#Kyla reactions
multiphandomunnies · 6 months
Pristin reactions
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you hog the duvet while sleeping
they kiss you
you hug them from behind
accidentally hitting the youngest member
their gf wants a kiss
having a mochi maknae
their bf breaking up with them
bf wants them back
bf being close with another member
they realize they like girls
bf dies in carcrash
bf not giving her enough attention
you initiate skinship
confessing to you
bf is a comedian
bf is a foreigner
gf wanting to be a little spoon
taking care of a baby
being an older sister
dating a nerdy guy
bf kisses them first
picnic with pristin
baby au
s.o rolls off the bed while they’re sleeping
s.o is affectionate with another member
pushing s.o/ s.o pushes them off the bed
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xtractors · 4 days
As my account says I am just here for the headcanon and The angst. So stick with me. [It looks longer than it is, but you can skip the bracketed section for my headcannon]
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I've been thinking since I saw Deadpool and Wolverine whether Wolverine knew who Wade was as Deadpool? I came to a pretty solid conclusion, because when Paradox zaps Deadpool away, wolverine's first reaction isn't to be like, "So what's going on?", it's to automatically try and jump Paradox for disappearing Wade [which like maybe it wasn't because he knew it was Wade. Maybe it's just because he just really enjoyed flirting with him, but I think it's cuz he knows who Wade is]. Then in the void it's to attack Wade, which he doesn't seem to be surprised about his healing factor.
And this led me to, if Wade existed in worst wolverine's universe and had a healing factor. Then he probably could have been a version of origin's Deadpool?
And I have decided for THE ANGST, that absolutely origins happened, and worst Wolverine saw what happened to origin's Deadpool.
[And here's my thing. I really wish origins had focused more on his relationship with his teammates, especially with the whole him and Wade making eyes at each other. Ignoring my feelings on the Kyla Silverfox lady, like I really wish the movie had just focused more on his teammates and relationship there. I think that he should have been "friends" with Wade and I think when he said "they finally found a way to shut you up" it should have been more emotional, and hurt and less sassy. I also really wish that Wade hadn't been just a mindless machine. Which I suppose we don't know how actually conscious he was, but could you imagine? Wade who's always expressed himself by being sassy and dealt with his trauma and being a mercenary by making jokes being unable to speak at all and unable to control himself as he attacks his friend?
Like I seriously don't think origins Deadpool was that bad of a character. I think there was just no emotional attachment to him. Cuz the whole mouth Sewn shut thing could have meant so much more if Wade was actually friends with Logan. ]
Anyways, back to the plot.
So my thing is if there is origins Deadpool in worst wolverines timeline, do you think worst Wolverine ever just thinks about it?Do you think he ever has nightmares about his Wade being the one with the mouth sewn shut?? Unable to make his crude, but adorable jokes? Unable to call him Peanut and honey badger? Nightmares where his Wade, the one who saved him and gave him meaning and a new life, is staring into his eyes, as Logan's voice echos "They finally found a way to shut you up, huh." What if he wakes up guilty, a bitter taste on his tongue hearing how cruel those words really were to someone who means the world to him, someone who he never truly wants to shut up. Worrying his mind over not being able to save him once, not just not being able to save him, but having to kill him? Every once in awhile when he tells Wade "do you ever shut up?"[affectionate], he gets a flash of origins Deadpool in his head and goes quiet and regrets saying it?
could you imagine the angst?
Logan seeing his good "friend" who expressed his trauma through never shutting up unable to talk?Logan's "they finally found a way to shut you up" being breathless and painful and not just mean
Do you think Logan listens to Deadpool chatter and ever think about origins Deadpool and regrets not being able to save him? Regrets that one his last lines was taunting him for finally being unable to ramble?
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heartbreak-sandwich · 11 months
☠️Full Circle Warnings☠️
A/N: This fic is inspired by always wanting to do some cave exploration with my friends. Starting a beautiful day exploring the caves near Skull Rock with your friends quickly turns into mayhem and terror as you go against your friends' advice and converse with a friendly stranger in the depths. I hope you guys like this one! Finally featuring the loveliest Eddie Munson 💕 This is my first ever thriller/horror fic, so hopefully it's okay!
TW: Blood mention, altered reality, smoking.
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MAY 2023
The weather was fair and mild that May, so you and your friends decided it would be the perfect time to scope out the caves near Skull Rock. You sat in the passenger seat of Kyla’s Toyota 4Runner while she sped along the dusty, winding roads to the trailhead. Looking down at your phone, you noticed you had lost service, so you set it to airplane mode and secured it in Kyla’s glovebox, knowing there was no need to bring it into a cave where you could possibly lose it forever.
