
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Yuha had tried her best to get over you, but it just wasn’t happening for her. She saw you one day backstage at a music show, and she could feel all of her suppressed emotions coming back up. She had to talk to you, so she did. She apologized for everything, explaining how she had been feeling lately. You agreed to meet up with her to talk more before making any decisions, and that was enough for Yuha.
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Eunwoo would be one to feel the regret almost as soon as she had said the words. She took them back immediately, apologizing profusely and asking you to forgive her. She said she would do anything for you not to break things off for good with her, and she really meant it. Eunwoo swore she’d never get that angry and hurt you again, and she’d do her very best to prove it until you believed her words.
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Rena didn’t know what to do. She knew that when she broke up with you she had no attention of coming right back to you, but god damn, did she miss you. Instead of talking to her members about it, she called you and organized to meet you at a local café. She was mature enough to tell you exactly how she had been feeling, and how much she was missing you. After hearing her out, you decided to give her a second chance, much to Rena’s delight.
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Kyulkyung tried to keep strong and break up with you for good, but only a day later she knew that she couldn’t do it. She sat around and stared at her phone all day, questioning whether to call you or not. She eventually gave in and called you, and you sounded just as upset as she was feeling. She took everything back, all in hopes that you’d take her back. Kyulkyung didn’t think she deserved a second chance but you gave her one anyway, and she wasn’t going to mess it up.
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It was actually Yehana’s members who believed that you two should get back together after you had broken up a couple weeks before. Yehana hadn’t been the same since, and her bubbly, lively energy just wasn’t there. So it was Sungyeon and Eunwoo who had approached you, wondering if you’d ever take Yehana back. You said yes, and Yehana was over the moon when she found out.
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Sungyeon was so upset, she was crying more than she was dry-eyed. Her members had never seen anything like this coming from Sungyeon, and they never wanted to see it again. So they were the ones that contacted you, and it turned out that you were feeling the same. When you finally met up with Sungyeon again you didn’t exchange any words, just running into one another’s arms and not wanting to let go, ever.
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Xiyeon knew she had said some hurtful things when she broke it off with you, but it was all in the heat of the moment and she didn’t mean a single word she said. She tried to stop texting you to fully break it off, but the guilt was killing her. She turned up at your house with a big box of your favourite chocolates and an apology. Xiyeon knew there was a big chance you wouldn’t take her back, but she had to at least apologise for what she said.
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Kyla spent a lot of time thinking about her decision to break up with you, and she spent even more time regretting it. She consulted Nayoung, and her unnie told her to simply follow her heart and take it from there. Kyla called you, apologizing and asking you to meet up with her so she could apologise again. Kyla would spend a lot of time overthinking herself, and if you didn’t want to see her again, she would understand.
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kpopidolsfashion · 6 years
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Your dog/cat dying(Sub Unit) You being depressed(Sub Unit)
Dating in high school♡ You’re Overreacting | Fluff slight Angst☆ I Still Love You | Fluff and Angst☆
Yuha A vacation/trip♡
Dating/being her girlfriend♡
Rely On Me | Fluff☆ Photo Perfect | Fluff☆ Blush | Fluff☆
A coffee date♡ Blooming | Fluff☆ Lavender | Fluff☆ Merry Xmas! | Fluff☆
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shibanunu · 6 years
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Pristin throwbacks
The Of Course Game Ultimate Round: Roa x Nayoung
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
Pristin’s Reaction to Their First Time With a Girl
Prompt: can you do the pristin members reaction to their first time with a girl? thank u 💞
A/N: Xiyeon and Kyla are not legal in Korea, so I chose not to include them in this prompt because of its nature. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope it turned out okay! - Admin Kiwi
Nayoung: “I want it to be perfect.” She’d be set on making sure everything went perfectly, doing research beforehand so that she could know exactly what to do and how to do it best, not only wanting to seem like she knew what she was doing, but also wanting to make sure you were satisfied.
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Roa: “I’ve got this.” She’d only be a bit nervous at first, quickly gaining confidence about her abilities and her body. She’d seen enough ‘references’ to know what she was doing and would be gentle, but skillful, spurred on by every little sound you would make do to better.
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Yuha: “How are you feeling?” She’d be a bit nervous, but would be completely focused on her partner, wanting to make sure that you were satisfied above all. She’d also do research before, not wanting to mess up on anything and make you feel uncomfortable.