Over the booming of the music, you could hear Brent checking everyone’s flashlights and reminding the group to all bring extra batteries, extra water, and what to look for if you want to take home some natural quartz. Lelia was listening intently as Brent explained how certain rocks and crystals formed in caves, her ginger hair flowing in the wind as Aliya held a cigarette out the window. You and Kyla were singing along to the music when Aliya leaned forward between your seats, almost startling you.
“Just remember,” she piped up loud enough to be heard over the song. “If you see a person down in those caves, no you don’t.”
“What does that mean?” Kyla grimaced in confusion and laughed.
“It means they’re probably not real, especially if they try to lead you further in. Don’t listen, don’t follow, and don’t get separated from the group. Caves are like liminal spaces or some shit. They don’t play.” Aliya was smiling, so you couldn’t tell how serious she was, but goosebumps perked up on your arms anyway.
“Oh, slay,” Kyla replied nonchalantly, both of them bursting into a fit of laughter at her deadpan reaction. You were lost in your thoughts as the trees started to thin on your trail, and you felt the car slowing to a stop. Pulling off into a quarry, your group exited the vehicle and secured your packs for the trip.
“Remember, try to stick together. The map to these caves is really old, but as far as the websites have said, only these two tunnels have caved in,” Brent instructed, marking two areas on the map. You examined the tunnels, names, and distances marked on the cave map, and you took mental note of the areas to avoid just in case you got lost in the dark.
“Everyone have extra batteries?” Kyla held up the pack of D batteries as everyone double checked their packs, a resounding “Yep!” signaling the beginning of your group’s journey. You stacked an extra water bottle in your pack, zipped it up, and slung it over your shoulder, following the single file line uphill to an opening in the side of the mountain, glancing back one more time to see Skull Rock resting at the base of the quarry where the car was parked.
Arriving at the mouth of the cave, everyone turned on their flashlights and gathered around Brent to take another look at the map. He explained the three paths you could take through the tunnels, where the arrows on the walls should be, and which places to keep a lookout for quartz. After everyone agreed they were ready, the five of you entered the cave and started down the long tunnel.
“Mind the grade!” Brent’s voice echoed through the dark as you felt the ground start to slant downward. You jumped with a gasp when you felt a hand grasp your sleeve.
“Sorry, buddy.” It was just Aliya. “Trying not to fall on my ass.” She giggled, and you smiled back, both of you helping each other down the hill, slow and steady, as the light behind you swiftly disappeared, leaving all of you in total darkness except for the spots of your flashlights darting around.
The grade leveled out after a few minutes of careful walking, and you could see three branches of tunnels off of the main chamber you all stood in.
“This way is the easiest,” Brent pointed his flashlight down the path to the right. Everyone started in that direction, pointing their flashlights at the walls, the ground, the ceiling, taking in the scenery as best as they could in the vast darkness. Pointing your flashlight at the wall, you noticed a blue arrow spray painted on the stone.
“Is this a safe arrow?” Brent approached where you were standing and shone his flashlight on the arrow.
“Yep,” he said simply. “Blue means go, green means slow, red means no.” You nodded, repeating the phrase quietly to yourself for future reference as the five of you continued the path.
You all enjoyed exploring the first couple of tunnels you came across, and you had found yourselves in a wide chamber with a bit of water dripping into one corner, making a small pool. Brent explained that this chamber was consistent with the map, and it was a great place to look for quartz formations, so everyone had chosen a corner and started searching the rocks around the floor and walls for signs of crystal growth. Everyone was laughing, joking, and talking amongst themselves when you noticed a strange, familiar smell.
“Is someone smoking in here?” You pointed your flashlight at your friends one by one, each of them holding up a hand and squinting their eyes in turn.
“No. We’re not that fucking stupid,” Aliya scoffed and giggled.
“I know.  I just – I smell smoke.” You sniffed the air, looking around, swearing you detected the scent of cigarette smoke thick in the air.
“Nope. That’s just cave smell,” Brent said confidently.
“Cave smell?” Kyla asked skeptically.
“Yeah. Cave smell,” Brent continued. “A mix of chemicals, probably gas, old water, and bacteria trapped in the cave. The only way for it to go is up and out the entrance. It’s normal.” You didn’t have any counter for his explanation, so you tried to let it put your mind at ease. Your friends went back to talking amongst themselves while you examined a few rocks at the mouth of a tunnel off to the left of the chamber, everyone’s voices fading into the background as you focused on your task at hand.
Crunch, crunch, crunch, clink. You heard footsteps followed by what sounded like a small object falling on the floor. You stood up, pointing your flashlight down the tunnel, finding nothing but an empty path. Weird. You figured it was probably just the echoes of your friends ricocheting off the cave walls. You busied yourself with the rocks and tried to put the thought out of your mind.
Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. There it was again. The footsteps were fading farther down the tunnel. You stood up and stared down the stone hallway again, your flashlight finding nothing in sight as you slowly crossed the threshold from the chamber into the long pathway. You took tentative steps, glancing back one more time to see your friends not far from you, still mingling and paying attention to their rock formations. You continued down the path, pointing your flashlight straight ahead until you spotted a small object on the ground.
You picked up your pace, approaching the object and shining your flashlight on it – a small, shiny rectangle. Picking up the object, you turned it over in your hand. A Zippo lighter? You fumbled the lighter and dropped it, hearing it land with a familiar clink. That was the sound you had heard along with the footsteps. Someone dropped this only moments ago – you were sure of it. Looking behind you again, you could see your friends’ flashlights moving around in the distance. You were confident you wouldn’t get lost if you continued in this tunnel and went straight back after investigating.
As you continued forward, you noticed the cigarette smoke smell again. It grew stronger with each step you took down the tunnel, so you followed it. Coming to a fork in the road, you decided one turn wouldn’t hurt. You took a sharp left and continued onto a new path, your flashlight gliding over the walls and ceiling, searching for arrows. You froze in your tracks when you finally found them – a string of red arrows pointing in the opposite direction you were going.
“Red means no,” you muttered to yourself as you looked ahead, shining your flashlight down the empty stone hallway. You reasoned you’d be able to see any unsafe terrain or pools of water before you got to them, so, against your friend’s advice, you persisted. A few more steps in, your flashlight started to flicker. You gave it a smack, a shake, turned if off and back on again…nothing worked. It flickered, buzzed, and flashed until it finally turned off. You were completely alone in the dark. You couldn’t hear your friends anymore.
Crunch, crunch, crunch. Hearing the footsteps approaching from behind you, you panicked. Without thinking, you broke into a sprint. The tunnel was long, but you kept a hand outstretched in front of you just in case so you didn’t hit a wall. You ran without looking back.
“Kyla! Brent! Anyone!” You yelled hoping your friends could hear you, wherever they were. They would notice you were missing and come looking for you, right? You ran until your chest was burning and you could hardly suck in another breath. You looked behind you and saw only darkness.
“Ugh!” You ran into something – someone – and screamed, your flashlight bursting back to life, illuminating the stranger you had collided with.
“Woah, hey! Hey, hey, it’s okay! Are you all right?.” A man stood before you, holding your shoulders steady and looking at you with concern in his big, brown doe eyes. His dark, wavy hair dusted his shoulders, bangs resting on his lashes, and he wore a denim vest adorned in patches over a leather jacket and a homemade cotton shirt that said Hellfire Club on the front in big, bold letters. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” You stepped back away from him, and he held up his hands.
“Where the fuck did you come from?” Your voice was shaking as you looked the man up and down. He obviously hadn’t been in these caves for long. He looked clean, his high top shoes still white, and he didn’t seem to be in any distress.
“I should ask you the same question.” He smiled and chuckled a little. He could sense your fear, so he offered, “It’s really okay. I won’t even touch you, I promise. Just trying to help.” He smiled again, softer this time, and you smelled it – the cigarette smoke.
“Were you smoking down here?” He snickered, clasping his hands behind his back and kicking a small rock with his foot.
“Yeah, you caught me,” he said, pretending to be sheepish. “Do you need a smoke?” He patted his pockets and furrowed his brows. “I guess I lost my lighter. Damn. It was a nice one, too.” You remembered the lighter you collected from the previous tunnel earlier.
“Is – is this it?” You held out the Zippo and shined your flashlight on it.
“Hey, yeah! That’s the one. Where’d you find it?” He took the lighter from your hand, gave it a toss, catching it again and flicking the top open.
“I found it in the tunnel back there.” You pointed behind you with your thumb, and the man flicked the lighter to life.
“Huh. Well, thanks for bringing her back to me.” The man smiled again, closing the lighter and holding out his hand for you to shake. “Eddie Munson.” You stared at his eyes as your hand met his, giving it a firm shake.
“Nice to meet you, I think,” you answered, still feeling cautious. “Do you know these caves at all? I kind of wandered off and lost my group.” Eddie sighed and patted your shoulder.
“Like the back of my hand, sweetheart.” He smiled and gestured into the dark in front of him. “Follow me.” You nodded, walking alongside Eddie, pointing your flashlight ahead of the two of you, the sound of both of your footsteps the only thing reverberating in the long hallway as you continued on. You noticed his bandana sticking out of his back pocket flowing behind him, the silver rings that adorned his fingers, and the large image on the back of his vest: DIO.
“You like Dio?” You offered some conversation to soothe the beating of your own heart.
“Worship him,” Eddie replied, smiling proudly. “Dio, Metallica, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, W.A.S.P., Ozzy…I like music.” Eddie smiled wide and skipped forward a bit, dancing in place with his air guitar. “And I play guitar,” he said, still committing to his theatrics. You giggled at his display, and the two of you kept walking. You noticed he didn’t keep still very well, but he seemed to be enjoying making you laugh.