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Eunwoo: “I’m ready.” She’d be extremely embarrassed about her lack of experience and would be very nervous about her first time, counting on you to guide her on what to do and show her the ropes. She’d be flustered at first, but she’d try her best to make sure that you were pleasured as well.
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Rena: “Are you ready?” She’d be fairly confident in herself, and comfortable since she trusted you completely, ready to take the next step in your relationship and wanting to learn how to do the things she’d only seen done. She’d be very attentive, paying attention to you so that she’d know exactly what you liked.
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Kyulkyung: “I’ve never done this before.” She’d be completely honest with you, and although she would be comfortable with you, she’d also be nervous and excited, not really knowing what to do but eager to learn, a giggly mess at first until you taught her what everything was really like.
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Yehana: “Are we doing this?” She’d be giddy and nervous, but ready for it all at the same time. She would have done a bit of research to make sure she wasn’t completely clueless in front of you, and she would do her best to keep up with you, wanting to show you exactly how she felt.
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Sungyeon: “I’ll do my best.” She’d be shy about the whole idea, nervous about what you’d think of her, but she’d be determined to do it with you, someone that she trusted. She would count on you to show her what to do, but would do her best to gently and shyly reciprocate everything.
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roakims · 7 years
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Baekho interrupting Kyulkyung’s birthday live + BONUS: 
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ivoryowisp · 7 years
Stop Fatshaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
If you seriously have the time to fat shame and put down a 15 year old you have time to find a hobby and do something better with your life
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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Reaction (Pristin): When they all have a crush on the same girl
Nayoung: “May the best come out on top, girls. And I intend to win.”
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RoA: “Ah how cute, you all think she’s gonna go to you, and not me.”
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Yuha: “Damnit, why do y’all have to like her too?”
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Eunwoo: “She’s mine ladies. Back off.”
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Rena: *too busy trying to woo her crush while the others fight over her*
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Kyulkyung: “I’ll have her, don’t you worry.”
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Yehana: “Oh no, you guys all like her too? How rude.”
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Sungyeon: “Oh I feel so sorry for all of you. I won’t gloat too much when I win her over, okay?”
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Xiyeon: “Don’t mind me here, just planning how to get MY jagiya’s heart.”
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Kyla: “I hope you all know that I will be the winner of her heart.”
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moostaronce · 5 years
Pristin reaction to their s/o getting too close with other members.
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Nayoung: The return of Stone Buddha makes her appearance when she sees you hugged up with Kyungwon. The two of you always make jokes about being married and running off together on an amazing honeymoon. Kyungwon is also notorious for grabbing your hand and sweeping you away from Nayoung to spend some time alone. Nabong will just sit there silently with her signature stone face set and blankly stare at you both until you both are too uncomfortable to play these games.
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Roa: Minkyung loves that you get along with her dongsaengs and unnie but she hates to share your attention. When the two of you are alone you tend to spoil her with love and affection but the members steal that from her when all of you are together. All of maknae line have a bit of a crush on you and Minkyung knows this but you’re oblivious. Specifically Xiyeon likes to hug you and do cute things because you pat her on the head and fix her fringe affectionately. It’s up to Nayoung to busy her other kids so that Minkyung can hide away with you while they are distracted.
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Yuha: Kyungwon tries to busy herself in order to get over the fact that you spend most of your time with Minkyung when she brings you to the studio. She knows you don’t mean anything by it but she can’t help but get jealous that Minkyung can capture your attention so easily and manage to maintain it because your attention span is ridiculously short. But she is your girlfriend so she talks to you about it and you agree to be a bit more conscious while she agrees to be more understanding.
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Eunwoo: Eunwoo isn’t all that upset by your closeness unless it’s with Rena. Rena is a big flirt so she is a bit nervous that you could fall for her instead. Rena wouldn’t intentionally try to steal you away and Eunwoo knows that but she can’t help how she feels. You always reassure her that she is and always will be the only one for you. But if she catches you too close in proximity than she will give you a look to show that the boundary is extremely near.