“Oh, yeah? You in a band or something?” Eddies eyes lit up, a devilish smile growing on his face.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he said. “Corroded Coffin. You can catch us Tuesday nights at The Hideout.” You heard crinkling as Eddie unfolded a flier from his vest pocket and handed it to you. THE HIDEOUT BAR PRESENTS: CORRODED COFFIN; TUES 9PM; 4462 CORNWALLIS AVE, HAWKINS, INDIANA.
“Hawkins?” Your mouth fell into a frown, and your eyes grew wide as you noted the address on the flier. Hawkins had been a ghost town for decades after a mysterious earthquake tragedy annihilated most of the population and made the entire town uninhabitable. You were willing to bet The Hideout didn’t exist anymore. Something was very wrong. Eddie’s face fell at your reaction, and you looked into his eyes again, shining your flashlight in his face. He put a hand up to block some of the light from his eyes and grimaced. Your breathing became ragged, and you started to shake again.
“What? What’s wrong?” Eddie craned his neck, trying to avoid the light in his eyes as he questioned you, putting both of his hands up to block out the glare.
“Where did you come from?” Your voice was stern, low, and deliberate. You dropped the flashlight slightly, surveying Eddie’s form once more. He looked like he was from a different time.
“I don’t know what you’re asking me,” he replied impatiently, his hands out in front of him, shoulders shrugged. “I need you to be more specific. Where did I come from? I was born. What more do you want to know?” You could tell Eddie was trying to stay calm in the heat of your panic, but he was struggling.
“How did you get down here in the caves?”
“I walked.” Eddie scoffed. “At least I think I did.” He turned and looked at the cave wall, touching it lightly. He seemed confused all of a sudden. “I had to have walked, right?” He turned to face you, his eyes filled with anxiety. “How did you get here?”
“My friends and I drove here, and we walked in from the entrance next to Skull Rock,” you said, backing away from him slightly.
“Skull Rock,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “That’s where…we are.” The hand holding your flashlight started to tremble.
“You didn’t know where you were?” Your eyes stung as you felt your tears welling up, and each breath caught in your chest as you felt fear rising in your throat.
“No, I – I did. I just…forgot.” Eddie’s face contorted into confusion, and he brought a hand to his mouth, chewing on the skin around his fingernails as he seemed like he was concentrating very hard on trying to remember something. He started muttering to himself about Steve, Dustin, Wheeler, the lake, the trailer, and the bats.
“Eddie?” Your voice shook violently as you trembled from head to toe. Eddie’s chocolate brown eyes met yours, and you could see they were wrought with terror all of a sudden.
“I have to get back,” he said, his eyes filling with tears as he lunged for you, gripping you by the shoulders and shaking you. “I have to get back to them. You know Steve?” You shook your head no. “STEVE! DO YOU KNOW STEVE!” Eddie was yelling now, his panic too much for him to contain anymore.
“I don’t know Steve! What are you talking about?!” You gripped him by the wrist and tried to pry his hands from your shoulders, but his fingers only dug in deeper as tears streamed down his face.
“Dustin! Where’s Dustin! The bats!” Nothing he was saying was making any sense, and your own tears started to spill over, and you were pulling away, trying your best to writhe out of Eddie’s grip, but it was iron strong.
“I don’t know, Eddie! I DON’T KNOW!” He was yelling over you, talking gibberish almost, and your flashlight started to flicker again. You swore you saw blood start to drip from his mouth and soak through spots in his white cotton shirt as he continued to bellow with despair in his voice.
“I stayed, and I fought, and I LOST! I LOST! I need to warn them. My friends, I NEED TO WARN THEM!” You dropped your flashlight and used your now free hand to take a downward strike to one of Eddie’s hands on your shoulder, and you were freed from his grasp. You turned in the opposite direction and ran for your life.
“HOW DID I GET HERE?! COME BACK! HELP ME, PLEASE!” Eddie’s voice ricocheted over the tunnel walls, growing farther and farther behind you, but never going quiet. You ran harder than you ever had before, taking every turn you came across until you tripped over a lip in a chamber and hit the ground, knocking the remaining wind from your chest. You scrambled backwards until you found a wall, hugging your knees to your chest, breathing ragged as you cried silently. What the hell was that? After pulling yourself together as much as you could, you decided that if you were doomed to die in these caves, the least you could do was give yourself a chance by trying to find a way out.
You unzipped your pack, took a long drink from your water bottle, and used some extra water to wet your hands, face, and hair. After packing everything back up, you slung your belongings over your shoulder and started wandering aimlessly in the darkness. You wandered for what must have been hours. It felt more like days, but it couldn’t have been because you never slept. And you never saw Eddie in the tunnels again.
Just as you were about to give up hope, you were grazing your hand along a wall in the darkness when you heard voices.
“Skull Rock! In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” The voices weren’t echoing. They must be coming from outside. You followed the sound, keeping your hand along the wall.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Another voice. You kept going.
“Yeah, yeah. Even when it’s staring you right in the face, you can’t admit it. You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead.”
“I concur.” A third voice. “You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.” Dustin? The third voice almost sounded familiar.
“Jesus, man, we thought you were a goner.” You picked up your pace, the three boys’ words becoming louder with every step. The ground turned swiftly uphill, and you were running again. You broke into a sprint when you saw the light coming down through an opening. You burst through the opening and out into fresh air to the alarm of six strangers who stared at you like they had never seen anything like you before.
“Holy shit! Are you okay?” A young teen girl with ginger hair, bright blue eyes, and a pair of headphones around her neck was the first to speak to you. All you could do was breathe heavily and stare in terror at the people before you. An older boy in a yellow sweater put his hands up, eyebrows raised, and spoke next.
“How long were you down there?” You still couldn’t answer them. Another girl looking about the same age as Yellow Sweater Guy took a step forward, her shoulder length brown curls bouncing as she reached out a hand toward you.
“Are you hurt?” You searched for words as you scanned over the strangers. Each one of them looked like they were from a different time. The ginger haired girl’s headphones were plugged into a walkman attached to her hip that was playing a cassette tape. You couldn’t make out the song, but it sounded like 80’s music. The dark skinned boy with a flat top haircut looked completely bewildered as he side eyed the ginger haired girl, stepping slightly in front of her.
“What year is it?” It seemed like the only sensible question for you to ask. You had no clue how long you had been down in the caves, and everything you had seen in the last day made you feel like you were losing your mind.
“What?” A boy holding a compass with curly hair poking out of his hat looked at you like you were an idiot.
“What year is it?” You asked the question again through gritted teeth, your hands balling up into fists at your sides. You were starting to panic again, and anger was the only emotional response you had left. The last of the three girls present tilted her head to the side a bit, her blonde, chin length bob swaying with her.
“It’s 1986,” she finally answered. Your eyes widened as you turned around to face the cave you emerged from. That’s when you saw him. He was squatted on the ground, elbows on his knees, holding a canteen as he stared, mouth agape. It was Eddie.
“YOU!” You pointed at him, your entire body trembling furiously as he pointed to himself in disbelief.
“Me? Who the hell are you?”
“EDDIE.” You snarled his name, and his eyes grew wide with fear.
“How do you know me? Are you one of Carver’s little henchmen?!” He jumped to his feet and backed away from you, both hands outstretched defensively.
“No, dude! She’s covered in dirt and blood, and she just came out of a random cave in the woods. Who knows how long she’s been down there! She obviously needs help,” Yellow Sweater Guy reasoned.
“Where am I?” You yelled loudly at them, backing a couple of steps away. Seeing Eddie had your terror ramping up again, and nothing felt real anymore. The boy with the hat put his hands out, gesturing calmly and speaking in a low, kind tone.
“You’re in Hawkins. Everything’s going to be okay. We can help you.”
“HAWKINS?!” You were almost screaming, tears building up again. You looked around at the six strangers and Eddie and could do nothing more than sit down in your place, stare into the distance, and let yourself cry. Stuck in a different time, in a different world, you regret now more than ever not heeding the words of your friend. “If you see a person down in those caves, no you don’t.”
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idabbleincrazy · 6 months
Kyla: meteor-affected, intermittently murderous, positive reaction to finding out Clark's secret, felt a connection to Clark soon after meeting him
Alicia: meteor-affected, intermittently murderous, positive reaction to finding out Clark's secret, felt a connection to Clark soon after meeting him
Lex: meteor-affected, intermittently murderous, positive reaction to finding out Clark's secret, felt a connection to Clark soon after meeting him
Bonus: complete 'Brunette, Blonde, and Redhead' collection.
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fabray-austinsub · 10 months
Self Para | 11.18 (Saturday)
Tw: Physical abuse, degredation
It was day three and to say Austin was a mess was the understatement of the century. From eating nearly nothing and having little to no sleep for days, his mind was starting to play tricks on him. One of the worst parts was the 'needing to be hard' thing first thing in the morning and pretty much any time he wasn't. He'd spent a lot of the time in a dark corner of the small cell, hating every moment of having eyes on him as he stroked, and the end result still not being impressive.
It felt like the guards spent an awful lot of time in their cell in particular. Could have had something to do with the fact that Austin was not quiet during most of these interactions. He'd get in the guard's face when they went to mess with Kyla, or he'd be overly obnoxious when they were poking at Javi. It's just what Austin did - it was all he knew. But, due to his antics he'd put a bit of a target on his back, even after promising Matt he wouldn't. So when potential buyers started coming around, there was one particular guard who stood right behind Austin, making sure he was up at the bars to be seen.