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Rena: Yebin may try to fight you. If she thinks that you are too close with any other member she will tell you so. If you think you’re going to play games and try to make her jealous think again because she’ll try to cut you. No just kidding she’s soft as hell for you and she knows how to get your attention back on the rare occasions that she loses it but don’t be surprised if you catch her giving someone with you a death glare.
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Kyulkyung: Kyulkung is unbothered in every sense of the word. She’ll look at and Eunwoo for all of 2 seconds and then go back to whatever she was doing. She knows for a fact that Eunwoo likes to flirt with you intentionally to bug her. All she does is smirk at Eunwoo over your shoulder and ignore the interaction.
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Yehana: Yehana is a whole puppy and just shuffles up under you whenever she feels threatened, even by her members. She literally places herself under your arm and pouts at you for kisses until it just grosses her members out too much.
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Sungyeon: Sungyeon literally just sits in the corner doing her best to look as lonely and pitiful as possible. She knows if she waits long enough you will notice and come running to check on her. Usually once she has your undivided attention back she has no problem keeping it.
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Xiyeon: Xiyeon makes her presence KNOWN. She saunters up to you while you are a little to close for her liking with another member and interjects herself into the conversation. If you still don’t catch that she’s jealous then she just uses her beauty against you. A hair flip and a flirty smile later and you are literal putty in her hands. 
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Kyla: She isn’t upset but most of the time your interaction with unnie line bugs her a little more than anything else. She can’t help but feel like you might be better suited for Nayoung or Minkyung because of their mature attitudes, always forgetting how she herself is pretty mature. But without fail when she sees the love in your eyes whenever you look at her she feels really silly for doubting your feelings.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Reaction to Their Crush Talking About Their Diets and Workouts
Request: “please do a pristin reaction to hearing their crush (girl idol) talk about her and her band's diet and how they have to workout a lot for most of the day. thanks!”
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t really sure what to write. I hope it’s okay! 💓
- C
Nayoung listened intently as you asked the question that the interviewer was asking your group, especially since you were the one answering it, and Nayoung could easily listen to you talk all day. She knew how hard diets and workouts were, and yours just seemed exceptionally tough compared to any others she’d heard of. She didn’t know why you had to do so much, she thought you looked perfect just the way you are. And maybe, one day, she’d be able to tell you these thoughts like she always dreamed of doing.
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You were chatting to Rena about how your preparation for your upcoming comeback had been tough, and when Rena saw Roa looking on with a hint of jealousy in her eyes she did her best to include her friend in the conversation. You and Roa ended up chatting about workouts, and what you both usually did to stay fit. This led on to many other topics, and before you even realised, you had agreed to meet up again. Roa thought she was on cloud 9 when you agreed, and Rena watched on, proud of her friend.
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Yuha was known for having a great body, and that was what the Weekly Idol hosts were currently talking about. When they asked your group about diets and such, you took the lead and started talking about what you usually have to do before a comeback. Yuha gasped, upset that you were put through such rigorous conditions when she thought you looked perfect anyway. She was glad no one heard her gasp; that would have been a weird explanation.
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You had newly debuted under Pledis entertainment, and you were practising for your first comeback by yourself in one of the practice rooms. Eunwoo has been really friendly to you as your senior, and she decided to come to check on you. Little did you know, she was being more than just friendly. She came and chatted to you about your new diet, and the results were not to Eunwoo’s satisfaction. Management was being a lot more harsh with you than they ever were with Pristin, and she wasn’t happy, so she told you that she’d go and talk to someone to see why they were doing that to you when your weight was clearly perfect already.
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You were backstage at an awards show, and Rena was happily tucking into the free food they had laid out for idols. Upon seeing you, she beckoned you over and offered you food. She was surprised when you denied, and even more surprised when she heard you were on another, more strict diet. It made Rena unhappy because she believed that you didn’t need to lose any more weight if anything she thought it might be more healthy if you put some on. Rena told you to relax, and she gave you some food anyway, making sure you ate it all up.
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You and Kyulkyung were preparing for a special stage for an upcoming awards show. You were practising in your company this time, and Kyulkyung was walking towards the practice room when she passed your company gym. She saw you struggling and sweating as if you’d been there for a while, and as well as that, you both had to practice for a few hours now. She went in and made you take a break even when you denied. Kyulkyung eventually convinced you to take a break, and when you asked her why she was so concerned, she simply blushed and looked away, claiming that she just didn’t want you to be tired for your practice. In reality, her feelings were a lot deeper, and she never wanted to see you so overworked again.