It made Austin's anger grow more inside him, feeling his skin flush red. He mostly kept his gaze down, trying to ignore how they spoke about him like a piece of meat. "He's too skinny," one man said, shaking his head in disappointment. "Mmm, says here he's mouthy, not sure I'd put up with that," another woman hummed. "Look at that! You call that hard!? It's pathetic," another sneered, causing the guard to take a look to see Austin had gone soft. "Hey! You're supposed to be hard when they look at you!" the guard sneer, cracking his flogger hard against Austin's back, his knees buckling underneath him.
"Yeah, super easy to be hard when you're hittin me!" he yelled but when he turned to look at the guard he was met with a hard back hand to his face. He wouldn't cry. He refused to cry no matter how hard his skin was screaming. It was something he'd learned to control years ago, that crying in reaction to physical pain only pissed the aggressor off more, and Austin was happy to do so.
He might have taken it too far, giving a laugh as a reaction to the slap. He could hear the guard growl as he grabbed Austin by the arm, forcing him back against the bars to continue to be seen. "Do it, or I'll do it for you," he growled against Austin's ear. He growled as he started again, hearing the laughs from passersby calling him pathetic and worthless. "See, one day you'll be here for real," the guard growled happily against his ear, "And the day that happens. I'll be here, waiting. And there will be no institute rules to save you."
That chuckle would haunt Austin for the next several weeks.
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auroradicit · 2 years
@rush-to-greatness from [x]
"I'm sure I squeezed some in somewhere."
Not enough, probably, given how little time off she took. Then again, Kyla liked to keep busy. Idle hands, and all. A few freelance projects to pay off an extra bill or two and some actual peace and quiet. What more could she ask for?
A shrug. She leaned back against her side of the bar with a playful smile. His reaction would be worth the wait. She could only hope she didn't end up blushing, this time.
"Now you know--my employees can be terrible gossips."
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Conjuring (2013)
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James Wan’s The Conjuring - a film that went on to spawn one of the few functioning cinematic universes - uses old-school, tried-and-true horror tactics to construct a satisfying – and more importantly, terrifying – ghost story. It makes you wonder if everyone involved knew, at the time, they were going to succeed where so many other would-be franchise starters failed.
Set in 1971, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) have encountered dozens of cursed artifacts, otherworldly spirits and ghosts. Although some of their most recent experiences have taken a toll on them, they cannot say 'No' to the Perron family when they come begging for help.
The Conjuring offers many great individual moments that guarantee a spooky time. We meet the Warrens as they are closing a particularly grim case, that of the (now-familiar) doll Annabelle: a doll that’ll give you nightmares because its few scenes play like a mini-movie. You’re given just the right amount of information to be unsettled by its immobile face. The camera lingers on it for the perfect amount of time. You're never allowed to become acclimated to its look and every time you see it, the tension builds. You're desperate for a cheap scare or any kind of relief. You'll be driven nearly mad, ready to scream “Get out! Get away from her!” at the screen. Whether it’s a made-up children’s game that feels real used to summon shrieks from everyone watching, or the tried-and-true “look in a mirror and see something standing behind you”, people who want chills will find no shortage of them here.
The monsters and creepy stories are ultimately in the service of nicely-drawn characters. There are a lot of people to keep track of and some don’t get a whole lot of development but the picture does a marvellous job making you feel for Carolyn (Lili Taylor), Roger (Ron Livingston) and their five daughters (Shanley Caswell, Hayley McFarland, Joey King, Mackenzie Foy and Kyla Deaver). There are no bratty kids or people who make stupid moves to “earn” the punishment they’re receiving. They’re nice people and you hope the Warrens can help them. As Lorraine and Ed methodically gather information and show genuine concern for the family, it’s like the best episode of Ghost Hunters you’ll ever see, and not only because all their tactics actually pay off in a big way.
Written by Chad and Carey W. Hayes, The Conjuring steadily builds dread. It uses darkness, whispers, characters’ reactions and the right amount of mystery to make you understand the terror the characters feel. This compels you to pry your hands away from your face and keep your eyes open to see what’s next. Not everything The Conjuring does is new, but it uses familiar elements so effectively, the new toys it brings to the playground are so good, and the results are so scary it’s sure to have a long life. (September 8, 2018)
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Okay, how have I never seen this before?!!
You know in Episode 6: The Monster, Steve's 'friends' did this??
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Well, am I the only one just now noticing THIS?!!
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And I don't mean the slap (check the writing!! 👀)
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Pretty sure that says 'BYERS IS A QU**R'!!
I have.. a lot of thoughts 🧐🤔
It makes sense that's what it says though, especially since Steve says during this scene to Jonathan 'I always figured you for a qu**r'..
Edit: You've all let me know it most likely says perv and I think that makes sense with the 'V'! I thought it was just a smile or something lol.. Thanks for helping out though!
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moostaronce · 5 years
Pristin reaction to their s/o getting too close with other members.