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Yehana had a big bright smile on her face when it seemed that you were going to be the one answering the question that the interviewer had posed to both your group and Pristin. However, her signature smile faded from her face when she heard your answer. It seemed that you were unhappy about the diets and workouts that you were being made to do, and she wasn’t surprised considering how harsh they seemed. Everyone in your group was perfectly slim and she didn’t see why you were being put through this. She expressed her concern to her unnie afterwards and the agreed (while also teasing her because they knew she cared even more because of her obvious feelings for you).
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Sungyeon and you had been friends since predebut, but she never had the confidence to admit her true feeling for you. You were having your monthly catchup in a local coffee shop when the topic of diets came up in conversation. You told Sungyeon about this new diet you had been on, and Sungyeon’s face captured her exact emotions of sadness, frustration, and empathy. She ended up buying you a big slice of cake - ignoring your protests - and she made sure that you ate up every single bite. She told you that she’d be feeding you up over the next few weeks with a laugh, doing her best to fight the urge to grab you, kiss you, and tell you that you’d be alright.
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Xiyeon watched on with a smile as you eyed the feast that was displayed backstage of the Idol Room set. She teased you a bit, telling you to stop staring at just eat. Her smile disappeared as you told her that you weren’t allowed because your manager was watching and you were supposed to be on a diet. Xiyeon just winked and said, trust me, pulling you into the Pristin dressing room. She returned a minute later with a plate piled high with food, and a grin on her face. You both tucked in, enjoying every bite and getting ever closer by chatting in between stuffing your faces. Xiyeon ended up getting the courage to ask you out, and you obviously agreed, which left Xiyeon feeling like the luckiest girl on the planet.
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Kyla knew the stress of diets, and she had noticed your low morale around the company building lately. After talking to you for a bit and you explained the tough conditions that your management was putting on you, she certainly wasn’t happy about it. As a way of cheering you up, and also scoring the opportunity to go out with you, Kyla offered to take you out to dinner. You agreed and you ended up having a brilliant night. You forgot about all your problems for a while, and left with a full belly, a smile on your face, and a second date with a pretty girl. Who could even dream of asking for more?
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kpopidolsfashion · 6 years
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Pristin V Reaction to Your Dog/Cat Dying
-She didn't know what to do at first when you broke down crying in her arms right after you got off the phone with your mom
-She stroked your hair until you calmed down to ask what was wrong
-"my pet died."
-She didn't know what to say besides hugging you tighter at what you said and whispering soothing words
-She would hug you with her chin resting on top of your head while you sobbed into her chest
-"It'll be okay."
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-When she saw you crying on the kitchen floor in the middle of the night with your head in your hands, her heart broke
-She had rushed over to sit beside you and let you lean your head on her shoulder as you sobbed
-"It hurts." You told her in between your sniffles
-She tried hard to resist the urge to cry after seeing you, but she eventually broke too
-She held your hands together and rested her head against yours
-"I know. I'm right here for you."
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-After one of her concerts, she went to her dressing room and saw you sitting in one of the chairs crying softly into your hands
-"What's wrong?! What happened?!"
-She was so worried something bad had happened until you explained to her that your sibling called to tell you your pet had died
-She immediately embraced you in a hug with her arms wrapped around your shaking, crying body
-She let you cry as much as you wanted, not caring about the constant knocking from her managers telling her she had to get out soon
-"I'm here when you need to talk. I’m not going anywhere."
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-She stayed by your side through the whole thing
-She held your hand and brushed strands of hair out of your face so it didn't stick to your tear stained cheeks
-After you put your pet to sleep, she took you to a nearby park to help clear your mind
-You two walked for a while til you found a bench and decided to sit
-She was worried when you stared up at the sky with an empty expression on your face, til you thanked her for being there with you
-"Of course. Anything for you."
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-She has cats of her own so she knows what it's like to have a pet companion
-When you told her, her heart broke and she started to cry
-You had to wipe her face and ask why she was crying
-You would hold her and she would hold you as you both cried
-She would probably put on your favorite movies and order your favorite food to distract the pain in your heart
-"I know what you're going through. I can't imagine what it'd be like if I lost my cats"
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