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Nayoung: The return of Stone Buddha makes her appearance when she sees you hugged up with Kyungwon. The two of you always make jokes about being married and running off together on an amazing honeymoon. Kyungwon is also notorious for grabbing your hand and sweeping you away from Nayoung to spend some time alone. Nabong will just sit there silently with her signature stone face set and blankly stare at you both until you both are too uncomfortable to play these games.
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Roa: Minkyung loves that you get along with her dongsaengs and unnie but she hates to share your attention. When the two of you are alone you tend to spoil her with love and affection but the members steal that from her when all of you are together. All of maknae line have a bit of a crush on you and Minkyung knows this but you’re oblivious. Specifically Xiyeon likes to hug you and do cute things because you pat her on the head and fix her fringe affectionately. It’s up to Nayoung to busy her other kids so that Minkyung can hide away with you while they are distracted.
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Yuha: Kyungwon tries to busy herself in order to get over the fact that you spend most of your time with Minkyung when she brings you to the studio. She knows you don’t mean anything by it but she can’t help but get jealous that Minkyung can capture your attention so easily and manage to maintain it because your attention span is ridiculously short. But she is your girlfriend so she talks to you about it and you agree to be a bit more conscious while she agrees to be more understanding.
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Eunwoo: Eunwoo isn’t all that upset by your closeness unless it’s with Rena. Rena is a big flirt so she is a bit nervous that you could fall for her instead. Rena wouldn’t intentionally try to steal you away and Eunwoo knows that but she can’t help how she feels. You always reassure her that she is and always will be the only one for you. But if she catches you too close in proximity than she will give you a look to show that the boundary is extremely near.
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Rena: Yebin may try to fight you. If she thinks that you are too close with any other member she will tell you so. If you think you’re going to play games and try to make her jealous think again because she’ll try to cut you. No just kidding she’s soft as hell for you and she knows how to get your attention back on the rare occasions that she loses it but don’t be surprised if you catch her giving someone with you a death glare.
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Kyulkyung: Kyulkung is unbothered in every sense of the word. She’ll look at and Eunwoo for all of 2 seconds and then go back to whatever she was doing. She knows for a fact that Eunwoo likes to flirt with you intentionally to bug her. All she does is smirk at Eunwoo over your shoulder and ignore the interaction.
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Yehana: Yehana is a whole puppy and just shuffles up under you whenever she feels threatened, even by her members. She literally places herself under your arm and pouts at you for kisses until it just grosses her members out too much.
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Sungyeon: Sungyeon literally just sits in the corner doing her best to look as lonely and pitiful as possible. She knows if she waits long enough you will notice and come running to check on her. Usually once she has your undivided attention back she has no problem keeping it.
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Xiyeon: Xiyeon makes her presence KNOWN. She saunters up to you while you are a little to close for her liking with another member and interjects herself into the conversation. If you still don’t catch that she’s jealous then she just uses her beauty against you. A hair flip and a flirty smile later and you are literal putty in her hands. 
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Kyla: She isn’t upset but most of the time your interaction with unnie line bugs her a little more than anything else. She can’t help but feel like you might be better suited for Nayoung or Minkyung because of their mature attitudes, always forgetting how she herself is pretty mature. But without fail when she sees the love in your eyes whenever you look at her she feels really silly for doubting your feelings.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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girlgrouptrash101 · 6 years
Pristin Reaction to Breaking Up with Their S/O and Wanting to Get Back Together
Request: “Pristin reaction to them breaking up with their bf and wanting to get back”
A/N: pledis hate hours are always open
- C
Nayoung never wanted to break up with you in the first place, and it was all because of a stupid fight where you said things that you never meant. She was the one who came to you, and after hearing her sincere apology, you knew there were intense feelings for Nayoung that you couldn’t deny. Nayoung tried to put the past behind you, she didn’t want any more negativity in the relationship.
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Minkyung didn’t want to get back with you, because she knew her members wouldn’t agree, but there were so many feelings for you that she couldn’t get rid of, no matter how hard she tried. She talked to her members, and realising that she still loved you, her members told her to go back to you. Roa did just that, confessing her feelings and asking you out again. Roa would want to do it better this time, and she would.
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Yuha had tried her best to get over you, but it just wasn’t happening for her. She saw you one day backstage at a music show, and she could feel all of her suppressed emotions coming back up. She had to talk to you, so she did. She apologized for everything, explaining how she had been feeling lately. You agreed to meet up with her to talk more before making any decisions, and that was enough for Yuha.
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Eunwoo would be one to feel the regret almost as soon as she had said the words. She took them back immediately, apologizing profusely and asking you to forgive her. She said she would do anything for you not to break things off for good with her, and she really meant it. Eunwoo swore she’d never get that angry and hurt you again, and she’d do her very best to prove it until you believed her words.
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Rena didn’t know what to do. She knew that when she broke up with you she had no attention of coming right back to you, but god damn, did she miss you. Instead of talking to her members about it, she called you and organized to meet you at a local café. She was mature enough to tell you exactly how she had been feeling, and how much she was missing you. After hearing her out, you decided to give her a second chance, much to Rena’s delight.
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Kyulkyung tried to keep strong and break up with you for good, but only a day later she knew that she couldn’t do it. She sat around and stared at her phone all day, questioning whether to call you or not. She eventually gave in and called you, and you sounded just as upset as she was feeling. She took everything back, all in hopes that you’d take her back. Kyulkyung didn’t think she deserved a second chance but you gave her one anyway, and she wasn’t going to mess it up.
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It was actually Yehana’s members who believed that you two should get back together after you had broken up a couple weeks before. Yehana hadn’t been the same since, and her bubbly, lively energy just wasn’t there. So it was Sungyeon and Eunwoo who had approached you, wondering if you’d ever take Yehana back. You said yes, and Yehana was over the moon when she found out.
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Sungyeon was so upset, she was crying more than she was dry-eyed. Her members had never seen anything like this coming from Sungyeon, and they never wanted to see it again. So they were the ones that contacted you, and it turned out that you were feeling the same. When you finally met up with Sungyeon again you didn’t exchange any words, just running into one another’s arms and not wanting to let go, ever.
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Xiyeon knew she had said some hurtful things when she broke it off with you, but it was all in the heat of the moment and she didn’t mean a single word she said. She tried to stop texting you to fully break it off, but the guilt was killing her. She turned up at your house with a big box of your favourite chocolates and an apology. Xiyeon knew there was a big chance you wouldn’t take her back, but she had to at least apologise for what she said.
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Kyla spent a lot of time thinking about her decision to break up with you, and she spent even more time regretting it. She consulted Nayoung, and her unnie told her to simply follow her heart and take it from there. Kyla called you, apologizing and asking you to meet up with her so she could apologise again. Kyla would spend a lot of time overthinking herself, and if you didn’t want to see her again, she would understand.
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Your dog/cat dying(Sub Unit) You being depressed(Sub Unit)
Dating in high school♡ You’re Overreacting | Fluff slight Angst☆ I Still Love You | Fluff and Angst☆
Yuha A vacation/trip♡
Dating/being her girlfriend♡
Rely On Me | Fluff☆ Photo Perfect | Fluff☆ Blush | Fluff☆
A coffee date♡ Blooming | Fluff☆ Lavender | Fluff☆ Merry Xmas! | Fluff☆
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haowritings · 6 years
Girlfriend! Kyla
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A/n: Requested by Anon! You guys Kyla is literally my ult female bias so this request made me very happy (requests in general make me happy hhhh). Thank you for the request! And I'm sorry if it's kinda short ♡
•literally, I assume you'd turn into an actual force field around Kyla to protect her from haters. I mean, I would. Eff the laws of physics.
•No but seriously, Kyla will either get shy at you hyping her up 26/18 or she'll be like "yeah I know" and honestly I love her you go girl
•*sends some lyrics she wrote to you at random times in the day*
•"how are they?"
•*insert long paragraph basically hyping up the smol queen of rap*
•Kyla gives me the "links random youtube videos she finds on youtube that she thought were funny" vibe ??? I'm sorry
•Vine compilations though- I feel like she'd also put time stamps and tag you as that particular vine asdfghjkl
•quick Social media au You both would comment on/like EVERY one of eachothers posts
•"InVeNtEd tHe CoLoR ____"
•Okay but same goes for in messages too, like send a selfie or picture and expect to have the most extra but positive conversation about that picture
•movie marathons!
•specifically movies with a series, you know?
•or binge watching tv series on netflix
•"whose turn is it to bring snacks?"
•"I don't know but I got us covered"
•Kyla's a sweetheart,,, but we been knew
•I'm sure if you asked, she'd teach you korean (unless you already know it)
•Mini mall dates??
•She's pretty young and I see many young couples at the mall so I don't think you two would be an exception unless there was somewhere else in mind, like the movies or icecream, ect.
•speaking of which, I wouldn't doubt if she's done any internet trends to you like lyric pranks or pranks in general
•Wow. I miss Kyla so much,,,
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prxncessxiyeon · 6 years
New Account !!
This is an account for Pristin reactions and scenarios and all sorts of writing. I just love Pristin so much but they are so under appreciated :( please send in any requests just no smut lmao
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I love him so much for this💖😢 All jokes aside,if any of you ever need to talk to someone,regardless if I know you or not,feel free to come to me.My messages and ask box are always open.
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ivoryowisp · 7 years
Stop Fatshaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
Stop fat shaming Kyla Massie
If you seriously have the time to fat shame and put down a 15 year old you have time to find a hobby and do something better with your life
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